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Haiti is a nation in the Caribbean transpiring with a magnificent history. Circumstances

in that part of the world accumulate with triumphs and grave sufferings. There
has been the recent January 2010 Earthquake of Haiti (whose capital is Port au
Prince) where over 50,000 people possibly have died. It’s a very catastrophic quake
with a 7.0 on the Richter scale. Folks from America, the UK, Germany, China, and
nations all of the world are sending relief efforts into Haiti. The magnitude of
the disaster is incredible incalculable to describe. Doctors without Borders wants
infrastructure to be built along with rescue workers to find survivors in the huge
rubble inside of Haiti. That’s a legitimate action to take since assistance is always a
necessity to help our human beings in a meaningful fashion. A large Haitian
community exists in America, so many Haitian Americans are trying to contact their
relatives in Haiti to see if they are fine or not. Haiti have been plagued with huge
poverty. We should hope that Haiti will be much better than it is now. It’s also
important to give a massive amount of aid to people who need it in Haiti. The world
is indeed starting to respond to cries of help from the great nation of Haiti. Dozens of
folks are being saved from the existence of crushed rubble in the buildings throughout
Haiti. We shouldn’t stop with humanitarian aide until Haiti is definitely on its feet
again. Haiti fought for their independence and it was the first name to achieve
independence in the Caribbean in 1791. A slave rebellion that became the Haitian
Revolution under the leadership of Toussaint l'Ouverture established Haiti as a free,
black republic by 1804. Haiti became the world's oldest black Republic, and the second
oldest republic in the Western Hemisphere, after the United States. Toussaint
Louverture was kidnapped by military General (and Napoleon’s brother in law) Charles
Leclerc. He was accused of plotting an uprising. He was jailed and died of pneumonia in
April of 1803. The remaining two-thirds of Hispaniola were conquered by Haitian
forces in 1821. Many Haitian people fought against the British inside the U.S. during
the American war of independence. They won a decisive battle in Savannah, Georgia
where a stature commemorate that victory. In 1844, the newly-formed Dominican
Republic declared its independence from Haiti. Other nations gained independence
from European nations in the 19th century. To this day, some states in Caribbean are
controlled by European powers. Problems in Haiti existed even early in its country’s
history. After Haiti achieved its independence, Haiti was forced to pay huge
reparations to France. Haiti struggled to pay off the debt in over a century. There has
been foreign intervention in Haiti for imperial purposes like the long U.S. military
occupation in the early 1900’s at July 28, 1915. This occupation came at the urging of
the National City Bank of New York. The deal with was that certain bankers and
corporations (like the Haitian American Sugar Company) didn’t like the people of Haiti
getting rid of the puppet dictator Jean Vilbrun Guilaume Sam. Sam was known for
torturing and executing political prisoners. President Woodrow Wilson gave 330
Marines to Port-au-Prince. Secretary of the Navy, Admiral William Deville Bundy was
told to protect American and foreign interests. Wilson claimed to maintain peace and
order, yet they wanted to promote the interests of National City Bank of New York and
the Haitian American Sugar Company. Later, Haiti experienced literally slavery.
The U.S. forced Senate Philippe Sudre Dartiguenave as the head of state. “When the
National Assembly met, the Marines stood in the aisles with their bayonets until the
man selected by the American Minister was made President,” Smedley Butler later
wrote. Butler would administer Haiti’s local police force. The U.S. supported other
Haitian dictators like “Papa Doc” (who is estimated to have killed as high as 30,000
people) and “Baby Doc” Duvalier. Duvalier supported death squads. Butler commented
that he acted as a brainwashed person in his mental faculties while he worked in Haiti.
The U.S. police force was called the Gendarmerie d’Haiti. The Gendarmerie made
conscripted labor (or slavery) by forcing Haitian peasants to work on roads for three
days a year. Workers were forced to work being bound with ropes for weeks and even
months at a time. This caused a rebellion by 40,000 Haitians in 1918 and the Marines
killed 2,000 people. An admirer of Mussolini named Louis Borno was installed as
President of Haiti after Dartiguenave refuted to repay debts to the National City Bank
(or the Citibank today). The National City Bank ruled Haiti’s National Bank and the
railroad system. This was when U.S. forces killed about 15,000 Haitian and imposed a
$16 million loan on the Haitian government to pay of its “debt“ to France. The
American loan was paid off in 1947 making Haiti bankrupt according to author Randall
Robinson. Even in 1986, the IMF gave Haiti a $24.6 million loan under its Structural
Adjustment Facility program. Its condition was that Haiti was proposed to cut public
spending, close “inefficient public enterpises” and liberalize its trade policies. Some
believe that lowering Haiti tariffs on rice made many Haitian rice farmers to be forced
out of business (along with being harmed by government subsidized U.S. farm
exports). Paul Street accused the female and captive labor force of being forced into
working in slave like condition in mostly U.S. owned export oriented assembly plants
and sweatshops. During the 1990‘s, 20,000 U.S. troops and peacekeepers pacified Haiti
to make it submit to the IMF & Western hegemony. Jean-Bertrand Aristide was
overthrown for his short reign in 1991 (and other years in the 1990‘s and early 21st
century). Aristide was known for rejecting the neo-liberal policies of NAFTA, etc.
Ironically, he was democratically elected. The Haitian armed forces were disbanded
and the U.S. State Department hired the mercenary company DynCorp (a documented
CIA cut-out for covert operations) to provide “technical advice” in restructuring the
Haitian National Police. Michel Chossudovsky believed that the IMF caused high
Haitian unemployment. Aristide made reforms of Haiti and has been accused of
corruption. The U.S. military have been in Haiti today as well They say that they want to
aide in humanitarian efforts in the nation in 2010. Evidence have proven that
historically, U.S. military intervention into Haiti haven’t been a tranquil setting to say
the least. Today, the Department of Defense, USAID (or the U.S. Agency for
International Development), and the State Department are involved in the relief effort.
USAID is sending food aid in Haiti being distributed by the World Food Program. So,
much of these agencies are ruled by the Pentagon. There is the aircraft USS Carl
Vinson with supporting ships already in Port au Prince. The U.S. government just
allowed itself to taken over several governmental functions in Haiti. An extension of
the Western military is SOUTHCOM (or the US. Southern Command).

Haiti had been destitute because of these issue and recently (just before the
earthquake), Haiti tried to develop itself in radical means. Like always evil eugenicists
are exploiting the Earthquake tragedy in order to promote their nefarious goals of
population control and abortion. One example is how U.N. officials have explicitly
promoted sterilization and abortion. Now, one abortionist named Joyce Tarnew (she
killed as many as 800-900 unborn babies a year before closing her abortion clinic)
admitted to the New York Times newspaper in July 2004 that she sterilized as many
people as she can. She is indeed a very wicked woman. She is definitely in my opinion
bigoted against the Haitian people. Tarnow told the New Times at the time that she
supports population control because America "can't take all the people in the world."
"We need to help nations that can subsist and let others wither on the vine," she said.
She told the newspaper that Haiti, and third-world nations like it with high
populations, "has denuded the whole land." Her advice for the country? "Stew in your
own juices." Tarnow hasn't changed her stripes since targeting low-income Haitians in
south Florida with abortions. Now she is the president of the anti-immigration group:
Floridians for a Sustainable Population. This organization bashes even legal
immigration, but immigration has been a blessing in American society for centuries.
Numerous backgrounds of people sacrificed a lot and continue to give America an
unique flavor of diversity, culture, and strong ties among the whole nation of America.
Tarnow is a liar and a bigot (this is ironic since plenty of pro-abortionists are very racist
against people of color. You just don’t witness it in the mainstream media. Harry Reid‘s
comments are a recent example of this. To his credit, Reid apologized) since it’s apart
of our humanity to help as many people as possible. CNN reported the United Nations
told doctors to let Haitians die. All human beings have value and if a human being is
hurting, able bodied human beings have a personal responsibility to assist their fellow
man. Overpopulation have conclusively proven to be a total lie and stats (even from
the establishment) bear this reality out. Not to mention that throughout human
history, problems existing in a society have been overcome through resilience action
and compassionate activities. I don’t believe in selfishness, but selflessness in other to
bring out justice and improve the conditions of all people. Every race of people in
humanity have done great things in the world and this truth will
continue to inspire us to be better morally, spiritually, and
intellectually. Yet, beyond this, people should help Haiti in any legitimate way

I haven't really commenting the Pat Robertson's words in Haiti not the Net
until now. Robertson said that the Devil made a curse with the people of
Haiti and this caused Haiti to experience the Earthquake. He insisted that
Haiti’s misfortunes reflect a supposed pact with the Devil made by Haitian rebels
during the war for independence from France. Robertson is a liar since no
evidence shows that and the Earthquake was a natural occurrence not a result
of a curse. It’s even unscriptural to assume every Haitian person (even
faithful Haitian Christians) are bound under a curse that don’t exist at all.
The rumor of the pact with the Devil story (in order for Haiti to have political
independence from France) has been debunked by many researchers like Jean
R. Gelin , Ph.D. & Greg Sager (although I don’t agree with all of Sager’s views as we
should never get involved in voodoo or occult spiritualism). Boukman’s “pact with the
devil” is a myth concocted by Catholic missionaries who were fighting the influence of
voodoo at the time and subsequent to Haitian independence, a myth later seized upon by
Protestant missionaries for similar reasons. Tons of Missionaries are great people, but you
don‘t promote lies in order to spread the Gospel at all. Since this pact never exist, then
there can be no reason to justify Pat’s words anyway. That slick trick to demonize the
Haitian people collectively don’t work at all. Pat Robertson notoriously outlined
false prophecies during his broadcasts spanning years. Most people in Haiti
are Roman Catholic in about 80% of the people while 16% of Haitians are
Protestants or Baptists. There are voodoo worshippers there and a growing
population of Muslims in Haiti. Robertson is controlled opposition in order
for the worldly society to give a convenient excuse to demonize all
conservative Christians in general when Pat isn't even a real conservative
Christian (He's a Dominionist and a Charismatic with ties to the Council on
National Policy. He was a protégé of the late Knight of Malta J. Peter Grace)
Pat Robertson is a radical. People like Pat Robertson don’t give
Christianity a bad name. Pat Robertson and those of his ilk gives
themselves not Christianity a bad reputation. He was born in Virginia like
me. For the record, not every Virginian is like Pat. We Virginians have been
always been a liberty loving people. We‘re aren‘t perfect, but we always
eloquently displayed our opinions dedicated to the proposition of dealing
with humanity fairly and equitable with love. Bill Clinton and George W. Bush
(who are puppets of the elite) talk about helping the people of Haiti. This is interesting
duo to say the least. There is nothing wrong with humanitarian help, but both of these
men have been involved in war crimes plus other immoral foreign policy
transgressions. Bill Clinton promoted the terror campaign in the former Yugoslavia,
facilitated the death squads in Colombia, bombed Iraq, and bombed a crucial
pharmaceutical factory in Sudan (not a terrorist hideout). George W. Bush had been
involved in the Iraq War (where over 1 million people die. There was the scandal of
Abu Ghraib, the destruction of Falluja and Ramadi, plus civilian massacres in Haditha,
etc.). Bush bombed Afghanistan and Pakistan like the current Barack Obama is doing.
His father George H. W. Bush allowed other bad policies. Ironically, the US Air Force
have taken over the airports in Haiti. Some patriots and other truth seekers believe
that this covert U.S. military domination of Haiti is used a backdrop for the West to
militarize Haiti (along with trying to confront Cuba and Venezuela). Military bases
from America are all over Latin America already. People take cover as U.S.
soldiers from the 82nd Airborne land with Sea Hawk helicopters at the garden of
the damaged Presidential Palace in Port-au-Prince in January 19, 2010. If an
American city had an earthquake and foreign military troops came into that city
to have strict rules of engagement under the guise of “humanitarian aide” there
would be a huge outcry among us. Similar things are occurring in Haiti now. I don’t
agree with the over militarization of Haiti by U.S. forces since they might not give the
Haitian nation the opportunity to rebuild their civilian government. Foreign military
occupation is never a way to enact just aid toward the Haitian people at all.

There was recently a 6.1 aftershock that occurred in the vicinity of Haiti. This was the
strongest jolt since the initial earthquake began. There is still a search for survivors.
Some survivors have been discovered in the collapsed ruins of buildings and other
structures. There is some violence going in Haiti, but the vast majority of the Haitian
people have acted in a legitimate fashion to seek fundamentally basic survival in their
moment of suffering.

There can be hospitals, food, water, and other supplies going over there without the
militarization efforts. There are tons of contribution of Haitian people to the human
race in a wide spectrum of ways. Back in the late 1950’s, tons of educated Haitian
doctors, lawyers, and engineers came into New York City, Mount Vernon, Nyack, Spring
Valley, and Miami. Their motivation for their journey into America was because of the
oppression of the Duvalier regime. There are tons of Haitian people that made a
difference in the world. Here are some of their names. Rose Anne Auguste is a nurse,
social worker, and human rights activist. She was born in November 29, 1963, in
Jérémie. She risked her life to rescue patients at the general hospitals when soldiers came
to finish off those wounded while resisting the cup. She used a clinic to treat hundreds of
women, men, and children per day. In 1994, she received the Reebok Human Rights
Award, which she later donated to Partners in Health in support of destitute women in
Haiti. Marleine Bastien fought to have development of Haitian communities in South
Florida. She worked to oppose domestic violence, child abuse, and she fought for breast
cancer prevention. Jacques Roumain was a writer and political activist who fought for
Haitian nationalism. His efforts help to end the U.S. occupation of Haiti that lasted from
1915 to 1934. He was a great poet, although I don’t agree with him forming the Haitian
Communist Party when Communism was funded by the international bankers just like
monopoly capitalism (as proven by Anthony Sutton and other authors). It’s easily found
that Stalin and Mao were funded and supported by Wall Street. Via Morgan, Rockefeller,
etc. Leon Trotsky was given millions of dollars to forment the Russian Revolution. Lenin
was provided a free pass to travel across Europe with the help of Max Warburg, head of the
Rothschild-affiliated Warburg bank. He was put in a sealed railway car with over $5
million in gold from the German government and upon reaching Petrograd was joined by
Stalin and Trotsky. “The course of Russian history has, indeed, been greatly affected by the
operations of international bankers,” Rep. Louis T. McFadden, chairman of the House
Banking and Currency Committee throughout the 1920-30s, explained. “The Soviet
Government has been given United States Treasury funds by the Federal Reserve Board…
acting through the Chase Bank.” David Rockefeller endorsed Mao’s reign of terror
killing about 70 million people in his own words: “…Whatever the price of the
Chinese Revolution, it has obviously succeeded not only in producing more
efficient and dedicated administration, but also in fostering high morale and
community of purpose. The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao’s
leadership is one of the most important and successful in human history…” Why
would Rockefeller do this when he’s supposedly a “capitalist.” The truth is that
Communism and cartel-capitalism are both tools not to really help the poor, but to
centralize wealth unto a select group of people wherefore the super rich consolidate plus
control most of the wealth on Earth. This is explained by Gary Allen as in these words:
“…Communism or more accurately, socialism, is not a movement of the downtrodden
masses, but of the economic elite..” Even much of Barack Obama’s administration are
made up of banker agents from the Federal Reserve and Goldman Sachs. Glen Beck rants
about Communists, the Cold War hoax, and the Red Scare of the 1950’s (which violated
civil liberties of numerous people) ignore the truth that the global elite ruled international
Communism as a springboard to create globalization (and to centralize wealth more
efficiently in the hands of the super rich). Even in Haiti, the Westerners like in America,
France, and Great Britain put oppressive sanctions and other evil policies in Haiti. That’s
why Haiti have had a hard time to build up itself after all of these years. So, I want to make
that point. Some believe that HAARP technology caused the earthquake. There is no
conclusive evidence for this, but it wouldn’t be surprising for me if this is true. Machines
causing earthquakes, hurricanes, rain, snow, etc. have existed since the 1960’s. Imagine
how advanced this technology is today.

HAARP is based in a research facility in Alaska. It studies the atmosphere. There has been
rumors that HAARP is blamed on the January 9 quake in Eureka, California and the 7.8
magnitude quake in China (that had killed almost 90,000 people in 2008). Former U.S.
Defense Secretary William Cohen admitted that "terrorists" can set up earthquakes, alter
climates, set off volcanoes using electromagnetic waves remotely. He wanted to intensify
his counterterrorism efforts back then. Cohen was talking about longitudinal EM wave
interferometers (LWI) technology (also known as “Tesla howitzers”). LWI waves can
effortlessly pass through the ocean and earth. Experts claim LWI waves can in fact pass
through the earth and emerge on the other side. The United States and Russia have
possessed this technology for decades. Cohen use of terrorists using this technology is
interesting since there are different forms of terrorism. Some people in government (not all)
are terrorists. Professor Gordon J. F. MacDonald was the associate director of the Institute
of Geophysical and Planetary Physics at the University of California in Los Angeles,
California. He was a member of the President's Science Advisory Committee. In 1966, he
published papers on the use of environmental control technologies for military purposes.
Other purposes of this technology are about earthquake engineering, weather manipulation,
climate modification, polar ice cap melting or destabilization, and ozone depletion
techniques. “The revealed secrets surprised legislators,” writes Dr. Nick Begich. “Would an
inquiry into the state of the art of electromagnetic manipulation surprise lawmakers today?
They may find out that technologies developed out of the HAARP experiments in Alaska
could deliver on Gordon MacDonald’s vision because leading-edge scientists are describing
global weather as not only air pressure and thermal systems, but also as an electrical
system.” The HAARP program has been discussed in detail via Jesse Ventura's
"Conspiracy Theory" television show. There is no evidence yet that the Pentagon used
HAARP to create the massive earthquake in Haiti. What is true is that the U.S. have used
the earthquake as a convenient excuse to militarily occupy Haiti. You see how UN
“peacekeepers” are firing rubber bullets into innocent Haitian crowds. There are extensive
foreign NGOs coming into Haiti to stagnant the Haitian people to develop their own
political and economic self-determination.

Some Haitians were deported from America and this was stop with the January 15, 2010
announcement. This announcement by the Obama administration says that Haiti would join
other nations (they are Honduras, Nicaragua, Somalia, El Salvador, and Sudan) and be
given TPS status or temporary protected status by the Secretary of Homeland Security.
Some like Ms. Laurent believes that Haiti’s offshore oil and other mineral riches are being
utilized to be built as a transshipment terminal for U.S. supermarket. She (or known as
Ezili Danto) is apart of the HLLN or the Haitian Lawyers Leadership Network. She wrote

“…There is evidence that the United States found oil in Haiti decades
ago and due to the geopolitical circumstances and big business
interests of that era made the decision to keep Haitian oil in reserve
for when Middle Eastern oil had dried up. This is detailed by Dr.
Georges Michel in an article dated March 27, 2004 outlining the history
of oil explorations and oil reserves in Haiti and in the research of Dr.
Ginette and Daniel Mathurin…There is also good evidence that these
very same big US oil companies and their inter-related monopolies of
engineering and defense contractors made plans, decades ago, to use
Haiti’s deep water ports either for oil refineries or to develop oil tank
farm sites or depots where crude oil could be stored and later
transferred to small tankers to serve U.S. and Caribbean ports. This is
detailed in a paper about the Dunn Plantation at Fort Liberte in
Haiti…Ezili’s HLLN underlines these two papers on Haiti’s oil
resources and the works of Dr. Ginette and Daniel Mathurin in order to
provide a view one will not find in the mainstream media nor anywhere
else as to the economic and strategic reasons the US has constructed
its fifth largest embassy in the world – fifth only besides the US
embassy in China, Iraq, Iran and Germany – in tiny Haiti, post the 2004
Haiti Bush regime change…”

Wyclef Jean is a famous musician talking about the Haitian tragedy. Wyclef Jean has been
demonized by the media, because some believe that he was promoting methods of donating
to charities where the money actually goes to the victims instead of being swallowed up by
giant transnational charities (that has been caught stealing money before). Wyclef Jean,
George Clooney, and others (in the Hollywood crowd, etc.) lead a telethon to create money
in order to assist the victims of the Haitian Earthquake. Many of the celebrities were on
phones receiving phone calls from people in America and the world who desired to send
money to various charities. There was music shown and a lot of stories describing the
various instances of tragedy plus hope that existed in the surroundings of Haiti. Also,
it just proves that humans are flawed, yet we are always capable of compassionate behavior
to our fellow man. Some selfish people say worry about America only. No, we’re all
human beings and we should help all people all of the time globally including
America, Haiti, etc. I want to mention this. We should have a great deal of concern
for Americans too including those who live in the poor communities of America
(that make up many black people, Native American people, white people, Hispanic
people, Asian people, etc.) with the same intensity as many of us have shown to
the Haitian people. That‘s a real thing to mention in my eyes. It’s important to
send food and clothing donations in Haiti as well not just money. We should be
careful where the money is going to, especially with people like George W. Bush and Bill
Clinton in the helm of tons of money send by people to their groups. Also, Garcelle
Beauvais-Nilon is a famous Haitian-American actress, model, and public speaker. Garcelle
cried that she was glad that world finally cared about the horrendous plight transpiring in
the country of Haiti. The reason is that for so much very few human beings actually cared
about the goings on in Haiti. We should all have dreams. One of my many dreams in life
is that Haiti will get out of these complications and change itself into a fruitful nation
in the Caribbean indeed.

By Timothy

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