Care Sheet - Costa Rican Tiger Rump Tarantula

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Care Sheet - Costa Rican Tiger Rump

Tarantula(Cyclosternum fasciatum)

Locality: In Tropical forests around Costa Rica and Guatemala.

Growth: They grow to about 3 1/2 to 4 inches.
Humidity: 60 to 70% is fine.
Housing: Spiderlings can live in small plastic containers with holes in the top to
allow air flow. Adults can live in a 5 gallon tank. Floor space is more important to
this species than height. They should be provided with a retreat like a log or a
piece of bark. If no retreat is provided they will dig their own. They require a
substrate in the bottom of the tank, preferably a Vermiculite and potting soil mix
although I found that peat, coconut fibre (Coir) or orchid bark works better for this
species. The substrate should be around 3 to 6 inches deep.
Water: A very shallow bowl can be used and change the water daily. I prefer to
spray the housing container twice a day and the spider will drink from the water
droplets more naturally.
Venom: All Tarantulas have venom. Although tarantula venom is harmless to
humans, it may sting for a few hours. If bitten seek medical attention immediately
just in case. Keep all other pets away like dogs cats etc because although the
venom is harmless to us, to a cat or dog it could be a different story. Be warned.
John Gamesby

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