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Personal Leadership Profile

BC403: Leadership
Jones International University
November 8, 2013



Write the abstract last. The abstract paragraph is not indented; all other paragraphs are indented.
The abstract is 150 words or less. The abstract is a brief summary of the contents of the paper.
Abstracts are similar to the preview on the back of a book or on a movie case; they are designed
to make someone want to read the paper. See Section 2.04 of the APA Publication Manual (6th
Edition) for further information.


Personal Leadership Profile

The introduction text goes here, providing the reader with background information on the
project. This is a good place to put your information from Assignment 1.1, including:

The name of your selected leader.

Martin Luther King

An explanation of why you have chosen to study this person; that is, what
you admire about this person and why.

Why I chose this person: This person was born into a

poor family and he became a great leader following
mentors like his father and Martin Luther from
Germany. His movement was a non-violence group that
tried to change the ideology of United States citizens in
the early 60s. Unfortunately like other leaders he was
persecuted by the Federal Agency and other people that
didnt like change in that old society.

My admiration for Martin Luther King started when I was in High School and the teacher taught
us about this leader and how in 1964 he moved 250,000 African Americans in Alabama to vote.


A description of what you hoped to learn by studying this leader.

I dont expect become a leader like him in the future. But at the same time I want to have his
communication skills that convince people to follow him. If I have the chance to open my own
business (Trout Company) I would like to have his communication skills to convince buyers to
buy my product. I would like to have the power and drive to make my employees follow me
through the ups and downs for my business. I want to place in their brains the idea that working
for my company, you give 100% effort to the business (gear the t-shirt). This is my goal because
in order to make my business successful in competition with large companies in China, India,
etc. it will take a lot of drive and determination. I will need commitment from my employees,
suppliers, etc.
You should also describe the goal of your project. For example, My goal is to analyze
the leadership practices of my selected leader and myself from a variety of perspectives. On the
basis of this analysis, I will create a Personal Leadership Profile for myself as well as a
leadership development plan. You should end this paragraph with a roadmap to the paper.
For example, you could say, In this paper, I will analyze leadership from six perspectives. I will
then conclude by offering my Personal Leadership Profile and Plan for Leadership


The Traits Perspective

This is the place for Assignment 2.1, revised in accordance with your instructors
comments, including:

Your analysis of the personality traits of your selected leader, which were
relevant to his or her leadership effectiveness. Include reflections on the role of
gender and culture in your assessment of these leadership traits.

As history has shown us, many great leaders possessed many wonderful traits. Some include
Openness to experience, extraversion, neuroticism, agreeableness, conscientious-ness.
Leadership skills are born in some people and just developed more as the person gets older
(leader dont born like leader, leader are created for lifes experiences).

Openness to experience is one of the first traits that can set a person apart from the group. A
person that can take the time to listen to all the sides of the story and make a decision based sole
on evidence, not emotion, is a great leader. The openness to not just look at one aspect of the
situation, but looking at the whole situation, a person must use very good judgment and insight to
lead and apply it to every situation.

Most people would like to say they have strength to lead, but as we know, a person cannot crack
under pressure. They must always be willing to "Go down with the ship". A true leader will


always put the needs of the people they are leading first and have strength to think about their
selves second (Conscientious-ness means self-discipline and act responsibly). Even in a family
dynamics, the father and mother are the ones who think about the children and maybe even the
extended family (if living in the home) verses their own wants. Same as in a job situation, the
supervisor will do what is best for the employees as a whole and have the strength not to bow
down to one personal view about a situation. A leader will also know when to cut off the "dead
weight", even if it is a painful choice. It will also deal with physical strength as well. A leader
must be able to put in the man hours it takes to make sure the job is not only done, but done in
the most effective way possible. Great leaders will not take short cuts, or do half jobs. They
know that many things depend on their direction. So, many leaders will burn the candle at both
ends to make sure everything is as it should be (Agreeableness).

A leader will have determination to strive for only the best. If a person does not believes in his or
her cause, there will be no driving force to make them be the best at what they do. Everyone
knows that it is very hard to be a leader. But the person, who truly believes in their cause, or job,
will naturally rise to the occasion. Determination will make the cause not just a job, but a way of
life. This leader will think, eat, breath, and drink what they believe in. As with myself and the
military, I made it my life. I will not do anything that will affect my career in the Marines, nor
will I forget that I am a leader to the lower ranks. They look to me and other NCO's to guide
them in the way in which they should conduct themselves in the public and military life. And in
turn I look to my higher ranking officers and Commander and Chief for guidance. As everyone
knows, you have to already have the determination to survive the military way of life. That is


why most great leaders have a conformist way of doing things, and also determination to strive
for only the best in life.

Courage is one trait that is very important. Not only should a leader have courage to be a leader,
but also know what is involved in being a leader. They must at not time show weakness or show
that they will cave in to demands of the enemy. They must follow through until the job is
complete. Also, have the courage to question with respect, if something is wrong and how should
they fix it. The leader will not be afraid to accept the responsibilities of the position and whatever
the consequences are. Good or bad. They will have the courage to take charge and lead to
victory. This is the one trait that most great leaders are born with. For the most part, you cannot
teach a person to have courage. This has to be installed in that person from the beginning.

Last, compassion is a key. A person can have compassion for the people they are leading. A
person must know what the risks are and make sure that they are compassionate to the majority.

In conclusion, many traits are used to make a great leader. As we know in life, Great leadership
is mostly installed in a person. Determination is a born with.

References (APA Style)


American Library Association (n.a.) Leadership Traits by retrieved 9/12/13

Leigh Buchanan (n.a) Between Venus and Mars: 7 Traits of True Leaders by retrieved 9/12/13

Rachel Farrell (2011) 23 Traits of good leaders by retrieved 9/12/13


The Behavioral Perspective

This is the place for your Assignment 3.1, revised in accordance with your instructors
comments, including:

Your analysis of the leadership style of your selected leader.

Your analysis of your own leadership style using Blake and Moutons framework.

A discussion of how your own leadership style compares to that of your selected
leader. Include in this discussion your thoughts on what you have learned about
yourself from this comparison.
The Situational Perspective

This is the place for Assignment 4.1, revised in accordance with your instructors
comments, including:

Your analysis of the leadership style of your selected leader in a particular

situation. Please be sure to include a description of the situation.

Your analysis of your own leadership style in a particular situation, using the
Hersey and Blanchard Situational Leadership Model .

A discussion of how your own situational leadership style compares to that of

your selected leader. Include in this discussion your thoughts on what you have
learned about yourself from this comparison.
The Constitutive Perspective: Transactional View



This is the place for Assignment 5.1, revised in accordance with your instructors
comments, including:

A description of the leaders relationships with in-group and out-group members,

using insights from your assigned readings about person-centered communication.
Include a discussion of the consequences of treating different followers

Your analysis of the quality of your own leadership relationships, using LeaderMember Exchange Theory.

A discussion of how the quality of your own leader-member relationships

compares to those of your selected leader. Include in this discussion your thoughts
on what you have learned about yourself from this comparison.
The Constitutive Perspective: Transformational View

This is the place for Assignment 6.1, revised in accordance with your instructors
comments, including:

Your analysis of the inspirational narratives of your chosen leader (or how his or
her narratives failed to rise to the inspirational level). Be sure to address how the
leader succeeded (or not) in:
i. Getting peoples attention
ii. Stimulating desire
iii. Reinforcing with reasons



iv. Continuing the conversation

Your analysis of your own strengths and limitations as a transformational leader.

A discussion of how your own transformational leadership potential compares to

that of your selected leader. Include in this discussion your thoughts on what you
have learned about yourself from this comparison.
The Global Perspective

This is the place for Assignment 7.1, revised in accordance with your instructors
comments, including:

Your analysis of the global leadership competencies of your chosen leader. Focus
on two to four competencies.

Your analysis of your own strengths and limitations with respect to global
leadership. Provide at least two strengths and two weaknesses.

A discussion of how your own global leadership potential compares to that of

your selected leader. Include in this discussion your thoughts on what you have
learned about yourself from this comparison.
Personal Leadership Profile and Plan

This is the place for your Personal Leadership Profile and Plan for Leadership Development
that you created in Module 8, Theme 1.



Remember to put your references in alphabetical order by author. If one of your references
begins with the word "The," put the rest of the name first and insert a comma, followed
by the word The (example Associated Press, The.).
Authors Last Name, First Initial. (year). Title of article. Journal Name, 8(1), 33-48. doi:
10.1242/66492344567 (Example of a journal article with a DOI if the article also
has a URL, only list the DOI, not both. Do not end the DOI with a period.)
Author's Last Name, First Initial. (year). Title of article/Internet page. Retrieved Month date,
year, from http://completeURLhere (Example of an Internet source if no date is
given on the internet page use: (n.d.). in place of the year. Do not end the URL with
a period.)
Author's Last Name, First Initial. (year). Title of book. City, ST: Publisher. (Example of a book)
Author's Last Name, First Initial. (year, Season). Title of article. Magazine Name, 12(8), 27.
(Example of a magazine article) - Noteonly capitalize the proper nouns in the title of
the article; capitalize all the words in the magazine name; the 12 is where the volume
number goes, the 8 is where the issue number goes, and the 27 is where the page number
Berube, M. S., ed. (1989). The American heritage dictionary. New York: Dell. (Example of a
Bird, I. (1973). A lady's life in the Rocky Mountains (Reprint ed.). New York: Ballantine Books.
(Example of a book one author)
Leonard, S. J., & Noel, T. J. (1990). Denver: Mining camp to metropolis. Niwot, CO: University
Press of Colorado. (Example of a book more than one author)



Morson, B., & Frazier, D. (2000, December 7). For years, brown cloud fouls Denver image
[Electronic version]. Denver (Colorado) Rocky Mountain News. Retrieved on October 3,
2002, from (Example of a
newspaper article taken from an online version of the newspaper)
National Jewish Medical & Research Center. (2001, January 5). The 'Brown Cloud,' coldinduced asthma, winter allergies and seasonal affective disorder around the corner as
winter approaches. Retrieved October 4, 2002, from
winter1.html (Example of an organization as the author)

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