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Importan factor which had big influence on type of drama and whole

formation of drama,was lack of female actors. Female characters were

played by boys in female clothes,and those boys shold be young
because of voice. And because of that we can see that in Sh dramas
there isnt a lot of female characters . Number of them was between 3
and 5. Also, on stage wasnt represented much love scenes.
Characrers which were in love usually didnt have any close contact on
scene. Even in most popular Sh love drama-R i J, closest protagonist
conact was scene where Julite is standing on balcony and omeo is
under it, so they are on different stage level. Love motive on stage is
usually is limited,so whole story is about unrequited love. The biggest
love sine is hug,but never any type of love and passion. Obvius
solution for this problem would be adding female acotrs,but that didnt
Behaviour of Sh characters were specific,especially female
charcarters, they usullay were smart and relaible. But some of them,
were also imulsive. Male characters are the ones who had big
changes in their life, they have many ups and downs, but they survive
all of that.
Important factor of theatre was audience. Audinece was
diverese,society from all socilas class went to theatre. Drammas were
made for them and if audinece isnt satisfated, everone wolud feel big
dissapointment,and all money that they spent on their costumes and
everythig else, was spant for nothing.
It was hard to adjust drammas for all dofferent class of people ,so
peole started to open privat thetaers ,just for rich and powerfule
people. In public theaters, peole from lower society class, find
entartainment in coustumes,detaile form stage,they even went there
just to watch nobel, they went there just for fun. But educated peole
went there not just for fun, they listened everythig carefful,and the
especially loved Sh word game, and metaphors, which he used very
much. But that drammas with this element were judged by
uneducated people beocause it was hard to understend and so they
colund enjoy if they understeand.
Big enemy of Sh and all dramatists of that time were puritans and
classicist. Those 2 gorups made many problems for theatre and they
had big influence on people. Puritans considered that drammas and
theatre had bad infulence on society,they even said that theatre is
cause of plague. In 1577. They held speach about theatre and they
said that illnes wont stop until theatres dissapear.Their problem in

facct eas that,that people were more atraccted whith theatre than
churge. Puritans also said that th are houses af devil,nests af
immoraliti and sins. Important memver of puritans were Stiven
Goson,he write pamflets,that were something like newsspaper,but in
that were written about some particulary problem. In september
1642.parlament colesd all theaters and whith this decision theatre
activity almost died.

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