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(Stay Safe, Stay Connected)


(Nathan West)

(Connext Cast)
(123 Tudor Drive
Morden, Surrey)

(Thursday the 15th of January 2015)

It is proposed that the Advert will be of 25-30 second duration, filmed at

Glenthorne high school and edited at our Sutton facility.

The advert will be aimed at teenagers who use the internet.

The advert will show what can happen if you do not stay safe online and how to
be online. It will show a short real life scenario and how there are possible ways
to try and solve the situation and how to be safe in the future.

Several locations have been visited and a shortlist has been drawn up:
Suggested locations are:
Glenthorne high school
The advert will include the following:
a) Extreme close-ups on the messages
b) Close-ups on the people when replying to the messages
c) Long-shots
d) Low/high angle mid-shots and close-ups
These sequences will link, as they will add a greater and more emotional
response to the advert.

Structure: My initial ideas were that I knew I would need to create a small
anecdote for people to have an idea of what happens or even possibly relate to
and how people are able to deal with situations if they were to occur.

The advert will be in colour and in PAL (aspect ratio).

The advert will start with a boy being bored and decides that he wants to start
bullying someone over text in a group chat and telling all his friends to join in.
Cut to
My first shot will be a boy with his friend at home and they are both bored. They
then decide that they are just going to start bullying someone.
The next shot will a high and mid shot of them looking down at their phones.
The third shot will be an extreme close up of the boys creating a group chat
They will then start to bully someone over text message.
The next shot will be of the girl receiving the first message and being upset
There will then be multiple shots of actors and theyre reactions to sending the
messages and others how they feel seeing the messages.
One person will then stick up for the girl that is being bullied

One boy decides he has had enough and then decides he is going to stand up for
the girl and he does and goes against his friends because they are in the wrong.
He tells the girl that she should tell someone.
The girl then speaks to the head teacher and he tells him that he will short it and
speak to the boys!
There will then be a number of various different title pages where there will be
ways to be able to stay safe online and what you should do if you see someone
being bullied.


Filming I will be using a canon EO6 650D DSLR camera, a manfrotto

joystick tripod
Editing: Adobe Premier Pro
Production Contingency @10%
Travel Expenses @40p per mile
I will travel about 5 miles
Total production budget: 618.50
The production will be produced within the timescale that will be indicated by our
shooting and editing schedules. (Name of company) will ensure that all location
filming is carefully planned to take into account the safety of the crew and the
general public and any production contingencies. The finished (name of product)
will be available for viewing at an appropriate time in order for any changes to be
made before the suggested release date.

Sources of requirements
(List here where you will get your equipment and props, costumes, actors,
locations from) I
I will hire my camera from a website called
I will hire my tripod from a company called DC camera hire
And the actors I will hire from a company called Guru
Guarantee of Satisfaction

Initial discussion on the advertisement content will take place.

Production equipment will be used in a safe operational manner at all


Connexcast is covered by Public Liability Insurance to the sum of


A copy of all rushes (camera original material) will be supplied on

request in DVD format.

A rough cut (initial trial edit) version of the advertisement will be

supplied for inspection and discussion.

A meeting to discuss the final master version will be organised with a

focus group of interested parties.

The completed advertisement will be provided on DVD for inspection.

The completed advertisement will not be released until the client is

completely satisfied with technical quality and content.

Tuesday 22nd January 2015

Connexcast asserts its rights as authors of this treatment in accordance

with the Copyright, Designs and Patents act 1988. Any unauthorised
copying of this work will result in prosecution.

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