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By Cristal Mae Golocino

Biofield Diagnostic System

"The greatest risk of getting breast cancer tomorrow is being born today in a
developing country. The greatest risk of not surviving breast cancer today is being a
woman in the Philippines." Rosa Francia-Meneses, 1999 World Conference on Breast
Cancer, Ottawa.
The Philippine Breast Cancer Network says that among countries in Asia, the
Philippines has the highest rate of incidence of breast cancer. According to World
Health Organization (WHO), three out of one hundred women in the Philippines are
possible to have breast cancer because of the fact that they have high level of
female hormones called estrogen in the blood and these hormones serve as fuel to
spur the growth of breast cells into cancer cells or tumor in a womans breast.
By this time, most people have heard the grim statistic of the catastrophic
disease, breast cancer. According to the Philippine Cancer Facts and Statistics, at
least 10,000 breast cancer incidents are being reported annually in our country with
about 40% mortality rate and thus considered as the top site of malignancy
affecting predominately women and also brought the number one cause of
morbidity among Filipino women.
Women who are exposed to estrogen for a longer lifetime, those who started
menstruation at a very young age, before 12 years old and lasted after the age of
50 are prone to suffer from breast cancer. In addition to, those women who had
their first pregnancy after the age of 35; those who have utilized contraceptive
chemicals such as birth control pills are highly risk for the disease.
Though there have been machines and screening procedures available in
order to detect and prevent breast cancers, Filipinas still dont try or utilize these for
the reason that they are dread of being diagnosed and what the disease may bring
about and of course the burden of luxurious medication such as the medicines and
examines needed.
With this, the latest machine that can detect breast cancer to both men and
women has already brought in the country by MacKay Holdings, a US-listed
company which has the rights to initiate the retail of the Biofield Diagnostic System
(BDS), invented by Dr. David Long. The BDS machine is non-invasive and painless
diagnostic technology; it has small pads, called sensors that are connected to the
portable suitcase-sized machine (with keyboard and monitor) and attached in the
breasts of the patient during examine. Unlike the mammogram that hardly
compress the breasts and uses radiation that can be a cause of cancer, the BDS is
safe and more effective for it detects 30% of cancers specially tumors in younger
age that a mammogram fails to do so.

This affordable radiation-free machine can guarantee accurate results that

can be delivered in just 15 minutes and every examine only costs 800-1500 pesos,
far ten times less expensive from mammogram, CT Scan, Ultra Sound. This BDS
Technology only needs a BDS Specialist that can read the color-coded imagery that
the beast-cancer detection machine generates that rapidly shows the level of breast
cancer risks. The main result that the BDS produce is whether the tumor is benign
or malignant. Even young women, as early as 15 years old, who are not in the right
age and are not qualified for mammogram because of breast tissue thickness, can
be examined by the said technology.
Even though there are all those high-tech breast-cancer detection machines,
being aware and being fully equipped with the knowledge of preventing such
disease is the best way of preventing it. Women with breast problems must do
regular breast self-examination (BSE), this is very important in order for an
individual to know if there are lump in the breast and must immediately reported to
the doctor for urgent consultations.
Everyday intake of fruits and vegetables with high anti-oxidants can possibly
help hasten and even prevent breast cancer and other illnesses like stroke and
osteoporosis. Fruits like Prunes, Rasins, Orange, Red grapes and Strawberries are
said to be antioxidant-rich fruits.

Breast Cancer comprises 16% of 50,000 cases of cancer diagnoses made.

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