Scientology Und Dianetik - Die Brücke - Geschichte Und Hintergrund

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Buch 1 - Auditing 1
(DMSMH p. 500)
One might here use an analogy of bridge engineering. Let us suppose that two plateaus exist, one higher
than the other, with a canyon between them. An engineer sees that if the canyon could be crossed by
traffic, the hitherto unused higher plateau, being much more fertile and pleasant, would become the
scene of a new culture. He sets himself the task of building a bridge. It has been supposed that no
bridge could be built across the canyon and indeed, since those on the lower plateau could not see the
higher level, the existence of the higher plateau itself was denied. The engineer, by evolving new
principles of bridge building and discovering new significance in his materials, manages to throw a
bridge across the canyon. He himself crosses and he inspects the plateau carefully; others cross over
his bridge and examine the new terrain with delight. Still more and more cross the bridge. The bridge is
solid and, if not wide, can yet safely be negotiated. It has not been built for heavy fast traffic. But
it contains the basic principles and axioms by which the canyon can be spanned again and again. Many
people begin to approach the canyon and look up.
What sort of an opinion would you have of the society on the lower plateau if they but moaned and wept
and argued and gave no hand at all in the matter of widening the bridge or making new bridges?
In this handbook we have the basic axioms and a therapy which works.
For God's sake, get busy and build a better bridge!
DAB 1, Nr. 1-2, July-August 1950 (Vol1, p.15)
Standard Procedure

1. Straight Line Memory for Data

2. Reverie
3. Pleasure incidents
4. Grief engrams
5. Engrams
6. Remove Demon Circuit and Valence Commands
DAB 1, Nr. 10-11, April-May 1955 (Vol1, p. 107)
Lock Scanning
Process of Scanning is somewhat between remembering and returning.
DAB 2, Nr. 3 - September 1951 - Basic Reason - Basic Principles - Vol. 1, p. 149
The goal of Dianetics is to spread some knowledge through the societies of men so that, improbable as it
may seem, the species might survive and might even evolve into something better. So long as individuals
have imperfect computers which cannot even recover the data most arduously impressed into them, the
normal course of human events will, unfortunately, continue. The address of Dianetics to aberration is
for the purpose of achieving reason in the individual. Any process which helps an individual to reason
and work and live better is a valid process.
The dianetic auditor should evaluate for himself what he is trying to do with his preclear. He should
evaluate all theory in this light. Dianetics is not tender and fragile; it does not have to be
approached with the awe and reverence which is demanded in some fields. In Dianetics all theory and
technique should be submitted to this test: Does it make people more reasonable?
DAB 2, Nr. 3, September 1951 (Vol1, p. 151)
Alternative: ARC-Processing OR MEST Locks.
A test of perceptics should tell; the auditor whether the preclear is stronger on memory or on reason.
He will then know whether to start on ARC processing or on MEST locks.
Supplement to SOS, September 1951 (Vol1, p. 163)
Validation Processing

Past history of Dianetics has found too many auditors too often addressing the entheta or frozen theta
on a case. Processing which should have been directed solidly toward the invalidation of aberrative
experiences many times primarily validated them. As a matter of course the auditor neglected the
analytical moments during the processing because he felt they were not important, that they would
continue to exist. True, but by validating engrams and secondaries constantly the preclear sometimes
becomes so introverted on the subject of engrams that he tries to run himself; he thinks about this
phrase and that phrase, this enturbulating experience and that enturbulating experience until he is
thoroughly restimulated. This is especially true of the low- tone case. Attacking entheta with too much
entheta simply enturbulates, and nothing positive happens.
The key lies on the same lock chain. Validate the analytical side of the ledger and neglect the reactive
side. Run the subject of women as a chain of analytical moments and keep away from the reactive
Supplement Nr. 2 to SOS - September 1951 - (Vol. 1, p. 165)

Giving good present day is valid processing!

DAB 2, Nr. 4, Oktober 1951
Up tone: Engram-Running 4
Low tone: ARC validation-MEST processing
Self-determined effort processing is essentially for cases which can be gotten into communication with
the auditor. In low- tone cases simple ARC validation- MEST processing is used in order to orient the
individual in present time.
(see Theta-Mest-Theory)
DAB 2, Nr. 6, December 1951
Deep Processing - Light Processing
There are now two kinds of processing in which we are involved: Light processing and deep processing.
Light processing deals with postulates and effects and can be done either on an individual or coauditing basis. Deep processing calls into use Effort and Advanced Procedure; and with it an auditor is
mandatory. Postulate Processing combined with Effort and Advanced Procedure helps the preclear to pick
up very early postulates, incident by incident.
Whatever the method, deep or light, by which postulates are reviewed, the individual eventually comes to
the realization that he is the effect of his own postulates. He postulates a conclusion; he moves
forward in time and becomes affected by that conclusion. An individual who can remember all the
postulates and decisions he ever made is a well person.
Introduction to Tech Volume 1 - 6.2.1952
In 1938 I codified certain axioms and phenomena into what I called "Scientology". Scientology is the
science of knowledge or the codification of epistemology. Dianetics was evolved from these.
September 1952 from Scn 88
An Auditing Formula To Make A Theta Clear

An Auditing Formula To Make A Theta Clear

1. Read questions to PC from Handbook for Preclears until auditor has
2. Run Beauty - Ugly current life until all occlusions gone.
3. Run by Black and White any electronic incident which shows up while
doing (2). Alternate such incidents with current life until current
life clears.
4. Run all blanketings.
5. Run most distant body preclear can contact. Run out.
6. Run closer and closer bodies until preclear is clear.
Journal of Scientology, Issue 2G - September 1952 (Vol1, p. 275)
Concept Running ersetzt Straight Wire
The running of concepts is a new development in processing which replaces, to a large degree except in
psychotic cases, what formerly was called Straight Wire.
(Journal of Scientology, Issue 6G, early Nov. 52)
SOP for Theta Clearing
This is Standard Operating Procedure for Theta Clearing. This IS THE ROAD. It applies to all cases of
whatever kind. It does not change or vary from case to case.



====> Falls Exteriorisation nicht klappt (1,2,3)


Deep Processing (4,5)

Falls Deep Processing nicht klappt
Light Processing (6)
Falls Light Processing nicht klappt
Objective Processing (7)

Bei Erfolg: Wieder zu Schritt 1

Schritt 1 beinhaltet:
- Exteriorisationsbungen
- Repair Items in body
- create/destroy illusions
SCIENTOLOGY 8-8008 (p. 11)
Dianetics was an evolutionary step, a tool which had use in arriving at a higher level of knowledge; its
use, however, produced slower results and much lower goals. Further, Dianetic processes were limited in
that they could not be applied more than a few hundred hours without the reactive mind assuming a very
high command level over the analytical mind due to the fact that the reactive mind was being validated
continually in the process, whereas the better process was to validate the analytical mind.
SCIENTOLOGY 8-8008, late November 52 (Vol. 1, p. 329)
As of May 1, 1953, we have several techniques which are susceptible of being audited without time limit.
These we call Unlimited Techniques. They are Positive Gain Processes. Engram running, Expanded Gita and
all negative gain processes can be audited with benefit only a short time. Double Terminal is an
excellent assist -- it cannot be audited more than a few hours before the case must be patched up with
an unlimited.
You see what makes a technique unlimited: It builds up confidence in pc's own universe as in straight
LIST MOCK-UPS; or it causes pc to confront the existing state of present time and discover that the MEST
universe seldom bites; or it gives the difference between one's own universe and the MEST universe and
raises ability to differentiate between them. Unlimited techniques are all differentiative, all deal
with present time.
Journal of Scientology, Issue 8-G - 12-G (early December 1952 - 15.3.53)
Now we know that the occluded case, instead of becoming wide- open with processing, wakes up as a thetan
and begins to run on the whole track, while the wide open case, before beginning to run on the whole
track, shuts down and becomes an occluded thetan. The wide- open case is wide open because it is running
not as a thetan but as a Genetic Entity. When you have processed this case for a while, on the genetic
line, in prenatals, in late life, in whatever has to be run, then it will stop running as a Genetic
Entity and begin running as a thetan. Then, instead of having a MEST body under its own somatic
direction, you have a thetan, in terrible condition, with a MEST body inserted into the middle of him.
The upgrade is from a quite sane MEST body to a quite insane thetan. But here is the catch: the thetan
can handle his own affairs and get along in the world. He is not considered insane by the society only
by us. He has enough horsepower to override his aberrations or to use them to the disadvantage of
everyone else. He may be crazy, but he also may conquer the world. Our problem is to unaberrate him so
that he can conquer the world with reason instead of with force.
In the first book we had: What has been done to the preclear? That was pretty low on the Responsibility
Scale. Now we have: What has the preclear done to himself? That is much higher on the scale.
Unfortunately, if the preclear is pretty low on the scale, he may have to run what was done to him
before he can run what he has been doing.
In December of 1951, some individuals heard the first half of a lecture which said, "All you have to do
is be self-determined!" So they went off to be "self-determined." But they didn't hear the second half
of the lecture which said, "But you have to run engrams first." Some of those individuals are now
sitting around in apathy, anger, boredom, or hydrophobia, growling, "Well, that's your reality!" They
just went up the pole a little ahead of the technique.
I have no doubt that there will be a technique for doing this possibly next year, possibly tomorrow
morning, possibly ten thousand years from now. But right now we have to process preclears at the level
where we find them.
A preclear must be processed according to the condition he is in. If he is near the top of the Genetic
Entity scale if he is about as high as he can go as a Genetic Entity, but the thetan is asleep or in
terrible condition you will be able to process him by the first book. This process will appeal to him.
And the funny part of it is that this is the process which will work on him.

Your goal is to unsnarl this case and get him up to the point where he can perceive energy
manifestations. You are not trying to clean up every engram on the genetic line. You are only trying to
get him unburdened enough so that his thetan can take over.
Now, while this case is running as a Genetic Entity, he will have somatics. You had better process them
out. You may find that this person cannot take much more than first- book processing. With it you can
make him feel a lot better. This does not mean that you should forget what you have learned since
reading the first book it means only that you should not forget what you learned when you read the
first book. On some cases you can use it: on some cases it is all you can use.
For the occluded case you will need another level of processing. Science of Survival and the later 1951
techniques, particularly effort processing, are what he will accept. If you can get him into effort, he
will be overjoyed. He will run efforts and counter- efforts with great enthusiasm.
Then, there is the individual who is always outside his body, watching it, walking around it. In early
processing we tried to get these individuals into their bodies. We told them to get into valence.
These preclears got upset about being told to get into their bodies. They didnt like that kind of
processing. All this time they have been walking around a body saying, I wonder why I am tied to this
post. All the auditor has to do is say, Yes, you are tied to this post, but now we are going to get
you untied and off of it. That is processing which this individual will gobble up. Black- and- white,
ridge running, and the late techniques will be just what this individual wants.
The preclear must be processed at his own level. That is why the auditor must know both the old methods
and the new methods.
If you know your old materials and your new materials, you are going to solve more cases. You will not
take a preclear who is exteriorized and try to sell him on getting into his body. He doesnt want a
body. You will not take the Genetic- Entity preclear and try to get him out of his body before he is
even a healthy Genetic Entity.
On the wide- open case, you can run Responsibility. Times when he took responsibility. Times when he
shifted responsibility to others.
On a case in which you cannot find the first engram, you can use Technique 80: motivators, overts, DEDs,
Dianetics, Science of Survival, Self Analysis, Advanced Procedure and Axioms, Handbook for Preclears,
Technique 88 each is applicable to a case at a certain level. There is not one of them that does not
apply somewhere. The wide- open case will need first- book procedure until he gets out of the incident
he is stuck in. Then he will need rehabilitation in A- R- C, agreeing and disagreeing with affinity,
reality, and communication flows between him and the environment. The occluded case will need later
In order to understand what has taken place in theta clearing, an auditor would have to have fairly good
command of Book I. Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health, published about May 9th, 1950,
described the state of affairs wherein the analytical mind was perfectly sane but, because it was in
proximity to the reactive mind, could not behave uniformly or predictably and could not reach optimum
solutions because of the stimulus- response mechanisms of the reactive mind which were built in during
moments of pain and unconsciousness. Therapies were designed and set forth in that book to reduce the
effectiveness of the reactive mind and to free the analytical mind in such a way as to permit it to
compute more reliably and actively and to permit Man to reach something like his possible potential as a
Science of Survival, following that, still addressed the problem of the reduction of the reactive mind.
The first editions of Self Analysis, The Handbook for Preclears and Advanced Procedure and Axioms all
have the same goal: the reduction of the reactive mind. It was realized that the self- determinism of
the individual could only be trusted at such times as it was not being influenced by unconscious and
hidden influences which would cause it to act in an aberrated fashion.
Early in 1952 -- January 1st, to be exact -- I was already well launched on another idea: Instead of
attempting the resolution of this problem in terms of the reduction of the reactive mind, would it not
be possible to put the analytical mind in such a state of alertness as fo make it capable of handling
and nullifying the reactive mind? There ensued a considerable investigation of the reactive mind to find
out what had to be handled. Overt acts and motivators, DEDs and DEDEXes, and the bewildering confusion
of the whole-track aspect and borrowed facsimiles brought into view the fact that the reactive mind was
not something that was going to be handled very easily. Several key engrams were picked out which, when
reduced, made a remarkable change in the behavior and attitudes of an individual. Fac One was one of
these; others on the genetic entity line were found and stressed.
And then it was discovered that there were two reactive minds. One reactive mind was that which belonged
to the genetic entity, the other reactive mind was that which the thetan himself, the preclear himself,

took along with him on the whole track. These two reactive minds, combining in influence, posed a
problem which could not be easily handled in terms of engrams and demonstrated adequately why homo
sapiens could never get above 4.0, the goal of Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health. The goal
of that first book was realized -- it was realized over and over on many people; but others found fault
with the results and there were some cases which could not be solved by routine auditing and which
required very expert skill indeed. As always, as in any wildcat therapy which enters in from unreliable
quarters, what we called the wide-open case was easily resolved. The wide-open case continues to be
easily resolved, but below this level, in terms of recall, the problem is quite difficult. The training
and experience an auditor requires to achieve results on the more difficult cases was beyond the scope
of the Foundations to provide. I myself, no matter what results I could get with cases, could not be
expected to audit two billion human beings, and it was obviously necessary that if we were going to have
a sane world, we would have to audit two billion human beings. What, then, was the answer to this
The formulations of Scientology are based on no other concepts or precepts than those of Dianetics,
except that those of Dianetics are addressed to the treatment of man as an individual by a new form of
psychotherapy in the attainment of a goal of a better man. These are not the goals of Scientology.
Scientology attempts to achieve the highest level of knowingness and beingness possible, whether the
person remains a man or becomes something else. Scientology is a popularized word which means exactly
the same thing as epistemology -- which word, I think you will agree, is not acceptable to the general
What does Scientology do? It handles the problem of the reactive mind by subtracting the analytical mind
from the proximity to the reactive mind or minds, puts the analytical mind into the kind of thinkingness
and beingness it should attain and then permits it again to associate with the reactive minds. 6
We have turned the problem exactly around and answered it exactly on a 180 Deg vector. Instead of
treating the reactive mind, I have found it possible to separate the analytical mind -- which we call
the thetan -- from the body and, while it is separated, treat it until it is capable of handling with
great ease any quantity of aberration in the reactive mind. This is the process on which we are working.
PAB 2, end May 1953
An auditor had to be a very good expert on the subject to produce anything like a 4.0 because the
uncertainty in the auditor himself about what he was doing would introduce uncertainties into the pc and
so would impede the processing. I fought this for a couple of years before I got it through my own head
that pcs reacted to my certainty, got their recalls back simply because I was certain they would, and
were content to drill never beyond their own depth but always in the level of what they could reach when
they could reach it. A few auditors achieved this but they were all certain people. Even so we got lots
of clears, but the bashfulness of the beast dropped him out of sight, for everybody insisted on making a
circus curiosity of him and everybody was so uncertain about his state that they very often took an
uncertain clear and turned him into an aberree again. I have had this thing happen to theta clears. Man
is not exactly kind to his fellow man. Man is basically good, but, believe me, he has a long way to
travel up the tone scale to reach that basic goodness. If you don't believe that Man can be slightly
unkind, look what the more aberrated amongst us say about yours truly.
Now you have some sort of idea about what I mean by a positive-gain process. A positive- gain process is
a positive- gain of certainty; a negative- gain process, although it eradicates engrams and alters the
pattern of behavior of the individual, actually makes that individual at times more uncertain than
before, for he has been plunged into things he didnt know were there and in fact has been made wrong.
If you keep on using negative- gain processes such as erasure, remember to back them up right away with
positive- gain processes. Otherwise youve not brought the pc up toward being a "stability" (Clear).
Journal of Scientology, Issue 16-G, mid-June 1953 (Vol1, 392)

I - Ask preclear to be three feet behind his head.

II - Have preclear mock up own body.

All Steps for all cases.

PAB6, end July 1953 (Vol1, 420ff.)
The compounded poundings of a lifetime bring about, in the natural course of events, this fixation upon
the body. To get well, you must reverse this course, not by going into the past where there were no
kicks (the effort of the neurotic) but by reducing or erasing the impacts (as per Dianetics) or by
extroverting the attention (as in Scientology). These two methodologies have been developed by myself in
order to make people well. There are many ways in Dianetics and Scientology to achieve this. None of
these ways include shocks and impacts upon the body, as these, of course, reverse the process and
parallel the dwindling spiral of the MEST Universe.
Preparation for Auditing

Now you happen to be using a body. Before we worry about your mind lets clean up the primary
communication relay point, the body. And for two weeks, lets do these things:


Clean up your MEST

Bring yourself up to date socially
Take a one- hour walk every day
Get a physical examination and if anything is chronic get it cured.
Take twice a day 100 mg B1 and supplement it with 250 mg vitamin C.

If you will do these things, you will be ready in a couple of weeks for some auditing. And if you feel
youre in such top condition you need no auditing, I dare you to do the above and feel the change.
This is good advice. But it is better than advice. Its an invitation to start living. If you wont take
it, then you want auditing to supplant living and you think processing will furnish you with an easy
regimen or a painless suicide.
PAB7, mid-August 1953 (Vol1, 424)
Six Steps to better Beingness (SStBB)
Six Steps for Self Auditing (SSSA)
Self-Processing techniques. Any one of these,used alone, would probably effect a theta clear.
PAB8, late August 1953 (Vol1, 435)
Investigation forced one toward the conclusions which follow: The problems of structure and bacteria are
best resolved first by a direct address to the mind; second (but first in the case of emergency surgery)
mechanical rearrangement of structure; and third, diet and regimen within the tolerances of the body;
fourth, the administration of biochemical substances of a preventive, supplementary or curative nature,
but only in the presence of obvious and well established acute or chronic illnesses or deficiencies.
From the standpoint of technique, it could be said that those techniques which most apply creation and
observation produce the best and most rapid effects. Those techniques which employ nullification or
eradication are substantially less effective, and those techniques which employ evaluation for the
patient or which cause him to combat or shun one phenomenon or another are directly harmful. Techniques
which stress viewpoint creativeness, space and action are far superior to techniques which stress ideas
or objects. Techniques which bring about anaten in any form or which stress somatics are not in the long
run workable above a very low level. Any technique which introverts is inferior to a technique which
extroverts the attention.
The goal of processing could be said to be the restoration of the highest possible level of freedom of
attention for the purposes of creation and observation. Emergency mental conditions alone excuse the
running of engrams, the use of concepts, matched double terminals; but such a practice should be altered
to unlimited techniques after no more than half an hour. Certainty Processing is apparently the only
exception to this rule, but here the ingredient of certainty alone on past, present and future excuses
the use of nullification.
Gradient Scale of Cases:
Here we have the gradient scale of cases:
Clear viewpoint (Cleared On)
Viewpoint of facsimiles
Viewpoint partially occluded (the average case)
Viewpoint entirely occluded
Viewpoint partially occluded, partially delusive
Viewpoint of delusive facsimiles (the dub- in case)
scale downward:
40.0 Cause (Emanating)
30.0 Mainly Cause, sometimes Effect
20.0 Half Cause, half Effect
4.0 More Effect than Cause (High Toned Man)
2.0 Mainly Effect, destructive Cause down
0.0 All Effect
Note: 4.0 was and is the goal of Dianetics. 30.0 to 40.0 is the goal of Scientology.
This goal of Dianetics was so difficult or impossible to attain by my early auditors that I returned
entirely to investigation in October of 1950. I had considerably overestimated the capabilities of
auditors and seriously underestimated the difficulty of some cases.
Journnal of Scientology Issue 21-G, late October 1953
Holding Corners
The first application of this definition in the theory of processing is to have the preclear sit in a
chair and from "inside himself' reach out to the two upper corners of the room behind him and simply
hold on to those corners, without thinking. If he does this for a long period of time, he will simply
become better and better. He may have some bad periods while he does this, but nevertheless the

technique inevitably results in a better condition. If just this technique and no other technique were
used this person, at the end of perhaps fifty or eighty hours, would be in good physical and mental
condition, if not a Theta clear.
PAB 15, mid-December (Vol1, 485)
How long to clear GE:
MEST Clear = Cleared GE
It is the method of making a MEST clear. It is the method of clearing the genetic entity. There is no
other method of which I know which will accomplish this. The running of concepts, the running of
engrams, straight Creative Processing, will not any of them accomplish this clearing of a thoroughly
degraded MEST body; and, so long as the body remains thoroughly degraded, the task of rehabilitating the
spirit connected with it is difficult at best.
Journal of Scn 22-G (Vol1, 488)
... it is a necessity for auditors contacting Scientology now for the first time, without any background
knowledge of Dianetics, to review the entire process of the evolution of the science.
THE JOURNAL OF SCIENTOLOGY - Issue 22-G -[1953, ca. mid-December]

What an Auditor Should Know

It can be observed that any

psychotherapy in the past could have reached, and did reach and remedy a
certain level of case (Step 1). This case continues to be resolved with great
ease and in a few minutes with Scientology today, no matter what is wrong with
it. The same case was resolved, within two years, by psychoanalysis. Earlier
the same level of case was solved with great ease by Asclepian Priests.
Analytical Procedure will solve such a case. Lock scanning will solve such a
case, as can any elementary and shallow process, including a changed
environment which promises a good present time. And so an auditor who has
little command of the subject, obeying most of the rules of the Auditor's
Code, can solve it.
But immediately adjacent to that is the one which doesn't quite solve,
which improves a little, but not a lot. This one (a Step 2) also improved
after many years of psychoanalysis. This one was solved also by the first
techniques of Dianetics, even when they were crudely used.
The third level of case (a Step 3) was the one which psychoanalysis
hoped about, but never improved, which Dianetics kept from deteriorating, but
seldom (in the hands of average auditors) stabilized, and with this level of
case we have departed completely from the past abilities of man, and the
abilities of Dianetics as used in the field.
We have reached at this point some 50% of the populace. We have 50%
remaining. The intriguing thing about this is that these first three grades
(or 50%) number amongst them sane, insane and neurotic alike, for these step
levels are not established by sanity, but by the ease with which they
The remaining 50% were never touched by the Asclepians, the
psychoanalysts or auditors using Dianetics in the field. These 50% numbered
amongst them some of the most able people, but not necessarily all the able
people in the society. They were sane, neurotic and psychotic, just as the
first three types of cases I have mentioned, but the workability of the case
exceeded the ability of all.
The three cases mentioned above are referred to in Scientology as Step
1, Step 2 and Step 3. The remaining four steps, as represented in Standard
Operating Procedure 8, are resistive to any betterment regardless of the
sanity or ability of the case.
(Journal of Scn 24-G, Vol2, 10 ff.) (COHA p. 251 ff.)
Theta Clear - OT
SOP-8-C brings about a condition designated as "theta clear." This is a
relative, not an absolute term. It means that the person, this thought
unit, is clear of his body, his engrams, his facsimiles, but can handle
and safely control a body.
The state of Operating Thetan is higher than Theta Clear and means that
the person does not need a body to communicate or work. It is
accomplished with SOP-8-0.
Opening Procedure:
Step I: Location
Step II: Bodies
Step III: Space
Step IV: Havingness
Step V: Terminals

Step VI: Symbolization

Step VII: Barriers Step
VIII: Duplication
(PAB 20, Vol2, p. 23)
Auditing Entities
"An interesting variation of ridge processing is to consider the ridge, as preclears often do, as an
entity or a being with a life of its own. This is generally used when the preclear says that he has a
spirit or a guiding angel or is haunted by a dog at his throat or some such thing, which the auditor
knows is only a ridge activated by the preclear himself.
"Instead of trying to disabuse him of the
idea, the auditor makes the preclear process the ridge as an auditor, which is to say he makes the
preclear into an auditor for the ridge. Circuit cases and occluded cases are always sitting way up above
the case processing something else as though they were an auditor, and an auditor auditing them is
actually an auditor auditing a person who is auditing a ridge. Hence the slow progress of such cases.
"In any event, in this method of handling ridges, the auditor has the preclear make the ridge find the
two upper comers of the room, just as Step III in SOP 8, and make the ridge hang there from the two
upper comers of the room and not think (that is to say, the ridge isn't supposed to think). The
astonishing part of this technique is that it will generally show up some sort of a double overt act
mechanism. This will immediately come to view. The auditor should resist the temptation to audit the
overt act but just continue with this process. The ridge may turn into some kind of a bird, or some
horrible figure with a gruesome face, but after a while the preclear loses his fear of the thing. After
ail, he does have it hanging up there, black and ugly though it may be, on the two upper comers of the
room. The preclear may have removed this thing from his own eyes or from his mouth or from his chest or
from his stomach and hung it up.
"After the ridge has been suspended there for some time (for ridges
of this character do not easily dissipate when grounded), the auditor then has the preclear move it all
around the room, turn it upside down, put it behind him, put it under his feet, until the preclear is at
length entirely contemptuous of the thing and bored with it, at which time he will throw it away.
Advanced Course, Data Sheet, 10.4.1954 (Vol2, p.43 ff.)
Advanced Course Procedures

Establish a two-way communication with the preclear...

Run from ten minutes to two hours of Opening Procedure
(a) until the preclear is happy to take orders from an auditor and
Run SOP 8-C Step I.
Beingness Processing.
Universe Processing and Step I of 8-C on the EXTERIORIZED pc, alternating.
The Grand Tour (see earlier part of this data sheet).
Run SOP 8-C in its entirety
Eighth: SOP-8-O as released in April.
Journal of Scientology 28-G - Mid April 1954 - Vol. 2, p. 46
Scientology: A New Science was written by L. Ron Hubbard in 1947 fifteen years after he began his
studies of the mind, and was the manuscript offered to such organizations as the American Medical
Association and the American Psychiatric Association. Instead of being accepted by these organizations,
this thesis was accepted broadly by the public at large. Tens of thousands of copies of it have been
circulated all over the world, mostly by the public itself, duplicating it, mimeographing it, even
typing it with many carbons.
The basic science was named Scientology in 1938. In 1947 L. Ron Hubbard changed its name to
Dianetics in order to make a social test of publication and popularity. That test completed, in 1952
he changed the science back to its original name, SCIENTOLOGY. This was done to inhibit its being
monopolized for private purposes.
This work in its first manuscript form was called Scientology: A New Science.
This was changed soon by L. Ron Hubbard to Abnormal Dianetics for offerance to the medical profession.
The first article, Dianetics: The Evolution of a Science, appeared months afterward [May, 1950 in the
United States; June, 1950 in England, in Astounding Science Fiction Magazine].
It was in May of 1950 that Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health was published. Although the
latter is widely known as the first book, A New Science actually holds that honor by three years.
Seven years after its first appearence, Scientology: A New Science is issued again for its historical
importance, its simplicity and its usefulness to those studying the evolution of the science itself. It
is very simple and workable even in the early form presented here.
[For the full text of Scientology: A New Science, read the book under its current title, Dianetics: The
Original Thesis by L. Ron Hubbard. The only difference in the text is that the above article used the
word Scientology in place of Dianetics. Editor, 1975]
1938: Scientology
1947: Dianetics
1952: Scientology
Letzte nderung: "to inhibit its being monopolized for private purposes"

Advanced Course, 15.4.1954 (Vol2, p. 45)
This procedure is for use by a trained Scientologist. It can be used in conjunction with ADVANCED COURSE
PROCEDURE and its primary goal is the delivery of heavy cases; however, it can be extensively applied to
all cases. It is better to run a Step I well on 8-C before using this process upon him.
STEP I: Ask preclear to be three feet back of his chair.
STEP II: Duplucation
STEP III: Have preclear hold the two back comers of the room
Circular through EP: Toleration of any viewpoint
PAB 25, 30.4.1954 (Vol2, p. 51)
Entwicklung der Tech als Lsung fr Erreichbarkeit von Fllen
The auditor should realize something about case percentages. About twenty- two percent (22 %) of all
cases, which is to say ail people, resolve, at least partially, with the application of almost any
process Man has ever had.
The first major break-out from this percentage was evidently Dianetics. Here we advanced sweepingly up
to fifty percent (50%).
This percentage was bettered somewhat by Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health, Science of
Survival, Handbook for Preclears and Advanced Procedure and Axioms (all but Science of Survival
available from the HAS).
On my discovery and use of the first exteriorization techniques it was found that the same fifty percent
who would respond to Dianetics easily would exteriorize almost immediately.
The effort of Standard Operating Procedures from 1952 forward was to better this percentage in the hands
of a competent auditor. In the hands of most auditors, SOP-8 still left more than ten percent of the
cases unsolved (ca. 85%).
By continuing to work while instructing the Advanced Clinical Units, and particularly through the
discoveries of the basic principles of communication itself, I evolved SOP-8-C (Journal of Scientology,
Issue 24-G, available from the HAS, 806 North Third Street, Phoenix, Arizona, 50$ct).
According to reports which continue to be received from auditors, any honest application of SOP-8-C
resolves extremely difficult cases as well as very easy cases. The reason for this is that SOP-8-C
reaches closer to truth, which is the reason for any efficacy in processes. SOP-8-C takes into account
very fully the fact that the ability of a thetan to make postulates is senior to his concerns over
space, energy and objects.
It can be said now that a hundred percent (100%) of the cases are solvable given competent and
interested address to the problem. Some cases take longer than others, depending upon how thoroughly
mired down a case may be.
Because of the time factor -- wherein an auditor refuses to audit a case for fifty or eighty hours in
order to remedy a psychosis -- a percentage of non-solution will continue to result. But in eighty
percent of the cases today we are auditing on an auditing span of twelve to fifteen hours where a
competent auditor is involved.
And there is a finite end to any case, a fact which I have been consistently demonstrating, and which
Advanced Clinical Course people have been consistently demonstrating, for many months.
However, in that one cannot force people (and there is no reason whatever to force people) to stay with
cases as long as they remain unsolved, it can be expected that cases which go above twenty or thirty
hours of auditing time will tend to remain unfinished. This does not, however, mean that such cases will
not have received all those benefits which were ever expected from psychotherapy. For a competent
auditor can achieve these with any case now in a dozen or two hours whether he finishes the case off to
operating thetan or not.
We have arrived at the goal of operating thetan where we consistently strove forward to that goal. But
more important, we have reached and passed any goal psychotherapy ever entertained as much as a year
ago. Those goals on which we are now working with preclears so far exceed any goal set by Man that it is
not fair to call Scientology any more a developing science, for we are well above the level of science
and we are working with the factors which create sciences.
In subsequent PABs I will set forward the various steps of Unit IV Procedure, some of which can be selfaudited. Seeing that Scientology can embrace a science, a religion, a psychotherapy, one of the wittier
DScns recently invented Scientocracy, which is "Government of the people, by the thetans."
DIANETICS 55, p. 156
In Scientology, of course, on Route 1, as contained in "The Creation of Human Ability," we go on to
improve the ability of this exteriorized awareness of awareness unit up to a point we call "Operating
Thetan." We do this by running many drills and exercises which improve his perception. However, the

process of Answers, or even the Six Basic Processes could be run on the individual after he is
exteriorized and his exteriorization will markedly increase, and he will get into even better condition
as an exteriorized person. 8
DIANETICS 55, p. 170
As exteriorization drilling, as an activity, is most germane to the realm of Scientology, further
knowledge of it and about it is written up in "The Creation of Human Ability." Here are given the Route
1 steps which should be run after an exteriorization takes place.
PAB 42/43; 24.12.1955, Vol2, 118/131)
Other subdivisions which enter into this represent the difference between a study of life in general and
a study of man in particular. Scientology could be called a study of life; Dianetics could be called a
study of man. The first four dynamics are devoted to Dianetics. If you read again Dianetics: The Modern
Science of Mental Health, you will discover that it treats of the first four dynamics. If you examine
the first shadows of what we now call Scientology, it treats all of the eight dynamics. In view of the
fact that both Dianetics and Scientology operate in the field of man, it should be readily seen that the
basic processes of Dianetics or Scientology as they apply to man would be the same. Just because we have
used two different words is no reason man has changed. Thus we have our six basic processes and thus we
discover that Dianetics and Scientology, up to the point of stable exteriorization, operate in exactly
the same field with exactly the same tools. It is only after man is sufficiently exteriorized to become
a spirit that we depart from the field of Dianetics; for here, considering man as a spirit, we must
enter the field of religion. Thus we have our additional subdivision. Dianetics is a science which
applies to man, a living organism; and Scientology is a religion.
The six basic processes are as follows:
1. Two-way Communication
-8 bis 1.0
2. Elementary Straightwire
1.1 bis 1.8
3. Opening Procedure of 8-C
1.8 bis 2.5
4. Opening Procedure by Duplication 2.6 bis 3.0
5. Remedying Havingness
3.1 bis 3.5
6. Spotting Spots in Space.
3.6 bis 4.0
Ability Major 5, early August (Vol2, 246)
EVERY one of the Six Basic Processes today is designed and delivered only to increase the pc's A-R-C.
Every one of these processes is successful today ONLY when it improved the pc's A-R-C 9, ONLY when it
raised him, in other words, on that tone scale detailed in Science of Survival.
Ability Major 6, early September 1955, Basic Processes (Vol2, 250)
Basic Processes
One: Awareness
Two: Two-way Communication on a casual basis.
Three: The delivery of the question.
Four: Communication lag.
Five: The acknowledgement of the question.
Six: The duplication of that exact question.



"Notice a chair in this room." "Notice the ceiling." "Notice the
floor." "Notice......, etc."
5. V.


6. VI. HELLO'S AND OK's TO PICTURES (article 5, Ability Major 4,

"Straight Wire -- A Manual of Operation"):
"Recall a moment." Hello's and OK's to and from any picture or
blackness. Bring back the picture.
"Recall a moment." Hello's and OK's any pictures or blackness.
Bring back vanished pictures.

(R2-20, Creation of Human Ability):

"What problem could you be to yourself?" "Give me another

problem you could be to yourself." "Another....., etc."
"What solution could you be to yourself?" "Give me another


solution you could be to yourself?" "Another....., etc."

"Think a thought." "Think another thought." "... another
thought, etc."
"Receive a thought." "Receive another thought." "... another
thought, etc."


"What would happen if you were apathetic?" Repeat, etc.
"What would happen if you got angry?" Repeat, etc. APPLY TO



"Give me something you wouldn't mind forgetting." Hello's and
OK's to any pictures. Put back any pictures. Repeat, etc.
"Give me something you wouldn't mind remembering." Hello's and
OK's to any pictures. Put back any pictures. Repeat, etc.



(A, B, C) (ABOVE 1.9):

"Do you see that (large object or area such as a wall)?" "Go
over to it and touch it." "Now look at that (another large
object or area).,, "Go over to it and touch it." Repeat, etc.
Exact spots. "Do you see that black mark on the left arm of
that chair?" "Go over to it and put your finger on it." "Take
your finger off of it." Do this with many precise spots.


"Find a spot in this room." "Go over to it and put your finger
on it." "Now let go of it." "Find another spot." Over and over,


"Find a spot in this room." "Decide when you are going to touch
it and then touch it." "Decide when you are going to let go and
let go." Repeat, many spots, etc.


Have pc become familiar
"Go over to the (book)."
its color?" "What is its
"Put it down in the same

with two objects.

"Look at it." "Pick it up." "What is
temperature?" "What is its weight?"

"Go over to the (other object)." "Look at it." "Pick it up."

"What is its color?" "What is its temperature?" "What is its
weight?" "Put it down in the same place."
"Go over to the (first object)." Etc. Repeat. Run for hours.
"Mock up a (planet, man, brick, boulder)." "Make a copy of it."
Explain "copy" if unknown by pc. "Make another copy of the
original." "Make another copy of it." "Make another copy of it."
"Make another copy." "Another copy." "Another." "Another." Etc.
as many as pc can comfortably make.
"Now push them together and push them into the body."
"Mock up a...." "Copy it." Many copies, as above. Have pc push
them into the body.
Repeat many times.
Have pc mock up and copy as above, and: "Throw them away -- have
them disappear in the distance." Etc. many times.




"Spot a spot in the space of this room." "Spot another spot."
Etc. many spots.
"Spot a spot in the space of this room." "Walk over to it."
"Put your finger on it." "Let go." Etc. many times.
Intersperse: "How big is the spot?" "Does it have any color?"
"Does it have any mass?" And similar questions until spots have
no mass, simply locations.

2. XV.


(5) "What are you looking at?" "Make a copy of it." As many as pc can
COMFORTABLY make. "Push them into yourself." (Not the body)
(Alternate with "Throw them away.") To do this, the pc will
assume actually two or more locations at once.
"Can you find a nothingness somewhere around you?" "Now make
another one just like it." Have him make many like the first
nothingness. Have pc push them into himself or throw them away.
As many as the pc can comfortably make.
(6) "Locate the two upper back comers of the room (those behind pc's
body). Hold on to them, and don't think." Have pc do this for
at least two minutes.
Alternate with: "Find two nothingnesses." "Hold on to them and
don't think." At least two minutes by the clock.
(7) "Let go." "Find a place where you're not." Many places. Repeat 5,
6, 7, many times.
Die 6 basic processes wurden also erweitert zu:
Rudiments Awareness of PC, Auditor, Room
1. Two-way Communication -8 bis 1.0
2. Elementary Straightwire 1.1 bis 1.8
3. Opening Procedure of 8-C 1.8 bis 2.5
4. Opening Procedure by Duplication 2.6 bis 3.0
5. Remedying Havingness 3.1 bis 3.5
6. Spotting Spots in Space.3.6 bis 4.0
(OB 20.10.55 Nr. 1)
6 Levels of Auditing - First Operational Bulletin
6 Levels of Processing (SLP)
1. Awareness of auditor, auditing room, session, PC.
2. Two-way communication on a casual basis.
3. The delivery of the question.
4. Communication lag.
5. Acknowledgement of the question.
6. The duplication of that question except when using auditing commands on a two-way communication
STARTING A SESSION: Establish ONE of the rudiments.
LEVEL TWO. This level is reached when the preclear is originating communications smoothly without
coaching and acknowledging the auditor's commands well. There is no command as such. There is the
subject of communication; secrets. Any idea in Scientology or process can be run on a two- way
communication basis, whereby it is simply offered and discussed.
LEVEL THREE. This is a subjective level. In this could be placed all former Dianetic and Scientology
processes. Almost any of these will work with correct auditing but only if the person is able to handle

Opening Procedure 8-C run as in earlier manuals.


Opening Procedure by Duplication First Postulate.

LEVEL SIX. Remedy of Havingness and Spotting Spots.


If the lowest levels are handled well, the preclear should have been exteriorized long since. ...
Separateness processing should bring about an exteriorization of the preclear if the lower levels of
processing failed to do so. It would be considered unusual if the preclear had not exteriorized today,
by the time he reaches Level Six.
In this event the commands and levels should be utilized all over again starting at the bottom. The
difficulty was probably not bringing about the rudiments in the first place, or that the preclear had
things he felt he could not discuss with his auditor.
By modern processing, Remedy of Havingness and Spotting Spots are done simultaneously in addressing the
drill of the exteriorized thetan. The only change would be in using showers of hellos and okays or
"things you can not- know" on spots in the universe with which the preclear might have any difficulty in
the Grand Tour.
6 Levels of Processsing
see above (20.10.55 OB Nr. 1)
(OB 11.11.55)
6 Levels of Processsing (Issue 5)
(a) Find the auditor.
(b) Find the pc.
(c) Find the session environment.
(d) Establish that a session is in progress.
(e) Accept every comm the pc originates.
(f) Acknowledge every command execution by the pc.
(g) Agree upon the process and the command form before using and do not
confuse it.
(h) Use two-way comm liberally.
(i) Follow the Auditor's Code.
(j) Deal with present time problem which may be present at the beginning
or arise during or reoccur during a session.
(k) Use a Communication Bridge at every process or area change.
(l) Establish goals by two-way comm and the command, "Assign an intention
to ___________ (auditor indicating object)."
(m) Run SOP 8-C as given in Creation of Human Ability until pc is certainly
obeying auditing commands and is under control.
Run in populated places, ambulant.

Energy Sources:
Spotting Objects:
Spotting People:
Separateness from Objects:
Separateness from People:
Waterloo Station:

Run in quiet places or auditing rooms.
(a) Think a Placed Thought:
(b) Choice Rehabilitation:
(c) Directed Decision Rehabilitation:
(d) Permissive Decision Rehabilitation:
The object of this step is to restore abundance on any and all communication
possibilities. Done in an auditing room.

Create Confusion:
Creating Terminals:
What Wouldn't You Mind Communicating With:
Creating Family Terminals:

Route One: An exteriorized step done as given in The Creation of Human Ability.
PAB 69, 6.1.1956 (Vol2, 322)


Six Levels of Processing Issue 7

This issue of the Six Levels is dedicated to only one thing -- the clearing
of any level of case.
SLP 7 does not include many processes found in earlier SOPs and SLPs. They are omitted not because they
are not good but because they are not entirely direct. They will reappear in later issues of SLP, no
doubt. In this No. 7 we do not have something which will then become something else. We have a unique
process series which while it retains form, enforces simplicity.
Two-way comm must be stressed at all times.
This is what gets the case moving
Chronic Somatics
The body of your preclear is a quivering hunger for overt acts. On consideration level these are
problems. The auditor begins his auditing with this first barrier. He must surmount it by


Two-way comm to establish good ARC

Directly remedying havingness of problems or
Remedy of overt acts by creative processing
Alleviating a chronic somatic or problem by remedying their
scarcity or
Increasing ARC until all problems or somatics seem unnecessary.


Find the auditor.

Find the preclear.
Find the auditing area (light locational processing).
Establish that a session is in progress.
Accept, discuss every comm preclear originates.
Acknowledge every command execution by preclear.
Agree on process and command before using it and do not confuse it.
Use two-way comm liberally.
Follow the Auditor's Code.
(changed) Remedy havingness of problems
Run pc on ORDERS. Two methods: Opening Procedure 8C and direct
command, latter preferred. "Tell me some orders you wouldn't mind receiving."
"Tell me something that would obey you.
7 I (m) "What could change you?"
"What would leave you unchanged?"
7 I (n)

(Run alternately one question, then the other.)

To prevent all the problem and motivator techniques from adversely
affecting the thetan (or if the above processes did), run alternately the
following questions:
"Tell me something your body doesn't have to reach."
"Tell me something you could reach."

This is what changes the Scientometric Tests
This is what exteriorizes them



Think a placed thought.

Choice rehabilitation.
Directed Decision Rehabilitation.
Permissive Decision Rehabilitation.

This builds back their willingness to live
This makes them able to play games
7 V (a) Create Confusion.


7 V (b)
7 V (c)
7 V (d)

Creating Terminals.
What wouldn't you mind communicating with?
Creating Family Terminals.

This exercises their exteriorization and stabilizes
Route One: An exteriorized step done as given in The Creation of Human Ability.
HGC Procedure
After a study of processing in general and much testing by HGCs London and Washington and in particular
by my own and HCO auditing, the following scale of processes can be considered optimum at this time in
the light of what we know.
Until further extensive testing is available we can consider the following to be the most productive
processes and these should be used by staff on outside pcs and taught in classes...

Make pc at ease in session, build some ARC without too much 2-way
comm. Get pc's viewpoint. Make him feel auditor regards goals seriously.
Run comp mag on pt problem.
Run S-C-S on objects
8c part (a) on body if pc in poor shape.
S-C-S on body.
Locational processing as extroversion process for S-C-S on 4
S-C-S on body specializing on stop.
Connection processes.
Before and After Solids.
Run, Look around here and find something you wouldn't mind making solid


Havingness processes, optional as indicated.
Run problems, Trio on self (what you can have in room), can't have on others or body, creative process
havingness, and putting things into walls, ceiling and floor and not know plus Trio on people outside.
And mock up confusions for stable data, name, etc. Also Axiom 10 processes.
(HCO Training Bulletin 30.11.1956)

Getting into communication with your preclear.

A. Mimicry
B. Touching the preclear
Havingness, subjective.
Part A of 8-C.
Control Process, tactile 8-Cb.
Keep it from Going Away.
Keep it from going away on the body.
Keep it from going away, by sight.
Handling of confusion.
"Confuse that wall."
Causing confusions.
Tolerance of motion and stillness.
"With what could you ally your control,"
Over and Under solids.
Time Process.
"Invent an individuality to cope with it," alternate with "Invent a worse
"Invent an enemy."
Keep it from going away on the body.
Mock-up Start-C-S. Start-C-S on mocked up body.
Mock-up Stop-C-S. Stop-C-S on mocked up body.
Rehabilitation of abilities. For any ability the preclear always wanted
to have and couldn't do "mock up...keep it from going away... etc"

HCO Training Bulletin 6.2.1957
Group I:

Communication Processes, taught in Indoctrination:


Parts of Communication
*A. "Look at me. Who am I?"
*B. Hand contact mimicry.
*C. Hand mimicry (gradient scale of spaces).
*D. Mirror image hand mimicry.
E. Full body mimicry.
Group II.

Location-Control Processes:

Parts of Control
A. Locational.
*B. Connectedness.
*C. 8-C Solids.
D. S-C-S.
Group III. Duplication Processes:
A. Opening Procedure by Duplication.
*B. Keep it from going away.
*C. Hold it still.
Group IV. Havingness Processes:
Objective Havingness
A. Terrible Trio.
B. Trio on Valences.
C. Objective Solids
Group V. Subjective Havingness:
A. Subjective Havingness.
B. Straight Wire.
*C. Then and Now Solids.
Group VI. Thought Processes:
A. Rising Scale.
*B. Present-time problem.
C. Find a spot.
*D. Thoughts in Walls.
E. Objective Not Know.
HCOB 11.6.57
Order of control factors available to the auditor:
HCOB 11.6.57
NUMBER: Training 0
NAME: Confronting Preclear.
NUMBER: Training 1
NAME: Dear Alice.
NUMBER: Training 2
NAME: Acknowledgments.
NUMBER: Training 3
NAME: Duplicative Question.
NUMBER: Training 4
NAME: Preclear Originations.
NUMBER: Training 5
NAME: Hand Mimicry.
NUMBER: Training 6
NAME: Plain 8-C.
NUMBER: Training 7
NAME: Hi-School Indoc.
NUMBER: Training 8
NAME: Tone 40 on an Object.
NUMBER: Training 9
NAME: Tone 40 on a Person.
NAME: Rudiments, Goals and Present Time Problem.


NAME:* Give Me Your Hand, Tone 40.
NAME:* Tone 40 8-C.
NAME: Book Mimicry.
NAME: Hand Space Mimicry.
NUMBER: Training 10
NAME: Locational Processing.
NAME: Location by Contact.
NAME: Body-Room Contact.
NAME: Contact by Duplication.
NAME: Trio.
NAME: Tone 40 "Keep it from going away."
NAME: Tone 40 "Hold it still."
NAME: Tone 40 "Make it a little more solid."
NUMBER: Training 11
NAME: ARC Straight Wire.
NAME: Limited Subjective Havingness.
NAME: Subjective Solids.
NAME: Then and Now Solids.
NUMBER: Training 12
NAME: Think a Thought.
NAME: Rising Scale Processing.
NAME: Bank Processes (Engrams, Secondaries, Locks, Perceptics and Whole
NAME: Subjective Havingness in Full, Repair and Remedy of Havingness,
Avalanches, Black and White, Flows.
NAME: Connectedness, Association, Identification, A = A = A = A.
NAME: Time Processes.
NAME: Creative Processes.
NAME: Full Rising Scale Processes.
NAME: Not-Know Processes, Waterloo Station, Something you wouldn't mind
NAME: Think a Thought, Future Mock-ups.
NAME: CDEI, Problems, Find Something that is Not Thinking.
NAME: Thought Placement, Invent a Lie, Assign an Intention, Place a Command.


NAME: Exteriorization, Pre-Logics, Keep Head from Going Away, Try not to Exteriorize.
NAME: Route 1.
NAME: Anchor Points, Structure of Body.
NAME: Body Lifting.
NAME: World Reality, Get the Idea that (object) is Thinking about Itself,
Perception of Environment, Reality Scale Processes.
NUMBER: Training 13
NAME: Fishing a Cognition.

Starting-Ending Session
Control Processes
Straight-wire Processes
Objective Processes
Subjective Processes
October 29, 1957
Prerequisite understanding to this chart:
Definitions of body, bank and mind.
Communication - Upper Indoc course.
Text: Scientology: Fundamentals of Thought.
Type No.

StartingEnding session







To compose pc
into and release
him from the
auditing session


Action on Bank

To double
control of it
Auditor +


A Basic Example

Is it all right
Sit in that chair Pc makes motion;
with you to start
Thank you
Auditor makes
an auditing session?
same motion.
Auditor makes
motion; pc makes
same motion.


Stable Datum



2-way Comm


Auditing is a
knowing and
known activity



Control by
Mimicry by
To place pc's
To establish
body and actions
under auditor's
control to invite
control of them
by pc
To better control To go into comm
of it
with it on pc
determinism not

Never let the

pc get out of
doing what he
is told

Each command in
its own unit of
time separate
from every other

Pc is controlled
by unknown
source, which
must be turned
into known

(only once)
shows up and
runs out before

-----------------------------------------------------------------------Type No.










& Forgetting

& Finding
To orient pc in
To recover
present time,
automaticities of
drop out past and thought and as-is
improve havingunwanted



To recontrol
forgetting and
and relate past
to present


Action on Bank

To as-is locks and

To drop out past
To mass as-is
engrams and
havingness by
bring them into
knowingness level
havingness and to


A Basic Example


Stable Datum



Recall a moment
Specific things,
not generalities

Notice that wall

Think a thought

Attention of pc
Body control
must be under
comes before
auditor's control control of

Occlusions turn
Old locations
Thought has
from generalities
(change of space) become
to specifics. Cycle drop out
substitute for
aspect of recall in
masses. Classes
of time (earlier, late,
of thought group
and source
HCOB 13.11.57


Tr. 10
PSYCHOSOMATIC ADDRESS. Condition ___________________________
Person located by E-Meter _______________________ Split ________
Person located by E-Meter _______________________ Split ________
Person located by E-Meter _______________________ Split ________
Scientology-Clear procedure Issue One Dez. 1957
Scientology: Clear Procedure - Issue One December 1957
STEP ONE: Establish participation in session of pc. (CCH 0)
STEP TWO: Establish obedience of some part of the auditing room to the pc.("You seat that body in that
chair. Thank you." "You make that body continue to lie in that bed. Thank you." We also get CCH 1. And
we get a very important but neglected process run with two objects wherein the pc himself is ordered to
keep one then the other from going away (alternately), hold it still, make it more solid, all with two
objects. Stress is on YOU do it.
STEP THREE: Establish control of pc's body by pc. Here we have CCH 2, but we also have an even more
important series of processes, S-C-S in all their ramifications on the body. Here is pc at cause with
regard to body. It is expected that lots of S-C-S will be run on pcs.


STEP FOUR: Make pc even more conscious of auditor and place him somewhat at cause with ARC. The
mechanical steps of this are CCH 3 and CCH 4 but these steps are only valid if they heighten ARC and
make the pc decide HE did it.
STEP FIVE: Establish pc as cause over Mest by establishing pc's ideas as cause over Mest. Here, running
these, we again emphasize YOU DO IT. The basic process of this is CONNECTEDNESS with the PC doing the
connecting. Control Trio, Trio, Look around here and tell me what part of the environment you would be
willing to be responsible for. You look, You connect, You make....... Alter the old commands to put pc
at cause point in doing these.
STEP SIX: Establish pc's control over Mest subjective. Creative Processes, Recall Unwanted and Lost
Objects. Then and Now Solids...
STEP SEVEN: Establish pc's control over his "bank." "Mock up a facsimile and (keep it from going away,
and when that is flat, hold it still, and when that is flat, make it a little more solid)." Run this
alternately with "Mock up that wall (keep it from going away, hold it still, make it a little more
solid)." Run the "Keep it from going away" on a facsimile one command, then the wall one command, until
flat, then shift to "Hold it still" same way, then shift to "Make it more solid," same way.
STEP EIGHT: Make some Time.
HCOB 21.1.58
MEST Clear Procedure
Control Connectedness:
Clean-up of field:
Creative Processing
Creative Processing: repeat 5 with 6 different objects.
Creative Processing: ditto
HCOB 8.4.58
We must not lose sight of the fact that only TWO processes clear a pc.
All others only support these TWO and make it possible to run these two.
These processes are:
1. Help, CCH Ob
2. Step 6, Mock-ups. Keep it from going away, Hold it still, Make it more solid.
Step 6 can be run just as in the book "Clear Procedure." If it is too tough for pc, run help and
responsibility on pictures.
Then complete Step 6 with great thoroughness.
Rising Scale Processing Modern Version is very good. However, even though it works low scale, it is in
reality an OT process, not a clear process.
PAB 136, 15.5.58 (Vol3, 265)
Procedure CCH (Long form)

CCH 0a. Rudiments.

0b. Goals.
0c. Present Time Problems.
0d. Help.



"Give me that hand"

(right, left and both hands).

1a. "Don't give me that hand"

(right, left and both hands).

Tone 40 8-C.


Book Mimicry.


Hand Space Mimicry.



Tone 40 Locational Processing.


Opening Procedure by Duplication




Tone 40 8-C -- "Keep it from

going away."




Tone 40 8-C -- "Hold it still."


Tone 40 8-C -- "Make it a little

more solid."

10. S-C-S on an object. (Covered

in previous PABs.)
11. S-C-S on a person. (Ditto.)


12. Control Trio.


14. Limited Subjective Havingness.

13. Trio.

15. THEN and NOW Solids.

Creative Processing (as in
Scientology 8-8008).
Route One (as in The Creation
of Human Ability).
Ability 74, May 1958 - Scientology and the Reactive Mind (Vol3, p. 269)
Clearing in Dianetics consisted of getting rid of the reactive mind by erasing it and learning to handle
it. That's a long task.
Clearing in Scientology consists of discovering the source of the reactive mind itself and making it
vanish. That's a short, fast task.
The basic difference between Dianetics and Scientology is this: Dianetics attacked the reactive mind on
a materialistic level. Scientology, amongst other things, attacks the reactive mind on a spiritual
level. Scientology works faster, better and more stably than Dianetics ever did.
In clearing, the reactive mind vanishes. That is not the primary Scientology target in clearing but it
is a worthwhile one.
(HCOB 29.5.58)
Standard Clearing Procedure works as follows:
First Action:

Start session CCH 0.

Second Action: Search out by meter a p.t. problem and run it by finding "What part of it pc can be
responsible for" as a repetitive command, formal auditing.
Third Action: CCH 0 b. Clear help in brackets with a meter, running meter toward a freer needle. Don't
overrun a leg of the bracket and get the pc stuck or anaten.
Fourth Action: Run Step 6 of the book Clear Procedure and run it flat.
Fifth Action:

Reclear help.

Sixth Action:

Step 6 until flat, flat, flat and needle free.

That's SCP. It is assisted by SCS and Connectedness on some pcs.

That which the pc erases with difficulty is misowned by him. Therefore it is a valence. In the presence
of valences he cannot change his mind easily when he misowns the consideration. Therefore all fixed,
harmful ideas or aberrations stem from valences.
The process on this would be "Tell me how you could waste a (male) (female) (other) valence." This would
have to be cleared as a command thoroughly and often. That's the skill.
(HCOB 14.6.58)

Stress 4 pts of error.

Run Help, Step VI.
Standardize Valences.
Eliminate Wasting Help.
4 pts of Error

(a) 4 pts of error

Profile, IQ unchanged = PT Problem left in restim, or not located at all.
Cure = Understand, Locate and Flatten PT Probs.
Profile dropped = Auditor code break, real or imagined, unrepaired by auditor.
Cure = Repair any code breaks with 2-way comm & Help.
Unstable Gain = Too many processes or processes not flattened.
Cure = Increase confidence on auditor's part. Let him off of a total effect need.


Auditors unable to produce good results = Introduction of new processes which auditors then use
without sufficient reality.
Cure = Use only processes on which auditor personally his a reality.
(b) Clear Procedure
Clear Procedure consists of Help in Brackets on any terminals and Step VI. There are no other certain
processes at this time.
(c) Standardize Valences
Valence splitting is most reliably done by running Help in Brackets on the valence.
Experimental (a)
Invent a being who could not be helped.
What problem could that being have?
Experimental (b)
Invent an unconscious being (person).
What problem could that being (person) pose?
All other tested valence processes have so far failed.
(d) Waste Help
This process violates rule of terminals, "Run terminals, not conditions".
580714 20ACC-01 (1) Opening Lecture
Beware of processes which work on somebody but not on other people. The processes you want are the
processes that work all the way, top and bottom, at any case level. Then that's a valuable process, see?
Route 1 processes work on a tremendous number of people. You say, "Why did we abandon them?" Because
they don't include 50 percent of the human race, that's why. And for another 25 percent they only work
for three days and then the guy goes back in his head and that's that. The old Route 1 processes worked
then for a certain number of people but didn't work for all. So therefore, there must be some missing
truth in the matter.
(HCOB 28.7.58)
CCH 0 -- Starting Session..

"What goal might you have for this session?"

ARC Break:
SCOUTING. This is a 2-way comm activity.
Running Help in general:
(HCOB 15.10.58)
It should be realized that an optimum Clear Procedure should take a preclear from the lowest possible
levels up to clear.
CCH 1, 2, 3, 4



(1) Start Session by saying "Start of Session".
(2)(a) Establish Auditor.
(2)(b) Establish Preclear.


(2)(c) Establish problems, if any.

(2)(d) Getting Auditor and Pc established.
ALWAYS HANDLE CCH 0 in every session well except when giving not a session but an Assist only.
TR 11. ARC Straight Wire. (S-C-S on a person)
GP-3 - Connectedness.
Body Confrontingness
Subjective Confrontingness
General Help Bracket
Origins (Originations)
There are certain buttons which depress clearing if the pc has erroneous definitions for them. These
in action. This is such a process: "Invent a person who likes (the button)."

In the above there are several roads to Clear. But there are also several levels of case to be cleared.
Experience tells one what to run. Auditing skill alone gets the experience across.
The original 1947 processes were defeated in the hands of others by lack of auditing drills and skill.
Help and Step 6 do not work on low level cases to make clears of everyone -- hence the CCHs.
By doing all of the above on every case you would certainly have clears in all cases. As your experience
increases you can begin to omit steps.
You will finally be able to adjust the processes to the exact cases you do.10
Get the preclear in session, run something. You'll win.
HCOB 4.3.1959
(CANCELLED -- see HCO B 21 May 59 Volume III-468)
Processes on gradient scale from unconscious pc to theta clear.
CCH 1, 2, 3,4
Rudiments (Not CCH 0)
PTP by Selected Person Overt-Withhold Straight Wire
Know to Mystery Straight Wire (See later bulletins)
Dynamic Straight Wire
ARC Straight Wire
Selected Person Overt-Withhold Straight Wire
General Overt-Withhold Straight Wire
Factual Havingness (and Third Rail)
ARC Break Straight Wire
Not-Is Straight Wire
Past and Future Experience
What Can You Confront
You make a mock-up for which you can be totally responsible
Track Scout
Engram Running
Route One


The target of these processes is theta clear as different from MEST clear. Therefore, the higher MEST
clear processes, Help and Step 6, are omitted.
We are not trying to make MEST clears in the HGC; therefore, Help and Step 6 are disallowed.
On Old Dianetic cases or where engrams have been run by other auditors, run Selected Person OvertWithhold on "an auditor" and "a preclear" until track is free. This is a necessary early step to get
some cases moving.
(HCOB 10.3.59)
The complete list in order of use on any case is:


Rudiments and TR 5N
Present Time Problem
Dynamic Straight Wire
Overt-Withhold Straight Wire
General Overt-Withhold Straight Wire
ARC Break Straight Wire
Third Rail
What Can You Confront
Mock up a picture for which you could be totally responsible
Not-Is Straight Wire
Past and Future Experience
Engram Running
Route One (When theta clear is obtained)

This is a complete route to theta clear on all cases so far examined and audited (which contained some
real "what walls").
Steps 1 to 5 above inclusive, if flattened, constitute a RELEASE.
Ability 92 M, late March 1959
The Subject of Clearing
The first Clears I made in 1947 that were stable were in reality Theta Clears, not Mest Clears. Had I
had more finance and the data I collected between 1947 and 1959 I would have known that.
They were made by gradually raising their confrontingness of mental image pictures.
When I found in 1950 that other auditors could not achieve this, I made it my thorough business to:

Study all phenomena related to clearing;


Study ways to train auditors to do the job and


Achieve the original state on a broad scale by auditors in general on

all types of cases.

I said we needed a better bridge. Well, we've built several.

Within the last fifteen months the data and findings have avalanched.
Once there was a breakthrough by other auditors using standard technology to a state of release some
years ago, I knew we were winning but some didn't see it.
Release is the first state one attains on the way up. It is low and crude but it is. It means that state
one doesn't skid any more in. In short, release means a bettered state from which one doesn't slip. A
case stops getting worse and begins to get better, no matter how slowly. Old ARC Straightwire is the
original process that created a Release (see Self Analysis, last page).
Release as a state is, in actuality, the first thing a pc is trying for. It's a gain to find level
ground so that he doesn't from there on get worse. He's stable now, he won't keep slipping, if he
attains the state of release.
I found the second goal a couple of years ago. I managed to develop drills and skills that would make a
person able to audit. The simplest form of this now is called "muzzled auditing" and makes supervised
co-auditing possible on a very wide scale, thus achieving goal three above.
The first great breakthrough came in Winter of 1957-58 with Mest Clearing.
Mest Clearing is shortcut clearing. By keying out engrams, one becomes
free of them.
This was achieved in a very large number of cases.
not all people could be Mest Cleared,


the state is not always stable.
What happens to a Mest Clear sometimes? What makes the state unstable?
A Mest Clear, according to several reports even from those given bracelets (of which they should still
be proud), starts acting like a Theta Clear and can't make it. It's a lose. He falls back.
In short, a Mest Clear can postulate. And he postulates himself into trouble. He can still key in
engrams. His postulates operate powerfully on his bank, evidently, and there he goes.
A Mest Clear has not been through a total confrontingness. He arrived by what was a shortcut. His
regained ability to postulate operates unexpectedly. He puts himself into things he hadn't confronted
yet. He doesn't confront them. And there he goes.
So long as he doesn't use his large power to postulate unwisely, a Mest Clear stays clear. If he does,
he's no longer clear. (Bob Ross, by the way, first mentioned this to me and further reports and
observations bore it out.)
Very well -- there is a state called Mest Clear. It is a shortcut that is sometimes the long way around
and sometimes isn't stable.
However, a Mest Clear, even skidded, is better off than any Release.
Because of this liability (and because of later gains I made on Theta Clearing) no HGC is now even
trying for Mest Clear. It's all Theta Clearing now. And if it's all right with you we'll use the word
Clear to mean hereafter a Theta Clear and if we mean Mest Clear we'll say so.
(HCOB 21.5.59)
The following processes are the only allowed processes for use in HGCs anywhere.
For use on unconscious and fixedly psychotic persons unwilling to be audited:
"You make that body sit on that chair" (or "lie on that bed"),
and CCH 1, 2, 3, 4.
For use on persons unwilling to be audited at any time:
Two way help bracket
"How could you help me?"
"How could I help you?"
Get each question answered. Use lots of two way comm. Don't Q
and A with reasons.
For use on persons unwilling to be audited by reason of session errors:
TR 5N, which is:
"What have I done wrong?"
"What have you done wrong?"
with two way comm.
For persons who are acutely ill:
Run old TR 5 if needed.
Diagnose exact button and run Overt Withhold Straight Wire or
Run Factual Havingness
Or do an assist.
For use on persons who complain that auditing has no effect on them or who make very slow gains:
Have pc put the following thought in six sides of room, going
around in different order each time (example, front wall, back
wall, ceiling, floor, right wall, left wall).
"Put the thought into that (designated room side), 'Nothing can
have any effect on (pc's name)'."
There are variations of this phrasing: "Nothing must be done to
(pc's name)," "Nothing can be done about (pc's name)." Depends
on what makes the meter fall.
This process probably requires about 15 to 25 hours to flatten.
Use the same wording throughout.
For use on persons in general. If this has been handled in an HAS Co-


audit well, don't handle it again:

Overt-Withhold Straight Wire after careful assessment and used on
various buttons. Dynamic Straight Wire, Know to Mystery Straight
Wire, are all more or less same process but are different ways of
Always run terminals, never conditions.
For use on persons in general, always to some extent when they enter HGC:
For use on auditors in for auditing. Run until fully flat:
Op Pro by Dup old (original) style.
For use on people going to theta clear. Use liberally and long:
"Find a spot from which you could communicate."
For use on people going to theta clear:
Find engram necessary to resolve the case each time. Check out all
terminals present in it. Make a list. Run Overt-Withhold Straight
Wire on a (each terminal in incident by general name). Don't run
off from incident that is being run. Pc will go up and down the
track but when one terminal is flat, choose next from same
incident we started with. The commands for this are "Guess at
something you have done to" "Guess at something you have
withheld from".
For finishing off cases to level of theta clear:
Run Overt-Withhold Straight Wire on minds, brains, bodies, mest.
For easing off any case into comfort or completion of an intensive:
"From where could you communicate?"
(HCOB 3.7.59)
6 Basic Process Types


Characteristic: Two-way communication. Two-way communication is how it is


To compose preclear into and release him from the auditing


Stable Datum:

Agreement. Each thing done in starting and ending sessions is

the establishment of an agreement.



Characteristic: Control by action. Preclear's physical actions are controlled

in order to do the processes.

To place preclear's body and actions under the auditor's

control to invite control of them by the preclear.

Stable Datum:

Never let the preclear get out of doing what he is told.



Characteristic: Mimicry by action. Physical actions are duplicated.


To establish communication.

Stable Datum:

Each command in its own unit of time separate from every other



Characteristic: Thinkingness. The preclear must think something to do the


To recover automaticities of thought and as-is unwanted


Stable Datum:

Body control comes before control of thinkingness.




Characteristic: Spotting and finding. Preclear must spot or find something

exterior to himself to carry out the auditing command.

To orient preclear in present time, drop out past and improve


Stable Datum:

Attention of preclear must be under auditor's control.



Characteristic: Remembering and forgetting. Preclear must do these things to

carry out auditing command or question.

To re-control remembering and forgetting and relate past to


Stable Datum:

Specific things, not generalities.

-----------------------------CCH 1





A TYPE 4 --






---------------------------------SCALE OF PROCESSES TAUGHT IN HCA/HPA

This is a scale of processes as they fit with the CONFRONTINGNESS SCALE,
from the bottom up.

CCH 1, 2, 3,4.
PT Problems by Overt-Withhold Straight Wire.
ARC Straight Wire.
Selected Persons Overt-Withhold Straight Wire.
Factual Havingness )
These two processes (6 + 7) can be interchanged.
7. Third Rail
8. ARC Break Straight Wire.
9. NOT-IS Straight Wire.
10. Past and Future Experience.
11. Mock up a picture for which you can be totally responsible.
HCOB 7.8.59

auditor today could audit with just three packages:

The CCHs
S-C-S and Connectedness, and
The Communication Processes.


A preclear is mest clear when no terminal selected is, when run by a

Communication Process, productive of variation of the tone arm from
Male or Female Clear reading. A preclear is theta clear when he can
handle engrams without producing a change from clear reading.


Cases do not improve if they are in a victim valence as they self

invalidate between sessions. Communication Process S2 or S22 must be
run to remedy this.
(HCOB 31.10.59)
....the Create series of processes.
These are the first effective OT processes and as such, when used on persons not yet Theta Clear, they
have certain dangers. Additionally, they are the most valuable series of processes which we have. They


can be used in one form or another on any level of case and will reach pretty much all the way to the
As to dangers, I refer you to our experiences with Step 6 processes. Here was a series with great
promise which in many cases became rather deadly. The datum here is that when you improve the ability of
a pc to make and see a picture you also inadvertently improve every picture in the bank including
engrams, and anybody who has seen a totally solid motivator engram will agree that it is not pleasant.
Create processes stem from a new study I have made of the Cycle of Action as given in FUNDAMENTALS
OF THOUGHT. Axiom 10 becomes confused by the Thetan with the Cycle of Action. Draw the two and look at
them as each other and you will see what I mean -- identifying them is chaos. We get a "slip"
automaticity which, whenever a person starts to create, forces him over into destruction. There is
enough philosophy in this demonstrable fact to make it the subject of my next large book.
Cancelling any bad effect from this slip automaticity from Create to Destroy has been solved by
using the middle point of the Cycle of Action -- Survive. In Scientology the dynamic principle of
existence is "Create" as in Dianetics it was "Survive" (see FUNDAMENTALS OF THOUGHT).
A case run toward Create is best run on this and the inverted ARC triangle -- "What Would You Like
To Create". This becomes the key process of OT from any level. However, obsessive creation is in effect
the whole engram bank and the reactive mind and a lot of other things. Therefore it is best to beware of
beefing up the engrams for too long a period of time. The most tested way of easing a case off from the
deadly Step 6 phenomena is to change from "What Would You Like To Create" back to "What Would You Like
To Confront" at routine intervals. "What Would You Like To Confront" cancels out Step 6 phenomena by
easing down the Survive part of the Cycle of Action. Confront and Survive are of the same order of
thing. Survival could be represented best by "continuous confronting" at a process level. Too much "What
Would You Like To Create" gets us into too persistent and solid a bank on occasion. The bank is
surviving. Therefore the pc is made very uncomfortable and should then be run a bit on "What Would You
Like To Confront".
"What Would You Like To Confront" should be interspersed with "What Would You Like To Create" at a
ratio perhaps of a session of each or, in a severe case, an hour of one then an hour of the other.
"What Would You Like To Destroy" is under test and apparently should run. This would be a psycho
curer for sure. But "What Would You Like To Confront" would have to be interspersed with "What Would You
Like To Destroy" in order to keep the bank from overwhelming the pc.
Here then we have three processes:
"What Would You Like To Confront?"
"What Would You Like To Create?"
"What Would You Like To Destroy?"

I came down to Sthil last Spring to find the route to OT that almost anybody could follow. Well, I'm
betting even at this early look that we've got our teeth into it with Create series.
(HCOB 25.1.60)
This bulletin supersedes all previous bulletins.
Any case that cannot adequately define simple words like "change", "problem", "responsibility": run CCHs
1, 2, 3, 4, as per their earliest bulletins.



present life overts and withholds.
Clear the pc's field with responsibility
Run "What about a victim could you be responsible for?"
Explore the immediate past lifetime or lifetimes of the pc. Get the pc's
identity and form (sometimes they were animals), and if lifetime alters
position of tone arm, run "What about (name) would you be willing to be?"
"What about (name) would you rather not be?" Do this until incident is flat.
If heavy engrams in such a lifetime stick, run
"What about that incident could you be responsible for?"
Run down any famous or enduring identities of the pc on the whole track,
and handle as above.Ease off this with responsibility as a victim.

STEP SEVEN: Do a dynamic assessment on the pc and locate any terminal that drops,
and run on this "What could you withhold from a _______ ?" until pc can
If any severe incident turns up flatten with responsibility.
STEP EIGHT: Any chronic somatic or disability of the pc, if still not located,
should be tackled with "What about that (name it) could you be responsible
for?" and untangle the resulting pictures by placing them in time and running
responsibility on any that stick hard.

Flatten once more responsibility on a victim.


Rehabilitate the pc's ability to withhold by running cause-withhold

version of responsibility (see note below) on all dynamics with various


(HCOB 11.2.1960)


The cycle of action (create, survive, destroy) and the communication formula (cause, distance, effect)
with Axiom 10 (the highest purpose etc, creation of an effect) become identified in the mind with one
The preclear who is having a difficult time is on an inversion of the cycle of action (counter-create,
counter-survive, counter-destroy).
Any preclear is somewhere on this cycle. The preclear who only gets death pictures or bad pictures is
somewhere late on the cycle of action or late on an inversion cycle.
This preclear believes that every cause brings about a destruction.
Thus he falls out of communication, since any and all received communication will destroy him, he
All this is covered in the First Melbourne ACC Tapes and will probably not be covered to such a degree
again. The Melbourne ACC Tapes are consecutive with the Philadelphia lecture series (fall 1952), and are
a little out of the way of our present theory, but have a special place in know-how.
Out of this we now have an understanding of what a limited process is. Any process which makes the
preclear create is a limited process and should be avoided. Such processes as "Tell a Lie" are creative
The preclear has creation tangled up with cause and cause tangled up with the overt-motivator sequence.
The thing that straightens all this out is any version of responsibility run with the pc at cause.
Earlier the best we had to straighten this out was confront. Responsibility is confront and is very
senior to confront as a process.
When a pc over-creates he accumulates the unconfronted debris. All you have to do to restimulate debris
(stiffen up the bank) is to run the pc on some version of create process.
Havingness is a confront process and straightens out the create factor.
Havingness is the lowest version of responsibility; Confront is the next lowest -- Overt-Withhold is the
next; and at our present top for practical purposes is just plain responsibility. Actually all these are
responsibility processes.
Create is bad only when one does not take responsibility for the creation.
The key process of all processes at this writing is being responsible for having been irresponsible.
There is a great deal of anatomy to responsibility. A great many answers lie waiting on its track. When
one maligns another, he has not taken responsibility for the acts of that other person and so is
separate from that other person.
One of the highest points of knowingness which is not at this time known is whether we are all one or if
we are actually separate beings. Enough responsibility run achieves a subjective answer to this.
First Model Session: HCOB 25.2.1960
(HCOB 3.3.1960)

Auditor and ARC Breaks
Present Time Problem
Establish Rudiments every session. Establish them more often with touchy pcs.


Run Cause ARC Straight Wire to give pc a win on getting audited.


High Needle Case: Run with emphasis on START
Low Needle Case: Run with emphasis on STOP

cout for present life overts and withholds. If found run "What about
that incident could you be responsible for?"


clear the pc's field with responsibility


Run "What about a victim could you be responsible for?"

STEP SEVEN: Explore the immediate past lifetime or lifetimes of the pc. Get the pc's
identity and form (sometimes they were animals), and if lifetime alters
position of tone arm run "What about (name) would you be willing to be?" "What
about (name) would you rather not be?"


STEP EIGHT: Run down any famous or enduring identities of the pc on the whole track,
and handle as above.

Do a dynamic assessment on the pc and locate any terminal that drops,

and run on this "What responsibility could you take for a _______ ?"
Do a survey of case, finding anything that the pc has trouble
confronting and run responsibility on it.

Clues: Sick Person -- Insane Person -- Robot -- Prize Fighter -- Worker.

STEP ELEVEN:Find anything pc has created arduously for a long time and run
responsibility on it.
STEP TWELVE:Run Responsibility on Matter, Energy, Space, Time, Motion and Thought.
Confront can be run first on these as a kinder step.
NOTE: Confront can be run as a prelude to any and all responsibility, with the following command "What
about (.....) could you confront?" Do not use the dichotomy version (rather not). Confront is sometimes
easier, sometimes harder than responsibility.
(HCOB 30.6.60)
As you know, the basis of a reactive mind is creativeness done below the level of consciousness.
The source of all engrams is the pc who creates a picture of the incident below his level of
knowingness and recreates it into a "key-in". He uses the engram to warn and restrain himself, but this
as a solution to trouble is a faulty one. It might have cured trouble once but like all cures became
itself a new trouble. 13
In 1957-58 we attempted to handle this before we had HELP flat-flat-flat. Step 6, used then, made
the whole bank toughen up, if HELP was unflat.
If a person is in any valence, he is victimized by his own creation. To produce or create anything
is to invite a toughening of the reactive mind.
If HELP is flat on numerous terminals and if the E-Meter no longer reacts to help questions of any
kind, the person is Mest clear. Only now is it really safe for any auditor to handle the subject of
create. 14
HCOB 18.8.60
The basic process was looked for first in 1951. There was a lecture on it called "Motion and Emotion"
and a talk about the "governor" of a pc's speed of advance. Since then I have had to search very hard
and it has taken eight years to match up processes to hit at this.
I have now done this.
The rundown is as follows, every session:
Model Session
Alternate Confront
The thing on which Help is run is MOTION. The commands are these:
"What motion have you helped?"
"What motion have you not helped?"
Do not run "What motion could you help" or any invent process. Help, being a responsibility process,
gives us the only practical way to get the pc to face a non-terminal like Motion.
This is Mest Clear Route, Theta Clear Route, OT Route.
If the pc runs to flat meter, assess for a terminal, run that terminal flat, then run more Motion as
above exactly. The assessment is the most difficult part. If the assessment is right one gets a fast
run, if wrong, it takes ages.
But start now on Motion.
HCOB 26.8.60
It should be noted that the patter wording of a Model Session is what is set and fixed. By always using
the same words to open, continue and close a session, to begin and end processes, a duplication of
sessions is achieved
which as they continue, runs them out. The patter wording of a Model Session should be learned by heart
and not changed. The commands of regimens of processes used in Model Sessions may change. But not the
patter. It is this patter which makes a Model Session a Model Session, not the commands run in it.


No assessment is used in Regimen Two. The E-Meter is employed to determine the advance and stage of
case. Advance is determined by change of tone arm position and loosening or tightening of needle, per
unit time of processing, the sensitivity knob always being set the same, session after session. The
stage of case is judged by the rapidity of the repetitive loosening and tightening of needle action and
the width and rapidity of change of the tone arm.
When a case has at last a steady tone arm near clear reading for the sex of the pc and when the needle
is loose and does not respond to elementary presession questions, the person is Mest Clear. (See chapter
on this in Book I and read it carefully.)
Step (a)

"What motion have you helped?"

"What motion have you not helped?"

Step (b)

"What can you confront?"

"What would you rather not confront?"

Step (c)

"Look around here and find something you could have."

Step (a) is run for the bulk of the session and Steps (b) and (c) are given equal times at session end.
Step (c) may be run at any time if pc's havingness drops. Step (c) must however always be run until the
pc can have each one the bulk of the objects in the room.
Cases which do not respond to Regimen Two should be presessioned until the tone arm becomes active, no
matter how many sessions this requires.
(HCOB 12.11.60)
It is urgent that the following clearing routine be adhered to if clears
are to be made. These are musts. Some are new, some are old. Some of the old
ones are being ignored grandly.

Get the pc in session.


Use Model Session script exactly and continuously. (Delete command

clearing except once on low graph cases.) Learn the script exactly.


Clear PTPs with O/W on connected terminals. Never neglect a PTP.


Clear ARC Breaks whenever they occur with O/W on the session's auditor


Get case started with Presession One or a Formula.


Early in auditing don't scout for more than 15 minutes without running
Who/What Failed Help or some version of it.


Early in auditing don't run any O/W for more than 15 minutes without
running 10 minutes of Failed Help or a new help version.


When case knows improvement has occurred on a Formula and E-Meter is

changing -- (not clear reading), check for Havingness process.


Don't scout for more than 15 minutes for the Havingness without running
more Failed Help for 10 minutes.


When Havingness is found, use it and Failed Help while looking for the
Confront process.


When both Havingness and Confront processes are found, run them one after
the other until case seems stable. (Two hours to two sessions.)


Regardless of the clear read on the TA run Havingness and Confront while
scouting for the help terminal.


Regardless of later data than July, 1960, find the help terminal by doing
a dynamic assessment, find the dynamic that changes needle pattern, then
ask pc what represents that dynamic. Search around for terminals
associated with what pc said on same dynamic you found until you get one
that drops most. This must take in lots of whole track, be without
adjectives and understood by pc.


Start Regimen 8. Using Havingness, Confront and Help on the terminal



Put the most time in sessions in on Alternate Concept Help or Help O/W on
this terminal found. Get in some of the Confront and run a bit of


Havingness often.

Run the help terminal for at least 75 hours regardless of needle action
freeing, tone arm movement or lack of it. DO NOT CHANGE THIS TERMINAL
for 75 hours of sessions. Graphs demonstrate poor gains when terminals are
changed because they are "flat". Graphs demonstrate high stable gains if
the terminal for help is run at least 75 hours. It's an auditing error to
change a help terminal once begun. It's help that clears, not the


You can change the Havingness process, change the Confront process in
Regimen 8 but never the help terminal.


Havingness is only required to loosen the needle. It need not shift the
TA. It is run only until it loosens the needle. This may be 5 to 12
commands. A good test for loose needle is to have the pc squeeze the cans
before the 1st command of Havingness, squeeze the cans after 5 commands.
If the drop is greater on the second squeeze, the Havingness is working.
If Havingness tightens the needle after an overrun like 10 minutes pc has
picked up an ARC Break.


Don't overrun Havingness. It is only to stabilize the gains and the pc.


The Confront process must move the TA. If it consistently doesn't, find a
new Confront process.


The Havingness and Confront process may be changed in Regimen 8, the help
terminal never.


The way help is being run may be changed in Regimen 8 from, say, Alternate
Concept Help to Help O/W or Two Way Help on the terminal, but the terminal
may not be changed.


End a long period of auditing such as several intensives with O/W on the
auditor, the room, Scientology, etc.


New Formulas of getting cases started do not alter the above stable data.


From Mest Clear to Theta Clear requires an address to the 6th Dynamic
with help processes.
One assesses for the greatest fall on Matter, energy, space, time, form
or location and runs help on it in the same pattern as Regimen 8.


OT requires all parts of the 6th and 7th to be cleared on help and
responsibility using a Regimen 8 pattern.

The above are musts if you want to make clears.

The "ultimate" processes -- when they can be run on the pc
the pc is first brought up into the vicinity of Mest Clear
Formula 15, 14, 13 or 16 as needed, Regimen 3 derived from
also for some -- with the Regimen being run with Help on a
changing terminals).

-- now exist. And they can be run providing

by the current rundown (Presession 37,
Presessions 2 to 36 -- SCS and Connectedness
terminal for at least 75 hours without

If all this is gotten out of the way, the pc should be in very good shape indeed. Then, after perhaps
another process or two, these ultimates could be attempted.
It is very important to remember these as they wipe out any liability of having been active in mental
"healing" on the whole track, or, more importantly, having abused the field of the arts.
Remember, however, that, just as it says in Creation of Human Ability, there is a lot of agony attached
to running "a thetan" or some allied word. Unless havingness is away up and stable, as is achieved in
Regimen 3, it can't be done.
With these warnings, here are the basic versions of the processes:




"Get the idea of doing something to a thetan."

"Get the idea of not doing something to a thetan."
"Get the idea of doing something to a thetan's pictures."
"Get the idea of not doing something to a thetan's pictures."
5 way help on a thetan


5 way help on a thetan's pictures


"Get the idea of allying oneself."
"Get the idea of not allying oneself."


"Get the idea of creating."
"Get the idea of not creating."

These processes should probably be run with a Regimen 3 form, certainly with model session.
Each should be flattened in turn several times around.
This is our nearest data approach to OT at this time. Only Ultimate 5 could be run without having
brought the pc to Mest Clear first.
The word "picture" is used instead of "creation" because of Step 6 phenomena and for other reasons.
Responsibility could be run afterwards on all items mentioned in these "Ultimates".
(HCOB 18.2.61)
Marvellous New Breakthrough
BE -- DO -- HAVE Coordinated
S.O.P. Goals Intensives
Use Model Session throughout. Heavily stress Rudiments. Use "What part of that problem could you be
responsible for" for PTPs. Use TR 5N for ARC breaks ("What have I done to you", "What have you done to
1. Go over Rudiments carefully.
2. Do a Goals Assessment.
Find out every goal the pc can recall ever having.
Make a list. Get in particular any secret goals, or withheld goals.
Go over list with a meter. Take goal that falls the most.
3. Convert goal to a terminal.
Get wording of terminal simple but make sure the version you select
falls as much as possible on meter. HCO Bulletin of February 2nd,
1961 (some issues were dated March 9, 1961, from HCO Saint Hill),
gives sample general commands to which terminal can be added.
4. Assess this terminal on the Pre-Havingness Scale from bottom to top.
Take level that falls the most.
5. Develop an auditing command, preferably two-way, that uses terminal
and pre-havingness level.
The right commands fall as much as goal or terminal did.
6. Run the command until tone arm becomes less active.
7. Go one down on the Pre-Havingness Scale.
Develop a command for next level that falls.
8. Run the command until the tone arm becomes less active.
9. Return to first commands and run them (the first level found).
Alternate the higher and one-down level commands, ten minutes of one
level, ten minutes or so of the other level.


When the tone arm loses its action on these two commands and tends to
stick, no matter whether high or low arm (one half hour is a good
until a level falls hard.
Proceed as in Steps 5 to 11.
When the first terminal selected, run at several levels of the scale
and the one just below, seems flat, return to Goals Assessment,


Proceed from Steps 5 to 12.


When tone arm stabilizing around clear read (two or three terminals
run), LOCATE HAVINGNESS PROCESS from the 36 Presessions.


Add the havingness process into the processes run, using it at

appropriate places (certainly at session end) while continuing Goals


When havingness process has been used for a couple of sessions to

help Goals S.O.P., find the CONFRONT PROCESS.


Add the Confront Process into the Model Session.

If you run out of goals, get a NEW LIST OF GOALS from the pc and
proceed as above.

As this is the fastest road to Clear, I want all staff members to be processed on nothing else, from
scratch, former auditing not to be taken into account. We want clear staffs. They deserve it.
(HCOB 7.4.61 II)

Go over rudiments carefully.


Do a Goals Assessment.
Find out every goal the pc can recall ever having.
Make a list. Get in particular any secret goals, withheld goals,
childhood goals, anti-social goals.
Go over list with a meter, as per HCO Bulletin of April 6, 1961 and later.


Convert goal to a terminal. Use HCO Bulletin of April 6, 1961 and later.


Assess this terminal on the Pre-Havingness Scale from bottom toward top.
Take level that falls the most.


Develop an auditing command, preferably five-way bracket, that uses

terminal and pre-havingness level. See HCO Bulletin of April 6, 1961 and
later HCO Bulletins.


Run the command until tone arm becomes inactive for at least twenty








When the tone arm loses its action on these commands and tends to stick,
no matter whether high or low arm (20 minutes is a good test), RE-ASS
TERMINAL ON PRE-HAVINGNESS SCALE from bottom up until a new level


Proceed as in Steps 5 to 11.


When the first terminal selected and the goal produce no needle action
and seem flat, retum to Goals Assessment, add any new goals pc has now,
RE-ASSESS GOALS. Proceed from Steps 5 to 12.


When tone arm stabilizing around clear read, LOCATE HAVINGNESS PROCESS
from the 36 Presessions. (May be done earlier.)


Add the Havingness process into the processes run, using it at

appropriate places (certainly at session end) while continuing Goals


When Havingness process has been used for a couple of sessions to help
Goals S.O.P. find the CONFRONT PROCESS.


Add the Confront process into the Model Session.


If you run out of goals, get a NEW LIST OF GOALS from the pc and proceed
as above.
(HCO Information Letter 14.11.61)


This is the first routine to make Dynamic Clears. Earlier Clears were cleared on only one or two
dynamics. Such selectivity also resulted in clearing procedures not working all the way to clear on a
large number of cases.
1. GOALS ASSESSMENT. (Make sure that any goal found and used is
something the pc has really wanted to do, not a difficulty or
something that came in a dream.)

Write or have pc write a complete list of goals.


Add to the list by meter any secret or additional goals the pc may
Add to list any time pc adds another goal during assessment.


Get rudiments in well before and during assessment.


Assess goals list by elimination.

PC'S GOAL _____________________________________________________________________

Checked out by ___________________________________________

Ask pc "Who or what would oppose that goal?" and carefully list
every reply.


Add to list by meter any additional opposition terminals.


Get rudiments in well before and during assessment.


Assess opposition list by assessment by elimination.

OPPOSITION TERMINAL ___________________________________________________________

Checked out by __________________________________________

Ask pc "What would be a _______(Opposition Terminal above)____'s

goals that would be in opposition to (pc's goal) ___________ ?" You
want to know what ideas the opposition would have that would
directly counter the pc's goal. This must be in the form of a sort
of goal. It is not the basic goal of the opposition terminal, but
the goal that opposes the pc's goal.


Add to list by meter.


Get rudiments in well before and during assessment.


Assess Opposition Goals List by elimination.

Checked out by _________________________________________

MODIFIER. (In this you want to know what phrases are missing at the
beginning or ending of the pc's goal. These will be found to be
bouncers, denyers, down bouncers, call backs, etc, in old Dianetic
terminology. Pc can skid all over track while giving these.)

Ask pc "If your goal consistently failed what ideas would you
add to it?" Make full list.


Add to list by meter.


Get rudiments in well before and during assessment.


Assess by elimination. NOTE: Several of these phrases may

modify the pc's goal. This is the only part of a goal's
assessment that does not reduce to just one. These remaining
phrases will have to be added up and stacked in various ways to
make sense with the pc's goal and to give a smooth meter check

PC'S GOAL MODIFIER ____________________________________________________________

Checked out by ________________________________________



PC'S GOAL TERMINAL + MODIFIER _________________________________________________


Ask pc "Who or what would __________(pc's g + m)__________?"

and list every goals terminal the pc gives you.


Complete g.t. list using meter.


Get rudiments in well before and during assessment.


Assess list by elimination.

PC'S GOAL TERMINAL (Term for g + m) ___________________________________________





Using goals terminal, reversing the flow every question by

asking "Would (goals terminal) ______________ you?" for one
level and "Would you ______________ (goals terminal)?" for the
next, assess by elimination (without repeater technique and
repeating only levels which fell on subsequent coverage of
scale) and obtain the one level that still reacts.

SEVENTH LEVEL ________________________

LEVEL ________________________
LEVEL ________________________
LEVEL ________________________
ELEVENTH LEVEL ________________________
TWELFTH LEVEL ________________________




Using goals terminal and opposition terminal compose command:



Clear commands with pc to make sure they make sense to him. (It
is not whether he finds them easy but whether they can be
answered by him despite duress caused.)

CLEARED COMMANDS _____________________________________________________________




Run command against TONE ARM, using only a TEN MINUTE test on
an eighth of a TA Division.


When commands flat as in c, reassess on Pre-Hav as in 6 above.

Compose new commands as in 7 on a separate sheet.


When the goals terminal is flat from having been run on levels
of the Pre-Hav Scale and out the bottom, recheck all sections
above from 1 to 5 inclusive for any reads on the needle.


If a new goals terminal can be found on the goals list or newly

added to the goals terminal list, use it in Section 6, noting it
at the end of Section 5 above that you have done so.


When no goals terminal can be found that reacts, form up pc's

goal and opposition terminal and run one against the other. When
flat, make new form.
(HCOB 10.5.62)


(A Clearing Procedure
Intended to Handle the GPM
Accurately without Liability)
This has four steps only:

Find a goal (done as in Routine 3 and Routine 3G).

List four lists simultaneously to no TA action on any list.
Nul each list once in rotation, then twice in rotation, then three
times, etc, to try to locate items.
4. Find a new goal and repeat 2 and 3.
(HCOPL 12.9.62 III)
Only the following processes are authorized for use on Staff Members and on HGC Preclears:
Problems Intensives (Modern Version).
Ordinary 3GA.
3GA by Dynamic Assessment.
No other processes are to be used on Staff or HGC Preclears.
(HCOPL 27.9.62)
(Changes all earlier Issues)
The following processes should be used by all Scientologists and other
earlier processes should be discarded except for research.
Class I:
Class I:
Class I:
Class II:
Class ll:
Class II:
Class III:
Class IV:
Class II:
Classes II, III

CCHs, Op Pro by Dup and SCS.
ARC Straight Wire.
Problems Intensives (Modern).
Prepchecking Auditing, goals, etc.
Goals Listing.
3GA Ordinary.
3GA by Dynamic Assessment.
Items Listing.
and IV: Tiger and Big Tiger Drills on goals, items, lines, single words, names,

All except Assists, CCHs, Op Pro by Dup and SCS are done in Model Session.
If a process is not mentioned above, do not use it.
NOTE: Any of the above Processes, except 3GA ordinary goals finding and
3GA Dynamic Assessment may be done in Co-audits under direct supervision of
classed auditors.
For the greatest gain achievable by an auditor in his class, use the
above. An auditor attempting processes above his class will have failures and
spoiled cases.
Use of processes above Classification can result in cancellation of certificates.
We can clear Earth. Why spoil cases in the process?
HCOB 18.3.63
You don't need to do a Clear Test. It might mess up the bank.
A natural free needle without prepcheck begins to appear around the fifth GPM.
Check out a first goal clear by his or her Line Plot. If it compares in all respects to that of HCO
Bulletin March 13, and the goal is clean saying it to the pc, call it a first goal clear.
A bracelet clear would be, actually, a theta clear, and would emerge after the 5th to 8th GPM had been
cleaned up.
By present calculation a free needle, totally stable theta clear emerges after the 8th GPM has been run.
No calculation on Operating Thetan exists at this moment, but at a guess, it's well beyond the 8th GPM.
HCOB 9.7.1963


Here is where we stand and where we're going.

An auditor, to make a Clear or OT, has to be able to handle confidently certain skills.
Today we assume that every successful process we ever had is and was a valid process. We are at a point
of summation and valuation as we are achieving excellent and steady progress even on the most unlikely
cases. I consider that the period of basic mental research has ended and the period of adjustment of
skills, on which I will for some time be engaged, has been entered upon.
I list here the auditor skills which are requisite to handle any case.
Case Levels 8, 7 and 6
Objective Processes
Reach and Withdraw Commands
Havingness Processes
Case Levels 7, 6 and 5
Model Session
Repetitive Command Processes
Meter Reading
Simple Assessment of a form
Case Levels 6, 5, 4 and 3
Assessment of Levels
Listing and nulling Lists
These constitute, to use another table, the following exact skills:
Handling the pc's body (as in Reach and Withdraw or 8c).
Ability to execute the auditing cycle.
Ability to give repetitive commands.
Ability to handle a meter.
Ability to run a Model Session and keep the pc in session.
Ability to read a Tone Arm.
Ability to accurately meter date.
Ability to run R2H.
Ability to locate and handle ARC Breaks.
Ability to assess a simple form.
Ability to find a level.
Ability to list, complete and nul a list.
Ability to run R3R.
Ability to do 3N.
Ability to do a form Line Plot for a GPM.
Ability to do a Line Plot for an off-beat GPM.
Ability to list for and find a goal.
Ability to list for and find a top oppterm.
Knowledge of the Time Track.
Knowledge of the Thetan.
Knowledge of the basics of Life.
A General Knowledge of Scientology.
(Note: The abilities of R3R, R3N and R2H are also listed separately in the above.)
These, briefly, are the skills required to make an OT. They are well taught at Saint Hill. They are
practiced in Central Orgs as fast as released. HCO Bulletins exist on nearly all this material, except


some fine points of R3R which are known but not yet written up, and some of the R3N Line Plots not yet
If you examine the above you will find that where the auditor cannot do the required skill the faults
are only one or more of the following:
Cannot execute the auditing cycle.
Cannot execute an auditing cycle repetitively.
Cannot handle a session.
Cannot read a meter.
Cannot study and apply Scientology data.
Given the ability to execute the auditing cycle once or repetitively, handle a session, read a meter and
study and apply procedures, all the above listed auditing skills are easily acquired and successfully
Therefore in looking for the reasons for no results, one finds the failure to apply the required
procedure and in tracing that, one inevitably finds one or more of these five basics amiss in the
It is no longer a question of whether Scientology works, it is only a question of whether the auditor
can work Scientology. If he or she can't, then the trouble lies in one or more of these basics.
The trouble does not lie with the procedure or with the pc. Of course some procedures above are harder
to do than others and some pcs can worry an auditor far more than others, but these are incidental and
are very junior to the five basics above.
The lower the case level of the auditor, the harder time he or she will have grasping the know-how and
using it. For instance a squirrel is only a dramatizing Case Level 6 or 7. A student having a rough time
is a Case Level 6 or 5. Somebody almost heartbreaking to teach is a Case Level 7 or 8. BUT, with alert
guidance and even making mistakes, I have seen Case Levels from 3 to 8 alike getting wins and finally
smoothing out on the five basics above. I've seen it myself in the past two years of training at Saint
Hill. So I've discarded Case Level as an index of auditing ability, it is only an index of how-hard-totrain.
The question of psychotic or neurotic does not enter. These are artificial states and have no real
bearing, surprisingly enough, on Case Level. My belief in an auditor's ability to audit has far more
bearing on his auditing than his or her aberrations.
The only factor left is auditor judgment. This varies about and improves with wins. But processes are so
arranged that it is a question only of what is the highest process that gives TA action, rather than
pre-session case estimation. Trial and error is the best test. I would use it myself, for I have often
found the most unlikely preclear (at first glance) capable of running high level processes and some very
"capable" people (at casual inspection) unable to see a wall. So I always run the highest level that I
hope pc can run, and revise on experience with the pc if necessary.
We can clear to keyed-out clear or clear stably. I have considered it necessary to stress thorough
clearing. We are on a longer road but a more certain and stable road when we erase the Time Track or
sections of it. Clear is now Case Level 2.
The main goal, however, is OT, due to the general situation. When we were attacked I decided on a policy

Hold the line on the Legal Front and


Accelerate research to OT as our best means of handling the situation.

Both these policies are being successful in the extreme and I hope you agree with them.
By courtesy, one GPM run gives a first goal clear. No further test is done.
One chain of engrams completed is an R3R one-chain clear. This is easier than you might think.
Theta clear at this time is a Case Level 2 that is exterior.
OT is a Case Level 1 complete with skills rehabilitated.
The route to these states is very well established and is contained in the first list above.
(HCOB 1.9.63)


The order brought into our work by making FIVE LEVELS OF SCIENTOLOGY is paying off rapidly. Level One is
in development. Level Two is well away. Level Four is complete. And suddenly Level Three leaped to a
final phase.
CLEAR TEST -- Clear sits at Clear read on the TA with a free needle. No natter. No upsets. No whole
track keyed in. No SERVICE FACSIMILE.
CLEAR STABILITY -- We are not concerned with stability. But we can now key out so thoroughly that we
need not stress "keyed out clear". I have found the means, I am sure, to make this state far more stable
and recreate it easily if it slips.
The barrier to clearing and the reason for fast relapse when clear was attained has been the SERVICE
SERVICE FACSIMILE defined: Advanced Procedure and Axioms definition accurate. Added to this is: THE
Note that it is generated by the pc, not the bank. Thus the pc restimulates the bank with the
computation; the bank, unlike going to OT, does not retard the pc in this instance.



That should be the end of a Service Facsimile. But a pc may have several, so do it all again through all
steps as often as is needed.
To complete clearing then, it is only necessary to give a permissive In This Lifetime 18 button
Prepcheck making the pc look hard for answers, short of ARC Breaking pc.
And you should have a beautiful free needle and TA at the clear read and the pc shining.
The keynote of clearing a Service Facsimile is INTEREST. If pc isn't interested in it, the assessment is
The keynote of auditing tone is permissive, happy, easy, not militant.
Let pc run on and on.
(NOTE: All OT processes will shortly be released with R4 designations but with little other change.)
(HCOPL 26.11.63)
The general Classification Chart Issue One is as follows:

Process Types


Listen Style


Listen Style,
Principles of ARC, Dynamics

HAS Classed


Repetitive Processes,
CCHs, Straight Wire,
Tone 40 and Formal Auditing
Axioms O/W



Prepchecking, Metered Processes,

Old "R2" and "R2H"



Service Facsimiles,
ARC Break Assessments,
Missed W/Hs



Implants, Engrams, Whole Track,

Whole Track Case Analysis



OT Processes
Own GPMs
Old R3 and R4 Processes



Old Route One and Other



HCOB 5.5.1964 (in OEC-Vol 4)
The General Classification-Gradation Chart Issue One is as follows:
Class (Or Level)

Process Types


Dangerous environment, ARC, education in basics

of life. Case Improvement by education in
Scientology and orientation in environment.


R1C for PTPs, R1CM (fishing with

R2C (discussion by lists), Listen
Case Improvement by communication
interested subjects and problems,


TA), Assists,
Style and Itsa.
on closely
using TA


Repetitive processes, Model Session, Op-Pro-By-Dup,

8-C, CCHs, Havingness, General 0/W, ARC '63, Auditing
Cycle, Case Improvement by disciplined comm cycle,
awareness of - mind and environment, using TA of
meter and cumulative TA divisions.


Auditing by List, Sec Checking by List, Prepchecking, Problems Intensive, Mid Ruds, and Model Session.
(Auditing by List is SOM-3L.) Case Improvement by
removing psychosomatics, cleaning needle of all
reads on given questions, any assessments done by
upper level auditor.


R4SC, ARC Break Assessments, R4H (R2H), and Case

Analysis. Case Improvement by Service Facsimile,
life ARC Breaks and Case Analysis, using the
listing and assessment potentials of the meter,
which is not done in lower levels.(Clearing this





Locating the truncation, checking goals, running

the Line-Plot and Track Analysis. Case Improvement
by running pc's own goals all the way to operating
Old Route One and Other Drills.


(HCOB 17.10.64 III)
The wrap-up of Level VI this last year brought about a full explanation of why clearing works at lower
levels. And it also brought about why some could not be run at once on R6.
The reasons are quite simple.
The basis of the reactive mind is the actual Goals Problem Masses (GPMs).
Life has pulled these out of position and thrust the pc into the mess.
When you find what lock words have been tied into the GPMs in this or even an earlier lifetime and key
them out (destimulate them) (untie them from the main mass) the GPMs sink back into proper alignment and
cease being effective.
This makes a Key-Out Clear.
This condition is valuable because the GPMs are now confrontable one by one (not dozens by dozens) and
Routine 6 can be run easily on the preclear.
Once Routine 6 auditing has begun one can only handle the derangements of masses by List 6 By-Passed
Charge Auditing by Lists or, in an ARC Break, by using List 6 as an ARC Break Assessment.


(If you seek to return to Clay Table Clearing after beginning R6, you get only locks on the Item the pc
has been left in and cause only upset. So you never return a pc to Clay Table Clearing once he has begun
R6. Moral, don't begin R6 too soon. Clear first.)
That the state of Clear is transient and impermanent does not make it less worth while. In itself it is
of enormous mental value and the full results never fade -- only some of the bloom. That's because the
main bank is brought back into restimulation by Life or the pc's overts, etc.
It is easiest to run R6 on pcs who have at some time or another been cleared. It is also possible to run
R6 immediately on some rare pcs because they are just about clear anyway 15. It is risky to attempt R6 on
the average pc who has not been cleared. Some pcs can't be audited at all on R6 until they are cleared
That is because they have too many lock words (words not in the GPMs but close in meaning) keeping the
large chunks of the reactive mind in present time. When these lock words are handled by being found and
understood the reactive mind drops out of restimulation and one can then run it out in an orderly
fashion, Item by Item and GPM by GPM.
Those are the mechanics of the reactive bank itself, the real use and value of clearing in auditing, and
the conditions necessary for the successful handling of Routine 6.
(HCOB 6.11.64)
The ability to listen, learned well, stays with the auditor up through the grades. One doesn't cease to
use it even at Level VI. But one has to learn it somewhere and that's at Level Zero. So Listen Style
Auditing is just listening. It thereafter adds into the other styles.
This could also be called rote style auditing.
An old-time auditor would have recognized this style under two separate names: (a) Two-Way Comm and (b)
Formal Auditing.



These are the important Styles of Auditing. There have been others but they are only variations of those
given in this HCO Bulletin. Tone 40 Style is the most notable one missing. It remains as a practice
style at Level One to teach fearless body handling and to teach one to get his command obeyed. It is no
longer used in practice.
As it was necessary to have every result and every process for each Level to finalize Styles of
Auditing, I left this until last and here it is.
Please note that none of these Styles violate the auditing comm cycle or the TRs.
(HCOPL 2.4.65)
For a clear checkout, there must be no reaction on the needle. The needle must be completely free with
the Tone Arm at clear read for the sex of the person being tested. The needle can be made to impulse
with the body totally motionless, hands steady, and no tricks. Further the needle can also be shoved
from one side of the dial to the other by the clear by looking at it.
Records must be presented showing that all R-6 materials have been run and no other characteristics or
phenomena are required or demanded of the GRADE VI CLEAR (this state is referred to in earlier
literature as Theta Clear and has been loosely referred to more recently as OT, but the state of OT is
not actually attained without the drills and practices which were more-or-less covered in 1953 as Route
One. The state of Clear (Book One and all other definitions) is totally attained at GRADE VI).
(HCOB 2.4.65)
I have just made a breakthrough in finding what a clear really is.
And we can certainly make it now.
The ROAD TO CLEAR is very definite and the state is very attainable today.
A clear has no vicious Reactive Mind and operates at total mental capacity just like the first book
("Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health") said. In fact every early definition of CLEAR is
found to be correct.


People have been unable to define release to their own satisfaction. I find now a RELEASE is a
person who has been able to back out of his "bank". The bank is still there but the person isn't sunk
into it with all ist somatics and depressions. The E-Meter reads at the Clear read! The needle of the
meter is floppy. This is a simulated clear. We called it a "keyed out clear" quite properly. But it
isn't a clear I know now, it's a RELEASE. The person has been released from his reactive mind. He still
has that reactive mind but he's not in it. He is just released from it. He may go into it again but it
feels good to be out of it. His IQ and ability rise and he is far more effective in changing his
environment into a better one. The state is beyond homo sapiens by considerable.
This happens today before or at LEVEL V in most cases if the preclear has followed the grades and
levels properly.
Just one level up from there, a rather long level and a rough one, is the state of CLEAR.
This is LEVEL VI. This level consists of several processes. The preclear (still a preclear) has to
be able to audit to make it. It can't be done for him, that was the hitch. All the lower levels can be
done for him but not Level VI. That's a technical fact. The preclear has to be able to handle
Scientology technology to handle his own bank.
Level VI requires several months to audit through even with expert training.
But at its end, MAGIC. There's the state of clear we've sought for all these years. It fits all
definitions ever given for clear.
The state at the end of Level VI is not Operating Thetan any more than a baby is a Man.
Operating Thetan is several levels above clear. The bridge from clear to OT already exists and is
found in Route 1, in the book "The Creation of Human Ability".
The reactive mind (and a rotten mess it is, too!) prevented pcs from doing Route 1 drills. It stood
like a huge black spider between the person and his realizing his full potential. Trying to do Route 1
as given years ago with a Reactive Mind still in place was, to be blunt, not possible for a human.
Some people also get frightened of ridding themselves of a Reactive Mind. Having looked it all over
now I can state that it is as much use as a sewer in the living room. It says the bad is good and the
good is bad! It's a slave maker and "stupidifier" and a body killer. Any time you think it has value,
imagine trying to swim in the city dump or trying to fly with an anvil in each pocket, all the while
saying, "This is exactly the right thing to do."
What's happened that caused the blunder is that a "keyed out clear" looked like a clear but was
only a release. And one had to have a very precise map and the skill to walk through the still present
dark barriers that existed unsuspected between "keyed out clear" and the real state of clear.
SO CLEAR CAN BE ATTAINED. And further it is being attained right this minute by dozens of Class VI
preclears. It will take them months to get there but they are soaring and will tell you so. One session
on it sends them the equivalent distance that ten intensives did in their early auditing. Why? Because
they did the earlier auditing.
The road was just a longer road. Man looks for the quick way, the one-shot way, the needle and the
rocket to sudden glory. CLEAR takes now an exact progress over exact levels. And the way is not long
really. But it could be a few years for some.
But what's a few years if one is bargaining for Eternity?
The point here is that I've finally been able to tell you what it is and where it is and exactly
how to get there. Sorry I couldn't sooner. It took some time to find the way for you and communicate how
to do it.
I always tell you as soon as I know. I tell you when I've goofed and where. Well here it is. That's
what a CLEAR is.
And it's a road you can travel.
A RELEASE is at the top of Level V.
A CLEAR is at the top of Level VI.
A THETA CLEAR is at Level IX.
Above Level VI there are no "mental auditing processes" as we know them.
There are only various drill and familiarization processes like those in the "Creation of Human
Ability" processes and the regaining of abilities one supposed one couldn't ever attain.
That's the road and road map.
The only real error I made was in believing the road was a bit shorter than it was.


The plan of going on to clear is to get processed up to Grade IV or V. Then, being a RELEASE and
quite beyond the top range of most IQ tests, get trained rapidly up through from Level 0 to Level VI.
And then audit up to Grade VI which is CLEAR.
("Grade" and "Level" are the same but when one is a pc one has a grade and when one has a Level one
is studying its data.)
There are about 3 or 4 intensives to a Grade (pc) up to Grade V. That's perhaps 15 to 20 25-hour
intensives. (15 to 20 weeks.) Then training as a student of the same material one was audited on from
Level I to Level V. That's six separate months worth of training. Then to Level VI (that's only as a
student at Saint Hill) which takes about 2-3 months usually. Then a year or less depending on how hard
you work and at no further cost, to CLEAR.
The total of this is about two years and two months of continuous processing and training time.
The total elapsed time might be longer even up to 5 or 10 years depending on one's own economics
and all that.
The fact is that economics aren't a real factor, contrary to what one might be thinking. For today
the increase in ability at one grade of processing is capable of delivering an economic boost adequate
to earn or obtain much more extra wherewithal than the auditing or training cost. Economic increase
because of auditing and training is a sure thing today.
A faster route (but not quite as secure as you might think as one isn't already a Release while
studying) is to train from Level 0 on up only. I myself wouldn't like to do that as it would be rougher
and could be even slower than the Grade I to V pc then Level I to VI auditor route. But it could be
We've had 15 years of experience now. We had to feel our way, as Man has never had a road to clear.
It's been through totally new territory never before viewed by Man. Even the wise Tibetan only achieved
Release and only after he invested 20 years of hard work at it at that.
From Release as a case on up to Level VI as an auditor is pretty easy. In fact the Grade-Level
roadway is like walking in a pleasant countryside now. Oh, one has a few stumbles even on a gravel path
but that's part of it. The pioneer times are all over and the pioneer always has it rough.
The 49ers left a freeway to follow! So have we. It just took a while to build.
So that's clear!
(HCOPL 5.5.65)
You will find a chart enclosed in The Auditor Issue 8. It covers many things.
There are about 52 levels of awareness from Unexistence up to the state of CLEAR.
By "Level of Awareness" is meant that of which a being is aware.
A being who is at a level on this scale is aware only of that level and the others below it.
To get a case gain such a person must become aware of the level next above him. And so on up in
orderly sequence, level by level.
If you skip a person on one level several levels up, he or she will experience only an unreality and
will not react. This is expressed as "no-case- gain". On the E-Meter it registers as "No Tone Arm
Action" meaning there is no meter registry of change on the meter control lever (tone arm).
A person audited a bit below or at his level of awareness gets "Tone Arm Action", Case Gain and has
cognitions (new concepts of life).
A principal contribution of Scientology is the technology necessary to change people so that they
progress into higher states of ability when processed on the exact processes required by an auditor
qualified by training to apply the processes expertly.
It is not only general ability that increases, but IQ, renewed livingness and the skill and ability
to better self and conditions.
The state of homo sapiens runs from around -- 4 down to the bottom. Normal is probably much lower.
As you study the chart you will see it is a road map upward.
On the left we see the Class of the Auditor necessary to take the person up as well as the Grade the
preclear reaches.
In the next column we see his certificate name, obtained through his training at an Academy and,
later, Saint Hill.
Then we see a very general description of the processes used on that grade.
The next column shows what pcs a classified auditor can audit. He can audit anyone at his Class
numeral or below. He cannot audit pcs higher because of course he has not been trained to do so and is
likely to have upset pcs.


The final column shows where the certificate and class is obtained.
This is the famous bridge mentioned at the end of Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health.
It is
becomes a

now complete and is functioning. The being enters it from somewhere in the minus regions as a
Scientologist and moves on up. At about Grade II he has definitely reached Homo Novis. He
RELEASE somewhere between II and V. And he becomes CLEAR at the top of VI. The state of
Thetan is attained above VI and is a Grade VII.

For Man to have this at all is quite remarkable. He never had it before since we find him improving
but still, on the average, well below -4.
By following this chart one can make RELEASE and then CLEAR.
Up to Grade V one of course has help. But above that technical limitations bar completely the idea
of CO-auditing. Some auditors will attempt it, themselves very far from there case-wise, and some have
tried to show untrained pcs how to "solo audit" with a meter. The common result is that the pcs
eventually collapse in a total overwhelm as they are not trained to handle such forces and so it is a
cruel thing to do.
The preclear moves safely on the proper bridge and somewhere along the line must be trained in the
classifications that match his Grade. Then (and only then) can he make it all the way.
One can be audited quite a ways. Then he had better get trained from zero on up.
You see here some new certificates. These were made necessary by the gap which existed between the
higher-toned public person (-5) and the beginning of the span. We had to have a longer approach on the
bridge. And so we put a certificate ladder there.
Beginning Scientologist is given for a PE and so on up as the chart shows.
The Class material has not been changed. If anyone has a Class Zero he is still a Class Zero but we
will give him a new certificate to replace his old one. And so on. There is no change in Grades and
Certificates from Class II up. Class V has been blank for years. Thus there is a proper certificate
there, the HUBBARD VALIDATED AUDITOR. It says this auditor has been through a review of all his lower
skills plus new ones and can jump off now for Solo and CLEAR.
Previously we not only did not reach into the average homo sapiens awareness but we also had no
means of touching cases much below -4.
You are probably intrigued by Class VII. These Power Processes are what the CLEAR (or Auditor almost
there) audits on low level pcs. Auditors below that case level can of course run them a bit but the
processes shortly cave him in. These processes are only available at Saint Hill as they have just
recently been perfected and an auditor to do them without danger to himself or the pc has to have
interned at Saint Hill as a Saint Hill HGC staff auditor, not the same as a Class VI Saint Hiller.
The thing to do is start in your local Academy at Zero on the chart and move on up.
Today that is faster and less expensive than you would think.
There are two courses to one class. First one does the Certificate Course (Theory) and gets his
certificate. This takes the average student about two weeks. Then one takes the Classification Course
(Practical) for that class and gets his Provisional Classification. Every auditor must be classified
now. This again takes the average student about two weeks. All the courses from Class 0 up to IV are
arranged that way.
The material has been streamlined. Class V, obtained at Saint Hill, is longer (and remains the same
price as always) as it reviews all the classes and retrains where necessary and awards permanent
classification for all the lower certificates as well as Class V.
Some auditing occurs in the Classification Course and group auditing occurs daily.
An unclassed auditor cannot charge a fee for auditing a grade he is not classed for and if he is
turned in to HCO because of it the pc can regain all the fee from him. We must make it a safe bridge.
Our entire Ethics system is formed just to make it a safe passage for the pc and to hold the bridge
together so it can be crossed by Man.
Auditors routinely make Releases with Academy courses today.
Auditors graduated from the Saint Hill course can then take the final steps to make themselves Clear
and Saint Hill Interns are trained to make Releases of the lowest cases.
Training fees are uniform in the U.S. now at $100 for each course. In all Commonwealth countries the
cost is #28 a course sterling (convert to local currency). There is one course for Certificate, followed
by another for Classification.
Field auditors can charge anything they like for HAS and Beginning Scientologist courses. And
Hubbard Book Auditors can become HQS through extension courses. Your org may possibly give the lowest
course free and charge very little for the HAS.
My job is to give you the materials to make Releases and the skill to make Clear. I have done and
will do everything I can to help anyone attain these hitherto unreachable heights of life and ability.


The bridge is not only in, it is functioning every hour right now. Book early. The traffic is heavy
already. And auditors are the scarcest and most valued beings on this planet.
First Classification Gradation and Awareness Chart - see Vol 6 p. 36
(HCOPL 5.5.65)
(HCOB 22.9.65)
Further research has revealed additional data concerning Releases which makes it necessary to rename the types of Release, or else deny preclears all the benefits available from states of Release.
As mentioned in earlier lectures there are several intermediate stages of Release between Level
Zero and Level Five. I have finally isolated these and they agree with the Gradation Chart of Levels.
This changes also in some degree the upper levels of Academy training materials without actually
adding any but only reassigning the same materials to different levels.
This discovery came out of a survey of the only things that could balk a case. These also are the
main things an auditor has to be careful about in pcs. Further study revealed the state of Release to be
available on each of these points and therefore, both to make Releases and better trained auditors,
these were fitted in to the Gradation Chart in natural sequence as the dominant points stressed on each
The points are the same as those covered in the current "Out Tech" Bulletins and lecture.
They are:
ARC Breaks
Continuous Overts
So as to minimize any upset in introducing these additional levels of Release we will cease to call
Release by stages and call them by Grades. In earlier material and lectures the terms "1st Stage
Release" indicated a person released anywhere between Level Zero and Level IV, a "Second Stage Release"
indicated a Power Process Release, a "Third Stage Release" was one made by orientation processes and a
"Fourth Stage Release" meant one made by R6 EW. This was before I found that the additional levels were
important or obtainable. Without wiping out the meaning of these "stages", we will simply cease to use
them to designate Releases and designate by GRADES. We will then use the exact processes of the grades
that obtain the state of Release for the preclear and thus keep things straight.
This then is the new Grading:
Type of Release

Type of Process

Grade VII


Grade VI Release


Grade V Release

Power Processes

Grade IV Release

Service Facsimiles

Grade III Release

ARC Break Processes (old R-4-H renamed R-3-H)

Grade II Release

O/W Processes (including the "Joburg")

Grade I Release

Problems Processes (such as Probs Intensive

or CCHs)

Grade 0 Release

Communication Processes

Any one of the above group of processes can (and should be) run to a Floating Needle (and not one
command beyond it).
With auditors warned of the consequences of running beyond the state of Release and people easily
rehabilitated to the state even if it is overrun, it will be found that the state is attainable at each
level with smooth auditing.
This ties smoothly into training as a class of auditor is capable of making a class of Release.
Knowing why people Roller Coaster (Potential Trouble Source) and what an SP (Suppressive Person) is
and by carefully handling training of auditors in accordance with the "Out Tech" materials we can easily
attain these states for preclears. 17
The discovery is actually contained in the first material issued that calls attention to not
further auditing Releases. They could have their ARC Breaks, PTPs and Overts handled. This when I
followed it up showed that additional Release states existed for these types of phenomena.


There are some additional processes that can be run at certain levels and as these are proven out
they will be added as alternate processes to the level. However, it will be found that when a preclear
goes Release at a Grade, it will not be advisable to further audit him or her in that grade on an
additional process once the phenomena of Release has been attained for that grade. It may be that if a
pc fails to go Release on the recommended progress for that grade, another process for that grade
included under the type of process for that grade may be used. For instance, on Problems, the pc does
not go Grade I Release in the regular buttons of a Problems Intensive. Other buttons may be found and
used. Or the preclear may be run on "Rising Scale Processes" or another process listed for that grade,
all toward the goal of making the pc a Release from Problems. You don't run a pc on the next grade just
because you couldn't Release him on the lower grade. You run the additional processes of a grade until
he releases at that grade.
At Grade Zero you run Comm Processes of whatever kind until you have a Grade 0 Release. That means
a "Communication Release". Then you do the same at Grade I and run any version of problems, that affects
the person's problems until you have a Grade I Release, a "Problems Release".
Therefore you are releasing the person on certain subjects at each grade. The scale can then be
written like this.

Bank Erased

Grade VI Release

Whole Track Release

Grade V Release

Power Release

Grade IV Release

Habit Release

Grade III Release

ARC Release

Grade II Release

Overt Release

Grade I Release

Problems Release

Grade 0 Release

Communication Release

You can readily spot that under each of these headings we have several effective processes in
addition to a principal process.
The most indicated processes for these levels are listed in the first list of grades above.
If a former Release
Release and then audited
one of these Grades from
of the other Grades 0 to

went Release on, let us say, Problems, he can be rehabilitated on the Problems
on any of the other Grades from IV down. In short, anyone who went Release on
IV down may not be audited further on that Grade but can be released on any one
IV omitting only Grade I Release, Problems.

Of course from V (Power Processes) on up it becomes improbable to run a lower grade but it possibly
could be done on some cases. However, a Grade VI Release (R6 EW) can't possibly be run below Grade VI.
And on a Clear, there's no bank at all, only freedom.
It's also noteworthy that it's all but impossible to do Grade V, Power Processes, on a former
Release that has not been fully rehabilitated on the lower grade.
In training it is therefore necessary to put a Meter in the hands of a student at Zero and have him
able to clean Tone Arm action well at Level I, be able to detect and clean reads at II and not clean
cleans, be able to assess at III and find Service Facs at IV.
This means also that at Zero you teach the student all about Communication, its formula and the
Comm Cycle and TRs. At I you teach repetitive commands, Problems Intensives (assessed by an upper class
auditor as we used to do) and the CCHs (which pull the person out of problems and into PT). At II you
teach a student all about STUDY (the genus of overts is the misunderstood) and O/Ws. At III you teach
the student all about ARC and ARC Breaks and assessment and how to do old R-4-H in full and expertly.
And at IV you teach the student all about "Deds" and "Dedexes" (History of Man) and justified O/Ws and
Suppressives and PTSs and how to find and run Service Facs. And at V you review the student and classify
fully all lower grades. And at Vl you teach the student all about R6 and how to do R6 EW and as the
student moves to VII you teach Power Processing and give the student the final materials to go on to
Clear himself.
As I promised to do some time ago, that neats up all training into a form that can be firm, finally
published in eventual book form, and which puts the stress on the most important data in auditing.
Parts of the mind, Codes, scales, other background data can be woven into the proper levels without
overloading any.
Obviously then, you teach the student the theory in the Certification course and the drills and key
processes for the grade in the Classification course of the proper level.
This neats up both training and processing, releasing and clearing.
This does not prohibit one from handling ARC Breaks or PTPs or overts in rudiments at any level,
really. Handling a rudiment is just getting the pc going. It puts the heavy processes that handle ARC
Breaks in life and the past, the problems, etc each in its proper level.
The rule applies that you must not overrun one of these heavy grade processes and must halt it the
moment a free needle appears on it 18. Or if the TA goes out of it and it hasn't released the pc and
hasn't been overrun another process can be run for that grade to handle the subject of that grade.


But I think you will find that the primary process of the grade will do it uniformly if well
Here then is the additional data that belongs on your Gradation Chart and modernizes it.
(HCOB 27.9.1965)
Release Gradation


Grade VIII
Grade VII
Grade VI
Grade VA
Grade V
Grade IV


Operating Thetan
R1 Drills
Clearing Course
Whole Track
Power Plus
Power Release
Ability Release

Grade III

Freedom Release

Grade II

Relief Release

Added Power

Operating Thetan
Stage 4 Release
Stage 3 Release

Power Processes

2nd Stage

ARC Breaks

Grade 0

0/W Processes
Missed w/hs
Problems Release
Probs Intensive
Any Problems
Hidden Standards
Book of Case
Level 0 Processes
(0-0, 0-A, etc)



Grade I

Former Name


Keyed-Out Clear
Book I Clear

Assists of all


Where Done
Saint Hill
Saint Hill
Saint Hill
Saint Hill by
Class VII
Saint Hill by
Class VIls
Saint Hill or
Class IV or
SH or HGCs
Any Class III
or above
SH or HGCs
Any Class II
or above
SH or HGCs
Any Class I
or above

SM or HGCs
Any Class 0
or above
auditor or

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------It is obvious then that GRADE CERTIFICATES FOR PRECLEARS lapse and are no longer issued and are
replaced by Release awards, awarding "Grade -- Release" when attained.
It is also obvious that as these states all existed before they were discovered then REHABILITATION
OF FORMER RELEASE is addressed to rehabilitating these grades. When rehabilitation is done and the state
recovered for the pc a "Grade -- Release" for the Grade actually recovered is issued.
The SAME rehabilitation processes as issued are used for every type of Release.
Preclears were sometimes released in more than one grade and Former Release is rehabilitated (and
sold) for each grade the pc was formerly released on.
All grades formerly attained must each one in turn be found and rehabilitated and each one is
separately declared by Certs & Awards. Therefore a pc going release on a simple Qual Division check-out
must be urged to get a rehabilitation as there may be other former release states there and for anyone
rehabilitated as a former Release many other grades (as per chart above) are available to be audited up
Technically you will find just these phenomena as given in the Routing Chart of Auditor 10 and the
22 Sept HCOB were the subjects of release.
Sometimes a pc was according to him released formerly on some other process or subject than those
given on the Chart. You will however find that it relates to one of the Grade Subjects (Comm, Problems,
O/W, ARC Brks, Service Facs, as the total of the Grades up to IV).
Example: Pc reads as Released on CCHs. OK, that was a Problems or a Comm Release. Why? It was
because pc came to PT away from his problems of the past or because pc got into comm with the universe.
Just decide which.
Example: Pc checks as Released on the button "Importance", run in brackets or concepts. This
wasn't any Grade VI Release! It was probably Problems that were cleaned up or even O/Ws; therefore it
was a Grade I or II.
You have to see which Release Grade it was and that's easy since the pc will tell you even without
your asking that he "got over his ARC Breaks" or "His problems didn't worry him".


On old-time processes, R2-12, Rising Scale, even Engram Running, the point where Release was
attained was because a Comm block, a Problem, an O/W, an ARC Break cleaned up. It wasn't the old process
that determines the Grade the pc was formerly released at so much as which of the Grade subjects were
relieved at the time.
The biggest error you can make in rehabilitation of a former release is to grade him too high and
by-pass available charge for further releasing.
In the earlier grades you can go from Grade IV Release to Grade 0 Release to Grade II, etc.
They are not entirely consecutive from 0 to IV. They are from V up


For instance you rehabilitate a pc as Grade II Release (overts and withholds) by standard rehab
approach. He is then declared a Grade II Release of course. However he can be run on Comm Processes to
obtain Grade 0 Release or on Problems to obtain Grade I Release and better had be.
As we have formerly released so many on so many different processes the background for
rehabilitation is ragged at this time.
New people can be moved up smoothly from Zero to IV. Older Scientologists will go up and down from
Zero to IV.
You will find at times that somebody you are trying to audit to a certain Grade suddenly recalls
being released at that Grade. The proper action then is rehabilitation of the Grade, not continuing to
run the Grade.
All this is really quite simple.
The BIGGEST error is and will continue to be not noticing a state of Release occurring while
running a process and then overrunning it and engulfing it. You don't always see the free, floating
needle -- it is at times brief 20.
For a while auditors will be very nervy and err by underrunning processes and failing to flatten
them. Some auditors will see a floating needle everywhere. Some will remain blind to them and grind on
and on.
The thing to do is eventually find the happy medium. Don't underrun or overrun. Just notice when
the process has produced a floating needle and carry on when it has not. And listen for those big pc
upsurges in tone and halt there. And watch for the rising Tone Arm that goes to 5. Mostly it's an
overrun. But some pcs who always were at 5 weren't ever formerly released and will need Power Processes
to get them started. Power Processing also combines a lot of lower grade results. But it is hard to
Power Process pcs who have never had lower grade releasing. The Power Processing becomes very lengthy.
However, real tough cases can't attain lower grade release states and so have to be Power Processed at
once instead of after properly attaining the lower grades. These "at once" Power Process cases, who have
had no former release grade, are pretty Suppressive. However, some pcs' Tone Arms can be at 5 and the pc
can act Suppressive if it all stems from unnoticed lower Grade releasing that was never observed or
rehabilitated 21.
It is interesting that a Grade V Release (Power Process) cannot thereafter be processed below his
Grade 22. But this is a new set of processes. You won't find any Former Release Grade Vs. They just never
made Grade V before, even by accident.
Grade VI Releases (R6 EW) don't easily respond thereafter to Power Processes. But remember, that's
a Grade VI Release, not somebody who came up with a few bits of R6 EW.
You can't run a Grade VII (Clear) on anything but he can be drilled on getting about the universe
and getting familiar with himself and what he can do 23.
Grades VI and VII really cannot be successfully audited except by oneself -- solo. If somebody
else did audit them on a pc, the pc would not prosper. He'd be a fool and quite confused. These Grades
(VI and VII) require knowledge. Without it it's pitiful. Auditors who have tried to audit raw meat pcs
on these Grades have gotten into serious messes not with us but in their own activities -- all stemming
from trying to make a baby be vice president in six easy lessons. Two such auditors blew Scientology -they themselves had no real data or release grade or even case gain yet they tried to use VI materials
on raw meat and it all went wrong and the pcs today mostly snarl and natter. Their way is barred by
their antagonism.
It takes a real thetan to stand up to VI and VII. Ask somebody who has been there.
I trust these new Grades I found will help straighten out a lot of things.
660726 - The Classification chart and Audting
Thank you.
This is the 26th of July, AD 16.


Auditing means to listen and compute. It also means to get a result on a pc. And its done in a subject
called Scientology. And one sits down, usually, except in one series of processes, known as the CCHs,
and he has a preclear. That is somebody who isnt Clear.
Now, in view of the fact that this person isnt Clear, he has to be handled rather gently because he has
aberrations and difficulties. And it requires auditing done in a technical and professional manner which
has not departed from standard procedure. You see, they have always had offbeat processing of one kind
or another It has existed since the earliest days of wogdom. There is no reason to perpetuate it.
The psycho-anal-yst-I beg your pardon; its rather obvious pronunciation-he sits down and does something
with a person, too. But there is no similarity between what hes doing and what a Scientologist is
doing. Now, a Scientologist is trying to make the person better and that is a new idea in the whole
field of the human mind. It is so new and novel they think we are terrible because we do not electric
shock and execute people.
Our situation does not compare with earlier activities, laughingly called psychotherapy or pure duress,
medieval torture, police action and other things which have passed for mental therapy down through the
ages. Were not even in the field of mental therapy. Were trying to make somebody Clear. Clear of what?
Clear of his reactive bank.
Now, Freud said that man had an unconscious or a reconscious or something of the sort which was
subconscious under the underconscious. He thought there was something there and it was inhabited by a
beast known as the censor, who kept the fellows from pulling a social faux pas. And when the censor was
asleep or nulled or something of the sort by drugs, why, the fellow would do antisocial acts, and that
was the whole explanation of the human mind, except it was all caused by sex. I hope youre following me
But anyhow, we are-we are actually indebted to Papa Freud, because he did say out loud that there was
some kind of a mind that was kicking back on somebody. He didnt really discover the reactive mind; we
Now, clearing somebody is erasing his reactive mind. All that is horrible, bestial and antisocial about
a person is actually contained in his reactive mind. But we are also not interested, in a man, whether
hes horrible, antisocial or bestial. This again has nothing to do with auditing. Auditing is not a
social criticism. If youll notice, nearly all psychotherapies are involved in social criticism. The
psychiatrist exists for the (quote) good of the society (unquote) and to hell with the patient. That is
the way he operates.
Now, therefore, were into a new field. And we know the answers to the way a preclear behaves-not human
beings behave; we know the answers to those, too, but who cares. The difference between a good-behaving
wog and a bad-behaving wog is so slight as to be undetectable.
Ive seen dear old ladies ruining their families and driving them straight to suicide and so forth, and
being patted on the back on Mothers Day. Ive seen some of the wildest social mishmashes. Its all by
definition: if you kill a man, why, that isnt bad or good; its by definition, bad or good. You kill
him in war, or you kill him because he deserves it, or you kill him because hes a criminal or-and
youre a judge-or something like that-why that, thats good, see? But if you kill him one inch of type
outside the statute, and so forth, thats bad, see? So there are good things and bad things, but they
both are the same thing. So if you want to get into this morass of social behavior, by all means do so,
but dont mix it up with Scientology.
Now, you can tell why a person conducts himself as he does-why a person conducts himself as he does.
Good, Im glad we can. But we dont care, because there is a certain road out. Scientology is a way. It
is the road out-away from reactivity, away from aberration, away from identification of
A=A=A. And it increases a persons ability and it increases his general performance in existence to a
very marked and fantastic degree. And that road out has certain little milestones that you have to pass
to get out and we call these, for want of a better definition, we call these Grades.
But there are things called levels. And now, if we look at the Classification, Gradation and Awareness
Chart of Levels and Certificates, first one issued, and the modern one which is about to be issued-since
the interim issue of early 1966 dropped several points off this chart that were vital to it and made it
relatively unworkable, and which wont be dropped again. I came back home in time. Now, the point here
is that there are certain points on this that a person goes up toward Clear. And those points have
certain definite abilities regained. But these Grades are not really composed of single points-something
that you might not have noticed, even you working with Grades-they are not composed of single points.
Now, this is the rough, public rendition-public rendition-and this is not likely to change. This is the
public rendition, is Level 0, Communications; Level I-or I should say Grade-Grade 0, Communications;
Grade I, Problems; Grade II, Overts and Withholds; Grade III, ARC Breaks; Grade IM Service Facsimiles.
Grade V is in actual fact a whole track Grade, but it is the more innocent end of it. It gets a fellow
up to where he can confront whole track. And then weve got Grade VI, which is unburdening the reactive
mind, which really is whole track-except you dont have to address it at either point, which is quite
interesting and mysterious about it all.
It sort of drops between V and VI and gets ignored these days but every once in a while a piece of whole
track bangs somebody right in the snoot and he doesnt quite know what hit him. And he says, "What was
that? I seem to be sitting here in a space car and we seem to be shooting up toward some planet of some
kind or another, and we seem to be delivering an atom bomb or something. Im not sure what. And, ooh, oh
yeah. Well, I get it now. It exploded. Yeah. Wonder what thats all about? I guess Ive been reading too
much science fiction." And people should ask, "Why does science fiction have the command on its audience
that it does?" They never looked at that side of it.
And then we get Level VII, which contains the materials necessary to totally erase the reactive mind.
Now, I want to point out to you that it is really not possible-people will try this, and as we go up the
line, the only wreckage we will find is people who have tried to enter this whole problem up in the


upper grades, ignoring the lower grades. And that, youll find, is the main part of the catastrophes.
The other part of the catastrophe is simply not following standard technology.
What is standard technology? Standard technology is contained in HCOBs. It actually isnt contained in
any of the books of Dianetics and Scientology. Did you ever realize that? Modern technology is not
contained in any of the hardcover books, or any of the other books. Its contained in HCOBs, Hubbard
Communications Office Bulletins, and they just run off one after the other. And one of these fine days I
suppose we will roll up our sleeves and publish them all in consecutive order, all corrected so that
nothing ever corrects anything in the bulletins and make it very, very easy. But we will have to put
them probably in about seven or eight or ten different volumes, because there are quite a few of them.
But thats standard technology. Theyre on white paper printed with red ink. If I havent signed it, it
isnt true. And thats standard technology.
Now, because we developed something later, we didnt lose the standard technology of something earlier
The main bugbear of the person studying Scientology was that he-the bugbear was his, not mine-was that
he conceived, every time he read something new, that that wiped out all the old. And this concept was
brought about on just this one point: that he didnt understand the old that he had read, so he didnt
realize that it integrated with the new which had just been issued. And at no time, really, in HCOBs,
has the new wiped out the old. There are very, very few corrections.
I remember trying to correct a whole series of processes one time called the R2s-R2-12 (there was R2-10,
R2-12). And I corrected all these because they seemed to be just producing havoc. They seemed to be
terribly ruinous, and there was only one thing wrong with them: is they made a Release at their grade so
fast that the auditor never noticed. Hed start his list, practically and he had a Release sitting in
front of him. But of course, he wanted to earn his pay-and that was before we knew about overruns-so he
would go on and run it and run it and run it. And for quite a while itd produce quite phenomenal
results, even being overrun. But suddenly, clank! The person would go straight into the bank with it and
that was very upsetting.
So the idea of overrun, and how flat is a flat process, and so forth, does require correction in HCOBs.
But there is nothing in an HCOB-nothing in any HCOB-that tells you you mustnt audit the pc. You look
there in vain and you wont find anyplace in there... Ive got the Saint Hill Course on running engrams
as a practice action and I think you must be having a ball. I think possibly, much to your
consternation, youve made a grade of release here or there that you didnt know existed in the lower
bands, and thats probably very upsetting. And that was probably what upset Dianetics: Modern Science of
Mental Health auditors. They were probably making lower levels of release which they would overrun.
But I assure you that you can have a release per chain, so dont go dashing off sideways and trying to
get out of facing the engram by going release.
He is a "secondary about Mamas" release; thats the grade of release it is, or the level of release.
This fellow is a "light engram" release on the subject of cutting his finger Hes released on cutting a
finger. I speak quite seriously. Its just by chains.
Now, I, in the first place, would be the last one to plow anybody in-unless hes a student. Now, pcs are
people and theyre entitled to a break, and theyre entitled to rapid gains, and theyre entitled to
soar and go right straight on up to Clear, and all that. This we know. But that doesnt apply to a
You know, in opera they always say that the individual, the opera singer, really never has tonal quality
or feeling in her voice until she has suffered. And after some great suffering in life, why, she becomes
a great artist. Have you ever heard that? Well, after youve had it a few times, youll become a great
I wouldnt give anything for an auditor who hadnt occasionally been wrapped around a telegraph pole-but
good! Like a pretzel. I wouldnt give anything for an auditor who hadnt had an ARC break while being
audited for the next ten or fifteen hours, and going into a sad effect. Then hed know what it was, you
I know this is brutal and even sadistic, but it isnt. It isnt, in actual fact. Its a complete fact.
The fellow whos never been overrun on anything-he certainly is never going to be shy of being overrun;
its out of sight of his zone of experience. Well, I dont know what the pcs all upset about. Of
course, I missed a free needle, but whats the pc upset about? Should appreciate it; I gave him an
additional fifteen hours of auditing."
An auditor isnt worth much unless sometime or another hes audited over the top of a PTP. You actually
owe it to yourself professionally, and to wogs and what its all about, to sit down someday as the pc
and just dont announce the fact that you re worried as Punch about a PTP. And of course, youll get no
gains, youll feel terrible, and so forth, being audited on that.
Now, Im not advocating bad auditing for the sake of experience. But I am saying that if you do very
much auditing, you cant help but get some bad auditing now and then, and its not necessarily
I have had some of the lousiest auditing anybody ever heard 0 Ive been audited by Dianetic auditors
who were trained in an Academy which taught only the bubble theory. I used to get away with it by
saying, well, I just would do exactly what the auditor said, and this got me through many, many years.
But in 1958,1 found an auditor who gave me four auditing commands simultaneously, didnt let me answer
any one of them, and so forth, and then wouldnt tell me which one I was supposed to answer. Its quite
a dogfight. So even that stable datum vanished on me.
Ive had some very good auditing and I have had some championship bad auditing. And Im moving right on
up; be checked out here, in a few days, Clear.


Now, whats all this about? It is a command of the thing called the mind. Now, maybe after youre Clear
and maybe after you go OT, and so forth, you wont then really care to understand anything about man and
just regard him as a sort of an oddity that sometimes gets under your feet. But in actual fact, thats a
rather dangerous attitude. You should rather savvy what this character is all about.
There isnt anything-now, believe me-there isnt anything going to help him. Education, psychotherapy
with electrodes, brainectomies-thats the new psychiatric operation: they take out the whole brain.
There isnt anything going to help an aberrated being, I assure you. There is nothing going to help an
aberrated being but processing. They can sweat it out educationally, and so forth. Now, Im talking
about his state of case, his behavior, and so forth. Really, youre not going to get anyplace, short of
So you better know that processing is a very narrow, little track-a very, very narrow, little trackbounded on both sides and above and below by a complete mass of improper things that can be done. It
would be impossible to list the number of wrong things that could be done in auditing. It would be an
infinite list. Every time Id think I had it all straightened out and nobody could possibly make any
additional errors of any kind whatsoever, one would 24.
So this track called standard technology is a very, very narrow path and its very easy to stray off of
its edges. And one of the ways of straying off of its edges is to forget to handle pcs while auditing
them. And I see what has happened here and why we have fallen into not handling pcs anymore. Because
obviously, all the ways you handle pcs are contained in the grades of release, arent they? "So, of
course you cant handle a pcs overts if youre running a communication process. Naturally! Itd be
beyond his grade. And of course you cant handle an ARC break while auditing a communication process,
because ARC breaks, and so forth, are up here at III and IV" And I think thats how youve gotten into
it, but you sure have gotten into it.
You can always run an advanced process on a pc, as a rudiment, as something to straighten the case out
in a hurry. He isnt about to go release on it. But the day you sit down to audit a Grade 0-to make and
attain a Grade 0-the day you sit down to audit that person and do not detect or note that he has a
present time problem is a day you will have a lose, as a case! That guy isnt going anyplace! Youre
auditing over the top of a heavy PTP That present time problem has got him parked right there-bang,
You say, "Is there anything youd be willing to talk to me about?"
"Well, I have some problems."
"Well, Im sorry. Cant talk to you about the problems because problems are up here-the problems are up
here at-at-at-at Grade I and youre only at Grade 0. So, you have to shut up about that!"
Finally, youre running problems and youre grinding on and on and on about problems. And the pc is
getting sadder and sadder and sadder and sadder, and he says, "But youre not answering my
communications, and youre not acknowledging me, and-umpff-Ive been feeling terrible for the last
thirty-eight days."
And you say, "Well, yes, but we cant do anything about that because, you see, Grades III and IV is
where we handle ARC breaks, and so youll just have to ha-keep your ARC break until we get up to the
grade that its supposed to be handled at." And of course, the answer to that silliness is the guy is
not about to ever get up in grades.
Now, let me tell you something about this chart that maybe didnt come home too completely: is howd I
find this chart? Theres one for you. Howd I find this chart? Why is this chart so dead on? This
Gradation Chart, so forth-its quite a trick. Its made up only of those things which you cant audit in
the face of And that is the genus of the chart, and that is the real reason I found the Grades, and why
I found the Grades. And I isolated them just as crudely as that. I said, "All right. There are certain
things that, if you dont pay attention to them, prevent all progress in auditing. So therefore, they
must be the keys to aberration." And thats where we got the Gradation Chart. Clever of me, wasnt it?
People think its a Gradation Chart so people will take it by a gradient. Well, theyre arranged crudely
by gradient, but youd be surprised how long I argued: Was O/W an upper grade from problems or a lower
grade? And I finally found out that it must be an upper grade, because a fellow could confront having
problems when he couldnt confront having overts, so therefore, that was an upper grade. This was the
way the thing had to be rationalized.
But there it was. In all those years of experience-and believe me, there have been a lot of years of
experience on this subject; a lot of them-in all these years, only these factors have presented
themselves, factors that each one separately, much less in combination, can totally prevent case gain
unless given attention, by definition. This is the superbarrier. These are the superbarriers to the
track. These are the girders across the bridge that have fallen down sideways.
And what are these things? Well, its elementary: the things that a person cannot possibly audit up
against. If these things are out, the auditor has had it. He cant go any further. And these things are
communication, problems, overts, ARC break and service facsimiles. When youve moved the fellow up that
far, he can confront something of his own life and background, and so starts moving out onto whole track
and moving into the reactive bank itself.
But the things that you cannot audit in the presence of; without handling, are the Grades on that
Gradation Chart 25. Do you see this?
So, of course, if they are the things which absolutely stop any pcs progress, then they must be,
themselves, things which desperately require releasing. And when then addressed, I didnt even have-when
I finally figured this out and worked this down and split the process. And I knew already about overrun.
We found overrun in doing Power Processes 26. But when those things were audited on a big basis with the
pc-such a thing as his overts-when they were audited on a grand scale, I knew youd get a Release.


So I knew you could have a Communications Release and I knew you could have a Problems Release and I
knew you could have an Overt Release and I knew you could have an ARC Break Release, see? Dead easy.
Nothing to it. Naturally. The thing had to be that way, because these things were the powerful points in
the human mind that debarred all further progress on the part of a case. Well, all a fellow had to do
was be worried about his wife. All he had to do was be worried about his wife not meeting him that
afternoon, which gave him a problem of "What is my wife doing afternoons?" He comes into session, his
tone arm fails to produce action-nothing is as-ising; he isnt coming out of anything-and even starts
climbing a bit. He cant answer the auditing commands. He can concentrate on nothing. Thats what a
problem will do.
Now, this fellow who is in overts: Of course, the fellow cant talk to you-he cant talk. I wonder if
you ever realized, though, that talk goes down to the fact that a patient in a hospital gives you
trouble as an auditor if the patient is unconscious. An unconscious patient is out of communication;
its just a communication trouble. But also, Id like to call to your attention that dogs and horses are
out of communication. And I dont know how youre going to solve that, but thats your problem today.
Im not worried about it anymore.
But this fellow has committed an overt against the
Or hes trying to get away with something-hes got
uh. Mm-mm, mm-mm. Hes just going to get natterier
and nastier, and meaner and meaner. Hes not going

auditor, or against Scientology or the organization.

a withhold. You going to make progress with him? Nuand natterier, and choppier and choppier, and nastier
to make any progress, not one scrap!

Ill tell you a joke. You might not think its a joke. But do you know that one of the differences of
technical accomplishment between Saint Hill and a Central Organization is that a Central Organization
very often gets a pc who doesnt intend to completely pay for his service? That much withhold parks the
case right there-just stops it!
Now, you take an ARC break-this is the most deadly thing that anybody ever had anything to do with. What
essentially is it? Its affinity, reality and communication, break in. What is "break?" Bust. Snapped.
People get to thinking its because they werent acknowledged. Please. You see, there is no term in the
English language or in Latin to describe this adequately. So the individuals affinity has been cut. And
thats Desire-Enforce-Inhibit (the old CDEI Scale: Curiosity, Desire, Enforce, Inhibit) can be on A, and
any one of those actions can cause an ARC break. And-only it would be called an A break.
And R-it would be over-and under-reality. Somebodys busted his reality: "Where did you put the
staircase, pal?"
"I havent any staircase. I never saw the staircase."
"Oh, yes you did, pal. I saw you build it with your own little hatchet."
A reality break, again CDEI-Curiousity, Desire, Enforce, Inhibit-on reality. Enforced reality, and so
forth. What is laughingly called modern education is mostly enforced reality. Hoo-hoo-hoo. Because boy,
that reality can be in quotes, too. Boy, can it be in quotes.
If you want to really ARC break somebody with one of the natural sciences, turn him loose in a physics
laboratory as a student with the equipment which is commonly furnished, and try to get him to get an
experiment to come out. You know they seldom come out. You normally take the best student (who is the
best student because he has an answer book) and then the rest of the students sort of copy it off and
fudge it one way or the other, so the amount of paper burned, and the amount of-the weight of the paper
equals the weight of the ash plus the weight of the smoke, you see, showing that nothing is ever
destroyed, and so on. You get into corny equipment, and so forth, and you get a reality break.
Education quite customarily and routinely breaks somebodys reality and it breaks their reality
sufficiently as to make them bad students, or they dont want to study, or something like that.
And then we get into communication break, and of course, thats the most visible. Guy talked too much or
didnt talk at all. The guy would not answer the communication at all or the guy answered the
communication perpetually so that it couldnt be communicated. Any of those things will cause an ARC
break. All right?
Look at that: your first Level, 0, is communication. Level III is ARC breaks. How many pcs are you going
to handle at Level 0 without ever colliding with an error at Level III? If C is one of the commonest
sources of ARC breaks, you mean to tell me that youre going to handle the subject of communication
without ever bringing about or finding an ARC break in the student that has to be handled, huh? Well,
like cat, youre not. You never will in Gods green earth, really.
Theres always got to be somebody around in Review, or some senior student or something like that, to be
alert on Level 0 students.
Of course, I know it goes like hot butter, and it-you dont run into trouble very much. But its that
very little trouble that you must also be interested in because itll barrier your results.
Now, I know you could go on the basis, "Well, after all, there are getting to be three billion human
beings, and thats an awful lot of human beings; thats an awful lot of wogs, and theres no reason why
we shouldnt expend a few, you see, in the process of salvaging them."
Well now, Im a conservationist.
Well now, as far as service facsimile is concerned, this fellow is-all this fellow is thinking about, at
the problems level, is his lumbosis. Boy, this lumbosis; you cant ever get... Every time you turn
around, hes got lumbosis on the brain. His lumbosis is causing him trouble, man. He is just getting
lots of trouble from his lumbosis. And then we finally find at Level IV its a service facsimile. Its


what explains all of his failures. He keeps telling you he wants to get rid of his lumbosis, but really
he never said it in that many words; he merely complains about having lumbosis.
Now we begin to understand why we had such a hard time getting a Problems Release on this bird. We
managed to achieve it, finally, and we did get a free needle, and so forth, but we were never very happy
about it. Well, at Grade IV we find out that he has a service facsimile.
Well, I dont say there is any short method of finding anybodys service facsimile that could be used in
general, because were getting too high in the grades. But fortunately, were passing above the levels
of reality which are real to somebody at the lower grades. And it normally turns up in due course.
This merely turns out to be a pc we have always had trouble with. His rudiments were always out, or
something like this. And then we finally get him up to Level IV and handle the service facsimile, and
there we go.
Now, at Level V, were straightening him out on the subjects of reality and several other subjects which
are taken up in a package, but what were really doing is sort of getting the track straightened out.
And were looking for the points on the track where he is terribly stuck, where hes really mired in.
And it takes very fancy processing to do that. Now were getting into very artistic processing.
But I assure you that if this processing, again, neglects these various barriers that can lie across the
track of the individual, the guy will be stymied. You say, "Well, yes, hes up to Grade IV-hes a
complete Grade IV Release- so therefore, he should never again have any service facsimiles, ARC breaks,
overts, withholds, problems or communication trouble." Oh, you-man, you got the wrong definition of
Release 27.
I wouldnt be a bit surprised-I just wouldnt be a bit surprised but what you couldnt find a whole new
series of banks to unrelease a person into. Youre dealing with a gross product here called a Release.
This is just a gross product, and this is a hopeful product. This is the sort of a product that-solid
gold is awfully nice, but all weve got is this gilt. And this gilt very often turns green. And
sometimes we have good gilt and it lasts for weeks or months or even years -got some beryllium in it,
you know; its really goodshape gilt-and sometimes it turns green an hour later And its not gold at
all. It gets verdigris. And I dont know how long a Release will stay stable becau-and I would never say
how long a Release would stay stable at any line because I have had rel-Ive had Releases before this.
You see, the one thing that booby-trapped the whole of research in the field of the mind is that one
could produce a temporary state of Clear. Temporary! Just like nearly all of life is composed of lowerscale mockeries. Yeah, yeah, you look around at somebodys exaggerated abilities-exaggerated and
fixated, and become just one thing that he can do, dont you see? Hes insane. But actually, the thing
he is doing is an ability.
Who was this old bird? Jung, I think it was. Jung. Now, thetans can move objects or bust up objects, I
mean, when theyre way upscale, see? All he had to do was sit down near one and it broke up. I think
that was Jung. And this worried him so-this worried the guy so, that it was really what he wanted out of
his studies and researches was not to have bookcases fall down, plaster crack wide open, armchairs go
out, splat, every time he came near them. And he never achieved that. Well, actually, that would be a
thetan ability gone mad. Poltergeist, or some such thing.
So you get these upper-scale abilities that any thetan would have. Theyre out of control and
unexplained to the individual, and when they occur, why, he thinks hes crazy.
So these lower-scale harmonics include the fact that one can make something that looks just like
something but aint. And thats the big booby trap 28.
Now listen, it wasnt just a booby trap in 1950-it was also a booby trap in 523 B.C., on this same
subject, in this same line of research. A thetan exterior produced all the symptoms of total sanitygreat, whee, marvelous, and so forth. Itd last two minutes, two hours, two days, two years. But the one
thing that was certain about it: it wouldnt go on. And the Buddhists called it a bodhi, and a bodhi has
the same stability as any thetan exterior would have that you made today.
You can walk up to somebody, pop him out of his head with the magic words and he will be stable for two
seconds, two minutes, two hours, two days-your guess is as good as anybody elses. But one thing is
certain about it: He will key in again.
Now, release, the way were doing it now-and you mustnt just downgrade the idea of release and say its
all that unstable, because it has this benefit: accompanied with it has been the experience of
overcoming it. And that experience stands one in good stead because it has improved his ability to
Now, that goes further than that: a bit of erasure occurs. Modern auditing is sufficiently good that a
bit of erasure occurs along with it and the condition is desensitized. So he is more apt to be stable as
a Release on this grade than he was stable, to make a (quote) Clear 29 (unquote) 1950, book style. Do you
Now-I now know the difference between me and people that were being taught to audit in 1950. My auditing
differed; it differed considerably. And the difference was that when the pc looked like he was finished,
why, I quit. I wasnt trying to prove something. I was willing to give the pc a win (let me state it
that way, although thats critical). I was so willing to give the pc a win that when the pc would say,
"Whee, gee!" you know, and light up like Roman candles and so forth, I would say, "Thats it. Good.
Fine. Thanks. Goodbye." And they had a tendency to remain stable for some time. Some of those people
from back in the late 40s were stable three years afterwards, I know of.
Now, whats interesting here is that were approaching release on a gradient here and we know what grade
of release were making. And when we were (quote) "clearing them in the 50s," we never knew what grade
of release we were making a Clear at. Do you see?


But this is the thing which booby-trapped the line, was the-the facts of stability. Stability-how long
would it last?
Well, being a very thorough fellow and being a very, very thorough research man, and having been at it
for a very, very long time now, I got the idea finally that it must be a totality. If we were going to
have something that was a near absolute in the way of Clear, then we were going to have to do a near
totality of erasure. And for three years I worked very, very hard to find out what you totally erased
and so today we get a Clean
Now, weve known for a long time that a thetan made up his own bank, but telling him so didnt get him
over it. And weve just found out again that telling him so didnt get him over it, too. Even when hes
almost Clean We say, "Hey, youre mocking it up," and hed say, "Hey, am I mocking it up? Yeah, I am
mocking it up." And hell go Clear-pshew!-and he goes off that bottom step that isnt there, you know?
And hes got to go back on and finish it up the way he should. Its got to be his cognition.
So once more the making of a Release and so on is very, very worthwhile-man, man, man-because its on a
plotted line, and the fellow has raised his confront, hes released-being released in a proper sequence,
hes getting accustomed to things that have been ruining his life, and would ruin anybodys life.
Because let me assure you-once more I repeat-anything that will stop auditing would ruin somebodys
life, because auditing is pretty hard to stop. Our process drills and that sort of thing are themselves
intensely valuable therapeutically. I know some people, every time they felt bad, theyd go out and do
their TRs.
But this achievement was bringing it up to the top of a totality of erasure. And being a very thorough
sort of chap, why, I said, All right. Then the answer to it is a total erasure." And of course, you can
make a total erasure of the reactive bank, only nobody had ever done it before, from the beginning of
the universe on. So there are a few little tricks involved in it. It takes a little while.
But thats a head-on collision with the thing. That isnt just backing out of a desensitized area and
being free of that desensitized area. Man, you could plunge into a nonexistent bank all you wanted to
and you wouldnt find anything there to get stuck in. So that is a Clean So a Clear is a stable state.
But Clears-Clears follow the rules of life until they themselves have changed their minds concerning the
rules of life, and when they do that, of course, theyre OTs 30. Probably very, very advanced to tell you
a thing like this but Ive been, of course, researching OT processes. And I find out, oddly enough, that
the OT processes are the har-upper harmonics of just those processes-except theyre not processes.
Thats another story.
Now, wherever an auditor is auditing, there are only certain things that are going to prevent his
achievement of success. There arent 8,965 of them. Theres only this little handful-this very, very
small handful. And you better not go multiplying the number of things that can get in your road, because
then youre putting you in your road. And you know the hardest thing in the world for a thetan to get
around is himself
Now, the things that you cannot neglect or ignore in auditing, regardless of the grade of the
individual, are communication factors, problems (particularly PTPs, notably), overts, ARC breaks, the
fact the guy is getting paid, some fashion or another, for his aberration or service facsimiles. And
those things will always get in your road. And he might have gone somewhere else on the track than where
he is supposed to be at. And the upper harmonic of that in OT is the guy is no longer in the room; hes
gotten bored.
But here are elementary things, and of those, the first four are the most vital. That is, communication,
problems, overts and ARC breaks. Now, are you going to neglect those? Youre not going to audit.
What are the symptoms that a person with these things displays? Well, Im not going to stand here and
give you some long, authoritative list, because they are numerous. The indicators of these things are
numerous. Its something like my explaining to you-and theyre obvious-something like my explaining to
you that that sign up there that is one mile long and a half-mile high, painted a glaring white and lit
with the totality of atomic fission and power from half the worlds searchlights, with the red letters
on it c-a-t, spells cat. Thats the way I feel after a while. You know, I feel like Im just beating a
dead horse, you know? Its wild.
If I say, "Look, you cannot process somebody unless youre in communication with him." An auditor, half
an hour later, realizes the pc hasnt answered any of the auditing questions and goes and sees somebody,
a Case Supervisor or somebody, and says, "I dont think the process is working." Process be damned! The
auditor isnt.
The carrier wave of all processing is communication. So if your pc doesnt feel like talking to you,
youre not going to get anyplace. I mean, how elementary can you get?
Now, lets say were doing a service facsimile at Grade IV, and the pc isnt talking. Well, we say, "He
cant possibly be not talking, because he is a Grade 0 Release." Well, lets just say he wasnt released
on you. It just so happens he isnt talking that day, and until you get him talking, youre not going to
get any auditing done.
Now, you see what I mean about the mile-long sign a half a mile high, with-painted white with the
letters cat on it in red. I mean, thats so obvious. How could I possibly ever have to tell anybody
that? And yet, time and time again, I go through and I see a bunch of sessions happening, and I see this
pc isnt talking and that pc isnt, and that one and that one. And I find about a third of the pcs in
the room arent talking to their auditor.
Its not my hypersensitive, supertrained brain at work. My brain doesnt work, as a matter of fact;
thats probably why we got someplace. Youll see the pc, and the pc-he should be sitting here, you see,


talking to the auditor, you see? And you see the pc like this. And you hear the cheery voice of the
auditor, you see, saying, All right. Ah, let me have the next item."
And the pc: "Cats."
He dont hear this auditor say a thing, you know? You never hear the auditor say, "Whats up?" You know,
"Whats cookin, mate?"
Of course, the auditor would probably ask me, "What are the proper words to use in a state like that,"
see? My answer, Im afraid, would be "effective words." And similarly, were trying to list somethingfind the-S&D or something like that-and the fellow says, "Well, I-Ill-Ill give you a few more items
but Ive got to meet Mazie, you know, and so forth. Were having a bit of domestic problems, you know?
Weve got to go up and see the lawyer and so forth. Ill give you a few more items for this S&D, and so
forth, but really youve got to warn me when it gets to be whumph-thirty."
And the auditor say, All right," and take the next few items on it. Whaw! The pc has got a PTP of such
magnitude that his attention isnt in on the bank. So of course, if his attention isnt in on the bank,
how can his attention do anything, because its the pcs attention, not the auditor, that does things
through the bank.
And this pc is saying, "Well, I dont want to be critical but I have had better auditors."
What the auditor doesnt realize is that pcs dont object to auditors unless they have overts on them-no
matter how-how lousy their auditing is. Do you know that? And if you sit and look at a critical or
nattery pc and so forth, and dont find the overt, youve just got rocks in your head, thats all! Why
sit there and beat yourself up? Youre beating yourself up!
It had nothing to do with the state of his mind. Its the state of your technology. Critical pcs have
overts. And the longer you audit them without pulling the overt, why, the more youre going to get
chopped up; so why chop yourself up? Thats the way you commit suicide! You just keep this up, the pc
eventually will shoot you or something.
And as far as ARC breaks are concerned, those ARC breaks that are not handled, worsen. You cannot audit
in the presence of an ARC break. You notice its fairly well up the grades there and its pretty rugged.
Auditing somebody over the top of an ARC break: at first hell protest, and then hes liable to scream,
and then he raises a fuss, and then he does this, and he finally finds out that isnt getting him
anyplace. And he-he gets sort of tired, and he begins to feel a little bit sad, and then he gets sadder
and sadder and sadder. And youll see him walking around after a session and he looks like Ophelia, or
whatever his name was, in that comic section that was written up the Avon, some years ago. You know, she
looked very sad-although she was singing.
I will say this, that these things have not been pointed out since the Gradation Chart came out but they
are what they are and they can occur And a person who is released at one of these grades is normally
much less apt to have this happen. But get that-its much less apt to have this happen 31. You could key
him back in so itll happen. You can throw somebody out of communication. Kick him in the teeth a few
times and he wont talk to you. I guarantee it. I dont care what grade of release he is. Id hate to do
it to a Clear and OT. Probably something horrible would happen to you. But the point is that these
things occur-until somebody changes his agreements on life, clear up at the level of OT.
Now, I hope Ive taught you
about the road out. You are
various conditions and make
doesnt mean that you wont

something about a Gradation Chart. And I hope Ive taught you something
very rich in having processes which on a broad, general basis handle these
Grade Releases with some thoroughness. Youre very rich in this. But that
get ARC broke with yourself as the auditor doing Grade VII.

Its interesting that the bulk of, if not all, the Clears to date are good auditors. Arent they all
Saint Hill Course? There isnt one single fast-route Clear yet. Which is very interesting. So if you
want a good auditor at Grade VI and VII, why, become one. An interesting commentary on this.
But you are dealing with the primary things which barred living. And when I found out that if they were
barring auditing, they were also barring living and therefore were the route for auditing, and then when
plotted out did make rapid Releases, youve got the genus of this-this Gradation Chart. Possibly you
hadnt realized that before. Quite a remarkable piece of stuff. There frankly isnt anything else that
can happen to anybody that would bar the road out.
You say, "Well, he could get killed." Well, not necessarily; that wouldnt bar the road out, because
hed pick up another body and youd get him sooner or later. But as far as auditing is concerned, those
are the things that happen to people, and so therefore, they are the grades of release.
Now, there are interim release points on this chart that you probably are neglecting. And youre saying,
because a person goes free needle at Grade 0, he has then gone a Grade 0 Release, see? Now were getting
into dicey and dangerous stuff but hes run some Communication Processes at Grade 0 and has gone floppy
needle and you say straight-away, "Were all finished. And now hes a Grade 0 and we dont have to do
anything else with Grade 0." I want to call to your attention that theres a thing over here called
Valence Processes. What the hell were they? Well, theyre covered in HCOBs-very legitimate address.
Thatd make a very thorough Grade 0 Release. Right now youre skipping it.
These were the elementary Communication Processes. Well, there were some more complex Communication
Processes for Grade I-much more complex Communication Processes, all of which have been noted downfollowed by Locational Processes, to make a grade of release. Here was the original plot.
Now, when we did a II, we had the CCHs. How the devil? You could overrun the CCHs so easily that people
are-tend to just pull off that one and just drop it right out of the lineup and not have any more to do
with it, thank you! Because, of course, a person is off a meter while doing the CCHs, so therefore, you
cannot tell when he goes free needle.


But here also were ARC Processes. And there were lots of those. And then there was case remedies fitted
in there; that whole Book of Case Remedies fitted in there. You could go release on a lot of those, too.
Now, here was Auditing By List and Over-Justifications, and so forth, at III. Here were solutions on
physical problems and here was dating on a meter. That just dropped out of the lineup complete. I know
it has.
And then we had Cause and Effect Processes, which are quite remarkable, and R4H and Effort Processing
and Rising Scale Processes. Now, here was where whole track engrams and secondaries and so forth fit,
but those were the Power Processes-are the best and fastest way to get into that sort of a lineup. And
then we had the R6 Processes Solo and we had the Power-this is "processes used"-the Power Processes
belong here. And then we had above that, Clear. And above that, the OT Processes, which I am now
Now, that gave a whole list. Now, the processes which you are doing, and the last HCOBs which you have,
these are perfectly all right for you to use. And a Clear is somebody at Grade 0 who has gone free
needle on Communication Processes, and who at Grade I has gone free needle on Problems Processes, and at
Grade II has gone free needle on overts and withholds, and at Level III has gone free needle on ARC
breaks of one kind or another, and at Level W has gone free needle while finding a service facsimile.
And Level V and VA, of course, are going free needle, or the proper end phenomena, on the Power
Processes. And Grade VI is the unburdening of the reactive mind by the processes prescribed at that
level to a free needle-very easily overrun; a fellow is doing it himself And they usually overrun and
have to be brought back. And then at Grade VII is the total erasure of the reactive bank, and also the
unreactive bank, and also any bank that had anything to do with it. And if you do those things, I will
grant the fact that a person is released at all those grades.
I want to point out there is a whole bunch of other things that can be done at those grades to release
people. Now, I dont say you have to do those but I am saying this in this lecture: If you think youre
going to run one pc for as much as two or three days of auditing without having to use technology from
another grade than that from which-on which youre auditing him, either done by a senior or done by
yourself; you are very much mistaken. Itd be very hard to audit some pc without, sooner or later,
running into a communication breakdown, problems, without running into an overt, without running into an
ARC break. Be almost impossible! The smoothest auditor in the world could not fail but to run into one
or more of those phenomena in the process of auditing.
And if youre going to neglect them, youre just going to booby-trap the whole road as far as the pc is
concerned. Hes not going to make it on up the line, thats all. He will drop out. And I dare say any
failures youre having with cases is because you are ignoring the grade definitions used as rudimentsthe definitions and names of those grades. For instance, problems, ARC breaks, and so forth. These are
Now, how long do you sit and run ARC breaks on a Level 0 pc-a Grade 0 pc? How long do you run ARC
breaks? You run it until you have handled the ARC break which was barring your road to auditing. You
dont now try to make him a-an ARC Break Release.
Do you get the idea?
You understand more about this Gradation Chart?
Audience: Yes. Mm-hm.
Well, I do hope, in spite of the catastrophic method in which this lecture began... I havent mentioned
any names. I havent even looked pointedly at anybody. And I havent set up any examples that are actual
examples-and this is true-I havent set up any actual examples of anybody having goofed on this
recently. I only discovered it on the basis of-just noticed that one auditor, in handling a case,
neglected all of the points. And as he was an old-time auditor, I realized that he thought that was all
yesterdays auditing and we didnt handle ARC breaks anymore, we just plowed through somehow.
But auditing is done in a highly standard way. It is a very narrow; narrow track. It is not a wide track
on both sides of the road. It is highly beneficial. It has very definite goals, aims and gains. And when
it is barriered, youll find the only things barriering it are the things which I have talked about
Now, therefore, the things Ive talked about today, and going non-standard, are the things
bar people from becoming Clear. And thats all. Thats all. Your own personality, added up
technology and moving on through, does the rest of the job. You, a being, are also part of
and I count on that and count on your cooperation as a-a thetan in pushing it through on a
line, straight on through to Clear for everybody.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
660726 - The Classification chart and Audting
(HCOB 8.10.67)
(Reference HCO PL 13 Sept 67)


which would
to the
the lineup,

The first step, CC materials to FN, is a folder inspection. If no FN was noted in the CC folder, the
point is rehabbed if it exists. Standard Rehab -- date time or times, etc. Materials not run to FN is a
The second step requires the TA between 2 and 3. Proper cans giving full hand contact must be used.
Solo cans are NOT used. The meter and cans must be checked out before the check by placing a 5000 ohm
resistor between the cans, and then a 12,500 ohm resistor. The resistor is clipped to the cans, not the
Use sensitivity 5 on the Clear and Re-Clear Check.
In rehabbing the grades keep in mind HCO B 11 Feb 66, "Free Needles, How to Get Them on a Pc". That
is, if a grade does not rehab to FN, go on to the next grade, etc, until you have an FN. Then pick up
those that you left. The one really keyed in will hold down the others.
You do HCO Bs 30 June 65, 21 July 65, 2 Aug 65, 21 Oct 65 exactly. Listing and dating each and every
release on a grade. REMEMBER that a pc may have gone release more than once on a given process, so check
for it. You get in all steps and do a proper job of it, getting the pc happy about it before leaving the
grade. When you are done you will have isolated the out grades, if any. Such a pc goes to Review to get
them put in.
You must have down that the grade was RUN. "Have you been run on ARC Breaks, yes, FN, that's it", is
incorrect. See 21 Oct 65. What processes were run? -- list them -- find which went release on, etc.
Standard tech.
N.B. Straight wire, secondaries, engrams, and Grade Va do not need to be run. Their absence does not
constitute a flunk .
However, if they were run and the pc did not go release, they would naturally have to be completed.
But, this is only done IF they were run previously 32.
Some pcs have not been run on Grade V due to ED on old SH grads. Point is, are they whole track
engram releases? If not, handle any by-passed charge. DO NOT run Power. Do not run Power on anyone who
has run the CC materials.
So, on such a pc as falls under this ED, when you get to where you would be rehabbing Grade V, you
instead just locate his old track processes, like Helatrobus, Fac One, etc, and find out if he went
release. You use your 27 Sept 65 bulletin here -- what did the pc look at that got the release -- what
keyed out. This determines whether or not he's whole track engram release.
For example, pc ran on old Advanced Procedure and Axioms process of go to a moment of occlusion in
this lifetime. Bang, he went whole track, a picture of two anthropoids showed up in an electronics
incident. The key-out gave the pc a release lasting 3 1/2 years. On rehab, when this electronic was
spotted again, there was a great resurgence and FN.
During these grade rehabs the TA may go below 2 or above 3. This is OK, you continue the rehabs as
you usually would.
After rehabs are all done, any out grade is run to FN in Review, excluding those listed above.
A person pending an S & D does not receive his check until the S & D has been completed on the
person and Ethics clearance has been given on it.
A Clear who acquires an Ethics record of a Crime level obviously is a
on the usual lines and get a Re-Clear Cheek, then a complete Review to get
This Ethics record must be accurate and proven, not just some chit written
It is a PROVEN record resulting from a Hearing, Board of Investigation, or
question, it must be cleared up before revoking a Clear Certificate.

misdeclare, and must be put

in the out grade or grades.
which may or may not be true.
Comm Ev. If the record is in

Failure to pass a Re-Clear Check by TA position is meaningless technically because upper Levels key
in after Clear and will move the TA all over the dial and can tighten the needle (tighten, not
scratchy). So do not withdraw the Certificate. Continue the check, do rehabs, and get in any out grades
in Review. Exams does the Check.
You get a person cleaned up on whatever you found out so that he can then pass a Check.
A person who flunks a Clear Check or Re-Clear Check does NOT run the CC materials to another FN
before getting another check. If, however, the flunk was because the CC materials had not been run to
FN, he would of course do so before another check.

Dianetics is Dianetics and Scientology is Scientology.

They are separate subjects. They have in common certain tools like the E-Meter, TRs and auditor
presence. But there it ends.
Dianetics addresses the body. Scientology addresses the thetan.
While a thetan can produce illness, it is the body that is ill.
Thus Dianetics is used to knock out and erase illnesses, unwanted sensations, misemotion, somatics,
pain, etc. Scientology and its grades are never used for such things. 33
Scientology is used to increase spiritual freedom, intelligence, ability, to produce immortality.



To mix the two has been a very bad error.

Dianetics came before Scientology. It disposed of body illness and the difficulties a thetan was having
with his body. This was a Present Time Problem to the thetan. In the presence of a PTP no case gain
results (an old discovery).
When a thetan has body discomfort or upset solved, he could then go on with what he really wanted which
were the improvements to be found in Scientology.
Mixing the two practices in any way produced and will produce no real case gain. Scientology grades will
only occasionally get rid of body ills and Dianetics will not achieve real spiritual freedom.
Used within their own areas they both each one separately achieves that for which it was intended.
Dianetics can make a well body, Scientology can make a recovered thetan.
So you don't use Scientology remedies or Scientology Case Supervisor procedures to run Dianetic
sessions. High Tone Arm, ARC Breaks, etc are not even considered in Dianetic Auditing.
Dianetics was researched in 1932,'38,'45,'48,'49,'50,'51,'52 to name the principal early years. It was
redeveloped in 1962 and '63 when I made R-3-R discoveries and re-released. And it was finally realized
as per this HCOB in 1969 after further research.
I found that Dianetics had been forgotten for a dozen years and was being given a light brush-off as a
course and that auditors and pcs were trying to use Scientology grades to handle body ills such as
headaches, chronic somatics and so on.
Man's usual PTP is his body. So if one gave him gold ornaments he'd try to use them to cure his aches
and pains.
Thus Dianetics was forgotten and unused and Scientology was being made to attempt cures. Thus they were,
both subjects, busily being made to fail to some degree.
Dianetics as it now exists is so simple, so elementary and so broadly applicable to the body that it
requires a real effort to complicate it or make it unworking.
Keep the two separate in both application and use.
Recognize them as two entirely distinct and separate subjects with widely different uses.

If a preclear or pre OT has physical difficulties, bad perception trouble, illness or physical
Once that is completely understood it will end any and all "failures".
The Dianetics he needs is fully contained in the new Dianetics checksheet.
Using Scn auditing and grades to handle common Dianetic problems is to audit a pc over a Present Time
The big PTPs a thetan has are his body.
A thetan is a thetan and he wants spiritual freedom and ability.
A body is a body.
Scientology = thetan rehabilitation.
Dianetics = body improvement.
All Dianeticists and Scientologists, all pcs and pre OTs should be informed of this.
Using Scn to help the body and Dianetics to help the thetan is a mix of
practices and the misuse of both.
Even the applications are different.
In Scn you handle PTPs, ARC Breaks, Missed Withholds that occur in sessions.
In Dianetics you erase the session or incident in which they occurred. Dianetic processing uses a Meter,
R3R and assists and TRs. It also uses an understanding of what the subject is for. It erases locks,
secondaries and engrams or their chains. That's exactly what it does and what is done with it. The
mental image picture is the source of continued pain, somatics, bad perception or illness. This subject
has to be DONE, actually used. These data in this paragraph are the total essentials of Dianetics. It is
taught, case supervised and used as Dianetics.
The thetan, scales, ARC, exteriorization, ability, freedom, the grades, clearing, and OT levels are the
sole province of Scientology.
Earlier writings tend to overlap and intermingle the two subjects.
Because one was not permitted to heal, that being frowned on in some countries, Dianetics tended to be
suppressed and was lost sight of.
Scientology began to be made to try to do Dianetic work.
We can now cleanly separate the two and so obtain enormously increased case gains.


Why Dianetics fell out of use had nothing to do with its workability. Ithas worked and well since 1950.
In some areas, mainly the US, it was illegal to heal or cure anything.
There was even a law in California giving 25 illnesses that were against the law to cure. The "Better"
Business Bureau in the US even issues pamphlets that state that "You can always tell a fake healer
because he says he can cure something".
Why a civilization would make it illegal to cure illness can only be explained by some vested interest
making more money out of people being sick than getting people well.
There existed a continual threat to anyone who helped their fellows.
The ability of Scientology to bring about spiritual freedom therefore received the concentration of
effort by organizations.
Lately public opinion has turned heavily against these suppressive groups and the public discovery that
illegal seizure, torture and murder was the hidden activity of political psychiatric groups has lost
these people their support.
It was overlooked that spiritual healing of the body has not been illegal and that Dianetics used for
pastoral counseling is completely legal.
It is a sobering thought that the only effective technology of psychosomatic healing -- Dianetics -could be suppressed out of full usage.
One is handling the effect of the spirit on the body. Therefore even Dianetics is spiritual healing and
as such is far from illegal.
Man should not be kept ill just to let a few have a monopoly.
In almost all other countries than the US there is no restriction on healing despite monopolistic
efforts to make one.
Another reason Dianetics was for some time out of use was that it was believed it had been superseded by
Scientology which it never was in fact.Dianetics can be done with no reference whatever to Scientology
or its techniques.
People who have given up through illness are also prone to want to leave. Instead of confronting their
illness it is easier to try to get away from it. Thus such people are in a hurry to be free and prefer
Scientology. But if they have a sick body, it is a present time problem and inhibits attaining the
spiritual freedom they seek.
The correct procedure is to make them well wherever possible with medical treatment and to handle their
psychosomatic illnesses with Dianetics and then, before any further abuses by life can occur, to raise
their ability and secure their freedom with Scientology. This is the correct use of Dianetics. It is the
remedy for psychosomatic illness.
The basic use of Dianetics is to make a well body and to augment physical treatment.
Any injurious experience can be erased by Dianetics. It is very easy to use and if one wants people well
and happy it should be used at every occasion.
A person has an operation. This should be followed soon after by the erasure of the engram of the
experience by R-3-R and the usual Dianetic auditor actions. The healing time will be greatly speeded and
often healing will occur where a relapse might have followed.
A woman has a child. The engram of delivery should be run out soon after. The result of doing so is very
spectacular. There is no "post-partum psychosis" or dislike of the child and no permanent injury to the
mother. It is in fact best to audit the mother both before and after the delivery, which gives one fast
relatively painless childbirth and quick recovery.
Recovery from disease under treatment is speeded by Dianetic auditing.
Where the incident of the break is, with any chain, run out, a broken limb will heal (by X-ray evidence)
in two instead of six weeks.
Some patients who are not responding to medical treatment who are then given as little as a touch assist
will then be found responsive to the medical treatment. An auditor giving the person a Dianetic session
will more or less ensure that the medical treatment will now work.
A person who is accident prone when audited usually loses this unwanted characteristic.
Many "insane" recover from their symptoms when given proper medical treatment, rest, no harasament and
then good mild Dianetic processing. They become and remain normal people without relapse.
Chronic, which is to say, long-term illnesses cease when audited by Dianetics and then medical
treatment, which was earlier ineffective.
Whole classes of "mentally retarded" children have been made more normal by teachers in London County
Council schools using relatively unskilled Dianetics.
Tiredness, unwanted sensations, bizarre pains and aches, bad hearing or sight also routinely respond to
Dianetic processing.
The sickness and death rate of persons who are part of Dianetic groups is only a small fraction of that
of other groups.
Pilots audited with Dianetics, by a test involving a whole squadron, went without a single even minor
accident for the following year.
Scientists audited with Dianetics have greatly improved intelligence.


Dianetics raises IQ as a side product to usual auditing, at a rate of about one point of IQ per hour of
Withered limbs, skin blotches and rashes and even blindness and deafness have all responded to
Possibly the point which counted most against Dianetics in the early attacks on it was that it did a
vast array of things. The truth was, it actually did them. When you have the answer to the human mind as
in Dianetics of course anything caused by the mind can be remedied.
It is very much easier to train a Dianetic auditor than a Scientology auditor. It requires only about a
month to make a Dianetic auditor who is sufficiently conversant with the subject to get results. This
too was used against Dianetics as the psychiatrist of that day claimed he himself needed twelve years of
study to do psychiatry. Of course when the public found out that the product of these twelve years of
study was killing the "insane" and increasing their number the argument became silly.
The spectacular personal gains which were available in Scientology were so great they tended to obscure
the very real use and value of Dianetics.
Further, a Scientology executive trained and processed beyond the need of body help tended to forget
that much of the public out there first had to be helped out of their physical misery before they could
attempt anything like personal gain.
You use Dianetics much the way you would use any remedy.
When a fellow is burned you audit out the burn.
When a woman loses a loved one you audit out the loss.
When a young man can't finish his schooling you audit out his unhappy school experiences.
Dianetics is for USE. There is not a lot of admin about it. It isn't something you use after bowing down
three times to Chicago. You just USE it.
A Dianetic auditor who sees someone sick and who doesn't get him treatment and then audit him is just
not humane.
Woman going to have a baby -- get out the meter and audit her into shape for it. When she's had it, run
out the delivery.
Fellow burns his hand, break out the meter.
Dianetics is the answer to human suffering. USE it.
Ideas build up to halt the use of Dianetics such as "once you have a floating needle on engrams you
don't run them any more -- ". That's silly. An F/N on a chain can be called the end of that chain. But
not of Dianetics on the case.
I am not trying to make anyone wrong by reintroducing the real use of Dianetics. I myself had not
realized how separate and vital it was as a technology until recently. I was engaged for many years
researching and completing Scientology. I had not noticed and had not said that Dianetics must be
preserved and used in all cases of psychosomatic illness or in physical suffering.
Yet, during all this time when I had to handle illness, I did not use Scientology. I used good old
Now I have refined it and made a better statement of it and made it easier to use and I trust it will be
used for what it was intended and that Scientology grades will be relieved of the burden of attempting
to heal physical illness, a use for which it was never designed.
Scientology is a vital practice in itself. It places a person above any further illness or suffering.
But he has to be made well first.
People will ask, "Deafness? Now what special process is needed in curing deafness ....... ?"
This is one of the modern refinements of Dianetics. One runs whatever is assessed for the preclear. He
doesn't decide to cure somebody of deafness. He handles the illness that reads. Maybe it will be
You have one single procedure covering all cases and that is R-3-R and the steps of HCOB 16 Apr 69. You
audit what reads when assessed. The whole of the person's complaints, if you just keep on going with
HCOB 16 Apr 69, should eventually vanish.
Having gotten the pc well by medical care and Dianetic auditing, then start out with Scientology. If he
gets sick again before many grades, revert to Dianetics, handle it and then when he is well, resume
Scientology where you left off.
Never run a Scientology grade to make a pc well or cure something. It's a misapplication.
By using Dianetics as readily as you use shoes you can make and keep people well. You don't worry about
overruns, rudiments or anything else. You just use R-3-R even to correct ARC Breaks and PTPs and bad
By then correctly using Scientology we can make the person a far better being.
We have developed Scientology STANDARD TECH.
Both are now valid as themselves.
They do not cross.
Dianetics for the body.
Scientology for the spirit.




Multiple Declare
(This cancels HCO PL 6 Aug 1966, Declare,
Multiple, which permitted a pc to be run
from Grade 0 to IV and declare them all
at once.)



Only one grade of auditing may be declared or attested to at one

Many pcs have been found not to have attained the End Phenomena of each
lower grade as per both the 1966 and 1968 Classification Charts.
Unless a pc directly attests the end phenomena to an Examiner the Grade
cannot be awarded and the pc may not proceed.
The examiner is permitted to ask the end phenomena question for that
grade. If the pc cannot attest he has attained it, he must be returned to
session to have th-e process completed, additional processes of that grade run.
The Triple Grade and its havingness is run.
There are many other processes for each grade which help attain that End
The condition has arisen where the lower grades have become slighted in
orgs and the PC is not being set up well for a stable gain.
For instance Grade III can be repeated a dozen times


The CCHs and others listed on the "Process Taught" Training Column of the
1966 and 1968 Classifications Chart have become neglected YET ARE ALL VALID FOR
The Abilities Attained Column, Processing section of the 1966 and 1968
Classification Chart give the question that must be answered positively before
the pc is let have the Grade or to have further grades.
The huge version of the Classification Chart should be republished in a
huge format modified in text only as it extends upwards into OT grades.
These Classification Charts, particularly the Column under Training
"Processes Taught" and under Processing "Abilities Attained" are valid.
"Processes Taught" should also appear as "Processes Used" under the Processing
side. Other Class VI Processes may also be used to attain these abilities.


It is Policy NOT to downgrade Scientology lower grades just for the sake
of speed and Admin flows.
TRs (0 to 9) are curing some drug addicts.. They belong before Dianetics.
Probably the main trouble orgs have had recently has come from tossing
aside all Lower Grades. Thus the route to Total Freedom became impeded.
The Multiple Declare PL and any other advice from anyone permitting pcs to
escape direct attestation of lower grades and Power are NOT VALID AND ARE
You will note that even the Multiple Declare PL (6 Aug 66) was SH Only and
was intended only for rehabilitation of already run grades so Power could be
DIANETIC CLEAR, 1. there is such a state. Only about 2% go actually Clear on Dn. A Dianetic Clear or any
other Dn pc now goes on up through the grades of Scn and onto the proper Clearing Course. The Dianetic
Clear of Book I was clear of somatics. The Book I definition is correct. This is the end phenomenon of
Dn as per the Classification Chart and Book 1. Two per cent, no more, make Dianetic Clear accidentally.


They still need expanded lower grades to make Scientology Clear

stop them from getting power processing.


. Becoming a Dianetic Clear does not

HCOB 25.6.70)

100 Int
102 Int
103 Int
104 Int
106 Int
107 Int
10 SH
108 Int
101 Int

10 May '70
20 May '70
21 May '70
2 Jun '70
3 Jun '70
3 Jun '70
6 Jun '70
11 Jun '70
21 Jun '70

Lower Grades Upgraded

The Ideal Org
Fast Flow Grades Cancelled
Auditing Sales and Delivery Pgm No. 1
What Was Wrong
Orders to Divisions for Immediate Compliance
SH Pcs
Auditing Mystery Solved
Popular Names of Developments

comprising the program to recover full use and results of EXPANDED LOWER GRADES.
What is called a "Repair Program" on the first issue of the C/S Series HCOB just being issued is
re-named a PROGRESS PROGRAM. It has been found that case gain which has not been earlier achieved can be
consolidated by a PROGRESS PROGRAM. It takes 25 hours, can be done by a Class I or above as long as it
is C/Sed by an VIII who has starrated on the new C/S Series. This is quite a technical development in
itself. It is the answer to a pc who had "Quickie Grades" and didn't actually reach full abilities in
earlier Scientology auditing. It is followed by an Advance Program which follows below.
This is what was called a "Return Program" in the C/S Series. The name is being changed from
"Return" to "Advance" as more appropriate. It gets the pc really up to where he should be. It may take
50 hours or more.
Pcs won't like being told they "have to have their lower grades rerun". Actually that's not a
factual statement anyway. The lower grades harmonic into the OT Levels. They can be run again with full
1950-1960 to 1970 processes as given on the SH Courses all through the 1960s. These are now regrouped
and sorted out and are called EXPANDED LOWER GRADES. Only this route will now be sold. There are no
Dianetic or Scientology single-triple or "Quickie Lower Grades" any more.
There is such a state. It is not however attained by feeding people Scientology cognitions as was
done in L.A. Only about 2% go actually Clear on Dianetics. A Dianetic Clear or any other Dianetic pc now
goes on up through the grades of Scientology and onto the proper Clearing Course. The Dianetic Clear of
Book I was clear of somatics. The Book I definition is correct. This is the End Phenomena of Dianetics
as per the Class Chart and Book I. 2%, no more, make Dianetic Clear accidentally. They still need
Expanded Lower Grades, to make Scientology Clear. Becoming a Dianetic Clear does not stop them from
getting Power Processing. Modern Power is to its total End Phenomena.
This chart "Classification and Gradation Chart" has been reissued many times. All issues are more
or less valid. To save print, the processes run column appears in "Processes Taught" on the Auditor side
of the Chart. All these processes and more are used in Expanded Lower Grades. The chart is Valid.
Persons were too demanding to be done quickly. On many cases these grades as given were valid but a
large number of cases needed Expanded Lower Grades. 20 minutes from Grade 0 to IV and 5 minutes Power
was far more than many could stand up to 38. These need a PROGRESS PGM and an ADVANCE PGM. This is true
of persons at Va or R6EW or on CC or OT Levels. All these who haven't fully made it need a PROGRESS PGM
and an ADVANCE PGM "to pick up all the latent gain they missed".
Dianetic pcs should be audited on Dianetics until no somatics, then go up through Expanded Lower
Grades to Power, R6EW, Clearing Course and OT Levels39.
Any pc who has trouble needs training and the amount of time required in Expanded Lower Grades and
so on makes it cheaper to be trained 40.
(HCOB 31.5.71)
(As often done on Flag)



Dianetics to an EP
Scientology ARC Straight Wire
Triple Grades
LDN OT III and Handle
OT III Expanded
Dianetics to full EP
Expanded Grades to full EP each grade
OT VII Rehab
Any new OT Levels

Do not interpret this to be the only Advance Program. The L10 step of course can not be done until
L10 is available in your area and is simply omitted until that time.
(HCOB 31.5.71R - revised 21.10.71)
C/S 54 (omit running things already run in GF 40X)
Dianetics R3R Triple to Completion (Any Ruds or repair needed during Dianetic actions.)
ARC St Wire Triple
Grade Zero Expanded Triple (or Ex Single if you don't have the Triple processes in)
Grade I Expanded Triple (or Ex Single if you don't have the Triple processes in)
Grade II Expanded Triple (or Ex Single if you don't have the Triple processes in)
Grade III Expanded Triple (or Ex Single if you don't have the Triple processes in)
Grade IV Expanded Triple (or Ex Single if you don't have the Triple processes in)
(Any repairs above at any place during above, using GF, etc.)
Power Set-up: Life Ruds and G Form
Power Triple
Clearing Course
OT III to attest
OT III Expanded to attest
L-10 (when released)
Rehab OT VII
Any higher OT grade.
(HCOB 3.2.72)
The ideal program appears on the Grade Chart, displayed in most orgs and often sent out.
The chart has many symbols on it. A full glossary of these symbols and terms exists in HCO B 20 Aug 71,
Issue II, "Classification and Gradation Chart, Abbreviations Explained", which should be posted
alongside the chart.


A fast summary of the steps would be

C/S 54 (handling illnesses, accidents, injuries)
ARC Straightwire
Grades 0-IV
Into this program can be placed the engram handling GF40RR for resistive cases, past practices


, etc.

A Drug Rundown would occur in the area of Dianetics.

An Interiorization-Exteriorization Rundown would be given after the pc exteriorized. This usually occurs
early on in processing and has to be handled.
A C/S 53 (for TA misbehavior) could be given anywhere.
The actual program run on the pc varies according to what the Case Supervisor requires, but it follows
the Grade Chart.
The Ideal Solo Program is as follows:
1. Set-up done and all items on the checklist okay.
2. Good training as a Solo Auditor. Can include the Professional Route
of Class VI. Or the Social Counselor Course plus Solo. Or (at this
time) the Solo Course only. One Solo Audits as well as he is trained
and no better.
3. R6EW Solo Auditing to End Phenomena and attest.
4. Clearing Course Solo to CLEAR.
5. Operating Thetan I to attest.
6. Operating Thetan II to attest.
7. Operating Thetan III to attest.
8. Operating Thetan VII (audited by an auditor level) to attest.
9. OT III Expanded to attest.
10. OT IV.
11. OT V.
12. OT VI.
13. OT VIII as released.
After 7 above (OT III) or after 9 above (OT III Expanded) one can run more Dianetics, Expanded Grades,
GF40, the famous L10 or do any other case action. One cannot profitably do these actions between Solo R6
and OT III. That's just the way the bank is.
You will note that "OT VII" is apparently out of sequence. It originally went OT III, OT IV, OT V, OT
VI, OT VII. Then it was found that there was a level OT III Expanded. So it can go OT III, OT VII, OT
IIIX, OT IV, OT V, OT VI or it can go OT III, OT IV, OT V, OT VI, OT VII, OT IIIX. One gets the most out
of it by taking VII after OT III and then OT IV, OT V and OT VI really bite 42. Many persons were too
nervous of OT III to do it well until a drug rundown and OT VII were done. Others thought OT III was
endless and OT VII handled that.
The actual materials of these levels are held under tight security at Advanced Orgs because when they
are shown to persons who haven't moved up the grades, they usually cave in 43. Thus the materials are
only available in Advanced Orgs.
(HCOB 31.3.72)
EXPANDED DIANETICS is that branch of Dianetics which uses Dianetics in special ways for specific


It is not HSDC Dianetics. Its position on the Grade Chart would be regulated by the use to which it is
put. It could be below Standard Dianetics, just above Standard Dianetics or above OT III in the OT
Scales 44.
It uses Dianetics to change an Oxford Capacity Analysis (or an American Personality Analysis) and is run
directly against these analysis graphs and the "Science of Survival Hubbard Chart of Human Evaluation".
(HCOB 30.7.73)


A chronological study of materials is necessary for the complete training of a truly top grade
expert in these lines. He can see how the subject progressed and so is able to see which are the highest
levels of development. Not the least advantage in this is the defining of words and terms, for each,
when originally used, was defined, in most cases, with considerable exactitude, and one is not left with
any misunderstoods. It is for this reason that the Saint Hill Briefing Course checksheet should consist
only of the chronological materials, studied in chronological order, excepting only the Study Tapes
(Primary Rundown) which should be done first if not previously done properly.
The subject of Scientology is to some degree developed in reverse order. The task was to undercut the
current level of Man and this was the general target. Therefore one finds the higher levels publicly
spoken of most frequently in the earlier books and tapes (between '51 and '55). In seeking full
application to others and attainment for them of their potentials it was necessary to codify the
materials and develop processes for them. Any difficulties people were having with going Clear were
handled in the mid '60s and OT levels as they exist in Advanced Orgs were completed by '68. There are
perhaps 15 levels above OT VII fully developed but existing only in unissued note form, pending more
people's full attainment of OT VI & VII. In the early '70s the bottom was found with the discoveries of
exactly what psychosis was and the development of processes to handle it. This was outside the scope of
organizations at the time and is not in general use; but it did finalize the task of undercutting low
enough to include all spiritual and mental materials, then, within the subject of Scientology, in a
state of applicability. Many people believe that Scientology materials contain mainly processes. They
think of Scientology as processing. This is a very narrow view. It is understandable enough as
processing is the way out for them. But this neglects the more considerable materials which deal with
basics and fundamentals; processes are only one use of these.
Still others think that the "newest" is of course the most advanced and are looking for new
"processes" to be issued or new materials; whereas the process to resolve their case was most likely
issued in earlier years. An amusing instance of this is one whole continental area where an exact set of
principles was isolated and exact processes released that handle that exact national type; yet, waiting
for something new because they did not know the old, they were found earlier this year to be ignoring
this rundown even on new preclears and of course were having a hard time of it for those ARE the basic
processes for that continent, for those people DO have that barrier.
The actual barrier in the society is a failure to practice truth. Living lives of white lies, they
find it difficult to grasp that truth actually exists. This can hang on as a habit during the first
studies of a student and he can defeat himself utterly by continuing a dishonesty in his study -skipping this, not doing that. For Scientology is the road to truth and he who would follow it must take
true steps.
Recently, having found bottom on the mind and spirit some years ago, I have been looking into physical
nutrition and biochemistry. These latter levels lie below the spirit and mind and could be loosely
considered to be an undercut as they do impede spiritual gain. Many people are mainly fixated on the
body and living as they do in an intensely materialistic society, they are caught between being a body
in the work-a-day world and achieving spiritual freedom. This is of course paradoxical. The game of
being a body is the only game they have in their eyes. Thus if something is wrong with their body they
manifest having heavy problems and they are anxious at the thought of losing a body: in other words they
have a hidden standard of body health as their measure of spiritual attainment which, though illogical,
is where they are and what they are doing. Scientology has long pursued the firm policy of sending the
sick to the medical doctor. There is no place they can send the insane as to send them to psychiatry
would be to condemn them to horror, and so orgs do not usually handle them at all as they are not
equipt to do so even when technically able.
Medicine has been overtaken in healing by nutritionists and biochemists. They still seek to exclude
these skills from their knowledge and experience. Indeed, when demanding $46,000,000 to research heart
disease from a not always bright Congress in the U.S., medicine was contradicted by no less than the
head of Health, Education and Welfare who stated that their "research" as planned did not include
biochemistry, a rather strange omission since this is the most result-filled field. It goes without
mention that the demand also excluded nutritional research. Many individual doctors are prone to attack
any patients they find "on vitamins" or who timidly mention Vitamin E. And one is struck with the fact
that heart disease is the largest income source, I believe, of the doctor. Thus there is a blindness in
medical circles to the most productive and curative practices in the field of illness and thus, policy
or not, organizations will soon have to bend to public demand and route the bill to doctors only when
they have broken bones or need surgery to get the bullets or steering wheels out, and all others to the
nutritionist who DOES use all the modern developments in food, vitamins, minerals and advanced
biochemistry and use them intelligently.
While examining this scene I have found that nutrition and biochemistry ARE the leaders, however. The
subjects are actually arts and in a rather primitive state. But illnesses still puzzling medicine are in
many cases quite old hat to the nutritionist. If one wanted further proof, medical organizations,
especially in the US, are fighting nutrition with their usual violence where their pocket book is
threatened -- black propaganda, government seizure orders and all the routine mechanisms medicine has
employed in its history to "safeguard" its interests are in full play against the health food store and


the vitamin counter. That is enough to prove the point that nutrition is the leader in our contemporary
times where physical health body treatment is concerned.
Nutrition's star is rising into a blazing sun in the field of physical treatment of the body. It is
also wise enough to know and repeatedly state that spiritual and mental stress MUST be handled before
too much result can be obtained, which is perfectly true.
Malnutrition, deficiencies in vitamins and minerals, chronic illnesses and unhealing wounds are all
needlessly distracting but they are nevertheless distracting.
Make no mistake -- one CAN process over the top of these things and even handle, for the spirit and
mind dominate them. But why? It's far easier to parallel the mind and get the distraction handled so one
can THEN get to why he got that way in the first place if he is still interested, though well. One can
do things the hard way or the easy way. So nutrition and biochemistry are vital subjects and, due to
medical influence, very badly neglected subjects even in the presence of positive and even vital value.
My current review of these is in the nature of an assist to processing. As such, of course, they have to
embrace the factors of predisposition to, precipitation and prolongation of physical illness. It has
already been established, prior to present records, while I was working with the general field of life
in 1945, and has been confirmed by contemporary researchers in nutrition and biochemistry that Stress is
the basic cause in physical illness. Thus, such nutritional research cannot supplant the handling of
stress. Further, conditions can exist where nutrition and biochemistry cannot work at all until stress
is relieved by processing. Therefore, in lower stages of handling there is a band where thought and
physical beingness tend to merge. In this lower zone, assist type processing and nutritional or
biochemical aids seem to be simultaneously necessary. In such instances one must alternate them or coapply them. There are also a few deficiencies which produce manifestations quite similar in appearance
to insanity.
Above all this physical level material of course, the subject has been for a long time wrapped up.
Persons continuing to play the body game limit themselves in various ways and by the nature of life and
this civilization have their ups and downs even when well processed. If they have attained a relatively
high state as a bodied person they can however be rehabilitated, usually simply by running out their
overt acts and withholds and restoring their exterior perception: they are, however, despite their
continued physical beingness, quite capable of easily assuming their full potentials: they usually
prefer to go on with the game by imposing limitations, for instance to continue using their eyes. One
rarely sees them do the stunts and tricks of the Indian fakir even where they can since they have risen
above exhibitionism or the need to overwhelm or prove things and they are of course continuing to play
the game of human being, since that is the main game they have available around them.
(HCOB 31.8.74)
GROUP PROCESSING -- Not mandatory or a prerequisite.
LIFE REPAIR -- As needed but not prerequisite for Drug RD. To get ruds in
on Life.
DRUG RD, means:
TRs 0-4, 6-9 -- Mandatory for a Druggie currently on Drugs, FLAT.
Full C/S-1 -- Where not done. To fully educate pc.
Objectives -- Full battery to full EPs per basic books and early
HCO Bs on them.
Class VIII Drug Handling -- List and rehab all drugs, 3 way Recalls,
Secondaries and Engrams of Taking and Giving Drugs.
AESPs on each reading Drug -- Listed separately and handled with
R3R, each drug to full F/N assessment of Drug List.
"No Interest" Drug Items -- All reading ones run where they exist.
Prior Assessment -- AESPs listed separately and run R3R, prior to
first drug or alcohol taken.
C/S 54 -- Complete handling of Pc Assessment Form begun with Drug RD.
Health Form -- Fully handled to full F/N Assessment.
EXPANDED GRADE 0 -- As issued.
EXPANDED GRADE I -- As issued.
EXPANDED GRADE II-- As issued, including Integrity Processing.
EX DN -- Not mandatory except where pc is a low OCA, an R/Ser (2%),


chronically ill or psycho. Means:

Set-ups -- Per HCO B 23 April 74, Ex Dn Series 22.
Introspection RD -- Where pc ill, introverted or in a psychotic
R3R all E. Purps.
OCA Left-hand Side Handling -- As issued.
OCA Right-hand Side Handling -- As issued, with PTS RD as necessary.
POWER PROCESSING GRADES V & VA -- Only prerequisites are Drug RD and
Grade IV.
Solo Set-ups -- Done at SH or AO per Solo C/S Series 11R.
Solo Auditor's Course.
Solo Audit Grade VI materials.
OT VIII -- When issued.
The C/S Series, especially the early HCO Bs, numbers 1-13R, fully cover the use of the Grade Chart in
This datum has been neglected in some orgs, who have specialized in the new RDs developed since '71.
(HCOB 24.1.77)
For a number of years people have wondered when OT VIII would be released.
Well, to tell you the honest truth, OT VIII has been in existence all those several years, and to it
has been added a very large number of OT grades. None of them have been issued. Notes for all these
grades are in existence.
What I have been waiting for is 2 or 3 months of free time to go over these materials and write them
up and make them available through Advanced Organizations.
Now I will make a bargain with you. If you get all the tech straightened out and the orgs and flaps
and emergencies off my lines and get your training in and your Word Clearing in and everything flying
and this civilization even more thoroughly pointed in a civilized direction, you will buy me those 3
months' worth of time so I will be able to afford the time to write up all these Advanced Levels I have
researched. Do your job well and buy me these three months.
Is it a bargain?
(HCOB 5.4.77)
Expanded Grades can be done


- After Drug RD
- After Full Dn RD
- After Quad Grades


- After Expanded Dn
- After Power (but before Solo or Clear or OT I to III and not during
- After OT III
- After OT IV
- After OT V
- After OT VI
- After OT VII
In other words they can be done after any full-completion of any one of
the above.
A typical and IDEAL program for a pc would be:

Sub Grade Handling

Drug Rundown
Full Dianetics RD
Quad Grades
Expanded Dn
Expanded Grades

However, due to bit and piece auditing done on some pcs Expanded Grades is sometimes entered at
other points.
Quad Grades (or even Single Grades for that matter) never should have been abandoned and are
Expanded Grades is NOT a requisite for Power but Quad Grades are.
Pcs flubbily can be programmed backwards like Expanded Grades, Drug RD, Expanded Dn -- etc, etc. But
it is far from ideal.
What is Scientology - 1978
Group Processing Completion
HAS Co-Audit
Livingness Repair Completion
NED Objectives
NED Drug RD Completion
NED Case Completion
ARC Straightwire Release
Expanded ARC Straightwire Release
Grade 0 Release
Expanded Grade 0 Release
Grade 1 Release
Expanded Grade 1 Release
Grade 2 Release
Expanded Grade 2 Release
Grade 3 Release
Expanded Grade 3 Release
Grade 4 Release
Expanded Grade 4 Release
Expanded Dianetics Completion
Grade 5 Release
Grade 5A Release
Solo Setups
Solo Auditor
Grade 6 Release
OT 1
OT 2
OT 3
NED for OTs
OT 7 Processes
OT 3 Expanded
OT 4
OT 5
OT 6
OT 7
OT 8
OT 9 and Above
(HCOB 12.9.78)



New Era Dianetics or any Dianetics is NOT to be run on Clears or above or on Dianetic Clears.
This applies even when they say they can see some pictures.
Anyone who has purchased NED auditing who is Clear or above must be routed to an AO or Flag to
receive the special NED Rundown for OTs. They are NOT to be run on regular New Era Dianetics.
Anyone who is Clear but not OT III is to get through OT III immediately so he can receive this
special rundown.
The EP of this rundown is: CAUSE OVER LIFE.
(LRH ED 298 INT, 19.9.78)
An attempt to run NED on an OT resulted in a phenomenon which caught my attention, and on further
investigation brought to light the fact that you cannot run NED, or any Dianetics for that matter, on a
Clear (Dianetic or Scientology Clear) or above. Research into this paid off handsomely with a fantastic
breakthrough for Clears and OTs. I have now developed an entirely new rundown called "NED for OTs". This
deals with living lightning, the very stuff of life itself. Run exactly correctly by the book it
produces remarkable results in the OT band, and has made it possible for me to now release OT VIII. "NED
for OTs" is a highly confidential rundown done by a Class IV, OT III auditor, called an Advanced Courses
Specialist (ACS), who is specially trained on its rundown techniques. It is now forbidden to run NED on
Clears or above.
From Grade VI to OT III is the Non-Interference Zone, during which nothing should be run. Persons in
this zone should move on up to OT III so that they may be audited on "NED for OTs." This rundown will be
delivered in AOs and Flag to OT IIIs and above. Clear and OTs who have paid for NED will now receive
"NED for OTs" which in the pilot auditing produced results beyond their wildest dreams. While much of it
is confidential I can tell you that the first step of "NED for OTs" is designed to raise perceptions,
especially theta perception, and as for the rest of the rundown . . . surprise, surprise, surprise!
Although OT VIII has been researched earlier. I knew there was something that had to be handled
before I could release OT VIII. "NED for OTs" does just that, and now I am very pleased to announce the
release of OT VIII, which will be available at AOs and Flag to OTs who have completed "NED for OTs." It
is a Solo level which will fortify an OT already in excellent shape from "NED for OTs."
(HCOB 29.11.78)
Well, well. I seem to have been right in Book One about making Clears, but it seems to have
exceeded mass reality.
If the case you are auditing has a fantastic win and then seems to go into a decline, beware -- the
pc might have become a pre-OT and that funny behavior of the needle and tone arm might have been a
floating TA, when he went Clear.
I have found some very interesting case phenomena being resolved since past Dianetic Clears are
attesting to the state.
Some of the manifestations of some of the cases who were audited past Dianetic Clear (unrecognized and
unattested to) are:
(a) Manifesting PTSness and illnesses until the state was acknowledged and
attested to.
(b) Appearing to be no case gain, out-ethics cases.
(c) Not moving up the Bridge but remaining "parked" at some point. (They
have many "reasons" for this.)
(d) Becoming inactive as a Scientologist.
A C/S should look for these cases and recognize them when he sees them. This in no way means that
every PTS or out-ethics case has an unacknowledged state of Clear underlying it but this fact certainly
needs to be included in any C/S's case debug line-up.
In the cases mentioned above, you will almost always find that the condition started at a certain
point in the pc's auditing (or in his last life, as a pc). If you do a thorough folder study and
interview the pc you will find that he went Dianetic Clear just prior to the case going awry. (Or, by
interview, you might find he went Dianetic Clear in his last life.) (Note: One percent have track dates
when they went Clear.)
Advance Scheduling Registrars and those working in the Central Files of an org can go through CF
folders and ask the org C/S to check the folders of those who have drifted off lines or stopped going up
the processing side of the Bridge, as an unacknowledged Dianetic Clear state may just be the cause.


Some people didn't believe one had lived before this life. Also some people wondered what happened
to old Dianeticists and Scientologists who had died. But others used to have the phrase "Well, we'll
pick them up in the next lifetime," or "the next time around."
Well it seems like the former shouldn't have wondered and the latter were right. We are coming up
with quite a few pcs who had gone Clear in their last lifetime during Book One auditing, Goals
Processing, etc. This is something that the pc originates or something he has been "wondering about" but
The state of Clear having been truly attained yet not acknowledged and attested to, can cause an
extraordinary amount of invalidation. Evaluation also occurs on this subject and comes from others and
even the pc himself.
Because of the amount of inval and eval which may exist, a pc will often have to have these buttons
put in before he can acknowledge the state he has attained. In this case this would have to be done
before the point he went Clear is Date/Located. In some cases you may have to assess a Dianetic Clear
Repair List to handle the pc's bypassed charge.
It is a comm-evable offense to coach the pc with data about Clear in any way. You also do not
evaluate for any pc and try to convince him he has gone Dianetic Clear when he hasn't. You do not turn
to "the pc must have gone Dianetic Clear" when you can't easily solve a pc's case. You use the C/S
Series in full.
Only a C/S who is Clear and who knows the full EP of Dianetic Clear can send a pc through to attest
to this state. To send a pc through to attest to Dianetic Clear when he hasn't truly made it is a
suppressive act as that preclear will not make it on the OT levels.
If the C/S is not a Clear he should send the person or the person's folders to a Class IV Org C/S
who is Clear, or to an AO.
The power of modern auditing shouldn't be underestimated. It was pretty hot in 1950, but realize
there were 28 years of research and development. This has been enormously stepped up. For 28 years,
apparently, the power of auditing has been underestimated.
With better trained auditors than ever, and with their TRs and metering really in, the C/S who is
keeping tech in on his lines can expect a lot more of this sort of thing, so he must be alert to it,
without at the same time going delusory or failing to handle cases that really are bogged for quite some
other reason.
Given standard tech used by standard auditors and C/Sed by standard C/Ses, there is no reason why
we cannot Clear the planet.
(HCOB 1.12.78)
All C/Ses


(Ref: HCOB 24 Sept 78, Iss III,

The following are the guidelines for programming a Dianetic Clear after he
has attested and the state has been declared:

If a Dianetic Clear has had no previous auditing on Grades 0-IV, you can
run him on Quad Grades 0-IV. You omit the R3RA step of service facs. (Ref:


If a Dianetic Clear was incomplete on Grades 0-IV prior to the Dianetic

Clear attest (i.e. mid-grades), you would complete the unrun grades (Quad
or Expanded) through to Grade IV (omitting the R3RA steps on Service Facs).
If a pc goes Clear on a grade then you can give him the other grades, but
you'd end off that grade and not continue it.


If a Dianetic Clear has previously completed Grades 0-IV, he can go

directly onto the Solo Auditor Course and OT I.


If a Dianetic Clear is an old-timer who has had a lot of pre-grades

Scientology processes run (before formal grades existed), you would not
run Grades 0-IV after Dianetic Clear attest. He can be routed onto the
Solo Audit Course and OT I.
The Dianetic Clear is not run on Power, R6EW or the Clearing Course.


There is even an alternate step to Power specially designed for Dianetic

Clears called "Super Power" which will shortly be available in Saint Hills.
AND NOTE: Power Processing is still very valid and a vital step on the Bridge
for those persons not Dianetic Clear.
(HCOB 5.12.78)
(Ref: HCOB 29 Nov 78

C/S Series 104


Since the HCOBs on Dianetic Clear have come out there have been many attests and many cases
unbugged, and there will continue to be more Dianetic Clears as pcs continue to get standard processing.
This bulletin gives some additional guidelines to help smooth the lines and prevent needless stops for
the person who has made Dianetic Clear. It will also help handle the person who hasn't made it so that
he may achieve all the gains available to him.
A person who has reached the state of Dianetic Clear without it being acknowledged can run into
difficulties afterwards. You may find that he's been in ethics trouble or had a low OCA or poor case
gain since that point.
It's not only lack of acknowledgement but also invalidation by running certain processes that a
Clear wouldn't respond to, such as engrams, or continuing to run the grades, or continuing Goals
Processing, etc.
Also, with Clears and OTs who went Clear before they did the Clearing Course and never knew it or
spotted it, bypassed charge results because they are running something which is trying to achieve what
they have already achieved. It serves as an overrun.
In the case where a pc has this unacknowledged, invalidated Dianetic Clear state, you would most
likely find a point in his auditing where it looks as if he had made it and a slump occurred afterwards.
This point could have occurred many years back. If you don't see a resurgence of the state in an
interview or session when the pc mentions when he went Dianetic Clear, the C/S would be to Date/Locate
it. (Ref: HCOB 15 Nov 78, DATING AND LOCATING.)
The fact that a person
or not he has achieved the
person to attest. Clear is
unacknowledged, he can get

may currently be in ethics trouble is no basis on which to adjudicate whether

state of Clear. It is not a criterion to be used to refuse to allow the
Clear. When a Clear is audited on R3RA, when the state is invalidated or goes
into trouble. So apply this to your understanding and analysis of cases.

The MAA interview and A to J check on the Dianetic Clear Routing Form is not to imply he's outethics but will furnish the C/S with data on the case which may or may not come up in a D of P
interview. It will also detect the rare case where the person is attempting to attest in order to save
money or for status reasons. In one instance it was discovered that the person routing through was
actually a plant. These last examples are a very, very small percentage of the cases.
When the state of Dianetic Clear has been acknowledged and any inval cleaned off the line, you'll
see a very floppy needle at low sensitivity, an F/N that nothing can break up and, in many cases, a
floating TA. A low sensitivity setting (1 to 4) will be needed to even keep the needle on the dial, and
the TA will be riding between 2.0 and 3.0.
You'll find in many cases
postulates read as a surge. A
charged. "No" can read if the

that the meter now reads on the pc's postulates -- i.e., a Clear's
read therefore does not mean invariably "Yes" or that the question is
pc says it or thinks it to himself as an answer to a question. (Ref: HCOB

Bear in mind that you might not get the above meter phenomena immediately on a Dianetic Clear where
the state has been bypassed, even though the state is valid.
In some cases the TA and needle can be packed up prior to Date/Locate of the exact time the pc went
Clear. The pc may have out-Int to be handled. (The handling of out-Int on a Dianetic Clear is the END OF
ENDLESS INT REPAIR RD, HCOB 24 Sep 78R, Rev. 21 Nov 78, Iss I, Int RD Series 4R.) The person may still
be hung up on misrun R3R or Dianetics run after he went Clear, or on some point of eval or inval that
has occurred.
If, after a Date/Locate has been correctly done, you're still not getting the expected meter
phenomena, a C/S 53RL assessed and handled precisely by the book and taken to F/Ning assessment will
clean up any remaining charge.
You'll then see a full resurgence of the state, with the pc VVVGIs, a floating, floppy needle at low
sensitivity, and a floating TA.


The definitions of Dianetic Clear and Keyed-Out Clear in HCOB 24 Sep 78, Iss III, DIANETIC CLEAR,
replace the definitions in the Tech Dictionary. The person who attested to Dianetic Clear or Keyed-Out
Clear in past years would not necessarily qualify as a Dianetic Clear now, though the chances are good
he did make it. Any pc who has attested to Dianetic Clear or Keyed-Out Clear in the past should be
called in for an interview and any necessary C/Sing to ascertain the state. This must be adjudicated by
an AO C/S or by an org C/S who is Clear.
You will find that many of those who attested to Dianetic Clear earlier on actually did make it, and
after confirmation of this they will need to be issued Clear certs and Clear numbers and be properly
programmed to move on up the Bridge. (See HCOB 1 Dec 78, PROGRAMMING THE DIANETIC CLEAR FOR HIS NEXT
Additionally, where the C/S knows of a case where it looks very likely, from folder study, that the
pc went Dianetic Clear but it was unsuspected at the time and never originated, he should have such pcs
also called in for confirmation.
Where it is obvious that a person who has already been allowed to attest hasn't attained Dianetic
Clear, give the pc a good R-Factor that the person handling the attest cycle didn't have all the data.
He must also be given the R-Factor that he is being programmed so as not to be denied any of the gains
on the Grade Chart and so that he will be adequately prepared to do the OT levels. The C/S then programs
the case so that this can occur and the pc is informed he should continue with his auditing program.
In the case where the person wanting to attest clearly hasn't made it, you tell him so. There may be
some state he did achieve that he may wish to attest to and he should be allowed to do so.
In both the above cases the person very likely has made some big gain or achieved a new ability, so
validate that and give him an appropriate acknowledgement on his win.
Use HCOB 1 Dec 78, PROGRAMMING THE DIANETIC CLEAR FOR HIS NEXT STEP, as a guide when programming the
Dianetic Clear for his next action.
Keep in mind that a good percentage of the cases you see who by origination want to attest to
Dianetic Clear will have achieved the state. If you follow these guidelines and apply the HCOBs on the
subject, both those who have attained Dianetic Clear and those who haven't will be able to move on
swiftly up the Bridge on the right gradient.
C/Ses should maintain their Ivory Towers and use the above data and all will go well in this area.
It is already going well-and this additional data will handle the various situations that have come to
(HCOB 5.3.79 R)


Any org or mission staff declaring a Dianetic Clear "achieved in other practices" is subject to
expulsion from the Church.
Technically, a very few thetans have never been anything but Clear. These few didn't "go Clear" on
anything; they have simply always been Clear. When a natural Clear is found it should be so stated. To
assign this condition to some other practice is a suppression of Dianetics and Scientology.
Anyone evaluating for or feeding a preclear data to persuade him to declare Dianetic Clear is also
Anyone suppressively validating squirrel practices or groups by stating they are producing Dianetic
Clears is also actionable as above, as it is not possible. It requires the exact application of
Scientology and/or Dianetic technology to bring a preclear up to the state of Clear.
Falsely declaring a person a Dianetic Clear who isn't, and failing to declare one who made it on
Dianetics or the Clearing Course or who has always been Clear, are also actionable.
People don't go Clear in garbage eating or psychiatry -- they perish. Thus herding people into their
hands br falsely validating them is suppressive.
Any and all such false declares are cancelled.
(HCOB 29.8.80)
Today's Grade Chart consists of
The Purification Rundown
The Survival Rundown
The NED-Drug RD (for PCs)
The SCN Drug RD (for Clears)
Full NED Programm (for PCs)
Full Expanded Grades ARC S/W, 0-4
Power & Power Plus (for PCs)



OT 6
Familiarisation as a Thetan Exterior
with the Physical Universe.

Reference: Creation of Human Ability Route One. Before doing the following solo processes, listen to the
tape recorded lectures called Route One of Intensive Procedure.
Note - If you have a feeling of reduced havingness during any one of these processes, mock up eight
anchor points and push them into your body.
The following processes are run to
1) floating needle,
2) major cognition,
3) regained ability
1. Be three feet in back of your head. If you have any trouble with this command, use
Try NOT to be three feet back of your head.
2. Whatever you are looking at, copy it a dozen times ( copy means to make another one just like it ).
Now dispose of these copies in some way. eg. You can push them all together and pull them in on yourself
to suppliment havingness. In any event DO NOT leave yourself with these copies. Dispose of them in some
way. Locate a nothingness around you and make a copy of it. Repeat a dozen times. Dispose of these like
you did above.
3. Find two back corners of the room and hold onto them for two minutes.
4. Find two locations or positions on Earth and hold onto them for two minutes.
5. Find some places where you are not. (Repeat)
6. Spot three spots in your body and Spot three spots in the room. (Repeat)
7. Be in the following places: The room, the sky, the moon, the sun.
The above steps should be done to a Major Cognition or ability regained. Repeat until this occurs. Write
it down.
The following steps are done in your auditing room lying down with your eyes closed.
8. Mock up your own body until you slip out of it.
9. Locate an animal. Postulate it moving from one spot to another. Observe it doing this.
10. Find a walking man postulate his walking faster. Repeat this with 20 people.
11. Find a walking person postulate that he will stop, then continue walking. Do this 20 times. 10.
Find a person in a distant land. notice the time of day. Notice the terrain. Notice the general
environment. Smell the air. Locate a thought that is his. Locate a thought that is yours. Continue until
11. Notice differences between you and your body.
The above should be done to a major cognition or abilty regained. You can repeat the above steps until
this occurs. Write it down.
12. Create in your body a feeling of calmness; create in your body sexual desire and turn it off.
Continue that step until you feel you have control over the sexual drives.
Create in your body a feeling of pain.
Create in the body a feeling of serenity.
Do the above until flat.
Create in the body a feeling of hunger and turn it off. Continue this step until you are in control of
hunger drives.
Create in your body a flow of admiration particles and turn them off. Repeat until you can do this
The end result of these particular drills is the regained ability to control the body and its
sensations. You may have to cycle through the steps more than once.
The Operating Thetan must be able to manufacture and experience to his complete satisfaction, all
sensations including pain in mock- up form, and all energies such as admiration and force.
14. Postulate anger, boredom, grief, cheerfulness and serenity in that order. This is continued until
you are sure that you can create any emotion.


15. Finally, exteriorized visit a friend who lives in another state. Greet him and flow affinity to him.
Ask him to communicate to you by letter.
Operation Clambake
OT 8 is a big expensive mystery, only delivered on the newspeak-named Scientology cruiseliner
"Freewinds" out on the Caribbean. People who have completed this level have said that it is a review of
all of the person's auditing and a verification/ nullification of discoveries the person has made about
himself, that it is Route 1 and 2 from the Creation of Human ability book, that it involves looking into
your past auditing folders in order to spot any moments where you were being somebody else, e.g. past
life identities, which you have discovered on Int Rundown or NED and any body thetans you have unleashed
on OT III, OT IV, OT V, OT VI, OT VII and on Lists L10, L11 and L12, then a meter check to see if these
identities are right or wrong items. At the end of this new process (New OT VIII), you will have
recovered all of your own time track, supposedly. Two slightly different sets of the complete process
have been posted to alt.religion.scientology, allegedly from people who have finished the level on the
Freewinds. These procedures do indeed involved the 8th dynamic (god), as well as other steps, including
material from A History of Man.


Man versucht, zum Basik vorzustoen, nimmt dann aber das, was man bekommt. Luft dies aus (bis 4.0)
und versucht dann wieder zum Basik vorzustoen.

Von leicht nach schwer

Auditing von Entheta validiert, da es Entheta gibt. Dies kann zu Selbstauditing und berrestimulation
fhren. Also besttigt man die Theta-Seite und ignoriert die Entheta-Seite

Je mehr Entheta es zu konfrontieren gibt, um so mehr Theta bentigt man. Je weniger Theta zur
Verfgung steht, um so mehr ignoriert man Entheta und validiert Theta. Alles andere resultiert in

Man versucht mit dem exteriorisierten PC anzufangen, nach oben zu gehen (Richtung Fhigkeit:
Exteriorisations-bungen, Repair Items in body, create/destroy illusions). Ist dieser Einstieg nicht mglich,
geht man eine Stufe weiter nach unten (Deep Processing) und versucht dann - falls erfolgreich - wieder mit
dem exteriorisierten PC zu arbeiten. Falls deep processing nicht klappt, geht man eine Stufe weiter runter
(light processing) und versucht anschieend wieder mit dem exteriorisierten PC zu arbeiten. Bei
Schwierigkeiten geht man zur untersten Stufe (Objective Processing).

Man ahmt die Aktion von Theta gem der Theta-Mest-Theorie nach. (see SOS)

1. EnMest beseitigen (die physikalische Version von EnTheta). 2. Offene Zyklen erledigen. 3.
Extrovertieren 4. Krper in Schwung bringen (medizinische Reparatur/Vorsorge) 5. Gute Ernhrung

Man versucht auf diese Weise, restimulierende Faktoren (PT-Probleme) auszuschlieen.

Immer noch die Idee: Training und Ausbildung des Exteriorisierten Thetans (Clears). Zustzlich: Es ist
auch bei einem exteriorisierten Thetan mglich und sinnvoll, bei einem angehenden OT die 6 Basic
Processes zu auditieren.

Fallfortschritt (erfolgreiches Prozessing) wird gemessen am Steigenden ARK des PC/PreOT

Hier werden einige Wege zu Clear aufgezeigt. Der Auditor wird aufgrund von seiner Erfahrung sehen,
welche Prozesse er bei welchem PC laufen sollte. Wenn er ALLE Prozesse luft, wird er sicherlich aus
jedem Fall einen Clear machen knnen. Mit zunehmender Erfahrung wird er dann anfangen knnen,
Prozesse/Schritte auszulassen. Dieses Arbeitsmodell gilt meines Erachtens auch fr die Brcke modernerer
Bauart: Einschtzen, was wann zu laufen ist.


ROUTE THETA CLEAR - die erste Brcke!

Havingness - Confront - Overt-Withhold - Responsibility (von unten nach oben). Die Probleme mit dem
Erschaffen knnen also mit Prozessen der Verantwortungsskala in Ordnung gebracht werden. An dieser
Stelle verweist Ron nur indirekt auf falsche Besitzerschaft - was die Hauptursache fr das Bestehenbleiben
von Creationen ist (. When one maligns another, he has not taken responsibility for the acts of that other
person and so is separate from that other person.). Nach Vertrautwerden mit der OT III und Excalibur-Tech
drfte es mit Create-Prozessen keine Probleme mehr geben. - Schon am 8.4.58 hie es if it is too tough for
pc, run help and responsibility an pictures.

Der Mensch ist in solchem Mae gut, da er versucht, seine Macht zu verkleinern, wenn er erkennt, da
er sehr gefhrlich und im Unrecht ist; wenn das nichts hilft und er feststellt, da er immer noch Overts
begeht, trachtet er danach, sich selbst zu beseitigen, indem er entweder davonluft oder sich
gefangennehmen und hinrichten lt. (HCOB 21.1.60) Ein Thetan ist gut. Er erfand eine Bank um andere
gut zu halten. Dieser Mechanismus ist schief gegangen. Und darum sind wir hier. (HCOPL 17.3.65)

Hilfe erst vllig flach = MEST Clear (nicht mehr der Reparatur-Schritt, wenn es mit Create-Prozessen
schwierig wird, s. HCOB 31.10.59). Jetzt kann man ohne Probleme Create-Prozesse laufen. (Jetzt also drei
Mglichkeiten, Create-Prozesse zu laufen: 1. Havingness-Prozessen 2. Confront-Prozessen 3.
Verantwortungs-Prozessen 4. Hilfe-Prozesse


Natural Clear


Erst Clearing, dann R6 laufen.

Da dies Release-Grade sind, gibt es keine Gewhr fr das Behalten der Gewinne. Daher mu auf jeden
Fall besonders auf PTS-Situationen geachtet werden (einschlielich Ethik). Das hlt die Gewinne stabil.

Zielgerichtetheit beim Auditing heit: Man auditiert nur so viel wie ntig und so wenig wie mglich das,
was einen daran hindert, den nchsten Schritt zu tun! (Ganz das Motto von Buch-1-Auditing, wo man immer
versuchte, das Basic zu erreichen, oder wie bei SOP for Theta Clearing, wo man immer versuchte,
Exteriorisationsdrills zu machen!)


Also kann man auf Grad 3 release gehen, bevor man auf Grad 1 kommt.


Abwertung und Nichtbesttigung ist der hufigste Fehler beim Auditieren.

Also gibt es bei unbesttigten Releases offensichtlich (und naturgem) hnliche Phnomene wie beim
unbesttigten Clear.

Wenn jeman Clear ist, luft man keine Grade mehr! Wenn er Clear war, kann es schon mglich sein,
denn die Grade sind nur Release-Stufen.

Das einzige, was man mit einem Clear luft, sind bungen und Prozesse, mit denen seine Fhigkeiten als
Clear ausgebaut werden (OT= ausgebildeter Clear)

Rons Hauptschwierigkeit: Formulierungen und Formalisierungen, die nicht mehr falsch gemacht werden

Und umgekehrt: Wenn man den PC auf irgendetwas auditieren kann (erfolgreich!), dann mssen die
Grade unterhalb davon drin sein!!!


berlaufen gibt es seit den Power-Prozessen

Das Erreichen eines Grades ist keine Garantie dafr, da sie nicht wieder gehandhabt werden mten!
Also mu der Auditor auch danach noch auf diese 4 Haupthinderungsgrnde aufpassen und sie
gegebenenfalls in Ordnung bringen.

Die niederen Harmonien sind eine Art Falle: Man denkt, man hat etwas erreicht, aber es ist nur eine
niedere Harmonie davon.

Das Ma an tatschlicher Auslschung bestimmt die Stabilitt des Release-Gewinns: Ein moderner
Release kann stabiler sein, als ein Clear frherer Tage.

Bis man die Grundlegende bereinstimmung mit den Lebensgesetzen nicht gendert hat, bleibt auch ein
Clear den Lebensgesetzen unterworfen.

Release auf einem Grad bedeutet: Die Wahrscheinlichkeit, da man Schwierigkeiten mit z.B. Problemen
(Grad 1) bekommt, ist geringer.


Grade werden nur rehabilitiert und gelaufen, WENN sie angefangen worden sind.


DIANETIK - Der Kern ist gg = gesund und glcklich


SCIENTOLOGY - Der Kern ist ff = frei und fhig


Wenn ein Grad rausfliegt, kann man ihn rehabilitieren oder laufen.

Dies ist eine nderung zum HCOB 22.9.65 Release Gradation, wo die erste F/N reichen mute (keine
Anweisung darber hinaus...)

Hier waren Dianetik-Clear (MEST-Clear?) und Scientology-Clear (Theta-Clear?) noch zwei verschiedene


Das ist wirklich quickie: In 25 Minuten von Grad 0 bis Power.

Der Zweck von Dianetik: Keine Somatiken mehr. Dann Erweiterte untere Grade, dann Power usw. Wer
keine Somatiken hatte, knnte somit - zumindest theoretisch - auf Dianetik verzichten.

Also untersttzt Training das Auditiert-Werden. (Training ist an und fr sich ein Weg nach Clear - wenn
auch ein langsamer.)


Vorlufer von Expanded Dianetics?


Auch hier wieder relativ groe Freiheit bei der Reihenfolge der Grade (OT-Stufen).

Angeblicher Grund fr Geheimhaltung: Normalerweise gibt es einen Cave in bei der Person, die die
Materialien zu frh sieht. Das bedeutet: Wer diese Materialien schon kennt, bei dem gibt es keine
Notwendigkeit, die Materialien weiterhin vertraulich zu behandeln.


Wieder relativ lose Position eines Grads auf der (oder neben der?) Brcke


Lower Grades, Higher Grades, Expanded Grades, Quad-Grades, Single Grades...(Sub Grade)?

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