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Grow With Us

July 30th, 2014

E-Payment Programme
The team at NWK head office would like to
thank all who participated and helped run
the e-payment days in Petauke, Katete and
There was a number of farmers present at
each event. The events acted as a platform
for Barclays, Zanaco and FNB to sell their
services, with the intention of providing the
farmer with the opportunity to learn more
about reliable, safe and secure banking.
Over the next few months we plan to
expand our reach throughout the country.
Agricultural managers in the East will be
going to sheds and running e-payment days
with farmers. We will look to move into
Mumbwa and conduct a launch event in the
next few months. The intention is to move
the majority of farmers onto an E-payment
platform by the end of 2014.

Are you still unsure about the

benefits of the E-pay programme?
Benefits for the farmer
Since the beginning Dunavant farmers have been paid in cash. This presents many problems for
ourselves and our farmers, such as access to market, transport to sheds to receive payment,
queues for payment, and secure storage of the cash received by farmers. Banking is currently an
intimidating concept for the farmer, however with the service providers on board, we have the

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perfect opportunity to help our fellow farmers advance into the future with reliable secure
Can you imagine being paid your monthly wage in cash, but first having to travel hours away to
receive your payment? Once there you will have to queue in a large line with all other employees
seeking to receive payments. Then once you finally get your payment you become security
conscious as you wonder what would happen if your neighbours friend heard that you hide your
money under your mattress/bed/etc.?
Benefits for the company
The current cash payment system is costly in both time and money. The more payments NWK
can conduct electronically the quicker and more convenient the process. Offering these services
can potentially help improve farmer retention, as well as unnecessary cost inconveniences.

What are we looking for from NWK Staff Members

In the next few weeks we will be arranging for NWK Agricultural Managers to work together in
understanding the benefits of these services and how to move beyond the challenges.
As an NWK Agricultural Manager, your job will be to help farmers understand the benefit of
these services, and answer any questions they may have. You are the face of NWK that they
trust, help them trust E-Payment and move towards a better future.

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