Multiple Intelligence - Bananian PDF

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Integrating Technology in Education Level 2

Instructor: Karen Young

Student: Srpouhi Bananian
Assignment #3 Dates: January 17th, 2010

Multiple Intelligence

Gardner’s theory of Multiple Intelligence reveals the strengths and weaknesses one has within himself
or herself during a specific activity. I took the Multiple Intelligence inventory, most of the results met my
expectations, except the interpersonal outcome which surprised me as a person who advocated herself
to be helpful to her surrounding and I worked diligently to motivate my students to achieve success. My
highest score was Music, though I expected Linguistic to be my intelligence factor. However, going back
to my years of teaching English as a Foreign and Second language, I remember tapping on the table or
clapping with my hands to teach rhyming and syllables. I used to do a lot of tongue twister games with
different tunes involved to motivate all students to participate.

The results of my intelligence test are:

 Linguistic 39
 Mathematics 30
 Visual Spatial 38
 Body Kinesthetic 41
 Naturalistic 36
 Music 46
 Interpersonal 33
 Intrapersonal 34

Each student has a strength which will enable him or her to receive and perceive the information of
different subject areas smoothly and with much confidence. As a teacher, I need to address the
students’ points of strength to motivate their interest, and enable them to construct the information
provided to them adequately and without struggling. Technology combines several areas of literacy;
such as the visual, the print, the audio, the informational, the writing and reading. And by integrating
technology in the classroom, I believe we will cover the needs of most of the students and ensure

 The students with the Linguistic intelligence will use rich vocabulary; written and spoken
language and their strengths rely on their phonemic awareness, decoding, analyzing complex
structured sentences in literature. And in order to sharpen those students’ comprehension skills
even more, we, as teachers, can integrate different activities; such as Pals Activities that enrich
reading skills, the Teacher’s Desk which contains vocabulary activities and Web use to read and
interpret information.,,
 For those who investigate, learn and manipulate with numbers through their Mathematical
Intelligence, the teacher can use critical thinking software that involves them in positively
challenging tasks. The teacher may help them calculate and problem solve by using the SCORE
Mathematics Lessons. On the other hand, students may use the Power Point to show results of a
mathematical problem. ,
and-Time/3000-2053_4-10010048.html?tag=mncol ,

 Students with Spatial Intelligence can think and create pictures easily based on their visually
organized approach to analyze something. Thus, the puzzle building tools, digital cameras, and
online games based on matching and sequencing and animation software will help them think
creatively and broaden their visual

 Students who have excellent fine and gross motor skills obtain the Bodily- kinesthetic
Intelligence. Dancing and acting are parts of their skills, and the teacher may help them make a
literature based thematic unit and present it as video production. The virtual Field Trip is
another technology based activity that needs creativity.,,

 People who learn through auditory expressions, their strength is based on their Musical
Intelligence. Teachers may encourage students use audio video recorders to present or create
Musicals; creating back ground music for a poetry presentation by the help of Music
composition software. These students can even enjoy reading literature through interactive
books with audio elements. ,

 Recognizing animals and plants means the ability to interact with the environment relying on
their Naturalist Intelligence. Teachers can help children to use the MapQuest to see an area they
want to visit and write about using the word processing. The audio video cameras will help
these students to connect the visual literacy with print literacy.,

 Regulating one’s own thoughts, emotions and feeling means that the person has good self
understanding and his or her Intrapersonal Intelligence will help him or her to achieve the
intended goals. Those students like researching, keeping diaries and recording their personal
ideas. They can create their own Blogs, do internet research and use the computer based
journaling to record information; enriching their reading literacy and sharpening their writing
skills. ,

 Teachers, who have the Interpersonal Intelligence, have the ability to collaborate with others,
motivate the people around him or her to pursue their goals. Students who have the
Interpersonal Intelligence like coordinating and getting involved in fruitful discussions through
social networks and emails enriching their speaking literacy. In addition the inquiry based
activities such as Web Quests will help broaden their critical thinking., l ttp://

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