English Class 03.07

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Complete the sentences below with the correct form of the word in

1. I would like to apply for the .. you advertised.


2. What is your .. income?


3. W e are trying to obtain some benefits.


4. They are involved in calculating the profits.


5. Have you met the chairman ?


6. She has come up with an interesting job .?


7. Has she got any .. experience?


8. Describe your . qualifications, please?


9. They have always been . companies.


Fill in the following job advertisement with the following words:

deal , over, application, benefits, responsible, stores, in, allowance, share,
bring/provide, willing,



provide, requires/demands, at,




The James Bros. Ltd. Company owns department .. (1) and supermarkets in
various towns and cities in southern California. The Personal Assistant is .
(2) for providing a wide range of spare time activities for the companys
employees. The (3) holder of the post is retiring soon and the firm seeks to
find someone to take .. (4) the position by the end of November this year.
This post .. (5) someone with considerable degree of organizational skills along
with a high interest . (6) urging people of all ages to develop their talents and
leisure activities in ways which will . (7) relief and satisfaction. (8) in the
fields of literature, painting, theatre and music will be particularly appreciated in
the successful . (9), but the activities to be managed cover sport, as well.
The new Personal Assistant should be able and (10) to do a great (11) of
evening and weekend work and should live in the companys neighbourhood,
where we will . (12) a suitable, rent-free flat as well as a car with a generous
travel . (13).
Other . (14) include access to the companys pension scheme, with all . (15)
paid by the employer, discount . (16) all personal shopping, and meals . (17)
subsidized prices in the companys canteens. In (18), all employees of the
firm . (19) in the profits at the end of the year.
Candidates aged 25-40 should make their . (20) on the standard application
form available from the Personnel Department.

In pairs, read about some strange laws and customs. Four of these are false.
Discuss with your partner which ones you think they are. Which of these customs
and laws would you like to have in your country? Choose your top three and give
arguments for your choices!
1. In China, when you use chopsticks you shouldnt leave them upright in the
bowl. It brings bad luck.
2. In Sweden, if you drink and drive, you have to go to prison for six months.
3. In Argentina, when you get on a train you should shake hands with all the
other people in the carriage.
4. In France, you are not allowed to call a pig Napoleon.
5. In Scotland, boys have to wear a kilt to school.
6. In Brazil, you should never make the OK sign with your thumb. It is very
7. In Germany, every office must have a view of the sky.
8. In the Middle East, you shouldnt admire anything in the hosts home.
They will feel that they have to give it to you.
9. In Singapore, you mustnt eat chewing-gum. Its against the law.
10. In India, you shouldnt thank your hosts at the end of a meal. It is an
11. In Japan, women mustnt wear trousers to work.
12. In the UK, parents dont have to send their children to school. They can
teach them at home if they prefer.
13. In Russia, men should take off their gloves to shake somebodys hand.
14. In Iceland, you mustnt take dogs into the city centre.
15. In Thailand, you shouldnt touch a persons head (even of a child). The
head is sacred.
16. In Australia, women mustnt sit on the top floor of a bus, only downstairs.
17. In Samoa, it is against the law for a man to forget his wifes birthday.
18. In Switzerland, you arent allowed to clean your car or cut the grass on
19. In the USA, you shouldnt tip taxi drivers. It is an insult.
20. In Italy, if you give flowers you should give them in odd numbers, e.g.
1,3,5,7 etc. It is bad luck to give for example, two flowers.

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