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QD University of Santo Tomas National Service Training Program bed Welcome to Module 4! In the previous module, you recognized some of the national issues and concems that have been affecting our country. These are just some ("7 of the common problems that confront us every day. Community Development The Thomasian community is not spared of these problems. Youare qu exposed to not just the national issues but global issues as well through = ‘our everyday encounter with life. Through the Thomasian Core Values, i it was inculcated to you not to be just concerned but to respond to these mys problems. As a Thomasian, how do you respond to these problems? _ What can we do about it? How can you integrate the 3Cs in finding solutions to these problems? aT 1 Community Dee ead exon net nCrelstiy University of Santo Tomas National Service Training Program uw of = This module will help you in realizing how to be part of the solution and be an active participant in the development of your community. Community Developmen We have two lessons in Module 4. Lesson 1 will discuss the theoretical background of community development. This lesson will help you be aware of why there is a need for community development and how to go about it. Lesson 2 will discuss how to put the theories and concepts of community development into action through community organizing. a wot: a nent gt) ri v8 co nisin community OF nto Tomas University of T¢ e Training Program Ve. National Ser . « Now take a look at the objectives that | would like you to achieve = « Define and explain community development and community organizing; « Know and recognize the significance of empowerment and participation in community development; « Apply the theories and principles of community organizing in one’s project implementation plan: bo + Be aware of the importance of community development in nation building: + Understand the need of community organizing in the | hope you are keyed up to be part of the nation building. If you are ready for the lesson, please click on NEXT. at the end of module. At the end of the module you will be able to: Community Development University of Santo Tomas National Service Training Program uw * = In this lesson, you will be able to know what community development is all about and how essential it is in connecting the people and the nation. Check out the Vision of Community Development and take note of its highlights. Community The Vision of Community Development in the Philippines Soe tee To realize the community's dreams and expectations, by strengthening itself ' = and develop towards its full potentials through active participation and effective involvement thus create empowered and responsible citizens ‘ working relentlessly for a better Philippines. — Before you can go further, let me give you a background first en on some important concepts by giving you some definitions. University of Santo Tomas National Service Training Program a “ “ We are all part of a community. Most of us belong to more than one community, whether we are aware of it or not, For example, an individual can be part of a neighbourhood community, a religious community and e community of shared interests all atthe same tine. = z (Frank, Smith 1999) The University of Santo Tomas is an example of ~ community a strong and established educational community for higher learning. Development As a community we share, transmit and promote our identity to all the mel new Thomasians. These values are shared by all alumni, faculty members, administration and stuclents of our almost four-century old university. \ Defining communities in terms of geography however is only one way of looking at them. Communities can also be defined by common cultural heritage. language, and beliefs or shared interests also called communi (htt. What we do now in the community has a great impact in the future generation. Community Development University of Santo Tomas National Service Training Program u “ How do you recognize a developed community? Letus now look into the definition of development... Developments a ‘gradual unfolding, a fuller working out of the details, of noted changes or growing improvement’. Development has meant different things at different times in relation to changing circumstances and sensibilities. If you would recall the era of the Industrial Revolution, 5 development then is closely related to increased speed, volume and size (CD Handbook, 1999). Many are questioning this concept now. There was a realization that more is not always better. According to Professor Elmer Ferrer, the term “development” ’ does not necessarily mean growth, it is however about change, positive change. i University of Santo Tomas /@ _, National Service Training Program bed * So what now is Community Development? Community developmentis culturally rooted to the life of the people. *(/Itis a planned evolution of all aspects of community well-being (economic, social, environmental and cultural). (CDTA Handbook, 2005) Community Development 0 Community development is not a quick fix for the day-to-day operations of the community. Example: Have you participated in a gift-giving or relief operations in your 5 community? These activities can be classified under a dole-out. Through this method we are only enabling the people to be dependent thus preventing them to help themselves. +1 Community development follows a planned process that is long- term and integrated. The process of developing and organizing the community is long and tedious. Every step must be carefully Ld planned and monitored. (CDTA Handbook, 2005) You will know more about this in Lesson 2 Community Organizing. 7 University of Santo. Tomas /e_, National Service Training Program ot “ « Thus, Community Development is a process of facilitating people to actualize themselves and therefore discover their identities and possibilities and connection with each other and with the world. (Prof. Elmer Ferrer) Community | Community Development is not anew concept in the Philippines. DeieEtey This has been rooted even before the coming of the Spaniards with early Filipinos organized into balangays, most members are related and headed by a leader(Gloria, 2000). Through the years it has _ evolved and developed with the aid of western ideologies and teachings which is being applied based on the needs of the people in the community. Community Developments the improvement, growth and change of the geographic area and its people from “conventional to J, modern ways, from crudeness to refinement, from ignorance to learning, from faultiness to virtuosity.” _— PEOPLE'S JARTICIPATION and PEOPLE'S WELFARE COMMUNITY Community Development PEOPLE'S capacity University of Santo Tomas National Service Training Program uw = 1.People’s Welfare Community Development is for the people; thus it is very important to place their welfare above anything else. In developing a community remember the following endeavour that has to be achieved: + improve the quality of life + help people acquire coherence and meaning in life * lead people towards achieving sustainability and self ‘ae determination. (Teresta Miquel Coloma and Mauricia Hemera, Towards @ Relevant and Responsive NSTP in the Schools: Focus on Community and Development) J University of Santo. Tomas /@ _, National Service Training Program ™ 2.People’s Capacity © = All people and communities have a certain amount of Introduction | capacity. No one is without capacity but often we need to aa develop it. Whet is important to realize is that the heart of = | capacity building is the people. (Smith; Frank, 7999) Itwould take Community Development capacity to achieve a healthy community as well as good leadership, a viable plan, motivation and the support of the people from the community. _ Everyone is trying to accomplish something big, not realizing that lif is made up of little things. - Frank.A. Clark Capacity is simply the ways and means needed te do what has to be done. It is much broader than simply skills, people and plans. Itincludes commitment, resources andi all that is brought to y bear on a process to make it successful. (cp Handbook, 1999) University Santo Tomas National Service Training Program of « Let’s take the case of Sitio Mabilog and Sitio Haduan in Bamban, Tarlac. These areas are not the most accessible areas for development work. In fact students and faculty members would normally hike to get to community (Sitio S Mabilog is not accessible to vehicles during the rainy 5 season). Why of all places did the University choose these = areas for our community development program? The . j answer is simple, there is. a need. Poverty is pervasive in 4 both communities, health and education services are inaccessible and we feel that we can contribute to changing this state. But most of all, the communities =i accept and are cooperative to the development efforts in re the area. y You may now proceed fo Lesson 2.B 7 ene etme tity) get others ‘todo ORGANIZERS are simply facilitators and implementers. Lesson 2, Community Organizing oo Lk eee er Ta Lae ds ee aT aA Ls Pn bed od * V.cCore Group Formation Jesus did not do it by himself. He had twelve disciples. Orgarizing is a daunting task if you woud place alll the task and responsibility on yourself. You cannot and must not do that. Summary ‘As you identify potential leaders, eventually meet them as a group. Here youcan planand divide the activities with everybody. Hence, the work gets easier. Everybody feels responsible for the success and we slowly build up 5 the community organization. Remember: Your core group serves as the building VI. Community Organization Community organization may take on different forms. This is the phase when you JF formalize your organization. The organization must: . « - Clearly identified, articulated reason for being. This is el normally captured in their statement of vision, mission and goals (VMG). It may take a while before they may be able to come up with their VMG but a general statement may suffice Summary 2. Community Organization and Development Plan: — a./Objectives b..Activities c./ Resources needed d e Timeframe [Responsible Persons/group f.0Expected Output . Have a semblance of a structure They may even have their policies, such as dues, attendance in meetings, upkeep of the meeting hall, etc. Rw Me omaity D evesopnem” © os onizid onmunity O78 Cc o Vill. Evaluation and Follow-up Evaluation is a process of assessing what has been done and its impact. Please bearin mind that community organizing is both a process and an output. Projects may seem to fail but still produce learning experiences that are in the long term, beneficial to the community. WWe must be very keenin identifying these. You can evaluate your activity based on the following criteria: 1. Effectiveness #2) Did we fully achieve our objectives? Partially? +”) What are the factors that facilitated the achieverent of our objectives? _ a.l Organizational / group b.. Community factors 2. Efficiency «What resources (material, manpower, money) were project? +» How much time was spent for the whole project? Was itenough? Was time used wisely? «How were these resources utilized? ls the output commensurate to the resources utilized? ized inthe eee merry ance aati a of « 3. Adequacy «Is the project sufficient for the identified problem? ifnot, what other plojects/ activities could contribute to the solution of the problem identified? 4. Appropriateness + Was it the right project / approach to solve the problem? + Was ita suitable solution to the problem? Summary Your subsequent action would largely be based on the result of your evaluation. The community may need more training, they may need assistance in linking up with other agencies (government, NGO or church-based), they may need further planning and evaluation, etc. At he this point you should also be weaning the community with your direct influence in the decision making. Slowly your presence is less felt and you are nowin your exit phase, You occasionally visit the community to {follow-up / monitor their progress and provide assistance only when needed and expressed. Ll of * Itis time forus to go over the newconcepts and experiences you have leaned in this lesson so far. This lesson on Community Organizing discussed and taught you how to put into action the principles of community development. This is supported by the following = — concepts and experiences. #=Community Organizing is @ process. +" C0 is a values-based and problem-solving process by which ordinary people are brought to the tables, empowered with knowledge and skills to identify their needs and problems. They mobilize their resources to deal with their problems and take action collectively. bs *°CO aims to empower the people through leadership and mobilization and improve the quality of life through social transformation «Community Orgarizers are simply facilitators and implementers; your role as a community organizer is to simply get others to do it. «The phases for community organizing follow this process. a.l/Area / Site Selection b.WEntry / Integration Y cc. Community Study Summary of = Spotting Potential Leaders ‘Core Group Formation Community Organization Mobilization Evaluation Follow-up Expansion rpya>ea You are almostdone with Module 4. At this point, | vould like to ask you. Have you seen the relationship between Community Development and Community Organizing? Have you noticed how Community Developmentis closely linked to Community Organizing? Notice that both focus on the improvement ofthe quality ~ oflife. Community Development (CD) is the reason (WHY) and Community Organizing (CO) is the process (HOW). It would be difficult going through the process without an understanding as to why you are doing this. CD and CO exist forthe people, that is why its important that the ordinary people are empowered and participate actively in the development of their community. As implementers and facilitators you are working with the people (not for te people), leading them from dependence to independence and later on experiencing interdependence; hence promoting change and social movement. lea eras The previous module enlightened you about the problems and the situation we are facing. In this module, you were introduced to the method that could help ease, ifnot help change, the situation you are in right now. The task of developing the community and organizing it, empowering the people so they could work out of their own capacity, is not an easy endeavor. In fact itis tedious and Summary requires a lot of patience and hard work. Now the challenge | pose to you oe ——e Thomasian was made clear since the beginning of this module. Are you ready to ti > be part of the community and help the people? If you are make a quick personal assessment if you are prepared to take part inyour role in nation building. End of Module 4 eee merry acer aes

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