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of Life Hungary .

Volume 10. Issue 1

January 2015

Prayer Requests


Street evangelism every Monday

New believers!

Mentoring relationships

Listening to dm preach!

$150 in new monthly support

From the Front Lines

Te is komolyan mondo5ad? They
are my very favorite words in
Hungarian. Usually, during summer
camp, you hear them every Tuesday
night as the salvaon invitaon is
given and the speaker asks the new
believers, Did you mean what you
This past week though, I heard them
again and it was one of our Bible
Instute students who was saying
I had the privilege of joining a small
group of our students and sta at a
local youth group last Friday. About
20 kids showed up; we played games,
sang songs, shared tesmonies, and
then dm, one
of our students,
shared the
Gospel and gave
the invitaon. I
loved watching
God use this
young man in
this way! He was
nervous, but he did a great job and
when he gave the invitaon, 4 young
people accepted Christ as their

15 dedicated lives at the Missions


Memories are Made of This

January has kept us busy with many new opportunies for
evangelism and discipleship.
This month I began mentoring
another one of our young girls here
at the Bible Instute. She is from
Kazakhstan and the story of how
God brought her here is full of
On January 16-18, we hosted our
annual missions conference at the Bible Instute. This is a chance
for our students to decide how they will be involved in missions in
the future. We were thrilled to see 15 of our students go forward at
the end of the weekend to dedicate their lives to serving the Lord in
vocaonal ministry.
Our street evangelism team connues to travel to Budapest every
Monday. Just last week, a man accepted Jesus as his Savior!

Support Report
As I write this, my Facebook keeps nofying me of new
messages, new comments, new promises of prayer. Thank
you so much for being a part of my ministry through your
prayers and giving. As I write about these salvaons, these
lives changed, I want you to know, you are a part of this!
This year, already, there are two specic things to pray for.
Last year, I had one church commit to supporng me for
$100 a month for a year. That will end in February of this year.
Ive also had another supporter that will need to lower their
current giving by $50 a month. Would you pray about how God
could use you to stand in the gap this creates? Maybe you could
be a part of the answer to this prayer!

Megan Hixon, WOL let Szava, Talms, Kkai u. 2., 2252, Hungary. . . 304-867-4128 (a US # that rings in Hungary)

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