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Quiz 1

1. The Greeks were the first to adopt the alphabet from the
2. For the Greeks the agora meant the
3. The unexamined life is not worth living were the words of
4. The Roman sea god Neptune corresponded to
5. Carthage must be destroyed, was the constant refrain of
6. The Greek who discovered the law of specific gravity was
7. The Greek who established rules for syllogism was
8. The word Stoicism comes from stoa meaning
9. Augustus took the title of princeps meaning
10. The Greeks who said things only appear to be such and such were the
11. Philip IIs elite cavalry squad was called the
1. Daily life of Greek Women:
2. Details of the Phalanx of the Macedonians:
3. The special features of the Etruscans and their influences on the Romans:
4. The Roman Mystery Rites:
5. Some of the Reforms of Augustus:
6. The ides of March Coin:
7. The works done by the Roman slaves:
8. The Greek Philosophy Stoicism or Epicureanism:
9. The reign of Phillip II of Macedonia:
10. Fav Topic On quiz:

Quiz 2
1. The great Apostle Paul was from
2. Catechumen for the Christians meant
3. The one who confronted the Roman emperor over the issue of the massacre of the
innocents was
4. Monte Cassino is best associated with the work of
5. Islam literally means
6. For Muslims the sunna means
7. Ali, the Shiite caliph was the
of the prophet.
8. The Franks established a single ruling dynasty beginning with king
9. Coins of Charlemagne usually showed him with the inscription reading Charles,
Emperor, and
10. Muhammads favored wife and author of the hadith was
11. The capital of Saudi Arabia is
1. Main reasons why the Roman Empire attacked the Christians:
2. The story of Perpetua:
3. Diocletian is known for reforms of the eastern Roman Empire such as:
4. The details of the vision of Constantine on the Milvian Bridge. What did he hear
and do:
5. The philosophy of views of St. Augustine with regard to salvation and also the city of
6. Justinians work with the Corpus Juris Civilis. The parts of it:
7. The issue of Iconoclasm. What did John of Damascus believe about it:
8. The details of the Five Pillars of the Islamic Faith:
9. Some far reaching reforms of Charlemagne:
10. Three capitularies (instructions) of Charlemagne:

11. Favorite Topic not mentioned:

Quiz 3

can claim to be the worlds oldest state.

Manor is a word that means
The monastery at Cluny was associated with the
An English word, which had an Arabic origin, is
St. Bernard of Clairvaux is best connected with the monastery of the
Averroes is a scholar of the works of the philosopher
A Bishops church contained his cathedra meaning
The Mongols came form an area in Central Asia close to the
There is a spark deep within every human soul and God lives in that spark were
important words of
was the bone of contention between the English and the French during the 100
years War.
11. The penitents during the Black Death Years were called flagellants because of their use of
1. Marco Polos description of Java:
2. Details from the image of the Battle of Leignitz in 1241 involving the Mongols:
3. Phillip II of France used the bailiffs to full advantage in his kingdom. Explain:
4. Frederick II the Great of Germany has a number of personal peculiarities, name
5. An important voice of her time was Hildegard of Bingen, her achievements:
6. The views and lives of the Cathars and the Waldensians:
7. The seven important subjects of the University curriculum after 800:
8. The scholastic method of teaching and the best practitioner of that art:

9. The importance of double entry bookkeeping in economics and the use of portolani
in sailing:
10. A favorite topic of the reading:
Quiz 4

Christine of Pisan wrote a song in praise of

The Decameron literally means a work of
The one who exposed the forgery of the so called Donation of Constantine was Lorenzo Valla.
The saints who spoke to Joan of Arc were St. Michael, St. Catherine, and St. Margaret.
Lollards were in praise of the Bible and were called so literally meaning mumblers.
Jan Hus who was condemned by the church for his views on the Eucharist and its reception
under bread and wine for the laity was from Bohemia.
The Last Supper of Leonardo da Vinci can be found on monastery wall in Milan.
The reformer who stressed the need for holding on to the philosophy of Christ was Erasmus.
Sir Thomas More was lord chancellor of England and Speaker of the House of Commons.
Mores book Utopia, literally means No Place.
The great Italian artist Titian came from a wealthy city of Venice.




Albertis view of women during the Renaissance: Alberti viewed that women should not make
a presence in the public sphere. He stated that woman should only speak of their house chores and
duties. Women should have no say in the education of the children, because it is the mans job to
raise them.
Some points why the University of Paris condemned St. Joan of Arc: St. Joan of Arc took
the role of a male, which was not accepted. She lead an army, cut her hair, etc., and these were not
customary for women. She also claimed to hear the voices of 3 saints and was tried and burned for
Some important details of the life of Christine de Pisan: Christine de Pisan wrote the The
City of Ladies. She wrote about the power of woman by creating a make believe city of ladies
advocating for equality of woman and men in education. She also wrote a song in praise of a saint.
Leonardo da Vinci applies for a job: his achievements that he mentions: Leonardo claimed
there were three reasons he deserved a job; First he claimed that he could build light bridges.
Second, he could get water out of trenches. Third, he could destroy any fortress.
What were the problems that John Wycliffe, an Oxford Professor, caused in England: John
Wycliffe wanted the redistribution of the church property. His followers were known as lollards
and these people believed they could speak directly to God through the Bible. They were considered
to be heretics.
After the Black Death, a number of results with regard to land, food, and the economy
came to the fore, describe: After the Black Death there was an economic surplus. There were less
people to work, so the wages rose and because of the smaller population, a surplus of food as well.
With high wages and cheap food, the common people began to rise in power, but the wealthiest got
wealthier because of the increasing amounts of land they took over.


The stories and purpose of the Canterbury Tales of Chaucer: The stories of the Canterbury
Tales were similar to the Decameron. It was a bunch of stories about a pilgrimage to the shrine of
St. Thomas. The stories are told from many different views, a noble knight, a lusty widow etc.
What did humanism mean and what was the goal of humanist education: It emphasized
practical and pre-professional studies. Its goal was to revive culture. Petrarch argued that God gave
everyone a great intellectual potential, and they should use it.
The strange spiritual women: Catherine of Sienna and Margery Kempe: The two women
felt strongly about the dignity and power of women. Catherine took over an entire room of her
house and pushed her family out. Margery lived in a room on the side of a church and wrote a book.
Favorite Topic on Renaissance: I found the introduction of weapons interesting. The canon
and handgun were used in war. Muskets were introduced for noble men on horses and the canons
were as dangerous to fire because of explosions.

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