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Preliminary Agenda

Wednesday, May 27th

9:00 11:00


Registration and Welcome Coffee

11:00 11:10 OPENING

Opening Remarks
Elas Selman, President and Founder, AmricaEconoma, Chile

11:10 - 11:30

Latin-America and the rest of the world: Where are we and where are we
going to?
Infant mortality, medical coverage, health costs, standard of living and patient
care improvement


11:30 11:50 KEYNOTE

Investment growth in the health sector and expansion prospects: What kind
of health are we aiming at with these investments?
Diagnosis of the Latin-American industry and its perspective in the local,
regional and global market

11:50 13:00 PANEL I

Sustainability track

Opportunities and challenges in social security: How does the market react
to demander changes?
Voluntary insurance (private solutions) and its limits: Potential changes in
the risk rate-setting process, pre-existences. How will the scenario change?
Compulsory social protection systems (Public or state sponsored
solutions): support viability based on income and risks and the effect in the
Latin-American market
Antonia Lpez de Bello 172, Oficina 503, Santiago, Recoleta.
Telfono: +562.2.2909400 | e-mail:

Individual Members: How much are we ready to pay to stay healthy? What
is considered healthy?
Moderated by: Victoria Beaumont Hewitt, Director and Partner-Founder of
Altura Management Consulting, Chile


13:00 14:00 LUNCH

Networking Lunch


Sustainability track

Innovation track

15:00 16:00 Hospital track

Virginia Baffigo Torr de Pinillos, Executive President, EsSalud, Peru

Manuel Inostroza, President of the Advisory Academic Board, Andrs
Bello Public Health Institute, Chile

Investments in the health industry: where are the growth prospects and
business deals? In which diseases should we invest and why should we
prioritize those?
New markets openings and investments opportunities in the region
Current models for the development of public investments: State direct
investments, licences and public-private organizations
- Ignacio Artorga, Specialist, Division of Social Protection and Health,
Inter-American Development Bank, USA
Intellectual Property and Patent Laws: Reward or punishment?
Technological advance in pharmaceutical products, equipment and
treatments: which is the regulatory framework that rewards
Access to medicines, innovation costs; which is the role of the
regulations in making available medical products that improve
societys productivity potential?
Globalizations risks
The new customer-patient: changes in the way of doing business to welcome
this new class of empowered consumers
What are the current expectations about health providers? Is there a
difference in the expectations from a private and a public health provider?
- Juan Hepp K., Medical Director, Clnica Alemana, Chile
- Javier Potes, General Director, Consorcio Mexicano de Hospitales, Mxico
- Miguel Cendoroglo , Medical Director, Hospital Albert Einstein, Brazil

Pharmaceutical track Medicines Supply: a chain with many weak links

In an effort to eliminate barriers and attract collaborations that allow bringing
doctors closer to patients in a more efficient manner, the pharmaceutical and
biotechnology companies are looking for solutions to this challenge.
- Carlos Behrens Sucre, Executive Vice-President, Laboratories Behrens,
16:00 16:30 BREAK

Networking caf
Antonia Lpez de Bello 172, Oficina 503, Santiago, Recoleta.
Telfono: +562.2.2909400 | e-mail:

16:30 16:50 PRESENTATION I

Better safe than sorry: improved education and healthier habits (nutrition,
physical activity, vaccines, etc.)


Clinics and Hospitals: Emergence of credentials

Increasingly, Latin-American hospitals and clinics are trying to validate their
processes internationally. The results are visible.
Andrs Almeida, Director, Intelligence, AmricaEconoma, Chile

17:10- 18:20

Hospitals of the future: The fusion between the water of the medicine with
the oil of the management
Perspective in the development of buildings, equipment and supplies that
satisfy patients needs.
Costs increase and competition growth in the sector
The reawaken of clinical management
- Francesc Moreu, Director, Program of training for hospital directors,
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF), Spain
- Antonio Carlos Campino, Professor of Health Economics, University of So
Paulo, Brazil
- Fabio Pestchanker, General Manager, Cardio Infantil, Argentina

Hospital track

18:30 19:30 RECEPTION

Day 1 closing cocktail

Thursday, May 28th

9:00 9:20


Fast development of biotechnology and its uses in health

9:20 9:40


Longing for immortality: bioethical framework, how far can we go?

9:40 10:50

The role of the pharmaceutical industry in supplying health services
Pharmaceutical track New medical drugs for new needs. Are those needs tied to improve
the human capital? How has the use of pharmaceutical products in
the region changed?
Which is the link with medical professionals and decision makers?

10:50 11:20 BREAK

Networking caf

11:20 12:50 PANEL IV

Innovation track

Innovation and technology in Latin-American health and its real impact

on efficiency
The fast development of new technologies for health systems
management, the diagnosis and the treatment of health issues. How much
these technologies have helped?

12:50 13:00 CLOSING

Closing Remarks

13:00 14:00 COCKTAIL

Farewell Cocktail
Antonia Lpez de Bello 172, Oficina 503, Santiago, Recoleta.
Telfono: +562.2.2909400 | e-mail:

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