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Sigma Society Chapter Meeting

January 26, 2014 at 5:30pm

Union Ballroom
Roll Call: What is the weirdest thing you have ever eaten?
Exec Reports:
Guest Speaker
Brandon Thomas
o Putting together a mass group session to get your volunteer
cards for the Humane Society
o Setting up an emergency shelter
o Advanced CERT program
Recommended for high school teachers
Taking over Phillips Hall
1st or 2nd week of March and you get to dress up basically
like a zombie
o If you are interested in any of these, make a list so they can get
a hold of us
Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants
o Alycia Drost and Olberding
Children & Family Center
o They sent us a Thank you letter for the blankets we made with
Alpha Sigma Alpha!
o How nice
o We have decided that we should raise money for ourselves so we
can have more money for homecoming next semester
o Some ideas we have had are:
Cookie Dough
Sonic Cards
Maybe a book sale
If you have any ideas, let Meaghan know
Birthdays- Aquarius
o MacKenzie Magwier
o Sydney Bishop
o Jessica Buckley
o Mikaela Campbell
o Olivia Klocke
o Tara Knudson
o Sydney Maynes
o Taylor Powell
o Amanda Stoll

o Molly Williams
o Opal Ekhert scholarship
o Sophomores and Juniors that have been an active member for at
least one year
o $400 scholarship
o Due February 1st
o If you are interest e-mail Meaghan
Vice President:
Thank You
o Thank you for coming to the sisterhood event
o It was a lot of fun
o Mixer: March 19th
Phi Delta Theta
Paint war/paint slip n slide
Time and Location TBD
Formal themes
o Fiesta
o Winery
o Final rose
o Kentucky derby
o Vegas
o Winner: Final rose!
o MacKenzie will start taking t-shirt ideas. Send her the design of
what you want with the colors you want
Recognition box
o Send these in
Leave of Absence
o The leave of absence deadline has been extended to this Friday
January 30th at midnight
o What is a leave of absence?
It is a temporary withdrawal from the organization
You are allowed two throughout all of your semesters in
Sigma Society
You are not allowed to participate in any events or
meetings put on by sigma nor do you have to fulfill any
requirements for that semester
You can still go to Formal if you are invited
o If you wish to take a leave:
E-mail Marg and provide an explanation as to why you wish
to take your leave

o If your call doesnt go through and you also cant get a voicemail,
please call Meaghan.
o $1,590.92
o $25 due tonight!
o You can pay in cash, check, or online
Humane Society
o Every year you have to fill out the forms in order to volunteer
o Jeannie will e-mail out this form again
o Humane society forms: Due February 2nd at midnight
o If you need to take the class, e-mail Jeannie
Service Week Schedule
o E-mailing this out later this week
o Sign-ups are opening up Februrary 9th
o Service week is 15-21st?????
Mandatory Event
o This will be involving the humane society on February 21st
o Details coming soon
Volunteer Opportunities
o Building cat shelters for NWAAA
February 4th at 8pm in Frist Ladies dining room
o Women and Childrens cleaning
February 3rd at 4pm
o There is a list of ongoing opportunities on the calendar of events
o Relay for life
March 6th from 6pm-6am: This is an all night event
Email Jeannie if you are interested
o Mikaela posted something on Facebook. Follow the link to signup or to get more information
o Last day for Teddy Bear drive is February 4th at midnight
Collection boxes are in the Station, Roberta, South
Complex, and HP
You can write 8 valentines for 2 hours
Nothing related to religion, sad emotions, or death
o Partnered Events
There will be several big events that we will be working on
There will be sign ups soon to help with different aspects of
the project

Be thinking about how much time you want to put into

o Brittney Billinger
Big Event needs snacks
If you donate snacks to her by Friday at 10pm
Contact her if you want to donate snacks for the Big Event
o Alycia Drost
Tomorrow, Wednesday, and Thursday we are doing the
blood drive
She has these sign-ups if you would like to donate
Pledge Shirts
o Today is the last day to pick up your pledge shirt before you get a
Org Fair
o Here in the Ballroom from 10-2
o If you sign up to this, wear sigma attire
Rush Dates
o Ask that you wear sigma attire all week because that would be
o If you live in the dorms, get a flyer to hang on your door
o Tuesday: Facts and Snacks at 6pm in CH 3250
o Wednesday: Speed Dating at 6pm in GS 2550
o Thursday: Service Night at 6pmin GS 2560
o Bring snacks for Tuesday and Thursdays events and bring stuff
for the hot chocolate bar if you come on Wednesday.
Activation: March 15th at 7pm in Ballroom
Mom/Dot: March 29th at 7pm in Tower view
Constitution Changes
o Check out the constitution attachment for the highlighted
o If you signed up to work the carnation tables, please come and
double check the times you
o We will be passing these out on February 13th from 11-3
No Report
Bridal Show:
o March 14th from 12-4 is the Bridal Show

o We are working the National Guard now because MMO didnt

work out
o We still need wedding or engagement photos from people in
sigma or Alumni
o T-shirt designs are due February 2nd at midnight
o The bridal show is your org. shirt
o You will need 2 hours for the Bridal Show
o The week of February 16th, you will figure out what the sign ups
Alumni of the Week
o Megan Trottman (Allen)
Public Relations:
Org Shirts
o This is the last meeting she will be carrying them with her
o If you cant get them today, e-mail Rachael to find a time to
meet with her
Social Media
o Facebook: please like the like page
o Twitter: @sigmasociety
MacKenzie Magwire: This Wednesday is org. night at the basketball game at
5:30 and 7:30 in Lamkin. Also, if you have any DJs, let Mack know.
Rachael Kortkamp: Got accepted to 4 grad schools
Mary: The wellness center as meditation times on Tuesday at noon and
Thursday at 1
Knealey: If you ordered Girl Scout cookies, she will have them on the 16th and
bring your money to her
Here is a brain break video for you!

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