Faculty of Education and Languages: Biodata Diri

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Matric number : 661207025925001
NRIC : 661207-02-5925
Telephone number : 019-4814621
E-mail address : roshdiaziz66@yahoo.com

Learning Centre: OUM SUNGAI PETANI











07 DISEMBER 1966

019 4814621












08300 GURUN

Question 1.

| Mohd Roshdi bin Abd Aziz / 661207025925001 2


Young children are naturally curious about cause and effect, and are naturally
motivated to learn all about the hows and whys of the world. Babies and children are
like little scientists.
They gather evidence by observing and experiencing the world. While playing
with dolls, searching through a toy box, or banging blocks together in a seemingly
haphazard manner, theyre actually engaging in a quite rational process of making
hypotheses, evaluating statistical data, and dismissing prior beliefs when presented with
stronger evidence. They also display remarkable psychological intuition and, by observing
the actions of other people, can determine underlying motivations, desires and preferences.
Children learn about people from statistical information and they in turn evaluate evidence
in light of their developing social knowledge, in an ongoing, reinforcing cycle.
By the time children are in preschool, they already understand a lot about other
peoples desires, preferences, beliefs and emotions. But how do they learn about these
internal motivations? It is generally thought that children pick up this knowledge from
emotional cues such as facial expressions. Kids gain knowledge best by watching
conducts of adults and replicating it is a contentious one. Many people think that this is the
most effective for the children to learn.
However the opposites are not few in numbers. In this essay Ill discuss some
argument for and against of the given topic. The imitation of the behaviours of adults is a
quick learning methodology for children and plays a significant role in shaping childrens
in clination and character. After the baby is born the first and the nearest adults are his or
her parents. Then the little baby starts his learning by observing and copying adults talks
and movements. Along with childrens growth teachers and parents will influence them
much more such as logical thinking, making decision and cooperation with others. A child
learns most by simply paying attention to what others are doing or copying them. For
instance many girls learn cooking by following her mother in kitchen.
Say for another example a boy sees his father playing video games and watching TV all
the time, he would prefer to do all these activities. Best is a big word. Actually nowadays
there are so many ways to get knowledge such as computer, internet, TV, mobile, games,
newspaper, books are the great resources. By watching adults and copying them is big way
| Mohd Roshdi bin Abd Aziz / 661207025925001 3


but not best way all the time for a child. It may be true for his certain age. Along with
childrens growing period, adults role decreases. Then he finds friends of same ages and
his life may be regulated in large scale by the influence of them.
Observation and imitating dont work as positive always. If a child sees his father
smoking or one of his family member using bad words then he be motivated by them.
Children are like young trees, they need to be carefully irrigated, fertilized and trimmed.
Following adults and copying them is very good one for learning. But when a child figures
it out his or her own, the best learning can take place. Naturally he will earn knowledge on
the earth from everything.

| Mohd Roshdi bin Abd Aziz / 661207025925001 4


3.The destruction of the worlds forests is inevitable as our need for land and food
grows. Do you agree?
The worlds forest play an important role such as regulating climates and provide
habitat for many species on earth. The global rate of forest destruction have incresed since
1980s and the World Resources Institute estimated that deforestation is averaged 16.9
million hectares annually and if this continue, there would be no forests remaining by
some time between the years 2040 and 2060. If the green natural resources is destroyed,
we will face many serious consequences such as global warming, disaster or even
Firstly, its knowledgeable that now people have to suffer the climate change
resulted by the greenhouse effect caused by carbon dioxide. Genereally, carbon dioxide is
absorbed by trees which can prevent the greenhouse effect. However, those filter machines
are reducing continually and this will caused many troubles in which there is global
warming. This will lead to climate change that will caused some trouble such as warmer
temperature, wind direction change and higher sea level. Futhermore, a lot of carbon










Besides that, the destruction of worlds forest will make advantage for disaster as flood,
drought, tidal waves and so forth. People already know that trees protect them from flood
by keeping a large amount of water and drought by maintaining the humidity of the world.
However, it seems like people excellent shield is broked by themself. According to
many scientists, people have to suffer a lot of disaster in this century. This is proven by
Tsunami in Thailand and earthquakes in Haiti and Japan. Eventually, this will caused
poverty, starvation, losing home and death which affects the human lives.
On the other hand, not only human is affected but the animals are also related firmly to the
tress in global ecology system. If the forests destruction... [continues]
| Mohd Roshdi bin Abd Aziz / 661207025925001 5


. Eventually, the unavoidable results are poverty, starvation, losing home and death, which
affects seriously the human lives.
Equally important, not only is the human affected but the animals are also related firmly to
the trees in global ecology system. If the forests disappear, there are enormous amount of
animals have to witness the condition of no habitation and the deficiency of food,
inevitable. Moreover, some species which are in risk of extinction could never exist on
this earth again. In some recent research, the ecologists find that at present, the proportion
of extinction for each species is higher than ever. This is a warning bell for the
governments to make proper policy to protect animals from human activities.
To summarize, although it's undeniable that using natural resources helps develop the
world, compared with what people have lost so far from over destruction the forests, it's
not worth. People need to control their nature exploiting to improve the earth as well as
their lives.
There is a fact that our planet is protected and supported by the tree (When you say "the
tree," it means one particular tree that everybody knows about. Here, my reaction is
"Where is this wonderful tree that holds up and protects the whole planet?) all over the
world (planet means the world. It is very strange to say "the planet ... all over the world").
With the recent uncontrolled forest exploiting, some people think that this possibly leads
to the end of the earth (The end of the earth will come when the sun becomes a red giant
star and swallows it up. Changing the flora and fauna on the earth will not end the earth
itself; after all, the earth existed before any life developed at all. ). In my point of view in
this essay, if people keep destroying this green natural resource, they will soon face many
serious consequences such as global warming, disaster, or even extinction.
Firstly, it's knowledgeable (knowledgeable describes a person who know a lot about a
subject. It is not correct here.) that people now have to suffer the effects of climate change
resulting from a rise in global temperatures resulted by greenhouse effect caused by
carbon dioxide. Generally, carbon dioxide is absorbed by trees, which prevents the
greenhouse effect (no, the greenhouse effect is just a principle that atmospheres composed
of certain gasses retain heat rather than radiate it. Saying that the greenhouse effect can be
| Mohd Roshdi bin Abd Aziz / 661207025925001 6


prevented is like saying that you can prevent water from boiling if it is heated on a
stove.) . However, these filter machines (?) are reducing (You need to use the passive
voice) continually, leaving many troubles in which there is global warming. This will
partly modify the climate by raising temperatures, like warmer temperature, wind
direction change or higher sea level. (the sea level is not climate.) Besides, a lot of carbon
dioxide may pollute the environment seriously, harming the global health. (This naturallyoccurring gas is necessary for all plants. Perhaps you mean carbon monoxide, which is
very poisonous. ) Furthermore, destruction of the world's forests will make advantage(?)
for disaster as flood, drought, tidal waves and so forth. People all know that trees protect
them from flood by keeping a large amount of water, or drought by maintaining the
humidity of the world. (The reasons are not correct. Tree roots keep the soil from eroding,
and the soil retains water. The oceans, lakes and rain water maintain humidity levels.)
However, it seems like our efficient shield is broken by ourselves.
According to many scientists, in this century, people have to suffered from many a lot of
disasters, proved by such as the tsunami in Thailand, or by the earthquakes in Haiti and
Japan. (But earthquakes and their tsunamis have no relation to global warming. They are
not related at all to the earth's atmosphere or the vegetation on earth.) Eventually, the
unavoidable results are poverty, starvation, losing home and death, which affects seriously
the human lives.
Equally important, not only is the human affected but the animals are also related firmly to
the trees ("related" means that they have the same family) in global ecology system. If the
forests disappear, there are enormous amount of animals have to witness the condition of
no habitation and the deficiency of food, inevitable. Moreover, some species which are in
risk of extinction could never exist on this earth again. In some recent research, the
ecologists find that at present, the proportion of extinction for each species (either a
species is extinct or it is not - you cannot have a proportion of extinction for one species)
is higher than ever. This is a warning bell for the governments to make proper policy to
protect animals from human activities.
To summarize, although it's undeniable that using natural resources helps develop the
world, compared with what people have lost so far from over destruction the forests, it's

| Mohd Roshdi bin Abd Aziz / 661207025925001 7


not worth. People need to control their nature exploiting to improve the earth as well as
their lives.
For many years, forest has been known as one of the most important parts on the earth
contributing to the biosphere stability. With deforestation increasing in rate recently, some
people claim that our world is being threatened seriously. In my point of view, if people
keep destroying this green resource, they will soon face mass of serious consequences
such as greenhouse effect, soil erosion, or even extinction.
Firstly, it's well-known that deforestation is cited as one of the culprits of the greenhouse
effect. When trees are cutter or burnt, a large amount of carbon dioxide will be released in
burning or decay process, which raises the world greenhouse gas emissions. Moreover,
forests help remove carbon from the atmosphere and release oxygen back into atmosphere
during respiration. Because of that, if they are destroyed, the environment will get
polluted, ultimately. Besides, the world's temperature will get higher during deforestation,
which is called as global warming, followed by ice caps melting down, releasing metal
and so forth.
Equally important, deforestation would increase rates of soil erosion. Because of that, the
flooding in the lower place will happen. In an other aspect, roots of trees could bind soil.
Therefore, the soil is kept in place and may prevent landslides. However, if forests are
destroyed, the risk of landslides will increase, which may threaten people living nearby. In
Vietnam, with a significant number of forest areas damaged, we have to witness many
consequences resulting from flood, especially in Middle Location.
Another drawback is destruction of forests may lead extinction of some species. Without
forest, there's no longer habitat for wildlife and the biodiversity will be affected
negatively. To be worse, some animals and plants could also disappear and the genetic
variations may be destroyed irretrievably. Consequently, people may not have enough
natural resources to develop, resulting in poor living standards. For example, in medicinal
conservation, some diseases may not be cure because of lacking some kind of trees and the
rate of mortality will increase regrettably.

| Mohd Roshdi bin Abd Aziz / 661207025925001 8


To summarize, although it's undeniable that exploiting natural resources helps develop the
world, people need to look back to see whether what they've lost is worth. They have to
control their actions to improve the earth as well as their live.

Question 4.
The borders between direct face-to-face and computer-mediated interaction will
fade away, but they will never completely disappear. Not all forms of socialization can be
tranmitted by digital media. There are all kinds of experiments in which scientists try to
implement digital duplications of smell and feeling into the computer. It is possible to
simulate very limited forms of 'touching'. But this almost nothing compared to the high
sensibility of our tactile organs. Especially for our intimate personal relations this is an
enormous disability. As long as telefeeling and telesmelling is impossible (or extreme
limited), we won't be longing for 'teleloving'. Computers will probably never reach a stage
of sophistication at which they can mediated direct human interaction completely, for the
simple reason that computers don't have a human body. Human beings know and feel
certain things because they have a human body. No organism without a human body will
ever know and feel the things in the same way humans do. That's the crucial reason why
computers can never be really intelligent.
It's unbelievable how reliant we've become as a humanity on electrical devices
communication devices! E-mail, text messaging, PDA's, cell telephones, video
conferencing, blackberries, blueberries, rasberries, and more...have taken the location of
good vintage fashioned, face-to-face communication premier to numerous interpersonal
adversities and miscommunications in today's workplace.

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You may be thinking...Why advance my interpersonal abilities when most









videoconferencing, e-mail, and on uncommon events, snail mail. A well liked way of
considering today...but, is it actually the correct way? "Face-to-face communication
continues the most mighty human interaction," states Kathleen Begley, Ed.D., scribe of
Face-to-Face Communication, Making Human Connections in a Technology-Driven
World. "As magnificent as electrical devices apparatus are, they can not ever completely
restore the familiarity and immediacy of persons conversing in the identical room and it
has worked for millions of years."
In enterprise, we converse about "B2B" (business to business) and "B2C"
(business to consumer) methods. I trial to buck the tendency (in a affirmative way!) to
tension the significance of face-to-face communication. You'll discover me converse many
about the "P2P" (people-to-people) attachments and how significant it is to get after
expertise and converse face-to-face with associates, family, colleagues, clients, vendors,
and the like. You may believe that's a bit contemporary, .
I think this is a really good question as it is relevant to society and is already
affecting the way we function. I don't believe we are quite at the stage where we are
completley dependent on computers for communication but I do think we are heading
there. I can already see some negative outcomes from our wanderings down this path.

1) Many people in generation Y have poor literacy skills. They may be able to read and
write weel enough to communicate, but they cannot spell, use proper

punctuation, or

proper grammar.
2) People will (and are begining to) miss out on face-to-face contact and thus their social
skills will decline. It is possible that after decades of having no, or extreamly limited

| Mohd Roshdi bin Abd Aziz / 661207025925001 10


human contact, that we will loose the ability to read body language. This could cause all
sorts of misunderstandings and problems.
3) Having limited human contact will cause us to have even less trust in others, and in
turn, we will be even less friendly and even more stand-offish.
4) It would lead to an aray of health issuse such as vitamin deficiencies and depresion
from lack of sunlight and obesity from a lack of movement.
Technology is making communication easier in todays world, but at the expense of
personal contact as many people choose to work at home in front of a computer screen.
What dangers are there for a society which depends on computer screens rather than faceto-face contact for its main means of communication?
With today's communication technologies people around the world are connected
through their computer. It is very easy and simple as well to communicate with someone
sitting on the other side of the globe. The possibility to be available twentyfour hours a
day through a web interface can be rather dangerous as well.
One of the biggest dangers is that people start to live a life without any social
contacts. Everyone starts to live in his own world, a world dominated purely by their
computer screen messages. Living an illusion that millions of friends are out there just
waiting for you.Friends that will support you on a bad day or will cheer you up if you
won't feel well. This artifical bubble starts to burst as soon as people get into real world
problems, like loosing their job.
Another danger from relying purely on communication technologies through the
internet occures when it comes to deadlining colleagues, clients as well as costumers.
Nothing is easier than sending and email to someone and telling him or her that he or she
misunderstood something and it needs to be redone. This form of one way communcation
will lead sooner or later to inefficiency. Would it have been discussed face-to-face and
| Mohd Roshdi bin Abd Aziz / 661207025925001 11


show some examples on how to do it not only a lot of time but also a lot of frustation
could have been avoided.
Relying on communcation entirely through the computer screen not only can cause
economical problems but also social problems. Even though we are in the twentyfirst
century is it still very efficient and form a social point of view highly recommended to
choose face-to-face communcation over the latest web interface.
Technology is making communication easier in today[']s world, but at the expense
of personal contact as many people choose to work at home in front of a computer screen.
What dangers are there for a society which depends on computer screens rather than faceto-face contact for its main means of communication?
With today's communication technologies people around the world are connected through
their computer[s ]. It is very easy and simple as well to communicate with someone sitting
on the other side of the globe. The possibility to be available twentyfour[twenty-four]
hours a day through a web interface can be rather dangerous as well.
One of the biggest dangers is that people start to live a life without any social contacts.
Everyone starts to live in his own world, a world dominated purely by their computer
screen messages. Living an illusion that millions of friends are out there just waiting for
you.Friends that will support you on a bad day or will cheer you up if you won't feel well.
This artifical{sp} bubble starts to burst as soon as people get into{"encounter" would be a
better word choice here} real world problems, like loosing{sp} their job.
Another danger from[of] relying purely on communication technologies through the
internet occures{sp} when it comes to deadlining{I have never heard of deadline being
used as a verb} colleagues, clients as well as costumers.{sp} Nothing is easier than
sending and[an] email to someone and telling him or her that he or she misunderstood
something and it needs to be redone. This form of one way communcation{sp} will lead
sooner or later to inefficiency. Would it have {"If it had" sounds better to me} been
| Mohd Roshdi bin Abd Aziz / 661207025925001 12


discussed face-to-face and show {this sentence structure is wrong - what is the subject that
is showing? you could say "and some examples shown" but I think changing the whole
sentence to active voice would be better} some examples on how to do it not only a lot of
time but also a lot of frustation{sp} could have been avoided.
Relying on communcation{sp} entirely through the computer screen not only can cause
economical {economical means inexpensive - economic means having to do with
economics} problems but also social problems. Even though we are in the
twentyfirst[twenty-first] century is it still very efficient and form[from] a social point of
view highly recommended to choose face-to-face communcation{sp} over the latest web

| Mohd Roshdi bin Abd Aziz / 661207025925001 13


Question 6.
Community Service is important for many reasons. Taking part and volunteering teaches
compassion and understanding. One of my favorite things about community service is that
there are opportunities and choices right in your very neighborhood. You can volunteer for
something you really believe and have an interest in, and can volunteer as much or as little
as you'd like or have time for.
When I was younger I volunteered for a nearby animal shelter. At first I didn't know many
people there and wasn't very enthusiastic. Later, as I got to know the animals and staff
members I learned to enjoy and relish my time there. It was a very rewarding experience
and I got to do many things I wouldn't of had an opportunity to do otherwise.
Sometimes when I'd come in to volunteer I would see other kids taking part. Most of them
were volunteering because they needed service hours for school. These kids sometimes
just sat around waiting for their time to pass and not enjoying the experiences that the
shelter had to offer. Other students I saw there even after they had completed their hours
for school. They had enjoyed their experience and wanted to do more for the shelter.
Not only is community service fun and rewarding, it also looks great on a resume or
college application. Sometimes community service is even required for high school
graduation. Last year in my life skills class my teacher often talked about community
| Mohd Roshdi bin Abd Aziz / 661207025925001 14


service and making a difference. One of papers we had to write was about if we thought
requiring students at a university to complete 75 hours of community service was a good
idea. I agreed with it and wrote As far as 75 hours go, I don't think that is too much as
long as you give the students enough time to complete it. As well as allow them to pick
from a variety of locations for their service. I felt that it was a good idea not just for the
sake of a well-rounded individual but also because I feel that everyone should give back.
As I move through life I think I will always be involved in community service. Not just
because I think it is important but because it is something I enjoy and look forward to. I
love bringing joy and through community service I feel I can accomplish that. I hope that
this paper inspires you to go out in your community and make a difference. I hope I have
encouraged you to volunteer your time, even if your reward is only a wag, lick, or smile
Community service has been a forever, long service done through giving people of
communities in the effort to bring up their neighborhood. These selfless acts of kindness
have been passed through the generations with the same undertones. As volunteering
services have grown through the times, there are now more available means of community
services for people to involve themselves with. Those who taken on community service
projects have greatly benefited from their work, gaining memorable experiences, and
building unique character traits.
For those who are unfamiliar with volunteering, the thought of commitment comes to
mind. The commitment that is made to volunteering is slightly different, for in most
volunteering situations, you create as much of a commitment as you want. People have the
option to volunteer as much of their own time as they are willing, still allowing them to
remain focused on their school, work, and personal lives. As there are some services that
do ask for a longer time commitment, you still are able to give as much time for a certain
project as you want.
Students are always encouraged to volunteer for not only the experience and character
building, but also for applying for colleges. The admission levels for universities is
| Mohd Roshdi bin Abd Aziz / 661207025925001 15


becoming more competitive, asking for more out incoming students. One major tool that
has been helpful to setting themselves apart from most of their peers is their volunteering
services. It is recommended that students volunteer in subjects and projects that they have
an interest in, so that this way, it promotes their efforts within the volunteering community.
Students have volunteered at soup kitchens, museums, elderly homes, and at school
projects. What the students put into their volunteering experiences will show immensly in
their character. As these experiences are pointed out on their applications, students have
heard more acceptances than rejections.
Through volunteering, people who need an outlet for their character trait of being kind and
selfless, have been able to receive that satisfaction. People have sometimes toiled with the
notion of wanting to find some way to give back to their community, and help those that
cannot help themselves. Those in this situation have been able to volunteer at soup
kitchens and have discussions with people they serve, brightening up their day and making
them smile. Others have gone to hospitals and aided with the elderly, having conversation
with them and listening to stories of a time long ago, gaining wisdom. The elderly in this
situation are always more than thankful for someone to have a conversation with someone
and being listened to, especially if you are someone who enjoys playing a game of chess!
In the same scene, volunteers are also able to work with children, playing games with
them, reading and painting with them. Again, putting a smile on their face is all the
payment a volunteer needs to make them feel grateful for doing this type of service.
Many people who have volunteered gain a type of growth that some can not get anywhere
else. Volunteers are given the opportunity to see this life from a variety of different angles,
giving them, at the end of the day, a sense of humility for their own lives. When a person
volunteers, they are able to give as much of their time as they want, making the
commitment their own. One of the easiest things about volunteering is getting involved.
There are countless organizations and charities that are always looking for an extra hand to
put a smile on someone's face. With all the opportunities available to volunteer, a person
can find their way into something that could change not just their life, but also the life of
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Question 7.
While many travelers do not think about the long-term impact of their vacations,
there are many disadvantages of tourism that may impact the people and environment of a
tourist destination.
The most obvious disadvantage to locals is that their everyday living spaces are
more crowded, and many times, more costly. This can amount to more traffic and longer
wait times. In addition, there are negative effects on the environment for many touristbased activities. Natural resources are depleted by tourists. Pollution is elevated, and
sometimes natural infrastructure is destroyed. These issues are so important that there has
been an explosion in the eco-tourism industry.
The disadvantages of tourism are it may encourage cultural destruction and it leads
to environmental destruction, which is caused by game drives, resorts, ski and other sports
that are played in game reserves. Other disadvantages are: it may encourage marginal
employment, prostitution, seasonal employment, concentration employment, unrealistic
expectation and diverted development.
The below are the some of the advantages and disadvantages of tourism
- Stimulates the economy as more people are visiting the area and therefore spending
money in local businesses
- Companies get more money to expand and grow
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- New businesses may come across to the area, investment opportunities

- The money from taxes helps the state's/country's economy grow more, which attract
more tourists and the government gets more money from the taxes the tourists pay
- Causes traffic, city is fully crowded. Tourist cities are usually full of people & annoying
tourists who may not know the local norms & expectations which can offend the locals.
- Some tourists may have a general lack of care for the area and may cause littering.
- Seasonal employment (many people left jobless when the holiday season is over)
- Tourists cause environmental damage through forest fires, destruction of sand dunes and
pollution. Consequently this serves negatively as increased pollution disturbs local
residents and also it may discourage tourists from further entering the country.
Tourism has been considered as an important industry field. Many efforts have introduced
by the governments to improve the tourism. Thereby, the international travel fares are
significantly decreasing and tourism is nourishing. As any phenomenon, Tourism does had
advantages and disadvantages that will be analyzed in the following paragraphs.
On the one hand, tourism is considered as a key to the intercultural understanding and
languages interchange. For example, many people are traveling to US or UK to learn
English language from the native English speakers. In addition, tourism opens the gate for
different cultures. Thus, encourage the nation communication and produce business rode
between the various countries. The cultural exchange between Europe and Arabian
countries in the educational field is the good example of positive
effect of tourism.
Moreover, I am convincing that tourism play an essential role in shedding the
unemployment. When the international tourism industry was nourishing, the economic
industry was beneficial. Consequently, the vocation opportunities were increased.
On the other hand, the international tourism does pose some disadvantages. For one,
tourists come with different cultures and principles which are in contrast with the native
nations. To explain more, these principles could be opposite to the native nationthoughts
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or to their religion. I believe that this issue is an obvious disadvantage to the growing
global travel industry.
As a conclusion, I intend that the falling travel prices are making the tourism more
possible. It is purely felt tourism has more benefits than drawback. It improves all
different industry fields and promotes the international communication between the
different nations.
Tourism is often touted as an industry that will never shrink in size. In other words, as the
world develops, more and more people will be able to travel. Although many may see this
as a positive phenomenon, it is not a trend without drawbacks. Both the advantages and
disadvantages of this topic will be analyzed before a reasoned conclusion is reached.
On the one hand, the reduction in travel fare and the increasing of global tourism can be
seen as a positive event as it promotes intercultural understanding and global harmony. For
example, many Middle Eastern states have opened their doors and embraced tourism over
the last twenty years and this has helped shed prejudiced views internationally that all
Middle Eastern countries are dangerous. This development clearly shows the benefits of
an increasing international tourism industry.
In addition to this, tourism creates new opportunities for trade. For example, many
Chinese tourists are bringing back products from foreign countries that are currently
unavailable in China. These new trade ties are great for the health of the entire global
economy and can be seen as yet another positive ramification resulting from increased
On the other hand, the international tourism industry does pose some disadvantages. For
one, money travelling into countries through tourism can lead to the establishment of
some morally questionable activity. To name a few, tourist hotspots in developing
countries are often rife with theft problems, maimed beggars and prostitution. The

| Mohd Roshdi bin Abd Aziz / 661207025925001 19


inflaming of these issues as a result of increased tourism is an obvious disadvantage to the

growing global travel industry.
Following this analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of tourism and the falling
travel prices that are making it more possible, it is felt tourism has more benefits than
drawbacks. It is hoped the growth in global intercultural understanding continues
uninterrupted as tourism increases.

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