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The Chinese University of Hong Kong

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Page I of 6






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Course Examination 1st Term, 2011-12



Course Code & Title :

MAEG 3050


Time allowed

Introouction to Contro]





Student LD. No.



Seat No. :

ALL the questions on answer book (4 problems totally). Be .sure to hand in

Figure 3 and Figure 4 with your answer book.

2. Full mark is 100.

3. This is a closed-book but open-note examination. Two sheets of A4 size,

double-sided notes are allowed.

4. Calculators are permitted.

5. Solve all problems using the answer book provided.

6. Write your student number clearly on the front page of your answer book.

7. Question papers should be returned after the examination.

8. Do not turn over this page until instructed to do so.

Cont'd . j2

Course Code ;;for EJ ,7;% -5~~ :

MAFG 3050


Page 20f 6

1. Figure 1 depicts the overall allowable region of the control system given in Fig. 2.
a) What are the performance specifications on Tp , Ts and

S of the


b) Pick a (convenient) design point in the Allowable Region and consider the
use of PD-control: C(s)=K(s+y). Use the Phase Requirement to detennine
y so that your design point lies on the resulting root locus.
c) What is the type number of the system? What is the corresponding error
constant of your design?
d) Determine the steady state tracking error of the resulting closed loop
system to a unit ramp input.
e) Write down the MATLAB commands to obtain the step response of the
closed loop system.




Figure 1


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Figure 2
Cant 'd .. /3

MAEG 3050

2. You are to sketch the root locus of a unity feedback system with the open loop
transfer function



(S-3)(S2 +2s+17)'
a) Mark the poles and zeros of G(s) on the s-plane, and the real axis portion
of the root locus.
b) Determine the angles and centroid of the asymptotes, if appropriate.
c) Determine the angle of departure at the complex poles, if any.
d) Detennine the point(s) where the loci cross the imaginary axis and the
corresponding value(s) of K. Explain why there are two K values of cross
over points.
e) Determine the breakaway point, if any. Sketch the root loclls.

3. Figure 3 shows the polar plot G(j OJ) . The given OJ values are of unit rad/sec.
You are to obtain (roughly) the values ofthe followings from the plot.
a) Obtain the values of PM and GM of G(j OJ) .
b) What is the steady state response yss(t) if G(s) is subjected to an input of
c) On Fi.gure 3, sketch the Polar plot of KG(j(tJ) for K = 2. What is the
new PM?
d) Let T(s) be the closed loop transfer function of the unity feedback system
of K G(jOJ) for K = 2 . Determine T (j (tJ) when (tJ = 10 rad/sec.
e) Find the value K so that the damping coefficient of the unity feedback
system ofKG(jOJ) is C;= 0.6.
(Be sure to hand in Figure 3 together with your Exam Book)

Cant rd /4

Course Code l+ 86~ :

MAEG 3050

4. Consider the following open loop transfer function

Figure 4 shows the Bode plot of magnitude IG l (jUJ )Idb vs 10glOOJ.

a) Determine the values K and p from the figure.
b) Sketch the phase plot for G 1 (j UJ) on Figure 4.
c) Now sketch the Bode plot of G[G z (jOJ) , where

G ( )
2 S





d) Is the close loop system of G, G 2 (s) stable? From your Bode plots"
determine the value K c such that the unity feedback system of

KcGjGz(s) is marginally stable.

(Be sure to hand in Figure 4 together with your Exam Book)

Cant 'd ... /5


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Figure 3

Cont'd .. /6

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