Communication Engineering EC3002

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Institution of Engineers Sri LankaCollege of Engineering


Sample Question Paper - 2013
Time Allowed : 3 hrs
Read the instructions given below before attempting any questions.
1. Answer all five questions
2. Start answering each question on a fresh page of the answer book, and with therelevant
question number written at the top of the page appropriately.
3.Use large, clearly labelled diagrams or sketches wherever these will help your answers.
4. Write answers neatly and clearly.

(a) Draw a block diagram of a PCM communication system and give a short
description of each block.
(b) Compare Circuit Switching with Packet Switching.
(c) Describe the features of LAN, MAN, and WAN. Which type of network would be
suitable to interconnect users within a University extending over around 6km?
(d) What are the pros and cons of Analog and Digital Signals in communication?

(a) Explain Multiplexing and write short notes on any three signal multiplexing
(b) Calculate the data rate for a communication system that employs 16-ary
signaling if the signal transmission rate is 2000 symbols per second.
(c) Describe ASK, FSK, BPSK, QPSK.
(d) Give an overview of Access Network Technologies ADSL, FTTX and WiMAX

(a) Explain each signal type given below;
a. Deterministic
b. Non-Deterministic (Random)
c. Periodic
d. Non-Periodic (aperiodic)
(b) Any periodic waveform may be analyzed into or synthesized from a number of
harmonically related sine and cosine functions as shown below.

f ( t )=a 0+ an cos

2 nt
2 nt
+b n sin

T is the period. Show how

a0 ,




are determined.

(c) Explain three types of symmetries of wave forms drawing examples for each
(d) Find the Fourier Series of the periodic wave form given below.

(a) What is meant by additive white Gaussian noise and explain why thermal noise
is assumed to be additive, white and Gaussian?
(b) Explain below noise types giving examples for each;
a. Internal Noise
b. External Noise
(c) Define Noise Figure and Noise Temperature. What is the relationship between
(d) Explain why high-gain, low-noise amplifiers are used only at the first stage or
two in a cascaded chain.
(a) If you were asked to design a transmission link, mention four main factors you
would consider in doing so,
(b) Explain why an STP cable is more immune to noise than an unshielded parallel
cable pair.
(c) Why Optical Fiber is a better transmission media compared to any metallic
guided media, give five reasons. State three disadvantages of using Optical
(d) A receiver has sensitivity of 45 dBm and a BER of 10 9. What is the minimum
power that must be incident on the detector?

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