Polymorphism Using Abstract Classes in Visual Basic

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Polymorphism using Abstract Classes in

Visual Basic.NET 2005

(Page 1 of 6 )

This article gives you an in-depth understanding of abstract methods, abstract classes and
polymorphism using abstract classes in Visual Basic 2005.

A downloadable zip file is available for this article.

If you are new to OOP in Visual Basic.NET, I strongly suggest that you go through the following
Using Constructors with Object-Oriented Database Development
Properties and Object-Oriented Database Development
Using Methods with Object-Oriented Database Development
An Introduction to Object-Oriented Database Development
The entire source code for this article is available in the form of a downloadable zip file. The
solution was developed using Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Professional Edition on Microsoft
Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition. I didn't really test it in any other environment. I
request that you post in the discussion area if you have any problems in execution.
Life without the "Abstract" class in Visual Basic 2005
Before understanding the "Abstract" class, let us go through an example with a set of classes,
which demonstrates the inconveniences of repeating the code.
The following is a class named "Rectangle" defined with length and breadth as properties along
with a method named "GetArea" to calculate the area of a rectangle:
Public Class Rectangle
Private _l As Double
Private _b As Double

Public Sub New(ByVal length As Double, ByVal breadth As Double)

Me.L = length
Me.B = breadth
End Sub

Public Property L() As Double

Return _l
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Double)
_l = value
End Set
End Property

Public Property B() As Double

Return _b
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Double)
_b = value
End Set
End Property

Public Function GetArea() As Double

Return _l * _b
End Function

End Class
There exists nothing special about the previous class apart from properties, methods and a
constructor. Let us consider two more classes, "EquiTriangle" and "Square," which have
properties that are similar to those of our "Rectangle" class. This will be continued in the next

Polymorphism using Abstract Classes in

Visual Basic.NET 2005 - Life without the
Abstract class in Visual Basic 2005:
(Page 2 of 6 )
In the previous section, a "Rectangle" class was defined. In this section, two more classes are
introduced as follows:
Public Class EquiTriangle
Private _h As Double
Private _b As Double

Public Sub New(ByVal breadth As Double, ByVal height As Double) 'code removed for clarity

Public Property H() As Double 'code removed for clarity

Public Property B() As Double 'code removed for clarity

Public Function GetArea() As Double

Return (1.0 / 2.0) * _b * _h
End Function
End Class

Public Class Square

Private _s As Double
Public Sub New(ByVal side As Double)
Me.S = side
End Sub

Public Property S() As Double

Return _s
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Double)
_s = value
End Set
End Property

Public Function GetArea() As Double

Return _s * _s
End Function
End Class
If you observe the three classes "Rectangle," "EquiTriangle" and "Square," you will see several
similarities. First of all, "GetArea" is available in all the classes (and it should be available for
any of the shapes). In both "Rectangle" and "EquiTriangle," there exist two properties with
almost the same signature along with constructors.
The code to test the above classes would be the following:
Dim r As New Rectangle(10, 20)
Dim s As New Square(5)
Dim t As New EquiTriangle(5, 20)
MessageBox.Show("Area of rectangle: " & r.GetArea)
MessageBox.Show("Area of square: " & s.GetArea)
MessageBox.Show("Area of triangle: " & t.GetArea)
Let us say I want the developers on my team to implement "GetArea" with the same signature as
available in "Rectangle" (just to be consistent among all classes). If the developers define their
own methods like "GetEquiTriangleArea" or "GetSquareArea," the code would not give any
compilation error (or warning) and somehow I lose consistency.
To maintain signature consistency (without implementation) in our code and to enforce such
rules, we can implement "abstract" classes, as defined in the next section.

Polymorphism using Abstract Classes in

Visual Basic.NET 2005 - Defining and
implementing abstract classes in Visual Basic
2005: abstract class
(Page 3 of 6 )

A method which has only a signature (declaration) without any implementation can be called an
abstract method. Such methods, when declared, must be defined with "MustOverride." The
abstract methods need to be overridden and implemented in child classes with the same signature
that was defined in the parent classes.
Any class which has at least one abstract method must be called as an abstract class. The
abstract class must be defined with "MustInherit" if it has at least one abstract method. Note that
the abstract class may contain several methods; a few of those may already be implemented (not
abstract methods) and a few may not (abstract methods). It doesn't mean that abstract classes
cannot contain any methods with implementation.
Let us define an abstract class as follows:
Public MustInherit Class Shape
Private _x As Double
Private _y As Double

Public Sub New()

End Sub

Public Sub New(ByVal SingleValue As Double)

Me.X = SingleValue
End Sub

Public Sub New(ByVal FirstValue As Double, ByVal SecondValue As Double)

Me.X = FirstValue
Me.Y = SecondValue
End Sub

Public Property X() As Double

Return _x
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Double)
_x = value
End Set
End Property

Public Property Y() As Double

Return _y
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Double)
_y = value
End Set
End Property
Public MustOverride Function GetArea() As Double

End Class
The above class is named "Shape" and is defined with "MustInherit;" that means it may have one
or more abstract methods. Besides normal members such as constructors, properties, fields, and
so forth, it has a method declared as follows:
Public MustOverride Function GetArea() As Double
The above method is declared and defined without any code (or implementation). It is simply
declared with "MustOverride." Any method declared as "MustOverride" is an abstract method. A
class must be defined as "MustInherit" if it has at least one "MustOverride" (abstract) method.
The next section deals with the implementation of abstract methods.

Polymorphism using Abstract Classes in

Visual Basic.NET 2005 - Defining and
implementing abstract classes in Visual Basic
2005: child class
(Page 4 of 6 )

In the previous section, a class named "Shape" is defined with "MustInherit" as it has one
method declared with "MustOverride" (an abstract method). In this section, I shall create child
classes (sub classes) for the parent class (super class) "Shape."
Let us start with the following:
Public Class Rectangle
Inherits Shape

Public Sub New(ByVal l As Double, ByVal b As Double)

MyBase.New(l, b)
End Sub

Public Overrides Function GetArea() As Double

Return Me.X * Me.Y
End Function

End Class
In the above "Rectangle" class, we have a constructor with the following statement:
MyBase.New(l, b)
The above statement calls the constructor of the super class; in this case, it is constructor of
"Shape." Finally, the abstract method is implemented with the same signature defined in the
"Shape" class as follows:
Public Overrides Function GetArea() As Double
Return Me.X * Me.Y
End Function
Similarly, the "EquiTriangle" and "Square" can be defined as described in the next section.

Polymorphism using Abstract Classes in

Visual Basic.NET 2005 - Defining and
implementing abstract classes in Visual Basic
2005: child classes continued
(Page 5 of 6 )

Continuing from the previous section, I defined two more sub classes for the super class "Shape"
as follows:
Public Class EquiTriangle
Inherits Shape

Public Sub New(ByVal b As Double, ByVal h As Double)

MyBase.New(b, h)
End Sub

Public Overrides Function GetArea() As Double

Return ((1.0 / 2.0) * Me.X * Me.Y)
End Function
End Class

Public Class Square

Inherits Shape

Public Sub New(ByVal s As Double)

End Sub

Public Overrides Function GetArea() As Double

Return Me.X * Me.X
End Function

End Class
If the developer doesn't implement "GetArea" in any of the classes inherited from the "Shape"
class, it would be a compilation error. This is how we can enforce consistency among members
of classes belonging to the same group.
Finally, to test the above classes, we can write the code as follows:
Dim r As New Rectangle(10, 20)
Dim s As New Square(20)
Dim t As New EquiTriangle(5, 10)
MessageBox.Show("Area of rectangle: " & r.GetArea)
MessageBox.Show("Area of square: " & s.GetArea)
MessageBox.Show("Area of triangle: " & t.GetArea)

Polymorphism using Abstract Classes in

Visual Basic.NET 2005 - Making use of
Polymorphism using abstract classes in
Visual Basic 2005
(Page 6 of 6 )
Since you are now familiar with abstract methods and abstract classes, it is time to learn
about polymorphism.
Let us modify the code for testing as follows:
Dim sh As Shape
sh = New Rectangle(10, 20)
MessageBox.Show("Area of rectangle: " & sh.GetArea)
sh = New Square(20)
MessageBox.Show("Area of square: " & sh.GetArea)
sh = New EquiTriangle(5, 10)
MessageBox.Show("Area of triangle: " & sh.GetArea)
In the above code, I am always using the same variable (reference variable, and it is not a
concrete object) to hold the instances of all child classes -- "Rectangle," "Square" and
You can also observe that I am using the same variable "sh" and calling the same method
"GetArea" with different results. Using the same method with different implementations and
different executions at run-time is nothing but polymorphism.
A final note! We can never create any concrete object (an instance with a "new" operator) or
instantiate on any abstract class. For example, the following declaration is invalid:
Dim shp As New Shape(10, 20)
This is because any abstract class is never completely implemented (it contains abstract methods
without any implementation). If there exists no implementation for a method, we will not be able
to access it using an object (or instance). And hence, we will not be able to instantiate any
abstract class.
I hope you enjoyed the article and any suggestions, bugs, errors, enhancements etc. are highly
appreciated at http://jagchat.spaces.live.com

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