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Tender no.

: 2014_FSCAD_54051_1

Date of Issue:


RFP for Ration Card printing in Delhi Public Distribution System - Re-Tender
Date of Pre-Bid Conference:


Pre Bid Queries received from Vendors

Vendor Query
Query By
Rajat Shuvra Sen
Product Manager
MCT Cards & Technology
Pvt. Ltd
Cell:+91 9740012255

K. Sridhar
G.M.- Sales (Govt. &
+91-8744058003 AKS/AMITY
SOFTWARES, B-16, Sector
63, NOIDA 201301, U.P.

Department Response

RFP Reference
Clause Reference Section 2.4.1

RFP Content
Contract Period
Any contract that may result from this
Government procurement will be
issued for a term of 5 (five) years (the

Service Level Agreement

Vendor should deliver the personalized cards We request to make first delivery of 10000 cards in 4
as per the following schedule during the
weeks.With our experinece in implementing similar
contract period
projects for other departments we found that initial lot
variable data printing data validation time is higher.We
request you to reconsider the timelines., Pt C, Pg 14.

2.6.1, Pt 1, Pg 18


Clarification Sought
Good quality plastic card used for Banking and ID
The bidder has to keep all factors in
projects are typically made of PVC material largely
mind before quoting prices in the bid
imported.Very long term contract without price increase
clause will hurt the bidder in long term and force them to
use low quality material.We request Department to
consider 1 year contract and mutually agreed terms
renewal there after.


The SLA clause is for delivery of

personalized cards. It is upto the vendor
to plan accordingly so as to meet the






Kindly specify, turnover required (10 Crores) should Relevant section is self explanatory
Bidder's Annual Sales Turnover (global / be the average of last 3 years or required in each
India based) generated from services
related to preparation (supply and
personalization) of smart cards / non
smart cards during each of the last three
financial years (as per the last
published/audited Balance sheets),
should be at least INR10 (ten) crores.
However, a total turnover (10 crores) of
the company in which atleast 5 (Five)
crores turnover should be in
themanufacturing and supply of Plastic
Cards orSmart Cards






Earnest Money Deposit

Please specify the last date for submitting EMD hard EMD is to be submitted alongwith bid
What is the maximum size allowed for single file of There is no upper limit to the size of a
single file of Technical Proposal
Technical Proposal'?

Action to be Taken

The documents to be submitted as part

of the Technical proposal are stated in
Appendix 1: Forml. The original
documents need to be color scanned,
resolution being at least 200-dpi,in
PDFformat and grouped together into
one file for uploading as 'Technical
Proposal'. Bidders toensure that the scan
copies are of good quality and that the
prints generated from these scans are
clear/ legible.

Clause stands as is

Please remove the criteria of 5 crores from

manufacturing as this will not give fair chance to the
companies who are not manufacturing smartcards
but they have sound experience in implementing
smart card project. You can ask this as an experince
of 5 crores in smart cards projects.

2.6.1, Pt 1, Pg 18

Sales Manager
SELP India Private Limited
# 2416, Tower A, level 4,
Lobe No. 2, CS 16,
Corenthum, Plot No. A-41,
sector-62, Noida- 201303
918588828451 / 9818128002

Can the Turnover(lOCr) be provided by prime bidder Refer point no.1 in table at section 2.6.1 Closed
Bidder's Annual Sales Turnover (global / and card and 5Cr from manufactuing be provided by of the RFP
the 2nd Bidder in consortium
India based) generated from services
related to preparation (supply and
personalization) of smart cards / non
smart cards during each of the last three
financial years (as per the last
published/audited Balance sheets),
should be at least INR 10 (ten) crores.
However, a total turnover (10 crores) of
the company in which atleast 5 (Five)
crores turnover should be in
themanufacturing and supply of Plastic
Cards orSmart Cards


RFP Ref No:


The bidders are required to submit the EMD

at the following address :
Section on page 6
Department of Food & Supplies,
K-Block, Vikas Bhavan,
Earnest Money Deposit or Bank I.P. Estate, New Delhi-110002
Tel. No. : 011 23378759, 011 23379263

Since Section on page 16 of RFP Venue &

Deadline for submission of the proposals states that
Technical and Financial proposals along with the
annexures have to be uploaded on the website, please
clarify whether the EMD alone in original has to be
submitted before the last date of the bid submission.

Hard copies of EMD and Sample ration

cards has to be submitted in original



RFP Ref No:


The website has only the .pdf and .jpeg version of the
Artwork in .cdr format is also available
artwork though the link on the website states that it has on the department website
both .pdf and .cdr files.





Department shall provide the art work to be

used for static information printing. The
art work can be accessed (along with this
Section 2.8 of page 7 of the RFP RFP) at the website:

RFP Ref No:


Please provide the .cdr file of the artwork for providing

sample cards along with the bids.

1. Please refer Section 2.4.2 (Background): It Please clarify as to whether the bidder has to issue 17.76 Refer Section 2.8 (d) for scope of work
is mentioned that In Delhi, PDS comprises lakh ration cards of 14 lakh ration cards
of a network of 2482 Fair Price Shops & 2356
Section 2.4.2 on page no.9 and Kerosene Oil Depots catering to an active
item no. d, section 2.8 on page base of 17.76 lakh ration card holders across
no. 23
all strata of the population.
2. In item no. d under Section 2.8 on page
no. 23 (Scope of Work) it is mentioned that
the successful bidder has to deliver
approximately 14 lakh personalized cards
during the contract period with a provision
for an additional (approximately) 10 % of the

RFP Ref No:

Section 2.6.1 Technical
Qualification Criteria s.r. 3Technical Capability

RFP Ref No:

Section 2.4.2. Project
Background on page 9 & 10 of
the RFP

Bidder must have successfully completed at There is a typographical error in the values specified.
least the following numbers of project(s)of
Please clarify.
value specified herein :
ne project of similar nature supplying
15(fifteen) lakh cards or more; OR
wo projects of similar nature supplying
10 (ten) lakh cards or more; OR
hree projects of similar nature supplying
06 (six) lakh cards or more
roject of Similar Nature means a
project for preparation (supply and
Personalization)of smart cards / nonsmart
roject can be in government or

This is typograhpical mistake and stands Closed

corrected as:
Bidder must have successfully
completed at least the following
numbers of project(s)of value specified
herein :
- One project of similar nature supplying
15(fifteen) lakh cards or more; OR
- Two projects of similar nature
supplying 10 (ten) lakh cards or more;
- Three projects of similar nature
supplying 06 (six) lakh cards or more

The following challenges still need to be

a) Non Availability of near real-time
information about the operations at the Fair
Price Shops to both
internal stakeholders and citizens
b) The ration card holder data consists of
duplicate and spurious users
c) Categorization of ration card holders is
outdated and not as per the latest gazette
notifications including those specified in the
Food Security Act 2013

This is out of scope of this RFP

Please clarify whether the Department has already

initiated the project to put in place a comprehensive IT
solution to meet the above challenges before the card
issuance work is undertaken and if so, when is this
activity expected to be complete.


- Project of Similar Nature means a
project for preparation (supply and
Personalization)of smart cards / nonsmart cards
- Project can be in government or nongovernment sector



Department shall provide the data of all Closed

Ration card holders in soft copy


If No, please clarify as to whether when the above work

is expected to be undertaken and who is expected to
undertake the above work.

A need has been felt by the department to

put in place a comprehensive IT solution to
meet the above

RFP Ref No:


a) The seeding of Aadhaar numbers in the

current ePDS system is being undertaken as
of writing this RFP
Section 2.4.3, Key Information - document. Availability of complete
Dependencies on page 10 of the beneficiary data for personalization is
dependent on this activity.
b) Availability of digitized ePDS beneficiary
data to the vendor

RFP Ref No:

Section on page 16 of
RFP Venue & Deadline for
submission of the proposals

As the personalization of the cards is dependent on

availability of complete beneficiary data post the
seeding of Aadhar numbers in the current e-PDS
system, please clarify by when the above seeding work
is expected to be complete.

Proposals, in its complete form in all respects It is not clear as to whether in addition to uploading of
Relevant section is self explanatory
as specified in the RFP, must be uploaded at the proposals on the departments website, is the bidder
expected to submit the hard copies of the proposal to
Departments website as mentioned in the Department and if so, what is the date for submission of
Fact sheet.
the same.



RFP Ref No:

Detailed Scope of work on page
24 Data to be printed on the

Personalization information details:

Front Side:
- Ration Card No.
- Category of Ration Card (if applicable)
- Name of Head of the Family
- Address
- Photo of Head of the Family
- FPS Shop No.
- FPS Shop Firm name
- Circle number
- 2D Bar code
The 2D bar code is to be generated by the
bidder information to be contained are the
Names and Aadhaar numbers of family
Back Side:
- Names of family members
- Hologram (supplied by Department)

Since the selected bidder has to undertake the work of

Enrollment is out of scope of the
enrolment and card personalization, please clarify the
RFP.Department shall provide the data of
tools that have been used by the Department to develop all Ration card holders in soft copy
the ePDS application. It is further requested to the
Department to provide us an access rights to connect
our enrolment/personalization application with the
existing ePDS application to undertake the
Personalization activity.

Form I : Compliance sheet for

Technical Proposal for Technical
evaluation on page 32 of the

Specific Requirement : The Bidders per day Since the consortium bids are allowed in this tender,
Relevant section is self explanatory
there is a possibility that the manufacturer of the cards
capacity of plastic cards (with Static Data)
would have their manufacturing facility based outside
Documents Required Scan copy of Valid
Industrial Certificate, Factory
Please clarify as to whether the documents like factory
License and Self-Certificate for Installed
license etc provided by the concerned authorities of that
capacity of production
country would be acceptable to the Department.
(Certified by a Statutory authority)




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