February Digital Signal

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February 2015

From the Pastor

The Daniel Fast was a challenge! Everyone who observed the
fast realized quickly that it required
a good bit of thought, labor and discipline... and thats the way it should
be! When we fast, our normal routine is thrown out of kilter, and were
forced over and over again every day
to the realization of the presence
of God and the privilege of prayer.

Some people chose not to do it

together through the Daniel Fast.
and thats perfectly fine. Everyone
We begin in February an eight-week
should follow their own conscience in
sermon series called, Romans:
something like this. Others couldnt
Your Freedom in Christ. Romans
do the fast for health rea sons. Still
is one of the most critical books in
others chose to observe the three
the Bible to grasp because it makes
weeks by fasting in different ways
so clear the powerful truth of the
some by coming off of social megospel and the concrete results of
dia; others by turning off the TV for
faith in Jesus. Ive been looking forthree weeks. And of course, many
ward to this series since last sumof our people went through it entiremer and cant wait to explore this
ly, with each family figuring out how
portion of Gods Word with you.
to make it work. However you might
have connected
Through the last
with the fast, I
it makes so clear the few months weve
was still proud of
severpowerful truth
our congregation
al new Sunday
going through it.
of the gospel
for adults. This

Some folks shared with me
month, two more new classes are
how clearly the Lord spoke into
beginning. Each existing class, as
their hearts through the Daniel
well as the new classes, gives peoFast. To be sure, theres nothing
ple the opportunity to make new
magical about fasting. Its simply
friends, connect with others on the
restricting your diet in ways that
same spiritual journey that they are
turn your heart more toward the
on, be mentored by a mature leadLord. Still, the Bible talks about
er and study Gods Word togethit so much that there must be
er. In other words, Sunday School
something to it! As different peois a prime means of discipleship,
ple told me how they received
of making disciples of Jesus. Ive
some special insight or direction
served as pastor for a long time,
from the Lord during the fast, that
and one thing Ive seen proved
made perfect sense because its
time after time is that when peocongruent with biblical teaching.
ple connect with a Sunday School
class, they experience more spiri
The results from the fast
tual growth than if they dont conon a congregational level werent
nect with a class. If you havent yet
necessarily visible, at least in the
found your place in Sunday School,
short term. I do believe, though,
the New Year is a great time to do it.
that when a congregation inten-

Our congregation was so
creative through the Daniel Fast.

Pastor Mike

WELCOME to the


Our Intercessory Prayer ministry is

a cornerstone of all the Lord is doing
here at LBC. Be thinking about how
you can connect with that ministry in
a personal way at our annual Prayer
Commitment Day later this month.

though Im writing this halfthrough Januarys Daniel

Ive received enough feedto make a few observations:

308 E. Main Street, Lexington SC 29072

24-hour prayer line: 803.808.7729
On-call phone: 803.767.2445

tionally sets its heart on seeking

God, good things come. Thank
you for your willingness to journey

See you Sunday,


Ian Geimer
Associate Pastor
(Next Generation Ministries)

Dr. Mike Turner

Senior Pastor

Jessica Wyndham
Communications Director

Dan Williams
Associate Pastor (Worship)
Alyce Gilliam
Associate Pastor (Missions)
Jerry Freeman
Associate Pastor
(Senior Adults & Congregational Care)

Jon Foster
Recreation Ministry & Facilities Director
Maegan Bolding
Childrens Ministries Director
Daniel Walker
Middle School Ministry Director


We asked you to share your Daniel
Fast experience with us on social
media by using the hash tag
#LBCDanielFast. Heres some of
what you had to say (we have some
comedians in our church family!):
Keep getting the same reaction from
waitresses. Is that all you want?
Yes, Im afraid so. #LBCDanielFast
I just saw the words Vegan bacon.
Together. In the same sentence. I am
sure hearts are broken.
- Kandice Hanley
Galatians 5:1- God gives us freedom from
and freedom to... #lbcdanielfast
- Jeff Stilwell
My food processor, blender, & dishwasher have been used more in the
past 8 days than in their entire lives.

Do you want gravy on that? Ugh,

noooooo. #LBCDanielFast
- Jake Powers
#pandora commercials for
#mellowmushroom during my run
while on the #lbcdanielfast are
wrong... just wrong
Catherine: Danny, what would you
like to drink with dinner?
Me: Water! what else can I have???
#lbcdanielfast #probs
- Danny Higginbotham

- Mindy Moore

Staff lunch at Chipotle today. I

was nervous about the Sofritas [tofu]
bowl, but it was pretty awesome.
- Jerry Freeman

Eating out with @walker3putt while

hes on #LBCDanielFast. Whats
the most torturous thing I can make
him watch me eat?
Suggestions welcome
- Will Riddle

You can join the conversation by following us on social media:

Getting to Know...

Daniel Walker
Director of Middle
School Ministries

Whats the best part about your

When students get it. When they
have had an encounter with the
risen Savior, and their lives are
forever changed. It proves over
and over again that God is indeed
real and desires to have a relationship with us.
What do you like to do in your
spare time?
Golf, listen to live music, watch
the Tar Heels mens basketball
team, drink coffee.
When is





I laugh all the time. Probably the

most recent belly laugh that I
had was when I came across this
reality show called Finding Bigfoot (ironically there are multiple
seasons of this show and still no
documentation of actually seeing
Bigfoot). All of sudden, one of
the cast members, James Bobo
Fay, does his own Bigfoot call in
the night to lure out the creature.
If you have some spare time, YouTube Bobos Bigfoot Calls, and
youll see what Im talking about.
If you could eat anything right
now, what would it be?

*All responses taken from Lexington Baptist Church social media. Send us your
feedback via Facebook, Twitter or email us at communication@lexingtonbaptist.org.

BBQ and coffee, not necessarily

together, but I wouldnt be opposed to that either.

Lex Kids Serve!

Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds,
and to be generous and willing to share.
1 Timothy 6:18
For the entire month of February, we will be collecting
supplies to prepare blessing bags for the homeless of
downtown Columbia. Every Monday night, a group from
LBC feeds and builds relationships with approximately
150 homeless men and women. This year, we would like
to distribute blessing bags to these individuals. Lex Kids will
be providing granola bars and Bibles, but we need
your help to fill the bags! Please bring the items in
the chart on Sunday mornings or Wednesday nights
throughout February.

Maegan Bolding
Childrens Ministries Director

12 TO 2 P.M.

AT 6:30 P.M.

We are inviting all of our elementary kids and their small group leaders to join us for a fun night of fellowship! This is a free event- help us
know how many to expect by registering before March 8 by emailing
Kristen King at kking@lexingtonbaptist.org.

Preschoolers, bring your parents and friends along with a

picnic lunch to Virginia Hylton
Park. Well bring the desserts
and the fun! Make sure to wear
green because this event is St.
Patricks Day themed!

Save the Dates

5 TO 9 P.M. IN THE
Lex Kids is committed to partnering with families. There is
no way we could do this without also committing to help
our parents date. When you
drop off your children in our
care, you will receive a preplanned date kit. Youll have
four hours for conversation
and simply having fun together. Registration will begin in
the Childrens Building Lobby
January 25th. Space is limited. Cost is $10 per child with a
$25 family max (pizza included). All fees must be paid at
the time of registration. Open
to the community.

Student Ministry Families,

February is going to be a stellar month for our students.
Some of the highlights during this month are our Chocolate and Wing Festivals on February 11. The Chocolate
Festival is an event for our student ministry girls grades
6-12. They will meet in the Reception Hall from 6-7:30
p.m. and will enjoy large quantities of chocolate, great
fellowship and will be blessed by our guest speaker,
Catherine Wheeler. That same night in The City, our
6-12th grade boys will be enjoying wings of every flavor
at our Wing Festival. We desire our guys to come and be
encouraged, build friendships and be inspired to make a difference as young men. Parents, please dont miss these opportunities on
February 11 to get your students involved.

Starting on March 4th and going through March 25th, I am leading a one hour D-Group on
Wednesday nights called Parenting Matters. We are going to cover a wide variety of topics
that are impacting this young generation. Parenting Matters will take place in the Reception Hall
from 6:15-7:15 p.m. Mark your calendars.

Ian Geimer
Associate Pastor

Next Generation Ministries


Student Events
Sunday, February 8
12:15 p.m. (Lunch provided)
The City (FLC)


Wednesday, February 11
6 to 7:30 p.m.
Reception Hall


Wednesday, February 11
6 to 7:30 p.m.
The City (FLC)

Sunday, February 15
6 p.m. in The City (FLC)

LBC Family Missions Trip

July 8-15, 2015

March 6-8
Details coming soon

Interested in serving overseas as a family? Make plans now to

allow God to use you and your family internationally for the
Kingdom. This summer well be reconnecting with missionaries in Nicaragua to aid the work that God is doing on the island
of Ometepe. Students that have completed one year of middle
school can be a part of the team, as long as they are accompanied by an parent/guardian. This trip is not limited to only
middle school students; high school (with parent/guardian) or
college students would also qualify. The heartbeat behind this
trip is to serve as a family. On February 8, well be having an informational team meeting at 12:15 p.m. in The City of the FLC
for those interested- please RSVP for the meeting by emailing
me at daniel@lexingtonbaptist.org. Secure your familys spot
by putting down your deposit. The deadline to register for this
trip is March 15.

Wednesday, March 11
6 p.m. in The City


Sunday, March 22
5 p.m. in The City
*RSVPs due same day*


March 27-29
Myrtle Beach, SC
RSVPs due by March 22
Cost: $50

June 22-26
Toccoa Falls, GA
Cost: $269
($50 deposit due by March 29)

Daniel Walker
Middle School Ministry Director


SENIOR& Congregational
LBC Family,
There are a couple of ministry opportunites that I want to let you
know about. One is for our senior adults, and the other is for married couples (of any age, as long as they meet the qualifications
listed below). Id like to encourage you to step out and make a difference by taking advantage of one of these great opportunities.



Senior Adult
Snow Blast
Friday, February 6
6 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall
Mid-winter get-together for Senior
Adults. Join us for an evening of
fun and fellowship! Saluda River
Elementary Arts Academy will
entertain us with music. Call
803.996.8843 by Monday,
Feb. 2, to make your reservation
$10/each, payable at the door.

Senior Single Ladies

Breakfast Bunch
Thursday, February 12
9 a.m. at Lizards Thicket
Lunch Bunch
Thursday, February 26
11:30 a.m. at Lizards Thicket

Mens Breakfast Club

Our senior adults have an on-going ministry with residents of local

assisted living facilities. We lead a short devotion time, some of our
volunteers lead songs (hymns, easy sing-alongs) or share some stories from their life experiences, and we pray with and for those in
attendance. We are looking for volunteers to join us in this ministry.
Available days and times are Wednesdays and Thursdays at 10 or 11
a.m. Well ask you to commit to one day a month, 12 times a year.
If you think this may be an area of interest for you to exercise your
spiritual giftings, or if you would just like more information, please
call or email our senior adult ministry office at 803.996.8843 or

Have you been married for ten or more years? Has your marriage
survived mental, emotional, financial and spiritual testing? Do you
want to see couples just starting out thrive through those same tests
and are willing to offer some advice? Lexington Baptist Church requires all couples who marry on our campus to complete pre-marital
counseling, and we are looking for couples like you to walk alongside engaged couples and help them see that Godly marriages can
and do exist in todays culture. If mentoring couples (4-6 weeks) is
something you are interested in, Id like to talk to you. Contact me at
803.996.8829 or jerry@lexingtonbaptist.org for more information.

Thursday, February 19
9 a.m. at Creekside Restaurant

Cornerstone Luncheon

Thursday, March 5
Details to follow in
The Encourager.

Jerry Freeman
Associate Pastor
Senior Adults & Congregational Care

Our annual Prayer Commitment Sunday at LBC

will be on February 22. This is the day that we
focus on our prayer ministry and give you the
opportunity to get involved. Well offer you the
chance to commit yourself to prayer in various
areas of this crucial ministry- see the Prayer
Commitment Form to the right, and begin thinking and praying about where youd like to serve.
You will be able to fill one of these forms out
in services on the 22nd. As we have fasted and
prayed to seek Gods direction for 2015, we
hope that many of you will be led to begin (or
continue) in one or more areas of prayer ministry. Prayer is the work! If you have questions,
please call or email Kay Coker at 803.892.3227,
803.920.1881 or kcoker2858@aol.com.

Nominating Committee
Thank You

The Nominating Committee would like to

thank those who served on Standing Committees last year. Thank you for serving our
church and the Kingdom!


Sunday, March 29
at 6 p.m. in the
LBC Worship Center



n The Marathon Singers (Senior

Adult Choir) of LBC will be participating in the SC Baptist Senior Adult Choir Festival in Myrtle Beach from February 23-24.
The festival will be led by Bob
and Esther Burroughs. If you are
not a member of the Marathon
Singers and are over 55 yearsold, this would be a great event
to come and join! The cost is $85
and includes meals, lodging and

Presented by WAM!

The children of WAM! (Worship, Arts and Music) will be

presenting In the Big Inning on March 29 at 6 p.m. in
the Worship Center. We hope you will make plans to attend
this musical event for the whole family!


praising the Risen Christ

Randy Vader
Jay Rouse
Rose Aspinall



The Lexington Baptist Church

Praise & Worship Choir and Orchestra will be presenting Kingdom Power Glory on March 22
at 6 p.m. in the Worship Center. We hope youll join us for an
evening of wonderful music and


Sunday, March 1
at 6 p.m. in the LBC Worship Center
We hope that youll join us on Sunday, March 1 at 6 p.m. in
the Worship Center for a community hymn sing. We are looking forward to coming together for singing and celebrating
the great hymns of our faith!
You can find out more information by
calling the music office at 803.996.8832.
Dan Williams
Associate Pastor, Worship

Lexington Baptist Preschool

2015-2016 Registration
Lexington Baptist Preschool will open the 2015-2016 school year registration for children that are
currently enrolled in our program and their siblings from January 7 to January 30, 2015. Registration
opens on Monday, February 2 at 8 a.m. for LBC church members. Registration will open to the public
on Tuesday, February 3, at 8 a.m. For information on class availability and fee schedule, please see the
handout available at the Welcome Center in the Childrens Building, check our website at lbcpreschool.
org or call Mandy Long at Lexington Baptist Preschool at 803.996.8811.


Friendship Partners: Reaching Out to Local Internationals

In February, we are focusing a very exciting and rewarding outreach ministry:
Friendship Partners. Heres a glimpse at what God is doing, evidenced in this
testimony by LBC Member, Joseph Grieco:
I want to share just how the dreams of God are working in and through the Friendship Partners Ministry. It is our mission to join together church members with local Internationals in lasting friendships so
that they may come to know the love of Jesus Christ.
Before going any further it would be impossible not to mention the beloved heart that received this vision for our community. Aslinn Pityk, member at LBC, had mentioned the ministry to a group of members one morning after Sunday school. Upon hearing about it, I immediately grew interested. From that
day on, I began to pursue more and more information, and eventually attended a well-organized training class at LBC. The class presented the purpose, goal and mission for the ministry. All said and done,
when I left I felt equipped and encouraged enough to get rolling right there and then! The distribution
of small brochures and wallet sized information cards made spreading the word fairly easy as well. I
recall handing out the stacks Aslinn had given me to the local apartment complexes around Lexington
both confident and expectant in the Lord. There wasnt a single time during the sowing process that
Aslinn did not make herself available for prayers, questions and encouragement. You never feel alone
in this ministry and as our Great Savior says, For where two or three gather in my name, there am I
with them (Matthew 18:20 NIV). Like all unbelievers, the internationals in and around our community
are just fields of dust void of everything that is life. We feel a great calling to bring the refreshing Gospel to these barren souls. Once Jesus is planted, even in the poorest of grounds, life and newness are
inevitable. What was once a desert will one day become a rainforest!
The first time I met Danny I sat in my car and reviewed his profile for the Nth time. Hes 27 years
old, likes baseball, is from Taiwan and he goes to USC to study the English language, In the beginning,
Danny and I did our best hanging out at least once a week but after a round of one-on-one baseball
and a day at the lake with BCM (Baptist College Ministry), we found ourselves sharing much more time.
Throughout the five months I spent getting to know Danny, Aslinn and others kept quiet tabs on our
progress. This, again, assured me that I had a nearby cloud of witnesses to support what the Lord was
doing through me and the ministry. Most would be surprised to learn that Danny possessed an already
growing curiosity towards the Bible and Jesus in particular. He attended more Bible studies and church
events than I could keep track of! One of which I had the pleasure of connecting with.


Danny and I shared personal discussions about salvation and what the Bible teaches. On one occasion
in particular, he asked me why he was so curious about Jesus and the Bible. During another, he asked
me to show him why sexual immorality was forbidden, which took a divine turn to a lesson on Romans
10. I explained how we are all called to believe in Jesus with all of our heart and to profess Him with
our mouths. I had the indescribable pleasure of witnessing to him a number of times, none of which
resulted in the blossoming of a new believer. Nonetheless, he was curious, brothers and sisters! A dead

heart, a remote wasteland of a soul, has grown curious as a result of this Friendship Partner ministry!
I am overfilled and spilling with the joy of Dannys
words to me, I dont believe in God or Jesus now. But
maybe one day I will. With all my heart and soul I ask
that each and every one of you, church family, would
pray not only for the Friendship Partner Ministry, but
for my dear friend Dannys heart! That one day soon
the wind will whisper to us the sweet fragrance of a
new believer in Christ! That there will be from him, and
the planting of a mustard seed, a great revival in the
tiny nation of Taiwan! God bless, and may His light be
with us all every step of every day!
- Joseph Grieco
If you would like to become involved in the Friendship Partner ministry at LBC, please come to the Missions table
in the lobby before or after services in February. We can give you information about training to be a Friendship
Partner volunteer, about opening your home to allow internationals to come in and study the Bible or about praying alongside the ministry. We would also like as many LBC members as possible to stop by
and get some literature to pass out in the community as you encounter international people
in restaurants and businesses around town. You can also fill out a volunteer interest form at
lexingtonbaptist.org/friendship.There are links both for church members who would like to
volunteer as a friend and for internationals you meet who would like an American friend!
Alyce Gilliam
Associate Pastor, Missions

A note from the Kosanovic family, LBC members serving abroad:

Every day we teach, there is no lack of students who want in on a hug. We knew that many were from poor
families, but we also learned that many come from single parent homes and some are orphans. In the culture, you will rarely see outward displays of affection, but for the younger generation, we are seeing it more.
How this plays into family dynamics we dont know, but for many of the students, it is evident that the love
we show them through hugs is missing in their lives. It pales in comparison to the love Jesus has for them,
but we hope the love He has shown us shows in our hugs and will be a small light that draws them to Him.
This time of year also brings an opportunity to give a small gift that will meet a simple need in their life.
It was amazing to see so much appreciation for such a small gift. We would like to be able to do more, but
even if we could, we wouldnt. We want people to run to the glory of God, not the hope of material gain.
We were uncertain if we would be able to communicate what Christmas meant to us, and why we were
giving gifts. But an attempt at a simple English explanation of Jesus being the greatest gift of all and our
reason for giving a small gift to honor Him, led to the opportunity to share it in their language as well. May,
the teacher, would first see what they understood, and then explain in their language. Though she is not a
believer, she has had some exposure to Christian beliefs. We would learn that she is not the only one.
In one class she asked if they knew who Jesus was. One boy blurted out in his language that Jesus died and
was dead for three days but rose again. To say the least, we were amazed. We have also learned that at least
two of the students are from Christian families. We prayed that God would lead us to where He is already
working, and we believe He has put us in the right area. Pray we can show Christs love to the students
every day through our help and our hugs. Pray for the Holy Spirit to remind the students about Jesus and
to continue to open hearts to want to hear more.

Wednesday Supper

February 4
Shrimp Gumbo
Roast Pork Tenderloin
Rice, Southwestern Corn

February 11
Chopped Barbecue
Country Style Steak
Hash and Rice, Green Beans

February 18
Fried or Roasted Chicken
Broccoli and Rice Casserole
Glazed Carrots

Adult discipleship news

Do you know our Creator as God, Father and Friend? Whatever
your answer, we can always grow closer to Him and the Eternal Kingdom, and move further away from the fallen kingdom
of the world. Join us as we study the Kingdom of our Lord
and form lasting friendships with each other. Led by Joseph
Grieco, this class will meet in CHB 313 at 9 a.m. and is for
men ages 17-30.


This class meets every week studying the word of God and
enjoying fellowship together. Join them; they are here for you!
Led by Torrey & Crystal Hightower, this class meets at 10:30
a.m. in CHB 304.

February 25
Smothered Pork Chops
Italian Sausage w/Peppers & Onions
Rice, Field Peas with Snaps

For children, chicken strips and

French fries are also served at
each meal.
All meals include rolls & butter,
assorted desserts, salad bar, iced
tea and/or lemonade and coffee.


Supper served from 4:45 to

6 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall
Adults: $6
Children (5 - 12): $4*
Children 4 & Under Eat Free!
(Family Maximum*: $15)
Payable at the door
Reservations Required.
Deadline for Reservations and
Cancellations: Sunday at 5 p.m.
Make Weekly/Permanent Reservations!
Please make reservations online
or by calling 803.359.4146.



Bryant & Cindy Herring will lead a class for married couples,
ages 35-50. The class will meet in CHB 303 at 9:00 a.m.





8 a.m.
Adult Bible Study
9 a.m. Worship

Adult & Student Sunday School

Childrens Sunday School (All Ages)
10:30 a.m. Worship

Adult, Student, & Childrens

Sunday School (All Ages)
4 p.m.
Praying for Prodigals Group
4:45 p.m. Missions Prayer Support (406 AEB)
6 p.m.
Evening Worship* (Chapel)

WAM Childrens Choirs Rehearsal





Senior Adult
Snow Blast
6 p.m.

Series Begins
9 & 10:30


Great Date
5 p.m.

Student Wing
& Chocolate
6 p.m.

Dinner with
the Pastor
4 p.m.


8:30 a.m.
10 a.m.
6:30 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
7 p.m.

Ladies Bible Study

Ladies Bible Study (CHB 201)
Ladies Bible Study (RH)
Mens Bible Study (CHB 201)
Mens Prayer Group (CHB 206)

4 p.m.
Marathon Singers Rehearsal
4:45 p.m. Fellowship Supper (until 6 p.m.)
6:15 p.m. Midweek Worship

Wired (Birth- 5th Grade)

Encounter 431 (6th- 12th Grade)
7:00 p.m. Adult Choir Rehearsal
7:30 p.m. Orchestra Rehearsal












Student Oscar
6 p.m.


2 p.m.

Prayer Shawl Knitting/Crochet

Mens Bible
Study with
Foster Christy
7 a.m.


Family Fun
Movie Night
6:30 p.m.

AEB: Adult Education Building

CHB: Chapel Building
FLC: Family Life Center
RH: Reception Hall








The Signal is a monthly publication of Lexington Baptist Church.

For story ideas, submissions or comments, please email Jessica
Wyndham at jwyndham@lexingtonbaptist.org. You can also read
online or subscribe at lexingtonbaptist.org.


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