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Chemical EngineeringScience, 1976, Vol. 31, pp. 59--69. Pergamon Press.

Printed in Great Britain


ChemicalEngineeringDepartment,Universityof Wisconsin,Madison,W153706,U.S.A.

(Received30 May 1975;accepted 16July 1975)

Abstract--The Solvay soda ash process is the classic example of the replacement of an infeasible reaction by a
cluster of feasible chemical reactions involvingthe dosed-cycle use of intermediate chemicals. Many industrial
processes are based on this strategy.Previously,there had been no principlesto guidethe developmentof the proper
sequence. In this paper we present certain practical methods of synthesis useful in creating thermodynamically
feasible closed-cyclechemical reaction sequences.

Ernest Solvay in 1860 discovered the following cluster of

six chemical reactions each of which shifts rapidly to the
right at industrially reasonable operating conditions.
CaCO3 = CaO + CO2
CaO + H20 = Ca(OH)2
Ca(OH)2 + 2NH4C1 = CaCI2+ 2NH3 + 2H20
2NH3 + 2H20 + 2CO2
= 2NH4HC03
2NH4HCO3 + 2NaC1 = 2NaHCO3 + 2NH4CI 60C
2NaHCO3 = Na2CO3 + H20 + CO2.2000C
The net result is the conversion of salt and limestone into
soda ash and calcium chloride, a chemical reaction that
does not occur directly under industrial conditions
2NaC1 + CaCO3 = Na2CO3 + CaC12.
The Solvay soda ash process based on these reactions is
the classic example of the closed-cycle use of clusters of
intermediate chemicals and chemical reactions to bypass
an important but unwilling chemical reaction.
Similar Solvay clusters drive a score or more commerciai processes including those that manufacture sulfuric
acid, carbon tetrachloride, ethyl ether, isopropanol,
aniline, hydrogen peroxide, ethylene glycol, butadiene,
acetaldehyde, hydrogen cyanide, sodium thiosulfate,
Chlorine and vinyl acetate [2]. There is now interest in the
development of Solvay clusters for the thermal-chemical
splitting of water to obtain hydrogen[l] and for minerals
separation [4].
These processes are distinguished by their internal
generation and consumption of intermediate chemicals
that apparently have little relation to the net chemical
reaction. In the Solvay soda ash process above ammonia
and its compounds do not appear in the net reaction but
are intimately involved in the reaction sequence that
comprise the net reaction. The development of such
obscure sequences of reaction is a poorly understood and
a critical part of the art of industrial chemistry.
An abundant literature is available on the analysis of
proposed chemical reaction sequences, as Wentorf and
Hanneman illustrate [5]. The criteria that identify useful
sequences include that the reactions individually move to

the right rapidly at reasonable operating conditions with

sufficient yield, safety, and economy. Unfortunately,
there are no principles to guide the synthesis or
development of closed-cycle sequences of reactions [3].
Three conditions must be met by every single reaction.
First, the reaction must be stoichiometrically consistent
because of the principle of mass conservation. Second,
the theoretical equilibrium conditions must guarantee the
formation of the reaction products. Third, the reaction
must proceed towards equilibrium at a sufficiently high
The stoichiometric integrity of a Solvay cluster is
non-negotiable in that intermediate materials must be
produced and consumed in exact amounts. Some flexibility exists in the thermodynamic conditions of equilibrium
by changes in the temperature and pressure at which the
reactions are executed; but this is a limited flexibility.The
development of new catalysts can speed slow reactions
and increase selectivity. However, no catalyst can
overcome unfavorable equilibrium. It is only by the
introduction of the intermediate reactions of a Solvay
cluster that thermodynamic infeasibility can be bypassed.
Hence our concern with these two dominant features of
chemical reactions; stoichometric integrity and favorable
In this paper we examine the role that a geometric
representation of the problem can play in the synthesis of
Soivay clusters. It is shown that the stoichiometry of the
net reaction ought to be represented as a polygon and that
any Solvay cluster must form polygons that nest inside
the net reaction polygon. Further, we show that thermodynamically feasible Solvay clusters form a ladder
pattern on a particular free energy-reaction condition
diagram, and that a useful link exists between that
diagram and the cluster stoichiometry. The synthesis of
thermodynamically feasible Solvay clusters is shown to
be a problem in pattern recognition.


The following notation is used, letters in the beginning

of the alphabet (A, B, C...) denote reactants in the main
reaction, and those near the end of the alphabet
(Z, Y, X, W...) denote products of the main reaction. The
main reaction is presumed to be difficult to execute at


D. MAY and D. F. RUDD

industriallyreasonable conditions.
A + B + C ....... X + Y + Z .


Intermediate chemical species that enter into a Solvay

cluster are denoted by letters near the middle of the
alphabet and are divided into two classes; an L-class of
intermediate (L, K, J...) and an N-class of intermediates
(N, O, P...). The L-class are intermediates that we elect
to use to drive certain reactions in the Solvay cluster and
the N-class are the intermediates that are generated by
those reactions. For example, the reaction

has the following Solvay cluster:

reaction (1)
reaction (2)

N + B = Z + L.

as many regions as there are reactions in the cluster. For

instance, in Fig. 2 the net reaction (2) is replaced by the
(2) cluster (3a), (3b). This divides the triangle of the net
reaction into two regions, and the perimeter sum of each
region gives the corresponding reaction. Figure 3 illustrates the geometric representation of typical industrial
(3a) Solvay cluster. The properties of these polygons are
(3b) extremely interesting and useful.

In reaction (3a) species L is an independent intermediate

and N is the product of the reaction of A and L. Notice
how the role is reversed in reaction (3b). The segregation
of intermediates into L-class and N-class intermediates is
dependent on the order of the individual reactions in the
Solvay cluster, and is therefore an arbitrary but useful
A property of a Solvay cluster is that the intermediates
that are produced by reactions in the cluster must also be
consumed by other reactions in the cluster the net result
being the main reaction. Further, the intermediates must
be generated and consumed in different ways within the
cluster, leading to the need for separating the products of
reaction. For example, the following sequence of reactions is not a Solvey cluster:
A +B=N+O


N + O = Z.


Since, the intermediates N and O are produced and

consumed in the same way, and the reaction sequence can
be written as the topologically simple form:
A +B = N + O =Z.

Fig. I. Polygonrepresentation of reaction (2).


These simpler sequences can be examined quite easily

since they do not involve the introduction of foreign
intermediates~ only the rearrangement of the reactants
and products of the mean reaction.
Any balanced chemical reaction can be represented by
a polygon constructed with directed edges denoting the
reactants and products. The reactants are assigned a
clockwise direction and a negative si~, and the products
a counter clockwise direction and a positive sign. The
perimeter sum of any polygon representing a balanced
chemical reaction must equal zero. The order in which
the reactants and products appear in the perimeter of the
polygon is arbitrary and has no significance. Figure 1
illustrates this geometric notation.
A Solvay cluster divides the main reaction polygon into

Fig. 2. The nested polygonsof the Solvaycluster (3a) and (3b).

Each regioncorrespondsto an independentreaction.
The set of nested polygons for any Solvay cluster must
form an acyclic directed graph, since the perimeter sum of
each and every loop must represent a balanced chemical
reaction. A chemical reaction must have reactants and
products, and the corresponding polygon cannot have
edges all in the same direction.
Whenever the border line between sub-region is formed
with edges all of the same direction, no L-class
intermediates are involved in that local reaction scheme
and the nested polygon does not form a Solvay cluster. All
interior border lines must consist of sequences with edges
in both directions. Figure 4 illustrates several important
classes of Solvay structures.
This simple nested polygon representation of the
stoichiometry of Solvay clusters is very important in
synthesis. New reactions can be added to a partially
developed polygon and the stoichiometric consequences
assessed immediately and pictorially. The geometry of the
partially completed polygon can give valuable leads to
where and how new reactions ought to be brought in. We
develop this idea further in the next section.

It is necessary that the chemical equilibrium reside with

the products to some extent in each of the individual
reactions that comprise the Solvay cluster. Commercial
processes have been built about reactions the equilibrium

Development of Solvay clusters of chemical reactions


2 No CI



,.t, O "~

Fig. 3. Several illustrative Solvay clusters: Solvay soda ash process, thermochemical splitting of water, production
of acetaldehyde.


Fig. 4. Several important classes of Solvay clusters.



D. MAY and D. F. RuDn

yields of which are less than a few per cent, and this
involves the engineering of extensive separation and
recycle systems. However, it is generally agreed that for a
reaction to be commercially feasible its Gibbs free energy
difference must be less than about 10 kcal/gmole. In a
Solvay cluster, a very large negative Gibbs free energy
difference is not desired, since it indicates excessive
stability of intermediate chemicals, which will cause
problems elsewhere in the cluster. The necessary
conditions are


for any reaction j in the Solvay cluster, where e is the

maximum value of Gibbs free energy of reaction, on the
order of 10 kcal/gmole.
This thermodynamic criterion is necessary but not
sufficient to qualify a Solvay cluster as industrially
attractive. Reaction rate problems, lack of selectivity,
difficult materials handling and separations, and other
problems confound the search for commercially useful
reaction sequences. However, the thermodynamic criterion necessarily must be met by all reactions and is, for
this reason, a useful basis for the development of general
principles of reaction sequence synthesis. We restrict
ourselves to this dominant and necessary but not
sufficient condition for assessing the feasibility of Solvay
clusters, with the understanding that further screening
will eliminate some of these clusters.
We now show how it is useful to classify chemical
reactions according to their common differences and how
the concept of the common difference leads to a graphical
representation of the thermodynamic necessary conditions. We then show that the common difference between
reactions is also a common edge in the polygon
representation of reaction stoichiometry, thereby linking
the stoichiometric and thermodynamic criteria. This then
leads in the next section to methods for the synthesis of
Solvay clusters that are thermodynamically feasible.
Let us now examine the two step Solvay cluster shown
in Fig. 2.

It is extremely useful to represent the above graphically

using the rearranged inequalities.
Gz - GB > GA + e all conditions

(1 la)

GN - GL<~GA + e conditions (1)


GN - GL + ,>~ Gz - Ga conditions (2). (llc)

These criteria are shown in Fig. 5(a) in which

temperature is taken as the variable that defines the
reaction conditions. Reactions (Sa) and (8b) must be run at
sufficiently different conditions to insure the close
approach or crossing by the N - L line of the A and Z - B
lines. If such conditions cannot be found, the proposed
Solvay cluster is not feasible.




I "w4//,

r. T3





Fig. 5. The ladder pattern to identify. Solvay clusters that

satisfythe maximumfree energycriterion.
Notice further that the ladder-like plot in Fig. 5(a) does
not involve the free energy of any reaction, but it involves
differences of the free energy of formation of the certain
species that enter into the reactions. These particular
differences in free energy are identified as the common
difference between the N and L type intermediates. By
rearranging the equations we define the common difference.

Common difference

netA + B = Z


reaction (1) A + L = N



reaction (2) B + N = L + Z.


Similarly we examine the three-step cluster of Fig. 5(b)

If the net reaction is not thermodynamically feasible


AGnet= Gz - (GA + GB) > E all reaction conditions


Common difference

netA +B+C=Z


(1) A + L = N


(2) N + K = L


(3) B + C + P + Q







and if the Solvay cluster is to be feasible

AG1 = G~ - (GA + GL) ~<e reaction conditions (1)
A G2 = ( GL + Gz) - ( Ge + GN) <<-e reaction conditions (2)

where Gj is the free-energy of formation of compound j.

The differences between N-type and L-type intermediates identifies species A as the common difference. It
can be seen that the thermodynamic necessary conditions
appear as the ladder structure on the free energy-reaction
condition diagram shown in Fig. 5(b). Movement to the
right and left on a given line involves changing the state of
reactants and products, and the conditions under which a

Developmentof Solvayclustersof chemicalreactions









Fig.6. The free energy-reactionconditiondiagramfor the decompositionof HC1.The commondifferenceis [C12].

given reaction should be executed; the jump from line to
line corresponds to executing a reaction, The jumps
between lines can only occur if the lines are within the e
distance. The general trend is that of climbing from
reactants to products along the ladder defined by the
common difference equations.
In summary, the necessary thermodynamic conditions
identifying the feasible Solvay clusters can be represented
by suitable inequalities that can be plotted on a free
energy-reaction condition diagram. Some of these lines
must approach each other within a suitable e to form a
ladder structure. If a proposed Solvay cluster does not
exhibit the proper geometric pattern on this diagram, the
cluster is not thermodynamically feasible.
We next demonstrate the simultaneous use of the
nested polygon representation and the free energyreaction condition diagram to synthesize reaction sequences that are both thermodynamically and stoichiometritally feasible.

Stoichiometric integrity and thermodynamic feasibility

are linked by the common edge A in the nested polygon
notation and the common difference A in the free
energy-reaction condition diagram.
This observation leads to the general principle that the
thermodynamic feasibility of a reaction sequence can be
tested on a single free energy-reaction condition diagram
so long as the reaction cluster forms nested polygons with
a common edge. A single free energy-reaction condition
diagram can be used to test the feasibility of a large class
of proposed Solvay clusters, that class being defined by
the common edge selected.
We now demonstrate how feasible Solvay clusters can
be synthesized by the sequential selection of reactions
with a particular common edge and by the recognition of
the ladder pattern in the free energy-reaction condition
diagram thus defined.t
Figure 6 illustrates the infeasible chemical reaction
2HCI = H2 + CI2.

The development of Solvay clusters involves the
simultaneous concern for the maintenance of the
stoichiometdc integrity of the reaction sequence and
concern for the thermodynamic feasibility of every
individual reaction. Each proposed cluster must form a
nested polygon within the polygon representing the net
reaction, and the cluster must form a free energy-reaction
condition diagram that exhibits the proper pattern of free
energy differences intersections. Without some well
defined method the search for feasible Solvay clusters is
hopelessly complicated by the large number of intermediate chemicals and reactions forming geometric
combinatorial problems currently beyond comprehension.
We make a critical observation. In Fig. 5(a) we have
chosen to represent the thermodynamic inequalities in
terms of free energy differences GA, G N - G L and
Gz - Ge. Notice in Fig. 2 that A is the common edge to
reaction (Sa) and the net reaction (7), that being
represented algebraicly by eqns (12a) and (12b).

tin the illustrativeexampleswe deal with simplifiedchemistry

recognizing the reality of complex competing reactions and
nonstoichiometric compounds,but ignoring these to ease comprehension.
*It is convenient to think of the left-hand side of (15) as
half-reactionsto be assembled into a Solvay cluster.


The infeasibility is shown in the free energy-reaction

condition diagram by the distance between the Gc~2and
the Gmc~-Ga: lines. We recognize that the free
energy-reaction condition diagram has been constructed
using C12 as the common difference.
The following chemical reactions also have Clz as the
common difference and can be plotted on the same free
energy-reaction condition diagram
COC12- CO = Ch
2CICh - 2CrCh = C12
2FeCI3 - 2FeCh = Ch
C r C h - CrCh = Ch
2MnCL- 2MnCh = Ch
CuCh- Cu = Ch
HgCh- Hg = CI~
1/2MnCh - 1/2Mn = 02
2CrCh- 2CrCI~ = 02
2CuCI- 2Cu = Ch
P b C h - Pb = Ch.


Which of these half-reactions are candidates for feasible

Solvay dusters*?
All of the chemical reactions above have an edge in
common with the net reaction and therefore can be nested
within the net reaction polygon; they all are members of


D. MAY and D. F. RUDD

stoichiometrically feasible Solvay clusters. In Fig. 7 we

observe that few of these reactions satisfy the thermodynamic conditions defined in Fig. 5. One obvious
Solvay cluster stands out, that being
Net reaction:
2HCI = H2 + C12
2HCI + 2CrCh = H2 + 2CrCh
2MnCI3 + 2CRC13= 2CRC12+ 2MnCL
2MnC14 = 2MnC13+ C12.







t ['K]



Fig. 8. The heavy lines identify one ladder pattern, that

correspondingto reactions (16).






Fig. 7. The search for Solvayclusters involvingreactions (15).
To ease comprehension Fig. 8 emphasizes the pattern that
identifies the cluster above. In Figs. 9 and 10 a second and
third Solvay cluster are identified. The polygon representation of these three clusters are shown in Fig. 11
emphasizing their common edge of C12.
The following procedure emerges from this example.
1. Define common difference, and assemble a set of
reactions based on this difference.
2. Plot this reaction set on a free energy-reaction
condition diagram.
3. Apply the ladder rules to this diagram and identify
the proper feasible Solvay clusters.
5. A R T I F I C I A L




SO far our attention has been focused on chemical

species that appear in the net reaction or are directly tied
to those species by the concept of a common difference.
In the example, the chlorides of chromium, manganese,
iron, and the like appear via their reactions that have
chlorine as a common difference.
We are not restricted by this route to alternate
chemistry. Other apparently unrelated compounds can be
introduced using the concept of an artificial common






Fig. 9. A second ladder pattern for reactions (15).

edge. Chemical heuristics focus our attention on reactions

that have as their common difference, halogens, Sulfur,
oxygen and other compounds that partake in numerous
reactions. These common differences are translated into

Developmentof Solvayclusters of chemicalreactions


common edges that are artificial to the original problem.

As we shall see the concept of an artificial common edge
is not even restricted to single molecules but can take the
form of any linear combination of molecules. The artificial
common edge need not appear in the final Solvay cluster,
it is mainly a theoretical tool for the construction of an
expanded set of clusters. We illustrate by example.
Now, suppose that chromium and mercury compounds
were ruled out in the previous example. Let us further
assume that no useful cluster was found when either He or
2HC1 has been considered as a common difference. Is it
possible to synthesize feasible new Solvay clusters under
these restrictive circumstances?
The problem is that we do not have a proper common
difference to get started. This problem can be circumvented by introducing a new intermediate into the
polygon, and defining an artificial common edge. In Fig. 12
an artificial common edge [-1/202] was created by
introducing H20 into the polygon. In effect the overall
reaction (16a) was replaced by a Solvay cluster of two
reactions, not necessarily feasible.



2HC1 - H20 - C12 = -1/202

- 11202 = H 2 - H20.




Fig. 10. A third ladder pattern for reactions (15).


These two reactions are indicated on the G-T diagram in

Fig. 12 and as expected the resulting cluster is infeasible.
Now we have an excellent common difference to start the





Fig. 11. The Solvay clusters corresponding to the patterns appearing in Figs. 8, 9 and 10.


D. MAY amt D. F. RUDO







Fig. 12. The introduction of [-1/202] as a common difference and an artificial common edge.
solution procedure, because oxygen is involved in
numerous reactions. A number of these reactions, plotted
on the G-T diagram in Fig. 13, are
C - CO =
1/2C - 1/2CO2 =
2FeO - Fe203 =
Pb - PbO =
2Fe304 - 3Fe203 =
2Mn304- 3Mn203 =
Cu20 - 2CuO =
MnO - MnO2 =
2PbO - P304 =


Applying the ladder-rules to Fig. 13 reveals a number of

feasible Solvay clusters that do not use chromium or
mercury compounds. Two out of many possible clusters
are given in Fig. 14 with their polygon presentation.


To demonstrate a new principle let us assume that the

reactions corresponding to the jumps from the line
2 H C 1 - H 2 0 - C 1 2 to either -1/202, C u 2 0 - 2 C u O or
MnO - MnO2 are not desirable. Consequently, there exist
no feasible path on the G-T diagram (Fig. 13), that leads
from the reactants to the products.



-I0 -




",k " - . , a


Fig. 13. The use of an artificial common edge, Fig. 12, to construct
a free energy-reaction condition diagram with [-1/202] as the
common difference.

Fig. 14a. Two feasible clusters synthesized using [,I/202] as the

artificial common edge. The ladder patterns are shown in Figs. 14b
and 14c.


Development of Solvay clusters of chemical reactions










t [K]




Fig. 14b.

Fig. 14c.

An enormous number of new Solvay clusters may be

obtained by a combination of two reaction-sets, each with
its distinctive common difference. In this case the
polygons of Figs. 6 and 12 are superimposed, and the
resulting polygon is given in Fig. 15(a), another combination is illustrated in Fig. 15(b). Now we have to find some
way to represent two different sets of reactions on the
same G - T diagram.
Inspection of Fig. 13 shows that there is one line, i.e.
one reaction, that explicitly involves C12; this is the line
2HC1 - H20 - C12. Without jeopardizing stoichiometry we
can replace C12by any reaction taken from the set whose
common difference is C12.This is easily seen by adding the
two equations, (19a) and (19b) to obtain (20).

corresponding free-energies, which amounts to the

super-position of lines from Fig. 7 on the line 2HC1H20 - C12 in Fig. 13. The resulting dotted lines in Fig. 16
show a few of these super-imposed free-energy lines.
On this new G - T diagram the starting point is no longer
the line 2HC1- H20 - C12, but one of the dotted lines. By
using the ladder rules with Fig. 16 we generate many new
feasible Solvay clusters; an obvious one is given by the
2HC1 - H20 - 2(MnCh - MnC13)
2MnO - Mn203


The corresponding reactions are,


- 2HCI

+ C12

= 02

N - L = C12
H 2 0 - 2HC1 + ( - L) = 302.


2HC1 + Mn203 + 2MnC13 = 2MnO + H20 + 2MnC14


2MnCL = 2MnCI3 + C12

2MnO + CO = Mn203 + C

The G - T diagram is obtained by summation of the


C + H20 = CO + H2.


Fig. 15. The superpositionof Fig. 6 and Fig. 12to obtain a multiplecommondifferenceshown in Fig. 16.



D. MAY and D. F. RUDO


The complementary procedure, to be used if the

previous simple one fails, is the following:
1. Introduce new species (one or more) into the
polgyon such that a new common difference can be
defined. The intermediate species should be selected to
generate a useful new common difference.
2. Follow the simple procedure.
3. If necessary, use more than a single common
difference, by proper superposition of the free energy
Examples of feasible Solvay clusters generated by this
procedure are shown in Fig. 17.









T ['K]

Fig. 16. The superposition of free energy lines using multiple


We have demonstrated the usefulness of two particular

geometric representations in the synthesis of closed-cycle
reaction sequences. The one is a polygon representation
of the complex stoichiometry of interdependent reactions,
and the other is a free energy plot based on certain
common differences of these reactions. A ladder-like
pattern in the free energy plot identifies sequences that
involve individual reactions for which equilibrium resides
sufficiently with the products. A large number of
thermodynamically feasible Solvay clusters can he
synthesized rapidly for industrially important problems.
At the present state of development these methods
apply to the synthesis of reaction sequences that satisfy
the Gibbs free energy constraint. Within this large class of



2 HCl







Fig. 17. SeveralSolvayclusters synthesizedusingthe multiplecommonedgeconcept.

Development of Solvay clusters of chemicalreactions

Solvay clusters more restrictive sub-classes can be
defined that involve efficient use of energy, rapid reaction
rates, easy separation, and selectivity of reactions.
Currently each synthesized feasible Solvay cluster must
be analyzed in more detail to determine these other
important criteria. Our method develops the basic
reaction sequences for this further screening.
In this paper, which appears to be the first published
work on methods for the synthesis of closed-cycle
reaction sequences, we have been concerned with the
development of a useful approach towards the initial
synthesis of Solvay clusters. From our suggested procedures it is quite clear that a large number of thermodynamically feasible dusters can be generated. In a
subsequent paper we examine the underlying mathematical structure and develop methods that handle this
combinatorial problem, and produce more efficient Solvay
clusters. This approach is the basis for a computer-aided
search for feasible Solvay clusters.
Acknowledgements--This work was partiallysupportedby a grant
from the National ScienceFoundation.One of the authors (DFR)
was on the staff of the MathematicsResearch Center during part
of this study.


A, B, C,...

K, L . . . . N, O. . . . X, Y, Z
species, see text
E maximum value of Gibbs free energy of
AGj Gibbs free energy of reaction i
Gj Gibbs free energy of formation of species ]

A, B, C,...

X, Y , Z , . . .
indicating the species involved
net the net reaction of a Solvay cluster

[1] Chao R. E., Ind. Engng Chem., Proc. Res. Dev. 1974 13 94.
[2] Faith W. L., Keyes D. B. and Clark R. E., Industrial
Chemicals, 3rd edn. Wiley, New York 1965.

[3] MeissnerH. P., Processesand Systems in Industrial Chemistry, Chap, 10. Prentice Hall, EnglewoodCliffs, N.J. 1971.
[4] Novak R. and Schuster W., U.S. Pat. 3466196 (9 September
[5] Wentoff R. H. and Hanneman R. E., Science 1974 185 311.

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