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Business Ethics &

Corporate Governance
Final Project

Submitted by:
Muhammad Saqib Siddiqui
Program: EMBA
Registration No. 125802

Serco in Confidence

Personal-Professional Profile
1. In your definition of a well-run Company, how important are the following?
Please indicate whether each one of the following is very important, somewhat important,
or not important at all.
a.) Provides excellent customer service
Very important

Somewhat important

Not important at all

b.) Has efficient and flexible operations

Very important

Somewhat important

Not important at all

c.) Offers high financial return to shareholders

Very important

Somewhat important

Not important at all

d.) Attracts and retains exceptional people

Very important

Somewhat important

Not important at all

e.) Creates products or services that benefit society

Very important

Somewhat important

Not important at all

f.) Adheres to a strong mission

Very important

Somewhat important

Not important at all

g.) Invests in employee training and professional development

Very important

Somewhat important

Not important at all

h.) Operates according to its values and a strong code of ethics

Very important

Somewhat important

Not important at all

Somewhat important

Not important at all

i.) Is a stable employer

Very important

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j.) Provides competitive compensation

Very important

Somewhat important

Not important at all

k.) Adheres to progressive environmental policies

Very important

Somewhat important

Not important at all

l.) Produces high-quality products and services

Very important

Somewhat important

Not important at all

2. Would you add something to the above list that you think is very important? If so,
3. Which of the following issues pose the greatest challenges for todays CEOs and senior
Please choose a maximum of three alternatives.
- Breakdown in trust between employees and management.
- Product safety and liability.
- Economic downturn
4. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?
Please indicate whether you "strongly agree, "somewhat agree, somewhat disagree, or
"strongly disagree with each of the following statements:
a.) Business people are more likely to care about the social responsibilities of companies
when the economy is strong.
Strongly agree

Somewhat agree

Somewhat disagree

Strongly disagree

b.) When a multi-national company is entering a new market in a less-developed country, it

has a responsibility to go above and beyond business success and contribute to the
development of the local community.
Strongly agree

Somewhat agree

Somewhat disagree

Strongly disagree

c.) When it comes to the environment, all a company has to do is to comply with the law.
Strongly agree

Somewhat agree

Somewhat disagree

Serco in Confidence

Strongly disagree

d.) Companies should maintain their employees job security even if they incur a shortterm drop in profit as a result.
Strongly agree

Somewhat agree

Somewhat disagree

Strongly disagree

e.) Most companies accurately report their earnings and profits.

Strongly agree

Somewhat agree

Somewhat disagree

Strongly disagree

f.) Corporate reputation is important to me in making my decision about the organization

where I want to work.
Strongly agree

Somewhat agree

Somewhat disagree

Strongly disagree

g.) Managers place too much emphasis on short-term performance measures when making
business decisions.
Strongly agree

Somewhat agree

Somewhat disagree

Strongly disagree

h.) I anticipate that my own values will sometimes conflict with what I am asked to do in
Strongly agree

Somewhat agree

Somewhat disagree

Strongly disagree

5. If you answered the above statement 4h with somewhat agree or strongly agree,
please specify which kinds of values conflicts you expect to face:
For example, I might have to consider holding back a truthful response because the client would
likely be upset or harmed by it. Or the divulging of information to help one person may involve
breaking anothers confidence. This might lead to a loss of my integrity or credibility.
6. Assume you are engaged in each of the following business activities/practices. How likely
do you think it is that values conflicts would arise?
Please indicate whether it is very likely, somewhat likely, or not likely at all that values
conflicts would arise.
a.) Managing personnel in manufacturing facilities/ plants
Very likely
Somewhat likely
Not likely at all
b.) Outsourcing production operations
Very likely
Somewhat likely

Not likely at all

c.) Investing in less-developed countries

Very likely
Somewhat likely

Not likely at all

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d.) Downsizing
Very likely

Somewhat likely

Not likely at all

e.) Financial reporting

Very likely

Somewhat likely

Not likely at all

f.) Natural resource exploration

Very likely
Somewhat likely

Not likely at all

g.) Awarding stock options

Very likely
Somewhat likely

Not likely at all

h.) Setting executive compensation levels

Very likely
Somewhat likely

Not likely at all

i.) Conducting performance reviews

Very likely
Somewhat likely

Not likely at all

j.) Interacting with government officials

Very likely
Somewhat likely

Not likely at all

k.) Raising or borrowing capital

Very likely
Somewhat likely

Not likely at all

l.) Negotiating with suppliers or customers

Very likely
Somewhat likely

Not likely at all

7. If you find that your values conflict with those of the company where you work, how
likely is it that you will:
Please indicate whether it is very likely, somewhat likely, or not likely at all
a.) Not mind too much
Very likely

Somewhat likely

Not likely at all

b.) Experience it as stressful

Very likely
Somewhat likely

Not likely at all

c.) Quietly handle the stress

Very likely
Somewhat likely

Not likely at all

d.) Look for another job

Very likely

Not likely at all

Somewhat likely

Serco in Confidence

e.) Speak up about your objections

Very likely
Somewhat likely

Not likely at all

f.) Advocate alternative values or approaches within the company

Very likely
Somewhat likely
Not likely at all
g.) Try to get others to join you in addressing your concerns
Very likely
Somewhat likely
Not likely at all
8. Think of a few occasions when you encountered a values conflict in your previous work
experience. Recall how you handled the situations. Would you characterize yourself and
your behavior as that of?
I have previously worked in a multinational bank. We had a collection and recovery department
there which had a collection and recovery manager and below him was his team of 5 to 6
persons. The team had the task to collect non paid loans from delinquent customers and the more
the collection they did, the more was there commission for each recovery. So, the whole team
including the manager used to make self minimum payments on behalf of the customers in order
to show that they have achieved their target recoveries and in turn claimed their high
Although I had the knowledge of the unethical practices being carried out by the department but
since my department was totally different, I thought of not reporting to the issue to the concerned
top personals as it was none of my concern and subsequently had no impact on me. So in my
opinion I was a pragmatist.
9. If you placed yourself in the category of pragmatist, what can you do to maximize the
likelihood that you will act on your ideals? What competencies will you need?
I have to be more determined and raise my conscience more so that I can speak up for what I feel is
wrong as the biggest problem isnt the sin; its the silence of not reporting about it and let it grow. I should
make myself strong enough to stand by my words and ideas. To achieve this, I have to develop good
reasoning and logical reporting skills so that I can support my viewpoint with facts and justifications. I
should have a convincing way of talking and should know how to use the right selection of words in order
to convey my ideas to others.

10. Think of someone you deeply respect. What are the 2 or 3 characteristics you most
admire in this person?
The person whom I deeply respect is my previous employer (My Manager). His most admirable
characteristics are:

He used to remain calm and relaxed in pressurized and stressful situations and also made
his team stays calm rather than further mismanage the situation.
He always used to cover up and support his teams mistakes instead of blaming them as
to why did they make a mistake.

Serco in Confidence

He was very diligent and always took the whole of the team together helping each and
every person in the team and encouraging them to work as one.

11. Who are you at your best?

I am an honest, hard working person who lives and works in compliance with my personal moral
beliefs and try to practice my religious duties and obligations in order to fulfill the will of Allah
and find lasting meaning in everything that I do.
12. Name your 3 or 4 deepest values.

Be honest and loyal to those who are close to me.

To become a known and respected authority in what I do.
To be innovative create new and better ways of doing things.
To learn and do challenging work that will help me grow and utilize my best talents and
mature me as a human being.

13. What is the one sentence you would like to see in your obituary that captures who you
really were in your life?
It is not the length of life, but the depth of life that matters or The song has ended, but the
melody will linger on

14. Questions of Purpose:

What is your personal purpose for your business career?
My mission is to act as an instrument of positive change in my work and my community. I will
utilize all of the talents that God has given me and will participate in all aspects of my life with
energy, purpose and gratitude. I will utilize my talents in strategy and administration to ensure
that my workplace is productive and positive and my community is responsive and growing. I
will look for strengths in others, and the good in every situation. I want to ensure that I do what I
can to create a learning environment everywhere I go, to live with an attitude of gratitude and
repay every kindness shown to me. I believe in living each day to the fullest and in treating
others with the same respect that I myself deserve.

15. Questions of Risk:

a.) Are you a risk-taker or risk-averse?
I am a risk aversive person as I try not to undertake actions or tasks that have uncertain or vague
b.) What are the greatest risks you face in your line of work? Are they personal (e.g.,
livelihood, deportation, legal punishment) or are they professional (e.g., harm to customers,

Serco in Confidence

employees, the firm), or are they societal (e.g., impact on environment, profession, industry,

Personal risks like risk of losing my job.

Professional risks like the huge amount of cash transfer payments I make everyday
which if done incorrectly can cause a great loss to the stake holders not only in terms of a
wrong bank transfer but also an ill-repute.

d.) What levels of risk can and cant you live with?
Levels of risks that I can live with include;
Temporary loss of livelihood.
Minor punishments for small mistakes at work.
Levels of risk that I cant live with:
Risk of losing my integrity, respect and credibility.
Legal punishments or deportation.
Risk from any act of mine that can result in a serious loss of any person.

16. Questions of Personal Communication Style/Preference:

a.) Do you deal well with conflict or are you non-confrontational? Under what
circumstances do you behave in each way?
I prefer to deal with any conflict situations by talking them out, discussing the whole situation
with the concerned person and trying to sort things out. However, I am non-confrontational in
some situations where I know that the other person will not listen logically to my arguments.
b.) Do you prefer communicating in person or in writing?
I prefer communicating in person as it tends to give me the opportunity to read the body
language of the other person that might not be visible else wise. Communicating in person allows
me to share my strategy and explain it clearly.
c.) Do you think best from the gut and in-the-moment or do you need to take time out to
reflect and craft your communications?
I take time to craft my communications, choosing the right mix of words and phrases, trying to
be concise and to the point and also plan how to start and finish my communication in order to
ensure that it is effective and brings out the desirable result that I expect.
e.) Do you assert your position with statements or do you use questions to communicate?
I use statements to assert my position, in certain situations I use empathic assertion in order to
ensure the other person that I am aware and sensitive to his/her needs and position. While at
Serco in Confidence

certain times I negatively assert my position when the other persons actions and words are
having an undesirable effect on me.

17. Questions of Loyalty:

a.) Do you tend to feel the greatest loyalty to family; work colleagues; your firm/employer;
or to other stakeholders, such as customers?
I tend to be greatly loyal towards my family as they are the one for whom I do everything. They
are the ones for who I look for and who are loyal and supportive to me through thick and thin.
They are the ones who will never harm me and always guide me with a right and positive
direction in every aspect of my life.
b.) Under what conditions and given what stakes?
As I mentioned that I feel the greatest loyalty towards my family. For instance, if I have an
important meeting and one of my family member is very ill so I will leave my meeting or work
assignment for my family. I can later try to make my employer understand the urgency and
importance of prioritizing my family over the work assignment.

18. Questions of Self-Image:

a.) Do you see yourself as shrewd or nave?
I consider myself as nave as I most of the times behave and speak up very honestly to people
about matters of importance which is nowadays not an acceptable social norm these days. I find
myself. Most of the times, at a loss of understanding the politics that people do either at my
office or in relationships which goes beyond my scope of understanding. Though I have with
time started to read and understand such behaviors of people but still I find myself still unable to
behave and display diplomacy or socially desirable acts/words in front of people. However with
some people I have understood their true self and I try my best to behave with them the way they
do so I am trying to progress the levels of shrewdness with time.
b.) As idealistic or pragmatic?
I am a pragmatist as I stand up with a controversial viewpoint only to the extent till which t does
not harm me personally. Beyond that point, I though do try to ensure that some other person
might not get seriously harmed but that too also up to a limit.
c.) As a learner or as a teacher?
I see myself as a learner, constantly learning from people around me, observing and imitating
their good values and actions.

Serco in Confidence

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