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Suppose you are hiking down the Grand Canyon. At the

top, the temperature early in the morning is a cool 3C. By
late afternoon, the temperature at the bottom of the canyon
has warmed to a sweltering 34C. What is the difference
between the higher and lower temperatures in (a)
Fahrenheit degrees and (b) kelvins?
Dermatologists often remove small precancerous skin
lesions by freezing them quickly with liquid nitrogen,
which has a temperature of 77 K. What is this temperature
on the (a) Celsius and (b) Fahrenheit scales?


On the Rankine temperature scale, which is sometimes

used in engineering applications, the ice point is at 491.67
degrees R and the steam point is at 671.67 degrees R.
Determine a relationship (analogous to Equation 12.1)
between the Rankine and Fahrenheit temperature scales.


A steel aircraft carrier is 370 m long when moving through

the icy North Atlantic at a temperature of 2.0C. By how
much does the carrier lengthen when it is traveling in the
warm Mediterranean Sea at a temperature of 21C?


When the temperature of a coin is raised by 75 C, the

coins diameter increases by 2.3 x10 -5 m. If the original
diameter of the coin is 1.8 x 10-2 m, find the coefficient of
linear expansion.


A steel ruler is calibrated to read true at 20.0 C. A

draftsman uses the ruler at 40.0 C to draw a line on a 40.0
C copper plate. As indicated on the warm ruler, the length
of the line is 0.50 m. To what temperature should the plate
be cooled, such that the length of the line truly becomes
0.50 m?




A copper kettle contains water at 24 C. When the water is

heated to its boiling point of 100.0 C, the volume of the
kettle expands by 1.2 x10 -5 m3. Determine the volume of
the kettle at 24 C.
Suppose that the steel gas tank in your car is completely
filled when the temperature is 17 C. How many gallons
will spill out of the twenty-gallon tank when the
temperature rises to 35 C?
The bulk modulus of water is B = 2.2 x 10 9 N/m 2. What
change in pressure P (in atmospheres) is required to keep
water from expanding when it is heated from 15 to 25 C?

10. Two identical thermometers made of Pyrex glass contain,

respectively, identical volumes of mercury and methyl
alcohol. If the expansion of the glass is taken into account,
how many times greater is the distance between the degree
marks on the methyl alcohol thermometer than the distance
on the mercury thermometer?
11. Ideally, when a thermometer is used to measure the
temperature of an object, the temperature of the object itself
should not change. However, if a significant amount of heat
flows from the object to the thermometer, the temperature
will change. A thermometer has a mass of 31.0 g, a specific
heat capacity of c = 815 J/(kgC), and a temperature of
12.0C. It is immersed in 119 g of water, and the final
temperature of the water and thermometer is 41.5C. What
was the temperature of the water before the insertion of the

12. A rock of mass 0.20 kg falls from rest from a height of 15

m into a pail containing 0.35 kg of water. The rock and
water have the same initial temperature. The specific heat
capacity of the rock is 1840 J/(kgC). Ignore the heat
absorbed by the pail itself, and determine the rise in the
temperature of the rock and water.
13. How much heat must be added to 0.45 kg of aluminum to
change it from a solid at 130 C to a liquid at 660 C (its
melting point)? The latent heat of fusion for aluminum is
4.0 x105 J/kg.
14. Find the mass of water that vaporizes when 2.10 kg of
mercury at 205 C is added to 0.110 kg of water at 80.0 C.
15. A 42-kg block of ice at 0 C is sliding on a horizontal
surface. The initial speed of the ice is 7.3 m/s and the final
speed is 3.5 m/s. Assume that the part of the block that
melts has a very small mass and that all the heat generated
by kinetic friction goes into the block of ice. Determine the
mass of ice that melts into water at 0C.
16. An unknown material has a normal melting/freezing point
of -25.0 C, and the liquid phase has a specific heat
capacity of 160 J/(kgC). One-tenth of a kilogram of the
solid at -25.0 C is put into a 0.150-kg aluminum
calorimeter cup that contains 0.100 kg of glycerin. The
temperature of the cup and the glycerin is initially 27.0 C.
All the unknown material melts, and the final temperature
at equilibrium is 20.0 C. The calorimeter neither loses
energy to nor gains energy from the external environment.
What is the latent heat of fusion of the unknown material?
17. It is claimed that if a lead bullet goes fast enough, it can
melt completely when it comes to a halt suddenly, and all
its kinetic energy is converted into heat via friction. Find
the minimum speed of a lead bullet (initial temperature is
30.0 C) for such an event to happen.
18. A woman has been outdoors where the temperature is 10
C. She walks into a 25 C house, and her glasses steam
up. Using the vapor pressure curve for water that
accompanies Problem 75, find the smallest possible value
for the relative humidity of the room.
19. Liquid nitrogen boils at a chilly -195.8 C when the
pressure is one atmosphere. A silver coin of mass 1.5 x10 -2
kg and temperature 25 C is dropped into the boiling liquid.
What mass of nitrogen boils off as the coin cools to
-195.8 C?
20. A lead object and a quartz object each have the same initial
volume. The volume of each increases by the same amount,
because the temperature increases. If the temperature of the
lead object increases by 4.0 C, by how much does the
temperature of the quartz object increase?
21. Ice at -10.0 C and steam at 130 C are brought together at
atmospheric pressure in a perfectly insulated container.
After thermal equilibrium is reached, the liquid phase at
50.0 C is present. Ignoring the container and the
equilibrium vapor pressure of the liquid at 50.0 C, find the
ratio of the mass of steam to the mass of ice. The specific
heat capacity of steam is 2020 J/(kgC).
22. Multiple-Concept Example 11 uses the same physics
principles as those employed in this problem. A block of
material has a mass of 130 kg and a volume of 4.6 x10 -2

m3. The material has a specific heat capacity and

coefficient of volume expansion, respectively, of 750 J/(kg
C) and 6.4 x10-5 (C)-1. How much heat must be added
to the block in order to increase its volume by 1.2 x10 -5 m3?
23. A gas is enclosed within a chamber that is fitted with a
frictionless piston. The piston is then pushed in, thereby
compressing the gas. Which statement below regarding this
process is consistent with the first law of thermodynamics?

The internal energy of the gas will increase.

The internal energy of the gas will decrease.
The internal energy of the gas will not change.
The internal energy of the gas may increase, decrease, or
remain the same, depending on the amount of heat that
the gas gains or loses.

24. Is it possible for the temperature of a substance to rise

without heat flowing into the substance?

Yes, provided that the volume of the substance does not

Yes, provided that the substance expands and does
positive work.
Yes, provided that work is done on the substance and it

25. The first law of thermodynamics states that the change U

in the internal energy of a system is given by U Q W,
where Q is the heat and W is the work. Both Q and W can
be positive or negative numbers. Q is a positive number if
________, and W is a positive number if ________.

the system loses heat; work is done by the system

the system loses heat; work is done on the system
the system gains heat; work is done by the system
the system gains heat; work is done on the system

26. A system does 164 J of work on its environment and gains

77 J of heat in the process. Find the change in the internal
energy of (a) the system and (b) the environment.
27. In exercising, a weight lifter loses 0.150 kg of water
through evaporation, the heat required to evaporate the
water coming from the weight lifters body. The work done
in lifting weights is 1.40 x105 J. (a) Assuming that the latent
heat of vaporization of perspiration is 2.42 x10 6 J/ kg, find
the change in the internal energy of the weight lifter. (b)
Determine the minimum number of nutritional Calories of
food (1 nutritional Calorie = 4186 J) that must be
consumed to replace the loss of internal energy.
28. When a .22-caliber rifle is fired, the expanding gas from the
burning gunpowder creates a pressure behind the bullet.
This pressure causes the force that pushes the bullet
through the barrel. The barrel has a length of 0.61 m and an
opening whose radius is 2.8 x10 -3 m. A bullet (mass = 2.6
x10-3 kg) has a speed of 370 m/s after passing through this
barrel. Ignore friction and determine the average pressure
of the expanding gas.
29. (a) Using the data presented in the accompanying pressure
volume graph, estimate the magnitude of the work done
when the system changes from A to B to C along the path
shown. (b) Determine whether the work is done by the
system or on the system and, hence, whether the work is
positive or negative.
30. Refer to Multiple-Concept Example 3 to see how the
concepts pertinent to this problem are used. The pressure of
a gas remains constant while the temperature, volume, and
internal energy of the gas increase by 53.0 C, 1.40 x10 -3
m3, and 939 J, respectively. The mass of the gas is 24.0 g,
and its specific heat capacity is 1080 J/(kgC). Determine
the pressure.

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