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Day 21

By Katherine Walker on Wednesday, June 25, 2014 at 6:15am

Day 21
Pray that your husband will choose his friends wisely. Pray that God will bring him men who will
encourage his accountability before God, and will not lead him into sin.
As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend. Proverbs 27:17
Heavenly Father,
I give thanks to You for You are good. Your faithful love endures forever. Father, search me and know
my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. Point out anything in me that offends you, and
lead me along the path of everlasting life. Father, I ask that you would connect me to other women
who are strong and courageous and will speak boldly into my life, withholding nothing. Women who
love you first. Women who are sold out for the cause of Christ. I pray that I would be willing to make
whatever changes you are asking of me of in the next phase in my life. Grant me strength, courage
and wisdom and a heart that won't be moved. Father, I pray that my husband would choose to
surround himself with men that are wise and truthful. I pray that you would put men in his life that
challenge him to be a doer of your word. I pray that the men in his life would regularly remind him of
who he is in Christ and how he is expected to live as a result of the gift of salvation and the filling of
the Holy Spirit. I ask Lord that he would actively pursue being discipled and discipling other men.
Cause him to mourn his personal sin and speak truth seasoned with grace to those held captive by
their sin.

Day 22
By Katherine Walker on Wednesday, June 25, 2014 at 6:16am

Day 22

Pray that your husband will speak words that build you and your family, and reflect a heart of love.
Pray that he will not use filthy language.
Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits. Proverbs 18:21
Heavenly Father,
I lift up my eyes to you Lord from whom my help comes. For my help comes only from you LORD
who made heaven and earth, you will not let my foot be moved. I praise you Lord for your mercies
that are new this morning. I pray that you would continue transforming my heart, continue molding
me so that I may display your light to a dark world. I pray that my desires would be honoring, faithful
and true. I pray that your love would flow out of me to other people and that you would continue
breaking my heart for the lost. I pray that you place a deep desire in my heart that moves me to give
all of myself for the growth and glory of your kingdom. I pray that I would be willing to give everything
up to glorify you and to do whatever you call me to - give me the boldness to run with your call on my
life, proclaiming it with love and grace. I pray my husband would demonstrate the love of Christ in our
family. I pray that his every action would be motivated by his love for you. Remind him that he has
gained nothing when he serves without love. I pray that his love for you would direct his actions,
thoughts and words. Keep his speech free of foul language, belittling words and sarcasm. May he
speak only those words that lifts others up, that he would give a kind word when needed. Convict
him to seek forgiveness when he hurts others with his speech. Cause him to be a man that loves you
and lives for you in both word and deed. I lift all these requests up to You Father in the powerful
mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen

Day 23
By Katherine Walker on Thursday, June 26, 2014 at 1:12pm

Day 23

Pray that your husband will enjoy his manliness as he patterns his life after Christ and strong men in
the faith. Pray for his physical, emotional, mental, social and spiritual strength.
Now these things happened to them as an example, but they were written down for our instruction,
on whom the end of the ages has come. 1 Cor. 10:11
Heavenly Father,
Let all that I am praise You; with my whole heart I will praise Your holy name. May I never forget the
good things you do for me. You've redeemed me from death and crowned me with your love and
poured your tender mercies on me. Forgive me for the sins I have committed and cleanse my heart
of unrighteousness. Cleanse me from selfish desire that I may follow the direction of the Holy Spirit. I
pray I would seek only you for all my needs; desiring above all to be totally surrendered to you.
Father I pray that my husband would delight in Your Word and that it would be the mediation of his
heart. I Pray that my husband would embrace what it looks like to be a godly man. I pray for him to
have the strength to suffer insult, rejection, and failure without retaliation. You did not give him a spirit
of fear and timidity. Therefore cause him to serve you boldly in the face of overwhelming
circumstances. I pray that he would be a man of courage, that he would stand firm in the faith, never
wavering from the call to serve and glorify you. I pray that he would embrace his role as a man, as
head of our home. Cause him to see himself as the physical protector and provider of our home.
Lead him to provide spiritual leadership in our home. Give him the wisdom and courage to protect his
family from things that would lead them away from Christ. Make him your man, your servant, that for
generations to come your faithfulness would proclaimed in our family. Father, I pray all these things in
the name of You our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen

Day 24
By Katherine Walker on Sunday, June 29, 2014 at 5:27pm

Day 24
Topic: Pray that your husband will yield his mind and thoughts to the Lord. Pray that he will not
entertain immoral or impure thoughts.
Scripture: We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and
take every thought captive to obey Christ" 2 Cor. 10:5
Dear Precious and Holy God, I come before your throne of Grace in awe of your majesty, your beauty and
your Love that knows no bounds. I recognize Mighty God; all things have been created through you and
for you, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible. Here I am, asking you to create a clean heart in me,
O God, and renew a faithful spirit within me. Lord, if I have set up idols or have put a stumbling block
before your face, according to Ezekiel 14:4, stumbling blocks of sins such as, unforgiveness, resentment,
hatred and gossip, please forgive me. In this moment I place them at your feet, and repent. Jesus you
have created me to love you, and love others with all my heart, soul and mind. Jesus, tear down the walls
that I have built up in my mind and heart, destroy the spirit of fear, worry, insecurity and anxiousness that
have affected my life and my marriage. Help me to LOVE my husband the way you want me to love him,
and help me to truly desire him to be a man after YOUR own heart and only have eyes for YOU. I declare
in the face of adversity, with the authority given me from Christ Jesus, that NO weapon formed against our
marriage, will prosper. I choose joy, I choose love and I choose compassion, no longer will I allow my
mind and my fears to govern me, I walk by faith and not by sight, no longer letting the enemy steal the
abundant life that you, Christ, want me to live today. Jesus as I come before you in prayer for my husband,
I ask that you allow opportunities in his life to see the magnitude of who YOU are, strengthen his Faith in
you Jesus by scheduling Divine appointments with my husband. Lord may he recognize that loving you
and having Faith in you is not weakness, but a glorious inner strength. I believe in the power of your Word
over my husband in accordance with Ephesians 3:14-20, I pray that he will be filled with love. I pray that
he will be able to understand how wide and how long and how high and how deep your love is. I pray that
he will know the love of Christ. That your love goes beyond anything we can understand. I pray that he will
be filled with God Himself. May my husband KNOW that you ,God, are able to do much more than we ask
or think through His power working in us. SO that when anything that is not of you, any thought, any word
or deed, that is immoral and sinful comes his way, he will recognize it, destroy t, rid himself of it, rebuking
it in your powerful name, Jesus. Help my husband to understand the battlefield of the mind, and learn how
to fight it in the sprit. May he be mindful of what he listens to on the radio, what he reads, what he
watches and who he talks with, understanding the influence they have in his spiritual health. May my
husbands zeal for you, God, burn so powerfully in him that he fight for righteousness and a devoted heart
recognizing the spiritual world we live in, and his God given ability and responsibility to lead this family in
Holiness and Sanctification. Give him the strength to rise up as a courageous man of God and fight the
temptations that Satan throws his way, as a soldier in the army of God, to protect himself, me and our
family. May his heart , soul and mind be filled with an earnest desire to know you more, to emulate Jesus,
be a light in the dark and the salt of the earth, not letting anything or anyone hinder his faith. (May he be

ready in and out of season, sharing you with everyone he meets, and if he has to, may he use his words!
In Jesus name we pray. Amen (Prayer Written by Annie Ortiz)

Day 25
By Katherine Walker on Sunday, June 29, 2014 at 5:26pm

DAY 25
Pray that your husband will understand the importance of taking care of his bodythe temple of the
Holy Spiritfor the glory of God. Pray that he will practice self-control by making wise food choices,
and get sufficient exercise to stay healthy.
"Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from
God? You are not your own, 20 for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body. 1 Cor.
Heavenly Father,
I come before you today as a sinner who needs your forgiveness. I confess my sins to you, O Lord; I
ask you to purify me from all unrighteousness. Thank you for your forgiveness granted to me through
the sacrifice of your son, Jesus. May I never forget that I was bought at a price. Father God, I offer
my body to you as a living sacrifice. I pray that I would no longer be conformed to the pattern of this
world. Equip me through your Holy Spirit to do your good, pleasing, and perfect will.
Lord, I pray that my husband would desire spiritual food for his daily bread. I pray that your Word
would help him to be wise in regards to his health. Father God, remind my husband that you have
chosen him to be your treasured possession. I pray that he would not grieve the Holy Spirit by
abusing the temple that is his body. Help my husband to glorify you in his body, so that the life of
Jesus may be revealed to those around him. Give him self-control and motivate him to take care of
his earthly body, so that he will be an example to his family and friends. I pray all of these things in
the name of Jesus, Amen.

Day 26
By Katherine Walker on Sunday, June 29, 2014 at 5:26pm

Topic: Pray that your husband will have a balanced life that he will balance work and play. Pray that he
will fear God, but also gain favor with people he knows at work and church.
Scripture: "And Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and man". Luke 2:52
Prayer: Heavenly Father, I come before you and ask that you bring my life into balance. Rid me of
anything that erects itself above my relationship with You. Forgive me for taking my eyes off You and
allowing my focus to be steered away from You--distracting me from growing in my walk with You. Reveal
to me any areas or "things" which I need to let go of; things that I can't easily let go of, that I often put
before You: the kids, my husband, my "church" work, family, friends, career, housework, education,
dreams, desires, goals, and hurts. Some of these things are "good" and, yet, I still place them above our
relationship and crowd You out. Father, there are things that have subtly "moved in" and taken Your place
and are now consuming me; such as, time spent on the internet, time spent on the phone/cell with friends,
reading books, even doing "things" at church, but they're causing me to lose sight of You in the process.
Please forgive me--for losing sight of You: My First Love!! Bring me back into balance. Where I'm so out of
balance, do what needs to be done to bring me back into balance, even if it's painful. Level me so I'm
balanced once again; focused on You. I thank you for my husband and ask that You bring him into
balance, both at work, at home, at church, and elsewhere. Where he's out of balance, reveal to him where
he needs to realign his priorities so they're in line with You. Father, help him to see the need for a healthy
balance between work and play--time spent at work and time spent at home or doing other things besides
his career. Let him see that he doesn't need to work himself to death, nor should he be lazy. Help him to
see that he needs to work to live, not live to work. Jesus says, if we seek God's Kingdom and
righteousness first, all these things (i.e., what we'll eat or drink or what we'll wear) will be added [given] to
us (Matthew 6:31-33). I pray that my husband will truly seek You first and trust You to be our provider for
ALL things. If he is working long hours in order to provide for his family, I pray that You will help him to
understand that he is the means in providing for his family but You are the provider of all things. If he is
lazy and "comfortable" with the status quo, ignite a fire within him to grow and be challenged; to use the
gifts and talents You've given him...for Your glory. If he's working to impress the boss or is seeking
unhealthy or unrealistic ambition, tame those desires and refocus him. Allow him to see that You desire he
work wholeheartedly for You, Lord (Colossians 3:23). And, as he ages ("grows in stature"), let him
increase in wisdom and find favor with both God and man. May he see that, "The fear of the Lord is the
beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction" (Proverbs 1:7). Help him to understand
that by seeking, hearing, and applying Your instruction, and being wise, he will obtain favor (Proverbs
8:32-35). Open his eyes to see that character does matter. Show him that integrity will bring him favor and
high esteem from both God and men (Proverbs 3:4; 11:27)--whether at work, at church, or
elsewhere. Lord, bring my husband's life into balance. Level it where it needs to be leveled. Bring it back

to plumb; that is, You!! May he see You as the balance he needs in his life--that with You as his focus, the
rest will follow. Lord, I pray that You will be the balance inboth our lives. Forgive our straying hearts and
bring us back to a balanced life in You, Lord. Through Your Son, Jesus Christ, in whose Name, I pray and
lift these things. Amen!! Prayer WRITTEN by Susi Lindsay Brumett

Day 27
By Katherine Walker on Monday, June 30, 2014 at 8:22pm

Day 27

Pray that your husband use practical skills to build your family and make wise decisions for your
welfare. Pray that he will serve unselfishly.
For you have been called to live in freedom, my brothers and sisters. But dont use your freedom to
satisfy your sinful nature. Instead, use your freedom to serve one another in love. Galatians 5:13
Heavenly Father,
I am thankful that your promises, revive and comfort me in all my troubles. I trust Father in your
unfailing love and I will rejoice this day because you have rescued me from darkness. I enter your
presence with a song of praise in my heart for you are a God of infinite mercy and goodness; your
mercy is everlasting, a fountain that will never run dry. Your a God of truth and faithfulness, your truth
endures to all generations. Father cause my heart to yearn for your truth so deeply that it would
overwhelm me, when I grow weary and tired refresh my soul with your Word. Consume me so that I
may desire to live every second of everyday for you. Reveal to me anything that I am doing that
hinders your work in my heart, give me the courage and strength to root out the hindrance and throw
it away. I pray that I would stop trying to control my own destiny and allow you to direct my life. I pray
that I would lose my self centered desire to be in charge.
Father, I pray that my husband would be diligent in fulfilling the everyday tasks of leading his family. I
pray that he would be a wise steward of what you give him. I pray that he would work as unto you in
all things. Cause him Lord, to work diligently at completing the small unseen and often unnoticed
tasks of life. I pray that every decision he makes would promote the welfare of our family and lead us
to living sacrificially for you. I pray that as he is faithful in leading our family in serving you that the
generations to come would proclaim your faithfulness in the life of my husband. I pray that for
generations our family would serve you and that your name would be praised.
I pray that my husband and I would be willing to endure pain and discomfort to glorify you as we are
fully aware of the rejection and persecution that will come to those that lay down their lives for you.
Give us the strength, courage and wisdom to never back down from sharing your truths with those
who are living for the things of this world. I pray that we would always remember our real purpose for
living this life; cause us to be completely and totally surrendered to you. I pray that we would keep
our eyes on you the author and perfecter of our faith.
Father, thank you for hearing our hearts, we lift up these praises and requests to you; in the
precious, powerful, sweet name of Jesus Christ. Amen

Day 28
By Katherine Walker on Wednesday, July 2, 2014 at 10:32pm
Day 28
Topic: Pray that your husband will be a good fatherdisciplining his children wisely and loving them
unconditionally. If he is not a father, pray that he will find a young man to mentor in the things of the
Scripture: You then, my child, be strengthened by the grace that is in Christ Jesus, 2 and what you
have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to
teach others also. 2Tim 1:1-2
Heavenly Father,
I praise Your holy and most precious name with all of my heart, soul and mind. I set my heart before
Your throne acknowledging and repenting of my sins. Cleanse me of all unrighteousness that is
within memy impure motives, desires and all worldly concerns or cares that keep me in bondage.
Renew a right spirit within me. Father, I pray that I would allow the world to see my brokenness and
how you have redeemed and repaired me and made me whole. I pray Father when I am feeling tired
and defeated that I would NEVER lose heart, but that I would rejoice in the truth of who I am in YOU.
Remind me that I am not my own, but I belong to YOU, I am YOURS and YOU are mine. I pray today
I would be willing to follow Your lead even if it's not pleasing or comfortable for me. Grant me the will
to do all things THROUGH YOU and for You; to press on when I feel like letting go. I pray for the
strength to not fall back into the pattern of allowing my emotions/feelings to control my life; remind
me that they are fleeting and change like the wind. I pray I would ONLY be guided by the truths in
Your Word; that I would hold tight to your promise that You will never leave me nor forsake me. I pray
that I would live my life in a way that shows the world Your Love; that I would be that City on a hilltop,
a light in this dark world, a friend that sticks closer than a brother. I pray that I would always be willing
to give more than I receive.
Father, I pray for my husband to be strengthened in Your might and power to carry out the work of
parenting our children in a way that honors and glorifies you. I pray that he would be fully
surrendered to raising our children up in the ways of You Father. I pray that he would discipline them
wisely and love them unconditionally. I pray that he would teach them that there is nothing more
important than living and dying for YOU. I pray that he would show them how to read and pray Your
Word. I pray that he would teach our children how to serve others, how to love others and how to
give themselves completely and wholly to You. I pray that he would instill in our children ALL that You
have instilled into him. I pray that he would raise our sons to be men that love, honor, and cherish
their wives, and that he would prepare our daughters to marry godly men that love YOU and pursue

you above all things. I pray that we would fully understand the importance of raising our children to
be like Christ. Impress upon us, should we forget, that there is nothing more urgent then showing
our children Jesus in what we say, and what we do. I pray all these things in the precious name of
You Jesus. Amen

Day 29
By Katherine Walker on Wednesday, July 2, 2014 at 10:33pm

DAY 29

Pray that your husband will choose healthy, God-honoring activities. Pray that he will not live in
bondage to any questionable habits or hobbies, but that he will experience freedom in holiness as he
yields to the Spirits control.
"So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." 1 Corinthians 10:31
Heavenly Father, thank you for another day; whether joyful or sorrowful I pray that it would grow me
to new heights and in everything bring you glory. Forgive me for my pride and unbelief; when I am
wavering back and forth in my faith give me strength to see the TRUTH. When my life gives way to
chaos remind me that You are a God of peace and chaos is of the devils making. I pray that all my
actions flow out of love for You. I pray that I would not give in to the lies satan tells me. I pray I would
regularly preach Your Word to myself. I pray that You would continue to equip me for the call you
have placed upon my life even when the equipping is difficult and painful; strengthen me my Lord,
strengthen me. I pray I would no longer be held captive by my own thinking but rely solely on Your
truth to guide me in every area of my life; remind me that I need not live in defeat! The battle has
been won and my victory is secure in YOU JESUS! Continue to teach me your ways Father so that I
can live according to Your Truth. Grant me purity of heart so that I may honor you. I pray for strength
to stay the course and not give up; pressing on, keeping my eyes on the ultimate prize of living in
eternity with You. Grant me courage to pray boldly and to be willing to expose my inner self to others
so that my experiences can be used for Your glory. Lord, may your living presence be my greatest
joy; for you God are my sun and my shield my glory the ONE who holds my head high. Father, your
unfailing love is better than life itself and I will praise YOU as long as I have breath. Father, I lift my
husband up to you. I pray Father that he would choose God-honoring activities; that he would take
NO actions that could control his life or lead him away from YOU. I pray that he would make wise
decisions based on the truth of Your Word. I pray that his decisions and actions would lead others to
you Father; that nothing he does would cause his brother to fall. I pray that he would consider others
before himself; that he would lay down his own desires to help others prosper. I pray that he would
earnestly desire to grow into maturity and have supernatural discernment. Father, I pray that all his
actions are motivated by YOUR love so that all he does will be for YOUR glory. I pray that he would
work hard, be patient and keep going despite any challenges he may experience. I pray that he
would persevere in the faith and understand that suffering in this life is worthwhile as it points others
to Your glory. I pray Father that together we would continue to spur each other on in the faith; loving,

praying and encouraging each other. I lift up my heart and soul to you Father and every word in this
prayer in the powerful name of you Jesus. Amen.

Day 30
By Katherine Walker on Thursday, July 3, 2014 at 9:15am

Day 30

Pray that your husband will yield his sexual drive to the Lord and practice self control. Pray that your
sexual intimacy together will be fresh, positive, and a reflection of selfless love.
The husband should fulfill his marital duty to his wife, and likewise the wife to her husband. 1
Corinthians 7:3
Heavenly Father,
I come into your presence with a heart of thankfulness; though sometimes life can been difficult I
know I am blessed beyond any measure because I am YOURS. I pray I would stay focused on you
when I am feeling overwhelmed or defeated. I pray that I would always be aware of Your presence in
my life. I pray that You would put a willingness inside of me to keep pushing no matter the challenge
that may lie ahead. I pray that I would memorize passages of praise so that I will always have words
to praise You with in the best of times and in the storms of life. I pray that I would be a soft place for
my husband to fall; that I would encourage, love and respect him. Help me to listen more and talk
less. I pray that after You I would give him my whole self. I pray that You would bless him and give
him the desires of his heart when his will is aligned with Yours. I ask hat you would put a song in my
heart for my husband and that I would continue to pray for him daily.
Father, I pray that my husband would be like Job and make a covenant with his eyes not to look upon
another lustfully. I pray that we would seek to understand your Word and along with prayer and
discussion come to a clear understanding of our roles as husband and wife. I pray that my husband
would make every effort to fulfill the role You given to him. Father, if one of us falls give us the
strength and desire to love each other unconditionally; then grant us the wisdom to seek direction
from godly counselors/helpers to guide us through our marriage. I pray for my husband to
understand that marriage is Your way for us to satisfy our natural sexual desires and to go outside of
that is sin that can cause much devastation and loss. I pray that we both fully understand that
temptation can be resisted, and YOU will as promised, show us a way out. I pray for harsh conviction
of Your Spirit to take that way out no matter how we may be feeling. I pray that we would continue to
grow in love and desire for one another; caring for one another through sickness and health, richer or
poorer, until death do us part. Father help us to remember that you designed marriage and sanctified
it for the purpose of presenting, to the world, a picture of the love of Christ for his bride the church. I

pray we would rejoice with each other as we give ourselves to You. Father, I make these request in
the precious name of YOU my Savior and Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Day 31
By Katherine Walker on Friday, July 4, 2014 at 7:10pm

Day 31

Pray that your husband will surrender his time and talents to the Lord. Pray that his spiritual gifts will
be manifest in his career, at church, and in your home.
Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time,
because the days are evil. Ephesians 5:15-16
Heavenly Father,
"O Lord, You are my God; I will exalt You, I will give thanks to Your name; For You have worked
wonders, Plans formed long ago, with perfect faithfulness" (Isaiah 25:1). I surrender my self to you
Father; renew a right spirit within me. I pray that the first thing I do every morning when I open my
eyes is to pray and remember my purpose for existing is to bring You glory. Father place your Truth
deep within me so that it would never leave my mind or heart.; preparing me for every good work.
When I face trials and temptations of any kind remind me to look to the cross for strength. Remind
me as I go through my day that worldly behavior is off limits for me. Father give me the strength,
courage and boldness to NOT fit in; convict me strongly Father when I begin to look like the world. I
pray I would use every gift and talent you've so graciously given to me to magnify YOU in everything
I say and do. Father transform my heart that I may love the brokenhearted and oppressed. I would
rejoice with those who rejoice and mourn with those who mourn, that I would be a comforter and a
friend to all and that I would share Jesus in word and deed. I pray that YOUR light would shine in and
though me.
Father, I lift my husband up to you in prayer. I pray that he would fully understand his role as a Christ
follower is to be faithful and seek ways to serve others with the gifts you have given to him, that your
name may be glorified. Daily remind him of his standing as a follower of YOU. I pray that he would
willingly offer himself up as a living sacrifice, that he would surrender his time to you, and pursue
only those things that bring your name glory. I pray that he would embrace who he is in Christ as You
renew his spirit and transform his mind. I pray that he would live and die to obey and honor you. I
pray that as we continue growing we would look for ways to embrace and love our community and
that we would invest in others and ourselves in becoming better people. We thank You Father and
praise Your glorious name. I pray all of this in name of Your Son Jesus. Amen

"O Lord, You are my God;I will exalt You, I will give thanks to Your name;For You have worked
wonders,Plans formed long ago, with perfect faithfulness" Isaiah 25:1

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