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Primary Sources

Books, Pictures, etc.

Baden-Powell. "Brownies." Scouting for Girls, Adapted from Girl Guiding (1918). N.p.: n.p.,
n.d. 1-9. Print.
It stated that to be a Brownie you must know The Brownies promise, The
Salute, the Good Turn, the Motto, and many other requirements.
Girl Scouts. Scouting For Girls, Official Handbook of the Girl Scouts. Ed. Josephine D.
Bacon. New York, NY: Girl Scouts, 1920. Print.
This handbook was written by American Girl Scouts, dedicated to Juliette
Low. It talked more about what projects they completed and what
characteristics Girl Scouts must shape themselves to be.
The Golden Eaglet. Dir. Juliette G. Low. YouTube. YouTube, 29 Feb. 2012. Web. 25 Nov.
This video was made by Juliette Gordon Low, and it shows two girls who
decide to start a troop after seeing Girl Scouts marching. They go on a
camping trip and do other activities.
Gordon, Arthur. "PDF." " My Aunt Daisy Was the First Girl Scout. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Nov.
He described her as impulsive, headstrong, superstitious, naive, intuitive,
endowed, and talented. He also says she was a good linguist, fair poet, and
talented sculptures. He talks about her being forgetful, bad speller, and lover

of children and animals. The way he described her makes it sound like he
admired her a lot.
Juliette Gordon Low, and Gordon Family Papers Ms 318 (1860-1927). Juliette Gordon Low
Curriculum Guide (n.d.): n. pag. Web. 30 Oct. 2014.
This PDF told us Juliettes personal feelings about her life. It has a few letters
to her mother and father that directly tell us what she was doing for Girl
Scouts. It also told us about early girl scouting, her adulthood, World War I,
the Suffrage movement, Yellow Fever Epidemic, and her birthday.
Low, Juliette Gordon. Juliette Gordon Low and Womens Suffrage Posted on March 3, 2014
by Drusso. Digital image. Girl Scouts University. N.p., 3 Mar. 2014. Web. 17
Nov. 2014.
This was a sketch made by Low, and it shows her sprinkling salt on a man
while carrying a sign that says Votes for Women. She wrote at the bottom
If other things fail, put salt on his tail. The real saying is you can subdue a
bird by placing salt on its tail, and she is comparing men to birds because
they are resistant to reason.
"PDF." Gordon Family Papers. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Dec. 2014.
This pdf file gives us pictures of juliettes letters to her mother, pictures to her
handbook, pictures of the inside of an old girl scout book. The letters are
translated, and they are letters from the times she and her sister were in
school away from her parents.

United States. Girl Scouts as an Education Force.. By Juliette Low. Bureau of Education,
Department of the Interior, 1919. Web. 26 Oct. 2014.
The bulletin told us registrations were made at about 150 girls per day since
January 1. 1919, and Girl Scouts had to pass tests in the following
categories: headwork, handwork, health, and helpfulness.

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