Friends' Gazette JAN 2015

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FG January 2015

Your articles look at moral reasons for being vegetarian
or vegan which is a very interesting mix and unique
Tim Barford - VegFestUK founder


ISSN: 2053-4426
E-mail: - Tel: +44 (0) 7710 692550 - Victoria, London SW1P 1HJ - Tavel 30126, France


VegFest does
politics as UK
election looms
People want more than . . . scrambled tofu - festival boss claims

Shine a light . . . I am Charlie; I am

Jewish; and Im proud of it demonstrator
outside the Gare Centre in Avignon

FRENCHMEN and women took to

the streets in their millions this
month to show their support for
a free press and to take a stand
against racism (Steve Ward writes

THE FOUNDER of one of

Britains most popular and fastgrowing vegetarian and vegan
events has told FG how he
wants to give activists the tools
they need to raise the profile of
green issues.
magazine Tim Barford explained the
reasons why VegFest15 Brighton will

this year go political less than six

weeks away from polling day.
Time has been set aside for a
political debate in the Brighton
Centre, the venue for this years
festival and hired at a cost of 35k.
The centre is a favourite with all
three major parties and The Grand
Hotel, just down the road, was the
scene for the unsuccessful attempt in
1986 on the then prime minister
Margaret Thatchers life by the IRA.
continued p. 4

from France).

The defiant 'manifestations' came

in the wake of the tragic death of 12
staff of the satirical French
magazine Charlie Hebdo who were
gunned down in cold blood by crazy
Islamic State terrorists as they sat in
an editorial meeting at their Paris
Their murderers, brothers Cherif
and Said Kouachi, were later killed
by police as they stormed a factory
in north east France where the pair
were hiding out having taken a
Continued on p. 7

FG January 2015

Big cringe plan gets

Melbourne heave-ho
BOSSES at an Indian meditation
considering whether to press
ahead with plans to build a
'place of worship' on green belt
land in eastern Australia.
The plan from Radha Soami Satsang
Beas was thrown out by concerned
local politicians last month after it
attracted more than 400 objections
by green activists and local residents.
Demonstrations were mounted
against the bid which were widely
And one member of the group itself
has described the plan as 'cringe'
The huge site, (see artists
impression right) would have covered
60 hectares. The building alone
would have taken up 6,301 square
metres. Location was Chirnside Park,
on the outskirts of Australia's second
city, Melbourne and slap bang in the
green wedge.
An olive grove and market garden
were included to try to satisfy environmental requirements to no avail.
In an email an Australian FG
correspondent and a member of the
Radha Soami Satsang Beas group
said: For ourselves and a few close
friends, the Melbourne centre has
been one big cringe.

Artists impression of the proposal

"In order to get planning approval

RSSB Australia (board of directors)
have claimed that RSSB is a religious
order and that the purpose is to build
a place of worship, sermons and
meditation etc.
"Two meetings a week with an
attendance of roughly 500 and for
the annual event about 2000.
"It also completely ignored the fact
that the chosen site is in a green
wedge zone. From the outset the
[Yarra Ranges] council stated that
they would not support such a
proposal as it is not in accordance

with their strategic planning of the

"Not surprisingly, the council
received 450 written objections.
The submission has cost hundreds
of thousands of dollars and the cost
of building the centre estimated at
about $7 million.
"In the last seven years the sangat
(membership) has grown at such a
rate that finding venues to
accommodate all their needs is
extremely difficult. The obvious
solution would be to have [centres]
perhaps east and west of the city
Chirnside Park residents
demonstrate against the plan
everyone to travel long
distances far out of the CBD
(central business district) to
one centre.
This outer [external] form
of organisation has become
extremely high maintenance.
"It was no surprise that
refused and although RSSB has
backed off (unlikely to take
the matter to court) it is still
considering its other options.
"The question remains, can it
be a good thing if the wrong
means is used to obtain it?
"Whatever happened to all
those reminders about living
the moral life, or did that only

Continued on p. 7

FG January 2015

FG January 2015

VegFest does politics

cont. from page 1

Veggie breaks
in the south of
We can help organise vegetarian and/or
vegan-friendly bed and breakfasts and
recommend restaurants and places to
visit. We even meet and greet at station
or airport.

Caroline Lucas MP - could be there

Hinting that Brighton MP and only Green in the

House, Caroline Lucas, might attend Barford
explained: The idea is three fold: One: to
provide [a forum] thats beyond making
scrambled tofu. People who have been vegan a
long time want something which is a bit more
interesting for them.
Two: To provide tools for activists who want to
raise these issues and get them further up the
agenda. There will be workshops on how to do
that most effectively.
And three: The media value - to try and make
people understand [through the media] that these
are areas that people care about, areas which
matter to people.
Among the issues up for debate could be:
alternative energy sources
child labour
vegetarian and vegan diets in hospitals,
schools and other public bodies
global warming and diet
Other politicians lined up for the groundbreaking event are: Kerry McCarthy (Bristol East,
Labour), Caroline Allen (Green Party spokesman
on animal issues), Keith Taylor (Green Party South
East MEP), with more to be confirmed.
The political sessions will be held on Saturday
March 28th from 12pm-5:30pm.

To find out more

Or call:

07710 692550

Did Jesus have a girl disciple?

NEW age guru, author
and public speaker
Deepak Chopra is set
to enter the Jesus
controversy with a
not-so-new claim.
The 13th Disciple set
to hit the streets in
March looks at
whether Christ could
have had a female
"This young girl,
curious about the

charismatic man
named Jesus, embarks on a quest to
find out who he really
was. What she finds is
at times far different
from the accepted
gospels," the blurb
In 2006 Dan Browns
The Da Vinci Code
wondered if Christ
was married to Mary

FG January 2015

Nothing was sacred

or untouchable except freedom

A tribute

WHEN two Muslim terrorists burst into the offices of a

satirical magazine in Paris on January 7 and massacred 12
innocent journalists they thought they were silencing
free speech.
Instead they awakened a nation, and indeed the world,
to a fundamental democratic liberty to which they
themselves were oblivious.
First there was Hara-Kiri a magazine which basked in
the monica "dumb and nasty".
The cover of the first edition showed a disembowelled
samouri warrior captioned 'evil be to evil paunch"
These brilliant satirists knew from the beginning they
were cheating death.
The magazine was banned many times and it was at the
end of 1970 that the name was changed to Charlie Hebdo
to avoid the ban.
Nothing was sacred or holy for them, nothing
untouchable except liberty itself.
Neither religion nor politics, nor social conformity
were immune to the magazine's cartoonists who used the
weapon of laughter against all forms of oppression.
This spirit could be called leftist or anarchist but it is
really beyond classification.
This Charlie Hebdo spirit is essentially French.
Those who were murdered were irreplaceable.
M Egea is a philosopher, retired school professor and
author. He is also an avid reader of Charlie Hebdo ever
since it first hit the streets of Paris as one of Frances
top political satirical publications.

ORSQUE deux terroristes musulmans ont

fait irruption dans les bureaux d'un
magazine satirique Paris le 7 Janvier et
12 journalistes innocents massacrs qu'ils
pensaient rduisent au silence la libert

Au contraire, ils rveills une nation, et mme du

monde, une libert dmocratique fondamentale
laquelle ils se taient inconscients .
Il y avait Hara-Kiri qui se disait un journal bte et
mchant .
La couverture du premier numro de Hara-Kiri montrait
un samoura ventr avec la lgende Honni soit qui mal
y panse .
Ces brillants satiristes savaient-ils ds le dbut qu'ils
taient des trompe-la-mort ?
Le magazine fut plusieurs fois interdit et c'est la suite
d'une interdiction que Charlie Hebdo lui succda la fin
de l'anne 1970 pour viter l'interdiction.
Rien de sacr, ni de saint pour eux, rien d'intouchable,
sauf la libert. Ni la religion, ni la politique, ni le
conformisme social n'taient l'abri des caricaturistes du
magazine qui usaient de l'arme du rire contre toutes les
formes d'oppression.
Cet esprit pourrait tre qualifi d'anarchiste, de
gauchiste. L'esprit de Charlie Hebdo, un esprit rebelle
bien franais.
Les personnes assassines taient de celles qui sont
Paris rally in support of the victims of the 2015 Charlie
Hebdo shooting, 11 January 2015. Place de la Republique.
Pic courtesy Olivier Ortelpa

FG January 2015

Hollywood star seeks

funds to make film of
life of Saint
A special FG feature

HE'S KNOWN for his

Joe Mantegna as David Rossi, special
starring roles in gangster
agent in TV series Criminal Minds on
flicks making fictitious
millions from nefarious
Now Joe Mantegna is
seeking a dollop of the real
stuff to make a blockbuster
of his own.
Mantegna best known for
his roles in The Three
Amigos and The Godfather
Part III and more recently
as a special agent in
Criminal Minds has
announced plans to make a
film on the life of St Padre
Pio of Pietrelcina.
Padre Pio, died in Sept
1968 aged 81. He was a
monk and a priest and was
known as a miracle worker.
He bore the wounds of
Christ known as stigmata and was made
a saint by Rome in June 2002.
Mantegna has already sunk an
undisclosed sum of his own dosh into
the project but plenty more still needs
to be raised.
In a video appeal for funding,
Mantegna described Padre Pio as one
of the most extraordinary men of the
20th century and said his life was
truly the stuff of legend.
Painstaking efforts will be made to
recreate the time period, including the
costumes, hairstyles and furniture,
right down to the sandals on Padre
Pios feet, he said.
Mantegna and his production partner
Danny Ramm will make the film
through their company Acquaviva
Productions and it will be filmed on
locations in Italy, in Pietrelcina and San
Giovanni Rotondo in the Puglia region.
Schedule permitting, Mantegna will
star in the title role.
A percentage of the proceeds from
the film will go to the Saint Pio
Foundation and help further its work to
establish charity medical facilities in
the USA.
Continued on p.10

See you at

FG January 2015

Egg substitute? Its

no yolk
FG exclusive
by Stephen

TAKE a bit of corn starch some potato protein, pea

protein, and lupine flour add some rock salt, turmeric
powder, black salt, gelling agent, xanthan gum, locust
bean gum, ground white pepper, make sure 75.6% of
the ingredients are from controlled organic EU and
non-EU farms and what have you got?
Answer: the latest miracle egg substitute set to take
the lacto-veg and vegan markets by storm.
According to the company "MyEy is a revolutionary
invention of the plant based kitchen.
"It is in no way inferior to a hens egg and consists of
pure natural and plant based ingredients.
"Compared to hens eggs, this plant based egg is
cholesterol free and good for your health. MyEy
products are for thickening, loosening and enriching of
"They can be used for starters, main dishes, desserts
and cakes.
"MyEy products are easy to use, have a better shelf
life than eggs and taste authentic."
One box of VollEy replaces 24 eggs! Simply mix with
water and use such as a normal egg.
Uses include sauces, custards, cakes, breads and
This miracle product will be presented at the
BIOFACH organic show in Nuremberg, Germany next
month. It scoops attempts by UK company Beyond Eggs

Sunny side up - realistic fake fried eggs from MyEy VollEy

to create a similar product, reported in Friends

Gazette in July 2013.
BIOFACH and VIVANESS, international trade fairs have
developed into a highlight for the bio and health sector
with more than 2,235 exhibitors from 76 countries and
42,445 trade visitors from 135 countries last year.
A MyEy VollEy person continued: "MyEy VollEy is a
valuable alternative to eggs of animal origin for baking,
frying and cooking. It is based on a mixture of
vegetable proteins, starch, spices and minerals. The
egg substitute MyEy cannot only be whipped but is also
vegan- and bio-certified (75.6% bio).
MyEy VollEy contains no animal fats, no sugar
supplement and is free of GMOs, cholesterol, gluten
and soy. It is perfectly suitable for culinary use not
only in vegan and vegetarian cuisine. MyEy is unique
and has already won several awards.

The magazine had printed a number of satirical cartoons

featuring the prophet Muhammed, something which sends
some Muslim fanatics into paroxysms of murderous hatred.
In a separate but linked incident police flushed out
another Muslim terrorist who had taken a number of
hostages in a kosher delhi in a Paris arondissement.
Amedy Coulibaly was shot dead in a dramatic police
rescue in which four hostages perished.
An officer also died in crossfire.
In all 17 innocent lives were taken in the atrocity, the
worst in French history for decades. (See tribute p.5 & FC p.12)


apply to the unmentionable s [sic] word? Touch."
In terms of the building, that is a dreadful thing to
RSSB Australia already has a similar site in Sydney. And contemplate as a gateway to the Yarra Ranges, the local
there are more than 30 centres worldwide including press reports.
California, the far East and the UK.
Councillor Andy Witlox told the applicant: This is not
The group, based in India, recommends daily meditation about who you are and what you do. This is about the scale
and a strict lacto-vegetarian diet. It was hoped that if of the building and where it is."
successful the Melbourne centre would take over from the
Project manager Greg Allchin said after the meeting he
Sydney one for two big annual gatherings when between would go back to the organisations board of directors,
1500 to 2000 people were expected to attend.
who would decide whether to come back to the council
At the meeting of the Yarra Ranges council councillor with a new proposal, leave the area altogether, or go to
Samantha Dunn said the application was inappropriate for VCAT [appeal court], the local press reported.
the green wedge.
(See Friendly Comment p.12)

FG January 2015

Complete idiot
UK PRIME minister David Cameron has slammed
a TV analyst who claimed there were areas of
Birmingham where non-Muslims just simply
dont go.
The claim, from Steven Emerson a security
analyst on Fox News the tabloid-style US
television network owned by Rupert Murdoch,
came during a discussion of multiculturalism in
Europe in the wake of the attack on the offices
of Charlie Hebdo magazine in Paris.
On hearing of the comments Cameron called
Emerson a complete idiot according to reports
on internet provider Yahoos news feed.
Over the course of this last week, we have
made some regrettable errors on air regarding
the Muslim population in Europe, anchor Julie
Banderas squirmed later.

Not-so-virtuous veg pot

A LOW-PRICE diet-friendly ready meal has been
pulled because it contained "small fragments of
colored plastic".
The Virtuous Veg Pot from Cook Trading costs
just 3.20 per frozen pack and boasts "only 320
cals per portion".
A statement from government watchdog the
Foods Standards Agency says: "Cook Trading
has recalled some of its own-brand frozen
ready meals because the company has found
that an ingredient used in these meals may
contain small fragments of coloured plastic."
The recall affects products with a best before
date of 30th August, 2015.
Items should be returned to the point of
purchase for a full refund.

Theres keen for you . . .

SPEAKING Welsh doesnt seem to be a problem
when it comes to being a director of a veggie
Vegetarian for Life, the advocacy and
educational charity for older vegetarians
received over 40 applications for its post of
director (Wales).
An ad appeared in the October issue of
Friends Gazette as well as elsewhere.
Interviews are currently under way and the
charity expects to appoint next month.

IT SEEMS carnivores arent satisfied that 99.9%
recurring restaurants in London and probably
the UK as a whole serve meat - and how!
When veggie MPs recently launched a
campaign to raise awareness of veganism
offering deals on vegan and veggie meals in the
House the London Evening Standard just
couldnt resist no equivalent scheme exists
for meat eaters it whined! Ahhhhhhhh!

FG January 2015


Thats why one avid reader told us in London
recently: Wheres my Gazette? Im getting
withdrawal symptoms without it.
FG is emailed direct to selected in-boxes.

ANOTHER year dawns and its time to look

back and check out Friends Gazette stories
over 2014. We print news not gossip, real life
not fiction, reality not recipies.

JANUARY: A story about a poignant new year

memorial to a keep-fit fanatic, vegetarian and
spiritual seeker who loses his battle against cancer.
FEBRUARY: Five Christian activists and vegans walk
free from court after mounting a demonstration
against the sale of illegal weapons of torture.
MARCH: Victims of accidents and corporate
negligance may be losing out on thousands of pounds
in compensation, top lawyers warn.
JUNE: A prominent American Jewish rabbi turns
vegan after feeling embarrasment and shame over
some kosher practices.
JULY: The grand-daughter of an author and
mystical pioneer tells how her grandfathers ashes
were found abandoned on a skip.
NOVEMBER: A newly-designed FG is launched with
a story about the growth of bio shops in France.

FG January 2015

From p. 6

On September 20,
1918, while hearing
confessions, Padre Pio
had his first occurrence
of the stigmata: bodily
marks, pain, and
bleeding in locations
corresponding to the
crucifixion wounds of
Jesus Christ. This
phenomenon continued
for fifty years, until the
end of his life. Shot in
English, filmed on
location in Italy, and

distributed worldwide,
the film will highlight
Padre Pios impact on
the Catholic Church and
the building of his
hospital, Casa Sollievo
della Sofferenza in San
Giovanni Rotondo,
Puglia, Italy.
An Italian American,
raised a Catholic,
Mantegna was born in
Chicago, Illinois, in 1947
to immigrant parents,
Mary Anne (Novelli),
from Acquaviva delle
Fonti, and
Joseph Anthony
Mantegna, Sr,

Meet us on stand B12 at VegFestUK Brighton

Catholic News;

Something not quite right? If you spot
an error, misinterpretation or general
goof-off then get off your backside and
let us know on

Pictured left: Padre

Pio bearing the
marks of the


FG January 2015

Cardinal Burke
lives up to his

Gratin Potimarron

AN AMERICAN cardinal
lived up to his name
recently when he blamed
radical feminism for
child abuse amongst the
Speaking to The New
Emangelization, cardinal
Raymond Burke said: There
was a period when men who
were feminized and confused
about their own sexual
identity had entered the
priesthood, sadly some of
these disordered men
sexually abused minors; a
terrible tragedy for which the
church mourns.
And he went on to tell the
self-styled male-focussed
quasi-religious i-mag that the
introduction of girl altar
servers had led to
the shortage of priests.
He told interviewer,
Matthew: Young boys dont
want to do things with girls.
Its just natural.
I think that this has
contributed to a loss of
priestly vocations.
It requires a certain manly
discipline to serve as an altar
boy in service at the side of a
priest, and most priests have
their first deep experiences
of the liturgy as altar boys.
If we are not training
young men as altar boys,
giving them an experience
of serving God in the liturgy,
we should not be surprised
that vocations have
fallen dramatically.

Cardinal Raymond Burke

But a leading Catholic

theologian has hit back at the
cardinals weird remarks.
Dr Gemma Simmonds, a
sister of the congregation of
Jesus, and a lecturer in
theology at Heythrop
College, told the
Independent Catholic News:
I find the cardinal's views
extraordinary and distressing.
That there is a crisis in
the priesthood and indeed in
married life is beyond
question, but to
attribute this crisis and the
sexual abuse of children by
priests to feminism is
simply bizarre.
It can only bring the
church into disrepute for
senior figures to air
such outlandish and illinformed views about the
nature of paedophilia, which
is a complex matter in no
way resolved by ignorant and
indiscriminate scapegoating.
I can only hope that the
sheer weirdness of these
opinions renders them
ridiculous to those who read


A CATHOLIC retreat centre is
closing because not enough
people are coming.
The Endsleigh Centre in Hull
will close in the spring. The
centre is part of the Institute
of Our Lady of Mercy which

said: "Unfortunately, despite

repeated and sustained
efforts to encourage more
individuals to visit the centre,
the numbers attending
retreats have been declining
for some time."

1 pumpkin
200g ricotta or other cheese
120g finely chopped kale
50g walnuts or hazlenuts
Cut the pumpkin into eight
pieces, remove the seeds and
cook for 25 minutes until soft.
Mash it and take out 800g of
the puree to which you add
salt, pepper and with a
fork mix in with the ricotta.
Add the chopped kale.
Place the mixture into a lightly
oiled gratin dish, sprinkle with
chopped walnuts or hazlenuts
and bake in an oven at 180
degrees for 20 minutes.
Serve with a green salad of
frizzy lettuce or iceberg
lettuce dressed with a french
salad dressing and some crusty
French baguette or other
crusty bread.

KALE, like most cabbage, is low on

calories, high in fibre and worthy
of the title of one of the stars of
immune boosting and cholestoral
lowering foods.
In the States it has a reputation
for battling cancer, Alzheimer's
and depression.
So get cooking!

FG January 2015

Feel strongly about an article or related subject?
Tell us about it now!
(Annonymous letters not published but contact details can be witheld upon request).

Dear Steve,
THANKS for the recent FG - I
thought the design was superb!
Thanks too for sending it as a
PDF - I much prefer that to
downloading it from scribd or
I wonder though if you will be
able to keep emailing us like
this as your circulation
There might come a time
when I'd expect your ISP to
wonder about all the emails!
I wonder if posting the articles
in draft on a blog as you
receive them and then emailing
us when you're ready to show
and publish them would work?
I loved the French news.
Alex Newell
Dear Alex,
THANKS for the tip re the ISP.
As you can see from our email
address we use Gmail.
I have checked their Ts&Cs
and it seems we are within our
limits - but, who knows, one
day we will break the 10,000a-day barrier!
With regard to blogging this is
a great idea. It's great for
breaking news.
Problem is cyberspace is
awash with a load of streamof-consciousness claptrap.
We just don't want to be part
of that. ED

Hi Steve
THANKS for another fabulous
copy of Friends Gazette a few
of my friends I forwarded it to
wish to go on to your mailing
list. Very interesting to read
about living in France and the
Indian news.
Sylvia Pillay
Dear Stephen
THANKS so much for the
excellent compilation once
again. I liked all the support
you give to vegan/vegetarian
The only disappointment was
''A politician, a guru and a
government in trouble'' (Nov
FG) and it's tone! You appear
to express views on the most
complex and largest
democratic country in the
What justifies inclusion of the
words ''. . . a government in
Yet include the line "BJP
leadership will never sever ties
with its oldest ally".
The RSS and Akali Dal are
equally right wing in their
It reminded me of a saying
Fools rush in where angels
fear to tread.
Perhaps you are getting a
generous donation from the
Akali Dal! Narotam Lathia

ERS nd functionnsg
REP g to events gae and writtie?

Y goi
FANC don free-o Friends erson we
in Lo t them fo e just the ing style,
abo u could
nt wr kler for
Then oking for. nality, st for a good
are l ing perso ness, eye ditor on
outgo y and fair tact the e m
accur re . . . ? C tte@gmai
pictu iendsgaze

FREEDOM of the press is like pregnancy.
You can't have just a little bit of it.
You've either got free speech or you
That's why Charlie Hebdo journalists just
couldn't leave one organisation out of their
satirical hit list and keep their integrity.
It was all or nothing.
There could be no exceptions.
If the pope and Jesus are fair game so too
must be the prophet and the mullahs and any
other body, temporal or spiritual, which sets
itself up as an example of moral and/or
ethical standards.
In a free, open and democratic society it
can be no other way, whatever the price!
Was the bravery of the CH journos worth it?
Will the zeitgeist change after this months
outrageous and cowardly attacks?
We shall have to wait and see.
One thing's for sure. On est tous Charlie
maintenant, toujours.

Lost before it began

GETTING plans through the political minefield
that is local government is difficult.
But to tie one hand behind your back before
you start is verging on the crazy.
So why RSSB Australia spent thousands of
dollars on a plan that was lost before it began
remains a mystery.
If they try again they'll need to take advice
from their own grass roots (see front page
Always a good place to start!

Brave move
SO VEGFEST is going political. A brave move
in apathetic Britain, where politics produces
big yawns.
As they say if you dont vote - dont
Unfortunately we Brits do just that!
Lets hope Tims move will lead the way in
upscaling the political agenda among the
vegetarian and vegan literati and hold those
wily politicians to account.
Now thats definitely a move we would
back wholeheartedly!
Heather Stewart winner of the 10
prize on offer at our stall at the recent
VegFestUK show in London was
unavailable for comment as FG went to
press. Look out for our stand at the
VegFestUK Brighton in March where
threll be another chance to scoop a
cash prize!


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