Wednesday, January 28, 2015 6:30pm - Health Professions Lounge, Carleton Campus

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Council Meeting Agenda

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

6:30pm | Health Professions Lounge, Carleton Campus
Table of Contents
1. Roll Call ................................................................................................................................. 2
2. Adoption of the Agenda .......................................................................................................... 2
3. Approval of Minutes from Previous Meetings ......................................................................... 2
A) January 14, 2015 ............................................................................................................... 2
4. Communications Received ..................................................................................................... 3
A) Budget Advisory Committee student consultation .............................................................. 3
5. Appointments ......................................................................................................................... 3
A) Facilities Improvement Committee ..................................................................................... 3
6. Business of the Executive ...................................................................................................... 4
President Ramz Aziz ........................................................................................................... 4
Vice-President Internal Jennifer Nowoselski ........................................................................ 7
Vice-President Financial and Operations Mahbubur Rahman .............................................. 8
Vice-President Academic and External Jacqueline Skiptunis ..............................................11
Vice-President Student Life Danny Shanahan ....................................................................13
7. Reports of Committees and Societies ...................................................................................16
A) Board Caucus Report .......................................................................................................16
8. Presentations ........................................................................................................................17
A) Dalhousie Gazette Publication Society ..............................................................................17
9. Old Business .........................................................................................................................17
A) Motion to adopt various amendments to Committee Policy ...............................................17
B) Motion to adopt various amendments to Facility Operations Policy ...................................17
C) Motion to adopt various amendments to Union Rules and Procedure Policy .....................17
D) Motion to adopt a policy concerning Request for Proposals for SUB space ......................17
E) Motion to review referendum mandated levied societies ...................................................18
F) Motion to endorse Statement on Incidents of Misogyny and Homophobia in the Dalhousie
Faculty of Dentistry ................................................................................................................19
10. New Business .....................................................................................................................21
A) Motions to refer submitted referendum levy questions to the Board of Operations and the
Elections Committee..............................................................................................................21


CKDU .........................................................................................................................21


Dalhousie Legal Aid Service Society ...........................................................................21




Dalhousie Outdoor Society ......................................................................................23


South House ...............................................................................................................23

B) Motion to adopt an Equity Policy .......................................................................................24

C) Motion to hire an independent governance review consultant ...........................................27
D) Motion to strike an ad hoc Governance Review Committee ..............................................28
E) Motion to rescind Policy on Policy .....................................................................................30
F) Motion to adopt a Social Media Code of Conduct ..............................................................30
G) Motion to strike an ad hoc Student Services Review Committee ......................................31
11. Notices of Motion ................................................................................................................31
12. Announcements ..................................................................................................................31
13. Adjournment........................................................................................................................31

1. Roll Call
2. Adoption of the Agenda
Motions to re-order agenda items

Motions to delete agenda items

Motions to allocate time

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the agenda be adopted as circulated.

3. Approval of Minutes from Previous Meetings

A) January 14, 2015


4. Communications Received
A) Budget Advisory Committee student consultation
WHEREAS the Office of the Vice-Provost has requested that the Universitys Budget Advisory
Committee conduct consultations with students, and
WHEREAS the Office of the Vice-Provost has indicated its availability on March 3 before the
Union General Meeting and on March 11 before Council, therefore
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Budget Advisory Committee shall appear before [students at the
General Meeting / Council] on [March 3 / March 11], 2015 to give a presentation and to field
questions of students.

5. Appointments
A) Facilities Improvement Committee

One (1) member of the Union from Studley Campus

Commitment: Meets as needed, but not less than once per semester.

Duties: Review facility improvement needs for all student union-operated space;
disburse funds collected through the Facilities Improvement Fee; undertake any other
tasks related to facility improvements as may be assigned from time to time by the Board
or Council.

Council Report due: As needed, but not less than once per semester.

Other members: Chaired by VPFO; the VPI also sits on this committee; the General
Manager and the Director of Facilities and Operations also sit on this committee in a
non-voting capacity.


6. Business of the Executive

President Ramz Aziz

Rosemary Gill Award Committee

Need a student representative to sit on the Rosemary Gill Award Committee to
decide on recipient
Awards are presented annually to a member or members of faculty or staff of the
University who have provided outstanding service, other than teaching, to
students. Up to four awards can be made each year. The selection of recipients is
made by a committee consisting of the President; the Vice-Provost, Student
Affairs; the Chair of the Student Experience Committee of the Board of
Governors; and a student appointed by the Dalhousie Student Union.
VP Advancement Search Committee
Dr. Florizone has invited a student representative to sit on the search committee for
the VP Advancement at Dalhousie
VP Advancement is responsible for fundraising and external relations
Budget Advisory Committee
BAC has offered to do a presentation at either Council or AGM
Councils decision on where to invite them
Dalhousie Agricultural Student Association Visit
DASA is coming in next couple of weeks to Halifax for a meeting
Proposal has been raised
Safety App
Requesting a demo and update on Dal Security safety app (recently released on
Board Caucus
Ombudsperson presentation and supporting documentation given to Student
Experience Committee


Yarmouth Visit
Met with President of Yarmouth Student Nursing Society
We have been invited to attend pinning ceremony on March 7th
Wifi Upgrade
The VP Finance has been presented with a wi-fi upgrade proposal to increase
capacity in the long-term.
Project is expensive, and needs student support
App Coordinator is doing a smashing job with app
Tiger Society is being integrated into app
Med Student Fee Increase
Med students brought forward concerns regarding 5% tuition increases to Provost
Concerns were dismissed initially; provided emails for student reps on BAC to
Med Society President
Levy Question
Roughly 5 questions have been submitted; motion to send these to BOPS is
Some questions may still require further amendment
Student Day of Action
Student Day of Action is coming up on Feb 4th
Please spread the word amongst your constituencies, as this is the year of the
We must demand for an investment in Education, in the form of the lowering of
tuition, the conversion of 100% of student loans to grants, immediate MSI
coverage for International students among other asks


Students Nova Scotia

Spoke with Jonathan Williams, and I do have a position on the hiring committee
for the new Executive Director, along with other officers Brandon (St. Fx
President) and Callie (Acadia President)
Hiring date for position is March 9th
An advocacy week is being planned but I am not sure how extensively we will
participate, as we are already booking meetings on our own with MLAs and public
Working on Quarterly Financial Report for January
Dentistry Situation
Jacqueline and Mahbubur are part of Kim Brooks extremely active task force
A meeting is being held between the DSU Exec and the President
A meeting is being held between Chair of Senate and student Senators
Charging Stations
Stations have been installed in Law, are being installed in Alumni Lounge
Emergency Bursary Program
Ayesha Kottapali, our Executive Project Commissioner, has created a draft for an
Emergency Bursary Program
Program to be funded out of Union surplus (outlined in Surplus policy)
Mahbub and Craig are determining a funding source in the meantime
LSC Room Booking Information
The LSC no longer has the online platform by which students could view the
rooms available for booking in the evenings
Instead, a PDF will be available depicting the available rooms on the DSU Website
and on the Room Booking form on the University website
SUB Basement Space: Request for Proposals
BOPS to decide how to proceed with RFP and how student consultations might fit
into process


Still have not received feedback yet from the University on the MOU draft we
o Surplus policy being drafted for presentation to BOPS at next meeting
o Committee Policy, Facilities Operations (recommended to be repealed) and Union
Rules and Procedures are to be voted on Wednesday
Governance Review Committee
Have included two motions for governance review process (an internal, and an
external one)
Council needs to provide direction on which process they prefer
South House
Calling a meeting with South House and Uni to arrange South House ramp and

Vice-President Internal Jennifer Nowoselski



Vice-President Financial and Operations Mahbubur Rahman

SUB Renovation Finances:
SUB Renovation financing proposals were reviewed. As RBC has a better offer we are further
communicating with RBC for moving forward. RBC will present in the Board of Operations
before the financial agreement is signed.
Meanwhile, the Architect is working on a draft phasing of the project. The project is expected to
start in May 2015 and completed within August 2016.
We had meeting with our Investment Manager about indirect investment on January 22nd.
Following the Council motion passed on December 3, DSU Divestment Commissioner is
working on the possible options and their consequences. We are hopeful to present the report
before Council in April.
Budget 2015-16 Focus Group
DSU Budget of 2015-16 focus group was created and still open for anyone to join. We are
having our first Budget Focus group meeting on February 5th.
Food Service Survey
Questionnaire for Food service Survey has been finalized. Suggestions from the campus food
groups were incorporated. Survey will be online in February. DSU Campus food commissioner
is working on it.
International Student Emergency Fund:
An emergency fund was created from the International student Health plan fund.
DSU is now working around the criteria and hope to launch the fund soon. Total funding level
would be $25000 per year.
Winter Society Audit:
Winter Audit is deadline was January 26th. A number of Type 1 and Levied societies have
submitted their financial documents within that time.


Nominating Committee:
Nominating committee members met on January 21st to discuss on positions available in 2015-16
and finalized the timeline of the nomination procedure of this term.


Council Chair




February 9 February 26

March 2-6

March 11

Council Secretary

February 9 February 26

March 2-6

March 11

BOPS Chair

February 9 February 26

March 2-6

March 11

BOPS Member

February 9 February 26

March 2-6

March 11

Sexton Campus Director

March 9

March 26

March 30- April


April 8

Sexton Entertainment Director

March 9

March 26

March 30- April


April 8

Shinerama Director

March 9

March 26

March 30- April


April 8

O Week Coordinator

March 9

March 26

March 30- April


April 8

O Week Sponsorship Coordinator

March 9

March 26

March 30- April


April 8

DSAS Executive Director

March 9

March 26

March 30- April


April 8

DSAS Summer Director

March 9

March 26

March 30- April


April 8

Two positions in the nominating committee, Alternate Council member and Alternate Non
council member, are vacant now. This positions need to be filled in next council meeting.
Carleton Campus Director:
Katherine Lines was appointed as Carleton Campus Director. She is working on forming
Carleton Campus Advisory committee.


Facility Improvement Committee:

Facility Improvement committee will meet for first time within next two weeks.
DSU Sponsorship:
The following two sponsorship application in now under BOPS review:
1. Chinese Spring Festival
2. Planning Conference : Shift
Sexton Campus advisory Committee:
Attended sexton campus advisory committee meeting on January 22nd. Looking into Tiger patrol
service improvement in sexton campus.
Reviewing Grant policy and financial policy.
University Committees:
Strategic committee of Diversity and Inclusiveness:
The committee is reaching out to student groups, faculty, offices and societies to collect
feedback. Along with DSU VPAE, I am member of this group.
Transportation & Security Committee:
The committee has a meeting on January 20th, discussed about the current parking and security
status of the University.
Environmental Health & Safety Committee- Next meeting 19 February
Presidents Advisory Council of Sustainability- Next meeting 30 January

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Vice-President Academic and External Jacqueline Skiptunis

Hope the semester is going well for all of you!

As always, you are encouraged to contact any one of us with questions or concerns.
I can be reached at:, or 902.494.1275

Working with research and policy coordinator on MOU action for upcoming meeting
with government and university which has been re-scheduled (from 28 January) for


Continuing meetings with Fiona Black.

Student Services meetings. Our last meeting focused on the Human Rights, Equity,
and Harassment prevention. We were joined by Lisa Delong.
Faculty consultations planned for January taking backseat to current events.
Potentially becoming part of implementing strategic initiative 5.2
Senate ratification meetings continuing. Typically every two weeks
Review of Provost and VP Academic underway.
Reviewing the draft report for the International Student Experience Committee.
I am one of the members of the task force established by Dr. Florizone to implement
strategic priority 5.2. It is a work-intensive task force with the first phase of activity
underway. We are meeting with more than 70 groups in the university community in
the space of two weeks and starting our report just after Feb. 5th. If you would like to
meet with us or want more details please contact me!


Previous meeting was a special meeting of senate and unfortunately was held in
camera. The next meeting is Monday 26 January 4-6 pm University Hall.
Senate is receiving much more attention than it typically does. Much of it revolving
around what its role is, how much authority it has, and whether it should be taking
more direct action now.
Discussion of divestment was tabled until a meeting this February. Will get back with
the exact date!
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SPGC meetings.
SLTC member shuffle for this semester
SAPRC has been continuously rescheduled.


DAY OF ACTION! ALL OUT FEB 4TH! There are pamphlets available in the SUB and
outreach being done by students across Halifax.
Talking to university about bursary programs, legalities around distributing money
based on merit, applicable tax structures etc relating to independent advocacy at the
Have been receiving requests for advocacy grants! Working on making this a reality
ASAP and will be discussing in A&E.
The status of the ARC is being discussed and action being taken by the A&E at next
A&E meeting later this week!
Previous A&E meeting was held in December and quorum was not met.
The president (James Patriquin) of Students Nova Scotia resigned for reasons that
were not disclosed to the board. We found out that Ramz is the acting president until
a new one is elected at the board meeting this weekend.
Meeting with Deputy Minister Duff Montgomerie on 27 January.
Progressive-Conservative Education critic Pat Dunn meeting on 21 January- went
very well! Pat was incredibly receptive to our ideas for PSE in Nova Scotia.
Student Government Roundtable on 28 January rescheduled for February.

Further Updates

Calls from media have finally begun to slow down.

Potentially putting on another forum! Its just in the first stages of planning.
Library committee will be meeting again late January (no update yet), please direct
questions or concerns to me so I can bring them to the table.
Statement on Dentistry released from DSU early December, updated as needed,
available on our website.
Meeting with DFA around equity issues.
Equity policy working draft still available.
Action meetings starting soon!
Day of Action Planning meeting tomorrow! Every Thursday.
Meeting with University government relations liaison Matt Hebb.
Commissioner and campaign team hiring is still happening. Interviews starting ASAP.

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Vice-President Student Life Danny Shanahan

If you have any questions please let me know! <3

Student Services Review

o Sitting on the committee responsible for conducting the review of the department of
student services
o External reviewers will be coming to assist in this process and report development
o Student consultations will absolutely be happening based on the recommendations
of the committee and DSU council
o I would like to form ad hoc committee to help in this process
Looking to council to advise on the makeup of this committee

DAL LEAD Dalhousie Student Leadership Conference PLEASE SHARE

o Happening Saturday, January 31 all day conference aimed at inspiring a sense of
leadership among students at DAL
o Registration is still open for delegates Highly encourage councillors to attend!
o DSU would like to help sponsor councillors to attend the conference. Please let me
know if you are interested in attending the conference.
o Excited to be working closely with the elections committee in developing action plan
promotion and implementation of DSU elections
o Beginning to develop branding for the elections with graphic designer
Hoping to begin outreach regarding election dates and important info
o **IMPORTANT** Elections committee would like to present/discuss in society
meetings regarding elections. PLEASE let me know when your society will be
meeting next!
Presentation to include information on positions, elections dates, etc.
FROST FEST Please Share!!
o Excited for all the upcoming winter orientation programming we have! (started
January 24th)
Been a lot of excitement for these events and Im excited to get different
student groups engaging in the programs
Saturday, January 24
- Robbie Burns Day Ski Trip @ Ski Wentworth!
- Arkells LIVE in The McInnes Room SOLD OUT

Tuesday, January 27th

- FREE skate with your Dalhousie Tigers @ Emera Oval
Thursday, January 29th
- Sex Toy Bingo @ The Grawood
Friday, January 30
- Winter DSU Society Carnival @ SUB
- Halifax Mooseheads v. Cape Breton Screaming Eagles @ Scotiabank
- Open Mic @ The GRAWOOD Campus Pub

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Saturday, January 31
- Dal Lead! The Dalhousie Student Leadership Conference
Sunday, February 1
Tuesday, February 3
- Laser Tag @ The McInnes Room
Thursday, February 5
- ALL AGES Trivia (Harry Potter theme) & Wings @ Grawood // 6pm
Friday, February 6
- Annual Munro Day Ski Trip

Saturday, February 7th


Impact Awards Please share with constituents, council & society members
o Nominations are now open for the 4th Annual Impact Awards! Nominations can be
submitted here -

The IMPACT Awards is an event held annually by the DSU in collaboration with
Dalhousie University, to recognize outstanding individuals & student groups and
the impact that their contributions have made to their community.

Individual award categories include:

Academic Life
Student Life and Community Service
Residence Life
Society and groups categories are also included!

Please share this info with your constituents/society members! Wed love to get as
many nominations in a possible to help recognize all of the incredible work students
do here at DAL!

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Upcoming Events
Check out the Grawood events Calendar below for all event listings

~ January 2015 ~

Dec 2014




Classes Resume
Open for Lunch











Feb 2015





Trivia 9pm
2 for 1 Burger
Special 5-9pm
Kitchen open til

Wing Night 59pm

Sex Toy Bingo

Welcome Back
Party w Signal
Doors @8pm




Trivia 9pm
2 for 1 Burger
Special 5-9pm
Kitchen open til

Wing Night 59pm

Karaoke 7-9pm
all ages 9midnight 19+

Open Mic Night

7-9pm all ages




Trivia 9pm
2 for 1 Burger
Special 5-9pm
Kitchen open til

Wing Night 5JDCC Event

Challenge Trivia
6-8:30pm all




Trivia 9pm
2 for 1 Burger
Special 5-9pm
Kitchen open til

Wing Night 59pm

Sex Toy Bingo

Open Mic Night

7-9pm all ages




15 | P a g e

Grawood February 2015

~ February 2015 ~

Jan 2015









Mar 2015




2 for 1 Burger
Special 5-9pm
Trivia 9pm-close
kitchen open
until 11pm

49 cent Wing
Closed Munro
Night 5-9pm
Residence Night DSU Ski Trip
Trivia Challenge
#2 6-8:30pm all

DJ Grandtheft
Tickets $15
adv/$20 door
@SUB Info desk
Doors @9pm.





2 for 1 Burger
Special 5-9pm
Trivia 9pm-close
kitchen open
until 11pm

49 cent Wing
Night 5-9pm
Sex Toy Bingo

Fish & Chips

Closed Reading
$4.99 5-9pm
Open Mic Night
7-9pm all ages





Closed Reading Closed Reading Closed Reading Closed Reading Closed Reading Closed Reading Closed Reading
Held for Private




Closed Reading





2 for 1 Burger
Special 5-9pm
Trivia 9pm-close
kitchen open
until 11pm

49 Wing Night 59pm

Sex Toy Bingo

Fish & Chips

$4.99 5-9pm
Open Mic Night
7-9pm all ages

Smart is Sexy
Trivia brought to
you by DBSS!!!

More Calendars from WinCalendar: Mar 2015, Apr 2015, May 2015

7. Reports of Committees and Societies

A) Board Caucus Report
1. Ramz Aziz, President
2. Rebecca Haworth, Student Representative
3. John Hutton, Student Representative

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8. Presentations
A) Dalhousie Gazette Publication Society
Jesse Ward, Editor-in-Chief
Pursuant to Society Policy Appendix 3, section 5, The Society shall present to the Union
Council an annual presentation regarding the objectives and activities of the Society.

9. Old Business
A) Motion to adopt various amendments to Committee Policy
Ramz Aziz, President
(See Appendix A for text for amendments. See Appendix A1 for summary of changes.)

B) Motion to adopt various amendments to Facility Operations Policy

Ramz Aziz, President
(See Appendix B for text of amendments. See Appendix B1 for summary of changes.)

C) Motion to adopt various amendments to Union Rules and Procedure Policy

Ramz Aziz, President
(See Appendix C for text of amendments. See Appendix C1 for summary of changes.)

D) Motion to adopt a policy concerning Request for Proposals for SUB space
Ali Calladine, Senator

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E) Motion to review referendum mandated levied societies

Jomel Varghese, Sexton Campus Director
WHEREAS Dalhousie full-time and part-time students pay $66.75 and $26.47, respectively, in
fees into levied societies every year, and
WHEREAS levied societies handle a large amount of student fees, and
WHEREAS levied societies receive greater privileges than type 2 and type 3 societies, such as
office space and access to Union resources such as additional promotion and tiger patrol van,
WHEREAS because of their increased operational scope, levied societies must be held to a
higher standard of accountability in regards to their finances and student outreach and
engagement, and
WHEREAS certain levied societies have experienced low student attendance at their general
meetings and low student participation in their decision making, therefore
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Society Review Committee conduct a review of levied society
student engagement, campus outreach, student participation in meetings, event planning and
activities, and use of finances for purposes beneficial to students,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the SRC present to Council its findings on levied society
operations with recommendations on improving student participation and levied society
accountability and transparency in their use of student funds and society resources.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the SRC present to Council no later than March 11, 2015
its findings on levied society operations with recommendations on improving student
participation and levied society accountability and transparency in their use of student funds and
society resources.

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F) Motion to endorse Statement on Incidents of Misogyny and Homophobia in the

Dalhousie Faculty of Dentistry
Ramz Aziz, President
Whereas incidents of misogyny and sexism in the Dalhousie University Faculty of Dentistry
were made public in late December and early January; and
Whereas Facebook pages that promote gender-based violence, sexist comments, sexual
harassment, and preferential treatment of male students all create a campus culture that
excludes and marginalizes women students; and
Whereas complaints about sexism and misogyny brought to the university by the Dalhousie
Student Union have not adequately been addressed; and
Whereas Dalhousie University has a duty to ensure a safe learning and working environment for
all students and should be actively working towards challenging sexism and misogyny across
the university; and
Whereas since the university has recently expressed a commitment to addressing the systemic
issue of misogyny in Dentistry and Dalhousie, swift, tangible actions and sincere initiatives with
community and student groups need to be undertaken to follow up on this commitment; and
Whereas the Dalhousie Student Union is committed to fighting for a university campus that is
free from sexism, misogyny, and gender-based violence and recognizes that these forms of
oppression impact the day-to-day lives of our members; therefore
Be it resolved that the DSU join other student organizations in signing on to the following:


We, the undersigned student organizations at Dalhousie University, are deeply concerned by
the recent events within the Faculty of Dentistry that demonstrate the continued issue of sexism,
misogyny and rape culture on campus. We are calling on Dalhousie University to take
immediate steps to address rape culture not only in the Faculty of Dentistry, but also across the
Dalhousie Campus.
As student-run and student-funded organizations and groups who are mandated to forward
social justice at Dalhousie and in the broader Halifax community, we are committed to fighting
for a campus and community that is free of rape, sexualized violence, misogyny, homophobia
and all forms of oppression.
While the release of Facebook posts from students in the Faculty of Dentistry that promote rape
and sexual assault, misogyny and homophobia is concerning, these incidents do not come as a
surprise. These latest events are just another manifestation of systemic issues on our campus
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that allow rape culture to persist and provide little support to students facing discrimination,
harassment, or sexualized violence.
Regardless of disciplinary actions taken against the specific students involved in these
incidents, the Dalhousie senior administration must commit to addressing the systemic,
university-wide issues that allow behaviour like this to happen in the first place. This is not an
isolated incident.
Students who experience sexual harassment or violence, including rape, have few options for
support and services on campus, and often have their experiences questioned, belittled or
ignored. We believe survivors of sexual violence and want to see the university fund and
implement services to ensure that students who experience sexual harassment and violence
are supported and safe.
Unlike other campuses, Dalhousie University has no anonymous reporting mechanism to
address issues of oppression, discrimination or harassment. In the Faculty of Dentistry,
specifically, women students who previously came forward with concerns about sexism were
unable to pursue these because of a lack of anonymity.
Dalhousie also has no dedicated sexual assault support line. We are also concerned that the
general counselling services offered by the university do not sufficiently support students who
have been raped or sexually assaulted.
Dalhousie also cut the Office of the Ombudsperson, closing another avenue for students to
pursue concerns about oppression, discrimination and harassment. The University has stalled
proposals for a student advocate or the reinstatement of the Ombudsperson.
We are calling on the university to take the following actions immediately:

Implement an anonymous system for reporting incidents of discrimination and

The creation of a student advocate office (e.g. Office of the Ombudsperson, Office of
Community Standards, etc) that will assist students in navigating services and identify
where services are inadequate or non-existent.
Open up membership of the Presidential Taskforce to student organizations and
advocacy groups working on issues of sexism, misogyny, rape culture and homophobia.

These initial actions are only short-term solutions and the university should work with our
organizations and others to create a long-term plan to challenge rape culture and oppression on

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10. New Business

A) Motions to refer submitted referendum levy questions to the Board of Operations and
the Elections Committee
Ramz Aziz, President
WHEREAS the Dalhousie Student Union membership has the sole authority to implement or
change fees for societies; and
WHEREAS referendum proposals are to be reviewed by the Board of Operations and Elections
Committee; therefore
BE IT RESOLVED that levy questions submitted on behalf of the following societies be referred
to the Board of Operations and Elections Committee for review:



Whereas CKDU-FM has not received an increase in levy funding since 1985; and
Whereas CKDU-FM is a voice for the campus, providing students with access to broadcasting
skills, news, and media training; and
Whereas the costs associated with maintaining equipment and general operational costs for
hundreds of volunteers have been increasingly affected by inflation and
Whereas a levy increase from all students would allow CKDU-FM to increase services;
Do you support increasing the levy for CKDU-FM from $4.50 per semester for full-time students
and $1 per semester for part-time students to $4.75 per semester for full-time students and
$1.50 per semester for part-time students? This question pertains only to Halifax campuses.


Dalhousie Legal Aid Service Society

[Chairs note: Incidental Motion:

WHEREAS the Chair would be placed in a position of conflict of interest should he sit as Chair
during debate on the motion to refer the Dalhousie Legal Aid Service Societys proposed
referendum levy question to the Board of Operations and the Elections Committee, therefore
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Chair be permitted to recuse himself from this motion, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT an interim Chair be appointed in accordance with the
Union Rules to sit as Chair for the duration of this motion.]
Whereas for the past 45 years Dalhousie Legal Aid Service has been committed to the pursuit
of social justice, law reform, and community development in the public interest; and
Whereas legal services are inaccessibly costly to most students; and

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Whereas Dalhousie Legal Aid Service has developed expertise in the areas of law that are
directly relevant to the lives of students, such as landlord-tenant disputes, student loan
problems, debtor/creditor issues, and others; and
Whereas many students (e.g. international students and students in professional programs)
require notary public and commissioner of oath services that on average cost up to $60 per
document at a typical law firm; and
Whereas Dalhousie Legal Aid Service seeks to provide regular and accessible services and
public legal education to all students of Dalhousie University throughout the year; and
Whereas Dalhousie Legal Aid Service will offer the following menu of services to students free
of charge if this levy is passed:
1. Private consultations for summary advice (landlord-tenant, student loans, debtor/credit
issues, and others)
2. Notary Public signatures on legal documents;
3. Commissioner of Oath signatures on legal documents and certified copies; and
4. Legal information sessions on landlord/tenant issues; therefore
Do you support the creation of a new levy for the Dalhousie Legal Aid Service Society of $2.50
per full-time student per term and $1.50 per part-time student per term to support the work of
Dalhousie Legal Aid Service? This question pertains only to Halifax campuses.



Whereas DalOUT offers education, support, advocacy and events to communities at Dalhousie
University who experience oppression based on sexual orientation and gender expression, and
opportunities for students to connect with communities of individuals with similar experiences
and find support and solidarity through these connections; and
Whereas DalOUT provides services to the Dalhousie community, which include a safer drop in
and hang out space in the student union building, annual scholarship awards, sexual health
supplies, workshops, free and all-ages social events, discussion groups, guest speakers, and
student bursaries; and
Whereas DalOUT has existed as a volunteer-driven student society at Dalhousie University
since 2001, which include a board of approximately 9 executive members and is supported by a
rapidly growing membership of active volunteers; and
Whereas DalOUT is experiencing a growth in the number of volunteers whose potential are only
maximized when someone is available on a consistent basis to coordinate their efforts; and
Whereas: DalOUT wishes to hire a part time volunteer coordinator; and
Whereas DalOUT has operated from a student levy of $0.25 (twenty-five cents) per semester
per full time student since 2007. DalOUT receives no levy support from part time students. The
levy has remained unchanged for eight years;

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Do you support an increase in the current DalOUT levy by $0.25 per semester, resulting in the
full time student levy increasing from $0.25 to $0.50 (fifty cents) per semester and part time
student levy increasing from $0.00 to $0.25 per semester? This question pertains only to Halifax


Dalhousie Outdoor Society

Whereas the Dalhousie Outdoors Society aims to provide Dalhousie students with the
opportunity to explore the natural beauty of Nova Scotia and take part in outdoors activities; and
Whereas the Dalhousie Outdoors Society uses current funds to facilitate outdoors activities by
renting vehicles for transport to outdoors locations in Nova Scotia, outfitting groups of students
for outdoors activities by renting or purchasing necessary equipment; and
Whereas the Dalhousie Outdoors Society would use a student levy to continue and expand its
current activities and to provide funding up to $1000 per year to support the continued activities
of up to five ratified specialized outdoor activity societies, decided by majority vote at the
Dalhousie Outdoors Society AGM in accordance with the Dalhousie Outdoors Society
constitution, such as but not limited to the Dalhousie Kayaking Society, the Dalhousie Surfing
Society, the Dalhousie Scuba Society, the Dalhousie Ski and Snowboard Society;
Do you support the creation of a levy for the Dalhousie Outdoors Society of 50 cents per term
for full time Dalhousie students at the Halifax campus only and 25 cents per term for part time
Dalhousie students at the Halifax campus only.


South House

Whereas in 2014, 52% of students successfully voted yes" in a referendum to increase South
Houses levy; and
Whereas this levy increase was initially rejected by Dalhousie for formatting errors in the levy
question; but was granted conditionally for one year (the 2014/2015 academic year); and
Whereas South House is one of the leaders in advocating for gender and sexual justice for
students and community members on campus and in the larger Halifax community; and
Whereas voting no actually cuts South Houses current funding, services and resources;
Do you support continuing the current South House levy of $3.00 per full-time student, per fall
and winter semester, and $1.58 per full time student, per summer semester; $1.50 per part-time
student, per fall and winter semester semester, and $0.68 per part-time student, per summer
This applies to Halifax campuses only. Voting no would revert funding to the levy amount
South House obtained in the 2013/2014 academic year. ($1.58 per full-time student, per
semester; $0.68 per part-time student, per semester)

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B) Motion to adopt an Equity Policy

Jacqueline Skiptunis, VP Academic & External
WHEREAS the Dalhousie Student Union is committed to combatting discrimination and
harassment in all forms on campus; and
WHEREAS the DSU should reflect this in its internal policies; therefore
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Dalhousie Student Union adopt the following Equity Policy:
Note: All terms will hold the same definition as outlined in the Dalhousie Student Union
1. The Dalhousie Student Union is committed in all its operations to creating equitable and
inclusive environments free from harassment and discrimination. Creating inclusive and positive
environments is a collective responsibility of all members of the Dalhousie Student Union, but in
order to promote these aims, this policy outlines actions that will be undertaken by the
Dalhousie Student Union.
Harassment and Discrimination
2. Pursuant to the objectives of the Union and the Nova Scotia Human Rights Code,
discrimination and harassment based on age, race, colour, religion, creed, sex, gender identity
or expression, sexual orientation, disability, an irrational fear of contracting an illness or disease,
ethnic, national, or Aboriginal origin, family status, marital status, source of income, political
belief, affiliation, or activity, or an individuals association with another individual(s) having
characteristics referred to in previous groups will not be tolerated at any events sponsored by
the Union or in any space operated by the Union.
3. Discrimination and harassment may take the form of:

Barriers that prevent the members of the Union living with disabilities from participating
in Union programming and activities;


Remarks, including jokes or innuendo, that are based on racist, sexist, ableist,
homophobic, transphobic or other discriminatory sentiments;


Promotional materials, events, or performances that use stereotypes based on any of

the characteristics described in this policy;


Offensive comments and/or actions which demean, humiliate or threaten an individual or

group; and


Sexual harassment, which is defined as any unwanted sexual attention or solicitation

which has the effect of interfering with an individuals participation, or which creates a
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negative emotional or psychological environment. Example of sexual harassment may

include: remarks, jokes or innuendoes about a persons body, attire, age, marital status,
gender, sexuality, sexual orientation, perceived sexual orientation or perceived gender
4. The Executive, Council and Board, in consultation with the Equity and Accessibility Office, are
responsible for ensuring that the services, events, advocacy, campaigns and other programs of
the Union represent the diversity of the Unions membership, including but not limited to,
creating bylaws, policies, programmes, activities and groups that aim to ameliorate the
conditions of marginalized communities including Aboriginal students, racialized students,
students with disabilities, and women students.
Accommodations for Union Events and Activities
5. The Union shall include contact information on all promotional material for students wishing to
seek accommodations for events and activities undertaken by the Union. The Union will strive to
meet accommodation needs within their control.
Equity Hiring
6. In the hiring of full- and part-time staff, the Union shall employ an equity hiring approach.
a) The Union shall include the following equity hiring statement in all postings for full- and parttime staff within the Union:
The Dalhousie Student Union welcomes the contributions that individuals from
marginalized communities bring to our organization. A non-comprehensive list of these
groups includes racialized people, Aboriginal people, women, lesbian, bisexual, gay,
transgender and queer people, and people with disabilities. We encourage applicants to
describe the contributions and experiences they, as individuals who identify with
marginalized communities, would bring to this position.
b) The Union will, as necessary, adopt procedures to correct systemic barriers in order to
assure that designated equity-seeking groups are included and not excluded; and
c) The Union will strive to accommodate employees in designated groups, including a review of
employment systems, policies, and practices as necessary.
Equity Statement
7. In accordance with the aims of this policy, the following statement will be posted and/or read
aloud to participants at all events of the Union:
Student union solidarity is based on the principle that all members are equal and
deserve mutual respect and understanding. As members of the students Union, mutual
respect, cooperation and understanding are our goals. We should neither condone nor
tolerate behavior that undermines the dignity or self-esteem of any individual or creates
an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment.
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It is our collective responsibility for creating an inclusive space for discussion and
dialogue. All forms of discrimination and harassment will not be tolerated, nor will hate
speech rooted in, but not limited to, sexist, racist, classist, ableist, homophobic or
transphobic sentiments and/or remarks. We all have an obligation to ensure that an
open and inclusive space, free of hate is established. If you are not here in an
understanding of good faith, or you have violated this understanding, you will be asked
to leave.
8. Members of the Union who believe that the Union has in some way failed to live up to this
policy, can make a complaint to the Vice-President (Internal) who shall be responsible for
seeking a remedy. Remedies may include, but are not limited to:
a) a public statement on behalf of the Union;
b) a change in policy or procedure;
c) a meeting with concerned parties; and/or
d) any other remedy that may from time to time be determined.

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C) Motion to hire an independent governance review consultant

Ramz Aziz, President
Seconded by:
WHEREAS it has been more than ten years since the DSU has critically examined its
governance and decision making processes, and
WHEREAS the DSU executive currently is involved in all bodies within the DSU Constitution,
and operate without independent oversight, and
WHEREAS student discontentment with various aspects of the DSUs governance (Council,
Board of Operations) and functions (elections, finance, services, advocacy) and frequent calls
for transparency and direct student input in our processes and decisions have been expressed,
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the DSU hire an independent consultant with the following conditions:
Purpose: The independent consultant shall thoroughly investigate DSUs governance
systems, with the goal of improving accountability, transparency, and diversity. The
review will be conducted in areas related to:

Board of Operations;
Executive positions;
Staff Hiring;
Services; and

The external reviewer shall consult with other bodies as necessary throughout the
Timeline: The consultant will be offered the time which is necessary to complete their
independent report. The DSU recognizes the need to have a fulsome review with
meaningful recommendations. This is a long term goal that requires at least a year to
implement. The initial report to Council will be due in April.
Report: A final report shall be prepared by the consultant, summarizing
recommendations from their findings. The report shall explore issues in depth, followed
by recommendations for each item.
The report will cover the following characteristics in each area of review:
1. A description of the current system, process, purpose or function;
2. Strengths of current approach;
3. Deficiencies of current approach; and
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4. Recommendations for improvement.

Council can identify areas for further review, or decide to act upon selected
recommendations contained within.
Certain recommendations may require prioritization. The outgoing members of Council
may debate and prioritize recommendations.
The 2015-16 council will be tasked with determining and implementing final

D) Motion to strike an ad hoc Governance Review Committee

Ramz Aziz, President
WHEREAS it has been more than ten years since the DSU has critically examined its
governance and decision making processes, and
WHEREAS student discontent with various aspects of the DSUs governance (Council, Board of
Operations) and functions (elections, finance, services, advocacy) and frequent calls for
transparency and direct student input in our processes and decisions have been expressed,
BE IT RESOLVED THAT an ad hoc Governance Review Committee be struck with the following
terms of reference:
Purpose: The Governance Review Committee shall thoroughly investigate the DSUs
governance systems, with the goal of improving student representation and participation
in these systems. The areas that the Committee shall explore with the intent of
improving accountability, transparency, and student input and representation include but
are not limited to the following:

Board of Operations;
Executive positions;
Staff Hiring;
Services; and

The committee shall consult with other bodies as necessary throughout the process.
Membership: The membership of this committee is open to all students, including but
not limited to:

The President, who shall act as Chair

Members of the DSU Executive
Members of DSU Council
Members of DSU Board of Operations
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5. Students at Large
There shall be no more than 12 members of the committee. Quorum for the committee
will a majority of committee members.
This committee is strictly advisory, and shall not be making any decisions. Hence, there
are no voting members on this committee.
Any and all recommendations will be included in the final report to reflect a diversity in
Timeline: The committee shall meet as needed (at minimum, bi-weekly) to conduct its
review. The committee shall be struck based on the below timeline:
January 28, 2014: Council votes on motion to strike Governance Review
February 11, 2014: Members appointed to the committee
March 11, 2014: Update on Committee process
April 8, 2014: Submission of report to DSU Council
April 22, 2014: Council vote to implement recommendations
Report: A final report shall be prepared by the President, summarizing
recommendations from committee members. The report shall explore issue in depth,
followed by recommendations for each item.
The report will cover the following characteristics in each area of review:

A description of the current system, process, purpose or function;

Strengths of current approach;
Deficiencies of current approach; and
Recommendations for improvement.

Council can identify areas for further review, or decide to act upon selected
recommendations contained within.
Certain recommendations may require prioritization. The outgoing members of Council
may debate and prioritize recommendations.
The 2015-16 Council will be tasked with determining and implementing final

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E) Motion to rescind Policy on Policy

Ramz Aziz, President
WHEREAS the Policy on Policy has not been updated in nine years; and
WHEREAS this policy no longer reflects the role of policy within the DSU; and
WHEREAS Bylaw XII already outlines the role of policy within the DSU and procedures for the
maintenance of policies; therefore
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Policy on Policy be rescinded.
(See Appendix D)

F) Motion to adopt a Social Media Code of Conduct

Jenn Nowoselski, VP Internal
WHEREAS the Dalhousie Student Union is opposed to discrimination and harassment in online
spaces; and
WHEREAS the DSU has a responsibility to create safe spaces for its members, whether
physical or online; and
WHEREAS online harassment has been a concern on DSU-owned and -operated online
spaces; therefore
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council adopt the following Social Media Code of Conduct:
1. Pursuant to the objectives of the Union and the Nova Scotia Human Rights Code,
discrimination and harassment based on age, race, colour, religion, creed, sex, gender identity
or expression, sexual orientation, disability, an irrational fear of contracting an illness or disease,
ethnic, national, or Aboriginal origin, family status, marital status, source of income, political
belief, affiliation, or activity, or an individuals association with another individual(s) having
characteristics referred to in previous groups will not be tolerated at any events sponsored by
the Union or in any space operated by the Union. This extends to behaviour on online spaces
owned or controlled by the Dalhousie Student Union and student organizations governed by the
2. The following code of conduct will be posted on all Dalhousie Student Union-owned or operated online spaces:
DSU Online Code of Conduct

The Dalhousie Student Union (DSU) will not tolerate discriminatory remarks or
harassment in any form.

This includes, but is not limited to:

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remarks or images that are based on racist, sexist, ableist, homophobic,
or transphobic sentiments;

comments that attempt to demean, humiliate or threaten any individual or

group; and

defamatory or libelous statements against any individual or group.

Comments or posts that do not comply with these rules will be removed.

Users who disregard the Code of Conduct will be removed and/or blocked from
online spaces owned or operated by the DSU.

Users who are removed from an online space owned or operated by the DSU or
a DSU-affiliated group, may also be removed or blocked from other online spaces
owned or operated by the DSU or DSU-affiliated societies and student groups.

Instances of harassment, threats or other criminal behaviour may be reported to

the police.
3. Societies or student organizations governed by the DSU Constitution or Society Policy may
use the DSU Online Code of Conduct for online spaces they manage.

G) Motion to strike an ad hoc Student Services Review Committee

Danny Shanahan, VP Student Life
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council strike an ad hoc to assist in the internal review of the
Dalhousie University student services department, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT this Committee will meet in accordance with the University
review committee and provide recommendations on student concerns and issues as well as
recommend and hold student consultations.
(Also see Appendix E, Student Services Review powerpoint)

11. Notices of Motion

12. Announcements
13. Adjournment

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