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Ministry of Liberation War Affairs




Freedom is the best achievement of the people of Bangladesh. The people of Bangladesh are
enjoying the taste of freedom at the cost of the sacrifice of large number of freedom-fighters.
The struggle for independence began from the language movement of 1952 up until the armed
resistance in 1971, which ultimately led to the emergence of Bangladesh as an independent
state. This achievement is attributable to the supreme sacrifices of the freedom fighters who
have played an important role in the liberation of our country. The mandate of the Ministry of
Liberation War Affairs is to provide due recognition and various facilities to the freedom fighters
and their families. The Ministry is also working towards upholding the spirit of the Liberation
War and disseminating the cherished history from generation to generation.


Major Functions of the Ministry

Since establishment of the Ministry of Liberation War Affairs in 2001, it has been playing an
important role in providing various benefits to the freedom fighters, preserving history and
memories of the liberation war and developing new infrastructures as memorial of the war. It is
implementing different projects and programmes to look after welfare of the freedom fighters,
wounded freedom fighters and families of the martyrs of the liberation war. It is also
undertaking different activities to preserve and develop memorial and mementos of the
liberation war and to uphold the ideals and spirit of the liberation war in all walks of life. The
major functions of the Ministry are given below:

Preparation of the list of freedom fighters, publication in the Gazette and preservation of
the declared list;

Formulation of rules and guidelines related to rights and benefits of the freedom fighters;

Providing allowances to the freedom fighters, and grants to the freedom fighters and
Liberation War based associations;

Preparation of guidelines for the preservation of history of War of Independence, and

preservation of documents of Liberation War;

Undertaking various activities to project the true history of Liberation War to the present
and future generations;

Formulation and implementation of various projects for the welfare of the freedom fighters;

Maintenance of quota for employment of the freedom fighters and their children and
grandchildren in government, autonomous and semi-autonomous bodies, and monitoring
its compliance;

Construction of Independence Tower and other memorial towers of war of independence,

preservation and maintenance of the burial sites/mass graves of Liberation War, and
preparation and implementation of projects for preservation and maintenance of the sites
of confrontational war; and other issues related to the War of Independence;


Strategic objectives of the Ministry and their Relevance with Womens

Advancement and Rights

Ensure overall welfare of the freedom fighters: Various training for self-employment and
micro-credit schemes for freedom fighters and their dependents have created
opportunities for the female members of the freedom fighters families to become selfreliant. This enhances socio-economic security and empowerment of the women. As a
result, women are contributing more in developmental activities which has a positive
impact on poverty reduction and women development.3.2 Inspire the ideals and spirit of
Liberation War among the present and future generations and strengthening patriotism:
Efforts have been made to involve women in implementing various projects and
programmes which inculcates the spirit of Liberation War among the future generations
and establishes equal rights for the women.

Preservation of history and memorials of Liberation War and development of infrastructure:

Women are participating equally in various activities relating to preservation of history and
memories of the liberation war and development of related infrastructures and their
participation is increasing day by day.


Roles and Responsibilities of the Ministry for Womens Advancement and


To ensure the overall welfare of the freedom fighters, the Ministry of Liberation War Affairs
implements various plans and programs under different schemes. The beneficiaries of the
programs undertaken by the Ministry of Liberation War Affairs to alleviate poverty are the
distressed freedom fighters and their families, especially women. Hence, this Ministry is
playing an important role of improving the socio-economic conditions of women and
creating employment opportunities for them.


Priority Spending Areas and Benefits for Womens Advancement

Priority Spending Area/Programs

Benefits for Women's Advancement (Direct and Indirect)

1. Provision of honorarium,
rationing system and medical
allowances for wounded
freedom fighters, family
members of martyrs and
deceased freedom fighters

2,00,000 insolvent freedom fighters are being provided with

allowances of Tk. 3,000 per month and 7,838 wounded
freedom fighters are being provided with ration under the
scheme of ensuring amenities to the wounded and insolvent
freedom fighters families of the martyr freedom fighters.
Women are benefiting from these activities as they constitute
about 50 per cent of their families. Under the scheme of
providing training and self-employment opportunities to the
insolvent freedom fighters and their wards, employment
training has been imparted to 36,588 freedom fighters and
their wards. Under the same scheme, a revolving fund of Tk.
37.5 crore is being used to distribute micro credit among
23,914 insolvent freedom fighters and their wards. This will
lead to increased employment opportunities for the female
members of the family and ultimately it will ensure their social

Priority Spending Area/Programs

Benefits for Women's Advancement (Direct and Indirect)

2. Construction of Liberation War

Memorials in Dhaka and
different places of the country
and construction of Freedom
Fighters Complex in all
Upazilas and Districts:

When construction of freedom fighter complex building will be

completed in all 64 districts of the country as well as in all
upazilas, opportunities will be created for commercial
utilization of those buildings. Therefore, it would be possible
to spend money generated from those buildings for the
welfare of the freedom fighters families. This would benefit
the female members of the family. In addition to these, during
the construction period, employment opportunities would be
created for the poor women

3. Development, Preservation
and Maintenance of the
notable places of confronted
battlefields, burial sites,
graveyards of the martyrs and
mass graves of the liberation

Preservation of notable places of confronted battlefields,

burial sites, graveyards of freedom fighters and mass graves
of liberation war will inspire the future generations in nation
building activities which will contribute in women

4. Inspiring the spirit of liberation

war, preservation of true
history of liberation war and
undertaking different
programmes for publication

The Present and the future generations would be encouraged

to uphold the spirit of liberation war and contribute to the
development of Bangladesh. This will, in turn, contribute to
women advancement.


Womens Share in Ministrys Total Expenditure

(Taka in Crore)
Budget 2014-15

Revised 2013-14

Women Share

Women Share

Total National Budget

Budget 2013-14

Women Share











Ministry Budget





























Non- Development


Source: RCGP database


Success in Promoting Womens Advancement

Treatment of wounded freedom fighters in foreign countries: Policy for the treatment of the
Wounded Freedom Fighters has been formulated and under this policy a freedom fighter
can get upto Tk 8 lac for treatment abroad.

Honorarium allowances program: Honorarium allowances for insolvent freedom fighters

has been introduced to improve their living standards as well as to ensure social security.
Micro-credit program: Members of the freedom fighters families are getting training and
also funding under the micro-credit program of this Ministry to engage in self-employment.
Every year a budgetary provision is made to increase the amount of this revolving fund.


Rations: A low-priced rationing scheme has been introduced for 7,838 families of wounded
and martyr freedom fighters. Commercial/residential infrastructure development: To
rehabilitate freedom fighters, Complexes are being constructed in every district and
upazila. Part of these complexes will be rented out for commercial use and the money
received from that rent will be spent to rehabilitate the freedom fighters and their families.

Accommodation for Freedom Fighters: To ensure accommodation facilities to the landless

and insolvent freedom fighters, a project named Construction of Housing for Landless &
Poor Muktijoddhas has undertaken and actual physical work will start soon.

Skill development training: Skill development training has been introduced for the freedom
fighters as well as their family members to enhance their skills with an objective of selfemployment generation.


Recommendations for Future Activities

Wide-publicity to highlight the heroic role of brave women freedom fighters along with male
freedom fighters is necessary so that the young generation could learn about the
contribution made by the women freedom fighters. Women not only fought in the war
directly, they also made sacrifices in many ways. As a result, the new generation will be
able to follow the female freedom fighters as a Role Model.

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