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RNI Regn. No.


Annual Subscription Rs. 100/-

Postal Regn. No. H/SD/428/2012-14



A Chronicle of Civil Society Life


Published on every 2nd of the month

2nd Conf



It is an uncontestable fact that urbanization is expanding
at a great speed and, ultimately, there is no doubt that the
urban amenities will reach most of India. Currently, there are
more than five thousand urban places where, nearly, 40% of
the Indians are living and they, as local residents are struggling
hard to improve the quality of their lives by their own efforts.
They are a part of our efforts to build a new India, after
independence. Initially, they were area-wise colonies or
estates of settlers planned and unplanned and authorised or
un-authorised. Later, came the vertical apartment-buildings
expanding much faster and they are far more concerned about
the quality of life than mere having a shelter over their heads.
For them, their individual living space is no more a 'fort'
neither physically nor mentally. Meanwhile, modern urban
life is becoming more complicated, complex and faster and
at the same time, more rewarding offering multiple
opportunities for the full expression of all the potential of an
individual, including women. We have already seen this
'promise' of the city in the very ancient civilizations as well
but it could not be sustained. However, now, the urban society
offers many opportunities to the individual to work, earn and
to consume goods and services in order to fulfill many
aspirations in life.
And yet, all is not that rosy. No doubt, virgin places are
made habitable and the quality of housing has become more
comfortable. But the first migrants are, naturally, from rural
areas and mostly from the erstwhile princely states whose
life-styles were conditioned by insecurity, depravation, illhealth, illiteracy and poverty. It is with this inherited 'mental
make up' that the first generation of settlers face the
challenges of the urban life conditions, both environmental,
spatial and social. Even without the burden of this legacy, this
rewarding urban life itself is perpetually challenging: insecure,
stressful and, occasionally, solitary. Rural identities of caste,
creed and class lose, very soon, their relevance. Often, onefifth of them, on arrival end up, initially, in slums. The
municipal administrations are in pathetic conditions, without
exception, all over the country and the elected representatives
are few and are far from the reach of the residents, even at
the third tier of governance. Their post-facto interventions
are always unsatisfactory; delayed, inefficient, vexatious,
corrupt, etc. The quality of the services from the state and
centre are also, equally, vexatious and erratic and are too timeconsuming to each individual to handle it by himself. The
interventions and support of the MLAs and MPs, are riddled
with many small time local chiefs' demands for their pound

of flesh. They come with a price which is always too high for
the urban residents who are refined by education and skills,
holding responsible positions in their careers or professions,
busy and feel uneasy in the company of the local politicians
who join the ranks from totally different backgrounds. Because
of this alienation, the urban citizens' voting percentage is,
sometimes, as low as 30%.
In the face of this and in order to realize the promise of
the city, what is the solution? It is the emergence of the resident
welfare association (rwa) which is formed by necessity in the
areas or colonies and by statute in the apartment-buildings.
As a community-based elected entity, they do not
represent others' interests and causes; they represent
themselves. It is the first school of democracy as the residents
participate to elect their own governing body. They raise their
own financial resources to initiate and maintain social
infrastructures like community function halls, day care centres,
play grounds, tank-bunds and parks, etc. Initially, they spend
for installing essential services, like, water supply, electricity,
lighting, roads, etc. They involve themselves in campaigns for
cleanliness, sanitation (swachch Bharat mission), greenery,
vaccinations, environmental protection, safety and security, etc.
Waste management, rain harvesting pits, etc, is their concern.
They deal with all aspects of the resident's life, from the cradle
to the grave. Thus, it is a coordinating, managing and
maintaining local unit for many services from outside. Following
the democratic principle of 'subsidiarity', they do all things,
individually and collectively, by themselves and seek to
cooperate with higher or external bodies for only those things
that they cannot do by themselves.
The RWAs are a coordinator and vector of all services from
many departments, boards, corporations of the municipal, state
and central authorities and cooperate with the constitutional
bodies for elections, census, auditing, national security, etc.
They host electoral booths and provide booth-level volunteers.
Thus, a still closer fourth tier of governance by micro-urban
communities became a historic necessity for progressive and
harmonious social living.
They form urban micro-communities which are laying the
foundations for socio-democratic living with new bonds of
affinity and friendship, not necessarily limited to blood

relationships. The association serves as a tool to

promote a cosmopolitan culture of sharing and caring
among the residents. This is called flat culture. Children
learn social skills. Women have more opportunities to
express themselves. Senior citizens
find security and conviviality which their children may not
always be able to provide.
It is within these micro urban communities that
all those groups that have low incomes and minority identity
assertions can be included without conflicts into a cohesive
and harmonious society. Quality of life in the slum areas
can be improved only by making the neighbouring
communities inclusive. The inter-dependence between
them can be more enriching mutually.

Sri. K.Surender Reddy, Sri.N. Satyanarayana, Sri. P.V.Naveen

Ram, Sri. S. Nageshwar Rao, Sri. G. Rama Subba Reddy, Ms.
Kanthi, Prof. T. Tirupati Rao, Sri. K. Raja Reddy, Dr. A.V. Rao
and other members went round the colony covering all the
lanes by cleaning the roads and surrounding areas. They
have also interacted with the residents and enlightened
them with the importance of clean and green concept.
Many students from St. Pious degree and PG college for
women have also taken part.
by Mohd Fazlur Rahman

In the realm of economic relations, there is a great

potential, which is already demonstrated by the Chinese
RWA's. Decentralised manufacturing at the foot of the
residential towers is a common phenomenon in many cities
like Macao, Hong Kong and Singapore. Growing consumer
awareness is introducing new patterns of direct marketing
and consumption. The residents exercise collective
bargaining power and they function like informal
cooperative marketing societies. Kitchen gardens and roof
gardens are promoted. Under an ethical community pact,
all those who produce and market all kinds of goods and
services in the area are asked to abide by fair business
practices in the name of neighbourhood solidarity.
Collectively, many wastages can be eliminated and many
pollutions can be reduced. They have their own charters of
good practices for the protection of the environment and
for Swachh Bharat.
Dr. Rao Chelikani

CSR for the Benefit of the Senior Citizens

The Associations of Senior Citizens of Hyderabad have
conducted a Work shop on 'Corporate Social Responsibility'
on 15th Nov. at Lions Bhavan, Near Paradise Circle,
Secunderabad. They have highlighted that the senior
citizens are also eligible to the benefit of the 2% of the funds
generated by the profit-making companies towards their
social responsibility. This will help funding of their projects
like, old age homes, day care centres etc. Dr. P. Vyasa
Moorthy, President and Prof. Laxminarayana, Secretary of
the Association organized the workshop in cooperation with
Help Age India. Ms. Gayatri Subramaniam, Convenor & Chief
Programme Executive of NFCSR spoke on the subject.
Dr. P. Vyasa Moorthy

World Diabetic Day
On this occasion an awareness programme was conducted
jointly by Aasara Committee's of Kapra & Malkajgiri on 1111-2014 and 12-11-2014 in coordination with the Research
wing of L.V. Prasad Eye institute, in the presence of Project
Director, AASARA Smt. R. Mamatha Bai, Dr. K. Suresh, Jaikin
D Williams and N. Surender Reddy of L.V. Prasad Research
Institute. The speakers explained the precautions to be
taken to avoid diabetic ailments. The awareness programme
was conducted at A.S. Rao Nagar Senior Citizens Day Care
Centre and Vandemataram Patnalayam , Vimladevi Nagar,
Malkajgiri. It is organized by Dr. V.Nageshwar Rao and
Secretary, Ram Mohan Rao , Sharma, B.Linga Reddy, G.
Krishna Murthy and S.Sitarama Swamy.
by S.Sitarama Swamy
Second phase of "Swachh Bharat" Program in
Nagarjuna Nagar, Tarnaka
Second phase of "Swachh Bharat" program is
organised by the Nagarjuna Nagar Welfare Association [
NNWA ] executive committee members on 16th Nov, 2014.
The residents have actively participated along with the
president - Prof K Venu Gopal Reddy, vice president - Sri. S.
Radha Krishna, secretary - Sri K Manohar Reddy, Joint
secretary, Sri. K. Sundara Sharma, treasurer- Sri. K.A. Rao,
Sri. Md. Fazlur Rahman, Dr. Lakshma Reddy, Sri. K. Vinod
Reddy, Sri. K. Naresh Babu, Sri. G. Johnson Jacob,
Tarnaka Times, Nov/Dec. -2014

National RWA Day Celebrations in East Marredpally

The East Marredpally Resident's Welfare Association
celebrated 2nd RWA day on the 23rd Nov. 2014, under the
banner of Vanabhojanam in the Colony Park in a grand
manner in which nearly 200 residents have participated.
The President introduced to the audience the former office
bearers, S/s. Padmanabhan, Padmasree Dr. Dikshitulu, Rajan
Ayganulu, P.V.L. Narasimhan and M L Gupta who were
present on the dais. The President spoke in detail the efforts
and hard work put in organizing the EMRWA and developing
the green park which we can be proud of. The President
also gave details of various representations made to the
authorities regarding construction of tot lot, water
harvesting, pavement clearing, traffic management,
sewerage lines management etc. He stressed the need to
keep the colony neat and clean and make it a model one.
Mr. E.Sukumaran, Joint Secretary was particularly
thankful to the co-sponsors of the day's arrangements, i.e.,
the management of Taj Tristar for catering and Kennedy
Vidyalaya for assistance. He also thanked Dr.S.V.N.Rao,
President, Sri B. Sai Prakash, Secretary and other executive
members for their co-operation. Later, Mr.J.K.Rao, Treasurer,
Smt.Hemalatha Nanda, Smt.Kala Srinivas, members
conducted 'Tambola' in a grand manner. After sumptuous
lunch, gathering dispersed at about 3.00 p.m.
by A. Krishnamurthy, member, EMR

Associations Activities
Telangana Rastra Hetuvada Sangam

Ananthapur Dist Senior Citizen's Association

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Jawahar Nagar Housing Society, Senior Citizens Assn.
Jawahar nagar Medical Camp

East Godavari Dist Senior Citizen's Organisation

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Tanuku Senior Citizens Association

`} x~ \[ < " ~ J +< J^ N Q_H @ H ~~=

Qi K # JO^* # O N ~ _ ~KO^ ~=.
Nizambad Senior Citizen's Association
In the month of Oct./Nov. their Social work Programe were :
1. Guiding the NRI's of Nizamabad Dist. in their social activities
2. Formation of Senior Citizen's Assns at Mandal Head Qyarters.
3. Conduct of Swachh Bharat Programe on 7-11-2014

Tarnaka Times, Nov/Dec. -2014


Before disconnection of water supply, the Registrar has

to be approached.
h. Town Planning Authority needs to delegate for
inspection of these aspects.
10 documents should be looked before the purchase
of apartment.
Land owner's and promoters agreement should be
shared with all residents.
k. All the members need to be registered as the members
of the association, so that right on property can be
Builder has to initiate and form Apartment owners
m. Fire safety equipment has to be provided by the
n. Title Committee has to be formed by the Government
like the system that is prevalent in USA to verify the
title documents before registering
o. Builder has to execute CONVEYANCE DEED in favour
of Apartment Residents Association. Unless it is
executed, flat owners will not have any right on land.
p. Parking lots cannot be sold as the same is already sold
to the purchasers. It is integral part of Apartment
building. As per Supreme Court, Parking land should
not be sold ffrom 2010 onwards.
q. There are no provisions in the Apartment Act for
selling pent houses.
r. Issue of Share Certificates Apartment Association shall
be included in the Apartment Act like in Maharastra
for collection of dues/deposits of society
s. The Add Up undivided share of land allotted to
purchasers in The Malaysian Township has come to
43 Acres as against the actual land of 34 Acres. Hence,
purchasers as well as Govt. have to take necessary
steps to take care of it.
t. Another workshop has to be conducted to discuss
further on Apartment laws.
u. There is much need to amend the present Act for A.P.
and Telangana. (summarized by K. Babu Rao)

National Conference of Resident Welfare Associations

The 2nd National Conference of the Resident Welfare
I. The Conference of RWAs (NCRWA) was held from 22nd to
23 rd November at the Paryataka Bhawan, Begumpet,
Hyderabad in Telangana State. It was attended by nearly
160 delegates hailing from a number of States and from
various districts of A.P. and Telangana States.
This is a unique conference of its kind for the resident
welfare associations across the country spread over more
than four thousand acknowledged municipalities and
corporations. They are a social spirit pervading the urban
habitats, dispelling the old fears of urban man's mental
alienation, social isolation and public indifference. The
participants by their presentations and reports portrayed
their national status 2014. Awards were presented to
eminent urban citizens who have been contributing to build
urban micro-communities of caring and sharing, which
would permit the participants to exchange their best
practices. On this occasion, they launched a charter of good
practices for effective implementation of "Swachch
Bharat"among lakhs of stake-holder Resident Welfare
Associations in the country, as a part of their observance of
23rd November as the National RWA Day.
The participants were welcomed by Major Shiv Kiran,
General Secretary of the United Federation of RWAs and
the opening speeches were made by Sri. N.V.S. Reddy, IRAS,
MD, Hyderabad Metro Rail Corporation, Sri. Telakapalli Ravi,
Political analyst, Prof. T. Tirupathi Rao, former ViceChancellor and Dr. Rao Chelikani, convenor of the
conference. A Photo Gallery of the accomplishments of the
RWAs was opened by Sri. NVS Reddy. On the National RWA
Day Col. Tejandara Pal Tyagi, a pioneer of the RWA
movement in U.P. launched a Charter of 20 good practices
for observing the "Swachh Bharat" programme for entire
year. Sri. P. Ashwin Kumar of Shantinagar RWA concluded
the conference. All of them have upheld the role of the
RWAs as the fourth-tier of governance and as a builder of
micro-urban communities.


Speaker: S. Sunil Kumar
a. Ladies and youngsters should be given priority and also
opportunity in the community.
b. Single family home should also have Community
centre under Apartments Act.
c. One should have a legal cell in each association
d. There should be a provision in the Act for even small
apartment complexes (-20 units)
e. Association needs to maintain the parks in the
Community and not just rely on the Municipality.
f. In Chennai, no place for pedestrian due to poaching
by vendors on the footpath. Vending spots is
important and no establishments within 2 kms radius.
g. Use of new technologies can be introduced.
h. Citizen policing is important to develop
Infrastructure for children. Equipment to be issued by
the Management Committee. Summer camp budget
from GHMC can be used for the purchase of children
play items.
Awareness campaigns in community for steps against
Child Labour.


Participants: T. Srinivas Rao, Kakinada, K. Babu Rao,
V. Dakshinamurthy, Sri T. Thirupathi Rao, Mohan Rao,
Khamam, S.BhumaReddy, Nallakunta, P.S.Bhagawanulu,
Vuppala Gopala Rao, Major Malladi


Registration of RWAs : There are contradictions

between Registration of Societies Act and the Mutually
Aided Cooperative Society. The Act is not well defined,
nor in Company Act or Apartment Act.
Disclosure section of Property - Share of land in
apartments to residents from land owner in Karnataka
and Maharashtra deed is an example.
Declaration in AP Act needs to be registered. - Details
of Area per sq.ft (Section 412).
Words like 'file', 'submission' and 'registrations' should
be changed.
Builder must leave the premises in four months.
(Covered in detail in Maharashtra laws)
Separate deals for electricity issues for independent

Tarnaka Times, Nov/Dec. -2014

k. Recycling units in the community premises.

CCTV should be made compulsory for Apartments.
m. Knowing your neighbour is important: Hosting of Kitty
parties, get-togethers and help by "CommonFloor".
n. Tenant knowledge and their identification should be
available with the Association. (Can be helped by Move
In/Out management).


Worshop-3: "SWACHH BHARAT "

Speaker : Dr. Meenakshi Bharat
a. Presentation on Citizens Action Forum and the Fifth
Estate in Benguluru
b. Manage our garbage, not just sweep it with the
involvement of all people
c. Use and throw culture: Plastic bags and disposables
wax lining in paper cups is a source of diseases;
Reusables: Steel or plastic, less garbage; Cotton bags
should be used; Paper napkins shouldn't be used.
d. Trying to act upon this in Bangalore since 2008, which
is an inconvenient truth.
e. Major problems on landfill and dump yards (40 feet
wide and away from city)
f. Underground water is contaminated because of
garbage landfill; it is a breeding ground of different
g. Why do we have garbage problems? No civic rules
unlike in western countries, no implementation and
no awareness.
h. Segregation of waste should be at source (Ex. Two
dustbins in kitchen); Framework from local authorities
regarding segregation and Destination bound
5 types of waste: Wet and dry sanitary garden
hazardous C&D. (No bagging your bin); 40% of dry
waste can go to local collection sector; Hazardous like
bins to be separated.
j. SWM Function Road Map
k. Source reduction: Informal recycling small scale
composition, Segregated waste can be recycled,
Compost to be used.
PPPE (Plan, Promote, Practice, Enforce)
m. Involve Med Officer and Sanitary in-charge of the
a. Colony development plan should take inventory of
existing facilities and identify the requirements.
b. The Government is concentrating on local level
planning like 'mana vuru, mana pranalika' our wardour plan in Telangana, the colony development plan
should be made as part of general ward plan
c. The RWAs should try to become members of ward
committees and help in development of areas with
the municipal funds
d. The RWA using RTI should get details of taxes paid and
money spent on the colonies to improve transparency.

Microsoft grievance project; Citizen next application

on Google play store
Cited some examples: 02 drainage cleaners die every
month because of methane gas
90% of complaints from corporates
0% Auditing has been done till date in Hyderabad; Only
Bengaluru has done it.
Electricity shouldn't be stolen. Suggestions to
government: Cut the power when they are supplying
tap water so as to avoid stealing through pumps.


a. As per community policing every month, police
meeting has to be conducted which is like a general
meet to solve the local issues. If the issues couldn't be
solved then one can take up that issue to a higher level
b. FRAT, Kerala is one of the organizations that is very
successfully implementing it
c. Community policing Act in Kerala or Janamithry is first
in India; every station SHO is answerable to RWA; No
politician should be allowed to intervene. First Sunday
of every month this takes place.
d. Invitations to all the boards to appear before the RWA
e. In Mumbai similar kind of meeting is conducted, where
within 08 days the minutes are provided to the ward
f. Right to Services Act: Government should prepare a
chart regarding the concerned persons and services
related to issues with all the departments
g. Regional offices have to be set up to decentralize
power by the state.
h. What are the creative ways of building better
relationships among the residents ?
Public should be made aware that an Act as in Kerala
is necessary to make the RWAs to become more
j. NOTA : Election Commission has given authority to
activate Nota.
k. RWA is not recognized anywhere, officially.
Lokayukth Act in Karnataka is an example whereas
Maharashtra is not able to cater well.
m. Popularize the officer who is doing good work and the
rest of them would follow the positive signals.
n. RTI Act is in place, get the information officially, but
the problem remains in implementation.
o. Convince the educated class to make the politicians
come to us. (Ex. in Maharashtra, the educated class
are not able to utilize their power. 'Chalta hai' attitude
should be warded off; Show your strength and act from
grass root level.
a.Create a brand name for the organization by doing
good work from low level to higher (Ex. Federate the
associations; AGNI has become a brand name by this.
b.Concentrate on voting pattern, politician is only
interested in it.
c. Right to Services Act (public grievance forums) need
to be passed by Parliament.


Hyderabad Municipal Corporation
Speaker: Ashwin Naidu Nallari
a. How to file a complaint in GHMC? Should have a valid
phone number;>enquire>grievance>new

Tarnaka Times, Nov/Dec. -2014

III. 23rd November: The National RWA Day

Mr. Pandurangam, delegate from the USA: Felt 'associations'
in US are more organized than in India. Also said 'persons'
in association should be more responsible while
representing RWAs. M/s Kavita Baral and Sasmita Rout from
the Central University of Hyderabad questioned : How are
the RWAs linked with NGOs work ? And how to maximize
the participation by the residents? : RWA's started as NGOs
and worked with other associations to realize their
objectives. Sri. Dakshina Murthy (Malkajgiri): Apartments
Act as passed by AP assembly is not sufficient. Amendments
are required. Felt that associations in AP & Telangana are
not organized, compared to associations in Maharashtra.
Gujarat and Maharashtra RWAs have a professional
approach than in Telugu states.
Col Tejandra Pal Tyagi: Chief Guest: What RWA can do at
local & national level?
1. Securing local level recognition for RWA representatives
by visiting administrative offices, like the Police station to
get respect and priority to resolve our problems.
2. Obtaining 'Booth Level Volunteer' status for RWAs for
depositing multiples of Form 6 for Voter's lists.
3. Enforcement of norms for fire-fighting equipment to
move around high rise apartment buildings, adequate set
back space of 18 ft, provision for hydraulic platform to raise
the equipment vertically.
4. Ensuring earth quake protection norms in building
construction keeping in mind that earthquakes have a
horizontal, not a vertical impact. Therefore RCC wall of 10"
from bottom to top and appropriate ratio of sizes of column
& beam (one should not exceed twice the other) are to be
5. Builders & promoters should be clear on common area
use while handing over documents to owners - convenience
store, parking, swimming pool, etc
6. RK Puram, Delhi has 985 cubic meters of air pollution
but permitted level is 60 cubic meters. Containing pollution
levels which have reached alarming levels of P2.5 (<2.5 nm)
leading to accumulation of carcinogenic and other
particulate matter in the air we breathe.
7. Apartments Owners Associations should be considered
as part of RWA federations. ( summary by Gita Dendukuri)
Mr. Sridhar Pabbisetty from Namma Bengaluru
Foundation: There are 750 RWA federations in Bengaluru.
They are carrying our legal battle for wet lands which were
encroached by builders before the High Court'. Went to the
'Green Tribunal' on environmental issues. Noticing the
pressure on judges, the case is moved to Delhi at the time
of judgment. In the Ward Committee the suggestions given
by RWAs and the proposals of the members are vetoed by
the corporator, which is not acceptable. They are launching
a protest on 26th Nov. for removal of veto power given to
the corporator. Nearly 11 lakh acres of the land got
encroached in Bengaluru of which 20,000 acres had been
freed due to the efforts by the RWAs.
Mr. M.S. Venugopal, FRAT, Kerala: Defined the RWA Day
as 'Rigorous Working Assurence Day. Gave 10 dimensions
to the definition by way of 10 fingers: The five fingers of
Tarnaka Times, Nov/Dec. -2014

the right hand represent five values we set as

objectives and the five fingers of the left hand give the
strength to implement them vigorously, with proper food,
exercise, recreation and knowledge. The chief guest on
podium asked to do 5 new things in every 6 months for
better implementation of the objectives.
Mr. Nagarjunan from FOCUS, Chennai: They are fighting
against encroachments. In one instance, a 60ft road had
become 40 feet because of improper parking. Due to the
efforts by the RWAs, 50% of the occupied road had been
cleared and recovered. Felt that since, often, the judiciary
and bureaucracy are hand in hand, the RWAs should fight
united on wrong doings. While there is punishment for not
paying tax, there is no punishment for spending the tax
money improperly.
Mr. Sharad Kumar from AGNI, Mumbai: The RWAs should
build a brand image like the corporates to succeed. ALM Area Locality Management is the way for better
management of the locality, where the ward members will
be watched if they are not working properly in a particular
locality. They are working to get the 'Right to Services Act'
passed and to draw the department wise description of
services to be rendered.
Mr. Ghulam Nabi Rasool from Ananthapoor, Andhra Pradesh
rendered a captivating 'gazal' to the context.
Col. Tejandra Pal Tyagi & Dr. Rao Chelikani have invited
some eminent persons who have rendered valuable
services to the RWA movement to receive awards: Sri
Sridhar Pabbisetty, Namma Bengaluru Foundation, Sri
Khanagwal, Delhi, JNSS Nagarjunan, Chennai, PS
Bagawanulu, Sri. V. Dakshina Murthy, Smt. Dasari Jhansi
Lakshmi, Sri. V.Subramanian of Balaji Residency, Sri.
Tatavarti Srinivasa Rao, Dr. M. Nagaraju, Kurnool, Sri. P.
Ashwin kumar, Shantinagar RWA & club, Sri. B.T.
Srinivasan, Malkajgiri Federation, Sri. K. Hanumantha Rao,
Sri. Nallari Ashwin Naidu, Sri. Syed Bhadsha, Janapriaya
Apartments, Sri. MBR Sastry, Sri. P.L. Menon, HAWA,
Major.Shiv Kiran, Legend Apartments and Sri. S. Sunil and
Ms.Nagamani, Khammam, Sri. K.Srinivasa Reddy and
Tulasi Bai, APSA , Sri. Nitin Gadewar, Nagpur and Smt.
Aliamma Jain of the United Schools of India, New Delhi,
Sri. M.S. Venugopal, RACK, Kerala, Mr. Haseen Uddine,
Old Delhi, Mrs. D. Chandrima, Hyderabad and Sri. M.
Nageswara Rao, Ongole
Presentation of Good Practices by the Awardees: Dasari
Jhansi Lakshmi on empowering women by stressing on
having toilets and by waste management; Sri. Sridhar,
Namma Bengaluru against negligently maintaining bad
roads and its consequences during the rainy season; fighting
against bureaucracy and to make representatives
responsible; on how RWAs are the crucial body in bringing
evidence to fix the issues; against corruption by the garbage
mafia irrespective of political party in power, as some 70
entities are managing garbage in Bengaluru; on ward- wise
waste management by 'Lok satta' instead of dumping in
some nearby village; on lake protection by asking the RWAs
to work collectively for stopping dumping of waste in the

Continued on page 11

From page 6
lakes; on traffic jams in Bengaluru; on working with RWAs
to improve the quality of the life; on dry & wet waste
management along with 'water management.
Sri P.S. Bhagawanulu on waste management i.e., by making
stakeholders accountable and responsible.
Sri. V. Subramanian, Balaji Residency, Tarnaka, Hyderabad
on improving sharing and caring among the residents
through intensive social interactions. Mutual trust should
be promoted for better living; Transparency in accounts and
their presentation in an organized and simple manner
enhances mutual trust and compliance; managing power
should not be centralized; every AGM should bring new
faces for better participation; Sub-committees should be
formed which will take care of 'security issues, gardening'
etc; Festivals should be 'celebrated' together, so that they
bring people together; proper rain water harvesting
eliminates water problem in the building; importance of
'Get to-gethers' for ironing out differences of opinions;
Equal responsibility for both tenants and owners; Bringing
in women leads to positive changes; Parking management
is vital; For better community living, everyone should be
treated equally.
Sri. R. Parameswaran, Balaji Residency, Tarnaka,
Hyderabad spoke on the importance of proper training to
the watchmen to improve the efficiency in the functioning
of the building; importance of proper dress code and
equipment for watch man in order to enable him to fulfill
his duties along with complete information of the residents.
Sri. K. Yesu Dasu, Nalgonda explained "Rain Water
Harvesting" in Nalgonda district in 'tiger effected zone' and
how the same can be useful in apartments.
Ms. D. Geetha on the role of women in society starting
from the home; Usage of eco friendly bags instead of plastic
bags; Segregation of wet waste; Organize waste by using
different containers and by making vermin-compost, where
there is no room for mosquitoes.
Ms. Padma Nandyala: on "Waste Management" training
through e-mail without using paper, involving senior
citizens, women and children; Effectively using technology
like email, WhatsApp; Giving rankings like 'brigade' etc., to
the children to make them responsible.
Ms. N. Tulasi Bai, APSA on "Poverty Management" by
focusing on slums, etc.; working closely with pregnant
women and create awareness on timely medication;
working closely with 'Self Help Groups' for availing bank
loans, to avoid school dropouts, to avoid divorce by couple;
Providing training on computer literacy, etc.; Providing
assistance to senior citizens to get their pensions, training
on making paper bags to the senior women; and conducting
free medical camps to the senior citizens.
Ms. Chandrima, Joint Secretary, Aparna Palm Meadows
RWA: on "Water Management" and "Conflict
Management"; Designing 'group id' for managing all
queries and to have call center 24 x 7 to help conflict
Ms. Dasari Jhansi Lakshmi: on empowering women,
children etc., along with questioning sarpanch, etc.
Sri. K. Vijaya Prasad Reddy and Guduru Chenna Reddy: on
issues between builder and residents and the functioning

IV. Report on Inter-State RWA Consultations During the

1. The Confederation of Resident Welfare Associations
(CORWA), registered on 6th Aug. 2013 at Hyderabad
to be enlarged geographically with more operations
across all over India.
2. The Confederation's secretariat will be operated from
3. It is also re-affirmed that when we mention RWAs, we
refer to both Apartment-Building RWAs (Aprwas) as
well as area-wise colony RWAs (Arrwas), as part of the
confederation and focus on involving more RWAs
from un represented states and cities.
4. The RWA office-bearers who attended the first &
second National conferences of RWAs at Hyderabad
will automatically become the founder -members;
5. The members of Governing Council will not exceed
60 member team and by any reason if it exceeds, then
some of the founder members will become advisors,
to keep the same number.
6. The advisors to the National Governing Council will
play the role of taking the initial thought process
forward for the unity of the Confederation and RWA
movement at national level, as decided in the first
and second conferences.
7. The Conference of RWAs unanimously elected Col
Tejendra Pal Tyagi, Ghaziabad Federation of RWAs, UP
as Convener, Dr Rao VBJ Chelikani of U-FERWAS as
President, Sri Sharad Kumar of AGNI, Mumbai as
Secretary General, M. S. Venugopal, RACK of
Thiruvanthapuram, Kerala as Treasurer and Sri Sunil
Kumar of Khammam as joint Treasurer, Sri GRS Prasad
Rao SCOTRWA as Secretary in charge of the secretariat.
8. Sri N. Muthu Swamy of Chennai RWA, Sridhar
Pabbisetty of Namma Bengaluru Foundation, B T
Srinivasan of U-FERWAS , Sri Nagarjunan JMS of
FOCUSS- Chennai are elected as Executive Vice
9. Nitin Nanaji Gadewar of Nagpur, Yash Khanagwal of
Nabi Karim RWA, Ashwin Kumar Nallari of Old Alwal
as Secretaries.
10. The remaining vacancies will be filled by consultations
in the coming days balancing national representation
from all states having maximum total number of
Executive Vice-Presidents as 8, Secretaries as 8, Joint
Secretaries as 4, Executive members as 16.
11. The following are also to be included in the team in
view of their potential to strengthen the
Confederation: Shevata Talwar, Dehra Dun, P.
Sukumaran, Vice-president FRAT, Trivandrum,
President Ruparel Marg Residents Asso., Mumbai and
Dr. Meenakshi Bharath, Bengaluru.
12. Sri. K. Babu Rao, UFERWAS will get the modifications
in the office-bearers registered with the Registrar of
Societies in Hyderabad, Telangana State.

Tarnaka Times, Nov/Dec. -2014

O. Subba Rao, Safilguda, 9948292823, P.B. Sreenivas Rao,

P.L. Menon, Habsiguda, Hyderabad, 9848074063, P.P. Ranga
Rajan, Tanuku, 9441908123, P.S.Bhagawanulu, Vidyanagar,
Hyderabad, 9493409409, P.Y. Sree Ramulu, Malkajgiri,
9030824956, Padma Nandyal, Somaiiguda, 9989103326,
Prof. T. Tirupathi Rao, Osmania University, 9885599042, R.
Parameshwaran, Tarnaka, Hyderabad, 9949026526,
R.Padmanabha Reddy, Forum For Good Governance,
9849268105, Ram Gopal Chowdary, Ghaziabad, UP,
Ravikantha Reddy, Hamsa Foundation, S. Bhooma Reddy,
NallaKunta, Hydrabad, 9848664191, S. Mallikarjun,
Nalgonda, 9440465716, S. Radha Krishna Reddy, YSR
Kadapa, 9989495100, S. Rama Krishna Rao, Visakhapatnam,
9849237004, S. Sunilkumar, Khammam, 9989671925,
S.Nagamani, Khammam, 9989671945, Sasmita Rout,
University of Hyderabad, 9494248612, Sharad Kumar,
Mumbai, 9869403721, Shashidhar, Commonfloor,
8125636222, Sridhar Pabbisetty, Benguluru, 9916298421,
Suraj Tiwari, Commonfloor, 7032888862, Syed Badsha,
Hyderabad, 9441254506, T. Srinivas Rao, Kakinada,
9848949666, T.Sudhakar Reddy, Tarnaka, Hyderabad,
9848712679, T.V.R. Chandra, Hamsa Foundation,
9246187264, Telakapalli Ravi, Editor, chief Guest, Hyd,
9490099444, V. Rangaiah Chowdary, Prashanth Nagar,
Hyderabad, 9963901945, V. Subramanian, Tarnaka,
Hyderabad, 9392525064, V.Dakshina Murthy, A.S. Rao
Nagar, 9848029103, Vijay Kumar Mehra, New Delhi,
9871011349, Vuchidi Mohan Reddy, Karimnagar,
9440304003,Vijay Sai, Gen.Secretary, TREDA, Vuppala Gopal
Rao, Kukatpally, Hyderabad, 9440053099, Y. Suryanarayana
Reddy, Ananthapur, 9000240268, Yash Khanagwal, New
Delhi, 9312929502.

The following are the participants :

A. Hara Gopal, Tarnaka, Hyderabad, A. Raj Gopal,
Hyderabad, 040- 2405 5366, Aleyamma Jain, New Delhi,
9871773790, Ashwin Nallari Naidu, Alwal, 9849194366,
Aman Khatri, Commonfloor, 9676112858, Ashwin Kumar.
P, Shanthi Nagar, Hyderabad, 9848034510, B. Usha Rani,
Khammam, 9490519200, B.T.Srinivasn, Malkajgiri,
9347378072, C.S.S. Sharma, Hyderabad, 9618234530, Capt.
Manohar Sharma, Begumpet, Hyderabad, 9885194488, Col.
Tejandra Pal Tyagi, Rtd., Ghaziabad, UP, 9313922889, Col.
V. Velayutham, Retd., Secunderabad, 9391062767, D. Jhansi
Lakshmi, Repalle, Guntur, 9441942238, Dasharat Reddy,
President, TREDA, Dr. G. Nageshwar Rao, A.S. Rao Nagar,
9806146095, Dr. K.Satyanarayana Reddy, Khammam,
9885423274, Dr. Rao V.B.J. Chelikani, Hyderabad,
4064504993, Dr. M.Nagaraju, Kurnool, 9866374878, Dr. V.
Ram Mohan Rao, Saket Pranam, 9701023729, G.
Devendranath Emmanuel, 9440072717, G. Ganga Das,
Hyderabad, 9885409080, G. Kanaka Lakshmi, Tarnaka,
Hyderabad, 4065214993, G. Keseswara Rao, Tanuku,
9290797898, G. Sundaraiah, Krimnagar, 9989652241, G.
Swatantra Prasad, Repalle, Guntur, 9849351636, G.R.S.
Prasad Rao, Hyderabad, 8497960066, G.Satyanarayana,
Mehdipatnam, 9441263602, G.Sudarshan Rao, Alwal,
9490372004G.V. Reddy, Hyderabad, 9441027325, Getha.D,
Methodist Colony, Hyd, 9490969364, Girish Bhandari,
Tarnaka, Hyderabad, 9441254787, H. Narsaiah, Malkajgiri,
9394771597, H. Vasanthamma, Kurnool, 9985198410,
Haseenuddin, Old Delhi, 9891433932, J.M.S. Nagarjunan,
Chennai, 9841045145, J.S. Sastry, Uppal, 9908198693, K.
Babu Rao, East Kalyanpuri, Uppal, 9490691085, K.
Hanumanth Rao, S.R. Nagar, Hyderabad, 9396230302, K.
Jagannadha Swamy, Moula Ali, Hyderabad, 9701422981, K.
Surekha, Habsiguda, Hyderabad, 9849307209, K. Yesudasu,
Nalgonda, 9704124069, K.H.S. Sharma, Mothi Nagar,
Hyderabad, 9440052951, K.K. Uikey, Gachirowli,
Maharastra, 8390727320, K.Kumar Swamy, Tarnaka,
Hyderabad, 9676493636, K.L.V.S. Raju, Hyderabad,
9948077847, K.Madhusudhan Rao, Vanasthalipuram,
9391041031, K.Navneeta Krishnan, Dayanandnagar,
9908573154, K.S. Nabi Rasool, Ananthapur, 9866714867,
K.S. Narayana, Karimnagar, 9959225352, K.V. Thyagarajan,
Kadapa, 9347664404, K.VijayPrasad Reddy, Malkajgiri,
9989394693, Kabita Baral, University of Hyderabad,
9573705543, Lakshna Bodhi Mulukala, Karimnagar,
9441205323, M. Nageshwar Rao, Rajeev Nagar, Ongole,
7673936707, M. Samson, Kadapa, 9849074766, M. Sara
Susheela, Kadapa, 8978740602, M. Suryanarayana,
Saidabad colony, Hyderabad, 8885402671, M.B.R.Sastry,
A.C.Gurds, Hyderabad, 9490115761, M.S. Prakash Rao,
Hyderabad, 9885225911, M.S. Venu Gopal, Kerala,
9349494933, Mahath, Commonfloor, 8686475709, Major
Shiv Kiran, Hyderabad, 9849047827, Major Malladi, Saket
Pranam, 9652209993, Meenakshi Bharath, Dr., Banglore,
9845011757, Mohd. Azam, karimnagar, 8008638644,
Muthyala Pandurangam, U.S.A., 9494639935, N. Jaipal Reddy,
Nalgonda, 9912188693, N.Tulasi Bai, Chilkalguda, 9000444181,
N.V.Raman Murthy, Raipur, Chattisgarh, 9691565439, N.V.S.
Reddy, HMRC Ltd.Chief Guest, Hyd, 9849004506, Naresh,
Commonfloor, 8008605487, Naveen, Commonfloor,
7032062164, Nitin Nanaji Gadewar, Nagpur, 9423640685,
Tarnaka Times, Nov/Dec. -2014

Office- Bearers of the Confederation of RWAs

(CORWA) -2014-2016
CORWA -2014-2016
Col Tejendra Pal Tyagi, Ghaziabad Federation of RWAs,
Convener- 09313922889 :
Dr Rao VBJ Chelikani, U-FERWAS, Hyderabad, President, Sharad Kumar, AGNI,
Mumbai, Secretary General-09869403721: sharadkumar, M. S. Venugopal, Residents' apex Council
of Kerala (RACK), Thiruvanthapuram, Treasurer 09349494933:, Sunil Kumar,
Khammam, Joint Treasurer- 9989671925: uncap.kmm
Executive Vice Presidents:
N. Muthu Swamy, Chennai RWA-09444040846:; Sridhar Pabbisetty, BRAS, B T Srinivasan, UFERWAS, in charge, Tarnaka Times -9347378072,, Nagarjunan JMS of FOCUSSChennai-09841045145,, Major Shiv
Kiran, UFERWAS-9849047827,, M
Nagaraja, Banashankari III Stage, Bengaluru 560 085,
Secretaries: Nitin Nanaji Gadewar, Nagpur - 9423640685: Yash Khanagwal, Nabi Karim RWA,
New Delhi - 09312929502; National RWA Day:
krishwal@gmail.comAshwin Kumar Nallari, SriLakshminagar
Colony, Old Alwal- 9849194366,;
Media & Communications Haseenuddine, Old Delhi

Observer, Awards, P. Ashwin Kumar -9848034510,, Meetings, Public Relations,
Designing, Cell Towers; NCRWA, CORWA. KHS Sharma 9440052951,; Protocol, Invitations,
guests, NCRWA, CORWA, Election Observer, GHMC
K. Babu Rao, -9490691085, Byelaws, Rules & Regulations. District Coordinators,
NCRWA, CORWA, Election Observer
V.V. Rao -9849064309,; Relations
with States and Centre, RTI campaign
State Secretaries:
S. Sunil Kumar: 9989671925,;
NCRWA, CORWA, Awards, District Coordinators, Election
Observer, Documentation, Travel & Tourism, Reporting
Ashwin Naidu Nallari: 9849194366, ashwinnallari@; Programming, Training, Electronic grievance
redressal; social media, Commonfloor, Reporting, T.V.R.
Chandra- 9246187264:;Public Relations
& Relations with officials, Swachch Bharat, Election Observer
B. Praveen Mudiraj -9676456799, Membership, Election
Observer, S.K. Raju- 9848050593/ 9848250593: Special
assignments, Reporting, Election Observer, K. Jagannatha
Swamy -9701422981, : Tarnaka
Times, Senior Citizens Associations; District Coordinators;
NCRWA, CORWA, Reporting, G. Chenna Reddy -9849021672:
Builder-related issues, membership, Election Observer
K. Vijaya Prasad Reddy-9989394693: komitlavpr@gmail.
com, Builder-related issues; District Coordinators,
membership, Election Observer, G. Sudarshan Rao 9490372004; in charge of Training Centre at Alwal, Election
Observer, R. Parameswaran -9849026526: param_ff@; Training; Social Harmony; travel,
coordination, Election Observer, environment, GRS Prasad
Rao -8497960066: , Secretariat,
convening meetings, NCRWA, CORWA, Reporting, Metro
Rail Commuters Association, Executive Committee
Members:, K. Surekha: 98493 07209, Metro Rail Commuters
Association, environment, Syed Badsha -9441254506: syed Clean & Green
membership, Khaled Shah-9885774480: ktarnaka@gmail.
com, Electronic Grievance Redressal, Relations with Police,
social media, KLVS Raju- 9948077847, rdstnkhyd@yahoo. Finance Matters, Police, Social Counselling, P.L. Menon
-9848074063, : F inance
Matters,Tarnaka Times, N. Ramanathan -277306029347278441: Tax Matters, V. Dakshina Murthy:
9848029103,, Legal Matters,
Election Observer, D. Chandrima: Environment Special
Invitees: Sandhya Nandyala, environment; D. Geeta:
Documentation, Reporting,
District Coordinators: Khammam: Dr. K. Satyanarayana
Reddy - Rani
Bommidi:9490519200:usharani_bommidi@ rediffmail.
com;S. Nagamani: Travel & Tourism; Social Counselling
Karimnagar: K. Satyanarayana- 9959225352: ksnarayana98 Nalgonda: N. Jaipal Reddy-9912188693,
Guntur: D. Jhansi Lakshmi / Swatantra Prasad-9441942238/
9849351636:, Kurnool: Dr.
M. Nagaraju, -9866374878:
/Vasanthamma: 9985198410: vasam
Anathapur: Y. Suryanarayana Reddy- 9000240268 Tanuku;

09891433932 GRS Prasad Rao, SCOTRWA, Hyderabad, in

charge of the secretariat - 8497960066, grsprasadrao
Executive Members :
I. Founder Members:
Bengalore III Phase Welfare Association, Bengaluru,
Karnataka, Fewderation of RWAs, Ghaziabad, U.P.,
Residents' Apex Council of Kerala RACK), Trivandrum, Kerala
Agni, Mumbai, Maharastra, Ceebros Gardens Owners and
Residents Association, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, United
Federation of RWAs (UFERWAS) A.P. & Telangana, Nabi
Karim RWA, New Delhi, NCR, Panchadeep nagar RWA,
Nagpur, Tara Residency Welfare Association, Sasram, Bihar
II. Shevata Talwar, Dehra Dun, Uttarakhand, Coordinator 09897132775,; P. Sukumaran,
Vice-president FRAT, Trivandrum -09400571450, Ruparel
Marg Residents Asso. Mumbai, :022-23640923: ,, Dr. Meenakshi Bharath,
Benguluru -09845011757,;
in charge Swachch Bharat Mission Aleyamma Jain, USOI,
New, K.K.
Uikey, Gadchiroli, Nagpur, Coordinator-08390727320, Shaik
Zakeeruddine, Aurangabad, coordinator-09326205556, N.V.
Raman Murthy, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, coordinator, 9691565439:
UFERWAS Delegates to CORWA
(at the rate of 5 for each state =10):
1. Rao chelikani 2. S. Sunil Kumar 3. B.T. Srinivasan 4. Major
Shiv Kiran 5. Ashwin Kumar Nallari 6. GRS Prasad Rao 7. P.
Ashwin Kumar 8. KHS Sharma 9. K. Babu Rao, 10. R.
Parameswran. Stand by: Syed Badsha, D. Geeta, Sandhya
Nandyala, TVR Chandra, Surekha, D. Jhansi Lakshmi, D.
For more information visit :
United Federation of RWAs (UFERWAS)
Office-Bearers - 2014-2016
Sri. K.Padmanabhaiah,, IAS, Sri. N.V.S. Reddy,IRAS, Sri.
Vuppala Gopala Rao: 9440053099: vuppalagopalarao; Sri. P.S. Bhagawanulu, 9493409404, Sri. G.
Satyanarayana, 9441263602, satyanarayana3494, Sri. T. Satyanarayana, 9246843660,tsn95_96, Sri. Tatavarti Srinivasa Rao (Kakinada)
98498949616:, Captain Manohar
Sharma:; Sri.
N.S. Narayana, Prof. T. Tirupati Rao, 9885599042, ,Maj. Malladi: 9652209993:
President :
Rao V.B.J. Chelikani, 64504993,
General Secretary:
B.T. Srinivasan -9347378072:;
Media & Communications; Documentation, Relations with
GHMC, States, Centre, Grievance Redressal, NCRWA,
CORWA, Election Observer, Commonfloor
G.V. Reddy: 9441027325,
Meetings, Relations with District Coordinators
Vice Presidents:
Major Shiv Kiran - 9849047827,;
Finances, GHMC, HMDA, NCRWA, CORWA, Election

Tarnaka Times, Nov/Dec. -2014

the Chief Secretary to Government. Telangana state to take

action to delete the sec. 70-G from GHMC Act of 1956.
Further the G.O. RT. No. 186 M.A & U.D. dated 2-12-2014,
issued on the strength of Sec. 70-G may kindly be
Yours Sincerely
M. Padmanabha Reddy, Secretary

P.P. Ranga Rajan, -9441908123, Ongole: Maguluri

Visakhapatnam:SRK Rao-9849237004 ; /
warsximvp, Kadapa: Samson, -9849074766: Susheela: 8978740602;; S. Radhakrishna Reddy: 9989495100:; K.V. Tyagarajan: 9347664404


In spite of paying External Development Charge, Metro
Expansion Charge and Elevated Road Charge, Raj Nagar
Extension, Ghaziabad still devoid of Basic Facilities
On 11 th December 2014, a delegation of the
representatives of different societies of Raj Nagar Extension
met the VC, GDA Shri Santosh Kumar Yadav ,along with
Chairman of the RWA Federation Ghaziabad Col Tejandra
Pal Tyagi. The delegation comprised the President of the
Asiana Palm Court Shri Amit Kumar Tanwar, Secy Sh Ashok
Kumar Tiwari, Patron Sh S N Dutta, President of Gulmohur
Garden Sh Prabhash Tyagi, Vice President Sh Pankaj Verma,
Sh Atul Tyagi of Quantum Residency, Shri G P Sinha, Sh
Raman Parasar of Meadows Vista, Sh Sharad Kumar Garg
of Balmukunda Residency, Shri Arun Kumar of S G
Impression, Sh Suresh Yadav of Ashiana Palm Court and
It was brought out that in spite of paying the external
development charge, the Sewage Treatment Plant has not
yet been established in Rajnagar Extension. Further the
laying of sewer line has been stopped. It is assured that the
problem will soon be resolved and the work on the sewer
line laying will be started the next week end.
A request was made to the VC GDA that at least the
land for a Post Office, Sub Stations, Police Chowki, Primary
School, Health Center, Shopping Complex, Play Ground, etc.
be identified forthwith for which he readily agreed. VC GDA
also informed that dedicated Power Supply and Ganga
Water Supply will be made available to Raj Nagar Extension.
Not only that, he promised early laying of IGL and 4 G net
work. He went on to add that a world class Cricket Stadium
will be constructed in Raj Nagar Extension.
It was very strongly suggested that the builders should
be asked to use the sewage water for construction activity
as it is being done in Delhi and Haryana, without using the
underground water. The internal roads broken by the
builders should be made good by them instead of from the
tax payers' money. VC GDA agreed to moot out this proposal
to the builders.
by : Amit Kr Tanwar, Ashiana Palm Court,
9910350999; Atul Tyagi, Quantum Residency
9811201121, Pankaj Verma,
SVP Gulmohar Garden 9990578936

Delegation of CONRWA demands Public Participation in

Tourism and other Sectors
On 4th Dec 2014 a delegation of CONRWA ( Confederation
of the NCR Resident Welfare Associations) met the
honourable Minister for Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation
Shri Mahesh Sharma in his office. The delegation comprised
of the President of the CONRWA Advocate P S Jain, Gen
Secy Shri Chetan Sharma, Convenor Col Tejandra Pal Tyagi,
Advocate Shri Mahavir Prasad, Shri A S Gulathi, Shri Vijay
Bhati, Shri. Praveen Agrawal, Smt Vakul Kowshik and shri
Mukesh Manohar Agrawal.
1. The Tourism centers should be given a face lift in holistic
terms. Local resident should be involved in the welcoming
aspects of the tourists. PARYATAK MITRA or Special Tourism
Officers may be appointed in this regard.
2. Soldiers be given concessions in air travel like the
3. The Vaastu science has fallen into the hands of the quacks.
It should be brought out to marginalise the pseudo vaastu
consultants in public interest.
The honourable Minister Shri Mahesh Sharma agreed to
give an impetus to all the proposals made in public interest
by CONRWA Delegation.
A letter to the Chief Secretary, Government of Telangana,
Hyderabad on 8th December, 2014
Sub:- GHMC Act, 1955- Request for deletion of Sec.70 -G of
GHMC Act 1955- reg.
In order to effect democratic decentralization by
empowering local self governments as third tier of India's
federation, the constitution ( 74th amendement ) act 1992
was passed by Parliament which elevated the status of the
municipal bodies from statutory to constitutional. The
provision of article 243- U in the constitution, inter alia
says. " An election to constitute a Municipality shall be
completed before the expiry of its duration." The provisions
of said article do not enable any state government to
postpone municipal elections and interface in a democratic
unit of self government.
The present Government issued a G.O. " where, in
the opinion of government it is not possible to hold the
elections to the corporation before the date of expiration
of the term, the government may appointment a special
officer. For a period which shall not exceed three and half
years. For this the government may extend the said period
not exceeding eleven years. They claim to take the decision
on the basis of Sec.70 G of GHMC Act, 1955.
As the provisions of the constitution override the laws
made by state government, if they are inconsistent to
constitutional provisions. Keeping this in view we request
Tarnaka Times, Nov/Dec. -2014


Olive County AOA, Vasundhara Ghaziabad

On 8th December 2014, the Federation of Associations
of Apartment Owners Ghaziabad conducted election in Olive
County AOA, Vasundhara Ghaziabad and Mr N.D Sharma
as President, Mr R.K Singh as Vice President, Mr Rakesh
Kumar Jain as Secretary, Mr Ashish Agarwal as Treasurer,
Mr Surendra Kumar, Mr R.K Gupta , Mr Sandeep Kumar
Mishra , Mr Gaurav pandey , Mrs Chhaya Gupta as Executive
Members got elected.
by B k Pandey, Media coordinator, (+91)9711984470


together at Alwal Railway Station on 10th Nov. 2014.

Memorandum to the hon'ble Minister Sri Harish Rao

The Federation of Resident Welfare Associations
(FERWAS), Malkajgiri submitted a memorandum on 3rd
December 2014 to Sri Harish Rao, Minister for Irrigation,
Marketing & Legislative Affairs in Malkajgiri about the Army
closing the roads in AOC, Secunderabad area for civil


It is always assumed that senior citizen's participation
is a desired and necessary part of community development
In a 'Tea Party' arranged on Sunday 14-Dec-2014, 11:00
AM at Club House, Arihant Harmony, 8 Mall Road, Ahinsa
Khand-2 Indirapuram the following reasons are evoked and
discussed:1. Ignorance attitude of youngsters 2. RWA/AOA
activities became perception of dirty politics 3. Risky job
without any return and legal complexity due to situation
created by Builder/Authority or any Individual. 4. Busy with
their grand children, healthcare, reconciliation of property,
wealth for next generation. 5. Decline interest in social
by K K Singh Secretary Fed. AOA 9810333549

The recent order of Justice P. Naveen Rao of Hyderabad

High Court on allowing army to close down roads and
directing the civic authorities, including the GHMC to make
full-fledged arrangements expeditiously for alternative road
network was also brought his notice. He assured that his
MPs will take up the issue with Defence Minister in Delhi
and that he will talk to Hon'ble CM Sri K Chandrasekhar
Rao in a few days and invited U-FERWAS team along with
Sri Kanaka Reddy, MLA, Malkajgiri with proper documents
to represent the issue.
by B T SRINIVASAN, General Secretary

Old Dairy Farm Residents Welfare Association elected new

office bearers for 2014-2015
President: M. Mallaiah ,9959643845,Vice - President:
Zaheda Begum ,7799394365,General Secretary: Syed
Khaled Shah,9885774480,Jt.Secretary: Shainaaz Begum,
9505014808, K. Bikshapathi, 8008685608, S. Hemalatha
Yadav,8686176460,Treasurer: S. Laxman Goud, 8790172726,
Joint Treasurer: D. Kumar Swamy, 9912151882,N. Laxmi
:7680964881,Organizing Secretary: P. Sharadha,
8297724047, R. Srinivas,8686542515,S. Subhan Bin
Mubarak 8297235417, B. Komuramma, 9848531545, G.
Yashoda,9347373308, M.D. Afasar, 9848887094, Executive
Member: D. Laxmi, 9912151882,B. Yadalaxmi, 9963677839,
C.H. Yakaiah, 9866058201, Shaheen Begum, 7893924478,
M. Ramulamma, 9502086505, S. Neena Yadav.
by Secretary Syed Khaled Shah

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K.Ashwin Kumar of Alwal complain that flex posters

being pasted and stuck on Metro Rail Pillars at S.D.Road
and it is nothing but a damage to the public property and
thus the national property cannot be used by political parties
and spoil the beauty of this project.

Tarnaka Times, Nov/Dec. -2014


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DISCLAIMER : The views and opinions

expressed by the contributors of news
and articles are not necessarily that of the
Editors and Publishers of " Tarnaka
Times". The Editors and Publishers of "
Tarnaka Times "are not responsible for
any factual errors or infringement of copy
rights, if any.
The " Tarnaka Times" is published and
distributed with the purpose of welfare
of the Society as a whole, with no
commercial interest whatsoever.
Editorial Team :
Dr. Rao V.B.J. Chelikani, Chief
Editorial Coordination by :
P.L. Menon
Advisory Board Members :
B. Om Prakash, T. Bala Swamy,
P. S. Bhagawanulu, B.T. Srinivasan

Wishing all our

Readers and
a very Happy
& Prosperous
New Year 2015

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NOV. / DEC 2014

Posted on 22nd, Dec., 2014 at Patrika Channel, Sec'bad

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Tarnaka Times, Nov/Dec.-2014


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