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Faculty of Education

Academic Year 2013/2014

Semester 2

Integrative Seminar: Issues in TESL (ISIT)


Male Teachers Are Better Than Female Teachers

1 Amirul Izhnan Mohamad
2 Jeon Byeol (Star)
3 Lee Wai Yan
4 Mohd Ezraf Mohd Lizan
5 Vindy Tay Chin Ying

Dr. Pradip Kumar Mishra

PET 100002
NET 130298
PET 100014
PET 100017
PET 100032

Dept. of Language & Literacy Education

27th May 2014
-Education4U Channel 101-

A very good afternoon to all present here today! Thank you for joining us here at
EduMatters where we talk about what matters in education. I am Wylee (Lee Wai Yan),
your host for today.
Teaching has become a female dominated field. Plus, less and less males are entering
into this profession over the past years. In schools, the percentage of female teachers is
almost 70% and male teachers about 30%. There has been a recent push to bring more
men into the classroom.
But why is that so important?
The question for today is
Are Male Teachers Better Than Female Teachers?
Our panelists today are relevant to this discussion:
First, let us welcome, Mr. Ezraf Lizan, who is a male teacher in SMK Bandar Baru
Selatan and recently got the Guru Cemerlang award last year. His experience in
teaching has been for over 10 years now and he holds many leading roles where he
Next, we have Miss Jeon Byeol also known as the Star teacher from Korea. She was
also given the Excellent Teacher award for her contributions in her school last year.
Our next panelist is Malaysias pride and joy, Miss Vindy Tay, Malaysias top SPM
student of 2013 who got 15 A+s. She will be our student representative.
Last but not least, Professor Dr. Amirul Izhnan who is based in University Malaya and
majors in gender roles and behaviors also specializes in educational psychology and
often consulted in major decisions in regards to educational policies.
Lets give them a round of applause.
Right, lets get their point of views (POV) of this matter:
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Who would like to go first? Mr. Ezraf or Miss Star?

Jeon Byeol (Star): as Korean Teacher

(POV) The basic purpose of existence of school is to rise up young students to be ready
to go forward to a society. So it is very important to learn how to build a relationship,
interact with others smoothly, and get along with well. From this view point, a female
teacher is more suitable for being sociable than a male teacher. According to many
researches, women socialize and harmonize significantly better than men in most of
(Discipline) School is not a prison which controls and manages prisoners harshly. If an
adult acts properly, a child naturally follows older ones behavior. According to the same
point of view, a teacher plays a crucial role as a mirror to students. They follow the
teachers action, behavior, and saying style unconsciously. Therefore, females can
teach and control students without shouting, yelling, or even beating them. For
summarizing my opinion, softness is stronger than hardness.
(Nurturing) There is an old saying, In a school, students mother is their female
homeroom teacher. It is because that a female teacher reminds students of a mother
feeling more familiar and easy to be close. In education, having a conversation is a
starting key of communicating with students. For students position, it is easier to
approach to female teachers than male teachers. Also they are better able to build
sympathy with students parents to understand students more deeply. It is because most
of parents who come to the school are students mothers not their fathers. That is why
female teachers can make a formation of sympathy well.
(Teaching Effectiveness) Female teachers affect more positively on not only socially
outside but also mentally inner side. Female as a gender can attract boy students
attention and they can concentrate on the lecture. On the other hand, girls usually do
not care about opposite attraction. Being attention in the class is the first starting point
of studying so that we can expect better academic achievements.

Ezraf Lizan: as Malaysian Teacher

(POV) It is my experience that male teachers are impartial when it comes to judge a
student and this honesty in giving grades is for the betterment of our future generation.
Whereas I have seen the grading given by women teachers in many cases get
influenced by their friendship or their liking of the mother of the child. In case a mother
of any student is a good friend of the female teacher then her approach towards the kid
will be special whereas such attitude could not be seen from a male teacher. It is also
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true that female teacher never goes beyond the text books to teach anything new
whereas the male teacher bring new concepts in to the minds of students.

(Discipline) Male teachers hold a firm principle that every student must behave
accordingly, respect to others and learn as much as they can in classroom or at school.
Every action has a consequence. When facing a problematic or troubled student
regardless of gender, male teachers tend to give disciplinary actions that are fair and
appropriate to their level of understanding. Plus, male teachers make clear the way and
give rational reasons to these perpetrators before the action take place. Such act may
not happen smoothly, if female teachers are handling such feat. They are more
emotional when expressing their anger or giving a verdict to these students.
(Nurturing) Female teachers are more patient n less strict. Although both men and
women can be good teachers but women tend to be more patient than men and more
able to deal with different types of students. In primary education, women tend to be
able to project energy combined with structure for their students which makes them
effective when dealing with younger kids but more challenging towards older ones. In
this case, male teachers are better off with them that the younger ones. For the most
part in nurturing, women are more empathetic and are better listeners. Whereas, male
teachers often regards nurturing as an advantage on the side of feminine.
(Teaching Effectiveness) Generally speaking, men have a simpler mind than women. In
term of teaching skills, male teachers prefer practically, easy-to-understand methods
and students may have clearer view on what they are learning in classrooms.
Practicality has known no boundaries in the aspect of creative learning and teaching
effectiveness. It will always create a style of teaching that is objective, direct to the
point, no hanky-panky stuff and informational. Students of today enjoy a fast-pace
teaching and learning activity which involve two-way interaction and movement around
the classroom and hence, this mode of teaching is more suited to male teachers.

Vindy Tay: as SPM Top Student

(POV) Thank you, Wylee for inviting me, here. Good afternoon everyone. First of all, Im
so proud of myself that I got 15 A+s in SPM and I thank my teachers for that. As a
smart student, I do not judge my teachers based on their gender, especially during the
first impression, but I honor their passion, knowledge and personality in the long run.
However, sometimes we have to admit that female teachers attract our attention easily
on the first sight, just because they are more fashionable. But well, teachers do not
come to schools for fashion show. Personally, I like teacher who is clear in teaching and
giving instructions accordingly. They know exactly what they want to do for every
lesson. Hereby, I would like to give the credits to my male teachers who are more focus
on their objectives and straight to the point, this makes our work easier but compact and
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meaningful. On the other hand, my three favorite female teachers could argue for one
hour just to decide Gardenia or Massimo bread for our sports day. I think this is the
indecision of females.
(Discipline) During my school time, my discipline teachers are all male teachers. I think
this is because they are more logic, fair and firm in solving discipline problems. They will
not give chance to the students to bargain about the punishment and they seem very
solid in facing the naughty students.
(Nurturing) I totally agree with teacher Byeol about this. As I said just now, male
teachers are always straight to the point, which is good, but this also makes me feel that
male teachers are more to the take-it-easy style, so usually my friends and I would
approach our female teachers for personal matters. Female teachers are motherly and
affective when they listen and discuss our problems with us. I will tell you the difference.
If I told my male teacher, Sir, I have a problem. What is your problem? he will ask. So
I tell him my problem. After he has listened, he would say: Okay. This is how you
should solve the problem. Blah blah blah with all the solutions. Then it always
ends with take it easy, it is not a big deal. You know, sometimes we just need someone
to talk to and communicate with us; it is not about solving the problem. However, female
teachers are always ready to lend us their ears and are willing to talk with us about our
personal feelings.
(Teaching Effectiveness) In this case, I think all of my teachers no matter male or female
contribute to our excellent achievement. From a students perspective, I think both male
and female teachers, their strengths can become weaknesses and their weaknesses
can become strengths in different situations. It is all depends on the classroom
environment because teachers need different effective teaching methods to tackle
different students and issues no matter they are male or female teachers. They can
always learn from each other.

Amirul Izhnan: as Education Expert

(POV) In Malaysia, the study on the relation between gender differences and teaching
efficacy is still considered immature. This is because there is a lack of researches that
have been carried out to investigate this particular relationship. However, in the field of
education, there is a measurement tool that is called the Teaching Efficacy Scale (TES)
that was developed by Gibson and Dembo (1984). A big research involving this scale
has been carried out in the country and it was found that female teachers were the ones
that scored the highest. However, another in-depth research was done among students
and it was found out that the students would prefer male teachers rather than the
females. This uncertain data is the exact reason why such conclusion was made earlier
in discussing about the relationship of gender differences and teaching efficacy.
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(Discipline) Based on the principle of psychology in defining gender, when it comes to

the area of disciplinary, males are often considered the most reliable ones because they
are more rational, logic, and physically stronger than the females. These characteristics
are the factors that would easily put male in the position of winning in this area.
However, on the other hand, it is also wise to consider that females, with their emotional
approach, caring, and motherly-like, also the winner in disciplinary actions. This is
because discipline does not necessarily means harsh treatment to repair the
wrongdoings into the right one. In this context, school should not be treated like a prison
where students are needed to be obedient like prisoners. Women are thought to be able
to straighten the students bad reputation to a good one with their care treatment and
such. Therefore, to say that males are the whole winner in this context is not a
conclusion and so do for females.
(Nurturing) When it comes to nurture, females are definitely the number one choice.
This is because of their characteristics that are close to that of a mother in a family and
thus believed to be the same in school context. This notion is indeed true and proven
because females natural instinct tend to put them as someone with high empathy.
Hence, empathy brings about someones nature to be that of sensitive of others and
nurture better than males. However, in studying the role of gender in school, it is wise if
we look at the organization context as those of a family. This is because family is the
basic organization that is created under commitment of the father (male) and the mother
(female). It is scarce to see a family that be said to be balanced and harmony if one of
the founders is missing. This is the same with school. If males and females realized
their commitment in an organization, nurturing process can definitely be improved
compared to just leaving it solely to the other halves.
(Teaching Effectiveness) Following the previous context of a family, it is unwise to say
that one gender is better over the other. This is because in any organization involving
the growth of human, both genders are needed nevertheless. This is because the
balance that it could create in schools can lead to the harmonious and complete
system, be it in teaching or management. The bottom line is nothing on the gender but
more towards the passion in teaching. Passion of teaching means more compared to
the gender alone. Therefore, education should be urged to create more males teachers
in the future so that in every school in the nation, the balance can be seen between the
two and create a better education environment for the students

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Wylee (Lee Wai Yan): as Forum Host

I see we all have many different views on this matter and most of them are valid and
true. How about we take a look at certain issues that are closely related to our topic of
male versus female?
First off, in the area of discipline. Who do you think handles disciplinary issues better in
schools? Are the male teachers or the female teachers? Lets first ask the audience.
(__% Male __% Female) Vote from audiences
We move on, how about in the nurturing and developing students? Are male or female
teachers? Who would be more effective? How about you, the audience?
(__% Male __% Female) Vote from audiences
Finally, we look at teaching effectiveness. Well be doing something different here, a sort
of experiment!

Our conclusion on the matter is that the factor of a good teacher is independent of their
gender. It depends on the teacher as an individual. Weve all had great male teachers
as well as great female teachers! It boils down to passion. So, may we continue to be
passionate and great in our teaching profession!
This was EduMatters where we have talked about what matters in education! Wylee,
signing off till next time! Take care and Goodbye!


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(YouTube Video Gender & Education)

By Daily Mail Reporter
Updated: 17:30 GMT, 13 November 2010
Pupils try harder for male teachers, according to an official study.
They make more effort to please them, display greater self-esteem and are more
likely to believe they are being treated fairly.
The findings are particularly significant as more than a quarter of primary schools
do not have a single male teacher.
Sir knows best: Or at least that's the perception amongst school pupils. A study
found that pupils make more effort for male teachers.
Sir knows best: Or at least that's the perception amongst school pupils. A study
found that pupils make more effort for male teachers
With the number of male secondary school teachers also dwindling, it is feared that
some youngsters could go throughout their entire education without experiencing
the benefits of being taught by a man.
Researchers from Westminster University, the London School of Economics and the
graduate business school INSEAD carried out an experiment involving 1,200 pupils
aged 12-13 in 29 schools.

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The study, commissioned by the Department for Education under Labor, was aimed
at discovering what shaped youngsters effort, motivation and educational
Each pupil received 2 and was asked to buy up to ten questions, priced 20p each.
The questions involved having to define the meaning of words.
A correct answer doubled their money each time while an incorrect one forfeited
20p. Therefore, pupils who tried ten questions and got them all correct could earn
In one group, marking was done anonymously by an external examiner. In the other,
marking was done by the teacher in the classroom.
There were nine male teachers and 18 female teachers in the study, which
compared the number of questions bought across both groups and measured pupils
perceptions of the grading and their willingness to make effort using questionnaires.
They found little overall difference in the number of questions purchased between
both groups.
Hands up! The study found that male teachers foster self-esteem, perceptions of
fairness, but that they are no more lenient than female teachers
Hands up! The study found that male teachers foster self-esteem, perceptions of
fairness, but that they are no more lenient than female teachers
But in the group where marking was done by the teacher, pupils bought significantly
more questions when assessed by men.
Children had a more positive perception of the rewards of their effort despite the
fact the males were not any more lenient.
Both boys and girls also showed greater confidence in their ability. Researchers said
the findings were new and significant as the effects were evident for every male
teacher in the experiment.
They said the study reveals that pupils taught by male teachers tend to have better
perceptions of the importance of hard work, better perceptions of equalities of
opportunities and higher self-esteem.
This experiment shows that male teachers may be beneficial for both male and
female pupils, increasing motivation and effort.
But the latest figures from the General Teaching Council show that only 123,361 of
502,562 registered teachers are men - just 25 per cent - with the vast majority
working in secondary schools and further education. Two decades ago, men made
up four in ten teachers.
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Staffrooms at 4,700 primaries 28 per cent are solely populated by women, 150
more than last year.
A recent study by Kent University found that women teachers are holding back boys
by reprimanding them for typically male behavior.
They are reinforcing stereotypes that boys are silly in class and refuse to sit nicely
like the girls and are more likely to indulge in pranks.
Researchers found that women teachers may also unwittingly perpetuate low
expectations of boys and encourage girls to work harder by telling them they are

Females are better teachers Women are better teachers because they have
the ability to be more structure and organized with setting rules in a classroom. Men
are energetic and have the ability to interact with children and keep them going but
do not have the patience to be more structure with their planning. I have worked
with both male and females and men tend to do things the easy way. They are not
born to be organized and structured with rules and boundaries. They need to set
limits with rules and be consistent with what they need to do.
This is ridiculous! How can simply being a certain gender affect how you
teach? It's the individual. Just because you are a man, it doesn't mean that you are
automatically not qualified as a teacher. I've had both male and female teachers
and have seen little difference. Besides, we need male teachers out there to make
sure that we know that both genders will be there in the workplace, and that both
are competent workers, especially since we look up to teachers.
Women are more patient. Both men and women can be good teachers.
Overall, women tend to be more patient than men and more able to deal with
different types of students. In elementary education, women tend to be able to
project energy combined with structure for their students which makes them
effective when dealing with younger kids. For the most part, women are more
empathetic and are better listeners which can make them better teachers.
They are less strict Male teachers often employing more brutal methods in
their teaching. Good examples are the make your mistakes and learn strategy which
exposes the learner to untold hardship. On the other hand, women because of their
love and care cannot afford to allow her students to major silly mistakes that she
can actually help them with.

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Because they know exactly how to deal with a child Woman bear some pain
and then see a child smile. I mean, women have some love and affection towards a
child as they themselves are mothers. They know how to deal with a child and what
a child thinks of. They have more of patience, at an average also.
A woman, with patience can tolerate more of naughtiness of a child. They can
view a child, with care and affection. They know how to handle a child's emotions
and thus I believe, women are better teachers than men.
Women Are Genetically Programmed To Be More Caring. It's genetically
installed in Man (also animals) to love & respect a women more than a man. From
the time of birth, the mother feeds & comforts us her new embryo which the child
grows up with a subconscious tenderness for the women specie. We love those who
gratify our instincts which are mainly the women. So a women teacher would be
genetically better to teach!
Yes, women make better teachers than men. A lot of the time, in many
Western countries, there may appear to be more female teachers than male when it
comes to teaching elementary school. Often this is because many women are
viewed as having an innate maternal instinct. Not every woman is going to agree
with this, but overall women will have a much different method to dealing with
children than men will. A lot of kids might even consider their teacher to be
something of a mother figure, and therefore this can be very important.
Nurture is feminine Nurture is a naturally feminine trait, and children will feel
more comfortable with a female teacher, particularly in the earlier stages of
education, than with a man. This comfortable, safe environment is naturally more
conducive to learning than the alternative. Men can be good teachers too, but they
will tend to be more authoritative and disciplinary, this is more suited to high school
and higher education.
Men make better teachers. It is my experience that male teachers are
impartial when it comes to judge a pupil. Whereas I have seen the grading given by
Women teachers in many a case get influenced by their friendship or their liking of
the mother of the child. In case a mother of any student is a good friend of the
female teacher then her approach towards the kid will be special whereas such
attitude could not be seen from a male teacher. It is also true that female teacher
never goes beyond the text books to teach anything new whereas the male teacher
bring new issues/concepts in to the minds of students.
No, it does not matter I honestly think that it does not depend on what sex
but on what different things are comfortable to you. You can have a female teacher
that does not have any patience but is very nice or a male teacher with lots of
patience but is not nice at all.

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Gender SHOULDN'T matter. I happen to believe that it shouldn't matter

whether a better teacher is either a man or a woman. I do admit then male teachers
I have had generally seem more relaxed and jovial in the classroom than women. It
may be that men are slightly more in touch with their immature side but don't take
my word for that. Like-ability and the ability to teach effectively are two different
things. In terms of being liked it can be said that I have liked my male teachers
more. They are less stony and cold. They are able to maintain their professionalism
without seeming rigid or disconnected. I am a woman and I am not saying all female
teachers are rigid, cold etc. Men and woman are equally capable of being brilliant
teachers and likable. However, I do think that women identify themselves as more
likely to get hassle from their students due to their gender, and so they put up a
front. Male teachers are generally themselves inside the classroom and out but with
the added measure of responsibility in the classroom.
So, again I say that it shouldn't matter. But the people that ask if it matters,
or identify their teaching methods as being either male or female, are the ones that
makes the gender difference matter.
No. They both teach the same material, why would one gender be better than
the other at it? I have had great male and female teachers, as well as bad male and
female teachers. It does not matter what the teacher's gender is, both genders can
make excellent teachers. It just depends on the person.
Well that's kind of broad....... NO. I'm a middle school student and in my
educational career I've had wonderful male and female teachers! My English
teacher rocks, and he's a man, but my History teacher is also awesome, she a
woman. It depends, but to say that one sex is better than another at teaching is
Male or female doesn't matter When it comes to teaching I do not believe it
matters if the teacher is a man or woman, all that matters is if they are
understanding and easy to work with. Some women are great at helping others and
teaching new things as are some men. Some women however do not have the
patience to work with someone and teach them new tasks. It's unfair to say in
general that women are better teachers than men because it depends on each
individual not the sex as a whole.
No way! In todays age I feel that both men and women both make good
teachers. Back when I was a student I had great teachers of both sexes. I also had
not so good teachers of both sexes. Its what each teacher wants to make of
themselves. I think they are both equal.
Men and women provide different strengths to say that women are better
teachers than men, is to say that mothers are better parents than fathers. Both men
and women bring valuable skills to the teaching profession and everybody learns
and teaches differently anyway. Not every woman is Miss Honey. Children learn best
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with a mixed group of role models. Not a gender stereotypical, discriminatory

teaching staff.
The past does not always make the future. The reason I say this is because I
am still in school. I have learned that in the past it was more likely for male children
to go to school than females. So that means when that was going on they would
have female teachers to attract male students to go to school. Now we have more
male teachers, but there are still more females. There has always been a stereotype
and sexist feel at schools and it's because of the teachers.


By D.C. McAllister / October 17, 2013 at 7:25 am
Its become a family ritual that, as I cook dinner, the kids call their brother at
college on Face-Time and talk as if he were there with us. We have six children in all,
ages 13 to 20, and they can be a raucous bunch when theyre all trying to be heard
in a small kitchen.
The other night they started talking about their favorite teachers in school. As they
were going down memory lane about this teacher and that (many of them have had
the same instructors over the years), I noticed that the favorite teachers seemed to
be mostly men. They liked the females too, but the ones they got really excited
about were the men. That was true for my daughters as well as my sons.
As I chopped up peppers and tossed them in the skillet, steam billowing, I asked
them why they all liked their male teachers so much. They paused, not realizing
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how true that was. Because theyre chiller. Theyre just easy to be around, more
funny, less stressed. They dont try to mother you. They teach. They just seem
strong. Its comforting. Theyre more rational and fairor at least seem to be.
When I asked if this was true for every grade, they all agreed that in elementary
school it didnt matter so much. In fact, they might have even preferred female
teachers then. But in middle school and high school, they definitely liked their male
teachers better. My son in college quickly piped in and said that at the university
level it doesnt matter at all, as long as the professors know their subject, teach it
well, and are open to meeting with the students.
What is it about middle and high school that makes children need male leadership?
The obvious answer, at least to me, is that this is when theyre changing, when
theyre growing up. They need steady guidance to enter the adult world while still
being comforted and protected in the midst of all their angst and insecurities. Men
seem to provide that better than women.
My familys views were confirmed by a study done in England, which found that
students try harder for male teachers and that theyre seen as more fair. Of course,
I think it goes without saying that women are probably just as fair, but something
about them makes students perceive that theyre not as impartial as men. What is
that? One answer might be that women tend to show their emotions more, and this
subjectivity creates a less stable atmosphere.
Several years ago, when I going through an three-day psychological exam in the
midst of a child custody battle between my husband and his ex-wife, I discovered
something about myselfand about emotions. At the end of the exhaustive testing,
the forensic psychologist went over some of his observations with me. He said,
Denise, youre highly logical for a woman. But youre also highly emotional just like
a woman. Youre in balance, but you need to be careful about how you express

The psychologist went on to say that being so logical and emotionalwhich allows
for me to be deeply empatheticcan be an extraordinary strength, if I manage it
well. He explained that while I process information and facts very quickly and order
them in a rational wayoften coming to right conclusions quicker than other
people, even some menI react to those conclusions just as quickly, sometimes
even putting the emotional reaction out front before I express my logical
The point is that even though I might be right, fair, and just, people might not
recognize that when Im talking to them because all they see is my emotional
reaction to something they havent heard conveyed yet. The psychologist advised

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me to communicate my rational thoughts first, and then let the emotions follow.
Give people time to catch up to what Im feeling. (Thats been a hard task, but I try.)
I wonder if there isnt something like this going on with women in the classroom.
They show their feelings more, and while they might be fair, students are put off by
the emotions, especially students in middle and high school who need steady
reassurance and guidance more than emotional reactions. Sometimes calm
leadership is more important than sympathetic collaboration.
Looking at the lack of male teachers in middle and high school, I think our students
are missing something valuable. The power of a man is underappreciated in our
feminized culture, and I think its hurting our children. Men are often absent in the
home, and theyre absent in the schools. Yet, we need men. We need them to enrich
our lives, to empower us, to guide us, and to help use face the difficulties and
challenges of life. Growing up is hard. Its scary. Strong, healthy men provide a
steady hand to show young people the way.
I say this with all objectivity. Both of my parents were teachers. After retiring from
the Marine Corps, my father taught fifth grade. My mother taught high school
chemistry and physics. They were both incredible teachers and adored by their
students. But I have to admit my dad seems to hold a special place in the hearts
of his students. Twenty years later, they still come to see him. They know he
struggles with health issues now because of his service in the military, and they
want to check on him, talk about old times, and laugh about how he scared them to
death as a larger-than-life male presence but also how he changed their lives in
positive ways.
The strength of a manthe kinds of strength only he hasis intrinsic to helping us
grow up. No wonder, in a nation where men are derided, we have an infantile
society, so scared of its own shadow that it looks to an all-powerful government for
security. We can only live free when we have the strength and virtue to do so. Men
are essential to instilling those characteristics within us. Without themwithout
men being menwe put our freedom at risk.

29th April 2014 / Tuesday / 1.00 pm

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