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Energetic Free

Media in

Presented by:
Ali Nauman
M. Farhan Hanif Qureshi
Rehab Jilani

The Energetic Media in Pakistan

Background and History
The word medium comes from the Latin word medius (middle). The concept of media rose from
Roman Empire. Lets look at media in general. How do we define media? Or more accurately,
how do media defines us? In what ways are media agents of cultural change? Why do print and
digital mediums have different effects, or messages? When one talks about or uses the term
media, some of the things that flash in the mind are television, radio, newspapers, magazines,
books, billboards, signs, packaging, marketing materials, video games, recorded music, the
Internet etc. Media and their wide-ranging effects have been around ever since humanity has
been conglomerating into tribes and nations.

Media Literacy
Just as literacy is the ability to read and write, media literacy refers to the ability to access,
analyze, evaluate and create media messages of all kinds. Media literate youth and adults are
better able to convert the complex messages we receive from the media sources as mentioned
above. People who are media literate can also create their own media, becoming active
participants in our media culture.
A media literate society is capable of:

Understand how media messages create meaning.

Recognize what the media maker wants us to believe or do.
Recognize misinformation and lies.
Discover the part of the story that's not being told.

Types of Media
Media is a versatile term and can be categorized into many categories but the
most basic ones are:
1. Print Media
2. Electronic Media


Print Media
Print media are lightweight, portable, disposable publications printed on

paper and circulated as physical copies in forms we call books, newspapers,

magazines and newsletters.


Electronic Media
The type of media which is used by the means of electronic

technology. The primary electronic media sources familiar to the general public
are video recordings, audio

recordings, multimedia presentations, slide

presentations, and online content. Most new media are in the form of digital media.

Media in Pakistan
In the last 50 years the media influence has grown significantly with the
advancement of technology, first there was the telegraph, then the radio, the
newspaper, magazines, television and now the internet. We live in a society
that depends on information and communication to keep moving in the right
direction and do our daily activities like work, entertainment, health care,
education, personal relationships, travelling and anything else that we have
to do. The electronic media in Pakistan has made rapid progress. Only three
or four decades ago, radio and TV were considered to be the main sources of
information. Today, we have more than 77 Satellite TV Channels, 2346 cable
operators, 28 landing TV Channels from abroad like BBC, CNN, Sky, Star etc.
and more than 129 FM Stations on air.



Pakistan provides


on television, radio, cinema, newspapers, and magazines in Pakistan. Pakistan

has a vibrant media landscape; among the most dynamic Media in Pakistan








magazines in Pakistan. Pakistan has a vibrant media landscape; among the

most dynamic in South Asia. To a large extent the media enjoys freedom of
expression in spite of political pressure and direct bans sometimes
administered by political stake holders.[1] Political pressure on media is
mostly done indirectly. One tool widely used by the government is to cut of
unfriendly media from governmental advertising. Using draconian laws the
government has also banned or officially silencing popular television
channels. The Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA) has
been used to silence the broadcast media by either suspending licenses or by
simply threatening to do so. In addition, media is also exposed to propaganda
from state agencies, pressured by powerful political elements and non-state
actors involved in the current conflict.
Media freedom in Pakistan is complicated, journalists are free to
report on most thing however any articles critical of the Government or the
Military and related security agencies are automatically censored. Anything
perceived as blasphemous by the countries Blasphemy laws are also
automatically subject to censorship. The blasphemy laws are also used to
block website based free media such as YouTube and others.

Media in Exposing Corruption

Since the introduction of these vibrant TV channels, many major corruption
cases and scams have been unveiled by journalists. Notable among them are:

The Pakistan Steel Mills Rs.26 billion scam;

National Insurance Company Limited scandal;
Bribery and corruption in Pakistan International Airlines which caused
losses of $500 million;
Embezzlement in Pakistan Railways causing massive financial losses;
Hajj corruption case;

NATO containers' case where 40 containers heading for ISAF in

Afghanistan went missing;
Rental power projects corruption;
Ephedrine quota case, a scandal involving the son of former Prime
Minister Yousaf Raza Gillani to pressure officials of the Health Ministry to
allocate a quota of controlled chemical ephedrine to two diferent
pharmaceutical companies.
Malik Riazs 'Media Gate' in which the son of Chief Justice Iftikhar
Muhammad Chaudhry is said to have taken money from Malik Riaz to
give favourable decisions from the Supreme Court.

Social Medias Role in Pakistan

Social Media is now very importance in Pakistan's politics. Many
Pakistani people who don't interest in politics, are talking on politics due to
access of media. now a days millions of people connected to social media
websites e.g. facebook, twitter, youtube etc. If you missed the News bulletin,
you dont care about it because you can watch news-clip on your social a/c. I
am using my facebook a/c. I have many time read the news before it came in
news media. Many political parties and their workers are playing role in social
media to achieve their goals. MQM & PTI are most active, Jamaat-e-Islami now
gives importance. Political celebrities have their personal open a/c. For
understanding Social Media's importance we should know that:

Look on Arab Spring (revolution in Tunis, Egypt, Libya). It is showed

that Facebook plays important role. Tunis is one of the modern secular
high educated Arab country. World wondered how revolution came
there. In Gulf, Opposition in Bahrain failed due to Bahrain's
govt's efective work in social media. It is one of reasons of Revolution's
failure in Bahrain.
Now look in Pakistan. Before 1 years, Everyone know Pakistan Tehrik-eInsaf's importance in Pakistan's politics. In last election, PTI boycotted
the election. In election 2002, Only Imran Khan got the seat. But during
last 6 month, PTI hired its workers in social websites. They made the
environment of PTI in political ground, from which people are thinking
about it's victory in next election.

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