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Northwestern University

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Math 230 Final Exam

Winter Quarter 2013
Monday, March 18, 2013
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complete sentences and correct grammar, spelling,
and punctuation. All numerical answers MUST be
exact; e.g., you should write instead of 3.14..., 2 instead of 1.414..., and 13 instead of 0.3333... Make
sure that your final answer is clearly indicated. This test has 12 questions on thirteen pages. Check
to make sure you have pages 1 - 13. Calculators, course notes, textbooks, etc. are NOT allowed.

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Possible Points

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Math 230 Final Exam

Winter Quarter 2013

Page 2 of 13

Question 1. Each of the following equations (in either spherical or cylindrical coordinates) describes
a sphere in R3 . For each sphere, give an equation in rectangular coordinates that describes the surface.
Find the radius and center of each sphere.
(a) (6 points) r2 + z 2 = 4 + 4r cos() 2r sin()

(b) (7 points) = 6 cos() sin() + 24 sin() sin() 8 cos()

Math 230 Final Exam

Winter Quarter 2013

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Question 2 (6 points each). For each of the following, calculate the limit or explain why the limit
does not exist.






3x3 + x2 y 2 z 4
x2 + y 2 + z 4 + 2

x4 + x2 y 2
x2 + (y 2)2


x2 + y 4 + 1 1
x2 + y 4

Math 230 Final Exam

Winter Quarter 2013

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Question 3. Let P = (0, 1, 0), Q = (1, 2, 0) and R = (3, 1, 2).

(a) (6 points) Find the area of the triangle with vertices P , Q, and R.

(b) (6 points) Find an equation for the plane containing this triangle.

(c) (6 points) Find an equation for the line passing through R and orthogonal to the plane from (b).

Math 230 Final Exam

Winter Quarter 2013

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Question 4. Let C be the curve in R3 parametrized by

r(t) = h9 5t2 , 3t2 + 8t, t4 + 2 ln(t)i

(a) (10 points) Find all points on C where the tangent line to the curve is parallel to the line given
`(s) = h5s + 13, 1 7s, 11 3si.

(b) (10 points) Find all points where the tangent line to C is parallel to the plane given by 3x + 5z =

Math 230 Final Exam

Winter Quarter 2013

Question 5 (14 points). Let f (x, y, z) be a differentiable function and

g(u, v) = f (u v, u2 1, 3v 3).
If fx (0, 0, 0) = 2, fy (0, 0, 0) = 3 and fz (0, 0, 0) = 3, compute gu (1, 1) and gv (1, 1).

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Math 230 Final Exam

Winter Quarter 2013

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Question 6 (20 points). Extreme sports legend Travis Pastrana is preparing to jump his dirt-bike
from the roof of one building to the roof of another across a 14 meter-wide gap 7 stories from the
ground with no safety net. 1 His ramps are set up so that he will take off at a 45 angle from the
ground and land at the same height that he took off from. Hes picked a day when the wind is blowing
directly at his back as he takes the jump and will give him an additional acceleration of h4, 0i. If he
undershoots the end of the ramp, he falls to his death. If he overshoots the ramp, he crashes onto the
other roof and will end up seriously injured. What speed should he be going when he leaves the ramp
so that he comes down precisely on the other ramp? Use a gravitational constant of g = 10 m/s2 .
Note: All equations must be derived from acceleration, and you must show work to that effect.

1 This

actually happened, though Pastrana put a backflip in the middle of the jump to keep it from being too easy.

Math 230 Final Exam

Winter Quarter 2013

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Question 7. The professor and Gilligan have built a boat out of coconuts, which has sails but no
other means of propulsion.
(a) (6 points) A wind blows in the northeast direction (i.e., in the direction of the vector v = h1, 1i),
exerting a force of 30 Newtons on the boat. The professor sets the coconut leaf sails due north,
intending to reach a nearby island, which is 75 meters away. How much work will the wind need
to do to carry them to the island?

(b) (8 points) They reach the island, collect more coconuts, and wait for the wind to change direction
so they can head back. Eventually the wind begins to blow in a direction east of due south and
they sail back, carried by a wind exerting a force of 20 Newtons. If the wind does 750 Joules of
work to carry them back, in which direction was the wind blowing?

Math 230 Final Exam

Winter Quarter 2013

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Question 8. You are on an inner tube rafting down a mountain stream that twists and turns around
boulders and trees. At time t, your location on the stream is given by
r(t) = h2t, cos(t), 65 3 cos(2t) 2ti
(a) (10 points) At time t = 2 , the stream takes you around a particularly big tree. Find the curvature
of the stream at that point.

(b) (6 points) A stray branch from the tree catches you in the face as you round this curve at t = 2 ,
and you reflexively let go of your innertube to protect yourself. If the normal component of your
acceleration is greater than 12, you go flying off of your innertube. What is your fate; i.e., do
you stay on the innertube or do you fall into the stream?

Math 230 Final Exam

Winter Quarter 2013

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Question 9 (12 points). A partial differential equation of the form utt = a2 uxx , where a is some real
number, is called a wave equation.
Suppose that
f (x, t) = cos(2x + 6t) 2 sin(2x 6t)
gives the displacement of a vibrating string at time t and at a distance x from one of the ends of the
string. Verify that f (x, t) is a solution of the wave equation:
ftt = 9fxx

Math 230 Final Exam

Winter Quarter 2013

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Question 10. Kyle Maclachlan is climbing the Twin Peaks, whose height at at point (x, y) is given
by the function
H(x, y) = 10 x4 y 4 + 4xy.
(a) (18 points) Find all of the critical points of the function H(x, y), and classify each as either a
local maximum, a local minimum, or a saddle point.

(b) (4 points) What is the height of each of the peaks?

Math 230 Final Exam

Winter Quarter 2013

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Question 11 (18 points). Two bugs, Annie the Ant and Geoffrey the Grasshopper are walking on an
ellipse in the xy-plane given by the equation
4x2 + y 2 = 52.
The temperature of any point (in degrees Celsius) is
T (x, y) = 3x y.
Annie prefers to be at a point where the temperature is as low as possible whereas Geoffrey prefers to
be at a point where the temperature is as high as possible.
Find the points on the ellipse where each of these bugs will be most comfortable. How warm will the
bugs be at these points?

Math 230 Final Exam

Winter Quarter 2013

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Question 12. Suppose that f : R2 R has continuous second partial derivatives, and
f (13, 11)

fxx (13, 11)

fx (13, 11)

= 2

fyx (13, 11)

= 3

fy (13, 11)

fyy (13, 11)

= 8

(a) (7 points) Find the quadratic approximation (second Taylor polynomial), Q(x, y), of f (x, y)
about (13, 11).

(b) (6 points) Use the linear approximation (first Taylor polynomial), L(x, y), of f (x, y) about
(13, 11) to estimate f (12.95, 11.12). Simplify your answer.

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