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Omul nu poate face alegeri intelepte in viata daca nu indrazneste sa se asculte pe

sine,pe el insusi in fiecare clipa aexistentei sale.ABRAHAM H. MASLOW

When you are building a company you must belive there is an answer and you
cannot pay attention to your odds of finding it.You justhave to find it.It matters not
whetheryou chances are nine in ten or one in o thousand;your task is the
The core elements of smart practice are the same:ideally,a potent combination of
joy,smart tactics and full focus.DANIELL GOLLEMAN
You need the negative focus to survive,but a positive one to thrive.You need both
,but in the right ratio.BOYATZIS
Exploration means we disengage from a currentfocus to search for new possibilities
and allows flexibility,discpvery and innovation.Exploitation takes sustained focus on
whar youre already doing,so you canrefine efficiencies and improve
performance.Those who exploit can find a safer path to profit ,while those who
explore can potentially find a far greater succes in the next new things-though to
risks of failure are greater and the horizon of paybackis further away.DANIEL
Theres a strong case yhat leaders need the full inner,other and outer focus to
excel-and that a weakness in any one of them can throw a leader off
The view you adopt for yoursealf profoundly affects the way you lead your life.It can
determine whether you become the person you accomplish the things you
value.How can a simple belief have the power to transform your psychology and,as
a result,your life.CAROL DWECK
Its a lot more difficult for me than I thought it would be,but its what I want to do,so
that only makes me more determined.When they tell me I cant it really gets me
going.Challenge and interest went hand in hand.CAROL DWECK
Wheen its really hard and I try really hardand I can do something I couldnt do
before.Or when I work on something a long time and I start to figure it out.For them
its not about immediate perfection,its about learning something over
time:confronting a challenge and making progress.CAROL DWECK
Becoming its better then being.CAROL DWECK
When people belive their basic qualities can be developed,failures may still hurt ,but
failures dont define them.And if abilities can be xpanded-if change and growth are
possible-then there are still many paths to success.CAROL DWECK

Next time you re tempted to surround yourself whith worshipers,go to the curch.In
the rest of your life seek constructive criticism.CAROL DWECK
The way you get away in life is hard work.
The mark of a championis the abillity to win when things are not quite right-when
youre not playing well and your emotions are not the right ones.
I belive abillity can get you to the top,but it takes character to keep you there.Its so
easy to begin thinking you can just turn it on automatically,withouth proper
preparation.IT takes real character to keep working as hard or even harder once
youre there.When you read about an athelete or team that wins over and
over,remind yourself:more than abillity,they hav character.JOHN WOODEN

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