The Soul Sweeper

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The electronic watch on the desk pointed out 3:25 a.m.

Aish its so late! the girl said stretching her hands above her head. She
shut down the computer and slowly walked towards the bed. On the way she
glimpsed a little out on the window it was so quiet.
awfully quiet for Seoul she thought and pulled the drapes back on when
a strange noise stopped her. It sounded like something pointed shuffled on the
ground. She looked for it and found a little man on the other sidewalk, brushing it
with a big besom. She smiled and got ready to leave the window when this little
man turned around to watch her. She quickly hid her face behind the curtain when
those big yellow eyes looked back at her. She laid weight on the really long and
pointed nose and the yellowish smile the same smile that now stared at her face
to face. She opened her mouth to scream, but the sounds wont come out. The little
mans hand stretched its long, wrinkled fingers grabbing her neck. His clench
became more powerful by the second until blood started pouring out from her nose
and mouth.
The girl felt huge warmth all over her body it was strange but it didnt felt
like someone was choking her; she felt like she was melting from toes to head,
everything becoming more and more painful. A final spurt of blood burst out of her
mouth and she fell lifeless on the ground. The little man smiled and begun humming
a soft lullaby. The besoms sound stuck in the girls mind and she felt like someone
was dragging her away from her body that laid there, under the window in a great
puddle of blood. She wouldnt turn around to see who was pulling her; she was too
afraid of that yellow grin and the never stopping lullaby.
Is this even possible? a fat lady asked when a policeman passed by her
with a black plastic bag.
It looks like that, yes he answered without stopping.
God forbid! Dying like that another old woman said making the sign of
the cross, looking after the policeman with teary eyes.
Oh, God, I think weve over reacted with the booze tonight a young girl
whined gripping her boyfriends arm, swinging as much as he did.
Ssst! he said all of a sudden.
What is it? she grabbed his arm tighter.
Boo! he yelled having a laugh of a lifetime.
Asshole! she angrily replied after she screamed so loud that she made the
young boy from across the street to stare at them.

JiYong, a young boy of about 25 years old, fair-haired, somehow reedy, but
with a very keen brown eyes, walked his way up to his house, taking advantage of
this really quiet end-of-October night. He smiled blushing at them when he realized
he was staring and kept on walking when a scratch on the ground stopped him. He
looked around to find it, but he couldnt. He threw another glimpse at the couple
across the street and so he could also see the reason of that noise a small man,
with its besom was brushing the sidewalk. He stuck his hands deeper in his pockets
and wasted a couple more seconds on the mans broom, then he kept on walking.
After several steps, the womans terrified scream froze him. He turned around to
look for her, but they werent in the same place where he left them; he found them
only when the man flew a couple of meters hitting on a buildings wall. JiYong
quickly stepped behind the big tree in front of him, and driven by his characteristic
pry, he kept on watching them.
The little man grabbed the womans neck and dragged her as she was some
useless piece of cloth. She wasnt moving anymore and a thick trail of blood marked
the places behind her. The man stretched out his long fingers towards the crying
From where JiYong was watching, the little mans hands looked way too big for
his height and he had to cover his mouth with both hands and squat quietly. He
firmly clenched his eyes when the man tried to scream again, but instead he only
made weird choking sounds. Blood dashed away when the scary man clenched his
throat making it to click, freezing JiYongs heart for good. He once again stretched
out his long fingers and suddenly made a movement as if he clenched something in
his fist, then he started humming a soft song. He smiled widely and stuck his pointy
nose in the air, sniffing around calmly he was looking for the still beating heart
that made his song to stop. He stared at JiYongs tree and whispered a soul-ripping
See you tomorrow, making poor Ji shake in terror.
It was so quiet Even if it passed more than two hours, Ji was still crouched
behind that tree. Something vibrating inside his coat shook him violently, sending
sweat drops all over his face. He blushed again whipping his forehead with the back
of his hands when he realized it was only the cellphone ringing. Like something big
hit him over his head, he desperately searched his pockets until he took out the
phone its ringtone was the same soft song that the scary man was humming. He
smashed it on the ground probably waiting for it to keep on ringing, just like in every
horror movie, but it didnt. He took a redeeming exhale and when his feet god
ready, he whipped out like a quaky hare in the big city.
The cellphone lain around on the ground, broken in dozen of pieces, when a
fagget brushed it away.
I cant believe its past three already! a young dark-haired girl said smiling

Times flies when youre having fun! Its almost not fair! Taeyand, the very
well-built and fauxhawk proud wearer said laughing slightly.
Yeah, well, you and your movies! she sneered sticking her tongue out like a
cute little kid. He laughed out loud knocking her on the couch, trying to get a hold
on that naughty, defiant tongue of hers.
What was that? she suddenly stopped him.
What? he said stealing her one more kiss.
I dont know I thought I heard a humming or something` she sat up
looking around towards the big TV set.
I think youre just sleepy, baby he smiled. Cmon, Ill sing something nice
for you he said lifting her in his arms, kissing all the way `till the bedroom.
JiYong covered half of Seoul in less than 15 minutes; he climbed all the four
floors in a flash and desperately hit the wooden door using his fists and feet.
SeungHyun easily got his head up, trying to understand what was the noise
he was hearing. When he heard JiYongs voice, he rolled over and fell on the ground.
JJust a minute! he tried to yell more asleep than awake, gathering himself
up from the floor. On the way to the door he threw a half-asleep eye on the
nightstand watch that was showing 4 a.m. Oh, God, JiYong he started mumbling
and he spun the key.
When he heard the key, JiYong wouldnt wait for the door to get open, instead
he pushed its handle and he swooped inside.
Whats wrong? What happened?... SeungHyung tried to calm down his
friend who couldnt ever breath anymore from the late jogging. He guided him to a
large armchair. Stay here! Ill bing you some water he said doing his best to
keep a cool voice. When he stepped once, Ji caught his hand. S stay Ji barely whispered. TTurn on the lights, please he
asked in a very silent voice.
JiYong-gi, whats wrong? Youre scaring me SeungHyun hewed and pushed
the small switch. He startled a little seeing his friends illegally white face. Maybe
waters not what you need know Do you want a drink?
JiYong shook his head.
NN No I cant he muttered something.
JiYong-gi, you look like youve seen a ghost SeungHyun said trying to joke
a little.

A murder! Ji answered with the eyes of a mad man.

What? SeungHyung shuttered. Are you sure? You ought to call the
Im next he whispered really slowly.
SeungHyun froze. He stared at JiYong who just nodded staring back at him the
the most brightest eyes ever.
Even though sun was not up yet, number 59 turned into a double zero and
the electronic watch on the nightstand started beeping.
Chris, its 5 oclock Taeyang mumbled from somewhere underneath a
I can hear that she answered in the same way but after a couple of
seconds stretched out her hand to push the silent button. `Morning! she said
turning to face him.
Good morning! he answered with a sleepy, yet bright smile.
Your turn to make the coffee she said luring him with a soft giggle.
Thanks! she said after he nodded. She watched over him until he left the room,
then she yawned noisily, but suddenly perked up. She tried to listen more carefully,
almost stopping her breathing. It sounded like a nice lullaby. Where did she heard
that song before? It sounded so familiar She silently crept out of the bed and
stopped in front of the window. With a single finger she pushed the drapes a little to
look outside. The only living been was the small man from across the street, but she
couldnt hear him not from all the way here. She found it somehow funny; he
remembered her of home, of herself when she was just a little kid helping grandma
cleaning the yard All of a sudden the little man stopped his activity and started to
turn around. She smiled fondly waiting to see a familiar Caucasian face, with round
eyes, but her smile faded away when the man turned only his head to 180 degrees
A short scream made her close her eyes and quickly cover the window back.
Whats wrong, baby? Taeyang walked in carrying two big cups of coffee.
Nothing I think I havent slept enough she was quick in claiming her
white mug then she cuddled to his chest.
Are you shaking? he worried.
No Im not yes I think I frightened myself she blushed.

Youre not that type. Whats wrong? he kissed her forehead.

I think I gotta call my mom I think my consciences trying to speak to
me she smiled havind a hard time to let him go. She easily pushed the drapes with
one finger and peeked outside the street was empty. She took a deep sigh and a
big sip from her mug.
Its everything ok? he joined her in scouting the streets.
Oh, yes! she blushed hard when two people crossing the street made her
smile in clemency.
Wow, such morning people they are he laughed and waved at SeungRi and
Daesung when they raised their eyes up to the window.
After a short while their steaming mugs were having a rest in their hands.
Yes SeungRi answered as he blew the steam away they said theyll be a
little late, but theyll come for sure.
No problem Taeyang smiled brightly it will be a while `till well get there,
change, goof around plenty of time for them to get there.
I dont know Daesug said without lifting his eyes up from the black liquid
but they seemed a little strange on the phone I have a bad feeling
About what? she asked.
Dont know I cant explain it
Maybe youre just jealous `cos they spent the night together?
smirked, making everyone to hit him in joke until the doorbell rang.


Im on it! Cris went to open it. Morning you two! she waved eagerly at
them as she invited JiYong inside, followed by an extremely quiet SeungHyun. We
were just talking about you she said again checking out their reactions.
I hope you were saying good stuff about us SeungHyun tried a fade smile,
while JiYong remained numb.
Oppa, are you ok? she asked slightly touching Jis shoulder.
His reaction made everyone startle when he hit her hand, jumping a step
back and turning whiter than he already was.
You want a cup of coffee? she asked again lowering her voice almost near
to a whisper. She got her positive answer and in a short while she entered the room
with another two big steamy mugs. The guys couldnt find out the reason why they

were so wired; neither Ji nor SeungHyun told them the truth, but they made up a
story to explain just a little of their mood.
Darkness had already swollen the entire city. A fade fog raised from the
ground making it to look as if it boiled.
Half past eight Cris said throwing an eye on the big wall-watch. She had
already forgotten the scary episode from this morning. She opened the balcony door
without a noise and stepped outside. She smiled thinking how wonderful wouldve
been if this weather stuck with them until tomorrow, the Halloween night, when
they planned the biggest party ever. A cold blow made her squeeze her blazer
better next to her body. She quietly listened to the wind piping until the cellphones
vibration roughly brought her back to earth. She laughed out loud thinking how
childish of her to get scared by a cellphone.
Yeobuseyo? she answered without haste.
Baby she could hear Taeyangs voice were gonna be a little late. Im
starving, but were not done yet and Ji wont let us go home he laughed while she
could hear Ji scolding him.
Its ok, you eat-it-all she laughed. Ill cook something extra special for you
tonight! she left the balcony entering in the big room. After some other sweet-talk
she left the phone on the edge of the bed, she shut the windows, pulled the drapes
and turned on all the lights in every room. She looked for favorite music on youtube
and rolled the volume up to the max. She opened the fridge and started taking out
all sort of frozen bags and vegetables.
22 she read out loud. She listened to the same songs three times
already, the cooked dish steamed away in its flowered pot. She finally turned off the
music scratching her head, looking for the cellphone. Suddenly she remembered
where she left it and ran into the dormitory. It was so quiet without the boys. The
drapes seemed to watch her. With one quick move she uncovered the windows. The
fog was almost gone leaving the darkness to take over, more than usual; even the
streetlights were experiencing some technical difficulties since they turned on and
off all at once. Cold shivers ran up her spine and she slowly shook her head.
Pressing the two cellphones keys she unlocked it getting ready to push key number
1, when a silent hum froze her. she listened to it very carefully. It sounded like
something a young kid would sing, but the voice singing it was old really old. She
ran inside the house, pulled the drapes on but the song kept on hearing louder and
louder. She turned to face the door to exit the room when she dropped the
cellphone she held tight in her hands and a short terrified scream came out from
her mouth.

JiYong-hyung, you coming with us? Taeyang asked stuffing his hands deeper
in the jackets pockets.
Of course I am! he hasted in giving an answer as if he feared someone
might say something else.
Were all coming SeungHyun said I just hope Cris wont mind.
No, she wont! she actually said shes waiting for us with some good treats!
Taeyang said smiling. I tried to call her, but I think shes out of battery again and
she didnt even noticed he tried to encourage himself even though an ugly
feeling started feeding its way up to his heart.
JiYong suddenly stopped.
Whats wrong? SeungRi asked after he stumbled upon Ji. He wouldnt
answer so the guys looked around there was nothing suspicious around.
Hyung? Daesung caught Jis arm.
Can you hear it?... Ji finally whispered.
Hear what? Daesung asked.
Sssh! SeungHyun also said.
They all strained, keeping as quiet as they could. It was indeed an awkward
silence for this Seoul main street, but they wouldnt freak out about this.
A soft song begun hearing making the boys to exchange looks. JiYong took a
step back; Daesung and Taeyang took a step forward.
Im not going that way! Ji whispered and they all turned around. After only
two steps they froze in place. A besoms birches were sweeping the sidewalk. Ji
couldnt hold back a scream and a back jump that his friends found a little
embarrassing. Daesung was already trying to find some excuses for his seniors
behavior when the little man stopped his actions. He smiled softly and after saluting
with a short nod, he continued his sweeping. The boys answered with short bows
and hurried to catch up with JiYong who already started walking in the opposite
direction. After several steps Taeyang froze. The little man started singing a soft
song that he recognized as being Cris` ringtone. He turned to face the little
sweeping man and his eyes doubled their size. The little man had a large smile on
his face, which was literally from one ear to the other, exposing some really sharp,
yellow teeth. He sniffed twice with his long, pointed nose and suddenly his long
fingers grabbed JiYongs throat. They all yelled in fear and Jis hands clenched on the
mans arms.

SeungRi couldnt stand around and just watch so he rushed to save his friend,
but the man caught his throat too. He fought to reach him mostly in vain, because
the little mans arms were so long that he couldnt even hit him with his legs.
SeungHyun and Daesung both jumped to hit the little man. When they almost
reached his face, the man opened up his mouth so large that it covered his entire
face, letting it show the enormous, spiky teeth and the boys both fell trying to fight
Taeyang looked around searching for a weapon the only thing he could
come up with was the mans besom. He ploughed into it but as soon as he touched
it, he threw it away, screaming in pain. The broom was so hot that it almost burnt
his palms. SeungHyuns attack roar made him to forget about his aching hands and
stare at his friend as he tried to punch the little man. But it a couple of seconds he
stretched out his hands to catch (or to stop) the flying SeungHyun that came
stumbling upon him.
At first, JiYong couldnt understand why in the name of God he couldnt move
at all that little mans hand even though he was hitting it and scratching it as hard
as he could. A burning wave covered his feet up to his knees, depleting him slowly
but surely. He was about to give all up when something else caught his eye:
SeungRis body already have done that and he lost the fight he was now only
hanging into the little mans big hand making him to smile widely again.
Maknae were Jis last words before losing his own battle.
SeungHyun wasnt just ready to stop, so he emerged into another strong
attack. He clenched his fists hard and yelled as he ran towards the sweeper. The
man let SeungRi go and caught him instead. He stared into his eyes and SeungHyun
could feel fear he couldnt stare back at that hideous face; he couldnt breathe
that burnt smell his eyes suddenly enlarged when the little man opened up his
mouth and everything turned black. All that there was, was an indefinite gulp and a
strange feeling as he fell from a great distance.

If thats what yall want, thats what yall gonna get!! the man roared in
anger and opened wide his mouth once again to cover Daesung who came running
to save disappearing SeungHyun. The same darkness covered him as well and an
infinite quietness although he could feel his mouth screaming.

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