Care Sheet - Gargoyle Gecko

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Care Sheet - Gargoyle Gecko (Rhacodactylus auriculatus)

Gargoyle Gecko (Rhacodactylus auriculatus)

The Gargoyle Gecko is a large, robust & very attractive species of gecko which
can obtain sizes from 8-10" in length, and weigh roughly 40 grams, although
certain individuals can approach 60g. They are relatively long-lived, with a
lifespan of at least 15 years being quoted by most sources.
Rhacodactylus are relatively new to the hobby, having been introduced in 1994
after two independent parties "rediscovered" them from a presumed extinction.
Rhacodactylus auriculatus occur only on the southern third of Grande Terre, the
island that comprises the majority of the territory of New Caledonian.
Gargoyle Geckos are unique among Rhacodactylus in that they are only semiarboreal, and are normally found in scrub habitat adjacent to primary forest. Like
all Rhacodactylus, gargoyles are nocturnal and spend most of the day hiding
away in tree hollows, behind bark or amongst the adjoining foliage. Despite this
fact it is not uncommon to spot gargoyle geckos basking during the day.
Gargoyle Geckos are an ideal species to house in well-planted semi-natural
display vivariums Substrate should consists of a 3 layer of coco fibre topped with
a layer of Sphagnum moss. A selection of vertical & horizontal branches should
be provided for perches. I have found the excellent artificial branches ideal for
this purpose. Not only are they sterile and reusable, but can be adapted for
placing in all manner of positions & arrangements. Their structure is also ideal for
grip, including a firm base for their prehensile tails.
The preferred temperature range is in the mid 70s, meaning that in most homes
they will thrive at room temperature without supplementary heating. They are
very resistant to cool temperatures, and can easily handle night-time
temperatures into the low 50s as long as they are able to warm up in the day.
They are however sensitive to high temperatures and should always be kept

below 85 degrees. Above this, they can become stressed, and exposure to high
temperatures for prolonged periods of time can be lethal.
A minimum cage size for an adult Gargoyle Gecko should be around 24 x 12 x
12; although it is always better to allow as much room for manoeuvre as
possible. Good ventilation is also essential, and you should aim for a complete
side or top of the viv to consist of mesh. We have found significant success in all
screen cages with a vertical orientation although attention to room temperature
will determine the type of viv you use.
Rhacodactylus auriculatus are an omnivorous species with a diet high in small,
non citrus soft fruit .along with crickets, locusts and the occasional waxworm.
During summer this selection can be added to with the variety of free-range
insects available in country meadows. All you need are a large net & the
necessary patience.
The addition of a nectar mix containing fruit baby food, mashed soft fruits like
Banana, Peach, and Apricot is also relished & provides an ideal medium for
adding vitamin & mineral supplements to the diet. There is also currently
available a commercial dried formula for Gargoyle Geckos which supposedly
contains all the nutrients your gecko will need, although we prefer to mix this in
with our own recipe and offer more variation to the diet.
Calcium supplementation is important in the keeping of all reptiles and
amphibians, and the Rhacodactylus are no exception. Calcium supplementation
is vital for healthy bones and the production of eggs in females. Luckily calcium
can be easily added to the diet via the nectar mix, although we always offer a
small dish of powdered calcium at all times for the geckos to help themselves.
Clean water should also be available at all times, although there is no guarantee
that your gecko will drink from this source. With this in mind we always spray our
charges twice daily with a fine water mist to help satisfy their water requirements
& keep humidity levels optimum. Gargoyle Geckos are primarily nocturnal and
will spend most of the day in hiding, therefore require adequate hiding places
within the vivarium. However it is not uncommon to find Gargoyles basking
during the day. Gargoyle geckos will utilise the full boundaries of their enclosure,
and sufficient facilities to enable them to climb are a must.
All Rhacodactylus have a prehensile tail with an additional adhesive pad on the
tip. This is used as an extra limb and allows them excellent manoeuvrability. They
also have the ability to leap several feet by using their strong hind limbs as a
spring. Care should be taken during handling in view of this ability, and safety is
paramount. Try to guide your gecko to land on your other hand or to the safety of
its refuge.
Rhacodactylus are also very vocal, with growls, barks and clicks observed
especially during mating.
They are remarkably receptive of human contact, and we have noticed
similarities with Panther Chameleons for human interaction. Although nervous at
first, when offered a hand to perch on they oblige and are happy to spend a few
moments interacting with you if you allow them the freedom to manoeuvre.
Allowing your hands to be used as a ladder is most effective & will help to create

a bond between you & your gecko.

Always allow your gecko to take the lead, and never grab or clasp the gecko
forcefully. To a reptile, the feeling of being forcefully removed can instinctively
mean its about to be eaten by a predator and is very stressful. Be gentle at all
Breeding & Hatchling Care:
Sex determination in Gargoyle Geckos is a fairly simple procedure, although it
takes longer for them to sexually mature than other Rhacodactylus. It is possible
to sex Gargoyles at the age of 6 months; however sexual maturity isnt reached
until at least 12 - 18 months. . Males develop obvious hemipenal bulges at the
base of the tail, whilst females have a noticeably prominent calcium sac. Beware
of any which are sold as guaranteed sexed if they are below 6 months of age, or
claims that they have been incubated for female etc.
Rhacodactylus auriculatus are supposedly one of the more difficult species of
Rhacodactylus geckos to breed in captivity; through years of experience with
other gecko species we can determine that selection from unrelated bloodlines is
paramount. We cannot over emphasise the importance of meticulous selection if
your intentions are to breed this species. Always acquire captive bred specimens
direct from the breeder themselves... Only this way can you be sure of the origin
and full history of the individual. Also always ensure that your male and female
are guaranteed unrelated. Invariably the reasons for infertility, egg failure or
deformed hatchlings are often down to inbreeding.
I keep all my adults as breeding pairs, preferring this ratio to monitor individuals.
We find that keeping most geckos in trios or groups can cause problems with
hierarchies being established & the subsequent stress & lack of feeding
opportunities this can entail. When pairing, we always introduce them together
into new cage at the same time. This should cut out some of the territorial
behaviour, although it is vital to monitor relationships as not all pairings are
Assuming breeding has been successful, the female will seek out a laying site up
to a week before depositing her eggs. Once laid, eggs are best transferred to a
suitable incubator for development. If the eggs are left in situ, there is always the
danger they or subsequent offspring will be consumed.
Eggs can be incubated at a temperature setting of between 77 and 82F. The
usual incubation times under these conditions are around 60 - 75 days, although
this can vary considerably with temperature fluctuations.
The most critical stage with hatchlings is during their first shed, which should
occur within a day. It is vital to supply sufficient humidity to help with this shed.
Humidity will continue to be a vital factor throughout the first 3 months, as
inability to shed quickly & effectively can put enormous strain on the young
geckos. Care is basically the same as the adults, but on a smaller scale.
We recommend each hatchling is raised individually for correct monitoring. The
same foods can be offered to hatchlings as with the adults and suitably sized live
prey should be offered 3 times per week under observation. Excess live prey
should be removed to prevent stress. At all other times they should have access

to a bowl of fruit nectar mix. Water requirements are best supplied by misting the
enclosure twice daily.
Rhacodactylus - especially R.ciliatus - have proved to be very popular with
todays keeper due to their attractive morph variations, hardiness and their
friendly interactive nature. We would thoroughly recommend Gargoyles as one of
the best species for anyone with basic prior experience with keeping geckos.
They have such attractive personalities & characteristics, and are certainly one of
our all time favourites. We are sure you will feel the same.
Please remember - what works for me may not always work for you. There are
so many ambient variables involved with heat, humidity & ventilation etc and
some fine tuning subject to your selected environment may be necessary.
John Gamesby

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