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1 and IgCC
Are Green Codes Right for
Your Community?

Jeff Boldt, P.E., LEED AP, HBDP

Thomas E. Pape, Certified BJCP

189.1 and IgCC : Are They Right for your Community?

Principal & Director
of Engineering
Voting member
90.1 and 189.1
189.1 Energy
Efficiency and IEQ
Working Groups
Chair 189.1
Acoustics DG
Consultant to 62.1
Search for Jeff
Boldt Engineering

Jeff Boldt

Thomas Pape

Consultant - BMP
Voting Member
Leader of Work
Group 6 of 189.1
Principal IgCC
Energy & Water
Principal IAPMO
UPC Committee
Principal IAPMO
Green Committee
Voting Member

189.1 and IgCC : Are They Right for your Community?


What are 189.1, IgCC and GPMCS?

What do they cover?
How is LEED Different?
Who adopts them now?
Where are they headed?
The details
How to decide

189.1 and IgCC : Are They Right for your Community?

What are 189.1,IgCC, and GPMCS?

IgCC & GPMCS = strict CODES
189.1 = strict STANDARD
More stringent than IBC, IMC, IECC, 90.1, 62.1, IPC,

189.1 and IgCC : Are They Right for your Community?

What are 189.1, IgCC, and GPMSC

189.1 Standard = developed by ASHRAE
ANSI consensus process
IgCC = International Green Construction Code developed by
ICC as a green add-on to the ICC family of codes (ICC codes are
not ANSI certified)
GPMCS = Green Plumbing & Mechanical Supplement
developed by IAPMO as a green supplement to any
construction codes (Unlike the UPC and the UMC, the GPMCS
is not ANSI certified)

189.1 and IgCC : Are They Right for your Community?

What do these Green Codes &

Standard Cover?


In code language that communities can adopt to:

Provide more sustainable sites

Use less water: domestic, irrigation, HVAC
Reduce energy consumption
Improve Indoor Air Quality (IAQ), and
Reduce impact on local environment, atmosphere,
materials, and resources

189.1 and IgCC : Are They Right for your Community?

Purpose (from 189.1)

The purpose of this standard is to provide
minimum requirements for the site design,
construction, and plan for operation of highperformance green buildings to:
balance environmental responsibility, resource
efficiency, occupant comfort and well being, and
community sensitivity; and
support the goal of development that meets the
needs of the present without compromising the ability
of future generations to meet their own needs

189.1 and IgCC : Are They Right for your Community?


More green than other codes

For jurisdictions going a step beyond (stretch codes)
Includes enforcement provisions
Expected to be verified by trained AHJ personnel

Standard 189.1
Creates a product standard to improve the green of the
building and site
Expected to be verified by an engineer

189.1 and IgCC : Are They Right for your Community?

How is LEED Different?

LEED = a program to promote the construction of
more environmentally friendly and resource efficient
building than typical construction codes and
mandated product standards
Promotes the use of sustainable products and
Points system certified silver gold - platinum

189.1 and IgCC : Are They Right for your Community?

Who Adopts them Now?

Solid green =
statewide adoption
Hashed green = state
and/or local level
189.1 is a compliance
option in IgCC
Most jurisdictions
adopt as an optional

189.1 and IgCC : Are They Right for your Community?

Where Are They Headed?

IgCC/189.1 = Eventually prerequisites for LEED
Unification of standards!
One Standard to Rule Them All: LEED, IgCC, 189.1 to
Be Parts of Single System

Building codes could harmonize seamlessly with LEED

certification as USGBC, ASHRAE, and ICC join forces.
Brendon Owens: The new framework could result in a
greater number of green buildings as jurisdictions find it
easier to adopt green building codes, says Brendan Owens,
P.E., vice president for LEED technical development at
USGBC. Whats more, he says, it could mean more LEED
buildings as well.

Standard 189.1 Compliance

Mandatory Items


Choice of
project team:
prescriptive or


Neither IgCC or GPMCS have a performance path.

Codes do not easily accommodate performance path verification.


189.1 and IgCC : Are They Right for your Community?

The Details

Site Sustainability
Water Use Efficiency
Energy Efficiency
Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ)
Impact on Atmosphere, Materials, and Resources
Construction and Plans for Operation
Normative References
Normative Appendices

189.1 and IgCC : Are They Right for your Community?

Site Sustainability
Addresses requirements for building
projects that pertain to:
Site selection,
Site development,
Mitigation of heat island effect, and
Light pollution reduction.

Some variations exist between the

codes and standards

189.1 and IgCC : Are They Right for your Community?

Site Sustainability
Pre-design inventory of site
Regulate retention of natural vegetation
where feasible
Minimize site disturbance and adjoining areas
Reduce hardscapes, shade hardscapes
Reduce light pollution
Promote green transportation (bicycle
security, e-car charging stations, etc.)

189.1 and IgCC : Are They Right for your Community?

Site Sustainability
Green roofs* (using on-site water for irrigation)
Native landscape design
Native plant selections
Limits on turf (not in IgCC)
Irrigation system design*
Reduce water run-off
* Some goals have conflicts with water efficiency goals

189.1 and IgCC : Are They Right for your Community?

Site Sustainability
Future Amendments
Better integrate landscape design with water
efficient irrigation
Develop adjustable regulations based on local
climates and native plants
Better resolve ways to garner beneficial use of
stormwater without negatively impacting local

189.1 and IgCC : Are They Right for your Community?

Water Use Efficiency

To promote the efficient use of water by:
Reducing water waste
Reducing in appropriate use
Protecting water quality
Use of alternative water sources
Reclaimed water
On-site water capture and recycling
Rainwater harvesting

189.1 and IgCC : Are They Right for your Community?

Water Use Efficiency

Sanitary Fixtures Maximums
Showerheads: 2.0 gpm
Limits quantity of heads per shower floor area

Lavatory faucet and bar sink (private): 1.5 gpm

Lavatory faucet (public): 0.5 gpm
Kitchen faucet (residence): 1.8 to 2.2 gpm
Urinal: 0.5 gpf
Water closet: 1.28 gpf (a few exceptions)
Clothes Washer: 6.0 WF (or less)

189.1 and IgCC : Are They Right for your Community?

Water Use Efficiency

Other Fixtures and Fittings
Prerinse spray valves: 1.3 gpm
Drinking fountains: 0.7 gpm
Drinking fountains: 0.25 gpcb (metered)

189.1 and IgCC : Are They Right for your Community?

Water Use Efficiency

Ice Makers 15 to 20 gallons 100 lbs. ice
Cube: 20 gallons per 100 lbs. ice (appx. 61% eff.)
Flake: 15 gallons per 100 lbs. ice (appx. 82% eff.)

Food Steamers/Ovens: 2 gal/tray/hr

Dipperwells: 1 gal/min
Water Softeners:
Reduced water use in service cycle
Restricted to areas of hard water sources

189.1 and IgCC : Are They Right for your Community?

Water Use Efficiency

Steam Sterilizers: reduce condensate temp to
below 140F
X-Ray and photo development: require
recycling (digital is taking over)
Exhaust hood: liquid scrubbers require

189.1 and IgCC : Are They Right for your Community?

Water Use Efficiency

Hot Water Plumbing Design
To reduce water purged to get hot water to end use;
also reduces energy waste.
Minimize hot water pipe diameters
Minimize length of pipe from heat source to end use
(recirculation loop is also considered a heat source)
On-demand recirculation of loop only (no timers)
Insulate pipes

189.1 and IgCC : Are They Right for your Community?

Water Use Efficiency

Sub-Metering Requirements
That which is measured is improved.
Major end uses and equipment (1,000 gal/day)
Landscape irrigation required to have dedicated
Cooling towers and evaporative coolers
Tenant spaces
Pools and spas

189.1 and IgCC : Are They Right for your Community?

Water Use Efficiency

Once-through cooling prohibited
Blow-down water 1000 ppm or greater (various
metrics are used by different codes and standards)

Exceptions for high silica conditions

Drift eliminators required

Reclaimed water use required, where water
availability, quality, and compatibility permits

189.1 and IgCC : Are They Right for your Community?

Water Use Efficiency

Future Amendments
Alternative water sources regulations from green codes are
being transferred to regular plumbing codes
Water bottle refilling stations replacing bubblers.
Selling bottled water will no longer be considered
equivalent to drinking fountain requirements
Matching shower valves to heads will be addressed
Composting toilets will be allowed
Urine diverting toilets are emerging as a means to capture
urine as a sellable resource
Reclaimed water will replace potable water for fire

189.1 and IgCC : Are They Right for your Community?

Energy Efficiency
Comply with 90.1-2010
Provide space and pathways for future on-site
renewable energy systems
Remote consumption reporting to data acquisition
High consumption systems need separate

189.1 and IgCC : Are They Right for your Community?

ASHRAE Energy Goals

ASHRAE goal to have net-zero energy and
carbon by 2030
ASHRAEs Tech Council will suggest EUI targets
for Standards 189.1 and 90.1
Monitoring of progress based on standardized
computer modeling
Goal is to have 189.1 reach Net Energy Use
Intensity targets (but not net zero)
by 2020

189.1 and IgCC : Are They Right for your Community?

General Compliance Paths


189.1 and IgCC : Are They Right for your Community?

Highlights for Energy (Section 7)

Mandatory Requirements:
On-site renewable power (7.3.2)
Provisions for future installation annual energy
production 6 kBtu/ft (20 kWh/m) single-story; 10
kBtu/ft (32 kWh/m) multi-story


189.1 and IgCC : Are They Right for your Community?

Approximate range of
<4.0 kWh/m per day


Energy Metering Thresholds


189.1 and IgCC : Are They Right for your Community?

Requires 90.1-2010 Compliance

~25% energy
compared to

189.1 and IgCC : Are They Right for your Community?

8 Temperature zones + ABC = 17

189.1 and IgCC : Are They Right for your Community?

Prescriptive Path 7.4

Many items from 90.1-2013
6 kBtu/SF of roof of renewable for single story
10 kBtu/SF for multi-story buildings
Envelope and roof insulation = comply with
90.1, but with more stringent insulation tables
(similar to 90.1-2013)

CZ 15, the vertical fenestration on the west, south,

and east shall be shaded by permanent projections
with PF 0.50. (Exceptions)

189.1 and IgCC : Are They Right for your Community?

Is Envelope Important?
Architects and


189.1 and IgCC : Are They Right for your Community?

I think Envelope Matters!


189.1 and IgCC : Are They Right for your Community?



189.1 and IgCC : Are They Right for your Community?

Prescriptive Path
SHGC lower than 90.1
Stricter air barrier wording
Higher minimum efficiencies for some not
federally mandated products (preemption)
Lower economizer trigger 33,000 Btuh
Fan power limits 10% below 90.1
60% energy recovery efficiency

189.1 and IgCC : Are They Right for your Community?

Prescriptive Path
Variable flow kitchen hoods to 50% flow
More duct insulation
Unoccupied hotel room outlet, TV, and
temperature switching
Automatic 10% reduction in peak loads
Pools 90F insulated
Lower lighting power densities

189.1 and IgCC : Are They Right for your Community?

Prescriptive Path
Several exterior lighting restrictions about
hours and power reduction
Higher electric motor efficiencies (matching
DOE and 90.1-2013)
Supermarket heat recovery over 25,000 SF
More strict refrigerator/freezer efficiencies
90.1 ECB not permitted
Energy Star equipment required

189.1 and IgCC : Are They Right for your Community?

Performance Path 7.5

Annual energy cost shall not exceed what is
allowed in prescriptive option
Annual CO2e shall exceed what is allowed in
prescriptive option
Peak demand shall not exceed what is allowed
in prescriptive option

189.1 and IgCC : Are They Right for your Community?

Ideas from AEDGs

AEDGs are free downloads
Type AEDG into any internet search engine

189.1 and IgCC : Are They Right for your Community?

Ideas From AEDGs


189.1 and IgCC : Are They Right for your Community?


LED for cans


189.1 and IgCC : Are They Right for your Community?

Computer Power management, etc.

Use laptops
Globally control power usage
Allow remote connections
Consider energy when choosing servers
Delamp vending machines (if room has lighting)


189.1 and IgCC : Are They Right for your Community?

Humidity Control
Include one or more zone humidity sensors to
permit supply air temperature reset
(or use Advanced VAV concept)
Provides more hours of free cooling!


189.1 and IgCC : Are They Right for your Community?

Fan Power
90.1-2010 requirements (VAV)
Offices <1.5 BHP/1000 cfm
Labs & Hospitals <2.3 BHP/1000 cfm
Based on brake HP
Includes all fans running at peak cooling load


189.1 and IgCC : Are They Right for your Community?

Fan Power
Suggestions for compliance
Efficient fans (high FEG)
Low static systems
Larger air handling units (but smaller motors)
Fewer duct turns
Shorter duct runs
Requires early coordination of architectural design with
HVAC design
Sell the advantages!


189.1 and IgCC : Are They Right for your Community?

Reduce AHU Velocity

Standard is ~500
fpm on cooling coil
Best LCC is usually
around 350 fpm
Big box, small


189.1 and IgCC : Are They Right for your Community?

90.1 - Energy Recovery

2007 if >70% OA and >5,000 cfm
2010 Requires More


189.1 and IgCC : Are They Right for your Community?

90.1-2010 Economizers


189.1 and IgCC : Are They Right for your Community?

Economizers None vs. Air


189.1 and IgCC : Are They Right for your Community?

Economizers Water vs. Condenser RH


189.1 and IgCC : Are They Right for your Community?

Indoor Environmental Quality

(IEQ) - Mandatory
Comply with Prescriptive ore Performance
Comply with sections 4-7 of 62.1
A permanently mounted, direct total outdoor
airflow measurement device shall be provided
that is capable of measuring the system
minimum outdoor airflow rate.
capable of alarming the building operator or
central monitoring system

189.1 and IgCC : Are They Right for your Community?

IEQ - Mandatory
No smoking
Exterior smoking only 25 feet from entrance

Ozone removal, if required by 62.1 (not cheap)

Entry mat requirement
Thermal Comfort
Designed in compliance with ANSI/ASHRAE Standard
55, Sections 6.1, Design, and 6.2, Documentation.

Radon mitigation for brownfield or Zone 1

189.1 and IgCC : Are They Right for your Community?

IEQ Mandatory - Acoustics

Requirements for wall/roof-ceiling OITC
Requirements for room STC
Limits on interior sound
Classroom noise limits (less strict than ASA
Maybe soon exterior noise production,
reverberation, etc.

189.1 and IgCC : Are They Right for your Community?

Unifying Acoustics
Over 400 rows of comparison

189.1 and IgCC : Are They Right for your Community?

IEQ Prescriptive
Daylighting/toplighting requirements
Minimum haze value of 90% = dispersed light
Some exceptions, e.g. tubular daylighting devices

North and south facing exposures require

Sidelighting effective aperture of 0.15 (0.10 in CZ
75% of length of wall sidelit
Opaque surfaces 80% reflective above 60 height

189.1 and IgCC : Are They Right for your Community?

Low-emitting Materials

Adhesives and sealants

Paints, coatings, and primers
Floor coverings
Composite wood
Office furniture systems
Ceiling and wall systems

189.1 and IgCC : Are They Right for your Community?

IEQ Performance Method

Daylight simulation shall show 30 fc over 75%
of the daylit area
Direct sun on work surfaces <20% of occupied
Model VOC concentrations

189.1 and IgCC : Are They Right for your Community?

Atmosphere, Materials, and

Construction waste management
50% of nonhazardous waste recycled
1.2 #/SF total waste (new buildings)

Extracting, Harvesting, Manufacturing

No wood from endangered species

No CFC refrigerants
No CFC, HCFC, or Halon fire suppression
Dedicated recycling area
Dedicated fluorescent and HID collection area

189.1 and IgCC : Are They Right for your Community?

Atmosphere, Materials, and Resources

Recycled and salvaged content 10% based on
15% regional materials
5% USDA certified biobased products
Wood 60% certified ISO/IEC Guide 59 or WTO

189.1 and IgCC : Are They Right for your Community?

Atmosphere, Materials, and Resources

Life Cycle Assessment/LCI method

189.1 and IgCC : Are They Right for your Community?

Construction and Plans for Operation

Acceptance testing
Acceptance Representative
CDs must designate who AR is
Perform acceptance tests
Complete forms and sign them
Verify that system manual includes O&M info
Includes HVAC, IAQ, refrigeration, lighting,
daylighting controls, fenestration control,
renewable energy systems

189.1 and IgCC : Are They Right for your Community?

Construction and Plans for Operation

Required if > 5,000 SF
Designate CxA
Develop OPR
Develop BOD, including requirements of Section
6.2 of Standard 55
Method of compliance (graphic, analytical, survey)
Design OT and exceedance hours
Assumptions clo, RH, air speed, etc.

189.1 and IgCC : Are They Right for your Community?

Construction and Plans for Operation

Erosion and Sediment Control (ESC)
USEPA NPDES General Permit for Stormwater
Discharges From Construction Activities
Or local codes, if more strict

IAQ Construction Management Plan

Do not use permanent HVAC system during
Completely pre-occupancy or partially after
Option for testing for some contaminants CO,
O3, PM2.5, PM10, 30+ VOCs

189.1 and IgCC : Are They Right for your Community?

Construction and Plans for Operation

Moisture Control
Protect construction materials from moisture

Plan for Operation

Procedures for maintaining shade plants/trees
Track and assess water use
Benchmark in ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager
Retain documentation at least 3 years

Track and assess energy consumption

Benchmark in ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager

189.1 and IgCC : Are They Right for your Community?

Construction and Plans for Operation

Outdoor Airflow Documentation
Monitor OA flow
React if < 85% of design
Verify ventilation during occupied periods
In nonattainment areas filters and/or ozone
removal must operate
Green cleaning plan per Green Seal Standard GS42
Maintenance plan per ANSI/ASHRAE/ACCA
Standard 180

189.1 and IgCC : Are They Right for your Community?

Construction and Plans for Operation

Transportation Management Plan (TMP)
Preferred parking for carpools and vanpools
Plan for bicycle transportation

Transportation conservation (one required)

Incentivize employees to commute using mass transit,
vanpool, carpool, or non-motorized
Initiate a telework or flexible work schedule program
that reduces by at least 5% the number of commuting
trips by the owners employees
Initiate a ridesharing or carpool matching program,
either in-house or through an outside organization

189.1 and IgCC : Are They Right for your Community?

Normative References & Appendices

Standards from ANSI, ASHRAE, ASTM, AHRI,

189.1 and IgCC : Are They Right for your Community?

How to Decide
Less impact on environment
Less energy use
Less city utility infrastructure needed

Building cost increase
Owners may push back about post-construction

189.1 and IgCC : Are They Right for your Community?

Jeff Boldt

Thomas E. Pape
(608) 658-5750
(618) 939-5295

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