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AP Spanish Language and Culture Syllabus

Course Overview
Students who choose to take AP Spanish Language and Culture
course are at the stage in their language learning where guidance
and practice in the expansion and application of their knowledge
base is key. As most, if not all, basic grammar points and verb forms
have been covered in previous courses, students at the AP level face
the particular challenge of interacting effectively in the language
rather than learning about the language.
This course is designed to help students hone their comprehension
and communication skills in Spanish, with the goal of moving into a
basic level of fluency in the language across a variety of topics. To
this end, Spanish is spoken almost exclusively in the classroom by
both teacher and students, except in the few cases where
expediency in comprehension supersedes the need for maximum
exposure to the language. Emphasis is placed on developing
students' circumlocution skills and using their knowledge base to
communicate as accurately and effectively as possible. In addition,
expanded and targeted vocabulary study and exposure to authentic
written, audio, and video sources will serve to further develop an
"eye" and an "ear" for the language, helping students to employ
effective comprehension strategies. Finally, students will be
prepared to accurately represent their communication and
comprehension skills to the College Board on the AP Spanish
Language and Culture exam.
Various activities and assessments will target the aims outlined
above. In pairs, small groups, and/or class-wide discussions,
students will debate topics from different point of view, engage in

impromptu role plays, summarize/respond to written, audio, or

visual prompts, interact with one another and others on-line, etc.
Students will build customized lists of vocabulary culled from
authentic sources. Throughout the year, students will investigate
various products, practices, and perspectives of an assigned region
of the Spanish-speaking world, presenting their findings to the class
and making comparisons to their home culture. Written and spoken
communication will be assessed according to corresponding AP
rubrics, allowing students to target areas for improvement.
Additionally, mock/practice AP test sections are progressively
integrated into the units, each of which touches on at least two of
the six course themes: Global Challenges, Science and Technology,
Contemporary Life, Personal and Public Identities, Families and
Communities, and Beauty and Aesthetics.

Unit One: El Herosmo El Amor, el Temor, el Valor, y el Honor

Course Themes: Personal and Public Identities, Families and Communities, Contemporary Life
Essential Questions: What makes a hero? How do historic and/or contemporary heroes affect our lives? Why and how are historical figures
Learning Objectives
Spoken Interpersonal
Spoken Presentational

Spoken Presentational

Spoken Presentational

Written Interpersonal


Instructional Activities and Assessments

Instructional Activity: Characteristics of Heroes
Students view slides of current and historic figures and engage in large
group discussion about whether the figure deserves being called a hero.
Students then are given a few minutes to come up with a working definition
of the word hero and each relates his/her ideas to the class in a oneminute monolog. Then, again in large group, we look for similarities and
differences between the definitions.
Instructional Activity: Cultural Investigation Historical Figures
Students are assigned a region of the Spanish-Speaking word that will be
the focus of their cultural investigations for the entire year. In this
investigation, students will be assigned two historical figures from their
region. The will investigate and put together a brief spoken presentation on
each figure and his/her cultural legacy as revealed in products, practices,
and/or perspectives found in the region. Presentations are made to the
class from memory and last two minutes.
Formative Assessment: Cultural Comparison The legacy of Historical
Students record themselves using, comparing the legacy of
one of the historical figures from their region of study with the legacy of a
historical figure from their own context.
Formative Assessment: Nominating a local hero
Students respond to an email from a local magazine editor asking the
student to nominate someone for their Hero of the Month column, citing
reasons for their choice.

Written and Print Interpretive

Audio, Visual, and Audiovisual
Interpretive Communication

On-line image gallery: Cien aos

de Cantinflas Ah est el

Audio, Visual, and Audiovisual

Interpretive Communication

Film Clip: El Portero (Qu es


Written Presentational

On-line article: Soy pirata y

navego en los mares


Selected Activities from:

AP Spanish Language
and Culture Exam
Preparation (VHL)
AP Spanish (PH)

Instructional Activity: Meet Cantinflas

Students view the BBC Mundo slideshow honoring the 100 anniversary of
the birth of Cantinflas, making a note of unfamiliar vocabulary while reading
for comprehension. Students then make a written list of the ways in which
Cantinflas could be considered a hero based on earlier discussion. Students
share their lists in pairs and with the class.
Instructional Activity: Cantinflas in Action
Students watch the clip from the Cantinflas film, El Portero, where
Cantinflas takes over a class and gives his fellow students a grammar lesson.
As they watch, students identify themes highlighted in the reading from the
previous activity. After watching the clip, students participate in a large
group discussion on what they observed. Finally, students listen to an audio
selection on Cantinflas and answer questions based on what they heard.
Formative Assessment: Can Somali pirates be considered heroes?
Students read the article on how some Somali pirates are viewed as heroes
by their local communities. Students write a persuasive essay, citing both
the article and previously presented sources to support their point of view
or to refute.
Instructional Activity: Mock AP Test Sections
As this is the first unit of study, students are exposed to samples from each
of the sections of the AP exam that relate to the unit. While not the sole
goal of the course, it is important that students be exposed to the format
and expectations of the AP exam early in the year. These sections are
introduced individually and sprinkled throughout the unit. Some of these
are modified to make them seem less overwhelming (e.g. readings are given
out ahead of time, audio selections are made available on-line for students
to preview, only one source is required for persuasive essay, etc.). Students
are given full credit for completing each section, and are given feedback
according to the corresponding AP rubric.

Unit Two: Una Vida Balanceada y Saludable

Course Themes: Public and Private Identities, Contemporary Life, Science and Technology
Essential Questions: What are the health challenges presented by contemporary life? How can we lead healthy and balanced lives? How do science
and technology impact health today? What connections exist between food and culture?
Learning Objectives
Instructional Activities and Assessments
Spoken Interpersonal
Instructional Activity: Activating Prior Knowledge
Students brainstorm individually, in pairs, and as a large group about the
idea of balance, identifying major obstacles to healthy, balanced lives. To
help in this process, images of various daily activities (e.g. someone at a
computer, people eating in a restaurant, someone stressed out at work,
etc.) are shown to the class. As part of the discussion, students identify
areas where they have difficulty finding balance.
Spoken Presentational
Instructional Activity: Cultural Investigation - La Comida
For their assigned region, students investigate and prepare a two-minute
presentation on the connection between a particular food or dish and a
cultural celebration.
Spoken Presentation
Formative Assessment: Cultural Comparison - La Comida
Using Vocaroo, students record a two minute presentation where they
discuss and compare the importance of the connection between food and
culture both in their own context and in the context they researched in the
previous activity.
Written and Print Interpretive
Short story
Instructional Activity: Story About a Smart Phone
Ynez Cossio, La IWM mil
Students read the short literary text by Alicia Ynez Cossio, La IWM mil.
This story highlights what happens when everyone becomes entirely
dependent on an apparatus that we would recognize today as a
smartphone. Students answer comprehension questions and then write a
brief analysis to describe how this story parallels what is happening in their
lives and the rest of society today.
Spoken Interpersonal

Instructional Activity: How Do We Unplug?

After completing the story, students participate in serial role play. Students
are assigned roles like parent and child, husband and wife, etc., with one of
them confronting the other on their over-dependence on/addiction to

Audio, Visual, and Audiovisual

Interpretive Communication

On-line video: 200 Ecos El

Tiempo Libre

Spoken Presentational

Written Presentational

El pas donde los nios son
adictos a sus celulares
Selected Activities from:
AP Spanish Language
and Culture Exam
Preparation (VHL)
AP Spanish (PH)

Instructional Activity: How do (and dont) young people in Mexico spend

their free time?
In class, students watch the video (from the documentary 200 Ecos, where
youth around Guadalajara, Mexico are interviewed on a wide variety of
topics), paying special attention to what each youth says about good and
bad uses of free time. Students are then told to summarize what each
youth in the video says. (The link is made available for students to view
multiple times outside of class.)
Formative Assessment: Use of Free Time
Using Vocaroo, students speak for two minutes, comparing the importance
of free time in their own lives to its importance in the lives of the youth
from the video.
Formative Assessment: Persuasive essay Is technology an addictive drug?
Students respond to the question, citing the video and other sources
presented during this unit to support their viewpoint or to refute.
Formative Assessment: Mock AP Test Sections
To supplement the unit, students take sample sections of the AP exam that
relate in various ways to the unit. These, like before, are presented
individually and sprinkled throughout the unit. Modifications to aid in
accessibility are still made (see related activity listed at the end of unit 1),
but this time they are graded according to the rubric and given a scaled
grade in the gradebook. For multiple choice, students are given full credit
for choosing the correct answer or partial credit for eliminating incorrect

Unit Three: El Hobre v. La Naturaleza

Course Themes: Global Challenges, Science and Technology
Essential Questions: What are the major challenges facing the planet? What is our role in protecting the environment? Can we assure our own
survival as a species?
Learning Objectives
Instructional Activities and Assessments
Spoken Interpersonal
Instructional Activity: The Environment and Its Problems
Students brainstorm (individuals, pairs, large group) a list of all the
problems they can think of that are occurring in the environment around
the world. To aid in this process, students view an impromptu slideshow on
Flickr or a PowerPoint with images of various global challenges. A list is
compiled and written on the board. It remains there for the duration of the
Spoken Interpersonal
Instructional Activity: Cul desafo es ms grande?
Communication and/or
Students are placed in pairs and each is assigned a specific global challenge
Spoken Presentational
from the list on the board. They are given one minute to prepare remarks,
and then debate in the following format: each student presents their initial
argument for one minute, then each has 30 seconds to refute the others
argument. This can be done simultaneously or as a series of debates in front
of the class.
Written and Print Interpretive
Short stories
Instructional Activity: Horacio Quiroga
Quiroga, A la deriva and
Students read two short literary texts by Horacio Quiroga: A la deriva and
El hijo
El hijo. They then answer short comprehension questions and write brief
analyses about the balance and relationship between man and his
environment. I pose the questions, How long will humans walk this Earth?
and What predictions can you make about what specifically will happen
between man and nature?
Written and Print Interpretive
Online article
Instructional Activity: What Would You Do?
Un alpinista se amputa el brazo Students read an article about a hiker who cut off his own arm in order to
con su navaja despus de cinco
survive a hiking accident. They work in small groups to compare and
das atrapado bajo una roca
contrast Quirogas stories with the article. Then, in a Socratic seminar, they
Short stories
share with one another what they would do in the situations from the short
Quiroga, A la deriva and
stories and the article.
El hijo

Written and Print Interpretive

Spoken Interpersonal

Online articles
La yuca, el arma para resistir
los efectos del cambio climtico
Para lavar ropa, una
Smink, Argentina: Crean
un plstico a base de maz y

Written Interpersonal

Audio, Visual, and Audiovisual

Interpretive Communication
Spoken Presentational

Advanced Spanish Podcast 66:
Las tres erres.

Written Presentation


Selected Activities from:

AP Spanish Language
and Culture Exam
Preparation (VHL)
AP Spanish (PH)

Instructional Activity: Possible Solutions

Students read three articles from BBC Mundo about less conventional ways
to deal with environmental issues. Students discuss these in three groups,
with each group focusing on one of the ways mentioned in the articles.
Then we mix up the groups for discussion, with the new groups including
members from all three original groups. These new groups discuss and
compare the solutions in terms of viability.

Formative Assessment: Are We Doing Our Part?

Students are presented with items from around campus that were found on
the ground, in the garbage, or in the recycling bin. For each item, students
need to state whether it is recyclable or not, and where the item was found.
They then are instructed to write an email to the head of our schools
recycling program, commenting on the effectiveness of the current program
and offering suggestions for improvement.
Formative Assessment: RRR
Working independently, students listen to a podcast about recycling,
reusing, and reducing in Spain. They then prepare and record (using
Vocaroo) a two minute presentation where they compare recycling efforts
in Spain to our own efforts on campus.
Formative Assessment: Do we control the destiny of the human race on
planet Earth?
Students draw upon the sources presented this unit to write a persuasive
response to the prompt.
Formative Assessment: Mock AP Test Sections
To supplement the unit, students take sample sections of the AP exam that
relate in various ways to the unit. These are given individually and
sprinkled throughout the unit. Modifications mentioned at the end of unit
1 are still made, though to a lesser extent. Each section is graded according
to the rubric and a scaled grade is given in the gradebook. For multiple
choice, students are given full credit for choosing the correct answer or
partial credit for eliminating incorrect answers.

Unit Four: Cruzando Fronteras

Course Themes: Families and Communities, Contemporary Life, Global Challenges
Essential Questions: Why do people choose to leave their homeland and immigrate? What is the impact of immigration on children? What
challenges do subgroups face while living in a dominant culture?
Learning Objectives
Instructional Activities and Assessments
Written and Print Interpretive
Short story
Instructional Activity: Cajas de Cartn
Jimnez, Cajas de Cartn
Students read Cajas de Cartn, the story of a young boy whose family of
Spoken Interpersonal
migrant workers must move frequently. Before reading, students give
opinions about the meaning of the title and predict what will happen. After
reading the story, students complete a set of comprehension questions. In
large group, students take turns mentioning major plot points and
illustrating them on the board. Once this is completed, students are called
on randomly to share out loud their responses to the questions, What
would you feel? and What would you do? at certain points in the story.
Spoken Presentational
Instructional Activity: Recording Comparisons
Students record a 2-minute presentation comparing their life with that of
Francisco, the protagonist in Cajas de Cartn, using Vocaroo.
Written Interpersonal
Formative Assessment: Email Activity
Students respond to an email message that incorporates the
themes presented in this unit (e.g. a request from a school counselor asking
for help in getting a new student acclimated).
Spoken Presentational
Formative Assessment: Cultural Investigation - Indigenous or Cultural Sub
Students research indigenous or cultural sub-group from their assigned
region. They summarize their findings from memory in front of the rest of
the class, highlighting the specific challenges and/or prejudices they face
being surrounded by and interacting with another dominant culture.

Audio, Visual, and Audiovisual

Interpretive Communication

200 Ecos: Migracin


Selected Activities from:

AP Spanish Language
and Culture Exam
Preparation (VHL)
AP Spanish (PH)


Selected Activities from:

AP Spanish Language
and Culture Exam
Preparation (VHL)
AP Spanish (PH)

Instructional Activity: Why leave?

Before watching the video, students brainstorm individually, in pairs, and
eventually in large group as to why people move to new places. They then
watch the video twice. The first time they are to simply listen for and
identify similarities in the opinions presented by the interviewees. Then the
video is shown again, and students are to focus on differences of the
opinions presented. As an out of class follow-up activity, students are to
watch the video a third time (or more), writing a brief summary of each
individuals point of view.
Formative Assessment: Mock AP Test Sections
To supplement the unit, students take sample sections of the AP exam that
relate in various ways to the unit. These are given individually and
sprinkled throughout the unit. Modifications mentioned at the end of unit
1 are still made, though to a lesser extent. Each section is graded according
to the rubric and a scaled grade is given in the gradebook. For multiple
choice, students are given full credit for choosing the correct answer or
partial credit for eliminating incorrect answers.
Summative Assessment: Full Mock AP Exam
This is the last unit in the first semester. As a final exam, students are given
a Mock AP exam. This exam is made up of sample test sections from various
sources. All sections are graded according to the corresponding rubrics and
an overall score of 1 5 is given.

Unit Five: Si Las Paredes Pudieran Hablar

Course Themes: Beauty and Aesthetics, Science and Technology
Essential Questions: How do the arts reflect perspectives of beauty? How do the arts reflect changing cultural perspectives? How can a work of art
affect an individual?
Learning Objectives
Instructional Activities and Assessments
Audio, Visual, and Audiovisual
Instructional Activity: Overview of Architectural Wonders
Students watch and listen to a PowerPoint presentation on architecture in
the Spanish-speaking world that includes a variety of architectural types,
such as cathedrals, the Mezquita, the Giralda, and the Mayan pyramids.
They then discuss as a class the importance of these buildings and how they
may have impacted the development of different countries in the past and
the present.
Spoken Presentational
Formative Assessment: Cultural Investigation Architecture
Students research an architectural treasure from their region, with a
particular focus on its connection and significance to the regional culture.
They then prepare a 2-minute oral presentation for an architecture-focused
morning television segment, comparing the importance of the monument
from the Spanish-speaking world to one from their own culture and
focusing on how it is a symbol of the soul of the country it represents.
Audio, Visual, and Audiovisual
Online videos
Instructional Activity: Understanding Gaud
Documental sobre Gaud
Students watch a video of the life of Antoni Gaud, focusing on his
La Baslica de la Sagrada
architectural creations such as the Parc Gell, La Pedrera, La Sagrada
Familia en Barcelona
Familia, and La Casa Vicensz. Students learn about Gaud as an iconoclast
and about the role that Gaud played in making Barcelona an avant-garde
Written and Print Interpretive
Short story
Instructional Activity: Monuments That Speak
Fuentes, Chac Mool
Students first read Carlos Fuentess Chac Mool, in which a stone statue
comes to life and tells its story. Students read individually in class and then
complete a story timeline of the action. They then compare and contrast
their timelines with other students to improve comprehension.

Spoken Presentational

Written and Print Interpretive

Audio, Visual, and Audiovisual
Interpretive Communication
Written Interpersonal

Fotos de < Flickr: Patrimonio de
la Humanidad > listadas por pas
Online article
As son las siete nuevas

Written Presentational

Destruyen pirmide maya para
construir carretera en Belice


Selected Activities from:

AP Spanish Language
and Culture Exam
Preparation (VHL)
AP Spanish (PH)

Formative Assessment: Blabberize

After reading the story, students choose one monument that relates what
they have studied and give it a voice to tell its story, focusing on how the
object that has come to life is important to the culture it represents.
Students use the online tool Blabberize to make the monument/sculptural
piece speak.
Instructional Activity: The Seven New Wonders
Students read information about the seven new wonders of the world,
found in a newspaper article, and watch a PowerPoint presentation that
includes photographs of World Heritage sites located in Spanish-speaking
countries. Students then participate in pairs in a simulated IM conversation
(response/statement of opinion followed by a question) about the
significance of a particular site and the importance in preserving it.
Formative Assessment: Persuasive Essay It is worth it to preserve the past
at the expense of progress?
Students write a persuasive essay in response to the above prompt, citing
information from sources previously presented in the unit and at least one
reference to the article paired with this activity.
Formative Assessment: Mock AP Test Sections
To supplement the unit, students take sample sections of the AP exam that
relate in various ways to the unit. Modifications are no longer made, as
students should now have a level of familiarity with the sections in addition
to having developed strategies for approaching each activity. Sections are
graded according to the corresponding rubric and given a scaled grade in
the gradebook.

Unit Six: La Identidad en un Mundo Enorme

Course Themes: Public and Private Identities, Science and Technology, Families and Communities
Essential Questions: Is a person defined from within or without and does that cause inner conflict? How does family shape our identity? How has
technology affected our personal and public identities?
Learning Objectives
Instructional Activities and Assessments
Written and Print Interpretive
Short stories
Instructional Activity: Borges vs. Borges
Borges, Borges y Yo
In order to better understand the link between identity and literature,
Borges, El Otro
students read short stories written by Borges called Borges y Yo and El
Otro in which the author addresses his fictional self and ponders the
meaning of the other. After an initial vocabulary building activity, students
are divided into two groups one group reads Borges y Yo, and the
others read El Otro. Students present each story to partners, compare
them, and then share their comments in a large group discussion.
Written Presentational
Formative Assessment: Written Essay: (Name) y Yo
Students write their own version of either Borges y Yo or El Otro in
which they emphasize the inner self or a projection of themselves in the
future. In addition to their version of the short story, they also write a
reflection piece that focuses on the essential question that accompanies
this assessment.
Written and Print Interpretive
Short story
Instructional Activity: Paired Reading Activity
Aisemberg, Jaque Mate en
Students read the story Jaque Mate en Dos Jugadas and, in pairs, create a
Dos Jugadas
story map of the action. Students can use symbols, images, and numbers,
but they may not use any words. They put the story maps up around the
room in order to share information. Students compare these with other
members versions to see if they provided enough visual detail to tell the
Spoken Interpersonal
Instructional Activity: Role Play
Students are paired and assigned roles from the story. They take turns
speaking for 30 seconds at a time, at first responding to what the other
students said and then formulating a question to ask, all within the context
of the character as presented in the story.

Audio, Visual, and Audiovisual

Interpretive Communication
Spoken Interpersonal

Online video
La familia digital

Written Presentational

Online article
Arce, La familia 2.0

Audio, Visual, and Audiovisual

Interpretive Communication

200 Ecos Roles Familiares

Spoken Presentational

Selected Activities from:

AP Spanish Language
and Culture Exam
Preparation (VHL)
AP Spanish (PH)

Instructional Activity: La familia digital

Students watch the YouTube video La familia digital and take notes. We
discuss the ideas presented in the video, focusing mainly on technologys
effect on family life. Students are encouraged to share experiences from
their personal lives as well. The link is also posted on the class site so that
they may watch it several times if they wish.
Formative Assessment: Persuasive Essay
Students write a persuasive essay on the changing concept of the family
and what factors have been important in these changes. They read a
previously unseen article about how families are affected by technology
and write their essays using the information from this article, videos seen in
class, and what they have learned overall about the history of the family,
how families have changed, and how technology has affected the institution
of the family.
Instructional Activity:
Before watching the video, students brainstorm individually, in pairs, and
eventually in large group as to what are the necessary ingredients to form
a family, and what is needed for a family to function well. They then watch
the video twice. The first time they are to simply listen for and identify
similarities in the opinions presented by the interviewees. Then the video is
shown again, and students are to focus on differences of the opinions
presented. As an out of class follow-up activity, students are to watch the
video a third time (or more), writing a brief summary of each individuals
point of view.
Formative Assessment: What makes a family?
Using Vocaroo, students speak for two minutes, comparing the structure
and practices of their own family to those of the individuals in the video.
Formative Assessment: Mock AP Test Sections
To supplement the unit, students take sample sections of the AP exam that
relate in various ways to the unit. Modifications are no longer made, as
students should now have a level of familiarity with the sections in addition
to having developed strategies for approaching each activity. Sections are
graded according to the corresponding rubric and given a scaled grade in
the gradebook.

Unit Seven: Lo Viejo v. Lo Nuevo

Course Themes: Science and Technology, Contemporary Life, Global Challenges
Essential Questions: Does technology improve our lives in the long run? How have economic and technical advances changed contemporary life?
What are the positive and negative effects of science and technology?
Learning Objectives
Spoken Interpersonal
Written and Print Interpretive
Spoken Presentational

Online article
Avances tecnolgicos del siglo

Spoken Interpersonal

Written and Print Interpretive

Spoken Interpersonal

Short story
Adolph, Nosotros, No

Instructional Activities and Assessments

Instructional Activity: Technological Advances
Students brainstorm individually, then in pairs, then as a large group to
compile a list of the greatest technological advances of the past 100 years.
These are placed on the board and remain there for reference for the
remainder of the unit. They then read the article that lists important
advances of the 20th century by decade, and see if any should be added to
the list on the board. Then students each choose their top five from the list,
which they share with the class (along with the reason for their choices) in
an impromptu 2-minute presentation.
Instructional Activity: Positive and Negative Effects of Technological
Students are paired randomly and a specific technological advancement
from the list on the board is chosen. One student must present positive
effects of this advancement (for 1 minute) while the other presents
negative effect of the advancement (for 1 minute). Students then switch
sides and repeat for another advancement.
Instructional Activity: Nosotros, No
Students read the short story Nosotros, No individually and discuss the
main ideas and details of the story in three sections. Students work
together at the end of each section to ensure that everyone understands
the story to that point. I ask questions of each group in order to verify that
all students understand the story in preparation for the debate. Discussion
questions include Cules son las ventajas y las desventajas de la vida
eterna?, En qu aspectos de la vida esperas ver ms avances tecnolgicos
durante tu vida?, and Hay aspectos que a t no te gustan de la tecnologa?

Spoken Interpersonal

Short story
Adolph, Nosotros, No

Spoken Interpersonal

Audio, Visual, and Audiovisual

Interpretive Communication
Written and Print Interpretive

Tam Tam Go, Atrapados en
la red

Spoken Presentational

Online article
Indgenas usan la red para
proteger la Amazonia

Instructional Activity: Timed Dialogs

Students are paired and assigned roles that correspond to viewpoints from
the story. They take turns speaking for 30 seconds at a time, at first
responding to what the other students said and then formulating a question
to ask, all within the context of their assigned role.
Instructional Activity: What will things be like 100 years from now?
Using VoiceThread, students engage in a conversation with the instructor
about what life will be like 100 years from now. Students are to respond to
any questions asked and ask follow-up questions in return. They are also
encouraged to cite class conversations, readings, audio, and/or video to
justify their viewpoint. Thread topics may include how people will interact
with each other, how education will function, what major challenges will
face the world, etc.
Instructional Activity: Online Dating
To prepare for this activity, we discuss how technology has impacted
personal and private areas of our lives, using online dating as an example.
Students work in pairs to debate the pros and cons of online dating. Then
they listen to the song Atrapados en la red, which discusses online dating,
and watch the video (available online). They also get the lyrics. Based on the
lyrics of the song, they analyze the singers point of view, intended
audience, and ways he appeals to the listener.
Instructional Activity: Indigenous Groups and Technology
Students are divided into groups, and they then read an article on how an
indigenous group in Brazil is using the Internet to maintain its lifestyle.
Students discuss the article and take notes individually. Afterward, students
make 1-minute presentations focusing on their reactions to the article and
the proposal of two additional ideas to help maintain this peoples
traditions and customs.

Written Presentational

Online video and article

Indgenas usan la red para
proteger la Amazonia


Selected Activities from:

AP Spanish Language
and Culture Exam
Preparation (VHL)
AP Spanish (PH)


AP Spanish Language and Culture

Practice Exam (from College

Formative Assessment: Technology and Traditional Cultures

Students write a persuasive essay integrating the information from the
article and the video that are presented based on the following prompt:
Qu piensas de la integracin del mundo nuevo con el mundo viejo?
Despus de haber ledo los artculos en clase y mirar el video, qu
podemos hacer para ayudar a los indgenas a preservar su cultura en un
mundo moderno e intruso?
Formative Assessment: Mock AP Test Sections
To supplement the unit, students take sample sections of the AP exam that
relate in various ways to the unit. Modifications are no longer made, as
students should now have a level of familiarity with the sections in addition
to having developed strategies for approaching each activity. Sections are
graded according to the corresponding rubric and given a scaled grade in
the gradebook.
Summative Assessment: Full Practice AP Exam
As this is the final unit of study, students also take the full AP practice exam
provided by the College Board. Emphasis is placed on duplicating the testing
procedure and environment as much as possible. To allow for ample time,
this is given on a Saturday within a couple weeks of the exam itself. All
sections are graded according to the corresponding rubrics, and a scaled
grade is given. This serves as the final exam for the course.

General Resources
200 Ecos. YouTube channel.
BBC Mundo. British Broadcasting Corporation.
Daz, Jos M., Mara Nadel, and Stephen J. Collins. Abriendo paso:
Lectura. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2007.
Daz, Jos M., Margarita Leicher-Prieto, and Gilda Nissenberg. AP
Spanish: Preparing for the Language Examination. Upper Saddle
River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2007.
Draggett, Parthena, Cole Conlin, Max Ehrsam, and Elizabeth Milln.
Temas: AP Spanish Language and Culture. Boston, MA: Vista
Higher Learning, 2014.
Frisancho, Jorge, Mara T. Redmon, and Marta Luca Restrepo Bravo.
AP Spanish: Language and Culture Exam Preparation. Boston,
MA: Vista Higher Learning, 2014.
Gatski, Barbara, and John McMullan. Tringulo: A Propsito.
Sandwich, MA: Wayside Publishing, 2006.

Unit 1 Resources

Cien aos de Cantinflas ah est el detalle! BBC Mundo. August

11, 2011.
Qu es Gramtica? YouTube video, 5:10. Uploaded January 4,
Soy Pirata y Navego en los Mares. BBC Mundo. April 22, 2009.
Unit 2 Resources
200 Ecos / Cap. 1 pt. 2 / Tiempo Libre. YouTube Video, 4:15.
Uploaded August 6, 2010.
El pas donde los nios son adictos a sus celulares. BBC Mundo.
July 12, 2013.
Ynez Cossio, Alicia. La IWM. In Pasajes: Literatura, 6th ed., edited
by Mary Lee Bretz, Trisha Dvorak, and Carl Kirschner, 7686.
New York: McGraw-Hill, 2005.

Unit 3 Resources

Unit 4 Resources

Curtis, Ben, and Marina Diez. Advanced Spanish Podcast 66: Las
tres erres. Notes in Spanish. July 23, 2007. Podcast audio.

200 Ecos / Cap. 1 pt. 3 / Migracin. YouTube video, 8:08.

Uploaded August 6, 2010.

La yuca, el arma para resistir los efectos del cambio climtico.

BBC Mundo. February 29, 2012.
Para lavar ropa, una bicilavadora. BBC Mundo. March 6, 2009.
Smink, Veronica. Argentina: Crean un plstico a base de maz y
mandioca. BBC Mundo. November 30, 2010.
Un alpinista se amputa el brazo con su navaja despus de cinco
das atrapado bajo una roca. El Mundo. May 3, 2003.
Quiroga, Horacio. A la deriva. In Cuentos de amor de locura y de
muerte, 4952. New York: Penguin, 1997.
Quiroga, Horacio. El hijo. In Abriendo Puertas: Antologa de
literatura en espaol: Tomo 1, 1624. Evanston, Ill: McDougal
Littell, 2003.

Jimnez, Francisco. Cajas de Cartn in Abriendo Paso: Lectura,

edited by Stephen Collins, Jos Daz, and Mara Nadel, 7193.
Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2007.
Unit 5 Resources
As son las siete nuevas maravillas. El mundo. Last modified July 8,
Destruyen pirmide maya para construir carretera en Belice. BBC
Mundo. May 15, 2013.
Documental sobre Gaud. YouTube video, 3:00. Uploaded March
29, 2010.
Fotos de < Flickr: Patrimonio de la Humanidad > listadas por pas.
Fuentes, Carlos. Chac Mool in Nuevas Vistas: Curso de
Introduccin, edited by Maria Elena Alvarado, Sylvia Madrigal

Velasco, and Virginia Maricochi, 169176. Austin, TX: Holt,

Rinehart and Winston, 2006.
La Baslica de la Sagrada Familia en Barcelona.
Unit 6 Resources
200 Ecos | Cap. 3 pt 2. | Roles familiares. YouTube video, 8:57.
Uploaded August 18, 2010.

Adolph, Jos B. Nosotros, No in Abriendo Paso: Lectura, edited by

Stephen Collins, Jos Daz, and Mara Nadel, 114133. Upper
Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2007.
Avances tecnolgicos del siglo XX. Icarito. Last modified July 26,

Aisemberg, Isaac. Jaque Mate en Dos Jugadas in Abriendo Paso:

Lectura, edited by Stephen Collins, Jos Daz, and Mara Nadel,
174198. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2007.

Indgenas usan la red para proteger la Amazonia. BBC Mundo.

Video, 2:41. March 17, 2010.

Arce, Hugo. La familia 2.0. El Universal. December 18, 2007.

Tam tam go. Atrapados en la red. YouTube video, 4:19. Uploaded

July 1, 2011.

Borges, Jorge Luis. Borges y Yo. YouTube video, 2:32. Uploaded

November 11, 2009.
Borges, Jorge Lus. El Otro in Encuentros maravillosos: Gramtica
a travs de la literatura, edited by Abby Kanter, 46. Upper
Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prenctice Hall, 1998.
La familia digital. Generaciones Interactivas. YouTube video, 7:47.
Uploaded February 17, 2011.
Unit 7 Resources

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