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The Green Iguana (Iguana iguana)

An arboreal lizard, mainly from the South & Central American rain forests,
sometimes seen in captivity in the reptile houses of zoos and wildlife parks, the
Iguana is a large colourful lizard, mostly mottled shades of green in colour with
varying black banding on the body and tail. Most Iguanas can learn to become
tame with regular handling and petting. Males when adult can be territorial, and
usually do better kept separate from other males. Iguanas have been known to
show some aggression and for this reason they are not recommended as an
ideal reptile purchase for beginners or children.
Use full spectrum 5% "UVB" lighting around 12 hours per day, which mimics
natural sunlight, this is a special reptile tube light, (Exo Terra, Zoomed, T-Rex
etc). For maximum effect change the tubes every 6-9 months. Or use the
Mercury vapour UV/Heat lamps Like the Exo Terra Solar Glo.
Provide a spot-lit basking area with access to a cooler area.
Supply stout strong branches and logs for climbing and exploring, making sure
there is nothing the Iguana could trap or snag its claws on.
Greenhouse tube heater can help maintain the required temperature from below,
and are a useful supplement especially during cold weather, Use with a suitable
Both sexes can benefit from frequent handling to help with taming, they will
sometimes initially struggle to get free, but are also known to actually enjoy being
stroked or rubbed on the body and will sometimes sit still for a while and accept

this petting, care should be taken during breeding season when behaviour (in
particular of males) can be erratic, and so common sense would be to avoid the
facial area, avoid leaving Iguanas with unsupervised children and generally keep
your eyes on them at all times especially around fingers arms legs or feet.
Green Iguanas are arboreal lizards (tree dwelling) they inhabit the Tropical rain
forests of South and Central America at reasonably low altitudes of up to 1,000
metres, (Higher altitudes being too cold).
In captivity adult Iguanas require a habitat, compound, den, vivarium, call it what
you will, of at least 6 x 5 x 4.
More space is always better whenever possible.
Daytime temperatures should be:
Basking area around 85-95 degrees F.
Cool area 75-85 degrees F.
Night temperatures can fall to around 70 degrees, even perhaps lower, as long
as they are able to warm up in the morning.
Extra care should be taken during times of power cuts / failure, try to give this
some thought so you are prepared if need be.
Basking area temp may be a little higher, as long as the Iguana is able to move
to a cooler spot to thermo regulate.
Iguanas require moderate to high levels of humidity.
You can help achieve this by misting the vivarium every other day, spray misting
the Iguana himself and frequent bathing.
A large dish of water in his habitat will also help with this process through
Humidity also helps considerably with the shedding process of Iguanas.
Supply a large fairly deep water dish for drinking, with fresh water provided daily.
Note: If the Iguana also uses this for bathing, then be aware that they have a
strong tendency to defecate in water, it seems to have a laxative effect on them,
and therefore it will need replacing on a more regular basis.
Two very important anatomical features.
First, Thermoregulation.
An Iguana (as with all cold blooded species) cannot generate its own body heat,
and so must thermo regulate, by moving in and out of hot and cooler spots
(gradients) to maintain the correct body temperature.
Hence the different temperature zones indicated in TEMPERATURE above.
Secondly, Metabolism.

Iguanas need UVB light (in the absence of natural sunlight) to convert Vitamin D
into its active form, in this active form it can then assist in the absorption of
calcium into the body.
So sunlight or in the absence of it, at least 12 hours of full spectrum light (UVB) is
required daily to ensure your Iguana remains healthy.
This together with a good calcium intake and the required warmth will prevent the
occurrence of MBD (Metabolic Bone Disease).
A good varied diet should ensure the required calcium levels are taken up, but if
in any doubt then a commercial calcium / vitamin supplement (sprinkled on food)
may be given occasionally as a top up, or at times such as, when females are
gravid, if you have a picky eater, or if the Iguana has a loss of appetite due to
breeding condition, change of surroundings etc.
Most Iguanas can become tame to some degree, with regular handling and
Males can be territorial, and usually do better kept separate from other males.
Behaviour is sometimes erratic during breeding season when extra care should
be taken in handling, due to some having the tendency to become more
aggressive at this time.
Iguanas are normally lethargic creatures, and can become even more so by a
number of happenings, such as, a change of habitat or owner, being handled by
a different person, breeding season, a change in diet, or indeed anything out of
the norm.
They are creatures of habit and tend to sulk if this is disturbed in anyway, but
usually the appetite and normality returns after a short break.
This section is intended to help with initial identification of these problems, if
problems persist or if they appear serious then veterinarian advice should be
sought. The only person able to diagnose disease and prescribe medication is a
Sadly the one most commonly associated with Iguanas MBD (Metabolic Bone
Disease) need not exist, if owners took all the necessary steps in the care, diet,
and housing of their iguanas.
Calcium, warmth and UVB lighting prevent MBD from occurring, but sometimes
when an Iguana has been rescued or received from an unwanted situation,
where care has not been a priority, then the signs of this disease can be
The good news is it can mostly be reversible depending on severity, especially in
early cases, with the Iguana going on to lead a near normal life.
Signs are....swollen limbs, receding jaws that look out of line from the side,
dragging of legs, spongy areas around the mouth and in severe cases, deformed
bones and a twisted lumpy spine.
Consider prevention of this disease your duty (makes it easy to remember)...

Diet, UVB, Temperature, You to ensure they receive it, Therefore resulting in no
problems with MBD.
Mites...Little creatures usually no bigger than a full stop "....."
They can hide under your Iguanas scales, in the neck creases, dewlap folds and
around the eyes and feed on their blood.
Mites can be hard to get rid of due to the number of hiding places available in the
There are many mite eradication preparations now available, but they must be
used in combination with cleanliness to be effective.
Get veterinarians diagnosis if you suspect mites but are unsure.
Worms...Intestinal parasites, Can sometimes be seen like a tiny light coloured
thread moving in the faeces.
A faecal examination from a vet can confirm the infection.
Fairly easy to treat, a first dose to kill off the parasites present, with a follow up
dose around 2 weeks later to catch any hatched eggs should do the trick, again
while being treated cleanliness is a must to prevent re-infection.
Veterinarians diagnosis should be required to confirm.
Tail (loss of)...Although not an illness as such, it does happen and can be a
worrying sight for an Iguanas owner, so for a brief explanation.
The Iguanas tail is designed to come away easily, but unfortunately cannot be reattached.
It is generally thought to be an escape mechanism in the wild, where a predator
can be left with the tail while the Iguana makes its escape.
Because of this, never try to catch or hold your Iguana by its tail.
Loss of tail is mostly something that happens to juvenile Iguanas and is normally
re-grown, but to a lesser size and colour than before, it usually heals ok but
monitor for signs of infection and keep clean while healing.
Stomatitis (Mouth rot)...An illness which can if left untreated eventually be fatal! It
usually presents by bleeding gums, a green/grey cheesy substance noticeable
when yawning or eating, and a lack of appetite. Treatment consists of Antibiotics
(sometimes 2 types combined) and removal of the caseous plaque from the
injured mouth; needless to say a Veterinarian is needed to oversee this
treatment. Causes can be an injury to the mouth allowing the bacteria to enter
the wound, soft gums due to lack of UVB or a generally run down unhealthy
The normal life expectancy of a healthy Iguana is around 15 years, some have
indeed lived longer than this (oldest recorded being 29 years Hatfield), and many
have died younger, many Iguanas fed on a previously bad diet of dog or cat food
for example, seem to die around 6 years of age due to kidney / liver problems.

Exact sexing especially in juveniles is very difficult and can only be done in
certainty by someone with veterinarian experience in a procedure called probing
the cloacae vent. However the characteristics that develop as they get older, can
give a good idea of gender, and these are, In males...usually larger - heads,
dewlaps and subtympanic scales, the femoral pores which are a row of glands
along the underside of the thighs are much larger and more pronounced in
males, and also exude a waxy substance that is used to distribute scent, also
erratic behaviour during breeding season which may consist of biting , nipping
and sometimes aggression but note this behaviour is not shown in all males and
can indeed be shown in a few females.
Head bobbing, a series of movements of the head both up and down and less
often side to side, are usually much more pronounced in males.
For females, generally the opposite of the above ...smaller dewlaps, heads and
subtympanic scales, the rows of femoral pores are just small dots, and in
breeding season they sometimes start digging or scratching as if looking for
somewhere to lay eggs.
They may become gravid and actually lay eggs but these would obviously be
sterile if no male has been in attendance.
Iguanas are herbivores and so require a good varied vegetarian diet, some
outdated information crops up now and again mainly in old books, that says they
can eat crickets, mice or cat & dog food, thankfully this information now tends to
be disappearing fast, all experts are now in agreement on the herbivore status.
The diet below gives a good example of foods that can be offered and does not
need to be adhered to 100% but is supplied for guidance purposes, I find in
winter time when fresh food can be scarce, a good substitute is the pre-packed
mixed bags of salad greens available in all supermarkets, try to avoid the ones
containing Iceberg lettuce which is practically water and nil nutrition, these can
be further supplemented with dandelion leaves and flowers.
DIET: Feed up to 50% of,
Leafy greens, Turnip greens, Nasturtiums (leaves & flowers), Dandelions (leaves
& flowers), Escarole, Rocket, Hibiscus leaves and flowers, Watercress, Land
cress, fresh Alfalfa and Carrot tops.
Up to 35% of,
Green beans, Zucchini, Squash, Bean sprouts, Okra, Parsley, Grated carrot Red
Yellow or Green bell peppers (Sweet peppers), Leeks, Peas, Cucurbits, Parsnips
alfalfa pellets, Vine leaves, Chinese greens and Celery.
Around 10% of,
Fruits such as Papayas, Blackberries, Kiwi, Peach, Banana, Grapes, Plums,
Apricots, Oranges, Clementines, Satsumas, Mangos, Apples, Figs,

Strawberries, Pear, Cherry, Melons, Fuchsia fruits and Rose hips.

Up to 5% from the occasional foods below,
The following contain "Oxalates" which binds with calcium and hampers
absorption, and should not be fed in large quantities, Chard, Spinach, Rhubarb
stems only (beware rhubarb leaves are very toxic), Dock, Sorrel, Beets and Beet
These contain "Goitrogens", so same as above feed in small quantities only,
Cabbage, Broccoli, Kale, Cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and Bok Choy.
The ownership of a Green Iguana is not to be taken lightly and certainly not to be
just purchased on a whim, they are not too difficult to look after but do need
some care and attention and can run to some expense with special lights for
UVB, basking and heating A large habitat is also required for all but the very
young Iguana....So to summarize I would say The Green Iguana is not a
beginners or young Childs pet, but for someone with the time care and funds
available, it can be the making of a good few years of enjoyment.

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