Auto Print Course 10.0.700

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Epicor ERP

Auto Print Course


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Total pages: 19

Auto Print Course


Auto Print Course...................................................................................................................4
Before You Begin....................................................................................................................5
Environment Setup..........................................................................................................................................6

About Auto Print....................................................................................................................8

Workshop - Set Up and Test Auto Print for an SSRS Report...............................................9
SSRS Report - Create a BPM Data Directive with Auto Print Action...................................................................9
SSRS Report - Test the Auto Print Action........................................................................................................11

Workshop - Set Up and Test Auto Print for a Bartender Labels Report...........................13
Bartender Labels Report - Create a BPM Data Directive with Auto Print Action...............................................13
Bartender Labels Report - Create a Sales Order...............................................................................................15
Bartender Labels Report - Test the Auto Print Action......................................................................................16


Epicor ERP | 10.0.700

Auto Print Course

Auto Print Course

Auto Print Course

This course introduces using the Business Process Management (BPM) Auto Print data directive action to enable
automatic report printing.

The course workshops demonstrate setting up auto print for an Epicor standard report in SQL Server Reporting

Services (SSRS) format and setting up auto print for Seagull Scientific BarTender labels.
Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to:
Understand the purpose of the auto print functionality.
Work with Business Process Management (BPM) data directives that includes the Auto Print action.

Epicor ERP | 10.0.700

Auto Print Course

Before You Begin

Before You Begin

Read this topic for information you should know in order to successfully complete this course.

Specific audiences will benefit from this course.
System Administrator
IT/Technical Staff
Department Manager
Project Team Leader

To complete the workshops in this course, the necessary modules must be licensed and operating in your training
environment. For more information on the modules available, contact your Epicor Customer Account Manager
at It is also important you understand the prerequisite knowledge contained in other
valuable courses.
Navigation Course - This course introduces navigational aspects of the Epicor application's user interface.
Designed for a hands-on environment, general navigation principles and techniques available in two user
interface modes - Classic Menu and Modern Shell Menu. Workshops focus on each of these modes and
guide you through each navigational principle introduced.
Database Concepts Course - This course reviews the table and field name identification process using Field
Help, Customization Tools, and the Data Dictionary Viewer functionality. It also describes table linking
procedures and requirements as well as join type definitions and specifications.
System Flow Course - This course introduces a basic quote to cash scenario that includes the process from
the initial customer quote to final cash receipts and payment of supplier invoices. This course emphasizes the
series of processes that make up the quote to cash process by using a simple scenario to highlight various
transactions. Your organization may have more complex processing routines than those described in this
Recommended Industry Knowledge:
Knowledge of your current Epicor application.
Understanding of relational database concepts such as tables, table relationships, records, and field types.

Epicor ERP | 10.0.700

Before You Begin

Auto Print Course

Environment Setup
The environment setup steps and potential workshop constraints must be reviewed in order to successfully
complete the workshops in this course.
Your Epicor training environment, in which the Epicor demonstration database is found, enables you to experience
Epicor functionality in action but does not affect data in your live, production environment.
The following steps must be taken to successfully complete the workshops in this course.

Verify the following or ask your system administrator to verify for you:
Your Epicor training icon (or web address if you are using Epicor Web Access) points to your
Epicor training environment with the Epicor demonstration database installed. Do not complete
the course workshops in your live, production environment.
Note It is recommended that multiple Epicor demonstration databases are installed. Contact
Support or Systems Consulting for billable assistance.
The Epicor demonstration database is at the same service pack and patch as the Epicor
application. Epicor's education team updates the Epicor demonstration database for each service pack
and patch. If your system administrator upgrades your Epicor application to a new service pack or patch,
he or she must also download the corresponding Epicor demonstration database from EPICweb > Support
> Epicor > Downloads and install it. If this is not performed, unexpected results can occur when completing
the course workshops.
Your system administrator restored (refreshed) the Epicor demonstration database prior to
starting this course. The Epicor demonstration database comes standard with parts, customers, sales
orders, and so on, already defined. If the Epicor demonstration database is shared with multiple users
(that is, the database is located on a server and users access the same data, much like your live, production
environment) and is not periodically refreshed, unexpected results can occur. For example, if a course
workshop requires you to ship a sales order that came standard in the Epicor demonstration database,
but a different user already completed this workshop and the Epicor demonstration database was not
restored (refreshed), then you will not be able to ship the sales order. Epicor's education team has written
the course workshops to minimize situations like this from occurring, but Epicor cannot prevent users
from manipulating the data in your installation of the Epicor demonstration database.


Verify, or ask your system administrator to verify, that a printer is shared on the network and can be accessed
for the course workshops.


Log in to the training environment using the credentials manager/manager. If you are logged into your
training environment as a different user, from the application Home Page click Settings to open the Settings
Page, and then choose Change User under General Options.


From the Menu, select the company Epicor Education (EPIC06).


From the Menu, select the Main Site.


Verify, or ask your system administrator to verify, that the shared network printer (from Step 2) has been
added to Printer Maintenance and is configured correctly:

From the Menu, select System Management > Reporting > Printer Maintenance.


On the Detail sheet, click Printer ID to open the Printer Search dialog box.

Epicor ERP | 10.0.700

Auto Print Course


Before You Begin


Search for the printer using its network name or just click Search to retrieve all printers.


Select the printer, and click OK.


On the Detail sheet, verify that SSRS Printer is selected and verify that the Description field contains
a value. A description is required for the printer to be included on selection lists in the application.


Click Save to apply any changes and then close Printer Maintenance.

To be able to test Auto Print for BarTender Labels, the BarTender and Commander applications must be
installed and configured to pick up and process the .bt output file that is generated by the Auto Print action.
Verify, or ask your system administrator to verify the availability and configuration of these resources.

Epicor ERP | 10.0.700

About Auto Print

Auto Print Course

About Auto Print

The application's auto print functionality enables you set up automatic printing of reports in response to triggers
such as changes or events in your business workflow.
Auto Print is enabled by creating a Business Process Management (BPM) standard data directive with an Auto
Print action in its workflow. Introduced in Epicor 10, the BPM Auto Print action replaces the Business Activity
Manager Auto-Print event used in previous Epicor ERP releases.
In the application, Business Process Management allows you to create workflows that automate, execute,
and monitor business processes. A BPM standard data directive is a set of conditions and actions associated with
a specific database table, with the primary intent being to track data changes. In the Data Directives Maintenance
program, the BPM workflow designer and its library of configurable actions enable you to create data directives
that trigger auto printing based on triggers ranging from simple condition statements and on up to custom code
output. While a data directive operates on one table, you can create as many data directives as you need for a
table, and for other tables.
You can create a BPM data directive that is based on the JobHead table and auto prints the Job Traveler
report when any change (or a specific change) occurs in a Job record. To auto print, open Job Entry, select
a job, and change the value in its Req By field. This triggers the data directive's Auto Print action which
specifies what printer to use and what parameters need to be passed to the report.

Epicor ERP | 10.0.700

Auto Print Course

Workshop - Set Up and Test Auto Print for an SSRS Report

Workshop - Set Up and Test Auto Print for an SSRS Report

This workshop takes you through creating and testing a Business Process Management (BPM) data directive that
auto prints an SSRS report in response to a record change.

SSRS Report - Create a BPM Data Directive with Auto Print Action
Create a BPM standard data directive that includes an Auto Print action and a Condition action that triggers
Navigate to Data Directive Maintenance.
Menu Path: System Management > Business Process Management > Data Directives Maintenance
Important This program is not available in the Epicor Web Access.

1. On the Detail sheet, type jobhead in the Table field and press Tab.
Data directives are based on a table. Selecting a table adds it to the Data Directives tree so that it is available
for you to create data directives. When a table has existing data directives configured for it, those directives
will be included on the tree, under the table node.
2. In the tree, select JobHead and then choose File > New > New Standard Directive.
A new directive node is added under JobHead and is automatically selected for editing.
3. Ensure that Standard > Detail is selected and make the following adjustments:
a. For Directive Name, type XXX Auto Print Job Traveler, where XXX are your initials.
b. Select Enabled.
c. Leave other settings as-is.
4. Click Design to open the BPM Workflow Designer.
5. In the BPM Workflow Designer, select the Condition icon and drag it to the workflow design area.
6. In the workflow design area, place your cursor over the Start action to display its connections and drag any
one of them to a connection on the Condition action.
7. Select the Condition action and configure a condition statement. On the Condition tab at the bottom of
the workflow design area, make the following adjustments:
a. Click the New button on the tab's toolbar to insert a condition statement.
For this exercise, you will insert one simple condition statement. A Condition action can have multiple
statements that execute in the order they are arranged on this tab.
b. Click the arrow on the right side of the Condition column and choose the statement There is at least
one updated row in the specified table.

Epicor ERP | 10.0.700

Workshop - Set Up and Test Auto Print for an SSRS Report

Auto Print Course

c. Leave updated as-is.

d. Click specified to display the Select Table dialog box and click OK to select ttJobHead (the data
directive table).
For this condition statement, you can only select a table. You cannot select a field even though they are
The Condition action is configured.
8. Select the Auto Print icon and drag it to the workflow design area.
9. Place your cursor over the Condition action to display its connections and drag its True connection to a
connection on the Auto Print action.
This sets the Condition action as the trigger for the Auto Print action.
10. Select the Auto Print action.
The Action tab at the bottom of the workflow design area displays an action statement that requires
adjustment to set up how the report will be printed.
11. Select the report that will be auto printed. Do the following:
a. Click specified report to open the Auto Print Report Search dialog box.
b. In the dialog box, verify you are on the Basic tab.
c. For Report ID, type jobtrav and click Search.
In Report Type, the default selection is SQL Server Reporting, which is the correct type for this workshop.
d. In the Search Results list, select the JobTrav report that has Standard - SSRS displayed in the Style
Description column and click OK.
In the action statement, note that specified changes to JobTrav.

12. Click specified options to open the Set Up Auto Print dialog box.
13. Select the Report Options tab.
The available choices on this tab are in part based on report type (SSRS in this workshop). Make the following
a. For Run Schedule, choose Immediate.
b. For Print Action, choose Auto Print, which will send the report directly to the printer.
Tip Your other option would be to select Auto Preview, which displays the report in your
application client without sending it to the printer.
c. Output Format supports Auto Preview and is disabled when the selected Print Action is Auto Print.
d. For the optional User Description, type Print Job Traveler.
e. For Printer, select Server and choose the network printer that has been defined in Printer Management
to support these course workshops.
For SSRS reports, the list is filtered to show only SSRS printers.


Epicor ERP | 10.0.700

Auto Print Course

Workshop - Set Up and Test Auto Print for an SSRS Report

While a Server printer is selected for this workshop, there are two other printer selection options available:
When the application is configured to support it, choosing Use Default Printer would enable the
printer to be selected automatically, first from current workstation, then from current company.
You can choose Client and select a client-based printer; however, a message will display advising
you that the Client printer option is not recommended for SSRS reports, Clicking OK in that message
allows you to apply the Client printer.
f. For Print Quantity, select Constant and enter 1.
14. Select the Report Parameters tab and configure a report parameter that will cause the report to include
only the changed (the current) record. Do the following:
a. In the Parameter Name column, select the Jobs parameter.
The parameters list is assembled from the fields and options that are presented to the application user
in the report program for the selected report.
b. In the Jobs row, click the arrow on the right side of the field in the Action column and choose The
specified table and field value.
c. Click specified to open the Select Table Fields(s) dialog box.
The ttJobHead table (the data directive table) is already selected and cannot be changed.
d. In the fields list, choose JobNum and click OK.
e. Back on the Report Parameters tab, note the change in the action statement.
15. Click OK to close the Set Up Auto Print dialog box and return to the workflow design area.
16. Click Validate to check for errors.
17. Click Save and Exit to save your workflow and return to Data Directives Maintenance.
18. On the Standard > Detail sheet, verify that Enabled is still selected, click Save, and exit Data Directives
The data directive is ready to be tested.
Important The enabled data directive will trigger an Auto Print action every time a job record is changed.
This will continue until the data directive is manually disabled by clearing the Enabled checkbox on the
data directive's Standard > Detail sheet.

SSRS Report - Test the Auto Print Action

Make a change to a job record to verify that the Auto Print action is triggered and prints the Job Traveler report
for the changed record.
Navigate to Job Entry.
Menu Path: Production Management > Job Management > General Operations > Job Entry

Epicor ERP | 10.0.700


Workshop - Set Up and Test Auto Print for an SSRS Report

Auto Print Course

1. On the Job sheet, click Job to open the Job Search dialog box and click Search to retrieve a list of available
2. In the list, select a job (for example, choose job 2056) and click OK.
3. Make a simple change to the job.
For example, in the Req By field, enter the date two weeks from the current value.
4. Click Save.
5. Open your System Monitor and verify that, under Reports, there is a new line for the Job Traveler report.
This tells you that Auto Print was triggered by your change and the report was generated.
6. Retrieve the report from the printer that you selected in your Auto Print action report options.


Epicor ERP | 10.0.700

Auto Print Course

Workshop - Set Up and Test Auto Print for a Bartender Labels Report

Workshop - Set Up and Test Auto Print for a Bartender Labels

Setting up Auto Print for a Bartender Labels report is similar to the setup demonstrated in the previous Auto Print
workshop for SSRS reports.
First you set up a BPM data directive with the Auto Print action and select a shipping label report and report style
of the Bartender Labels type.
To test , you create a new sales order, and ship and close the order, creating a new packing slip. The Auto Print
action is triggered when the order closes, writing a drop file (.bt file) with data for the transaction to in a specified
output folder.
The BarTender Commander application intercepts the .bt file and sends it to the printer.

Bartender Labels Report - Create a BPM Data Directive with Auto Print Action
Create a BPM standard data directive that includes an Auto Print action and a Condition action that triggers
1. Navigate to Data Directive Maintenance
Menu Path: System Management > Business Process Management > Data Directives Maintenance
Important This program is not available in the Epicor Web Access.

2. On the Detail sheet, type shiphead in the Table field and press Tab.
The table is added to the Data Directives tree so that it is available for you to create data directives. When
a table has existing data directives configured for it, those directives will be included on the tree, under the
table node.
3. In the tree, select ShipHead and then choose File > New > New Standard Directive.
A new directive node is added under ShipHead and is automatically selected for editing.
4. Ensure that Standard > Detail is selected and make the following adjustments:
a. For Directive Name, type XXX Ship Auto Print, where XXX are your initials.
b. Select Enabled.
c. Leave other settings as-is.
5. Click Design to open the BPM Workflow Designer.
6. In the BPM Workflow Designer, select the Condition icon and drag it to the workflow design area.
7. In the workflow design area, place your cursor over the Start action to display its connections and drag any
one of them to a connection on the Condition action.

Epicor ERP | 10.0.700


Workshop - Set Up and Test Auto Print for a Bartender Labels Report

Auto Print Course

8. Select the Condition action and configure a condition statement. On the Condition tab at the bottom of
the workflow design area, make the following adjustments:
a. Click the New button on the tab's toolbar to insert a condition statement.
For this exercise, you will insert one simple condition statement. A Condition action can have multiple
statements that execute in the order they are arranged on this tab.
b. Click the arrow on the right side of the Condition column and choose the statement The specified
field has been changed from any to another.
c. Click specified to open the Select Table Fields(s) dialog box.
The ttShipHead table (the data directive table) is already selected and cannot be changed.
d. In the fields list, choose ShipStatus and click OK.
In the Action statement, note that specified changes to ttShipHead.ShipStatus.
e. Leave any as-is.
f. Click another to open the Specify a Value dialog box.
g. Clear the Any value check box, type "closed" in the Value field, and click OK.
The Condition action is configured.
9. Select the Auto Print icon and drag it to the workflow design area.
10. Place your cursor over the Condition action to display its connections and drag its True connection to a
connection on the Auto Print action.
This sets the Condition action as the trigger for the Auto Print action.
11. Select the Auto Print action.
The Action tab at the bottom of the workflow design area displays an action statement that requires
adjustment to set up how the report will be printed.
12. Select the report that will be auto printed. Do the following:
a. Click specified report to open the Auto Print Report Search dialog box.
b. In the dialog box, verify you are on the Basic tab
c. For Report ID, type genship.
d. For Report Type, select Bartender Labels.
e. For Report Table Level, select 'ShipHead' is used by the Report.
f. Click Search.
g. In the Search Results list, select the GenShip report and click OK.
In the Action statement, note that specified changes to GenShip.

13. Click specified options to open the Set Up Auto Print dialog box.
14. Select the Report Options tab and make the following adjustments:


Epicor ERP | 10.0.700

Auto Print Course

Workshop - Set Up and Test Auto Print for a Bartender Labels Report

a. For Run Schedule, choose Immediate.

b. Print Action is not applicable when printing Bartender Labels although Auto Preview is shown as selected.
c. Output Format is not applicable when printing Bartender Labels.
d. For User Description, type Print Job Traveler.
e. For Printer , select Server and choose the network printer that supports these course workshops.
The printer ID is added to the .bt file written to the Output Location specified in the Report Style definition.
f. For Print Quantity, select Constant and enter 1.
The data in the .bt file is repeated equal to the number of copies selected here.

15. Select the Report Parameters tab and configure a report parameter that will cause the report to include
only the changed (the current) record. Do the following:
a. In the Parameter Name column, select the ReportID parameter.
The parameters list is assembled from the fields and options that are presented to the application user
in the report program for the selected report.
b. In the ReportID row, click the arrow on the right side of the field in the Action column and choose The
specified table and field value.
c. Click specified to open the Select Table Fields(s) dialog box.
The ttShipHead table (the data directive table) is already selected and cannot be changed.
d. In the fields list, choose MFPickupNum and click OK.
e. Back on the Report Parameters tab, note the change in the action statement.
16. Click OK to close the Set Up Auto Print dialog box and return to the workflow design area.
17. Click Validate to check for errors.
18. Click Save and Exit to save your workflow and return to Data Directives Maintenance.
19. On the Standard > Detail sheet, verify that Enabled is still selected and click Save.
The data directive is ready to be tested.
Important The enabled data directive will trigger an Auto Print action every time a shipment is completed
and marked as closed. This will continue until the data directive is manually disabled by clearing the Enabled
checkbox on the data directive's Standard > Detail sheet.

Bartender Labels Report - Create a Sales Order

Create a sales order that can be used to set up new sales orders for testing the Auto Print action.
1. Navigate to Sales Order Entry.
Menu Path: Sales Management > Order Management > General Operations > Order Entry

Epicor ERP | 10.0.700


Workshop - Set Up and Test Auto Print for a Bartender Labels Report

Auto Print Course

Tip The CRM menu path is: Customer Relationship Management > Order Management > General
Operations > Order Entry

2. From the New menu, select New Order.

3. In the Customer field, enter Addison and press Tab.
4. Navigate to the Lines > Detail sheet.
5. From the New menu, select New Line.
6. In the Part/Rev field, enter DCD-400-KB and press Tab.
7. In the Order Quantity field, enter 10.
8. In the Need By field, enter the date one week from today's date.
9. Click Save.
10. Navigate to the Summary sheet and record the sales order number _________.
11. Exit Sales Order Entry.

Bartender Labels Report - Test the Auto Print Action

Complete an order shipment to trigger the Auto Print action in your BPM data directive.
1. Navigate to Customer Shipment Entry.
Menu Path: Material Management > Shipping / Receiving > General Operations > Customer Shipment
2. From the New menu, select New Pack.
3. Navigate to the Lines > Customer Shipment Entry > Detail sheet.
4. From the New menu, select New Line.
5. In the Order Number field, enter the sales order number created in the previous exercise and press Tab.
6. Click Line/Rel, click Search, select the record, and click OK.
7. Navigate to the Summary sheet.
8. From the Actions menu, select Close.
9. Click Save.
10. Exit Customer Shipment Entry.
Closing and saving the order triggered the Auto-Print action, which wrote a .bt file to the folder specified
in the Report Style definition. The file will be picked up by the Bartender Commander application and sent
to the printer identified in the .bt file.


Epicor ERP | 10.0.700

Auto Print Course

Workshop - Set Up and Test Auto Print for a Bartender Labels Report

11. To Print-Preview the file:

a. Access your Epicor ERP System Monitor
b. On the Reports sheet, select the corresponding line.
c. On the Standard toolbar, click the Print-Preview icon.

Epicor ERP | 10.0.700



Auto Print Course

Congratulations! You have completed the Auto Print course.


Epicor ERP | 10.0.700

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Documentation areas of the EPICweb Customer Portal. To access
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