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ENGN 311/311L

Fluid Mechanics
Experiment #1
Hydrostatic Force on an Inclined Plane
Experimental Procedure
Equipment Setup
1. Remove clamping screw that secures hopper to the back panel and hang it behind the
2. Lift the tank assembly off of the padded, protective plate.
3. Remove the padded, protective plate. This will expose the rolling surface.
4. Level the rolling surface using the adjustable feet.
5. Clean the rolling surface and bottom of hopper with a clean, soft cloth.
6. Gently place the hopper back onto the rolling surface. Be sure it does not make
contact with the back panel to avoid friction. Make sure the hopper is parallel with
the back panel.
7. Slowly add water to the trim tank (the smaller tank by the hanging mass) so that the
0 line (or 20 line in subsequent steps) on the hopper is even with the 00 mm line on
the back panel. Use the pipette to remove or add small amounts of water from the
tank. This represents the equilibrium position for the hopper.
8. The center of rotation (where the clamping screw was removed) must be aligned with
the intersection of the vertical line and the horizontal 00 mm line on the back panel.
9. You are now prepared to perform the experiment.

1. Record the values of the inner and outer radius of the hopper, the width of the hopper,
and the moment arm of the hanging mass.
2. Carefully add a 50 g mass to the hanger.
3. Slowly add water to the larger tank (on the right side of the hopper) until it balances
the mass added on the hanger and the hopper returns to the equilibrium position. Use
the pipette to remove or add small amounts of water from the tank.
4. Record the position of the top of the water using the back panel.
5. Repeat steps 2 through 4 in 50 g increments for the full range of masses available
(600 g). If you must remove a mass from the hanger in order to increase the total
mass, hold the hopper in place while doing so. This avoids the hopper from rolling
against the sides of the rolling surface.
6. Repeat these steps for an initial angle of 20 .

Equipment Clean Up
1. Carefully pour out the water in the large tank.
2. Remove the masses from the hanger.
3. Pour out the water from the trim tank.
4. Wipe down any external surfaces that are wet.
5. Replace the padded, protective plate.
6. Put the hopper on the padded, protective plate. Secure the hopper to the back panel
with the clamping screw.

Written Assignment
1. Using the nomenclature of the drawing provided below, derive the equation for the
moment of the hydrostatic force about point O, the center of rotation of the hopper.
You will need to have two cases, one where the plane is partially submerged and one
when the plane is completely submerged. The moment should be a functional form of
L and only. This analysis can be hand written.
2. Provide a table listing all of your measurements for each angle.
3. Plot the hydrostatic moment, based on your theory from Part 1, along with the applied
moment due to the hanging mass. You must determine what would be an appropriate
quantity to plot the moment against. Be sure to plot these values for each angle.
4. Interpret and discuss your results. This discussion should include a comparison of the
hydrostatic and applied moment; a consideration of possible reasons for experimental
error; and recommendations for what you would do if you were going to repeat this





W = width of hopper

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