Rajib Sarker Viva

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NRB Commercial Bank Viva for Probationary

Date : 2014

Candidate : Good Afternoon Sir, May I come in?

Examiner 1 : Yes come in. What is your subject? Tell us about your self in
Candidate : Sir My name is Rajib Sarkar.I have completed my BBA and MBA
in Marketing from Northen University of Bangladesh. Its a private
university.But my strengths are hardworkerkign & good learning skill . I
would like to put my knowledge & concept into actual practice in Bank.
Examniner 1 : Ohh....Good Marketing of yourself.Now tell me your
weekness? Are you a fresh graduate?
Candidate : My weekness is I am brooding over a matter too much. I cannot
sleep at night if something goes wrong. Sometimes that type of seriousness
is not good.And yes Sir I am a fresh graduate.
Examiner 1 : Agian deplomatic answer....you are a good marketing people.
As we are a new bank what do u think...what should be our marketing
Candidate : My view of marketing strategy for a new bank should be very
much realistic...I mean we have to find our clients from the existing clients
of various other banks...We have to offer them priority banking service....we
have to launch new type of banking products for the retail customer of the
bank....and also we have to hunt brand new customers.
Examiner : What do you mean by brand new customer!!!
Candidate : We have to find out those customer who are out of banking
service but they have money in their hand....may be they are business man
of small shop or car garage....but they have handsome earnigs...so we will
hunt these catagory of customer and we will take them in the main streem
financial service.
Examiner1 : Do you know what does NRB mean?? Our bank name started
with NRB...
Candidate : Yes Sir....I know...NRB stands for Non Resident Bangladeshi.

Examiner1 : Our main tergating customer is thoese who are living abroad
but sending remittance to Bangladesh...So what should be plan?
Candidate : Sir in this case I think we have to open brunches in Middle East,
Europe and North America where our Non Resident Bangladeshis live and
send remittence from. Then we could attract them in our finacial service.
Examiner 2 : Mr. Sarkar Why do you Believe that you are Qualified for this

Candidate : Sir Approxmately 2 thousand candidate appeared in your exam

and i am one of them, if i have not qualified for this job i am not here infront
of you. Yes i am capable and easily handle the pressure of the job so thats
why i am here and wants to join your bank. And I studid BBA, MBA and I am
a student of commerce so I think I could be a banker....on the other hand my
father was also a banker...so I want to be a banker.
Examiner 2 : Ohh...your father was also a banker?? In which Bank??
Candidate : He was in Janata Bank sir.
Examiner 1 : OK. Mr.Sarkar...your viva is complete.
Candidate : Thank you very much Sir.

Rajib Sarkar
BBA,MBA Northen University Bangladesh

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