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s Trout Company

Project Proposal 2013

Executive Summary
The executive summary should be a summary of the aspects of your
business plan. The idea is to entice someone to want to read further into
your document. You should be sure to write this last as it is a summary of all
the other sections.
Zavalas Trout Company have a main mission of provide a high quality
product that meets all the standards of control and purity. The only one we
know as our trout will go to the Customer table as if the trout is still caught
recently, that we will be proud that we will meet the achievement. When I
will give to our customers the confidence that Zavala's Trout consume
products are free of fat, 0% trans fat and high levels in iron and minerals, as
well as rich in omega 3. (by reference telly.zavala_module1.docx in
Introduction to the business class)
With the globalization running too fast is very important the participation of
this business in the International Market and also join in the competitive
internet web.

Business Description
[Insert information as needed from Assignment 2.1]
-The place where I am going to import or bring the trout is Peru
( ).
This country started few years ago an increase in the production of Trout
with a high level of protein and natural Omega-3 that is good for our daily
diet. Also the laws about this business (raised and process the trout) have
too many waivers because the actual Government try to incentive the
creation of more jobs and bring other money inversionist to the country.
Furthermore the geographic of this country (multiples rivers and lakes)
allows have free water with very low cost of raised them. So the only real
cost that we have to expend are:
-The place where we are going to put the business in Peru.
-The differents kinds of food fishes will need for grown up.

-The salary rate average in this country is around $2.00 per hour or in
monthly income $288.00 and with this I dont try to said that I am going to
abuse of that but still a low scape of money for pay employees is good for
the business ( .
Taxes, Permitions and Liscense:

In comparasion with United States (the only country that you must have a
fishing liscense if you like fishing) in Peru you dont need too many
requirements for do business there.
You must registred your business in SUNAT (for us is IRS) get a special ID
number and pay a 9% of your wages in taxes (, a
title must be issue in the Public Registration Office for the businees.

[Insert information from Assignment 2.1]
If we want bring the fish to United States we must know ours competitior
(enemies) some of them are: Sunburst Trout Company, LLC
128 Raceway Place Canton, NC 28716 Idaho Trout Company
P.O. Box 72
Buhl, ID 83316-0072 Casta Line Trout Farms 97
Golden Brook Ane Goshen VA 24439 Casta Line Trout

Farms 97 Golden Brook Ane Goshen VA 24439 Crisper Products LLC
10610 Marbury Rd Oakton VA 22124
Ingleside Trout Farm
2479 Bluegrass Trail Lexington VA 24450
Ted's Trout Farm (email
Lee Highway Glade Springs Washington VA 24340

Operations Plan
[Insert information from Assignment 3.1]
E-Commerce of my election: EBay
Why? It is free. Because the other option that this assignment has is
YAHOO E-Commerce but it charge you $25.46 per month.
You can design a good
description of the product you
want sell
We can receive the payment with
Shipping option
Dont have website option
Dont have measure of the
success of the ad
FREE for local business
Let you put PICTURES

Yahoo E-Commerce
Easy design of your virtual store
They have same option
Shipping options

I choice as my free hosted website because is easy to use

and have too many tools for use. I start to created just for investigation
purpose this web site and this is what I did just in 15 minutes of time
Other web site: too much complicated. And it is not free.
The fee for use it start at 2.95$ for month. No part of my option and I think
that if I am going to start a good business I have to save money asap. : They ask you for
registration in the beginning. I know for sure that nothing in this life is free
but ask me for registration scare me and make me too lazy for type name,
email address and all question that they usually ask for. have the option of can track who visited my website and how
many they are. But it is not free. They change the dominion from to org and charge me $90.00 per year to keep it with me. Jimdo
give me the option of upgrade my acct but with charge for those services.
So if I want authentication with my web site ( I
need pay this fee per year and maybe use someone very expert in creation
of web site that can make some important change in the web page.

The basic website give the option of elect maybe receive payment by PayPal
acct or cash only. They dont have an specific link to do it but I am able to
put in plain text this option. I put an example how receive the payment in
the website (page 2 bottom).

Marketing Plan
[Insert information from Assignment 4.1]
Five main points before start to create a Marketing Plan:
1. Knowledge: If you know your product is a good begin but also you
need know your competitors (price, products, extra service, what else
come free with the product)
2. Skill: You must be able to adapt and perform new decision that maybe
make your business growth or close.
3. Intellect: This word doesnt need explanation.
4. Creativity: New goods for your product, what else you can add in your
product make customers buy it. How you are going to conduct your
business? Using internet? How should look the web site so customer
can buy?
5. Time: Do you have the time for invest in your business.
Plan: How the Head of this Company is going to delegate or assumption
his/her self the creation of Marketing Plan?
In the virtual case that this business starts with a huge Capital of investment
perhaps the idea of a Marketing Department with professionals in the field is
the best option. However this is not the case of this Trout business. The
capital is the minimum just for the beginning.
For this option I highlighted the 5 main points in this assignment because I
believe that those points are the pillars of a good business. I can cited too
many examples of Big Companies that forget follow those points and closed
eyes to the New and didnt adapt to the technologic changes. IBM is one of
them. IBM used to be the biggest Company in Mainframes, when the
Microprocessor was launch IBM knew that declined in its business was
starting. IBM no longer created computers. Its business is software
(example IBM Smart cloud), some hardware and service. Same thing with
Sony Ericson (Cellphones Company) or Airlines like AA (yes American

Airlines) almost close its doors to the customers because AA cant longer
sustain its budget.
Other point in the creation of the Marketing plan knows what the customer
wants. I never meet anybody that doesnt care about price and care about
style or manufactures. Just ours kids dont care and they follow the wave
but adult people (75% of the population in the world) check prices and make
balance to see if the price is the correct. It is more frequently see a person
scanning the bar code with his/her cellphone and see if other store have the
same price or lower so he/she can price match with the store or not before
buy it.
Sell product with good quality and quantity is the target. A salesman in
AutoZone told me a story after I was trying to make him reduce the power
steering oil price that I want buy. He told me the different between the price
in this store and the same product in Wall-mart is AutoZone buy from the
manufactures the first product (lets explain this better: From a big cylinder
of oil AutoZone buy the top of the cylinder and put the oil in bottles, other
companies buy the rest of oil in the cylinder and Wall-mart buy the leftovers)
obvious the leftover is more cheaper than others because is the oil nobody
want buy. This is the only reason that makes my decision change and buys
in AutoZone the power steering oil.
So what about if I apply the same idea in my Trout Business. I can put trout
in packets for 1 dollars each packet (approx. 2 pound weight) and I can put
same trout in packets of 1.5 pounds for 0.75$ each packet (this technic is
called margin turnover). I must explain to my customers what they are
buying with a description of the product and give them the option of expend
less money with the idea of offer them little less fish in the box.
Other hand I could use the Wall-mart strategies and sell them my leftover
trout (example: trout without the maximum of time, means they are not in
the adult age so if they are not in the adult age and I start to put my trout in
the packet so I will expend less money in feed them) with this plan I can
easy offer pound of trout for less money and still make profit from that.
With all those little information now I am able to answer the question for this
How the products or services are positioned in the market. Are they meant
to attract volume or targeted sales?

1. For my recently investigation my main competitors and their

position in the fish market is limited. They are starting to
development expo/import sales but not in big number.
2. Some of them do sale on door. What this means is customers walk
to the business and choice the fish they want buy, unfortunately
this system doesnt generated high profits because the customer
must drive to the location of the store if he/she wants buy fish.
3. The target sales are more like plain other than expansive. When I
said plain means they are still in beginning stage.
Sales promotion strategy:
1. They use website for tell to the public in general that they are there
and have a list fish they offer and have in stock.
Pricing, advertising, and supplier strategy. Should the price be above or
below competitors? Why? What types of advertising will be used? How will
you fulfill the supply chain?
In an economy instable the price is the first thing that comes in the mind of
the customer. We dont need have a price above or below competitors if we
use the margin turnover strategic. Variety is the goal if we want make
profits and in some point absorber the competitors (Nissan to Renault,
Google Inc to Deja, Outride, Pyra Labs, Neotonic Software, Green Parrot
Pictures, and the list continue more than 100)
I dont believe that is just one exactly advertising for all kind of stereotypes
of people. Perhaps the variations of different ads for different markets can
be developments. For housewives (if still EEUU have them) can be use an
ad that explain the good nutrients for kids if the trout is add in the scholar
lunch. For people with problem of overweight the mention of Omega 3 and
low fat properties in the trout is a good idea. For orders and seniors Omega
3 for the bonds and the good circulations of the blood is another good fact.
I am not very clear with the last question about supply chain. If this
question is about who is going to give me the supplies that I need for run
my business I will use internet for find them. If this question is for supply to
my customers all their needing I will not able to do it. Because in some
point in the sine wave if my business have a good successful I need open
more place for raise more trout.

Customer Relationship Management Plan

[Insert information from Assignment 5.1]
I believe this assignment is very short. I dont know if I am able to do more
than two pages for this.

The type of loyalty programs you will implement for your customers
Something that we usually dont have or dont receive when we buy online is credit or awards for
frequently customers. When we go to any store (like Pepboys, Autozone, Handcock, etc) we get
points for ours buy. Online is different. Usually we dont get nothing for buy 1000 times different
items in same website. Some of the main Big Companies like Wall-mart, Target, JCPENEY, Macys are
running those program that incentive their customers to buy more. But how many points you have to
make for be able to buy something decent.

However we have another store no bigger than previous ones but with a excellent loyalty program
award. The name is BestBuy and they give you cash in coupons for X money you expend with them.
No only they price match but also if you find the product cheaper in other store they sell you for the
same price and put in your award account money back for points. Last time I did a big buy was in
2011 and I used my credit card for that. I remember charged 1200 dollars in a 52 TV LCD and I
received 100 dollars in my account for expend in whatever I want inside the store. Pretty much
means that 9% of the total cost was giving me back.
This kind of loyalty program make customers go back and buy more (like me) and extend arms
around myself and when I think about any electronics or dvd movie the first store come in my mind is
In my website I will implant this kind of system that will able to track my customer buys. And reward
them with cash back in % of the money that they pay thru the website. For example for be more
specific: If customer A expend $100 in 10 pounds of trout and this buy is going to give me 10
dollars profit. I can be able to give him/her a cash back of 1 dollars for the buy. Usually after labor,

taxes and any other fee the profit in this business is in a ratio of 4:10. I did a short survey around my
family and everybody agree that Bestbuy have the best program for customer. Why not copy of
cloned it?

How you will empower the customer to manage the relationship and provide incentives
for using your online resources
I explain this part in the previous page. I wont use points for that. I will use cash back rewards in a
ratio of 4:10 if the profit margin let me do it.

Explain what your site will offer for each of the five phases of the online customer
Five phases:
Awareness: In previous assignment I was very specific about my web site design. When the time
come I will more than happy to request the service of a expert in design of website. Add more icons
and link that let customer interact with the website (chat, forums, comments, contact us, etc)
Consideration: Price match between links. Nobody have this. If the customer send me via comment a
link with a lower price in the competency I will price match it (after check that the website is real and
the Company have the price low than me). This is my idea and I never see website using price match
between each other.
Interaction: I will put a link (comment) that let me know what other advice or better thing my
customer can suggest me for give them a better service.
Transaction: I will have able to avoid or waiver the shipping fee (I can play with the cash back
reward whatever is the case) mean if I give my customer a free shipping I wont give him/her cash
back reward.
Retention: Creating a data base I can be able to send my customers friendly reminders and new offers
to their email acct. Also email for birthdays and special discounts in those specials day.

Revisit your competitive analysis and explain how your plan compares to competition.

I want to do something that my competition doesnt do. I formally believe that those ideas can
change the market and common sense in do business inside internet. Why I want do something that
90% of other store online does. I never receive an email for my birthday or Father day from store
that know I am father of 4. I want be a revolutionary but not a follower.

The future belongs to those who prepare for it today. "

By Malcolm X

Supply Chain Plan

[Insert information from Assignment 6.1]

Funding Plan
[Insert information from Assignment 7.1]


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