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Children Day 11

By Katherine Walker on Friday, July 25, 2014 at 2:36pm

Day 11
"God, help my children to love justice as You do and act justly in all they do." Micah 6:8
Heavenly Father,
I come before You and lay aside all my worries of the day; I release each one of them to You. Father,
when I get caught in fear and worry remind me it's the opposite of faith. Father, when I get upset in
regards to all the injustices of this world bring to mind your Words that you secure justice for the poor
and uphold the cause of the needy. I pray that I would yield to your spirit and embrace the work You
have prepared for me.
Father, I pray that my children would draw close to you and be conformed to the image of your son. I
ask Father that you would soften the hearts of my children to be sensitive to injustice and to love the
poor and oppressed. Cause them to grieve with the oppressed and to walk with them in their fight for
justice. Create within them a burning desire to give a voice to the voiceless and to love
righteousness. Father, I pray that the words of Micah would be fulfilled in the lives of my children; that
they might "act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with their God" with You Lord, all the days of their
lives. Purify them of all worldly desires that would cause them to live lives that are unjust and
unmerciful; keep them from greed, materialism, and individualism. Cause them to love others and to
love you with all their heart, all their soul, and all their mind. I lift they words to You in Your name

Day 12
Biblical Self-Esteem
"Help my children develop a strong self-esteem that is rooted in the realization that they are God's
workmanship, created in Christ Jesus." Ephesians 2:10

Thank you for your mercy, love, compassion and grace. I worship and praise You for You are worthy.
Forgive me for those times I tried to control my children, for not trusting you, not letting go and trying
to force my will on my children. Teach me Father how to pray and intercede for my children. To pray
in a way that makes a difference in my children's life. Don't ever let me set on the sideline, but to get
on my knees on behalf of my children. Help me to never give up hope and to never stop praying for
my children. Lord, I lift up my children that they will know you in such a mighty way, not just know of
you, but know YOU! Give them a hunger and a thirst for your Word. Help my children to walk in the
way and in obedience to Your will. I ask for a hedge of protection around them. Allow them to see the
deceptions of satan. Flood them with godly friends who will influence them positively for God. I pray
that my children will love You with all their heart, soul and mind. You love them more than we ever
could. Thank you for partnering up with me in this journey of parenthood. May our children never
compromise their walk with You. Give them Your spirit of joy. In Jesus Holy name. Amen

Prayer written by Angie Reyes

Children Day 13
By Katherine Walker on Friday, July 25, 2014 at 2:37pm

Day 13

"Let love and faithfulness never leave my children, but bind these twin virtues around their necks and
write them on the tablet of their hearts." Proverbs 3:3

Dear Heavenly Father,

We come before your presence, Most High, in reverence and awe of your
greatness. You are unshakeable, unstoppable and incomparable; we
bless your name, Jesus. Your word says, that if we have sinned against
you or anyone, we must first Repent, then make our requests known, so
right now we ask, Jesus, forgive us for our evil ways, forgive us hurting
or offending anyone, whether we did it on purpose or on accident and
Lord, forgive us of our words that we have used that are not of you.
Grant me the ability to be faithful to you in every area of my life. You
are so worthy of my heart, my mind, my soul, my time, energy and most

of all, my love. I ask that you make me a faithful bride to you, that I will
never leave you, my first love running after worthless idols. One of
the 9 fruits of YOUR spirit is God, I stand in agreement
according to your will, and ask you to please give this fruit to me and all
of my family members. May we contain the kind of Faith, such as the
centurion in the Bible, whom you Jesus, said, that is the kind of faith you
Precious Lord, as I surrender my child to you once again, I ask that they
may observe and know deep within them that, YOU love them and care
for them, may they know that you will never leave them nor forsake
them, that your love is unconditional. Your word says, that if we have
faith as small as a mustard seed, we can tell a mountain to move, and it
will move...Lord I pray that they will see you move mountains in their
lives. I rebuke in the name of Jesus, spirits of rebellion, unbelief, pride
and arrogance that hinders the abundant measure of Faith that you
want my child to have. Oh Jesus cause our family to be one that walks by
Faith and not by sight, being powerful ambassadors who advance your
kingdom. Your love, Lord, reaches to the heavens, your FAITHFULNESS
to the skies. Your righteousness is like the highest mountains, your
justice like the great deep. You, Lord, preserve both people and animals.
How priceless is your unfailing love, O God! May we never forget these

words and be faithful to you all the days of our life, as you are to us, in
Jesus name we pray Amen.
Prayer Written by Annie Ortiz

Children Day 14
By Katherine Walker on Friday, July 25, 2014 at 2:38pm

Day 14

Scripture:" Grant that my children may learn responsibility, for each one should carry his own load."
Galatians 6:5

Father, we know that children are innately born selfish - the sin nature that invaded the human
species in the Garden of Eden. We know that it is the responsibility of the parents to teach
responsibility to their children, therefore we pray for all parents who are raising their children,
especially the ones who are attempting to raise them in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. We
pray for Your great wisdom, knowledge and understanding to flood the homes of Your people! We
pray these parents will take their responsibilities seriously and cultivate an atmosphere of loving
discipline in the home. We pray for courage, strength, discernment, and boldness for parents to take
their rightful place and use all of the resources available to become the best parents they can
possibly be. Allow them to be excellent examples of what it means to take responsibility, including
apologizing to their children if they are wrong, as humility is a key to growth.
Supernaturally come upon Your little ones and remain close to them by Your Spirit. Allow them to
sense Your loving comfort. Keep their hearts safe from the evil one and cause them to have
obedient spirits toward their parents. Help them to understand that they are important and special to
You and each one has a unique purpose. Help them to recognize that they are part of a family and
that each person has a special place of contributing. Give them the desire to participate heartily in
doing their chores, their homework, and their play! Help them to understand that ONLY THEY can
accomplish their God-given place in life! Allow them to continually experience the sense of wonder
and excitement that will propel them forward and prosper them and may they learn that order and
peace accompany responsibility.

Thank You for being our great God and Provider. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Prayer Written by
Michele Joan

Children Day 15
By Katherine Walker on Friday, July 25, 2014 at 2:38pm

Day 15

"Create in them a pure heart, O God, and let that purity of heart be shown in their actions." Psalm 51:10
Dear Heavenly Father,
To you alone be the Glory, honor and praise. We come before your
Throne of Grace, thanking you for the knowledge of knowing who you
are. In a world where so many are lost, have nowhere to turn and try
to take their lives into their own hands, you have chosen me to know
you. Thank you for consecrating me, sanctifying me, and renewing me,
reminding me to forget the past and look forward to what lies ahead.
How precious are you God, that you in all your perfection, you see me,
know my thoughts and know everything about me, and allow me to
ask for forgiveness, and I know Lord, Today that I am forgiven! Please
teach me to be pure in my love with you and then with others, as your

love is pure for me. Help me to love you, because you are worthy of my
love and not because I want anything in return. Lord, I am committed
to praying for my child, but in this area of Purity I recognize, I need your
help too. Jesus I pray for me and my children. Help us to be pure in the way
we speak, act and Lord, Nothing is impossible with you, so I ask God,
that you would please purify our minds, and our thoughts. Help us to
be fully awake to who we speak with, the friends we keep, the music
we listen to and the movies we watch. May we seek to be God-pleasers
and not a man-pleasers, cutting off anything that hinders a pure heart to
you. When we are too weak to do so, please remove those things from
our lives.
Lord, I earnestly desire my children to know you as their personal Lord and
Savior. Purify them God with your blood, the blood of the Lamb that
renews, restores and revives them back to life. How this world ministers
death and sadness, but your word says, you are the God of Life and not
death. Lord may their phones, computers, books and music be filled
with life, joy and hope. I pray against Satan and his schemes to poison
the minds of my children, and I know he uses these devices to reach them
in one way or the other. Give me the strength to be bold, consistent and
firm when it comes to removing any obstacles or hindrance in their
life that separates them from you. It is my God given responsibility to
prepare them to be men and women of God, so Jesus please help me
to encourage the virtues of purity, righteousness and honesty daily.

Jesus we stand in agreement not only to cover our own children in this
prayer, but for the children in our family, neighborhoods, schools and
our future generations...that they will be believers who set an example
in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, and in purity, in JESUS name, We
Pray. Amen!
Prayer Written by Annie Ortiz

Children Day 16
By Katherine Walker on Friday, July 25, 2014 at 2:39pm

Day 16

Topic: Kindness
"Lord, may my children always try to be kind to each other and to everyone else."
1 Thessalonians 5:15
Dear Heavenly Father, Your incredible and undeserved kindness toward us is seen time and time
again through Your Word and ultimately demonstrated through Your grace when you sent Your Son
to the Cross to forgive our sins (Ephesians 2:4-7; 4:32). And, yet, You haven't stopped pouring out
your kindness on us!! You are slow to anger and "abundant in kindness" (Nehemiah 9:17; Joel 2:13).

You not only desire that we be kind (Proverbs 19:22; 31:26) but You command us to be kind to each
other (Colossians 3:12). Your Word says that if we are growing, living by and controlled by the Holy
Spirit, our lives will bear "fruit"; that is, "love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
gentleness, and self-control. Against such things there is no law" (Galatians 5:22-23). Father, help us
to exhibit kindness, not just because we "have to" or because You command us to, but because we
love You and, out of that love, desire to please You.
Make this true of our children, stepchildren, grandchildren, nieces, and nephews as well--regardless
of their age. Help them to understand that kindness comes from You; that You first
showed us kindness on the Cross--undeserving of Your love and grace--and in return, You want us
to show kindness towards each other AND "everyone else". Show our children, Lord, that it's not
about what we "get out of it" that matters--it's about showing Your love to others that truly matters.
Even a kind word speaks volumes (Proverbs 12:25). When we demonstrate kindness to others we
are not only being obedient to You, but we are demonstrating Your kindness for us towards others.
Help our children to see that, by showing kindness to others, whether to their annoying baby sister or
brother, a neighbor, the cashier at Wal-Mart, the elderly man at McDonald's or the bratty child in the
cart at the grocery store, they are serving You (Colossians 3:23; 1 John 3:5, 11).
And, remind us daily that it's not about being kind only when we "feel" like being kind, Lord, but
because You call us to be kind. Help us as parents to understand this and teach it to our children as
well. You call us--You command us--to be kind and so we must be kind--even when we don't "feel"
like it. Help us, Lord, to demonstrate this to our children so that they will more easily demonstrate it to
each other and to others. Open their eyes to see that being kind is a choice, not a feeling, but that
when wechoose to show kindness, You are well pleased.
Father, I ask that You mold and shape me into a woman who exhibits Your kindness so that I can
teach my stepchildren (and nieces and nephews), through both actions and speech, to be kind. And,
as they grow into adults, may they continue to show kindness toward others, without hesitation or
reservation, not because of me...but because of Your great kindness towards us, through Your Son,
Jesus Christ, in whose Name, I pray all these things.Amen.
Prayer Written by Susi Lindsay Brumett

Children Day 17
By Katherine Walker on Friday, July 25, 2014 at 2:40pm

DAY 17
"May my children be filled with the joy given by the Holy Spirit." 1 Thes. 1:6
Lord Jesus, thank you for this day. Thank you for the joy you have placed in my heart Lord; may that
joy spill over onto my children in times of trouble as well as times of celebration. Lord thank you for a
new day, for the freedom to seek you early in the morning. Thank you for this time of solitude Lord.
Thank you that I can always examine myself as a mother so that I may learn and grow in your ways
so that wisdom and growth that comes from You can be shared with my children. Lord I pray that

your JOY would fill our children's hearts. May I show them as a mother no matter the circumstances
that may come their way that your JOY can be ever present in them. May they realize happiness is
temporary, but Joy is everlasting. Lord, as you've told us in your Word when we go through trials and
persecution You will ALWAYS be there, remind them of that. Remind them Lord how Your Son
suffered more than we can ever imagine. I ask that you deepen our children's roots in you Lord. May
they know that the truth that You will never leave or forsake them. May they always and in ALL things
put you first. Thank you Father not for what you've done but for who You are. In the mighty name of
our Lord and Savior Jesus . Amen
Prayer Written by Danielle Fairly

Children Day 18
By Katherine Walker on Friday, July 25, 2014 at 2:40pm

Day 18
Peace loving

"Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification. "Romans
Heavenly Father, I come to You on this precious day that You have given us. You are Almighty and
the King of Kings. We love You and we praise You. Thank You Lord for all of my blessings
especially for my children. I give You thanks for my precious gifts. For the way that You created

them. Thank you for the miracles and allowing me to be their mother. Help me to be the mother I'm
called to be. Give me wisdom to be able to meet their needs and be able to instruct them throughout
the day. Lord, guide me in the Holy Spirit to know how to be the mother I'm called to be towards
them and let me see what You have planned for them. Help me to set aside anything that distracts
me from giving them the mother love and the attention that they need. To be calm and at peace
when a busy day is present. Help me to focus on them and enjoy the moments and create happy
memories. Heavenly Father, I ask that you Guide my children in the Holy Spirit to be the instruments
that they are called to be. Give them wisdom to be able to handle their needs when I'm not around
and protect them from all evil and harm. I rebuke anything that is not of you. Seal them with your
precious blood. Lord, help my children to be there for each other and be kind to one another.
Always surround them by adults and children that will teach them about You Lord and whom know
You Lord. Send your holy Angels around them. We Love you and we Praise you Lord. Amen.
Prayer Written by
JoseDorali Calderon

Children Day 19
By Katherine Walker on Friday, July 25, 2014 at 2:41pm

Day 19
Willingness and Ability to Work

Teach my children, Lord, to value work and to work at it with all their heart, as working for the Lord
and not for men." Colossians 3:23
Heavenly Father,
Thank you for another day you've graciously given me; I pray that I live it to the fullest. Even when it's
difficult to put one foot in front of the other, and unsure of how to press on I pray that you would
strengthen me and give me the supernatural ability to do it with praise in my heart for YOU. I pray

that my ordinary tasks be done with worship in my heart and that worship motivates me to work even
Father, help me demonstrate a right attitude about work to my children. I pray that as I work I would
express thankfulness for the work YOU have given me, that I would not grumble, and that I would
praise you for the abilities and talents to complete the work you have entrusted to me. As my children
watch me work as unto you I pray that they too would begin to do every task as unto you. Through
the power of the Holy Spirit teach my children to be good stewards of the time and talents you give
them, that they would use their talents and the fruits of their labor to bless others. I pray that they
would never find their value in their work, or place it above time with you. Cause them, even in the
smallest tasks to be faithful and to glorify you in all that they do. Father, in your name I pray. Amen.

Children Day 20
By Katherine Walker on Friday, July 25, 2014 at 2:41pm

Day 20
"God, please cultivate in my children the ability to show true humility toward all." (Titus 3:2)
Dear Heavenly Father,
We come before you our God, our Father, the Creator of Heaven and Earth praising your great name
for watching over us, and always guiding us. Forgive us for our sins and erroneous ways, help us to
surrender ourselves completely today, taking up your cross and being your hands and feet, blessing
someone and sharing our love for speech and action. Remind us, to not want to be like
everyone else, but to desire to be like You, Christ. You are humble, you in all your glory and all your
majesty you walked this earth as an obedient servant to your Father, doing the will of God, who sent
you. You were the great high priest, son of the Great I am, you are royalty and yet you were born in a

manger, work as a carpenter, washed feet and served all, you were mocked, rejected, and
misunderstood, but you chose to minister to those who would hear you, teach those that followed you
and still loved all till the very end, even when you hung on the cross after you were unjustly beaten,
you ask your father in heaven to forgive them. Oh Jesus, if this is your conduct, and there is none
greater than you, help us to not think of ourselves more highly then we should. Help us as a
generation, to stop striving to be the great somebody for the worlds applause, and focus on being the
great somebody for your kingdom! Help me as a mother to be reminded daily that every good thing
comes from you, it is my job to live the best way that I can, loving you and praising you daily, but this
world evolves around You, and not me.
Lord, as we come before your throne placing our children at your feet, whom we know you love,
because your Word says, let the children come, bring them to me, you say, Lord, the kingdom
belongs to them, reminding me that their yours, I'm just blessed for as long as you choose. Thank
you for this privilege of being stewards of raising up the next pastors, leaders, preachers, governors,
doctors, missionaries and mighty people of God. May they understand the importance of staying
humble in a world that promotes, arrogance, pride, selfishness and vanity. Lord, I pray that my child
be meek and not weak, I pray my child be given the wisdom and knowledge on how to handle,
success, accomplishments and accolades. Understanding those things do not make them who they
are, or better than anyone, but that they are gifts of your favor and to you alone be the glory. Help my
children to understand that Humility is perfected as we get to know you more and more, I pray they
love your Word, spend intimate time with You, and surround themselves with people who are truly
sold out to you. Lord, may my child honor you above themselves, me and anyone else, recognizing
that true humility is knowing in their heart that You are great, You are sovereign, You are our King,
and there is none like You. We are here today and gone tomorrow, we are weak, powerless and full
of sin, but in you God we are strong, powerful and forgiven and can do all things through you and
you alone, never in our own strength but in yours! In Jesus name we pray, Amen.
Prayer Written by Jose Annie Ortiz

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