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Base year and Current year price? How to calculate WPI and CPI?

What is mid cap and small cap

What is iRR
What is consumer price index.
What is ppp (purchasing power parity)
What is inflation indexed bonds.

Billion- one thousand million: one thousand million, written as 1 followed by nine zeros, 1,000,000,000.
Million- thousand thousand: a thousand thousand (106), denoting a quantity consisting of 1,000,000 items or units, the number that is represented as a one followed by 6 zeros

Ive published Person in News compilation PIN 2014 click me

A n y o n e book on IBPS/BankPO Paper sets(for practicing MCQs on English, Data Interpretation, Banking etc.)1. A r i h a n t s p a p e r s e t o f p r e v i o u s B a n k P O e x a m s
2. K i r a n P r a k a s h a n s P r a c t i c e b o o k w o r k b o o k f o r I B P S P O / M T ( w i t h F R E E C D f o r c o m p u t e r

Some tricks explained in this article:

h t t p : / / w w w . p a g a l g u y . c o m / n e w s / s o l v e - p a r a -j u m b l e - q u e s t i o n s - u s i n g - c h o t a - r a j a n - m e t
h o d -p o r i b o r t o n - s t r a t e g y - o t h e r - e a s y - t r i c k s - a -8 7 8 2 9 8 7

In forum youll find a dedicated thread for sentence arrangement (parajumble) questions. Follow it. c l i c k m e

What are small cap, mid cap and large cap shares?
Cap is short for capitalization which is a measure by which we can classify a company's size. Big/large caps are companies which have a market cap between 10-200
billion dollars. Mid caps range from 2 billion to 10 billion dollars.

These might not be industry leaders but are well on their way to becoming one. Small caps are typically new or relatively young companies and have a market cap
between 300 million to 2 billion dollars.

Although their track record won't be as lengthy as that of the mid to mega caps, small caps do present the possibility of greater capital appreciation, but at the cost of
greater risk.

What's the difference between bills, notes and bonds?

Treasury bills (T-Bills), notes and bonds are marketable securities the U.S. government sells in order to pay off maturing debt
and to raise the cash needed to run the federal government. When you buy one of these securities, you are lending your
money to the government of the United States.
T-bills are short-term obligations issued with a term of one year or less, and because they are sold at a discount from face
value, they do not pay interest before maturity. The interest is the difference between the purchase price and the price paid
either at maturity (face value) or the price of the bill if sold prior to maturity.
Treasury notes and bonds, on the other hand, are securities that have a stated interest rate that is paid semi-annually until
maturity. What makes notes and bonds different are the terms to maturity. Notes are issued in two-, three-, five- and 10year terms. Conversely, bonds are long-term investments with terms of more than 10 years.

To learn more about T-bills and other money market instruments, see What Fuels The National Debt and our Money Market
Tutorial. For further reading on bonds, see our Bonds Basics Tutorial.

Difference between government bond and government securities?

government bonds provide fixed output like there is a defined amount which you will get at end of term.
Government securities will generally be based on the market value.

Bimal Jalan (ex-governor of RBI) for Bank licenses

Nachiket Mor (RBI board-member) for financial services- Committee on Comprehensive Financial Services for Small Businesses and Low Income Households
12 members- Prakash Bakshi: He was NABARD chairman
Shikha Sharma: Axis Bank
S.S. Mundra: Bank of Baroda now Deputy governor of RBI
Vikram Pandit: Retired from Citigroup.
Sunil Kaushal: Standard Chartered Bank
Roopa Kudva: CRISIL
new NABARD chairman is Harsh Kumar
Universal Electronic Banking Account (UEBA)
Basic Savings Bank Deposit Account (BSBDA)
Business Correspondents (BC)
Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT)
General Purpose Credit Card (GCC)
Kisan Credit Card (KCC)
Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana (RSBY)
Financial Redress Agency (FRA)
Priority sector lending (PSL)
National Population Register (NPR)
National optical fiber network (NOFN)
SCB (Scheduled Commercial bank)

Pre-Paid Instrument Providers (PPI), Theyre regulated by RBI under Payment and Settlements Act of 2007
Committee for financial services- Nachiket recommends RBI to give license to a new type of banks called payment banks. [Under the banking regulation Act.]
Nachiket also recommended wholesale investment banks and wholesale consumer banks.

some very important Questions1. Who is appointed as new chairman of Prasar Bharti?
Ans- Surya Prakash
2. Which one of the following named as Most valuable
player in Asian Games?
Ans-Mary Kom
3. Who is appointed as new Chief Economic Advisior?
Ans- Arvind Subramanium
4. Which Best Bank Award for Business Intelligence
Initiatives among small banks?
Ans-Karur Vysya Bank
5. International Day for the Eradication of Poverty was
observed on..........?
Ans- 17 October 2014
6. Which Bollywood actor appointed as UNICEF goodwill
Ambassador for South Asia?

Ans-Amir Khan
7. Who has won Man Booker Prize 2014?
Ans- Richard Flanagan (Australia)- Noble(The Narrow
Road to the Deep North)
8. According to Sixth economic census, which state has
highest number of Hired workers?
Ans- Arunachal Pradesh
9. Which Bank launched Facebook based money transfer
platform kaypay?
Ans- Kotak Mahindra Bank
10. Global Hunger Index (GHI) 2014 report released, What
is India's Position in it?
Ans- 55 (out of 120 countries)
11. Who has won the 2014 economics Nobel Prize ?
Ans- French economist Jean Tirole
12. Which International Organisation Launches Global
Infrastructure Fund to cater the needs of emerging
economies and developing Countrie?
Ans World Bank
13. Who won Best Central Bank Governor Award by
Ans- Raghuram Rajan
14. Who has been honoured with National Kishore Kumar
Award for 2012-13?
15. New Chief Minister of Maharashtra?
Ans- Devendra fadnavis
6. 10th Edition of World Islamic Economic Forum held
at- ?
Ans- Dubai
17. Who has appointed as New Product Chief of Google?
Ans- Sundar Pichai
18. Who has been re-elected as Brazil Prime Minister?
Ans- Dilma Rousseff
19. Who won the prestigious Sakharov human rights
prize 2014 ?
Ans- gynaecologist Denis Mukwege Mukengere
20. Who creates record of maximum victory margin in
Lok Sabha elections ?
Ans- Pritam Munde (Gopinath Mundes second daughter)
21. India was re-elected to which council of UN?
Ans- United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) for
the period of 2015 to 2017
22. Who is Appointed as Prime Minister of Yemen?
Ans- Khaled Bahah
23. Who has won legislative assembly elections for the
11th time to become longest serving MLA in India?
Ans- Ganpatrao Deshmukh
24. Organisation headed by Nobel Peace Prize winner
Kailash Satyarthi is.....?
Ans- Bachpan Bachao Andolan
25. Who got Noble Prize for Peace?
Ans- Kailash Satyarthi(India) and Malala Yousafzai(Pakis
26. Who won Noble Prize for Literature?
Ans- French writer Patrick Modiano
27. Who won Noble Prize for chemistry?
Ans- Americans Eric Betzig and William Moerner and
German scientist Stefan Hell for "the development of
super-resolved fluorescence microscopy."
28. Who won Noble Prize for Physics?
Ans- Japanese scientists Isamu Akasaki and Hiroshi
Amano and American Shuji Nakamura won the 2014
Nobel prize for Physics for inventing a new energy
efficient and environmentally friendly light source, the
29. Who won Noble prize for Medicine?
Ans- John O Keefe, MayBritt Moser and Edvard I Moser
for their discoveries of cells that constitute a positioning
system in the brain.
30. What is India's Rank in most desirable place to
Ans- 18th (US tops the list)


Gopal Krishna Gokhale

Indian nationalist Gopal Krishna Gokhale helped lead Indias independence movement in the early 1900s.

Gopal Krishna Gokhale (1866-1915), Indian nationalist leader, who in the early years of the 20th century, was the most effective critic of British rule in India.
He was born in Kolhpur, studied at Elphinstone College, Bombay (now Mumbai), and became professor of history and political science in Pune (Poona). A
member of the Indian National Congress from its beginning, he was elected to the Mumbai Legislative Council in 1899 and from 1902 to 1914 represented
Mumbai on the viceregal council, where his authoritative comments on official finances were very influential. In 1905 he founded the Servants of India Society,
dedicated to training national missionaries for the service of India. Gokhale was an early influence on Mohandas K. Gandhi, who called him his political

Dadabhai Naoroji
Dadabhai Naoroji (1825-1917), father of Indian nationalism, known as the grand old man of India. Naoroji was the spiritual leader, or guru, of the generation
of nationalist leaders that included Mohandas Gandhi.
Naoroji was born in Mumbai (formerly known as Bombay) in 1825, the only child of a Parsi (Zoroastrian) priest. He studied at the Elphinstone College in
Mumbai. While still a student, Naoroji played a leading role in religious and social reform movements, helping to promote modern Western knowledge and to
alter certain traditional customs and practices. At the age of 27 he was appointed professor of mathematics at his alma mater. He was also a founder, in 1852, of
the Bombay Association, the first modern political organization in western India.
In 1855 Naoroji moved to England to become a partner in the mercantile firm of Cama and Company. While in England, he worked diligently for British
policies more favorable to India. He presented papers on various Indian subjects to learned societies in Liverpool and London, and in 1867 he helped set up the
East India Association in London. The purpose of the association was to publish accurate and up-to-date information on India and influence government policy.
Naoroji traveled to India to set up local branches of the association and to raise funds for the organization. In 1873 Naoroji became dewan (chief minister) of
the former state of Baroda, India, in an attempt to reform its administration. He resigned after about a year because of fundamental policy differences with its
Naoroji became increasingly concerned about the widespread poverty in India. In The Poverty of India (1876) he claimed that British rule was resulting in a
drain of wealth from India to Britain. Mainly as a result of his leadership, economic questions became the focus of Indian nationalist concern for the next 30
years. Naorojis classic study, Poverty and un-British Rule in India (1901), played a significant role in stimulating economic nationalism in India.
In 1885 Naoroji helped to found the Indian National Congress, the movement that ultimately won independence for India. He served three times as its
presidentin 1886, 1893, and 1906. Naoroji was one of the first Indian leaders to declare that self-government, or swaraj, should be the goal of the
In 1892 he was elected to the British Parliament, representing the central London community of Finsbury. The first-ever Indian member of Parliament,
he was responsible for securing the appointment of a royal commission on Indian expenditure, and he served on it as its sole Indian member.

Bal Gangadhar Tilak

Bal Gangadhar Tilak (1856-1920), Indian journalist, who was the leader of the extreme wing of the Indian National Congress and the foremost
nationalist before Mohandas Gandhi. Born into a Brahman family of Ratnagiri, he was trained in law at Deccan College and later taught at the Pune
English School (1880-1885) and Fergusson College (1885-1890) before becoming a full-time journalist in 1890. Tilak, a fiery nationalist, helped revive
(1893) the Ganapati festival to spark patriotic fervor; he inaugurated (1895) the Shivaji festival for the same purpose. In 1897 the British imprisoned
him for sedition because of his critical writings. In 1907 he organized an extreme wing of the Congress Party that demanded complete independence for
India. Arrested by the British in 1908, he was again imprisoned, this time for six years. In 1916 he founded the Home Rule League to fight for his cause.
His advocacy of independence was adopted by the Congress only after his death.

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