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Block l

A) Present perfect simple

1) Description
+: Subject + has / have + verb in past participle + complement.

Subject + hasn`t / haven`t + verb in past participle + complement.

Has / Have + Subject + verb in past participle + complement +?

2) Function
The Present Perfect is used to indicate a link between the present and the past. The
time of the action is before now but not specified, and we are often more interested in
the result than in the action itself.

3) Special features



I / you / we / they

I have spoken.

I have not spoken.

Have I spoken?

he / she / it

He has spoken.

He has not spoken.

Has he spoken?

4) Examples
Example: She has written five letters.
Example: School has not started yet.
Example: I have never been to Australia.

5) Exercises
B) Present perfect continuos
1) Description
Subject + auxiliary verb ("to have") + "been" + gerund.
Subject + auxiliary verb ("to have") + "not" + "been" + gerund.
Auxiliary verb ("to have") + subject + "been" + gerund?Function

2) Function

As in the present perfect, we use the auxiliary verb "to have" in

addition to "been" (the past participle of the verb "to be") and
the gerund of the verb.

3) Special features
Has ( he, she, it ) + been + verb-ing.
Have ( I, You, we, they ) + been + verb-ing.

4) Examples
You have been waiting here for two hours.
Have you been waiting here for two hours?
You have not been waiting here for two hours.

5) Exercises
C) Present perfect simple vs. present perfect

Block 2

Used to / didnt use to / would

-Used to
1) Description:
Subject + "used to" + verb ...

2) Function:
The modal verb "used to" is used to indicate something that
happened or happen in the past as usual.

3) Special features
Subject + "did not" + "use to" + verb ...
"Did" + subject + "use to" + verb ...?
Subject + "used to" + verb ...

4) Examples
We used to go to the beach every summer when I was young.

He used to smoke a pack of cigarettes a day, but he quit last year.

I used to like mushrooms, but not anymore.
There used to be a great restaurant here, but it closed a few years ago.

5) Exercises

used to go to the park after school.

used to eat ice cream.

-Didnt use to
1) Description:
We use Didnt use to When we talk about things that happened in
the past

2) Fuction:
We can use Didnt used to to talk about past states in negative or
we can use Didn`t used to to talk. actions that dont happen now.

3) Special features
4) Examples
I used not to like her, but now I have fallen madly in love with her.

5) Exercises

1) Description:

Would expresses that an activity was routine, typical behavior, frequently


2) Function:

'Would' is the past of will in some cases and in other auxiliary

verb. Potential becomes the verb that follows and is followed by
the verb in base form.

3) Special features
4) Examples

would go - go
would eat - eat
would be - would / would
Would Have - would / would

5) Exercises
I would go to the party.
You would feel better.
That would be great.
We would help you.
They would get very angry.

E) Past Perfect Simple

1) Description:
no differences

I had spoken.

I had not spoken.

Had I spoken?

2) Function:
action taking place before a certain time in the past
(putting emphasis only on the fact, not the duration)

3) Special features

Exceptions in Spelling when Adding ed


after final e, only add d

love loved

final consonant after a short, stressed vowel

or l as final consonant after a vowel is doubled

admit admitted
travel travelled

final y after a consonant becomes i

hurry hurried

4) Examples
You had studied English before you moved to New York.
Had you studied English before you moved to New York?
You had not studied English before you moved to New York.

5) Exercises
+: I had drunk a lot of beer.
-: I hadnt drunk a lot of beer.
?: Had I druck a lot of beer?
Yes, I had.
No, I hadnt.
Block 3
F) Vocabulary
1) Films
Actor: Actor
Actors: Actores
Actress: Actrices
Audience: Pblico, audiencia.
Cast: Reparto
Cinema: Cine
Climax: Clmax (desenlace de la pelcula)
Director: Director de cine
Extra: Figurante, actor extra.
Film: Pelcula (UK)
Genre: Gnero (tipo de pelcula)
Language: Idioma
Lead role: Papel principal
Main actor: Actor principal
Movie: Pelcula (USA)
Original Version: Versin original
Plot: Trama
Scene: Escena, escenario, decorado.
Script: Guin
Secondary role: Papel secundario
Sequel: Segunda parte de una pelcula, continuacin.
Setting: Escena
Soundtrack: Banda sonora

Special effects: Efectos especiales

Star: Estrella (actor o actriz ms importante de la pelcula)
Story: Historia
Subtitles: Subttulos

2) Book generes
Biography/Autobiography - Narrative of a person's life. A true story about a real
Essay - A short literary composition that reflects the author's outlook or point.
Narrative nonfiction - Factual information presented in a format which tells a story.
Speech - Public address or discourse.
Textbook - Authoritative and detailed factual description of a topic.
Reference book. - Dictionary, thesaurus, encyclopedia, almanac, atlas, etc.

1) Film review
Ttulo: Titanes del Pacfico.
Ao: 2013.
Director: Guillermo del Toro.
Guionistas: Guillermo del Toro y Travis Beacham.
Protagonistas: Charlie Hunnam, Idris Elba, Rinko Kikuchi, Charlie Day, Rob
Kazinsky, Max Martini y Ron Perlman.

My opinion it is a very good movie apart I love this genre of films.

The film is a huge invasion of monsters you go through a portal in
the Pacific Ocean at the deepest point on earth, and to combat this
threat humans create some giant robots capable of combating this
threat and defeat it.
The film focuses on a young man who lost his brother while
fighting one of the <s threats and after a while back and with the
help of a controlled between 2 to a robot and eliminate this threat

2) Book review

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