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Epicor ERP

Purchase Management Course


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Revision: July 25, 2014 2:41 a.m.
Total pages: 105

Purchase Management Course


Purchase Management Course..............................................................................................8
Before You Begin....................................................................................................................9
Environment Setup........................................................................................................................................10
Workshop Constraints............................................................................................................................11

Application Setup.................................................................................................................14
Company Configuration................................................................................................................................14
Maintenance Programs..................................................................................................................................14
User Account Security Maintenance........................................................................................................14
Workshop - Create New User..........................................................................................................15
Log On as Administrator...........................................................................................................15
Add User..................................................................................................................................15
User Company.........................................................................................................................16
User Security............................................................................................................................16
Review Existing User.................................................................................................................16
Log On.....................................................................................................................................17
Buyer Maintenance.................................................................................................................................18
Workshop - Create Buyer................................................................................................................19
Add Buyer................................................................................................................................19
Authorize Users........................................................................................................................19
Adjust Authorized User List......................................................................................................19
Part Maintenance...................................................................................................................................20
Part Class Maintenance...........................................................................................................................21
Workshop - Assign Buyer to Part Class.............................................................................................22
Supplier Maintenance.............................................................................................................................22
Supplier Detail.................................................................................................................................23
Purchase Points...............................................................................................................................23
Supplier Ratings...............................................................................................................................24
Workshop - Add Supplier................................................................................................................24
Add a Supplier.........................................................................................................................24
Enter the Supplier's Address.....................................................................................................24
Enter a New Purchase Point......................................................................................................25
Enter the Purchase Point Contact..............................................................................................25
Approve the Supplier................................................................................................................25
Supplier Ratings and Attributes........................................................................................................27

Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.2


Purchase Management Course

Workshop - Assign Ratings to a Supplier..................................................................................27

Workshop - Assign Attributes to a Supplier...............................................................................27
Supplier Price List Maintenance...............................................................................................................28
Workshop - Add a Supplier Price List and Create Price Breaks..........................................................29
Select a Supplier and Part.........................................................................................................29
Add Price Breaks......................................................................................................................30
Workshop - Create a Purchase Order Using the Supplier Price List....................................................31
Create a Purchase Order - Part 1...............................................................................................31
Create a Purchase Order - Part 2...............................................................................................31
Miscellaneous Charge/Credit Maintenance.............................................................................................32
Site Maintenance....................................................................................................................................32
Site Configuration Control...............................................................................................................33

Daily Purchase Processing....................................................................................................34

Purchase Orders.............................................................................................................................................34
Purchase Advisor....................................................................................................................................36
Buy For Job Material...............................................................................................................................36
Workshop - Buy For Job Material.....................................................................................................38
Enter Header Detail..................................................................................................................38
Enter Line Details......................................................................................................................39
Enter Expediting Charge...........................................................................................................39
Identify the GL Account............................................................................................................39
Buy For Inventory....................................................................................................................................40
Workshop - Buy For Inventory..........................................................................................................41
Enter Line Details......................................................................................................................42
Identify the GL Account............................................................................................................42
Approve the Purchase Order.....................................................................................................43
Review the Purchase Order.......................................................................................................44
Buy For Subcontract Operation...............................................................................................................44
Workshop - Buy For Subcontract Operation.....................................................................................46
Enter Header Detail..................................................................................................................46
Enter Line Details......................................................................................................................46
Identify the GL Account............................................................................................................47
Approve the Purchase Order.....................................................................................................47
Buy For Other.........................................................................................................................................47
Workshop - Buy For Other...............................................................................................................48
Enter Header Detail..................................................................................................................48
Enter Line Details......................................................................................................................49
Identify the GL Account............................................................................................................49
Approve the Purchase Order.....................................................................................................49
Inter-Company PO - Valid Sites...............................................................................................................50
PO Approval..................................................................................................................................................50
Workshop - Approve Purchase Order......................................................................................................50
Change User...................................................................................................................................50
Approve the Purchase Order............................................................................................................51
Review the Purchase Order..............................................................................................................51

Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.2

Purchase Management Course


Duplicate PO..................................................................................................................................................51
Workshop - Duplicate Purchase Orders...................................................................................................52
Change User...................................................................................................................................52
Duplicate a Purchase Order..............................................................................................................52
Update the Duplicate Purchase Order..............................................................................................52
Approve the Purchase Order............................................................................................................53
Receive Purchase Orders................................................................................................................................53
Workshop - Receive By Line....................................................................................................................54
Enter a Receipt................................................................................................................................54
Receive Job Material........................................................................................................................54
Review the Purchase Order..............................................................................................................54
Workshop - Mass Receipt.......................................................................................................................55
Review Open Purchase Orders.........................................................................................................55
Enter the Receipt.............................................................................................................................55
Perform a Mass Receipt...................................................................................................................55
Review the Purchase Order..............................................................................................................56
Purchase Order Tracker..................................................................................................................................56
Workshop - Purchase Order Tracker........................................................................................................57

Specialized Purchase Processing..........................................................................................58

Workshop - Assign Actions to a Requisition............................................................................................60
Add a Requisition Action.................................................................................................................60
Remove the Requisition Action........................................................................................................60
Workshop - Create a Requisition.............................................................................................................61
Enter the Requisition Detail..............................................................................................................61
Enter the Requisition Line................................................................................................................61
Dispatch the Requisition..................................................................................................................62
Workshop - Approve a Requisition..........................................................................................................62
Set the Requisition User...................................................................................................................62
Assign the Specification Approval....................................................................................................62
Set the Requisition User...................................................................................................................63
Complete the Requisition Approval Process......................................................................................63
Purchase Order Suggestions...........................................................................................................................63
Generate Purchasing Suggestions...........................................................................................................63
Workshop - Generate PO Suggestions.............................................................................................65
New PO Suggestions...............................................................................................................................65
Suggestion - Detail..........................................................................................................................66
Workshop - Review Suggestions......................................................................................................67
Change User............................................................................................................................67
Generate Purchase Orders........................................................................................................67
Review Purchase Orders...........................................................................................................68
Change PO Suggestions..........................................................................................................................69
Supplier Relationship Management................................................................................................................70
Buyer Workbench...................................................................................................................................71
Buyer Workbench Functionality.......................................................................................................72

Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.2


Purchase Management Course

Workshop - Create an RFQ for Job-Related Material........................................................................72

Update Job Material.................................................................................................................72
Update a Buyer........................................................................................................................73
Generate an RFQ......................................................................................................................73
Print the RFQ ...........................................................................................................................74
Create a Price Break.................................................................................................................74
Create Another Price Break......................................................................................................75
Create a Purchase Order ..........................................................................................................75
Supplier Connect....................................................................................................................................76
Purchase Contracts........................................................................................................................................76
Workshop - Create a Contract Part.........................................................................................................77
Approve Supplier for a Part..............................................................................................................78
Supplier Periodicity Maintenance............................................................................................................78
Workshop - Define Periodicity Codes...............................................................................................79
Part Schedule Maintenance.....................................................................................................................79
Workshop - Create Part Schedule....................................................................................................80
Create the Part Schedule..........................................................................................................80
Enter the Schedule Settings......................................................................................................80
Enter the Supplier Details.........................................................................................................81
Workshop - Create Demand...................................................................................................................81
Create the Sales Order.....................................................................................................................81
Enter the Second Release.................................................................................................................82
Workshop - Create a Contract Purchase Order........................................................................................82
Create the Contract Purchase Order................................................................................................82
Add the Purchase Order Line...........................................................................................................83
Approve the Purchase Order............................................................................................................83
Generate Purchase Schedules.................................................................................................................83
Workshop - Generate Purchase Order Suggestions..........................................................................84
Workshop - Generate the Purchase Schedule...................................................................................84
Workshop - Approve the Purchase Schedule....................................................................................85
Purchase Contract Report and Tracker....................................................................................................85
Landed Cost..................................................................................................................................................86
Landed Cost Setup.................................................................................................................................88
Country Maintenance......................................................................................................................88
Workshop - Add Port...............................................................................................................88
Company Configuration..................................................................................................................89
Workshop - Set Up Shipping and Receiving..............................................................................89
HS Commodity Codes.....................................................................................................................89
Workshop - Harmonized System (HS) Commodity Codes..........................................................90
Import Preference Scheme Maintenance..........................................................................................90
Workshop - Create the Import Preference Scheme....................................................................91
Import Tariff Maintenance...............................................................................................................91
Workshop - Import Tariff..........................................................................................................92

Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.2

Purchase Management Course


Miscellaneous Charge/Credit Maintenance......................................................................................92

Workshop - Miscellaneous Charge/Credit.................................................................................93
Supplier Shipment Classes...............................................................................................................93
Workshop - Supplier Shipment Classes.....................................................................................93
Workshop - Landed Cost Entry...............................................................................................................94
Create Purchase Orders...................................................................................................................94
Create Purchase Order #1........................................................................................................94
Create Purchase Order #2........................................................................................................95
Enter the Shipment..........................................................................................................................96
Edit the Indirect Costs......................................................................................................................97
Disburse the Indirect Costs..............................................................................................................97
Complete the Shipment...................................................................................................................98
Process an AP Invoice......................................................................................................................98

Cost Types...................................................................................................................................................101
Transaction Types........................................................................................................................................101

Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.2

Purchase Management Course

Purchase Management Course

Purchase Management Course

This course focuses on the Purchase Management process. This process includes the creation and approval of
purchase orders (POs) and requisitions, managing suppliers and their price lists, working with purchase order
suggestions, and monitoring the purchase order process using related reports and trackers. The advanced
functionality in the Supplier Relationship Management and Purchase Contract modules also aids in managing
purchase orders.
Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to:
Complete Purchase Management configuration and maintenance program setup, including adding suppliers
and their price lists.
Review ratings assigned to a supplier.
Assign attributes to a supplier.
Create purchase orders for job material, inventory, subcontract operation, and other material.
Approve, duplicate, and receive purchase orders.
Complete the purchase requisitions creation and approval.
Manage purchase order suggestions and purchase contracts.
Use Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) functionality to complete the Request for Quote (RFQ) for
job-related and quoted material.
Utilize Landed Cost functionality.
Analyze purchasing data through reports and trackers.

Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.2

Purchase Management Course

Before You Begin

Before You Begin

Read this topic for information you should know in order to successfully complete this course.

Specific audiences will benefit from this course.
Cost Accountant
Purchasing Staff/Buyer
Account Manager
System Administrator
IT/Technical Staff

To complete the workshops in this course, the necessary modules must be licensed and operating in your training
environment. For more information on the modules available, contact your Epicor Customer Account Manager
at It is also important you understand the prerequisite knowledge contained in other
valuable courses.
Navigation Course - This course introduces navigational aspects of the Epicor application's user interface.
Designed for a hands-on environment, general navigation principles and techniques available in two user
interface modes - Classic Menu and Modern Shell Menu. Workshops focus on each of these modes and
guide you through each navigational principle introduced.
System Flow Course - This course introduces a basic quote to cash scenario that includes the process from
the initial customer quote to final cash receipts and payment of supplier invoices. This course emphasizes the
series of processes that make up the quote to cash process by using a simple scenario to highlight various
transactions. Your organization may have more complex processing routines than those described in this
Suppliers Course - This course covers the supplier record and the information located within Supplier
Parts Course - This course introduces the building blocks that make up Part Maintenance. It focuses on the
importance of Part Maintenance, required maintenance program setup, key fields, manufactured and purchased
part setup, and commonly used reports and trackers.
Knowledge Camp Course - This course provides a high level overview of the quote to cash flow through
the Epicor application. You begin with how to create a quote, process it as an order, and fill the order across
production planning and purchasing. The course also covers the manufacturing plan and shipment of parts
to a customer, as well as how to process invoices, enter cash receipts, and generate supplier payments.

Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.2

Before You Begin

Purchase Management Course

Environment Setup
The environment setup steps and potential workshop constraints must be reviewed in order to successfully
complete the workshops in this course.
Your Epicor training environment, in which the Epicor demonstration database is found, enables you to experience
Epicor functionality in action but does not affect data in your live, production environment.
The following steps must be taken to successfully complete the workshops in this course.

Verify the following or ask your system administrator to verify for you:
Your Epicor training icon (or web address if you are using Epicor Web Access) points to your
Epicor training environment with the Epicor demonstration database installed. Do not complete
the course workshops in your live, production environment.
Note It is recommended that multiple Epicor demonstration databases are installed. Contact
Support or Systems Consulting for billable assistance.
The Epicor demonstration database is at the same service pack and patch as the Epicor
application. Epicor's education team updates the Epicor demonstration database for each service pack
and patch. If your system administrator upgrades your Epicor application to a new service pack or patch,
he or she must also download the corresponding Epicor demonstration database from EPICweb > Support
> Epicor > Downloads and install it. If this is not performed, unexpected results can occur when completing
the course workshops.
Your system administrator restored (refreshed) the Epicor demonstration database prior to
starting this course. The Epicor demonstration database comes standard with parts, customers, sales
orders, and so on, already defined. If the Epicor demonstration database is shared with multiple users
(that is, the database is located on a server and users access the same data, much like your live, production
environment) and is not periodically refreshed, unexpected results can occur. For example, if a course
workshop requires you to ship a sales order that came standard in the Epicor demonstration database,
but a different user already completed this workshop and the Epicor demonstration database was not
restored (refreshed), then you will not be able to ship the sales order. Epicor's education team has written
the course workshops to minimize situations like this from occurring, but Epicor cannot prevent users
from manipulating the data in your installation of the Epicor demonstration database.



Log in to the training environment using the credentials manager/manager. If you are logged into your
training environment as a different user, from the Options menu, select Change User.


From the Main menu, select the company Epicor Education (EPIC06).


From the Main menu, select the Main site.

Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.2

Purchase Management Course

Before You Begin

Workshop Constraints
Below is a list of workshops in this course that can be performed only once in each instance of a restored (refreshed)
database. Where applicable, a detailed explanation of the workshop constraints is documented in the workshop
Purchase Orders
Workshop - Buy For Job Material
Workshop - Buy For Inventory
Workshop - Receive By Line
Workshop - Review Suggestions
Workshop - Change Purchase Order Suggestions
Workshop - Create an RFQ for Job-Related Material

Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.2



Purchase Management Course

Use the Purchase Management module to create and monitor purchase orders (POs). Purchases may be for
inventory, job material, subcontract material, or for other material. The destination of these items can be changed
upon their receipt.
Purchase order receipts update the purchase order and history files. This provides a reference to assist in future
purchasing decisions. Purchase order suggestions use the Time Phased Material Requirements Report for
streamlined purchase order creation.
Purchase Management Features
The following lists key purchasing features:
Automated purchasing tools - Allows purchase order suggestions to be turned into purchase orders with
little manual effort.
Purchase requisitions - Allows for the initiation, approval, and tracking of PO requisitions.
Purchase history - Historical information detailing POs and receipts over an extended period of time.
Individual line items and mass receipts for POs - Options available for receiving one line or all lines on a
Supplier part number/stocking part number - Allows cross-referencing.
Price breaks - Price breaks can also include effectivity dates.
Supplier approval - Approval is available for a specific part, group of parts, or a job for a specific customer.
Purchase Management Process Flow
Purchase Management provides a dynamic interface for the communication of purchasing information both
internally and to and from suppliers. The following diagram illustrates the Purchase Management process flow,
beginning with the generation of a purchase order, and ending with the commitment of purchasing transactions.


Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.2

Purchase Management Course

Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.2



Application Setup

Purchase Management Course

Application Setup
This section reviews Company Configuration and maintenance programs for Purchase Management.

Company Configuration
Company Configuration defines options for companies in the Epicor application. Use these options to customize
the application to best fit each company within your organization. This section reviews configurations and tables
specific to the Purchase Management module.
Use the Modules sheets to define the default settings for the company.
Use the Modules > Materials > Purchase sheet to define the default purchasing options for the Purchase
Management module.
System Setup > Company/Site Maintenance > Company Configuration

Maintenance Programs
This section of the course reviews the most significant maintenance programs applicable to the purchasing
process. In many cases, not all fields in a program are discussed. If you are interested in learning more about a
specific program, refer to the Application Help.

User Account Security Maintenance

Use User Account Security Maintenance to enter basic information, security access, and application privileges
for users. Anyone who accesses the Epicor application must be set up in this program.
Users must have a defined user ID, name, and password. In this program, you can also define addresses, phone
numbers, and other company information.
Users are commonly created by the Epicor application implementation team. The System Administrator grants
security permissions based on the user's role in the company.
Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
ICE External > Security > User Security
System Setup > Security Maintenance > User Account Security Maintenance
Important This program is not available in the Epicor Web Access.


Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.2

Purchase Management Course

Application Setup

Workshop - Create New User

During implementation, Dalton Manufacturing must create user records for use in their new Epicor application.
The user created in this workshop will also be set up as a buyer and used throughout this course. You will also
review and change settings for an existing user that will be assigned as an approval person and authorized user
to your new buyer record.
To complete this workshop, login to the Epicor application using the Classic Style menu structure.
1. Launch the Epicor Application.
2. Enter the User Name and Password.
3. Select the Classic Style check box and press Enter.

Log On as Administrator
In order to create a new user, you must be logged into the Epicor application with the appropriate administrative
rights. In this workshop, perform the steps to log in as the System Administrator to create a new user.
1. On the Epicor application Main Menu, from the Options menu, select Change User.
The Log on window displays.
2. In the User name field, enter epicor.
3. In the Password field, enter epicor.
4. Click OK.
Important Before moving to the next step in the workshop, ensure you are in the Epicor Education
company, and in the Main site.

Add User
Navigate to User Account Security Maintenance.
Menu Path: System Setup > Security Maintenance > User Account Security Maintenance
Important This program is not available in the Epicor Web Access.

1. From the New menu, select New User.

2. In the User ID field, enter XXX (where XXX are your initials).
3. In the Name field, enter your full name.
4. Accept the defaults for all remaining fields.
5. Click Save.
6. To the Security Settings message, click OK.

Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.2


Application Setup

Purchase Management Course

User Company
1. From the New menu, select New Company.
The Company > Detail sheet displays.
2. In the Company field, select Epicor Education.
3. In the Available Sites pane, select Main.
4. Click the right arrow button to move the selected site to the Authorized Sites pane.
5. Navigate to the Detail sheet.
6. Clear the Account Disabled check box.
7. Select the Expire Password check box.
8. In the Password Expires Days field, enter 90.
9. Click Save.

User Security
1. Navigate to the Options sheet.
2. Select the Security Manager check box.
Selecting this field ensures access to all programs for course workshops.
3. Click Save and remain in User Account Maintenance.

Review Existing User

Howard Low will be added as an approval person and authorized user for your new buyer record. Verify that his
user record contains the proper company and site settings.
1. Navigate to the Detail sheet.
2. In the User ID field, enter HLOW.
3. From the New menu, select New Company.
The Company > Detail sheet displays.
4. In the Company field, select Epicor Education.
5. In the Available Sites pane, select Main.
6. Click the right arrow button to move the selected site to the Authorized Sites pane.
7. Click Save.


Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.2

Purchase Management Course

Application Setup

Log On
Once the user has been established, the account needs to be activated. In this task set, log in as the new user to
activate the account.
1. On the Main Menu, from the Options menu, select Change User.
The Log on window displays.
2. In the User name field, enter XXX (where XXX are your initials) and click OK.
3. In the Password Expired window, click Yes.
4. Leave the Current password field blank.
5. In the New password and Confirm new password fields, enter epicor.
6. Click OK.
You are logged in as the new user.

Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.2


Application Setup

Purchase Management Course

Buyer Maintenance
Use Buyer Maintenance to create records for buyers responsible for your company's purchasing activities.
A buyer must first be defined as a system user and then added as an authorized user for the Buyer ID.
Buyers are specified in the purchase orders you create.
Buyer Maintenance is a key setup program, as you use it specify approved purchase amount limits for each buyer.
If you use consolidated purchasing, you will also need to create identical buyer records within all of the companies
that use the consolidated PO process.
The Buyer ID is used as a search or filter field for PO Suggestions and Part Class purchasing.
Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
Material Management > Purchase Contracts Management > Setup > Buyer
Material Management > Purchase Management > Setup > Buyer
Material Management > Supplier Relationship Management > Setup > Buyer


Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.2

Purchase Management Course

Application Setup

Workshop - Create Buyer

Dalton Manufacturing has a large buyer's group, and as such, must create user records and then assign them as
authorized users to buyer records. In this workshop, set up the user created in the previous workshop as a buyer
with a purchase order limit. Howard Low will approve purchase orders above the PO limit. Make the new buyer
an authorized user for Brian Howard.
Navigate to Buyer Maintenance.
Menu Path: Material Management > Purchase Management > Setup > Buyer

Add Buyer
1. From the New menu, select New Buyer.
2. In the Buyer field, enter XXX (where XXX are your initials).
3. In the Name field, enter your full name.
4. In the PO Limit field, enter 125,000.
5. In the Approval Person field, select Howard Low.
6. Click Save.

Authorize Users
1. From the New menu, select New Authorized User.
2. On the Authorized Users sheet, in the User field, select your name.
3. Select the Default Buyer check box and press Enter.
A new Authorized User line displays.
4. In the User field, select Howard Low and press Enter.
A new Authorized User line displays.
5. In the User field, select System Manager.
6. Click Save.

Adjust Authorized User List

In this task, add yourself as an authorized user to Brian Howard's account. This action provides the security rights
to make purchases on behalf of Brian, due to an absence or other such event where this would be necessary.
1. Click Clear.
2. If the Clear Confirmation window displays, click Yes.
3. In the Buyer field, search for and select Brian Howard.
4. From the New menu, select New Authorized User.
Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.2


Application Setup

Purchase Management Course

5. In the User field, select your user name created in the previous workshop.
6. Click Save and exit Buyer Maintenance.

Part Maintenance
Use Part Maintenance to enter or update part information. Parts can be either purchased items used for raw
materials or subassemblies or manufactured items used to fill sales orders.
Part Maintenance Sheets
Detail Sheet
Use the Part > Detail sheet to set up new part master records and to modify the main details of existing part
master records.
Non-Stock - The Non-Stock item determines how requirements for a part are satisfied:
A manufactured part marked as Non-Stock is not normally stocked; therefore, all requirements are satisfied
by jobs. If the requirement is from a sales order, that order is linked to a job which satisfies demand. If the
requirement is from another part, the demand is satisfied by creating a sub-assembly level on the same
A manufactured part marked as Stock indicates that all requirements will be satisfied from inventory and
create allocations to pull the material on its need date. Requirements include any minimum, maximum,
or safety stock levels, as well as requirements from sales orders or other jobs.
A purchased part marked as Non-Stock is not normally stocked; therefore, all requirements are satisfied
by purchase orders linked to the job which created the requirement. This creates a purchasing suggestion
for the part.
A purchased part marked as Stock indicates that all requirements are satisfied from inventory and create
allocations to pull the material on its need date. Requirements include any minimum, maximum, and safety
stock levels as well as requirements from sales orders or jobs.
A sales kit marked as Non-Stock is not normally stocked; therefore, all requirements are satisfied by jobs.
If the requirement is from a sales order, that order is linked to a job which satisfies the demand.
A sales kit marked as Stock indicates that all requirements are satisfied from inventory and create allocations
to pull the sales kit on its need date. Requirements will include any minimum, maximum, and/or safety
stock levels as well as requirements from sales orders or other jobs.
Sites Sheet
Use the Part > Sites sheet to specify site information about the part. This information includes the name of
the site and associated primary warehouse, ordering information, transfer information, manufacturing
information, and purchasing information.
Comments Sheet
Use the Reporting > Comments sheets to enter manufacturing and purchasing comments that are associated
with a part. If you have standard comments that never change (or change only slightly), you only need to
enter them once in the part master file. They displays for specific jobs, quotes, sales orders, or purchase orders,
and can be changed at that time.
RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances) Sheet
Each part is defined by a Substance Restriction Type and has indicators as to whether the part is compliant.
For each substance, you can enter the percentage of the substance weight. The Compliance Status displays
as Not Applicable, Non Compliant, Compliant, or Exempt. You must enter an exempt date for substances


Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.2

Purchase Management Course

Application Setup

that are exempt for a part. After this date, the substance can be declared as exempt again for a certain period
or as restricted. You can also enter an exempt certificate identifier.
Country of Origin Detail Sheet
Use the Reporting > Country of Origin > Detail sheet to designate the countries of origin for this part.
This denotes the specific countries in which the item was manufactured, produced or grown, and the percentage
makeup based on quantity or value of the raw materials
Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
Material Management > Inventory Management > Setup > Part
Material Management > Purchase Contracts Management > Setup > Part
Material Management > Purchase Management > Setup > Part
Material Management > Supplier Relationship Management > Setup > Part
Production Management > Engineering > Setup > Part
Production Management > Job Management > Setup > Part
Production Management > Material Requirements Planning > Setup > Part
Production Management > Quality Assurance > Setup > Part
Sales Management > Configurator Management > Setup > Part
Sales Management > Demand Management > Setup > Part
Sales Management > Order Management > Setup > Part
Service Management > Field Service > Setup > Part
For CRM users, the Main Menu appears as:
Customer Relationship Management > Configurator Management > Setup > Part
Customer Relationship Management > Order Management > Setup > Part

Part Class Maintenance

Use Part Class Maintenance to establish part classes for inventory parts. Part classes are not required in the
Epicor application; but use them when it is important to classify inventory materials for reporting purposes. Part
classes are assigned to each part in Part Maintenance.
Example If you have three distinct types of raw materials, establish three part classes to review the stock
status and other inventory reports for the different types.
Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
Material Management > Inventory Management > Setup > Part Class
Material Management > Purchase Management > Setup > Part Class
Production Management > Engineering > Setup > Part Class
Production Management > Job Management > Setup > Part Class
Production Management > Material Requirements Planning > Setup > Part Class
Production Management > Quality Assurance > Setup > Part Class
Sales Management > Configurator Management > Setup > Part Class
Sales Management > Order Management > Setup > Part Class

Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.2


Application Setup

Purchase Management Course

For CRM users, the Main Menu appears as:

Customer Relationship Management > Configurator Management > Setup > Part Class
Customer Relationship Management > Order Management > Setup > Part Class

Workshop - Assign Buyer to Part Class

This workshop demonstrates how to assign the buyer to a certain part class. This indicates the responsibility of
this part class and the ability to view purchase order suggestions.
Navigate to Part Class Maintenance.
Menu Path: Material Management > Purchase Management > Setup > Part Class
1. In the Part Class field, search for and select the Steel part class.
2. In the Buyer field, select your name.
3. Accept all other defaults.
4. Click Save and exit Part Class Maintenance.

Supplier Maintenance
Use Supplier Maintenance to create supplier records. Suppliers are businesses from whom you purchase products
and services. Supplier records are used in several programs and are crucial for creating purchase orders and
Accounts Payable (AP) invoices.
A supplier record must first be on file in the Epicor ERP application before that supplier is available on a purchase
order, or as an approved supplier specific to a part, part class, or customer record.
Supplier records define several options which activate functionality you use throughout the Epicor application.
Use this program to define how taxes are levied and payments are made against purchases through each supplier.
If you buy parts from multiple locations from a supplier, you can define each purchase point within supplier
records. Users can then select these purchase points on purchase orders and other records. Supplier records also
contain information on shipping manifests, so you can indicate how this organization ships part quantities to
your company.
Supplier records are needed for various multi-company processes. A supplier record can be defined as a global
record within a parent company, and then child companies within your organization can link to this record. As
changes are made to a global supplier record, these changes automatically update within the linked child records.
Supplier records can then be used for central payments, inter-company trading, and consolidated purchasing. If
your organization has the Multi-Site license, you can leverage this functionality.
Note Once a supplier record is created, use the Supplier Search window to search for and select a specific
supplier record. The search results can be sorted by Country, ID, Name, or Tax ID Num. The Tax ID Num
is important in some countries as businesses identify vendors through their Tax ID number.
Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
Financial Management > Accounts Payable > Setup > Supplier
Financial Management > Multi-Site > Setup > Supplier
Material Management > Inventory Management > Setup > Supplier
Material Management > Purchase Contracts Management > Setup > Supplier


Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.2

Purchase Management Course

Application Setup

Material Management > Purchase Management > Setup > Supplier

Material Management > Supplier Relationship Management > Setup > Supplier
Production Management > Job Management > Setup > Supplier
Production Management > Quality Assurance > Setup > Supplier
Service Management > Expense Management > Setup > Supplier
Service Management > Time Management > Setup > Supplier

Supplier Detail
Supplier Maintenance > Supplier Detail
Use the Supplier > Detail sheet to establish the Supplier ID, name, and other high level information for the

Purchase Points
Supplier Maintenance > Purchase Points
Purchase Points are locations from which the supplier ships material or provides services for your company. Use
the Purchase Points sheet to add, define, format, and maintain alternate addresses for the supplier as well as
specific contacts and manifest information for the other addresses. To review the main remit-to address for a
Supplier, use the Supplier > Address sheet.

Supplier Maintenance > Contacts > Detail
Use the Contacts > Detail sheet to add, edit, and delete supplier contacts for the suppliers main location and
the supplier's purchase points. You can add as many contacts as you need for the suppliers main location as
well as the suppliers alternate locations.
When you enter contacts for a purchase point, these contacts are linked directly to the purchase point. This
location is displayed on the contacts record within the purchase point field.

Use the Banks > Detail sheet to define the pay-to location for the supplier. Once set up, the bank account for
this supplier is available within AP Payment Entry. Payments for this supplier are sent to the defined location.
If the supplier uses multiple accounts at the same bank, enter a separate bank record for each account.
Each supplier can be paid electronically. To activate the electronic payment functionality, add a bank to the
current supplier record and then select the Electronic Payments check box on the Supplier > Detail sheet.

Supplier Maintenance > Attributes
Use the Attributes sheet to select attributes that apply to this supplier or this supplier contact.
The examples of attributes are:
ISO9200 Certified
UL Approved
Attributes are used by the Decision Wizard in the Buyer Workbench.

Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.2


Application Setup

Purchase Management Course

Supplier Ratings
Use the Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) sheet in Supplier Maintenance to establish ratings
information for a supplier. This information assists in the decision to purchase goods or services from this supplier.
For more information, review the help topics for the Supplier Relationship Management module. This sheet links
functionality from the SRM module to your supplier records.

Workshop - Add Supplier

Dalton Manufacturing does business with suppliers worldwide. In this workshop, create a new supplier with
purchase points and supplier approval information.
Navigate to Supplier Maintenance.
Menu Path: Material Management > Purchase Management > Setup > Supplier

Add a Supplier
1. From the New menu, select New Supplier.
2. In the Supplier field, enter XXX (where XXX are your initials).
3. In the Name field, enter XXX Company (where XXX are your initials).
4. In the Group field, select Miscellaneous Supply.
Groups are used as a filter for various reports.
5. In the Terms field, select 2/10 Net 30.
6. In the FOB field, select Factory.
Free-on-Board (FOB) is the point at which the legal title for transported goods passes from one company to
7. Click Save.

Enter the Supplier's Address

1. Navigate to the Supplier > Address sheet.
2. Enter the following information:





<your address>





Postal Code






Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.2

Purchase Management Course

Application Setup

3. Click Save.

Enter a New Purchase Point

1. From the New menu, select New Purchase Point.
The Purchase Points > Detail sheet displays.
2. In the Purchase Point field, enter 001.
3. Select the Primary Purchase Point check box.
4. Enter the following information:



<your address>





Postal Code




5. Accept all other defaults.

6. Click Save.

Enter the Purchase Point Contact

1. From the New menu, select New PP Contact.
The Purchase Points > Contacts > Detail sheet displays.
2. In the Name field, enter a friend's full name.
3. In the Role field, select Vice President.
4. Select the Primary Contact check box.
5. Click Save.

Approve the Supplier

The supplier needs to be approved for all parts, part classes, and subcontract operations. You have the ability to
limit what the supplier is approved to provide, so reviewing the different levels of supplier approvals is necessary.
1. From the Actions menu, select Approved Suppliers.
The Approved Supplier Maintenance window displays.
2. From the New menu, select New Approved Supplier.

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Application Setup

Purchase Management Course

3. In the Type field, review the supplier approval attributes.

Part - Supplier is approved for this part.
Operation - Supplier is approved for this operation.
Class - Supplier is approved for this part class.
Customer - Supplier is approved for any part or operation linked to this customer.
4. In the Part Number field, enter SS-125 and press Tab.
5. Click Save.
6. Exit Approved Supplier Maintenance.
7. Navigate to the Supplier > Detail sheet and verify the Approved check box is selected.
8. Click Save and exit Supplier Maintenance.


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Purchase Management Course

Application Setup

Supplier Ratings and Attributes

This section covers how to assign ratings and attributes to a supplier using the Supplier Maintenance > SRM
and Attributes sheets. The workshops guide you through these processes.

Workshop - Assign Ratings to a Supplier

This workshop demonstrates how to assign ratings to a supplier record.
Navigate to Supplier Maintenance.
Menu Path: Material Management > Purchase Management > Setup > Supplier
Important Assigned ratings for suppliers can be changed, however, only one set of assigned ratings can
be established for each supplier.
1. In the Supplier field, search for and select A-Z Metals.
2. Navigate to the SRM sheet.
3. Assign the following ratings:


On Time Rating


Price Rating


Quality Rating


Service Rating


These ratings indicate that the supplier does not have the best on time rating or price rating, which are the
most important parameters to the buyer. Their quality and service carry the best ratings.
4. Click Save.
5. Remain in Supplier Maintenance.

Workshop - Assign Attributes to a Supplier

This workshop demonstrates how to assign attributes to a supplier record.
1. Navigate to the Attributes sheet.
2. In the Available Attributes pane, using the Ctrl key, select ISO Certified and UL Approved.
3. Click the right arrow button to move the selected attributes to the Selected Attributes pane.
4. Click Save.
5. Exit Supplier Maintenance.

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Application Setup

Purchase Management Course

Supplier Price List Maintenance

Use Supplier Price List to set up different price lists for a specific part either from one supplier or from a group
of suppliers who all could potentially supply the part. This function is valuable if you want to buy the same
products from suppliers with different price lists. Such lists can account for different currencies, different situations
(for example - promotional, retail, and so forth), or seasons.
Purchasing suggestions use this price list to suggest a price for a part. If a primary supplier has been specified in
the part file, purchasing suggestions will suggest the purchase be made from this supplier, and the price from
the price list table will default into the purchase order (PO).
When a manual PO is entered into Purchase Order Entry, and the supplier, part, and quantity are identified, the
price from the price list defaults into the PO Price field.
Supplier Price List Maintenance Sheets
Below is a description of the Supplier Price List Maintenance sheets. For a description of all fields, review the
Application Help.
Parts > Detail
Use the Parts > Detail sheet to enter supplier pricing details for your internal part numbers.
Parts > Price Breaks
Use the Parts > Price Breaks sheet to establish price break information for the specified supplier and the internal
part number entered in the Parts > Detail sheet. These represent changes to the base price specified for the
part in the Parts > Detail sheet, based on the quantity or volume purchased.
Parts > Supplier Parts
Use the Parts > Supplier Parts sheet to identify the qualified manufacturer's part numbers associated with an
approved supplier part number. Single or multiple qualified manufacturers' part numbers can be associated with
a specified supplier part number. This creates a link between your internal part number, the approved supplier
part source, and the qualified manufacturer's part numbers.
Parts > RoHS > Restrictions
Use the Parts > RoHS > Restrictions sheet to enter supplier pricing information that relates to RoHS restriction
Parts > RoHS > Substances
Use the Parts > RoHS > Substances sheet to enter supplier pricing information related to RoHS substances.
Parts > Comments
Use the Parts > Comments sheet to enter purchasing comments for the internal part number and supplier
specified in the Parts > Detail sheet. Comments entered in this sheet display in programs that display price
Subcontract Operations > Detail
Use the Subcontract Operations > Detail sheet to enter supplier pricing details for subcontract operations.
Note The Subcontract Operations sheets contain most of the same fields as the Parts sheets.


Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.2

Purchase Management Course

Application Setup

Subcontract Operations > Price Breaks

Use the Subcontract Operations > Price Breaks sheet to establish price break information for the specified
supplier and the internal part and subcontract operation specified in the Subcontract Operations > Detail
sheet. These represent changes to the base price specified for the part in the Subcontract Operations > Detail
sheet, based on quantity or volume purchases.
Subcontract Operations > RoHS > Restrictions
Use the Subcontract Operations > RoHS > Restrictions sheet to enter supplier pricing information related to
RoHS restrictions for the subcontract operation specified in the Subcontract Operations > Detail sheet.
Subcontract Operations > RoHS > Substances
Use the Subcontract Operations > RoHS > Substances sheet to enter supplier pricing information related to
RoHS substances for the subcontract operation specified in the Subcontract Operations > Detail sheet.
Subcontract Operations > Comments
Use the Subcontract Operations > Comments sheet to enter purchasing comments for the internal part
number, subcontract operation, and supplier specified in the Subcontract Operations > Detail sheet. Comments
you enter in this sheet display in programs that display price breaks.
Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
Material Management > Purchase Management > Setup > Supplier Price List

Workshop - Add a Supplier Price List and Create Price Breaks

Dalton Manufacturing submitted a request for quote (RFQ) to one of their suppliers for a diamond tip insert (part
number DIAMOND 8907). The supplier returned a price list that is active for 90 days and provides minimum
quantities and discounts. In this workshop, create a supplier price list with price breaks using an existing part and
an existing supplier.
Navigate to the Supplier Price List.
Menu Path: Material Management > Purchase Management > Setup > Supplier Price List

Select a Supplier and Part

1. In the Supplier field, search for and select a supplier.
2. From the New menu, select New Part.
3. In the Part field, search for and select DIAMOND 8907.
4. In the Supplier UOM field, accept the default of EA.
5. In the Effective field, accept the default of today's date.
6. In the Expires field, enter the date 90 days from today.
The Days field returns a value based on the dates you enter.
7. In the Base Unit Price field, enter 50.00.

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Application Setup

Purchase Management Course

8. In the Price Per field, accept the default of /1.

This indicates the part is stocked and purchased in the same unit of measure.
9. In the Price Break Modifier field, select Percent of Base.
10. Select the Primary Supplier check box.
11. Click Save.

Add Price Breaks

1. From the New menu, select New Price Break.
2. Navigate to the Parts > Price Breaks > Detail sheet.
3. Enter the following information:


Minimum Qty


Price Modifier


4. Click Save.
5. From the New menu, select New Price Break.
6. Enter the following information:


Minimum Qty


Price Modifier


7. Click Save.
8. From the New menu, select New Price Break.
9. Enter the following information:


Minimum Qty


Price Modifier


10. Click Save and exit Supplier Price List.


Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.2

Purchase Management Course

Application Setup

Workshop - Create a Purchase Order Using the Supplier Price List

One month later you need to purchase 40 units of the DIAMOND 8907 part. Now that you have created a supplier
price list, you can use it to order the item.
Note Purchase Order Entry and the Purchase Advisor are covered in the Daily Purchase Processing
section of this course. However, in this workshop, you will create a simple purchase order using the price
list you created in the previous workshop. This helps illustrate the relationship between supplier price lists
created for a given supplier, part and time period, and how the Epicor application processes item pricing
when you add a purchase order for the same supplier and part in that period of time.
Navigate to Purchase Order Entry.
Menu Path: Material Management > Purchase Management > General Operations > Purchase Order Entry

Create a Purchase Order - Part 1

1. From the New menu, select New PO.
2. In the Buyer field, accept your name.
3. In the Supplier field, search for and select the supplier chosen in the previous workshop.
4. From the New menu, select New Line.
5. Navigate to the Lines > Detail sheet.
6. In the Part/Rev field, enter DIAMOND 8907 and press Tab.
7. In the Our Qty field, enter 40 and press Tab.
8. Click the Price Breaks button.
The Supplier Price List displays.
9. Navigate to the Parts > Price Breaks > List sheet, and notice the effective price for a quantity of 40 is
10. Exit Supplier Price List, and remain in Purchase Order Entry.

Create a Purchase Order - Part 2

1. Click the Purchase Advisor button.
2. In the tree view, select Do I have a supplier price list? Yes.
3. View the results, and close the Purchase Advisor.
4. Click Save.
5. Navigate to the Summary sheet.
6. Select the Unapproved check box.
The green Approved indicator displays.

Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.2


Application Setup

Purchase Management Course

7. From the Actions menu, select Print.

8. Click Print Preview.
9. Review the purchase order, close all windows, and exit Purchase Order Entry.

Miscellaneous Charge/Credit Maintenance

Use Purchasing Miscellaneous Charge/Credit Maintenance to define charges or credits that apply to purchase
orders. Select the general ledger controls that define the accounts to which the credits or charges post. Examples
include freight charges and expediting fees.
Important These miscellaneous charges are not the same charges you set up in the Order Management
or Accounts Receivable modules. You pay these charges to suppliers. Your customers pay the miscellaneous
charges set up in the Order Management and Accounts Receivable modules.
Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
Financial Management > Accounts Payable > Setup > Miscellaneous Charge/Credit
Material Management > Purchase Management > Setup > Miscellaneous Charge/Credit
Service Management > Expense Management > Setup > Miscellaneous Charge/Credit

Site Maintenance
Use Site Maintenance to add and update sites available in the current company to define segment security
You enter the primary information for each site through this program. Items you define include planning parameters
such as Production Preparation Time, Rough Cut Horizon, and the Production Calendar. You can also
define the cost set, which determines the costing method used for the parts manufactured at the site. Lastly,
define the transfer order parameters the site follows when fulfilling internal sales orders.
When a company is created in the Epicor application, one site record is created automatically by default. This site
record is the default site selected for each part you create within Part Maintenance for the current company.
To add more than one site record through this program, you must license the Multi-Site module. You can then
set up as many sites as you need for each company within your organization.
You define the primary values for each site within Site Maintenance. Launch Site Configuration Control to set
up how each site interacts with other modules. Use this system management program to pull in the site records
you create in Site Maintenance. You can then define the module parameters you need for each site record.
Menu Paths
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
Financial Management > Multi-Site > Setup > Site Maintenance
Material Management > Inventory Management > Setup > Site Maintenance
Production Management > Job Management > Setup > Site Maintenance


Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.2

Purchase Management Course

Application Setup

Site Configuration Control

Use Site Configuration Control to define how each site interacts with various functions in the Epicor application
such as the Inventory Management, Production Management, Shipping/Receiving, Time Management, and
Expense Management modules.
You first create site records through Site Maintenance. You can then open each record within Site Configuration
Control to define parameters for several application functions.
Important Before you can open a site record in Site Configuration Control, you may need to have your
System Administrator give you security rights to that site in your user account.
Within Inventory Management, you define the warehouses the site uses for shipping, receiving, DMR
Processing, and so on. You also indicate which warehouses are shared with other warehouses. You also define
transfer orders by setting up the definitions for transferring part quantities and the resources involved in
transfer orders. Lastly, you define the serial tracking and cycling counting used for parts manufactured through
each site.
The Production Management settings involve defining the prefixes used on unfirm, firm, and kanban jobs
at the site. You can also define some production yield parameters.
For the Shipping/Receiving functionality, you enter the various manifests this site uses for general,
international, FedEx, and UPS shipping. You also define how shipment billing is handled by the current site.
You use the Advanced Material Management (AMM) settings to specify default parameters for fulfillment
allocation processing, and to indicate how the site interacts with the Material Request Queue and other
AMM functionality.
The Time and Expense settings determine whether labor hours and/or incurred expenses entered by employees
require approval by other authorized employees. If approval is required, you also define approver rights to
change or delete transactions, the methods used to approve time entries and expense entries, and the default
workflow groups to use for time entries and expense entries when they are unspecified for employees.
Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
System Setup > Company/Site Maintenance > Site Configuration
Important This program is not available in the Epicor Web Access.

Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.2


Daily Purchase Processing

Purchase Management Course

Daily Purchase Processing

The purchasing process begins with a request to buy from sources such as the job, a Time Phase Material PO
Suggestion, or an internal requisition. Purchase orders are then issued for job materials, inventory items, a
subcontract operation on a job, and for non-job related miscellaneous materials.
This section reviews the day-to-day processes that occur in Purchase Management and demonstrates:
The process flow for each of the Buy For options.
The creation, approval, and duplication of purchase orders.
The generation and processing of purchase order suggestions.
The various ways to receive purchase orders.

Purchase Orders
Use Purchase Order Entry to create and print new purchase orders and make changes to existing orders.
You can create purchase orders (POs) for job material, inventory, subcontract operation, or materials classified
as other. You can also create POs that are not linked to inventory. Leverage this functionality to create POs that
track purchasing costs that are not tied to inventory quantities.
Although you can use purchasing suggestions in the application to create purchase orders, this section begins
by using the standard purchase order entry process to create POs. This is beneficial to understanding the
application's logic and flow and providing insight into the additional fields and features. Purchasing suggestions
are investigated later in the course.
Purchase orders are defined as different types. When creating a new purchase order, indicate its type on either
the Summary or the Header > Detail sheet.
Available PO types include:
Standard - Use this type to identify a regular purchase order you create to buy company materials.
Customer Managed - Use this type to identify purchase orders you create for inventory quantities you store
for a customer.
Supplier Managed - Use this type to identify a purchase order you create for inventory quantities you store
for a supplier.
Header > Detail
Use the Header > Detail sheet to enter general order information when creating or changing an order. This
sheet includes supplier, purchase order date, and payment term details.
Lines > Detail
Use the Lines > Detail sheet to enter purchase order line information when creating or changing an order.
Purchase order lines describe the part, quantity, and price for each item ordered.
The Buy For section has four options:
Select Inventory if the purchase is for inventory. Only parts that are in the Part Master can be purchased for
Inventory. Also, only parts marked as Qty Bearing can be purchased for Inventory.


Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.2

Purchase Management Course

Daily Purchase Processing

Select Other if the purchase is for miscellaneous use. If you selected a part that is set up as non-quantity
bearing in the part master, this option is automatically selected. You cannot change the status to Job Material
or Inventory. Parts with Qty Bearing checked cannot be purchased for Other.
Select Job Material if this purchase is to fulfill a specific job material requirement.
Select Subcontract Operation if this purchase is to fulfill a specific job subcontract requirement.
Releases > Detail
Use the Releases > Detail sheet to enter purchase order line release information when creating or changing to
an order. Purchase order line releases provide the detailed receipt information about each purchase order line.
Use Tax
A Use Tax calculation is included as a part of the Avalara sales tax integration. This additional tax is automatically
generated whenever sales taxes are calculated through the Avalara third-party application.
A Use Tax is a type of excise taxation that exists in the United States. It is assessed due to a purchase of a product
by a resident of the state issuing the tax. In most cases, this occurs when a product is purchased by a company
from a supplier that is located in a different state and that state charges Use Tax. This tax is strictly to account
for usage, storage or consumption of the goods in that state (not for resale), regardless of where the purchase
took place.
This typically occurs when the consumer (buyer) of the products and services did not have a sales tax included in
the purchase transaction by the seller (supplier) on what should have been a taxable purchase. Once this is
assessed, the buyer accrues the liability of the amount of consumer use tax assessed and in turn has to report
and remit the tax to the state and/or local taxing jurisdictions.
Existing functionality within the Epicor application is enhanced to handle Use Tax. On supplier records, the Tax
Liability value determines whether the supplier needs to be included within the Use Tax calculation. On purchase
orders, the Tax Category value can indicate whether a purchased part is eligible for a Use Tax.
The tax engine can then leverage these values to automatically generate the use tax value required for the
purchase order. For more information on the Use Tax functionality, review Application Help.
Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
Material Management > Purchase Contracts Management > General Operations > Purchase Order Entry
Material Management > Purchase Management > General Operations > Purchase Order Entry

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Daily Purchase Processing

Purchase Management Course

Purchase Advisor
Use Purchase Advisor to answer questions about a particular purchased part. This information helps review
material requirements when quote parts or purchase orders are entered.
Before you use any Tracker, you should review the Tracker Overview topic to learn about its general program
functionality. The overview topic explains the Tracker interface, as well as how to best search for specific records.
The topic also contains definitions of concepts and terms.
In the Purchase Advisor, five questions are displayed on sheets, along with a Yes/No answer. The following
questions are included. Review that topic for additional details about each sheet.

Yes answer indicates...

Sheet displays...

Have I purchased it before?

At least one receipt line exists for this part

All receipt lines

Do I have any on order?

At least one open purchase order line exists All order lines
for this part

Do I have any on hand?

The part's total quantity on hand > 0

Do I have approved suppliers?

At least one approved supplier is set up for All approved suppliers

this part

Do I have a supplier price list?

At least one supplier price list record is set

up for this part

All warehouse and bin


All supplier price lists and price


Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
Executive Analysis > Trackers > Purchase Advisor
Material Management > Purchase Contracts Management > General Operations > Purchase Advisor
Material Management > Purchase Management > General Operations > Purchase Advisor

Buy For Job Material

This section reviews the process of creating a purchase order for job material. Selecting Job Material in the Buy
For section of the Purchase Order Entry's Lines > Detail sheet allows you to choose a valid job, assembly, and
material sequence based on the selected method for the part. The part must exist in the detail of the job, and
be marked as Purchase Direct to allow purchasing directly to the job.
Job material may be viewed by entering a job in the application and running the Get Details option. This function
pulls in the Method of Manufacture (MOM), which lists the job material. To determine purchasing demand, run
either the Time Phased Material Requirements report or view the results of the Generate Suggestions
The RFQ Needed check box may be selected on the job, or the Create RFQ check box may be selected on a
suggestion that is linked to a job. Either method results in the listing of the part in the Buyer Workbench. The
Buyer Workbench is then used to monitor the RFQ (Request for Quote) process and to create the PO once the
award is made. If pricing is not known at the job level, the RFQ Needed check box may be selected on the material
line. When the chosen supplier provides the job material, the receipt has the transaction code of PUR-MTL, and
the PO price flows directly to the job.


Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.2

Purchase Management Course

Daily Purchase Processing

Process Flow
The following diagram illustrates the general process flow when the Buy For Job Material purchase option is

Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.2


Daily Purchase Processing

Purchase Management Course

Workshop - Buy For Job Material

Job 2279 requires part number 8400S-8400116, which is a non-stock purchased part. This part has a preferred
supplier, Gecco Steel. The supplier has been asked to expedite this job. In this workshop, generate a purchase
order for the material and add the expedite charge as a PO Miscellaneous Charge.
Navigate to Purchase Order Entry.
Menu Path: Material Management > Purchase Management > General Operations > Purchase Order Entry
Due to necessary database setup and specific data used to complete the buying for material and RFQ
functionality, this workshop can only be performed by one person on a shared database. If job number
2279 already has Purchasing selection of RFQ Needed, contact your system administrator to refresh your
demonstration database.
Without completing this workshop, this does prohibit you from completing Workshop - Buy For Inventory
and Workshop - Receive By Line.

Enter Header Detail

1. From the New menu, select New PO.
2. Navigate to the Header > Detail sheet.
3. Enter the following information:



Gecco Steel

Ship Via

Local Truck



4. In the Buyer field, verify your name displays.

5. Click Save.
6. Record the PO number _______________.


Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.2

Purchase Management Course

Daily Purchase Processing

Enter Line Details

1. From the New menu, select New Line.
The Lines > Detail sheet displays.
2. In the Buy For section, select Job Material.
3. Enter the following information:







In the Part/Rev field, part 8400S-116 displays.

4. Click Save.

Enter Expediting Charge

1. From the New menu, select New PO Misc Charge.
The Header > Miscellaneous Charge sheet displays.
2. In the Charge ID field, select Rush/Expedite Charge.
3. In the Amount field, enter 100.00.
4. Click Save.

Identify the GL Account

Identify the general ledger account that is used by the Buy For - Job Material transaction for this purchase order
1. Navigate to the Releases > Detail sheet.
2. Enter or verify the following information:






Our Qty

3. Click the Get Default button to pull in the default general ledger information for this purchase order line
The G/L Account is the WIP Fabricated - Material account.

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Daily Purchase Processing

Purchase Management Course

4. Click Save and exit Purchase Order Entry.

Buy For Inventory

This section reviews the process of creating a purchase order for inventory. Selecting Inventory in the Buy For
section of the Purchase Order Entry's Lines > Detail sheet allows you to select a valid part. A valid part must
first be defined in Part Maintenance with a primary warehouse and primary bin. When received, an on-hand
quantity is created.
Inventory items are either purchased or manufactured and either stock or non-stock. In the case of a purchased
inventory item, the purchasing demand may be viewed using the Time Phased Material Requirements report
or by running the Generate Suggestions process. To be purchased for inventory, the part must be Quantity
Bearing, which means that inventory on-hand quantities are reported. If the part is not Quantity Bearing, the
Other purchasing option defaults.
Inventory items may have minimum, maximum, or safety stock requirements attached to them. The Days of
Supply field in Part Maintenance helps to interpret demand covering a certain period of time. If the inventory
item is manufactured, the Materials Requirements Planning (MRP) module or Time Phased Material
Requirements report monitors the minimum on-hand quantities.
All items purchased using the inventory purchasing option are received with the PUR-STK transaction code. The
PO price flows to inventory and the average and last cost items are updated. Standard cost type values do not
change, so any purchase variances affect the respective variance account.
Process Flow
The following diagram illustrates the general process flow when the Buy For Inventory purchase option is selected.


Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.2

Purchase Management Course

Daily Purchase Processing

Workshop - Buy For Inventory

Dalton Manufacturing won a quote that requires a rarely used part, and a decision has been made to carry this
part in stock. Because this is a large order, the purchase is being made for inventory. In later workshops, you will
add an approved supplier, gather the associated quotes, and create a price list.
Navigate to Purchase Order Entry.
Menu Path: Material Management > Purchase Management > General Operations > Purchase Order Entry
Important If you were unable to complete Workshop - Buy For Job Material, you will not be able to
complete this workshop. Contact your system administrator to refresh your demonstration database.

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Daily Purchase Processing

Purchase Management Course

Enter Line Details

1. In the PO Number field, enter the PO you created in the Workshop - Buy For Job Material and press Tab.
2. Navigate to the Lines > Detail sheet.
3. From the New menu, select New Line.
4. In the Buy For section, select Inventory.
5. In the Part/Rev field, enter 8400S-620 and press Tab.
6. Click the Purchase Advisor button.
The Purchase Advisor window displays.
7. In the tree view, select the question Do I have a supplier price list?
Use the Purchase Advisor to answer basic questions about a particular purchased part. This information
helps review material requirements when part quotes or purchase orders are entered.
8. Review the price list information that displays.
9. Close the Purchase Advisor window.
10. In the Our Qty field, enter 50.
11. In the Unit Price field, enter 10.00.
12. In the Due Date field, enter the date one week from today.
13. Click Save.

Identify the GL Account

Identify the general ledger account that is used by the Buy For - Inventory transaction for this purchase order
1. Navigate to the Releases > Detail sheet.
2. Enter or verify the following information:


Due Date

One week from today

Our Qty


3. Click the Get Default button to pull in the default general ledger information for this purchase order line
The G/L Account is the Inventory - Raw Material account.


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Purchase Management Course

Daily Purchase Processing

Approve the Purchase Order

1. Navigate to the Summary sheet.
2. Select the Unapproved check box.
The Approved status displays.
3. Click Save and exit Purchase Order Entry.

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Purchase Management Course

Review the Purchase Order

Navigate to Purchase Order Tracker.
Menu Path: Material Management > Purchase Management > General Operations > Purchase Order Tracker
1. In the PO Number field, enter the PO number you created previously and press Tab.
2. Review the PO to make sure it contains the correct information.
3. Navigate to the Lines > Detail sheet.
4. Right-click in the Part/Rev field and select Open with > Time Phase.
The Time Phase Inquiry window displays.
5. Review the part to verify the PO is listed and the required quantity is correct.
6. Exit Time Phase Inquiry and Purchase Order Tracker.

Buy For Subcontract Operation

This section reviews the process of creating a purchase order for a subcontract operation. Selecting Subcontract
Operation in the Buy For section of the Purchase Order Entry's Lines > Detail sheet allows you to identify
a valid job with a valid subcontract operation to order against.
The job's method may indicate a specific supplier for a subcontract operation. Additionally, RFQ Needed may
be selected in the operation, meaning multiple quotes are required for pricing. As part of the supplier approval
process, the supplier record may be defined as approved for specific subcontract operations. The supplier may
also have specific pricing for the subcontracted work, as indicated on a Supplier Price List.
A typical subcontract operation includes a period of time and labeled Days Out, indicating the time required by
the supplier to perform the operation. The Subcontract Status report is used to monitor both the outbound
and inbound flow of materials for subcontract operations. When a material is sent to the subcontractor, the
transaction code of MFG-VEN displays on reports and trackers. When the item is received back from the supplier,
the transaction code of PUR-SUB is displayed.
Process Flow
The following diagram illustrates the general process flow when the Buy For Subcontract Operation purchase
option is selected.


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Daily Purchase Processing

Purchase Management Course

Workshop - Buy For Subcontract Operation

Job 2340 includes a part with a subcontract operation for an outside vendor, Hades Heat Treating. In this
workshop, create a purchase order for material on a subcontract operation.
Navigate to Purchase Order Entry.
Menu Path: Material Management > Purchase Management > General Operations > Purchase Order Entry

Enter Header Detail

1. From the New menu, select New PO.
2. Navigate to the Header > Detail sheet.
3. Enter the following information:



Hades Heat Treating

Ship Via

Local Truck



4. In the Buyer field, verify your name displays.

5. Click Save.
6. Record the PO number _______________.

Enter Line Details

1. From the New menu, select New Line.
The Lines > Detail sheet displays.
2. In the Buy For section, select Subcontract Operation.
3. Enter the following information:







In the Part/Rev field, part DCD-100-SP displays.

4. Click Save.


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Purchase Management Course

Daily Purchase Processing

Identify the GL Account

Identify the general ledger account that is used by the Buy For - Subcontract transaction for this purchase order
1. Navigate to the Releases > Detail sheet.
2. Enter or verify the following information:






Our Qty


3. Click the Get Default button to pull in the default general ledger information for this purchase order line
The G/L Account is the WIP Fabricated - Subcontract account.

Approve the Purchase Order

1. Navigate to the Summary sheet.
2. Select the Unapproved check box.
The Approved status displays.
3. Click Save and exit Purchase Order Entry.

Buy For Other

This section reviews the process of creating a purchase order for other material. Selecting Other allows you to
create a part on-the-fly. The Other category has very few rules and is reserved for non job-related items or other
supplies. The only required fields are Part Number and Part Description.
While not required, the use of a Part Class is highly recommended. The Part Class carries the GL expense codes
for raw materials and inventory. If no Part Class is selected on the PO line item, the receipt dollars may affect the
suspense accounts.
An exception to the scenario above is an existing Quantity Bearing part. Quantity Bearing indicates that on-hand
quantities for this part are maintained in inventory. In this case, the Other purchase option defaults for this line
item. The transaction code for receipts entered using the Other purchase option is PUR-UKN.
Process Flow
The following diagram illustrates the general process flow when the Buy For Other purchase option is selected.

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Daily Purchase Processing

Purchase Management Course

Workshop - Buy For Other

A scale has malfunctioned at Dalton Manufacturing and must be replaced to continue the job. In this workshop,
create a purchase order to replace the scale.
Navigate to Purchase Order Entry.
Menu Path: Material Management > Purchase Management > General Operations > Purchase Order Entry

Enter Header Detail

1. From the New menu, select New PO.
2. Navigate to the Header > Detail sheet.
3. Enter the following information:



Nordstrom Supply

Ship Via

Local Truck



4. In the Buyer field, verify your name displays.

5. Click Save.


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Purchase Management Course

Daily Purchase Processing

6. Record the PO number _______________.

Enter Line Details

1. From the New menu, select New Line.
The Lines > Detail sheet displays.
2. In the Buy For section, select Other.
3. Enter the following information:



XXX-46309 (where XXX are your initials)


XXX Scale (where XXX are your initials)


Shop Supplies

Our Qty

Unit Price


Due Date

one week from today

4. Click Save.

Identify the GL Account

Identify the general ledger account that is used by the Buy For - other transaction for this purchase order line.
1. Navigate to the Releases > Detail sheet.
2. Enter or verify the following information:


Due Date

One week from today

Our Qty

3. Click the Get Default button to pull in the default general ledger information for this purchase order line
The G/L Account is the Shop Supplies account.

Approve the Purchase Order

1. Navigate to the Summary sheet.
2. Select the Unapproved check box.
A message displays indicating you have exceeded you purchasing limit.

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Daily Purchase Processing

Purchase Management Course

3. To the message, click OK.

The Unapproved status changes to Pending.
4. Click Save and exit Purchase Order Entry.

Inter-Company PO - Valid Sites

Inter-company purchase orders (PO) must have valid sites on PO releases.
If a purchase order is an inter-company PO, the site value on the PO release validates the inter-company receipt.
The quantity received through the inter-company PO can only be received by the site selected in this field. Use
this functionality when you have multiple sites in a buying company, and you need to indicate which site received
the quantity on the inter-company PO release.
You select the site you need within Purchase Order Entry on the Releases > Detail sheet.
Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
Material Management > Purchase Contracts Management > General Operations > Purchase Order Entry
Material Management > Purchase Management > General Operations > Purchase Order Entry

PO Approval
Use PO Approval to work with purchase orders that must be reviewed by a buyer due to another buyer exceeding
his/her purchasing limit. This program is valuable if you want to reject or accept a request as well as enter specific
details about the overall decision.
Tip Once a consolidation purchase order is approved, the information regarding the specifics of the
purchase order releases are sent out to the various companies. This disbursement is important for each
company for receipt entry purposes.
Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
Material Management > Purchase Management > General Operations > PO Approval

Workshop - Approve Purchase Order

Howard Low's approval is required on the purchase order submitted for purchase of a $126,000 scale for Dalton
Manufacturing. In this workshop, perform the approval process by Howard Low for your purchase order.

Change User
Log on as Howard Low.
1. On the Main Menu, from the Options menu, select Change User.
The Log on window displays.
2. In the Log On window, enter the following information:


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Daily Purchase Processing



User name




3. Click OK.

Approve the Purchase Order

Navigate to PO Approval.
Menu Path: Material Management > Purchase Management > General Operations > PO Approval
Note In the tree view, verify that you in Epicor Education when launching PO Approval!

1. In the tree view, select the PO number you created in the Workshop - Buy For Other.
2. On the Detail sheet, in the Action field, select Accept.
The PO clears from the program once it is approved.
3. Click Save and exit PO Approval.

Review the Purchase Order

Navigate to Purchase Order Entry.
Menu Path: Material Management > Purchase Management > General Operations > Purchase Order Entry
1. In the PO Number field, enter the PO number created in the Workshop - Buy For Other and press Tab.
2. On the Summary sheet, verify the order is Approved.
3. Exit Purchase Order Entry.

Duplicate PO
Use the Duplicate option to create a new purchase order by copying information from an existing purchase
order. This function saves you time if you have a new purchase order that is similar to an existing one.
Tip The new purchase order is automatically numbered using the next available PO number.

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Daily Purchase Processing

Purchase Management Course

Workshop - Duplicate Purchase Orders

Dalton Manufacturing is ordering office materials that have been ordered before. To save time, you will duplicate
a previous purchase order and update the quantities.

Change User
1. On the Main menu, from the Options menu, select Change User.
2. In the Log On window, enter the following information:


User name

<your user name>



3. Click OK.

Duplicate a Purchase Order

Navigate to Purchase Order Entry.
Menu Path: Material Management > Purchase Management > General Operations > Purchase Order Entry
1. In the PO Number field, enter the purchase order from Workshop - Buy For Inventory and press Tab.
2. From the Actions menu, select Duplicate PO.
The Duplicate PO window displays.
3. Verify the Get Latest Supplier Price check box is selected.
4. Verify the Copy Job Information check box is clear.
5. In the Due Date field, enter the date one week from today and click OK.
6. Select the Unapproved check box.
The Approved status displays.
7. Click Save.
8. Record PO number ______________.

Update the Duplicate Purchase Order

1. Clear the Ready for Mass Print check box.
2. Clear the Approved check box.
This allows data entry for the new PO.
3. Click Save.


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Purchase Management Course

Daily Purchase Processing

4. Navigate to the Summary > Other sheet.

5. In the Line Items grid, delete lines 6, 7, and 8.
Each line must be deleted individually.
6. In the Delete Confirmation window, click Yes.
7. Click Save.

Approve the Purchase Order

1. Click Refresh.
2. Verify the Summary sheet displays.
3. Select the Unapproved check box.
The Approved status displays.
4. Click Save and exit Purchase Order Entry.

Receive Purchase Orders

Use Receipt Entry to enter the receipt of all inventory and non-inventory materials and subcontract parts.
Receipt line items are either purchase order receipts (recorded against a purchase order) or miscellaneous receipts
(material received that is not associated with a purchase order). Receipt information updates the purchase order,
if necessary, and creates transactions to update inventory or job quantities and costs.
The purchase order receipt consists of a header and line(s). The receipt header includes a packing slip number,
date, and other basic information.
Invoice receipts cannot be updated. Optionally, receipts can be received to inspection. Receiving may elect to
route items through inspection if items appear damaged. To complete the inspection, use Inspection Processing.
This functionality requires the Quality Assurance module.
The purchase order is created to receive parts to:
Job - Creates a WIP (Work In Process) transaction of PUR-MTL.
Inventory - Creates an inventory transaction of PUR-STK.
Subcontract - Creates a WIP transaction of PUR-SUB.
Other - Receipt to an expense creates a transaction of PUR-UKN.
Receiving is sometimes handled in the office, but it is typically handled on the dock. Because the process is creating
financial transactions, it is important to have procedures in place to ensure accuracy and timeliness.
Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
Material Management > Shipping / Receiving > General Operations > Receipt Entry

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Daily Purchase Processing

Purchase Management Course

Workshop - Receive By Line

Dalton Manufacturing is receiving the purchase order containing a job material line. In this workshop, you will
be receiving the corresponding inventory line on the purchase order.
Important If you were unable to complete Workshop - Buy For Job Material, you will not be able to
complete this workshop. Contact your system administrator to refresh your demonstration database.

Enter a Receipt
Navigate to Receipt Entry.
Menu Path: Material Management > Shipping / Receiving > General Operations > Receipt Entry
1. From the New menu, select New Receipt.
2. In the PO field, enter the PO number you created in the Workshop - Buy for Job Material and press Tab.
3. In the Packing Slip field, enter the PO number.
4. Click Save.
A new receipt is created using the suppliers packing slip number and is matched to the purchase prder and
the supplier name. When all three of these values are known, the lines pull into the receipt with their
corresponding transaction codes.

Receive Job Material

1. From the New menu, select New Job Material Line.
The Job Material > Detail sheet displays.
2. In the PO/Line field, search for and select the first PO line (1) and press Tab.
3. Select the Line Received check box.
4. Click Save and exit Receipt Entry.

Review the Purchase Order

Navigate to Purchase Order Tracker.
Menu Path: Material Management > Purchase Management > General Operations > Purchase Order Tracker
1. In the PO Number field, enter the PO you created in the Workshop - Buy For Job Material and press Tab.
2. Navigate to the Receipts sheet and click the Retrieve button.
3. Right-click in the Part field and select Open With > Part Transaction History Tracker.
4. Click the Retrieve button.
5. Review the part to verify the transaction history.


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Purchase Management Course

Daily Purchase Processing

6. Exit Part Transaction History Tracker and Purchase Order Tracker.

Workshop - Mass Receipt

The mass receipt functionality allows you to receive multiple lines on a purchase order at one time. The purchase
order created for shop supplies has many lines. The Mass Receipt option allows the receipt of all the lines at one
time and assumes the lines are received complete. If some of the lines are not received complete, the listing
allows changes to the quantity.

Review Open Purchase Orders

The Open Purchase Orders report ensures efficient processing of purchase orders. Use this report to view a list
of open purchase order lines for the suppliers, parts, and jobs selected.
Navigate to Open Purchase Orders Report.
Menu Path: Material Management > Purchase Management > Reports > Open Purchase Orders
1. In the From field, enter the date two months ago.
2. In the To field, enter the date three days from today's date.
3. In the Report Type section, select Both.
4. In the Sort By field, verify PO/Line displays.
5. Click Print Preview and review the report.
6. Close the report and exit Open Purchase Orders Report.

Enter the Receipt

Navigate to Receipt Entry.
Menu Path: Material Management > Shipping / Receiving > General Operations > Receipt Entry
1. From the New menu, select New Receipt.
2. Click the PO button.
3. In the Buyer field, select your name and click Search.
4. Select the PO created for the supplier, Nordstrom Supplies, and click OK.
5. In the Packing Slip field, enter the PO number.
6. In the Ship Via field, select UPS Ground.
7. Click Save.

Perform a Mass Receipt

You can receive a mixture of receipt types on one purchase order. In this task, select the lines to be received.
1. From the Actions menu, select Mass Receipt.

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Daily Purchase Processing

Purchase Management Course

The Mass Receipts window displays.

There are two options when receiving lines by Mass Receipt:
Receive all lines and change quantities that may not have been received or received short.
Manually complete the quantity fields for each item received.
2. Click the Select All button to select all lines.
3. Click the Get All button to receive all the required quantity.
4. Click Process to receive the lines by mass receipt.
5. Exit Mass Receipts.
6. On the Summary sheet, select the Received All check box.
The All Received status displays.
7. Click Save.
8. In the Receipt is Compliant message, click OK.
9. Exit Receipt Entry.

Review the Purchase Order

Navigate to Purchase Order Tracker.
Menu Path: Material Management > Purchase Management > General Operations > Purchase Order Tracker
1. In the PO Number field, enter the PO received in the previous workshop and press Tab.
2. Navigate to the Receipts sheet and click the Retrieve button.
3. Review the Purchase Order.
4. Exit Purchase Order Tracker.

Purchase Order Tracker

Use Purchase Order Tracker to review information about purchase orders.
This tracker is used to investigate open or closed purchase orders by part number or purchase order number,
and can be filtered by buyer or supplier.
Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
Executive Analysis > Trackers > Purchase Order Tracker
Financial Management > Accounts Payable > General Operations > Purchase Order Tracker
Material Management > Inventory Management > General Operations > Purchase Order Tracker
Material Management > Purchase Contracts Management > General Operations > Purchase Order Tracker


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Purchase Management Course

Daily Purchase Processing

Material Management > Purchase Management > General Operations > Purchase Order Tracker
Material Management > Shipping / Receiving > General Operations > Purchase Order Tracker
Material Management > Supplier Relationship Management > General Operations > Purchase Order Tracker
Production Management > Job Management > General Operations > Purchase Order Tracker
Production Management > Quality Assurance > General Operations > Purchase Order Tracker
Production Management > Scheduling > General Operations > Purchase Order Tracker
Sales Management > Quote Management > General Operations > Purchase Order Tracker
For CRM users, the Main Menu appears as:
Customer Relationship Management > Quote Management > General Operations > Purchase Order Tracker

Workshop - Purchase Order Tracker

Navigate to Purchase Order Tracker.
Menu Path: Material Management > Purchase Management > General Operations > Purchase Order Tracker
1. Click the PO Number button.
2. In the PO Status field, select Closed.
3. Click Search.
4. Select your purchase order and click OK.
5. Review the purchase order information.
6. Navigate to the Lines > Line Activity sheet.
7. Click the Retrieve button.
8. Navigate to the Receipts sheet.
9. Click the Retrieve button.
10. Exit Purchase Order Tracker.

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Specialized Purchase Processing

Purchase Management Course

Specialized Purchase Processing

This section reviews additional processes that occur in Purchase Management.
Create and approve requisitions.
Work with PO suggestions, changes, and creating a Request for Quote (RFQ).
Use Supplier Relationship Management functionality to manage the RFQ process.
Create purchase delivery schedules from contract purchase orders.
Use reports and trackers to monitor PO activity.
Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) provides a tool for purchasing managers and other employees who
are obtaining quotes for raw material or subcontract operations from one or more suppliers. Supplier responses
automatically build or add to price-break tables.
The ability to create purchase delivery schedules from contract purchase orders is found in the Purchase Contracts
Management (PCM) module.
Purchase Contracts Management provides a tool for purchasing managers to create contract purchase orders
and define specific delivery schedules for items purchased on a regular basis.

Use Requisition Entry to add, update, or delete a requisition. A requisition is a request for material from a
supplier, and it can be used to acquire parts for a job or miscellaneous items.
Header Sheet
Use the Header sheet to enter requisition heading information when creating or making changes to a requisition.
The heading includes general information about the requisition such as the requestor, requisition date, and
ship-to information.
Requisition Process Flow
The requisition process is determined by each customer company. In the example company in this course, the
approval process consists of two mandatory steps: specification approval and price approval. The following
diagram illustrates the process of creating a requisition and how to process it through requisition actions in terms
of the two example scenario.


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Specialized Purchase Processing

Purchase Management Course

Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
Material Management > Purchase Management > General Operations > Requisition Entry

Workshop - Assign Actions to a Requisition

Use Requisition Actions Maintenance to assign actions to a requisition in the course of its dispatch (approval).
The actions defined are used to guide the purchase requisition dispatch (approval) process and include:
Price approval
Specification approval
Budget or supervisor approval
Send to purchasing
Navigate to Requisition Actions Maintenance.
Note This course only does not cover all of the purchase requisition functionality for Epicor ERP. For more
information refer to the Purchase Requisition course and application help.
Menu Path: Material Management > Purchase Management > Setup > Requisition Actions

Add a Requisition Action

1. Click New.
2. In the Action ID field, enter XXXPrice (where XXX are your initials).
3. In the Action Description field, enter XXX Price Approval (where XXX are your initials).
4. Select the Mandatory Action and Notify Requestor check boxes.
5. Click Save.
6. Navigate to the Authorized Users sheet.
7. In the Available Users pane, select Brian Howard.
8. Click the right arrow to move Brian Howard to the Selected Users pane.
9. Click Save.

Remove the Requisition Action

For the purpose of this course, the added requisition action needs to be removed. If the actions are not removed
then more steps are required for the approval process for each requisition entered.
Note It is extremely important to define the approval process for requisitions and have only the number
of requisition actions required for that process.
1. From the tree view, select XXX Price Approval (where XXX are your initials).
2. From the Standard toolbar, click Delete.


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Purchase Management Course

Specialized Purchase Processing

3. To the Delete Confirmation message, click Yes.

The requisition action entered is now removed from the database.
4. Exit Requisition Actions Maintenance.

Workshop - Create a Requisition

A department at Dalton Manufacturing needs to enter a requisition for a new voltage meter. A GE model XXX-772
appears in the Glengarry Plating catalog for $397.50. In this workshop, create and define the requisition
information for the voltage meter.
Navigate to Requisition Entry.
Menu Path: Material Management > Purchase Management > General Operations > Requisition Entry

Enter the Requisition Detail

1. From the New menu, select New Requisition.
2. In the Request Date field, accept the default of today's date.
3. Navigate to the Header sheet.
4. In the Name field, select Brian Howard.
5. Click Save.

Enter the Requisition Line

1. From the New menu, select New Line.
2. Navigate to the Lines > Detail sheet.
3. In the Requisition For section, verify Other is selected.
If Job Material is selected, a job number, assembly number, and material sequence number are required.
Additionally, if the part required inspection, the Insp Required field is selected.
4. Enter the following information:



XXX-772 (where XXX are your initials)


XXX GE High Voltage Meter (where XXX are your initials)


Shop Supplies

Our Qty

Supplier ID

GLEN (Glengarry Plating)

Unit Price


5. Click Save.

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Specialized Purchase Processing

Purchase Management Course

Dispatch the Requisition

1. From the Actions menu, select Dispatch Requisition.
The Requisition Dispatching window displays.
2. In the Reply pane, in the Action field, select Specification Approval.
3. In the Dispatcher field, select Nancy Johnson and click OK.
4. Record the requisition number ___________.
5. Click Save.

Workshop - Approve a Requisition

Nancy Johnson is one of the specification approvers at Dalton Manufacturing. She is typically logged into the
Epicor application on her computer when approving a requisition. The Set Requisition User functionality allows
a computer at a different location to temporarily set the requisition user. Nancy can then quickly approve a
requisition at that location.
Navigate to Requisition Entry.
Menu Path: Material Management > Purchase Management > General Operations > Requisition Entry

Set the Requisition User

1. From the Actions menu, select Set Requisition User.
The Set Requisition User window displays.
2. In the User ID and Password fields, enter nancy.
3. Click OK to log in as Nancy Johnson.

Assign the Specification Approval

1. In the Req ID field, enter the requisition number you created in the previous workshop and press Tab.
2. From the Actions menu, select Dispatch Requisition.
The Requisition Dispatching window displays.
3. In the Reply pane, verify the Approve/Submit option is selected.
This indicates that Nancy approves the specification and wants to forward this to Frank Lloyd Wright for
price approval.
4. In the Action field, select Approve Price.
5. In the Dispatcher field, select Frank Lloyd Wright.
6. Click OK.


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Specialized Purchase Processing

7. Click Save.

Set the Requisition User

1. From the Actions menu, select Set Requisition User.
The Set Requisition User window displays.
2. In the User ID and Password fields, enter fwright.
3. Click OK to log in as Frank Wright.

Complete the Requisition Approval Process

1. From the Actions menu, select To Do List.
The To Do List window displays.
2. Select the line with Approve Price in the ReqActionDesc field.
3. Click the Dispatch button.
The Requisition Dispatching window displays.
4. In the Action field, select Create Purchase Order.
5. Click OK.
The requisition no longer displays in the To Do List window.
6. In the To Do List window, click OK.
7. Click Save.
8. Exit Requisition Entry.

Purchase Order Suggestions

Purchase orders can be created based on purchase order suggestions. This section reviews the generation, editing,
and processing of purchase order suggestions.

Generate Purchasing Suggestions

Use Generate Purchasing Suggestions to automatically create a list of suggested purchases based on
time-phased information. You create actual purchase orders from these suggestions in Purchase Order Entry.
If the application is set up for consolidated purchasing and you are logged into the central purchasing company,
you can run a full regeneration by selecting the Run Consolidated Purch check box. You can then review and
process the purchase order suggestions from other companies.

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Purchase Management Course

You must be run this process before using New PO Suggestions and Change PO Suggestions. Only one user
can run this function at a time. When you run Generate Purchase Suggestions:
Use the Selection sheet to select the parameters for the process.
Use the Filter sheet to select the sites to include in the generation process.
Purchase order suggestions are based on time-phased information such as:
Direct job material
Inventory requirements
Job subcontract operations
When generate suggestions, Generate Purchasing Suggestions first references the part or site record for the
part's purchase lead time. If there is no purchase lead time on the part or site record, then the Epicor application
references the purchase lead time set at the supplier price break level for the part and its primary supplier.
Generate Purchasing Suggestions builds suggestions from:
Time-phased information - For time-phased purchase orders, the program deletes and rebuilds some or all
time-phased purchase orders as appropriate based on the date the suggestions are generated and the selected
processing option.
Requisitions marked as Send To Purchasing - For requisitions, the program does not delete or change the
information. Requisitions can be removed from the application only by ordering the requisition item or manually
deleting the requisition.
Unlinked Buy To Order (BTO) sales order releases - This program uses the ship, order quantity and supplier,
sales order, sales order line, and order release identification information stored in order release records to
generate purchase order suggestions. If you use the Regenerative mode, this program includes unlinked
sales order releases and releases with associated PO suggestions. This program also deletes the old PO
suggestions. It always excludes previously linked Buy to Order (BTO) sales order releases.
Purchase contract schedules - If you clear the Include Contract PO Parts check box, Generate Suggestions
bypasses active parts on purchase contracts, and only includes parts on standard purchase orders. If you select
this check box, selecting the Run Generate Purchase Schedules check box designates that purchase contract
schedules should be generated during the current Generate Suggestions session. it also includes active parts
on purchase contracts when generating purchase suggestions.
Note Selecting the Run Generate Purchase Schedules check box causes the Generate Suggestions
program to perform the same processing that takes place when you run the Generate Purchase Schedules
For more information on how to review the status of the Generate Purchasing Suggestions process, review the
System Monitor topics in the Application Help.
Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
Material Management > Purchase Contracts Management > General Operations > Generate Suggestions
Material Management > Purchase Management > General Operations > Generate Suggestions
Menu Path
You can launch this program from the Main Menu in these locations:
Menu Path: Material Management > Purchase Contracts Management > General Operations > Generate


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Purchase Management Course

Specialized Purchase Processing

Workshop - Generate PO Suggestions

In this workshop, create a list of suggested purchases based on time-phased information.
Navigate to Generate Purchasing Suggestions.
Menu Path: Material Management > Purchase Management > General Operations > Generate Suggestions
Important The Generate Purchase Order Suggestions process should only be run by one person at a
time on a shared database.
1. For the Processing Option, select Regenerative.
2. Leave the Cutoff Date field blank.
3. In the Schedule field, accept the default of Now.
4. Accept all other defaults.
5. Click Process.
6. Exit Generate Purchasing Suggestions.

New PO Suggestions
Use New PO Suggestions to process purchase order (PO) suggestions created by the Generate Suggestions
Launch the Search function to pull in PO suggestions for a specific buyer or the buyers. You can also specify a
site and cut-off date for the suggestions. Use the various sheets and Actions menu options in the program to
add and modify information before generating new purchase orders.
If Generate Suggestions runs again while this program is open, clear the data and re-populate it with another
If you have the Epicor application set up to handle consolidated purchasing, are logged into the central purchasing
company, and ran Generate Suggestions with full regeneration with the Run Consolidated Purch check box
selected, you can use this program to review and process PO suggestions from other companies.
The Generate Purchase Order and Generate RFQ, and Send Forecast programs use the unit of measures
specified in the Our Quantity and Supplier Qty fields to create forecasts,and purchase orders, or Requests For
Quotes (RFQ).
Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
> New PO Suggestions
Material Management > Purchase Management > General Operations > New PO Suggestions

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Suggestion - Detail
New PO Suggestions > Suggestion > Detail
Use the Suggestion > Detail sheet to review and modify the details of suggestion from the program's tree view,
Material List, or Subcontract List.
Tip If you use the Advanced Production module, the suggestions you generate pull material requirements
from your current batch jobs. Any source jobs used to create these batch jobs are ignored. For more
information, read the Advanced Production Module topic the Application Help.


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Workshop - Review Suggestions

Time Phase Material Requirements creates PO Suggestions based on demand requirements by the part.
Once purchase order suggestions are generated, the Buyer may create purchase orders, or make an entry for
RFQ's directly from the suggestion display grid. Any material marked for RFQ's, either on the suggestion grid or
on the job, display in the Buyer Workbench for processing if the Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) module
is licensed. When multiple suggestions are issued for the same part, it may make sense to combine several
suggestions into one purchase order.
Once the Buy field has been selected, the application creates one purchase order for each supplier and adds the
suggestion(s) as individual lines to that PO. Multiple suggestions only roll up to one purchase order line when
the supplier, price, terms, and ship via are identical. If there are multiple due dates for the same part for a supplier,
multiple releases are created for the purchase order line.
Important Due to necessary database setup and specific data used to complete the RFQ and purchase
orders suggestion functionality, this workshop can only be performed by one person on a shared database.

Change User
This allows you to see all suggestions.
1. On the Main menu, from the Options menu, select Change User.
2. In the Log On window, enter the following information:


User name




3. Click OK.

Generate Purchase Orders

Navigate to Purchase Order Suggestion Entry.
Menu Path: Material Management > Purchase Management > General Operations > New PO Suggestions
1. Click Search (binoculars).
2. Click the Options button.
3. Select the Return All Rows check box and click OK.
4. Click Search.
5. Click Select All and click OK.
6. Navigate to the Material List sheet.
7. Click the Part column header to sort the records by part number.
8. Scroll down to SS-125.

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Several suggestions exist for SS-125 with various due dates.

9. Right-click any row with SS-125 part and select Open With > Time Phase.
View the requirements to determine if any suggestions can be combined into one purchase order.
10. Close the Time Phased Inquiry window.
11. Select the Buy check box for the first four instances of part SS-125.
In some cases, the Buyer may decide to go out for a quote rather than create the purchase order. The RFQ
request may be made from within New PO Suggestions if the SRM module is licensed.
12. Click the Job column header to sort by job number.
Purchase Order Suggestions Entry is also an area where an RFQ may be requested. Only a suggestion that
is associated with a specific job number may be selected for an RFQ.
Locate job 2318 for part 869-00018-00.
13. Select the Create RFQ check box.
14. From the Actions menu, select Generate Purchase Orders.
15. On the Purchase Order Suggestions window, click OK.
16. In the Continue with Generate? message, click Yes
17. Exit Purchase Order Suggestion Entry.

Review Purchase Orders

Navigate to Purchase Order Tracker.
Menu Path: Material Management > Purchase Management > General Operations > Purchase Order Tracker
1. In the PO Number field, search for and select the purchase orders with today's date.
The purchase orders generated by New PO Suggestions are Approved if the Buyer has not exceeded their
PO Limit. If that limit is exceeded, the purchase orders remain in Pending status until the approval process
is complete.
2. Navigate to the Summary > All sheet to review the lines for the first purchase order.
3. Use the toolbar to move through the remaining purchase orders and repeat step 2 to review the lines for
each purchase order.
4. Exit Purchase Order Tracker.


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Change PO Suggestions
Use the Change PO Suggestions program to change existing purchase orders based on purchasing suggestions
created by the Generate Purchasing Suggestions process.
When purchase order suggestions are processed, the application evaluates all time phase information and
recommends changes to existing purchase orders such as:
Expedite - Used when parts are not scheduled to arrive to meet the need by date.
Postpone - Used when parts are scheduled to arrive before their need by date.
Cancel - Used when the demand created no longer exists.
Reduce - Used when a lower quantity is needed at the need by date of the purchase order.
Increase - Used when the quantity required is not high enough to meet the demand on the need by date on
the purchase order.
You use this program to make changes on both consolidated purchase orders and intercompany purchase orders
If you make a change to a purchase order release that is tied to a consolidated purchase order initiated by the
central purchasing company, your change is sent back to the central purchasing company as a purchase order
change suggestion.
Besides making changes to an ICPO, you can cancel a specific detail line on these records. If the related order
release is not linked to a job record, the order release is void. However, if the related order release is linked to a
job, the order release quantity is set to zero and a manufacturing suggestion is created for the related job record.
For more information, review the Incoming ICPO Suggestions help topics.
If the Generate Purchasing Suggestions process is run again while this program is open, you need to clear
the data in this program and re-populate with another search.
Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
Material Management > Purchase Management > General Operations > Change PO Suggestions
You can launch this program from these additional locations:
Purchase Order Entry - This program is located on the Actions menu.
Buyer Workbench - You can launch this program if the Supplier Relationship Management module
license code is installed.

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Supplier Relationship Management

The Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) module is a toolset used to request quotes for raw materials
or subcontract services from one or multiple suppliers. Request for quotes (RFQs) are generated with one or more
lines; each line has the ability to request pricing from one or more suppliers.

The Buyer Workbench is a tool that monitors RFQs, supplier responses to RFQs, and also aids in RFQ award
decision making. Supplier RFQ responses automatically build or add to existing part price-break tables. They
contain current effectivity dates that are used in other areas of the application.


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Specialized Purchase Processing

Requests for quotes can be entered in one of the following ways:

Manually - in RFQ Entry
Pushed - into the Buyer Workbench from:
A material requirement on a quote
A material requirement on a job
A line on the browse window of Purchasing Suggestions
A material sequence line on a method
Pulled - into the Buyer Workbench from:
Job-related material
Quoted material

Buyer Workbench
Use Buyer Workbench to generate and manage requests for quotes (RFQs) and purchase orders from a central
location within the Epicor application.
Buyers use the Buyer Workbench to review a summarization of the requests for quotes (RFQs) and purchase
orders assigned to them. The information includes the number of RFQ and purchase order records that are open,
overdue, scheduled for today, scheduled for this week, and scheduled for beyond this week (future). Additionally,
the sheet displays the number of RFQs which have received responses from suppliers and are ready for processing,
as well as the number of purchase orders that require the buyer's approval. The workbench's tree view and
Actions menu provide access to additional programs such as:
New PO Suggestions
Change PO Suggestions
Supplier Maintenance
The workbench provides the following:
Ability to review of all open and overdue RFQs - This allows you to view RFQs and provides access to RFQ
Entry and Supplier Responses.
Ability to review of all open and overdue purchase orders - This allows you to view purchase orders and
provides access to Purchase Order Entry.
A listing of all new RFQ suggestions that can be generated from jobs, new quotes, or methods of manufacturing
Ability to review new and changed purchase suggestions - The Approval sheet enables you to approve purchase
orders that exceed a buyer's authority (POs > Approvals sheet). This allows you to view purchase suggestions
and provides access to Change PO Suggestions and New PO Suggestions.
The Decision Wizard filters and sorts RFQs to find the best supplier match. The sorting criteria include lead
time, quality rating, price, and user-defined attributes such as ISO certification.
Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
Material Management > Supplier Relationship Management > General Operations > Buyer Workbench

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Buyer Workbench Functionality

The Buyer Workbench contains the following sheets and functions:
General Sheet
Use the General sheet to review a summary of RFQs and purchase orders assigned to a specific buyer. The
information that displays on this sheet includes the number of RFQ and PO records that are open, overdue,
scheduled for today, scheduled for this week, and scheduled for beyond this week (future).
In addition, this sheet displays the number of RFQs that received responses from suppliers and are ready for
processing, as well as the number of purchase orders that require the buyer's approval.
RFQ's Sheet
Use the RFQ's sheet to review open RFQs and suggestions you want to turn into RFQs. This sheet gives you access
to RFQ Entry, Supplier Response, the Supplier Wizard, and the Decision Wizard.
Access RFQ Entry from the RFQ's > Open RFQ's sheet to enter RFQs manually or click the Generate button on
the RFQ's > Suggestions > List sheet.
PO's Sheet
Use the PO's sheet to review purchase orders assigned to a specific buyer.
You can use the Approval sheet as needed to access the Approve Purchase Order program to approve or reject
pending purchase orders.
Pending purchase orders are those that could not be approved in Purchase Order Entry because their extended
total exceeded the designated PO limit for the associated buyer (as defined in Buyer Maintenance).
Pending purchase orders appear in this sheet, and under the Approval node in the Buyer Workbench Tree,
for the designated person who approves purchases for this buyer when the purchasing limit has been exceeded.
Web Sheet
Use the Web sheet to review PO and RFQ details posted to and received from the web.

Workshop - Create an RFQ for Job-Related Material

In this workshop, update a job and a buyer record, create a request for quote (RFQ) for job-related material,
receive a response from a supplier, and create a purchase order (PO) for the material.
Important Due to the necessary database setup and the specific data used to perform the RFQ functionality,
this workshop can only be performed by one person on a shared database. If job number 2280 already
has a Purchasing selection of RFQ Needed, contact your system administrator to refresh your demonstration

Update Job Material

Navigate to Job Entry.
Menu Path: Production Management > Job Management > General Operations > Job Entry
1. In the Job field, enter 2280 and press Tab.
2. In the tree view, expand the Materials node and select Mtl:190 CVB-TEF.
The Job Details > Materials > Detail sheet displays.


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3. In the Purchasing pane, select the RFQ Needed check box.

4. In the Quotes Required field, enter 1.
5. Click Save and exit Job Entry.

Update a Buyer
Navigate to Buyer Maintenance.
Menu Path: Material Management > Purchase Management > Setup > Buyer
Important If the System Manager is already selected as the default buyer, use this workshop as a verification
of the authorization process for a buyer.
1. In the Buyer field, search for and select House Account.
2. Navigate to the Authorized Users sheet.
3. Highlight System Manager and select Default Buyer.
4. Click Save and exit Buyer Maintenance.

Generate an RFQ
Navigate to the Buyer Workbench.
Menu Path: Material Management > Supplier Relationship Management > General Operations > Buyer Workbench
1. In the Buyer field, verify House Account displays.
2. In the tree view, expand the RFQ's > House Account > Suggestions node and select CVB-TEF.
The RFQ's > Suggestions > List sheet displays.
3. Navigate to the RFQ's > Suggestions > Suppliers sheet.
4. Click the Supplier Wizard button to select suppliers.
The Supplier Wizard window displays.
Use the Supplier Wizard tool to pull in suppliers who previously received an RFQ on the selected part, sold
the company this part in the past, or provided price break information.
5. Accept the defaults and click OK.
The following message may be displayed: Suppliers are not approved for at least one of the selected
RFQs. The application looks for approved suppliers requesting quotes on this part, but it is not a requirement.
Click OK to this message.
6. Navigate to the RFQ's > Suggestions > Detail sheet.
7. Select the RFQ check box.
8. In the Due Date field, enter today's date.
9. In the Decision and Respond fields, enter tomorrow's date.

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10. Click the Generate button.

The new RFQ displays in the tree view in the RFQ's > House Account > Today node.

Print the RFQ

1. Navigate to the RFQ's > Open RFQ's > Today sheet.
2. Select the RFQ created.
3. Click the RFQ Entry button.
RFQ Entry opens and automatically displays the RFQ you generated.
4. From the Actions menu, select RFQ > Print Form.
The RFQ Print Form window displays.
5. Click Print Preview.
6. Review the RFQ and close the RFQ Print Form window.
7. Exit RFQ Entry and return to the Buyer Workbench.

Create a Price Break

1. In the tree view, select the new RFQ.
2. Navigate to the RFQs > Open RFQ's sheet.
3. Click the Supplier Response button.
The Supplier Responses window displays.
In the Response field, the response status for your RFQ displays as Waiting.
4. Click the Add Supplier Responses button.
The Supplier Price List window displays.
5. In the Supplier field, enter GLOBE and press Tab.
6. From the New menu, select New Price Break.
Navigate to the Parts > Price Breaks > Detail sheet.
7. In the Minimum Quantity field, enter 1.
8. Navigate to the Parts > Detail sheet.
9. In the Days field, enter 90.
10. In the Base Unit Price field, enter 40.00.
11. Click Save.


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Create Another Price Break

1. From the New menu, select New Price Break.
Navigate to the Parts > Price Breaks > Detail sheet.
2. In the Minimum Quantity field, enter 10.
3. In the Price Modifier field, enter -3.00.
4. Click Save.
5. Navigate to the Parts > Price Breaks > List sheet and compare the two price breaks.
6. Exit Supplier Price List.
In the Supplier Responses window, the response status for your RFQ displays as Received.
7. Exit Supplier Responses and return to the Buyer Workbench.

Create a Purchase Order

1. Navigate to the RFQs > Ready sheet.
2. Click the Decision Wizard button.
The RFQ Decision Wizard window displays.
3. Click the Create PO button.
The Decision Wizard decides which supplier and price break to use and automatically places the order.
A message with the PO number displays. Record the PO number and click OK.
4. Close the RFQ Decision Wizard, return to the Buyer Workbench, and click Refresh.
The new PO displays in the PO's > Open PO's > Today sheet.
5. Select the PO you created and click the PO Entry button.
Purchase Order Entry displays.
6. Review the PO.
7. Exit Purchase Order Entry and the Buyer Workbench.

This section is an overview of reports that relate to the Buyer Workbench and its processes.
Part Price Report
Menu Path: Material Management > Supplier Relationship Management > Reports > Part Price Report
Use the Part Price Report to review pricing information for your parts. This report prints in order by part.

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Supplier Price Report

Menu Path: Material Management > Supplier Relationship Management > Reports > Supplier Price Report
Use the Supplier Price Report to review the prices of various items from your suppliers. This report prints in
order by supplier.

Supplier Connect
Use the Supplier Connect Database Configuration to connect the application database with Supplier Connect.
This window is a necessary to receiving web orders.
Supplier Connect provides companies with an understanding of supplier relationships and offers a more effective
mechanism to manage suppliers.
Through this program, suppliers have access to the information necessary to provide the highest level of service.
More importantly, as a company, a comprehensive view of all suppliers becomes available to analyze and evaluate
performance for strategic sourcing decisions.
Supplier Portal
This portal gives suppliers the ability to manage relationships with companies over the web. Vendors have online,
instantaneous, real-time, secure access. This is a powerful tool for reducing supply chain inefficiencies by responding
to RFQs, acknowledging or rejecting purchase orders, requesting changes to purchase orders, account
management, reviewing inventory levels, checking payment, as well as drilling down to all associated information.
Supplier Workbench
The Supplier Workbench allows suppliers online access to important company information, including the tracking
of RFQs and POs.

Purchase Contracts
Use Purchase Contracts to purchase inventory quantities on a recurring basis. You can establish delivery schedules
to regularly re-issue material against which recurring deliveries are made.
The Purchase Contracts Management (PCM) module is useful for purchasing inventory items on a recurring basis.
Purchase Contracts convert the requirements calculated by the Generate PO Suggestions process into delivery
The following graphic displays where purchase scheduling occurs in the purchasing process flow.


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Specialized Purchase Processing

Periodicity Codes
Periodicity Codes dictate the required intervals for deliveries to be made for a scheduled item. These codes are
attached to a part schedule to create the delivery frequency.
Part Schedule
This is where the delivery schedule for a part is set up. Use this area to select a production calendar for the
schedule and suppliers that should be attached to this part's delivery schedule.
Generate Contract PO
In order for a part's delivery schedule to be automated, a contract PO needs to be established and attached to
a specific part schedule. The part selected on the part schedule must be a line on the contract PO. These line
items automate purchase schedules with delivery dates, prices, and corresponding quantities.
Generate Purchase Schedules
This function produces the delivery schedule results based on the part schedule. Once the schedules are created,
use the Purchase Schedule Approval option to analyze the results of the generation and allow approval.

Workshop - Create a Contract Part

Create a part for use in later workshops.
Navigate to Part Maintenance.
Menu Path: Material Management > Purchase Management > Setup > Part
1. From the New menu, select New Part.
2. In the Part field, enter 001-XXX (where XXX are your initials).
3. In the Description field, enter XXX Stainless Steel (where XXX are your initials).
4. Verify the Type field is Purchased.
5. In the Primary UOMs fields, accept the defaults of EA.
6. In the Class field, select Steel.
7. Click Save.
8. Navigate to the Part > Sites > Warehouses > Detail sheet.
The Warehouse field defaults to Main.
9. Navigate to the Part > Sites > Warehouses > Primary Bin sheet.
10. In the Primary Bin field, select 01-01-01.
11. Navigate to the Part > Sites > Detail sheet.
12. Enter the following information:


Min On-Hand


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Max On-Hand


Safety Stock


13. In the Supplier field, search for and select Seaside Steel.
14. Click Save.

Approve Supplier for a Part

Approve the supplier for the new part you created.
1. From the Actions menu, select Approved Suppliers.
The Approved Supplier Maintenance window displays.
2. From the New menu, select New Approved Supplier.
3. In the Supplier field, search for and select Seaside Steel.
4. Click Save.
Seaside Steel is now an approved supplier for part 001-XXX.
5. Exit Approved Supplier Maintenance.
6. Click Save.
7. Exit Part Maintenance.

Supplier Periodicity Maintenance

Use Supplier Periodicity Maintenance to maintain periodicity codes, either for a site or a supplier in the site.
The Epicor application uses these codes to determine scheduling rules for the supplier or site assigned to the part
during purchase schedule generation. You generate purchase schedules in Generate Purchase Schedules
process, or by selecting the Include Contract PO Parts and Run Generate Purchase Schedules check boxes
in Generate Purchase Suggestions or Process MRP.
Periodicity codes dictate the required intervals for deliveries being made for a scheduled item. These can be set
up on a company basis, site basis, or site and supplier basis. There are six available periodicity codes:
Daily - Deliveries on a daily schedule.
Semi-Weekly - Two delivery dates per week, based on the definition of a Week period (see Weekly).
Weekly - Weekly delivery schedule on a specific day of week. A Week period is always a Sunday thru a
Saturday, as defined by the system calendar format. The Epicor application uses this period definition universally
in the Purchase Contracts module to determine dates, weeks, months.
Weekly Not Last Week of the Month - Same as Weekly, however, it excludes the last week of the month.
This is based on the definition of a Week period (see Weekly) and a Month period (see Monthly).
Monthly - Specific day of the week and the week number for monthly deliveries (for example, second Thursday
of each month). The Epicor application determines a Month period by the first occurrence of a Sunday in the
calendar month (Monthly Period Start). The end day of the period of a month (Month Period End) is the


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Specialized Purchase Processing

Saturday prior to the first Sunday in the next calendar month. For example, the demand for March 2013 starts
on March 3 and ends on April 6.
Nth Day of the Month - Specific delivery date each month, based on the definition of a Month period (see
Monthly). For example, the 15th of every month.
Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
Material Management > Purchase Contracts Management > Setup > Supplier Periodicity

Workshop - Define Periodicity Codes

In this workshop, define periodicity codes to establish a scheduled delivery date for supplier, Seaside Steel.
Navigate to Supplier Periodicity Maintenance.
Menu Path: Material Management > Purchase Contracts Management > Setup > Supplier Periodicity
1. Click New.
2. Leave the Site field blank.
By leaving this blank, the periodicity code is not site specific.
3. In the Supplier field, search for and select Seaside Steel.
4. In the Weekly Forward pane, select the Rules check box, and in the Delivery Day field, select Thursday.
5. In the Nth Day of the Month pane, select the Rules check box, and in the Day of the Month Delivery
field, enter 16.
6. Click Save and exit Supplier Periodicity Maintenance.

Part Schedule Maintenance

Use Part Schedule Maintenance to establish part schedules. Every inventory part ordered through the Purchase
Contract functionality must have an established part schedule.
You define the following part schedule information:
Period 1, Period 2, working Calendar days, Period Shift Days and Minimum Quantities settings.
Six scheduling period settings ( Daily, Semi-Weekly, Weekly, Weekly Not Last Day of the Month, Monthly,
and Nth Day of the Month) are available that specify when supplier deliveries should be made for a purchase
contract for a particular part. You can select these period settings individually for Period 1 and Period 2
Supplier share percentages the Epicor application uses to create schedules from related purchase suggestions.
A forecast of when the schedule should be created and how far in advance purchase schedules must be
converted into purchase order releases.
When you use the Purchase Contracts module, you first generate purchase order suggestions resulting in suggested
demand records on a particular due date. You then generate purchase schedules for these suggestions. When
you do this, the Epicor application uses the duration of the associated contract purchase order and Period 1,
Period 2, working Calendar days, Period Shift Days, Minimum Quantities settings (as defined in Part Schedule
Maintenance) to determine how the related demand requirements should be slotted. It combines these settings
with the associated Supplier Periodicity settings to determine the resulting part schedule per supplier.

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Example You define a purchase schedule for Part A in a unit of measure of EA (Each), Periodicity 1 of
Daily, with a minimum quantity of 120 EA, and Periodicity 2 of Monthly, and a minimum quantity of 400
EA. You also create a purchase schedule in a unit of measure of Box (BX), with a Periodicity 1 of Nth Day
of the Month, a minimum quantity of 20 BX, and a Periodicity 2 of Monthly Forward and a minimum
quantity of 500 BX.
The different part schedules are not summarized if there is a contract for a unit of measure of Box and
another unit of measure of Each. Two suggestions and purchase orders are created (one for BX, and the
other for EA). The UOM codes defined in the contracts are used as the Our Quantity UOM code and as
the Supplier Quantity UOM when creating PO suggestions.
Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
Material Management > Purchase Contracts Management > Setup > Part Schedule

Workshop - Create Part Schedule

In this workshop, create and define a part schedule.
Navigate to Part Schedule Maintenance.
Menu Path: Material Management > Purchase Contracts Management > Setup > Part Schedule

Create the Part Schedule

1. From the New menu, select New Part.
2. Navigate to the List sheet.
3. In the Part field, enter the part number created in the previous workshop (001-XXX) and press Tab.
4. Navigate to the Detail sheet.
5. Verify the Purchase Schedule Active check box is selected.
6. In the Calendar field, search for and select D5H10.
Five days per week, ten hours per day.

Enter the Schedule Settings

1. In the Periodicity Settings section, enter the following information:




Period 1


Min. Quantity (Period 1)


Period 2

Nth Day of the Month

Min. Quantity (Period 2)


Minimum Period 1 Shift Days

Minimum Forward Span

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Specialized Purchase Processing

2. In the Schedule Planning section, enter the following information:



Schedule Length


Order Cover


Print Length


Schedule Firm


These entries represent the length of the contract schedule in days. If the value in any of these fields is zero,
the schedule can be changed.
3. Click Save.

Enter the Supplier Details

1. Navigate to the Suppliers > Detail sheet.
2. From the New menu, select New Supplier.
3. In the Supplier field, search for and select Seaside Steel.
4. In the Percentage Share field, enter 100.
This field represents the percentage of this part, provided by this supplier, for this purchase contract. The
total percentage of all suppliers of a purchase contract part must be 100.
5. Click Save and exit Part Schedule Maintenance.

Workshop - Create Demand

Contract Purchasing requires that demand exist before schedules are generated and approved. This workshop
creates a sales order using Sales Order Entry. The part ordered has two releases.
Navigate to Sales Order Entry.
Menu Path: Sales Management > Order Management > General Operations > Order Entry
Tip The CRM menu path is: Customer Relationship Management > Order Management > General
Operations > Order Entry

Create the Sales Order

1. From the New menu, select New Order.
2. In the Customer field, enter Dalton and press Tab.
3. In the PO field, enter XXXX (where XXXX are the last four digits of your phone number).
4. In the Need By field, enter the date two weeks from today.
5. In the Ship By field, enter the date two days before the Need By date.

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6. Click Save.
7. Note the Sales Order number: _______________.
8. From the New menu, select New Line.
9. Select the Lines > Detail sheet.
10. In the Part/Rev field, enter 001-XXX (where XXX are your initials) and press Tab.
11. In the Order Quantity field, enter 10.
12. In the Unit Price field, enter 8.
13. Select the Lock Line Quantity check box.
14. Click Save.

Enter the Second Release

1. From the New menu, select New Release.
2. In the Order Quantity field, enter 4.
3. In the Need By field, enter the date one month from today.
4. In the Ship By field, enter the date two days before the Need By date.
5. Click Save and exit Sales Order Entry.

Workshop - Create a Contract Purchase Order

In this workshop, create a contract purchase order.
Navigate to Purchase Order Entry.
Menu Path: Material Management > Purchase Management > General Operations > Purchase Order Entry

Create the Contract Purchase Order

1. From the New menu, select New Contract PO.
2. Navigate to the Header > Detail sheet.
3. In the Supplier field, search for and select Seaside Steel.
4. In the Ship Via field, select Local Truck.
5. In the FOB field, select Factory.
6. In the Buyer field, select your name.
7. In the Start Date field, select today's date.


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8. In the End Date field, select the last day of the year.
9. Click Save.
10. Record the PO number _______________.

Add the Purchase Order Line

1. From the New menu, select New Line.
The Lines > Detail sheet displays.
2. In the Part/Rev field, enter 001-XXX (where XXX are your initials) and press Tab.
3. In the Contract Qty field, enter 1000.
4. In the UOM field, verify EA displays.
5. In the Contract Price field, enter 90.
6. Select the Contract Active check box.
7. Click Save.

Approve the Purchase Order

1. Navigate to the Summary sheet.
2. Select the Unapproved check box.
The Approved status displays.
3. Click Save and exit Purchase Order Entry.

Generate Purchase Schedules

Use Generate Purchase Schedules to produce purchase schedules. You can then review and manually adjust
the resulting purchase schedules in Purchase Schedule Approval before formal approval.
Before you run Generate Purchase Schedules, use Generate Purchasing Suggestions process to produce
suggestions for scheduled parts. The Generate Purchase Schedules process uses this data to generate the applicable
purchase schedules. When running Generate Purchase Schedules, use the Selection sheet to select the parameters
for the process, and the Filter sheet(s) to select the specific records to include for the process.
You can also generate purchase schedules in:
Generate Purchase Suggestions, through selection of the Include Contract PO Parts and Run Generate
Purchase Schedules check boxes. If you select these check boxes, generated suggestions include purchase
Process MRP, through selection of the Include Contract PO Parts and Run Generate Purchase Schedules
check boxes.

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Regardless of the program you use to generate purchase schedules, the Epicor application uses the following
parameters to determine how the related demand requirements should be slotted:
Duration of the associated contract purchase order.
Period 1, Period 2, working Calendar days, Period Shift Days and Minimum Quantities settings as defined in
Part Schedule Maintenance for the associated part schedule record.
It then combines the settings above with the associated Supplier Periodicity settings to determine the resulting
part schedules per supplier.
Tip For more information about the logic used in purchase schedule generation, view the Generate Purchase
Schedules - Flowchart and Purchase Schedule Generation - Parameters and Calculations topics in the
Application Help.
Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
Material Management > Purchase Contracts Management > General Operations > Generate Purchase Schedules

Workshop - Generate Purchase Order Suggestions

In this workshop, generate PO suggestions. Running the PO Suggestions process produces suggestions for
scheduled parts. This process then uses this data to determine the schedules in Schedule Maintenance.
Navigate to Generate Purchasing Suggestions.
Menu Path: Material Management > Purchase Contracts Management > General Operations > Generate
Purchase Schedules
Important The Generate Purchase Order Suggestions process should only be run by one person at a
time in a shared database.
1. Leave the Cutoff Date field blank.
2. In the Schedule field, accept the default of Now.
3. Leave the User Description field blank.
4. Click Process.
5. Exit Generate Purchasing Suggestions.

Workshop - Generate the Purchase Schedule

In this workshop, generate the purchase schedule. The data produced using the Purchase Schedule process
becomes the basis of the Schedule Maintenance data that can be manually adjusted before approval.
Navigate to Generate Purchase Schedules.
Menu Path: Material Management > Purchase Contracts Management > General Operations > Generate
Purchase Schedules
1. Leave the Cutoff Date field blank.
2. Click Process.


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3. Exit Generate Purchase Schedules.

Workshop - Approve the Purchase Schedule

In this workshop, approve the purchase schedule. Suggestions can be modified before generating purchase
Navigate to Purchase Schedule Approval.
Menu Path: Material Management > Purchase Contracts Management > General Operations > Purchase Schedule
1. Click Search (binoculars).
The Purchase Schedule Search displays.
2. Click the Search button.
3. Select the purchase order created in the Workshop - Create Contract Purchase Order.
4. Navigate to the Schedule > Detail sheet to review the details of the proposed schedule.
5. Click the Approve Schedule button.
6. Click Save and exit Purchase Schedule Approval.

Purchase Contract Report and Tracker

The following lists the reports and trackers important to Purchase Contracts.
The Purchase Contract Schedule Report provides a breakdown of existing Contract POs. This is useful in
viewing schedule requirements for contract POs.
Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
Material Management > Purchase Contracts Management > Reports > Purchase Contract Schedule
The Purchase Contract Schedule Tracker provides contract quantities, contract dates, and current schedule
information regarding purchase contracts.
Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
Material Management > Purchase Contracts Management > General Operations > Purchase Contract Schedule

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Landed Cost
The Landed Cost feature offers significant benefits for customers who import materials on a regular basis. The
cost of freight, insurance, and import duties can have a big impact on margins. You can use this functionality to
track those costs accurately against the parts to which they apply. This ensures that the selling or assembly price
reflects the true cost of the materials, parts, or finished goods.
Note Before working in Landed Cost, be sure that Part Maintenance has the Net Weight, Net Weight
Unit of Measure, Net Volume, and Net Volume Unit of Measure established.
Key Features
Landed Cost key features include:
Consolidate multiple orders with multiple currencies into a single shipment.
Consolidate multiple suppliers into a single shipment.
Distribute duties and indirect costs across the shipment items.
Track inventory losses between supplier shipment records and receiving records.
Track in-transit inventory.
Inquire on part status across all shipments and locations.
Report quantity and cost variance.
In addition, you can use this functionality to define import tariff rates, percentages, and amounts to calculate
the duties for each received item. You can also use weight, value, volume, or quantity to disburse indirect costs
to received items. Each indirect cost contains definable disburse methods.
The following diagram illustrates the Landed Cost flow:


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Process and Calculations

Landed Cost is used to calculate and apply additional costs and duties across items of a supplier shipment. Multiple
purchase orders in various currencies of multiple suppliers can be part of one supplier shipment. Such a supplier
shipment can be for tracked, received, and costed. These costs and duties are applied through a prorating
mechanism to the unit cost of each item received. Information is available before actual receipt of a shipment
and can be entered in Container Landed Cost Entry.
When landed cost invoices are received, they can be prorated across each item of the shipment using one of the
following methods:
Any duty amount is calculated based on tariffs maintained on commodity codes. If an invoice for a cost item is
not available before goods are received, an estimate amount may be used instead. The receipt of goods is has
two-phases, for example, customer shipments; first the records are entered and saved and later the receipt is
marked as received (and costed). When the receipt is marked as received (and costed), the quantities and costs
update in the inventory.

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Landed Cost Setup

Several setup programs must be completed in order to use Landed Cost functionality.

Country Maintenance
Use Country Maintenance to enter country records. A country record includes the ISO code, currency, language,
tax region, default sales taxes, and other country-specific settings.
If your company does business with customers and suppliers in other countries, define country-specific information
in Country Maintenance. This information defaults to all customers and suppliers in the country. It also defaults
to customer ship-to addresses and supplier purchase points.
The country record determines default options for currency, language, and printed address formats. For European
countries, it also configures international border crossing requirements.
The country record is optional if you primarily conduct business within one country.
When a country is not selected, the customer Sold To and Ship To records use the default country setup for
the company.
Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
Financial Management > Accounts Payable > Setup > Country
Financial Management > Accounts Receivable > Setup > Country
Material Management > Purchase Management > Setup > Country
Sales Management > Customer Relationship Management > Setup > Country
Sales Management > Order Management > Setup > Country
Sales Management > Quote Management > Setup > Country
For CRM users, the Main Menu appears as:
Customer Relationship Management > Sales and Marketing Management > Setup > Country
Customer Relationship Management > Order Management > Setup > Country
Customer Relationship Management > Quote Management > Setup > Country

Use the Port sheet to add a port to a country. You can also designate one port per country as a default. Ports
are available in Container Landed Cost Entry.

Workshop - Add Port

In this workshop, add a country port.
Navigate to Country Maintenance.
Menu Path: Material Management > Purchase Management > Setup > Country
1. In the Country field, search for and select Australia.
2. From the New menu, select New Port.
3. Enter the following information:


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XXX SY (where XXX are your initials)


XXX Sydney (where XXX are your initials)

4. Select the Default check box.

This indicates the default port to be used for Landed Costs.
5. Click Save and exit Country Maintenance.

Company Configuration
Company Configuration contains features to enable Landed Cost processing for shipping and receiving goods.

Workshop - Set Up Shipping and Receiving

In this workshop, configure Company Configuration for landed cost.
Navigate to Company Configuration.
Menu Path: System Setup > Company/Site Maintenance > Company Configuration
1. Navigate to the Modules > Materials > Shipping Receiving sheet.
2. In the Landed Cost Defaults pane, verify all check boxes are selected:
Allow Landed Cost In Receipt Entry
Apply Landed Cost After Receipt
Allow Split Container Shipment
Allow Transfer of Indirect Costs
Allow Update of PO Transaction Value
Disable Uplift Percent
3. In the Default Disburse Method field, verify Value is selected.
4. Click Save and exit Company Configuration.

HS Commodity Codes
Use HS Commodity Maintenance to define the commodity codes tracked for Intrastat reporting and landed
costs. The World Customs Organization (WCO) has developed a Harmonized System (HS) of commodity codes.
Most countries have adopted, or are in the process of adopting, a system of commodity codes based on this
Harmonized System.
Tariffs are linked to HS commodity codes rather than individual parts. This eliminates the maintenance of tariffs
on a part-by-part basis.
Note If intrastat is enabled, then the first eight characters of the HS commodity code will become the
intrastat commodity number (ICN).

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Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
Material Management > Inventory Management > Setup > HS Commodity
Material Management > Purchase Management > Setup > HS Commodity
Material Management > Supplier Relationship Management > Setup > HS Commodity
Production Management > Engineering > Setup > HS Commodity
Production Management > Job Management > Setup > HS Commodity
Sales Management > Order Management > Setup > HS Commodity
For CRM users, the Main Menu appears as:
Customer Relationship Management > Order Management > Setup > HS Commodity

Workshop - Harmonized System (HS) Commodity Codes

Dalton Manufacturing must use commodity codes to track Intrastat reporting and landed costs, particularly from
suppliers in the European Union. In this workshop, add a Harmonized System (HS) commodity code that classifies
a group of goods.
Navigate to HS Commodity Maintenance.
Menu Path: Material Management > Inventory Management > Setup > HS Commodity
1. Click New.
2. In the Code field, enter XXX SY1 (where XXX are your initials).
3. In the Description field, enter XXX Sydney (where XXX are your initials).
4. Enter the following information:


Statistical Import Code


Statistical Export Code


Import Code


Export Code


For each instance, XXX are your initials.

5. Click Save and exit HS Commodity Maintenance.

Import Preference Scheme Maintenance

Use Import Preference Scheme Maintenance as the first step to set up tariffs to calculate landed cost duties.
With this program, you can identify a group of countries with the same tariff rules and regulations to become
part of a preference scheme.
Important Import Preference Scheme Maintenance is available only if your landed cost license is active.


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A preference scheme can apply to one country or a group of countries. Most countries have trade agreements
(preference schemes) that lift duties or have lower tariffs.
Example For example, Australia and New Zealand are typically referred to as ANZ in regards to import
tariff regulations because they share the same import and export regulations and tariffs.
This program functions in conjunction with Import Tariff Maintenance and HS Commodity Maintenance.
Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
Material Management > Purchase Management > Setup > Import Preference Scheme

Workshop - Create the Import Preference Scheme

Dalton Manufacturing wishes to define an import preference scheme for Australia and New Zealand.
Navigate to Import Preference Scheme Maintenance.
Menu Path: Material Management > Purchase Management > Setup > Import Preference Scheme
1. From the New menu, select New Preference Scheme.
2. In the Code field, enter XXX-ANZ and XXX Australia and New Zealand (where XXX are your initials).
3. From the New menu, select New Preference Scheme Country.
4. In the Country field, select Australia and press Enter.
5. In the Country field, select New Zealand.
6. Click Save and exit Import Preferences Scheme Maintenance.

Import Tariff Maintenance

Use Import Tariff Maintenance to set up import tariff rates and link them to codes created in Import Preference
Scheme Maintenance and HS Commodity Maintenance.
Important Import Tariff Maintenance is available only if your landed cost license is active.
Import Tariff Maintenance calculates landed cost tariffs and duties. You can apply rates based on a standard rate
amount or percentage, and define maximum and minimum duty amounts to apply to a shipment. You can also
link a commodity code list to a tariff code and apply these codes to a tariff. One or more tariffs can be used to
calculate the duty on one shipment item. Duties depend on the country of origin of the item. Most countries
have trade agreements (preference schemes) that lift duties or have lower tariffs. A preference scheme applies
to one country or to a group of countries.
Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
Material Management > Purchase Management > Setup > Import Tariff

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Workshop - Import Tariff

In this workshop, create a new import tariff for Australia and New Zealand.
Navigate to Import Tariff Maintenance.
Menu Path: Material Management > Purchase Management > Setup > Import Tariff
1. From the New menu, select New Tariff.
2. Enter the following information:



XXX-ANZI (where XXX are your initials)


XXX ANZ Import (where XXX are your initials)


XXX Australia and New Zealand (where XXX are your initials)

Tariff Rate






Minimum Duty


Maximum Duty


Duty calculation:
(Total shipment quantity X Tariff Rate) + (Total shipment value X Percent) + Amount = Duty
If total calculated duty amount is less than the minimum duty amount, the minimum duty amount is used.
If total calculated duty amount is more than the maximum duty amount, the maximum duty amount is used.
3. From the New menu, select New Commodity Code.
4. In the HS Commodity Code field, select XXX-SY1 (where XXX are your initials).
5. Click Save and exit Import Tariff Maintenance.

Miscellaneous Charge/Credit Maintenance

Use Purchasing Miscellaneous Charge/Credit Maintenance to define charges or credits that apply to purchase
orders. Select the general ledger controls that define the accounts to which the credits or charges post. Examples
include freight charges and expediting fees.
Important These miscellaneous charges are not the same charges you set up in the Order Management
or Accounts Receivable modules. You pay these charges to suppliers. Your customers pay the miscellaneous
charges set up in the Order Management and Accounts Receivable modules.
Menu Path
Navigate to this program from the Main Menu:
Financial Management > Accounts Payable > Setup > Miscellaneous Charge/Credit
Material Management > Purchase Management > Setup > Miscellaneous Charge/Credit


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Service Management > Expense Management > Setup > Miscellaneous Charge/Credit

Workshop - Miscellaneous Charge/Credit

In this workshop, create a new miscellaneous charge.
Navigate to Purchasing Miscellaneous Charge/Credit Maintenance.
Menu Path: Material Management > Purchase Management > Setup > Miscellaneous Charge/Credit
1. From the New menu, select New Charge.
2. In the Charge ID field, enter XXX (where XXX are your initials) and XXX Charge 1 (where XXX are your
initials) as the description.
3. Select the Landed Cost check box.
Indicates that this code applies landed costs.
4. In the Landed Cost Method field, select or verify Value displays.
5. In the Cost Amount field, enter 30.
This cost amount applies to the Miscellaneous Charge code.
6. Accept the default currency.
7. Click Save and exit Purchasing Miscellaneous Charge/Credit Maintenance.

Supplier Shipment Classes

Use Supplier Shipment Class Maintenance to set up the characteristics of common containers to be shipped.
This includes volume and default cost information. The shipment class is referenced when creating container
Menu Path: Material Management > Shipping / Receiving > Setup > Supplier Shipment Class

Workshop - Supplier Shipment Classes

Dalton Manufacturing wishes to set up the characteristics of common containers used for shipments from Australia
and New Zealand, and link it to their defined indirect codes. In this workshop, add a supplier shipment class and
link the created indirect cost code to it.
Navigate to Supplier Shipment Class Maintenance.
Menu Path: Material Management > Shipping / Receiving > Setup > Supplier Shipment Class
1. From the New menu, select New Shipment Class.
2. Enter the following information:


Shipment Class

XXX-1ANZ (where XXX are your initials)


XXX Containers from ANZ (where XXX are your initials)

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Loading Port

XXX Sydney (where XXX are your initials)

Discharging Port

XXX Sydney (where XXX are your initials)


100 L


50 KG

3. From the New menu, select New Indirect Cost.

4. In the Charge ID field, select XXX Charge 1 (where XXX are your initials).
5. In the Charge ID field, select XXX (where XXX are your initials).
XXX Charge 1 (where XXX are your initials) displays as the description.
6. Click Save and exit Supplier Shipment Class Maintenance.

Workshop - Landed Cost Entry

This workshop demonstrates the process of entering landed costs.

Create Purchase Orders

In this workshop, add two purchase orders for different suppliers. Each purchase order has two lines, and must
be for parts that contain a valid HS Commodity Code. In a later workshop, the landed costs are disbursed among
the four line items created in this workshop. Create two purchase orders.
Navigate to Purchase Order Entry.
Menu Path: Material Management > Purchase Management > General Operations > Purchase Order Entry

Create Purchase Order #1

1. From the New menu, select New PO.
2. Navigate to the Header > Detail sheet.
3. In the Buyer field, select your name.
4. In the Supplier field, search for and select A-Z Metals.
5. From the New menu, select New Line.
The Lines > Detail sheet displays.
6. Enter the following information:






Our Qty

Unit Price


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7. From the New menu, select New Line.

8. Enter the following information:




Our Qty

Unit Price


9. Click Save.
10. Navigate to the Summary sheet.
11. Record PO number _______________.
12. Select the Unapproved check box.
The Approved status displays.
13. Click Save.

Create Purchase Order #2

1. From the New menu, select New PO.
2. Navigate to the Header > Detail sheet.
3. In the Buyer field, select your name.
4. In the Supplier field, search for and select Gecco Steel.
5. From the New menu, select New Line.
The Lines > Detail sheet displays.
6. Enter the following information:




Our Qty

Unit Price


7. From the New menu, select New Line.

8. Enter the following information:




Our Qty

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Unit Price


9. Click Save.
10. Navigate to the Summary sheet.
11. Record PO number _______________.
12. Select the Unapproved check box.
The Approved status displays.
13. Click Save and exit Purchase Order Entry.

Enter the Shipment

Create the shipment for the two POs using one container. Parts must have a commodity code.
Navigate to Container Landed Cost Entry.
Menu Path: Material Management > Shipping / Receiving > General Operations > Container Landed Cost Entry
1. From the New menu, select New Shipment.
Record the Shipment ID _______________.
2. In the Description field, enter XXX Container LC (where XXX are your initials).
3. In the Status field, verify Ordered.
The status of the shipment determines the availability of other functions, such as Transfer of Indirect Costs.
For example, if the status selected is Arrived, the container is not eligible for Transfer of Indirect Costs.
4. In the Shipping Option field, select Create New.
Select the option that determines how to handle discrepant quantities between the original PO release and
the shipped quantity:
Create New - The PO release quantity is reduced to the shipping quantity, and a new PO release is
created for the difference between the shipped quantity and the original quantity.
Ship Short - The PO release quantity is reduced.
None - No action taken.
5. In the Receipt Options field, select Create New.
Select the option that determines how to handle discrepant quantities between the original PO release and
the received quantity:
Create New - The PO release quantity is reduced to the shipping quantity, and a new PO release is
created for the difference between the shipped quantity and the original quantity.
Arrive Short- The PO release quantity is reduced.
None- No action taken.
6. In the Shipment Class field, select XXX Containers from ANZ (where XXX are your initials).


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7. Click Save.
8. Navigate to the Lines > Details sheet.
9. From the Actions menu, select Add Multiple Shipment Lines.
10. Search for and select all four lines for the purchase orders created in the previous workshop.
11. Click Save and remain in Container Landed Cost Entry.

Edit the Indirect Costs

Enter indirect costs, prorated across the Container Landed Cost lines. These costs could be miscellaneous charges
such as insurance, freight, or handling costs.
1. Navigate to the Header > Indirect Costs > Details sheet.
2. From the New menu, select New Shipment Indirect Costs.
3. In the Supplier field, enter A-ZM and press Tab.
4. Verify the Charge field is XXX (where XXX are your initials).
5. Clear the Include in Transaction Value check box.
When selected, this indirect charge increases the transaction value used for disbursement.
6. Select the Lock check box.
The Currency, Rate Type, and Exchange Rate fields become available.
7. In the Rate Type field, select Main Rate Type.
8. In the Disburse Method field, select Weight.
9. Click Save.
10. On the Landed Cost does not equal the disbursed amount message, click OK
11. Remain in Container Landed Cost Entry.

Disburse the Indirect Costs

Re-calculate the indirect costs per Container Landed Cost line.
1. Navigate to the Landed Costs sheet.
The quantity used in the quantity calculation method depends on the status of the shipment. In this workshop,
the part has been shipped. The Shipped Quantity is used for the calculation.
2. In the Disburse Method field, select Indirect Cost Method.
This determines the calculation method for disbursing the landed cost to the shipment lines. A message
displays, stating that your landed costs do not equal the disbursement amount. This serves as a reminder
to complete the disbursement process.

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When the Indirect Cost Method is selected, the calculation method of each indirect cost is used. Each
indirect cost line that has the same calculation method is grouped together and the landed cost is disbursed
3. Click the Disburse Indirect Cost button.
The landed cost is disbursed to the shipment lines. The Landed Cost and Disbursement Amount must be
4. Navigate to the Header > Detail sheet.
5. In the Status field, select Shipped.
6. Click Save and exit Container Landed Cost Entry.

Complete the Shipment

Navigate to Container Receipt.
Menu Path: Material Management > Shipping / Receiving > General Operations > Container Receipt Entry
1. In the Shipment ID field, search for and select the shipment created in the previous workshop.
2. Select the Stock > Detail sheet.
3. In the tree view, under the Arrived node, select the first line.
4. Select the Line Received check box.
5. Click Save.
6. Navigate to the Contents > Arrived sheet.
7. Select the Received check boxes for the remaining lines.
Note This is not to be confused with Received Complete. Scroll to the right to display the Received

8. Navigate to the Contents > Received sheet.

The Packing Slip numbers are displayed. A separate number is created for each purchase order.
Record the Packing Slip numbers ____________.
9. Click Save and exit Container Receipt.

Process an AP Invoice
Navigate to AP Invoice Entry.
Menu Path: Financial Management > Accounts Payable > General Operations > Invoice Entry
1. From the New menu, select New Group.
2. In the Group field, enter XXX (where XXX are your initials).
3. From the New menu, select New Invoice.


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The Header > Detail sheet displays.

4. In the Ref PO field, enter one of the PO numbers created in the previous workshop and press Tab.
5. In the Invoice field, enter 1.
6. In the Invoice Date field, select today's date.
7. In the Amount field, enter 151.00
8. From the New menu, select New Receipt Line.
9. Click the Select All button.
10. Click the Create Lines button.
11. Click Save.
12. Repeat steps 3 - 10 for the other PO number created in the previous workshop.
13. From the Actions menu, select Group > Post.
The AP Invoice Post Process window displays.
14. Click Submit.
The invoices post to the General Ledger.
15. Close the AP Invoice Post Process window.
The invoices are cleared from the sheet.
16. Exit AP Invoice Entry.

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Purchase Management Course

Congratulations! You have completed the Purchase Management course.


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Purchase Management Course


Additional Purchase Management Information.
Cost Types
Transaction Types

Cost Types
Cost type is initially setup in the company configuration. The cost type for each item may be different. For example,
finished goods may be at a standard cost, while raw material may be an average cost.
A part's cost type may be changed only when the on-hand quantity of the part is zero. The actual cost of the
item may be changed at any time using Cost Adjustment.
Available costing methods:
Average Cost - This method calculates a weighted average of all receipt costs for this part.
FIFO - This is an abbreviation for First In First Out. This method assumes that the next quantity to be issued
or shipped from stock is the oldest quantity stored in the warehouse. As long as quantity remains from the
original received quantity, the Epicor application uses this cost value until the entire quantity from the original
receipt is consumed.
Last Cost - This method calculates the most recent receipt cost for this part.
Lot Average Cost - This method calculates an average cost of all parts in a lot. This is the total cost, divided
by the total quantity, for all parts in a lot.
Lot FIFO - This method determines the cost of all parts in a lot by using the FIFO costing method described
Standard Cost - This method calculates a set cost that you establish and enter for this part. You define and
update the standard cost for each part in the Costing Workbench.
If a part shipped using Customer Shipment Entry is standard costed, the shipment from Work In Process
(WIP) MFG-CUS transaction captures the standard unit cost for the part rather than actual costs from the job.
If there are variances between the standard cost for the part and the actual costs of the job, the Epicor
application creates a MFG-VAR transaction for the remaining WIP balances.

Transaction Types
Transaction types classify part transactions. This is helpful when researching a part in the Part Tracker or when
running the Material Transaction Detail report.
ADJ-MTL - Adjustment to job cost material.
ADJ-SUB - Adjustment to job cost subcontract.
ADJ-PUR - Adjustment to purchase cost variance.

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ADJ-CST - Adjustment to stock cost.

ADJ-QTY - Adjustment to stock quantity.
Discrepant Material Reporting (DMR)
DMR-MTL - DMR to job material.
DMR-REJ - DMR to reject.
DMR-SUB - DMR to subcontract.
STK-DMR - Stock to DMR.
SUB-DMR - Subcontract to DMR.
DMR-STK - DMR to stock.
Inspection Processing
ASM-INS - Assembly to inspection.
INS-ASM - Inspection to assembly.
INS-DMR - Inspection to DMR.
INS-MTL - Inspection to job material.
INS-STK - Inspection to stock.
INS-REJ - Inspection to reject.
INS-SUB - Inspection to subcontract.
STK-INS - Stock to inspection.
SUB-INS - Subcontract to inspection.
MFG-WIP - Manufacturing receipt to job.
MFG-PLT - Manufacturing receipt to site.
MFG-STK - Manufacturing receipt to stock.
MFG-VAR - Manufacturing variance.
MTL-DMR - Job material to DMR.
MTL-INS - Job material to inspection.
PLT-ASM - site to assembly.
PLT-MTL - site to job material.
PLT-STK - site to stock.
PUR-INS - Purchase receipt to inspection.
PUR-MTL - Purchase receipt to job material.
PUR-STK - Purchase receipt to stock.
PUR-SUB - Purchase receipt to subcontract.
PUR-UKN - Purchase receipt to unknown.


Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.2

Purchase Management Course


Return Material Processing

RMA-INS - RMA receipt to inspection.
Salvage Material Processing
SVG-STK - Salvage material receipt to stock.
MFG-CUS - Shipment of manufacturing job to customer.
MFG-VEN - Shipment of manufacturing job to supplier.
STK-CUS - Shipment of stock to customer.
Stock Transactions
STK-ASM - Stock to job assembly.
STK-MTL - Stock to job material.
STK-PLT - Stock to site.
STK-SRV - Stock to service.
STK-STK - Stock to stock transfer.
STK-UNK - Stock to unknown.

Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.2



Purchase Management Course


change po suggestions 69

site maintenance 32

new po suggestions 65


Epicor ERP | 10.0.700.2

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