Contact A Family - The Winter Guide: Help With Fuel Bills and Keeping Warm

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The winter guide: help with fuel

bills and keeping warm

Information for families Incorporating The Lady Hoare Trust
1 The winter guide: help with fuel bills and keeping warm
Some families with disabled children tell us of the
difficulties of getting around outside the home and
how it feels easier to stay in. You may have a child
whose condition deteriorates in cold or wet weather.
In winter this means you may be using more fuel.

If you are on a low income, you may be worried

about the costs of higher fuel bills and other related
expenses like winter clothing. Research also shows
that one in seven parents of disabled children report
inadequate heating in their home.

This guide gives information about keeping fuel bills

low, sources of financial help to pay bills and some
practical suggestions around keeping warm in winter.

Note: the guide covers the whole of the UK

with any differences in the nations highlighted.
National contacts are listed at the end of the
guide for more detailed advice.

2 The winter guide: help with fuel bills and keeping warm
Why your bill may be wrong
Contents Although it is relatively rare for either
meter readings or bills to be incorrect
Checking your fuel bills....................................3 about the amount of fuel used, there are
Having trouble paying your occasions when your bill can be wrong.
fuel bills?...............................................................4 Here are a few examples:
Problems with coal and oil heating.......... 10 • your bill might be based on
Financial help....................................................11 estimated readings. Check the reading
Keeping your fuel bills down...................... 18 on the bill against your actual meter. If
Switching energy suppliers..........................20 it is very different, read your meter and
Schemes for disabled, elderly and send your supplier the actual reading for
vulnerable groups............................................21 an amended bill;
Private rented accommodation.................. 23 • you have moved house. When you
Safety matters.................................................. 24 move in or out of a property it is
Useful organisations....................................... 25 important to open and close accounts
properly and to supply meter readings,
otherwise you might be billed for
energy used by the previous residents
Checking your fuel bills or the people who move in next;
• fuel prices have increased. If you have
When you get your bill, check whether it a credit meter, take a meter reading
is correct before making arrangements to on the day of the increase. If you have
pay it. a prepayment meter, make sure it is
adjusted to cover the increase.
You are normally liable for the bill if you
requested the fuel supply and your name Other problems could include the wrong
appears on the bill. Seek specialist advice meter being read, for instance in a block
if your name is not on a bill but you are of flats, or your supplier’s records being
asked to pay it, or you think you are being incorrect. Your meter might be faulty,
charged for fuel you have not used. Your although this is very unusual.
citizens advice bureau (CAB) should be
able to advise you further on this. Seek specialist advice if you think your bill
is wrong.
If you have a credit meter (see section
on ‘Meters’ on page 6), you will normally
receive a bill from your supplier at
quarterly intervals. If you get a much
higher bill than usual and cannot afford
to pay it all in one go, ask your supplier to
offer you a payment plan (see page 5) to Freephone helpline: 0808 808 3555
enable you to pay off the debt in stages. Web:

The winter guide: help with fuel bills and keeping warm 3
Asked to pay a bill from a long time ago?
If your supplier is asking you to pay for fuel Although it is relatively rare
that it billed you for a long time ago, take
advice before contacting your supplier. for either meter readings or
There are time limits on the recovery of bills to be incorrect about
debts. Ring the Contact a Family helpline
for a copy of our debt guide. the amount of fuel used,
there are occasions when
‘Back-billing’ credit and prepayment
meter customers your bill can be wrong.
Certain suppliers in Great Britain have
agreed a code of practice that if they
were at fault for not billing a customer
with a credit meter, they will not ‘back-
bill’ customers for more than one year.
Contact Consumer Direct for more details. Problems can also sometimes occur with
‘back-billing’ on prepayment meters (see
Northern Ireland does not have an section on ‘Meters’ on page 6), because
agreement for ‘back-billing’, but you can there has been a delay in adjusting the
contact the supplier directly and complain. meter to cover a price increase. If you
If you believe you should receive a are in this situation contact Consumer
goodwill gesture, you should request Direct, Consumer Focus or the Consumer
this. Contact the Consumer Council in Council in Northern Ireland. A billing
Northern Ireland if you remain dissatisfied. code of pactice for accurate bills sets out
the standards of service to be expected
from fuel suppliers. The code of practice
Complaints and information can be found on the
If you have a problem with your Energy Retail Association website,
bill and cannot resolve it with your
supplier, contact Consumer Direct,
Tel: 08454 040 406 for help and
advice or Consumer Focus (England), Having trouble paying
Tel: 0207 799 7900, Consumer Focus
(Scotland), Tel: 0141 226 5261 or
your fuel bills?
Consumer Focus (Wales),
Tel: 02920 787100 Energy suppliers can provide a variety of
ways for you to pay your bill if you have
If you are in Northern Ireland, the a credit meter. Options might include, for
Consumer Council can investigate example, allowing you to pay by cash,
unresolved complaints against cheque, postal order or monthly direct
suppliers of natural gas and electricity, debit. Some suppliers will give a discount
on Tel: 0845 601 6022. if you pay by a particular method.

4 The winter guide: help with fuel bills and keeping warm
If you cannot afford to pay the bill in full Direct debit/standing orders
you may want to think about: Under these schemes, your supplier
estimates your annual use of fuel and
• using one of the payment plans listed you pay this amount by equal instalments
below to spread the cost and help throughout the year. If you pay by direct
avoid arrears; debit or standing order, the payments will
• having a prepayment meter installed be made automatically from your bank
(see page 6); account, either monthly or quarterly.
• getting advice about financial help
which may be available (see page 11). Fixed payment budget scheme
Under this method you must pay
Payment plans the agreed amount to the supplier at
Contact your fuel supplier for details a specified time – normally weekly,
about the payment schemes which are fortnightly or monthly. Payment methods
available. Take care to check the terms may include making payments direct to
and conditions of the schemes. The most your supplier, at post offices, banks or
common include direct debit/standing other locations.
order schemes, fixed payment budget
schemes and flexible payments schemes.
Please note that with these schemes you
may still have a balance owing at the end Freephone helpline: 0808 808 3555
of your payment year. Web:

The winter guide: help with fuel bills and keeping warm 5
Flexible payment schemes set to pay off arrears as an alternative to
Your energy supplier may offer a flexible disconnection. However, the standing
payments scheme which allows you to charge may be higher and you will have
pay any amount at any time. This type no fuel if you cannot afford to ‘top-up’
of scheme may suit you if your income your payment.
fluctuates. Take care to check the terms of
the scheme, for example, regarding what Also, suppliers may offer different
happens if you go into arrears. Contact schemes. For example, the cost of fuel
your supplier to find out if they offer is generally higher if you get your energy
a flexible scheme and, if so, what the through a prepayment meter. However,
payment methods are. Northern Ireland Electricity customers
who pay for their electricity via a Pay
Meters As You Go keypad meter will receive a
There are two main types of meters: discount of 2.5 per cent.
credit or prepayment meters. Credit (or
quarterly) meters are the most common Your local CAB has more information
– where you use the fuel and are sent about the advantages and disadvantages
bills for it later. Prepayment meters allow of meters.
you to pay in advance for your fuel
supply. Most people using a prepayment Getting fuel costs deducted from
meter will have a card, token or key meter. benefits – Fuel Direct
If you are on Income Support, income-
Advantages and disadvantages based Jobseeker’s Allowance, income-
of meters related Employment and Support
There are advantages and disadvantages Allowance (ESA) or Pension Credit, you
involved with each type of meter. For may be able to enter into an arrangement
example, prepayment meters can be so that money is deducted from your
benefit to pay for your current fuel usage.
This is often known as ‘Fuel Direct’.

The fuel supplier will work out an

estimate of your current weekly fuel costs
and add on a small fixed amount towards
your arrears. The total weekly figure will
then be deducted directly from your
benefit and paid to the fuel supplier(s).

If at least a month has passed after a
bill or reminder letter has been sent you
may be sent a final demand. If you do

6 The winter guide: help with fuel bills and keeping warm
not reply then you may be sent a letter
threatening disconnection. You can also If you are threatened with
be disconnected for gas and electricity
from a previous address if you leave the
a disconnection, seek
property but keep the same fuel supplier. advice from your local CAB
If you are threatened with disconnection,
or a local advice agency.
seek advice from your local CAB or a Also ask your energy
local advice agency as soon as you can.
Also ask your energy supplier for their
supplier for their code
code of practice. This should contain of practice.
the procedures for clients who are
experiencing difficulty in paying their fuel
bills and the steps the energy supplier
should follow before disconnection.
• if you have been made bankrupt and
Fuel debts the debt occurred before the date of the
Fuel debt is considered a priority debt bankruptcy order; or
because of the consequences of not • if the debt is not for fuel you have
paying: disconnection. If you cannot pay used. For example, you have bought
the bill when it arrives, do not ignore it items such as a boiler, cooker, fridge,
– take advice on how to deal with it from television or video from your fuel
an organisation such as a CAB, National supplier. These should be separated
Debtline or the Home Heat Helpline. from your fuel account as you cannot
If you have other debts as well as fuel, be disconnected for falling behind with
take advice to ensure you make suitable a credit agreement.
arrangements to cover them.
Note: if there is a safety issue with your
When is disconnection for debt supply it could still get disconnected.
not allowed?
Even if you have arrears, energy suppliers The Energy Retail Association has also
cannot disconnect you: established a safety net procedure to
ensure vulnerable customers aren’t
• between 1 October and 31 March disconnected.
where everyone in the house is of
pensionable age; Vulnerable customers
• between 1 October and 31 March if The Energy Retail Association (the
someone in the home is chronically sick association of main gas and electricity
or has a disability;
• if everyone in the household is under
eighteen years of age; Freephone helpline: 0808 808 3555
• if you owe arrears to a previous Web:

The winter guide: help with fuel bills and keeping warm 7
suppliers in Great Britain) set up a safety
net procedure in 2004 to ensure no You must be given notice
vulnerable customer in Great Britain
is disconnected from their gas and/or
of disconnection. Gas and
electricity supply at any time of the year. electricity suppliers cannot
You may count as a vulnerable customer
issue a disconnection
if, for reasons of age, health, disability notice until 28 days after
or severe financial insecurity, your, or a
member of your household’s, personal
the date of the bill.
welfare is at risk. Contact the Engergy
Retail Association for more information.

Note: suppliers in Northern Ireland You must be given notice of

are not subject to the Energy Retail disconnection
Association’s safety net procedure. The energy supplier must send you a bill
telling how much you owe. An electricity
If you are a vulnerable customer you supplier cannot issue a disconnection
can also contact the Home Heat notice until 28 days after the customer
Helpline, Tel: 0800 33 66 99 has received the bill. A gas supplier cannot issue a disconnection notice until
28 days after the date of the bill. The
The helpline offers practical advice for energy supplier must give you notice
anyone concerned about paying their of disconnection.
heating bills and keeping warm in winter
as well as providing vulnerable customers You must be given payment options
with a direct link to specialist teams within The energy supplier must offer you a
their energy supplier and access to a number of options to pay the arrears. This
range of services including: should include regular payment plans and

• the Priority Service Register, which

provides extra services including bills in
large text or braille, security passwords Disconnections in
and free gas safety checks; Northern Ireland
• grants for free home insulation The situation is different in Northern
• flexible payment options for customers Ireland. You should always make
in fuel debt; your supplier aware of your situation
• benefits entitlement checks; and ask for a copy of their standard
• a disconnection safety net, which licence conditions and code of
ensures that no vulnerable customer is practice. The Consumer Council in
ever knowingly disconnected. Northern Ireland can provide further
information about disconnections.

8 The winter guide: help with fuel bills and keeping warm
fuel direct. If you cannot afford to pay the
arrears in this way, they should offer to Asked to pay back at a high rate?
install a prepayment meter (as long as If your energy supplier insists that
it is safe and practicable to install one in arrears are paid back at a rate that
your home). doesn’t take into account your
circumstances, it may be in breach
In Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland of its licence conditions and you
Electricity (NIE) may install a keypad should contact Energywatch.
pre-payment meter as an alternative to
disconnection. If necessary, they can Compensation
obtain a court order to enter your home Your energy supplier may have
and force fit a keypad meter. The keypad standards of service and a scheme
meter will be set to recover an amount to pay compensation if it fails to
towards the arrears. meet these standards. Ask your
supplier for details.
The different ways of paying for fuel are
covered in the section ‘Trouble paying
your bills’ on page 4. Contact them, and let them know your
circumstances and that you are caring for
Tell your supplier about your a disabled child.
Your energy supplier will not know if Supplier applies to Magistrates Court
you are having difficulties in paying your If the disconnection is to go ahead, your
bills unless you tell them. They should energy supply company must apply to a
send reminders to encourage you to Magistrates Court for a warrant to enter
contact them to discuss payment options. your home. They should let you know
in advance that they will be applying for
a warrant. You should also be informed
of the date and time of the Magistrates
Court hearing.

You have the opportunity to attend the

hearing and have your say if there are
reasons you shouldn’t be disconnected.
The Magistrates will take into account all
evidence before deciding whether or not
to issue a warrant.

Freephone helpline: 0808 808 3555


The winter guide: help with fuel bills and keeping warm 9
Warrant issued to enter and disconnect Problems with coal and
If a warrant is issued, your energy supplier
should send you a letter informing
oil heating
you of the date they will visit your
property to disconnect your meter. After Coal is still widely used in some parts
disconnection, a representative from the of the UK and the majority of people in
supplier will leave details of action taken, Northern Ireland use oil heating.
a number to contact for reconnection and
the costs involved. Potential problems with coal include the
price you’re charged, the weight supplied
They should also leave details of the and safety concerns.
amount outstanding. This may include the
arrears, disconnection fee, reconnection For problems with coal:
fee, administration costs and possibly a
security deposit. • about the weight or trade
descriptions contact your local trading
You should note, it is a criminal offence standards service. In Northern Ireland
and very dangerous to try to connect your Tel: 028 9025 3900;
gas and electricity supply yourself. • about the quality of product or
service contact the fuel supplier to give
Contact Consumer Focus for further them an opportunity to put the problem
information about disconnection. right. Ask if they are members of the

10 The winter guide: help with fuel bills and keeping warm
Approved Coal Merchants Scheme,
Tel: 0845 601 4406, as they can offer
advice and mediate between the
customer and merchant. In Northern
Ireland the Coal Advisory Service can
mediate between consumer and
supplier, Tel: 028 9075 1002;
• concerns about safety and general
advice contact the Solid Fuel
Association on Tel: 0845 6014406.
In Northern Ireland, contact the
Consumer Safety Service in your local
district council if you think the coal fuel bill. Others types of help are available
is dangerous. to save energy which will hopefully
reduce your fuel bills in the long term.
For problems with oil heating
The majority of homes in Northern Charitable grants
Ireland use oil for heating. The Consumer There are a number of grant-giving
Council in Northern Ireland has produced charities that can provide additional
a leaflet with information and advice financial support to families caring for a
on safety, tanks and boilers, energy disabled child, for example the Family
efficiency, pricing, checking your oil supply Fund. Some of the charities specifically
and caring for your oil heating system. provide grants for heating costs or debts,
while others provide general grants for a
Contact the Consumer Council in range of expenses. Contact our helpline
Northern Ireland for a copy or for a list of grant-giving organisations or
download it from the Council at visit
Energy suppliers
The Contact a Family helpline can also Some energy suppliers and water
put you in touch with sources of advice companies have utility trusts and
about oil heating problems. schemes that can help their customers
with payment of gas, electricity and water
arrears and other essential household
Financial help bills and costs. Contact the helpline to
see if your energy supplier and/or water
There are different types of help available company has a scheme that may be able
for the costs of heating your home. Some to help.
of the help is for paying fuel bills or fuel
debts – although you should always seek
specialist advice from your local CAB or a Freephone helpline: 0808 808 3555
similar organisation if you cannot pay your Web:

The winter guide: help with fuel bills and keeping warm 11
Some energy suppliers may also recorded or forecast over seven
offer schemes or tariffs for vulnerable consecutive days in your local area is
customers such as the winter rebate zero degrees Celsius (freezing) or less.
scheme British Gas operated during To receive the cold weather payment you
2006/07. Contact your supplier for details must also be getting:
of such schemes and tariffs, giving full
details of your circumstances. • the guarantee credit part of Pension
Credit, the savings credit part of Pension
Payments from the Social Fund Credit or both parts of Pension Credit,
The Social Fund is a government fund for at least one day during the period of
which gives various types of payments cold weather and you are not resident
designed to help people on a low income in a care home; or
with specific costs. Some of the payments • Income Support, income-based
available that may help with heating Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA) or income-
costs are: related Employment and Support
allowance (ESA) for at least one day
Cold Weather Payments are automatic during the period of cold weather and
payments (you don’t need to make have a child under five living in the
a claim) if the average temperature family; or
• Income Support, income-based JSA or
income-related ESA for at least one day
Advice about saving energy during the period of cold weather and
Most energy suppliers have a range have a child for which you are entitled
of offers which reduce the cost of to child tax credit including an amount
installing energy efficiency measures, for a disability or severe disability; or
such as free cavity wall insulation to • Income Support or income-based JSA
people on qualifying benefits. You for at least one day during the period of
may be able to take up offers from cold weather and have either disability
energy suppliers, regardless of your premium, severe disability premium,
gas and electricity supplier. enhanced disability premium, disabled
child premium, pensioner premium,
Contact your energy supplier or higher pensioner premium or enhanced
the Energy Savings Trust, Tel: 0800 pensioner premium included in your
512 012 for details of any grants Income Support or income-based JSA
or practical help they can provide applicable amount and you are not
to improve your home’s energy resident in a care home; or
efficiency. They also have details of • income-related ESA for at least one
Energy Efficiency Advice Centres day during the period of cold weather
where you can go for local advice and have either a pensioner premium,
and information. The Home Heat severe disability premium or enhanced
Helpline on Tel: 0800 33 66 99 disability premium included in your
may also be able to advise. applicable amount and you are not
resident in a care home; or

12 The winter guide: help with fuel bills and keeping warm
You do not pay tax on Winter Fuel

Community Care Grant is a discretionary

grant which can be used to buy items or
services which help individuals or families
in certain circumstances, for example
to help ease exceptional pressures on
your family. Examples include installation
of a pre-payment meter, cookers, and
furniture. For further information ring
our helpline.

Help from social services

If you experience difficulties with fuel
supply or paying your fuel bills, social
services (social work department if you
live in Scotland, or the health and social
services trust if you live in Northern
• income-related ESA for at least one day Ireland) may be able to help. In some
during the period of cold weather and situations, social services can provide
are entitled to a support component financial assistance necessary to help
or work-related activity component and a child under The Children Act 1989.
you are not resident in a care home. This could be a cash payment, a loan or
payment in kind.
Winter Fuel Payments
A Winter Fuel Payment is an annual To receive financial assistance your child
payment to help people aged 60 and must be considered to be a child ‘in
over with the costs of keeping warm need’ and the reason you want help must
this winter. be appropriate to your child’s needs.

If you are aged 60 to 79 and you For further information about social
are entitled to receive a Winter Fuel services ring the Contact a Family
Payment, this year you will get either helpline.
£125 or £250, depending on your
circumstances in the qualifying week Warm Front Scheme (England)
(21 to 27 September 2009). This is a grant of up to £2,700 (or £4,000
if oil central heating is recommended) for
If you are aged 80 or over and you are
entitled to a Winter Fuel Payment, this
year you will get either £200, £275 or Freephone helpline: 0808 808 3555
£400, depending on your circumstances Web:
in the qualifying week.

The winter guide: help with fuel bills and keeping warm 13
• Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit
(with constant attendance allowance);
• War Disablement Pension (with mobility
supplement or constant attendance
allowance); or
• Attendance Allowance.

If you qualify for the scheme, an assessor

will visit you in your home to assess
what improvements your property needs.
This can include loft insulation, draught
proofing, cavity wall insulation, hot water
tank insulation, energy-efficient light
insulation and heating improvements. You bulbs, gas, electricity or oil central heating
must own your own home or rent from a and a glass fronted fire.
private landlord to be eligible for a grant.
Contact the Warm Front Scheme for
Also, the householder must: further information on
Tel: 0800 316 2805.
• be over 60 years of age and getting
Income Support, Council Tax Benefit, Heating Rebate Scheme (England)
Housing Benefit, income-based If you are over 60 years of age, own your
Jobseeker’s Allowance or Pension credit; or home and are not receiving any of the
• have a child under 16 (or be pregnant Warm Front qualifying benefits, you may
and have maternity certificate MAT-B1) be entitled to £300 towards repairing
and getting Income Support, Council Tax or installing a heating system. Funds
Benefit, Housing Benefit, income-based may be limited and you cannot claim
Jobseeker’s Allowance, income related retrospectively. Contact the Warm Front
Employment and Support Allowance or helpline for more information.
Pension Credit;

Or the householder must be getting any Warm Homes (Northern Ireland)

of the following: The Warm Homes Scheme in Northern
Ireland is aimed at people on a wide
• Working Tax Credit which includes a range of benefits including income-
disability element (with an income of based benefits such as Housing Benefit
less than £15,460); or Income-Based Jobseeker’s Allowance,
• Disability Living Allowance; disability related benefits such as
• Child Tax Credit (with an income less Disability Living Allowance, and benefits
than £15,460); such as Pension Credit or Attendance
• A disability premium with Income Allowance. Those in receipt of qualifying
Support, Housing Benefit or Council benefits are eligible for assistance towards
Tax Benefit; insulating their home, for example

14 The winter guide: help with fuel bills and keeping warm
towards the installation of loft or cavity Everyone is entitled to energy advice
wall insulation, and energy advice, with a on how to make your home as energy
grant of up to £850 available. In addition efficient as possible but to qualify for free
some applicants may be eligible for insulation from an energy supplier to
the Warm Homes Plus grant towards make your home more energy efficient
conversions or installations of central there is a set eligibility criteria.
heating systems with the total value of
the grant (including insulation measures) You may qualify for enhanced measures
at £4,300. if you are a home owner or the tenant of
a private sector landlord and you or your
For more information on the Warm partner are:
Homes Scheme call 0800 181667.
• aged 60 or over and have no central
Energy Assistance Package (Scotland) heating system in your home;
The Energy Assistance Package may • you are a home owner or the tenant of
be able to help people in Scotland a private sector landlord and you live in
save money on gas and electricity, get an energy inefficient home and you or
insulation for their home or help people your partner:
pay for a new heating system. Call 0800
512012 and speak to an advisor to find
out if you are eligible. Freephone helpline: 0808 808 3555

The winter guide: help with fuel bills and keeping warm 15
• are aged 75 or over; with children under 16 years of age. You
• are aged 60 or over and receives a also must receive one of these benefits:
qualifying benefit;
• have a child under 5 and receive a • Income Support;
qualifying benefit; • Income related Employment and
• have a disabled child under 16 and Support Allowance;
receive a qualifying benefit; • Working Tax Credit (with income less
• are pregnant and receive a than £16,040);
qualifying benefit. • Council Tax Benefit;
• Child Tax Credit (with income less than
Qualifying benefits are: £16,040);
• Housing Benefit; or
• Attendance Allowance; • income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance.
• Child Tax Credit – with income less
than £17,474; You are entitled to an HEES Plus grant of
• Council Tax Benefit; up to £3,600 if you are aged over 80 or:
• Housing Benefit;
• Income Support; • you are 60 years old or over and getting
• Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance; any one of the following benefits:
• Disability Living Allowance; Income Support, Council Tax Benefit,
• Disablement pension which includes a Housing Benefit, income-based
constant attendance allowance; Jobseeker’s Allowance or Pension
• State Pension Credit – with guarantee Credit; or
element; • you are a lone parent with a child
• War disablement pension which younger than 16 years old and
includes a mobility supplement or a getting any one of the following
constant attendance allowance; benefits: Income Support, Council
• Working Tax Credit – with income less Tax Benefit, Housing Benefit, income-
than £17,474; based Jobseeker’s Allowance or
• Employment and Support Allowance. Pension Credit;
• you are disabled or chronically ill
Home Energy Efficiency (Wales) and getting any one of the following
There are two levels of grant available for benefits: Income Support (including the
insulation and heating improvements: disability premium), Working Tax Credit
Home Energy Efficiency (HEES) grant and (with a disability premium), Disability
HEES Plus grant. To be eligible for a grant Living Allowance, Housing Benefit
you must own your own home or rent (including the disability premium),
from a private landlord. You must be in Council Tax Benefit (with a disability
receipt of qualifying benefits. premium), War Disablement Pension
(including the mobility supplement
HEES is a grant of up to £2,000 for or constant attendance allowance),
women who are pregnant (and have Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit
maternity certificate MAT-B1) or families

16 The winter guide: help with fuel bills and keeping warm
(including constant attendance receipt of any benefits to automatically
allowance) or Attendance Allowance; qualify for HEES Plus.
• you are claiming Child Benefit for a child
under 16 who is receiving Disability If you are aged 60 or over and you own
Living Allowance. your home, you may be eligible to claim
up to £500 towards the cost of energy
Different improvements are available efficiency improvements, even if you are
depending on the type of grant you not in receipt of any benefits.
qualify for and the nature of your
property. These include loft insulation, Contact the Home Energy Efficiency
cavity wall insulation, draught proofing Scheme for further information,
and repairing your heating system. If you Tel: 0800 316 2815.
have oil central heating you may receive
a grant of up to £5,000. An assessor will Help from your local authority
visit you in your home to assess what Local authorities have powers to provide
improvements you need. assistance to vulnerable groups with
repairs and improvements to the home.
Householders living in Wales who are This may include grants and schemes
aged over 80 do not need to be in to improve energy efficiency. Conditions

Freephone helpline: 0808 808 3555


The winter guide: help with fuel bills and keeping warm 17
Keeping your fuel
bills down

You might be able to reduce your fuel

bills and still keep your home just as
warm, or even warmer. Below are some
examples of ways to keep your bills down
by using energy more efficiently.

Tips that cost nothing and save money

on your bills:
• try not to waste heat by keeping
windows open when the heating is on;
• try setting your hot water thermostat
to 60ºC. This is hot enough for most
people using a bath or shower;
• if you can, take a shower rather than a
bath – you will use less hot water;
do apply and each local authority must • draw all curtains at night to stop
have a policy describing the assistance heat escaping;
they provide. This may vary depending on • keep inside doors closed to reduce
which country you live in. draughts;
• make sure you switch off lights and
Contact your local authority’s housing appliances that you are not using;
department for further information and • defrost your freezer regularly to keep it
ring our helpline for a copy of the guide running efficiently;
‘Aids, equipment and adaptations’. • don’t leave your TV and video on
standby as this uses electricity. Turn
If you are a local authority tenant and them off at the main switches.
you are concerned about the energy
efficiency of your home – approach your Other methods
local council. If you rent from a housing These methods will involve some initial
association approach both your local expense. You might be able to get some
council and your landlord. help with costs – see the section on
financial help and consult your Energy
Savings Trust advice centre.

Insulating your home

You can often reduce the amount of fuel
you use for heating by insulating your
home. A lot of heat can escape through
doors, windows, walls and the roof of a

18 The winter guide: help with fuel bills and keeping warm
house. Good insulation will keep the heat See the section on financial help to check
in your home. if you can get a grant or other assistance
with insulating your home.
If you have a loft, one of the most
effective ways to save energy in your Double glazing
home is to insulate it. Your house may Double glazing stops heat escaping
already have some loft insulation, and can reduce condensation on your
but it may not be deep enough. The windows. A lot of heat can be lost
recommended level of depth for loft through windows, so double glazing can
insulation is 270 mm. be an effective way to make savings on
fuel bills.
Insulating your walls can be a very
effective way to save energy in the home. Check if you can get any help towards the
cost – see the section on financial help.
You can also save energy by insulating
your hot water pipes and making sure Draught proofing
your hot water cylinder is well insulated. If there is a draught of cold air coming
into your home, warm air is escaping.
Draught proofing your home can help
save energy and reduce your bills.

Buying electrical items Check if you can get any help towards the
Look out for the Energy Saving cost – see the section on financial help.
Recommended logo when you buy
new electrical appliances. The logo
appears on a number of products, Boilers
for example, light bulbs and laundry If your boiler is over 15 years old, it may
appliances. The logo identifies the be time you replaced it with a new
most energy efficient appliances and energy efficient one. High efficiency
can save you money. In the winter condensing boilers are the most energy
you will use your lights more so you efficient and might help save you around
may want to use energy saving light a third on your heating bills. New boilers
bulbs which can lead to savings on are expensive.
your annual electricity bill.
Check if you can get any help towards the
cost – see the section on financial help.

Freephone helpline: 0808 808 3555


The winter guide: help with fuel bills and keeping warm 19
Install heating controls supplier. If you want to change your
If your house is centrally heated, you may energy supplier, contact Consumer Direct
want to install heating controls. This can on Tel: 08454 040 506 to find out which
save energy and cut bills: companies supply in your area.

• a time switch will enable you to set If you have access to the internet, there
heating and hot water to come on at are a number of price comparison
the times you need them; websites you can use to compare the
• room thermostats can switch the different tariffs and packages available
heating off automatically at a certain from energy suppliers. Energywatch have
temperature; a list of accredited sites and also have a
• individual radiator thermostats will price comparison service on their website.
allow you to control each room’s
temperature separately. Before changing your supplier
There are a number of things you
Check if you can get any help towards the should consider:
cost – see the section on financial help.
• if there is a penalty for cancelling your
At the end of 2008 the government current contract;
announced measures to help households • the price of each unit of gas and/or
save money on their energy bills electricity (including VAT);
including at least 50 per cent off loft • how the different payment options may
and cavity wall insulation. To find out affect the price;
more about government help available • if there is a standing charge payable
Tel: 0800 512 012. (a fixed amount a customer pays for

Further advice on energy efficiency

You can get free and fuller advice about
making your home more energy efficient
from your local Energy Savings Trust
advice centre. The Energy Savings Trust
(EST) can also advise you on grants or
schemes available in your area. You can
contact the EST on Tel: 0800 512 012.

Switching energy

Getting the best deal for fuel

It may be possible to save money on
your fuel bills by changing to a different

20 The winter guide: help with fuel bills and keeping warm
28 days, you can still normally change
It may be possible to save supplier. However the debt will be
transferred to your new supplier.
money on your fuel bills
by changing to a different If you have a prepayment meter and
debts over £100 you will not be able to
supplier. change supplier. If you have debts under
£100, you should still be able to change
suppliers and the debt will be transferred.

If you experience any problems changing

each day they are connected to a gas supplier or would like further advice,
and/or electricity network). contact Energywatch.

If you decide to switch to a new Switching suppliers in Northern Ireland

supplier In Northern Ireland, the situation is
Most gas and electricity contracts can be slightly different as there is no real
terminated with 28 days notice and you competition for domestic electricity
must pay any outstanding bills owed to and gas customers. Domestic gas and
your original supplier. It normally takes six electricity customers would be able
weeks to transfer to a new supplier. to switch supplier, but although the
market is open for competition, no other
If you are moving to a dual fuel deal, company has entered the domestic
you need to ensure that your gas and market to offer an alternative supply. See
electricity transfer on the same day. It is a
good idea to take meter readings on the energy-market-opening
day you change supplier.

If you switch suppliers and then change Schemes for disabled,

your mind, you can give 28 days notice
and return to your original supplier.
elderly and vulnerable
If you’ve changed supplier without groups
intending to, it may be possible to
change back under the Erroneous Transfer Oxygen concentrators
Customer Charter. Contact Consumer If you or someone in your family are
Focus for further information about this prescribed an oxygen concentrator, your
(see box on page 4). doctor will notify the company which
supplies them for the NHS in your area.
Problems with switching suppliers
Switching suppliers may not be an option
for everyone, especially if you have Freephone helpline: 0808 808 3555
existing fuel debts. If you owe money Web:
to your original supplier for less than

The winter guide: help with fuel bills and keeping warm 21
Oxygen concentrators use about two If you qualify for the scheme, you are
pence worth of electricity per hour and entitled to a range of free services from
these costs are met by the NHS. The your supplier. These include:
supply company will arrange for the
reimbursement of these costs. • password protection scheme where you
agree a unique password to be used
Contact the British Lung Foundation for by the energy supplier when visiting
further details: your home;
• moving meters free of charge if
British Lung Foundation, it’s difficult for you to read or reach
73-75 Goswell Road, your meter;
London EC1V 7ER • meter readings every quarter if no one
Helpline: 08458 50 50 20 in your household is able to read your gas or electricity meter;
• free gas safety check if all adults in the
Priority Service Register (GB) property meet the criteria for the Priority
Gas and electricity suppliers operate Service Register;
a scheme called the Priority Service • special controls and adaptors to your
Register. To be eligible for the heating system;
scheme, you must meet one of the • advance notice of electricity supply
following criteria: disruption if you rely on electricity to
power vital medical equipment; and
• be of pensionable age; or • alternative cooking and heating facilities
• have a disability; or if your gas supply has been turned off
• have long term ill health; or or disrupted for safety reasons, if all the
• have a visual or hearing impairment. adults in your property meet the criteria
for the Priority Service Register.

To register for the Priority Service Register,

contact your supplier or Energywatch.

Similar schemes in Northern Ireland

Suppliers in Northern Ireland do not
operate the Priority Service Register.
Instead they offer similar schemes
for older, disabled or chronically ill
customers. Contact your supplier for
further information.

Northern Ireland Electricity (NIE) has a

‘critical care scheme’ for customers who
depend on life supporting electrical
equipment. Once registered, NIE will

22 The winter guide: help with fuel bills and keeping warm
provide you (or a carer) with priority Fuel bills
access to information during a power cut. As the occupier of the property, you
Contact NIE for further information are responsible for paying the fuel
Tel: 08457 455 455. and water bills. You may receive and
pay the bills yourself or fuel and water
may be included in your rent and the
Private rented landlord pays these bills. If the landlord is
responsible for your fuel and hasn’t paid
accommodation the bill, the supply may be disconnected.

Some tenants experience problems with Your water supply will not be
their landlord regarding their fuel supply. disconnected if your landlord does not
Some of the issues that may arise are pay the water bills. Get specialist advice
covered here. However, before you about courses of action open to you if
challenge your landlord about these, this happens.
it is important to take housing advice
about your rights to remain at the rented Resale of gas and electricity
accommodation, as any course of action If you pay your landlord for the gas and
you take could possibly lead to the electricity, they should charge up to the
landlord starting eviction proceedings.
Your local CAB or housing advice agency
can help. Freephone helpline: 0808 808 3555

The winter guide: help with fuel bills and keeping warm 23
for doing so). Again, seek specialist advice
In privately rented about what you can do if this happens
to you.
accomadation the landlord
is responsible for ensuring Safety of appliances
The landlord is responsible for ensuring
any electrical appliances that any electrical appliances provided
and gas fittings provided with the property are safe. They are also
responsible for ensuring that any gas
with the property are safe. fittings are safe. All gas fittings must have
a safety check at least once every 12
months. It is the landlord’s responsibility
for arranging and paying for the checks
maximum resale price for the fuel. Set by and any necessary work.
the Office of Gas and Electricity Markets
(Ofgem), this is the maximum amount a
landlord can charge for gas and electricity. Safety matters
If your landlord charges more than the Gas leaks
maximum, you may be able to challenge If you smell gas, suspect there has been
this. However, before you challenge your a carbon monoxide leak, experience gas
landlord, it is important to take housing pressure problems or a gas explosion call
advice about your rights to remain at the Tel: 0800 111 999. If you live in Northern
rented accommodation. Ireland Tel: 0800 002 001.

You can get advice from Energywatch Gas distribution companies are
about how much your landlord is allowed responsible for dealing with leaks and
to charge for fuel. emergencies in their area.

This policy is currently being reviewed in Free gas safety check

Northern Ireland. However there is, and You are entitled to a free annual gas
will remain, a maximum resale price for safety check of gas appliances if all the
the sale of gas and electricity. adults in your property meet the criteria
for the Priority Service Register.
The landlord should not disconnect Installing and repairing appliances
your water or fuel supply to recover Gas appliances must be installed or
rent arrears. Nor should a landlord repaired by a CORGI registered engineer
do this to try to make you leave a in Northern Ireland (Tel: 0800 915 0485)
property. However, you may be at risk or a Gas Safe Register engineer in the rest
of disconnection if your landlord has not of the UK, Tel: 0800 408 5500.
paid your fuel bills (if they are responsible

24 The winter guide: help with fuel bills and keeping warm
Coal Advisory Service Northern Ireland
Tel: 028 9075 1002

Consumer Council for Northern Ireland

Tel: 0800 121 6022

Consumer Direct/Consumer Focus

For contact details, see page 4.

Consumerline (Northern Ireland)

Consumerline: 0845 600 6262

Energy Assistance Package Scotland

Tel: 0800 515 012

Carbon monoxide Energy Efficiency Advice Centres

Carbon monoxide comes from gas (EEAC)
appliances, paraffin heaters, solid fuel Provide free and impartial advice on a
powered stoves, boilers and room heaters range of energy related issues including
if they are faulty or not appropriately saving energy at home and reducing
installed and maintained. It can also fuel bills. For details of your nearest EEAC
seep into homes through shared flues contact the Energy Savings Trust.
(ventilation pipes) and chimneys.
Energy Ombudsman
If you suspect that an appliance is leaking Tel: 0330 440 1624 or 01925 530 263
carbon monoxide, turn it off, open all
doors and windows and get it checked by The Ombudsman deals directly
a CORGI registered installer. You should with complaints about energy bills,
also seek medical advice. energy suppliers’ sales activities,
problems resulting from changing
your energy supplier, or problems with
Useful organisations the supply of energy (for example,
power cuts).
Citizens Advice
For details of your local CAB see your
local telephone directory or visit Freephone helpline: 0808 808 3555 Web:

The winter guide: help with fuel bills and keeping warm 25
Energy Savings Trust Warm Front Scheme (England)
Tel: 0800 512 012 Tel: 0800 316 2805
Encourages sustainable energy use
and to cut carbon dioxide emissions. Warm Homes Scheme
Has contact details for Energy Efficiency (Northern Ireland)
Advice Centres. Tel: 0800 988 0559
Gas Safe Register
Tel: 0800 408 5500 Warm Zones
Only in certain areas. Aims to reduce
Gas Safety Advice Line fuel poverty by identifying households in
Tel: 0800 300 363 need. They help with installing thermal
insulation, draught proofing and heating
Health and Safety Executive to improve comfort in the home. Also
Tel: 0845 345 0055 advise on energy efficiency and benefits entitlement to reduce the amount spent
and maximise household income.
Home Energy Efficiency Scheme
Tel: 0800 316 2815

Home Heat Helpline

Tel: 0800 33 66 99
Practical advice for anyone concerned
about paying their heating bills and
keeping warm in winter. Provides
vulnerable customers with a direct link
to specialist teams within their energy
supplier and access to a range of services.

National Debtline
Tel: 0808 808 4000
Mon-Fri 9am-9pm; Sat 9.30am-1pm
Helpline for people with debt problems in
England, Wales and Scotland.

26 The winter guide: help with fuel bills and keeping warm
Written by Philomena Murphy
and Penny Roper

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and Twitter. Join us at:



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The winter guide: help with fuel bills and keeping warm 27
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The wintera guide:
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with fuel bills and keeping warm

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