Romance and Friendship

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Romance and friendship

There are powerful forces shaping your destiny and 2015 will stand out as one such year which may be considered a
turning point. With your past karma point and Uranus transiting your 5th house of love affairs the lesson this year is
not to fall back on past bad habits. The way you dealt with relationships in the past, even current relationships may be
completely inappropriate and utterly useless under the current circumstances. Youre called to explore different
methods of interaction with those you are intimately involved with.
This should become a little easier when Venus transits your 3rd house on 28 January. With that your feel confident,
relaxed and accepted by your partner if there are important things to discuss and this is considered a good time to do
so. You do have the contradicting retrograde Mercury affecting with this time so perhaps if actual talk time can't be
slotted in, it's an excellent time to think through carefully what it is you have to say.
Inner contentment and happiness is usually shown by Venus transiting the 4th house which occurs after 21 February
but it's conjunction with Mars on the 22nd could disrupt things on the home front. Take your time with family and
relatives if at something you need to share with them. At the same time, your passion for Romance will be strong as
Venus is also powerful by direction in this sector of your horoscope.
You could become even rather competitive if not aggressive when Mars transit your 5th house of romance on 1 April.
Friendships could be thrown out of whack by the lunar eclipse in your 11th house on the 4th. And with hard aspects
from Mercury and the Sun to Pluto on the 5th, 6th and 8th, the week or so leading up to these dates could be fraught
with lots of difficulty in communication. Approach people in a calm manner even if you feel they've done you wrong.
Make peace not war.
Mercury and the Sun's entrance to this same 5th house on the 15th and 20th of April respectively, insurer smoothing
over and upliftment of your social and romantic circumstances. Rather than moping around and becoming depressed
about the situation you are likely to embark on a cycle of entertainment, social interaction and creative pursuits. This
may or may not be with someone you love.
Relationships of all sorts seem to fare quite well under the transit of Venus in the 7th house and therefore between 8
May and 6th of June you should avail yourself of these positive vibrations to cement your love and to talk about the
future, even marriage if you are single. Don't allow this however to become obsessive as that is also likely to when
Venus moves to the opposition of Pluto on the 22nd. Sexual matters could be tied in with these compulsive transits as
Venus transits the 8th house on the 6th along with the Sun and Mars transiting your 7th on the 22nd and 24th of June
respectively. Most of your focus will be on intimacy, sexuality and improving your direct contact with the one you love
Watch out for games of emotional blackmail when Mars and Pluto enter into adverse aspect on 16 July. Mercury can
joining Mars on the same date with Venus and than 9th, Sun on the 8th and Mercury on the 8th or that up to ethical,
financial and sexual issues overlapping and confusing your mind and your heart.
Break any problem you have up now into constituent parts so you can analyse each separately. This will help to get
you out of the mire of confusion and contradicting contradictory feedback. Much of this activity seems to culminate in
a very powerful conjunction of Venus and Mars in your 8th house on 1 September. This is explosive not just on the
physical/sexual level but also in terms of expression of feeling and intent. Perhaps things will come to a head and
finally allow you to move forward on many matters not just issues of love.
Transits of planets into the 11th house are always excellent for bringing you good company, associating with those of
like mind and maybe even at times giving you the chance to meet someone who may be considered a good soul
mate. The Sun enters the 11th house on 24 October with Venus doing the same on 2 November and for
approximately a month there should be a great deal of merrymaking, meeting of new people and fulfilment of some of
your inner desires socially speaking. New friends may come out of the woodwork and your feel good with the
connections you make during this phase of the year.

The Sun moves to the 12th house or the quieter part of your horoscope on 23 November staying there till 22
December at which point the Sun returns to Sagittarius, your Sun sign! Expect your energy to rise, your vitality and
well-being to reach a peak as you close off 2015. These last few weeks of the year give you another chance to enjoy
love and the company of good friends.

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