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NOT FOR SALE FREE SAMPLE CODY CLICK ON PIIVGESHH S LIOUR Virginia Evans - Neil O'Sullivan Students Book Virginia Evans - Neil O'Sullivan Bs Express Publishing Contents jobs; counties; places in o town UNIT 2 tm from ... (pp. 1623) ION 2 ) MODULE 1 SELF-ASSESSMENT (pp. 26.27) MODULE 2 SELFASSESSMENT fp. 48-49) “UNITS — ily routines; free- ie Hime activities; ee describing people (pp. 50-57) UNIT 6 food & drink; How much clothes; shops MODULE 3 SELE-ASSESSMENT (pp. 7071) PAIRWORK ACTIMITIES (pp. 7378) ‘WORD UST cardinal numbers (21 - 100); counties; nationalities; places in town 8: pes of object; frniure telling the time; describing conimals; talking ebout people's daily routines ot work job descriptions; obilities sports/activities; days of the ‘week; months; seasons; people's facial features; likes/dishikes; preferences & character types of shops; types of food & rink; clothes; British money @/an; subject pronouns the is verb to be (affirmative) the vetb to be negative & interrogotive); plurals [5]; there is/here ore; adjectives plurals; regula plurals; this/these; that/those; the verb hove got, possessive adjectives; possessive case; preposiions of place present simple (offrmative); can; prepositions of ime present simple (negative & interrogatve); adverbs of frequency; prepositions of fime countable uncountable nouns; o/an/some/any, hhow much?/how many?; the imperative [READING on PSN COMMUNICATION & greetings; oe = ‘ n telng the time; describing animals Joking cboutfeetime cctvities Published by Express Publishing Liberty House, New Greenham Park, Newbury, Berkshire RG19 GHW. Tel: 0044) 1635 817 363 Fox: (0044) 1635 817 463 emoil: http: // © Virginio Evans - Neil O'Sulivan, 2002 Design ond Illustration © Express Publishing, 2002 All rights reserved. No part ofthis publication may be reproduced, siored in 0 retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by ony meons, elecronic, photocopying or otherwise, without wiiton permission ofthe publishers First published 2002 ISBN 1.84325-654.1 Acknowledgements ‘Authors! Acknowledgements We would like to honk al he sioff ot Express Publishing who hove contributed their ils o producing this book. Thonks for their suppor ond patience are due in particular t: Megan Lewton (Editor in Chief); Stephonie Smith ond Seon Tadd leenir elites); Michoel Sadler and Andrew Wright feditorolossistans); Richord While senior production controller) ‘he Express design oom; Onyx (recording producers); ond Rachel Robbins, Kevin Herts, Dovid Smith, Erica Thompson, Kimberly Boke, Timothy Forster, Sleven Gibbs, Eric Simmans, Chine litle ond Ere Tay. We would oso like fo thork ‘hose insliuions and teachers who piloted the monusript, and whose comments and feedbock ware invalucle in the production ofthe book. Special thanks fo Lauren, Alex, Andy, Nodia ond Chris The authors ond pubishers wish lo thank the fllowing, who have kindly given permision forthe use of copyright matric: © girheayen for the article on pp 6667; © The Body Shop for the atile on pp 66-67. ‘Colour lusations: Nathan, Chris Music Compotiion & Arrongement by Ted and Taz © Express Publishing, 2002 While every effort hos been made to race al the copyright holders, if ony have been inodverenty overlooked the publshecs wil be pleosed to moke the necessary crrangemants ofthe frst opportunity. ss are you in at school? ce English? Hello! UNIT the alphabet colours clothes pels cordinal numbers (1-20) family members numbers (21-100) & nationalities Learn how fo ... give personal information i jourselves /others gree! people talk about your family - deseribe your say goodt Practise ... © there is~ there ore @ © adjectives ® Write... * c letier fo a pentriend about yourself ond your forily © @ short description of a town => |: What is this? I's a TV camera. Lead-in @) Match the pictures (1-11) to the words, Geol... ;aignake ...; 0 hat a TV camerd ... ; a parrot... ; an apple achimp ...; a dog ... ; a horse ao mouse ... ; 0 mike b) In pairs, ask and answer questions, as | in the example. Listening Q 9) Listen and repeat. What's your nome? * What’ this? How old are you? * Haw ate you? This is my sister, + {'m fine, thanks. Th¢ b) Read the sentences, then close your books and try to remember as many as possible. ° listen and mark the sentences true (T) or false (F). ooo00 Hi, Dan, This is my sister, Liz. Hello! How old are you? Reading 4 Read the dialogues (A:C) and match the Kmnee people to their pels, then explain the words What's this? in bold. It’s my pet cat, Tabby. f 7 [E] Tom: Hi, Eva. How are you? Eva: _ I'm fine, thanks, Tom. parrot cat Tom: — What's this? Eva: _ It's my horse, Winnie. ES Ruby: Hello, What's your name? Jake: My name's Jake 5 In pairs, read the dialogues aloud Ruby: How old are you, Jake? Jake: I'm twelve years old Speaking Ruby: And what's this? Jake: It’s a parrot. Her name is Polly. 6 look at dialogue C. In pairs, use the Ruby: Hello, Polly. prompts to act out similar dialogues. Polly: Hello! Hello! Bob ~ Ruby ~ snake, Monty Don ~ imp, Fred Billy ~ Sue ~ mos Tom ~ Evo ~ dog, Rufus Vocabulary * The Alphabet 7 CQiiisen ond repeat. | N Q look at the capital letters, then write the small letters. Mo he Listening 4) Listen and repeat. A: What's yaur name, please? ‘Mary. What's your last name, Mary? Savith How do you spel hat? S-M+LT-H Speaking b) Use the names below to act out similar dialogues. * Jim Down * Susan Archer * Brenda Hicks Michael White * Your name * Colours 10 Q Look, listen and repeat. Which is your favourite colour? 11. ©) Witte the colours. ge le gy oli'sa Tshirt Speaking b} In pairs, ask and answer, as in the example. A: What is it? B: It’sa hat. A: What colour is it? B: It's yellow. * Cardinal Numbers (1 - 20) 12 (DSiisten and repeat. 1 one 8 eight 15 fifteen 2 two 9 nine 16 sixteen 3 three 10 ten 17 sevenieen 4 four M1 eleven | 18 eighte ‘5 five 12 twelve 19 nineteen 6 six 13 thirteen 20 twenty 7 seven 14 fourteen Listening 13 G4) Listen and cross out (x) the numbers your hear. Then write the seat numbers as in the example. A yey p84 44 py 8 64 074 18) 199 194 gab e124 608 114) 1155 D $64 1174 Lisi Lis} L20) exr ” Joke A five Sam C Emma B Becky D Speaking b) In pairs, ask and answer, as in the example. A; What's your seat number, Joke? B: I's A five 14 Write the ages of the pets. 3 Shepis..yeos ~ | 4 Kityis sd | ygars ol ee — | 5° Snowball is | © Rex is years old. i] e's old. ——— 10 * Family 15 0) Look at the pictures cand write the words in the dialogues. MME 1 cod — David Then, read the . diclogues aloud. <3 Who is he? He's Mary's dad. What's his name? His nome is David. 3 sister — Ann Who is she? Shes Mays nom ye: Who''s her nome? Her name Speaking ‘ . ry P>P> S>oe Who is she? 4A: Who ishe? b) Ask and onswer, os in the example. She's Marys on Pelinaeny# SI: Who is David? What's her nome’ 5 = "$2: He's Mary's dad. Who is Tracey? Her $3: She’s Pree Grammar d *a-an © We use ‘an’ before a, ¢, i, 0, u 7 robbit 8 goldtish eucan's: an orange A: What's number one? © We use ‘a’ before all other letters (b B Feo het dhohiklmap.asst x, y, 2): @ bird, a horse 16 Fillin oor an. Then, in pairs, osk and a Game answer, as in the example. ~ Divide the class into two teams. Say : words from the list. Students, in teams, soy the word, adding o or an. Each & correct answer gels 1 point. The team 1 ohot 2 egg with the most points is the winner. apple, dog, mike, egg, ball, umbrella, boy, etc Teacher: apple 3 umbrella 4... « be =P Team AS1: an apple \ Teacher: Correct! dog oe Team BSI: adog ete 5 balloon 6 oronge © Subject Pronouns 1 we you you he she they 17 Write the correct pronoun in the blanks. 1 This is Bill, lyn and Stella They are my friends. nine. 4 This is my brother 18 Underline the correct answer, as in the example. This is Tim, Joe ond Meg. t/They are fifleen This is my sister. She/He is sixioen ‘My nome is Rose. We/I am eleven. This is Tony. He/They is twelve, This is me and Ann. |/We are thirteen, This is my brother Pele. He/She is twenty This is John ond Tim. He/They are my friends This is me. We am eigh This is me and my fiend Danny. We/They are fifteen. FPy'0 This is Tino. She/He is my sister. CONOUREN= * The verb “to be” 1am Im you are you're he) he she } is she } 's i ad we we ) they they 19 Fill in om, is, o are, They are twins. 7 He two, Ir mouse. 8 We Eva brother and sister. eight. 9 She my mum. They pets. 10 He my friend. «@ parrot. 20 Write ‘m, 's or ‘re. My name 1) ........ Toni. | seventeen years old is is me in my ski suit, It 7 puple and ble. The ski boots are my sistrs \ They 4)... orange Listening 21 (listen and tick (v) the correct box. 1 Which is Sols pe? snail 3. How old is Don? MEY ov y 4. What colour is Bob's Tshirt? 2 Which is Ann's hot? ge Communication Pronunciation /1/, /i/ © Introductions & Greetings 23 Qa Listen and repeat. 22 Qa Listen and repect. short /1/: this, it, sister long /t/: he, thee, thiteen Q b) Listen and tick (¥), then repeat. A: Hello. My name’s Rick Potter. What's you! nome? 8: My name's Bill Martyn a ; A: How do you spell that? M-A-R=T-I-N? Ad [i/ Al | hd 8: No, M-A-R-T-Y-N. {liz v Smith is nineieen + A: Hi, Carla, she listen B: Hi, Debbie, Who is this? A: This is my sister, Kathie Listening B: Hello, Kathie, How ate you? C: tm fine, thanks 2A (> listen ond fill in the missing words. Speaking lisa Ed Dove Jane b) In pairs, use the prompts below to act out Animal rabbit cot similar dialogues. Name | Cindy | Jows | Tibby Shep © Ron Foster ~ Ray © Helen ~ Vicky lewis (Louis) — Mary Colour orange | grey ‘Age | eight | one Reading 25 Read the paragraphs below and match each animal to the correct text. My name Is Lisa. This is my rabbit, Cindy. f She is white. She is eight years old. y ci a My name is Ed, This is my fish, Jaws. He is orange. He is one year old. cel) My name is Dave. This is my cat, Tibby. He i grey. He is three years old. TY My name is Jane. This is my dog, Shep. He is broun. He is eleven yeors old Speaking 26 look at the table in Ex. 24 ond make sentences, os in the example. This is lisa’s rabbit, Cindy. She is white. She is eight years old. Writing (a letter to a pensriend) e a Copital Letters We use 0 capital letter fo © the first word in a sentence He’s twelve. * names Karen © the personal pronoun “I* Hello. I'm Sally and I’m nine years old. 27 Read the text and write the capital letters. dear carlos, hello! my name’s lisa. i’m twelve years old. this is a picture of me and my family. this is my mum, anne, and my dad, derek. my brother, gary, is fourteen years old. my pet rabbit, cindy, is white. she is eight years old. that’s all about me. what about you? love, lisa 28 Fillin the table, then talk about yourself and your family. my nam mum [nome] dad {nome}: brother (name, age}: sister {name, agel: : pet [animal, nam (colour, agel: age: Use the information from Ex. 28 to complete the letter to your pen-friend. Dear Roberto, Hello! My MAMe’S cesssecssereesseersnseees I'm old. This is a picture of me and my fanily. This is my mua, . , and this is my My years old, and My pet... - years old. That's all about me. What about you? Love, (your first name) B Consolidation 1 1 Complete the crossword. Write the colours. Which is your favourite yo colour? Ria RR 1 6 2 7 3. 8 4 9 5 10 3 How old are they? Look and say. 2 liz 10 Ben MR Bob 11 Usteve 2161 you? 1 lizis ten yeors old 14 A. Write the words, then spell each word. 5 Write a sentence for each word. 1 ld How old are you? 2 colour 3° name 4 mum 5 years old 6 who 7 dod 8 last nome 9 spel 10 coat 11 brother 12 fine 13 sister 14 shoe 6 Write three words which take ‘a’ and three which take ‘an’. ST Match the questions to the answers. a) Write is or are. cr TI How old ore you? A MPARY. Josh twelve yeors old. This vey B [mh his sister. Her nome Claire, 2L] Whats your name? mfine, thanks. ig mum Annevond hi¥dad L_] How do you spell thot? © Smith. Peter. This Mitzi, his dog, and thot [Who's this? D Red. Sooty, his cot. They his pets. SL]How are you? E This is my dod TELJWhots yourles none? | E Mery B) Wile @ sinilr paragraph abou! your - family. [ZJWhat’s your fovouite colour?| Gis a snoke, ie BI_]Whor's this? H Twelve. Pairwork Activity QB Write he, she, itor they. 10 In pairs, do the activity. Student A looks at page 72. Student B looks ot page 75. Ask questions to complete the cards. Let's cin 11 GO tisten ond fil in the words. listen again and sing. Yellow are the 2) And so is the bus. The colours of the rainbow are Red, 3) .. yellow, green, 4)... ., indigo and violet. So 15 2 | I'm from ... lead-in Listening |]. Match the people (1-10) to the jobs. Then, in 2 (_> a) listen and repeat. pairs, ask and answer, as in the example. ° teacher me ee ee the doctor. « from? pilot feceptionist ..... ; student our name, . Where's Mae from? She's from Chino. What's her job? She's a receptionist Where’s Nick from? He’s from Irelond. 1: What's his job? Ho's a pilot. b) Read the sentences, then close your books cond try to remember as many as possible. Sees PawD Nick - Ireland 3D Liston and circle the correct answer. B] Headmaster: Good morning, class. This I is Mr Hammond. He's your logue Ais be new teacher. A a pilot and a doctor. Mr Hammond: Good morning, class. | B pilot and o receptionist. Class: Good morning, Sir 2 Je B is between Student A: Where are’you from, Mr teachers. Hammond? Mr Hammond: I'm from Portland. 3 Diclogue C is betweer Student B: Where’s that? A two from Brazil Mr Hammond: It’s in the USA. Bo woman and a posimon [CE] Miss Pinto: Yes? Reading Postman: Good morning. I’m your new postman. Is this 27 4. Read the dialogues (A.C) and answer the _ Cedar Lane? questions (1-6), then explain the words in Miss Pinto: Yes, itis, bold. Postman: | have a parcel from Brazil for Miss Maria Pinto. T How old is Nick? 5. What is Miss-Pinto’s Miss Pinto: I'm Maria Pinto, 2-What's Nick's job? address? Postman: Here itis. 3 Who's Mr 6 Where's the parcel Miss Pinto: Thank you. Bye. Hammond? from? 4 Where's Portland? 5 Inpairs, read the dialogues aloud. Receptionist: Good afternoon. Can | help you? Nick: Yes, please. | want to see the doctor. Receptionist: What's your name, please? Nick: My name’s Nick Black. Receptionist: How old are you? Nick: I'm thirty-one. Receptionist: What's your job, Mr Black? Nick: I’m a pilot. C Receptionist: Please sit down, over there, Nick: Thank you ef Vocabulary Listening * Cardinal numbers (21-100) FG tise and write the city. Then, in pois, ask cand answer, as in the example. 6 (listen and repeot. 1 Jean - Dijon 490 2 hundred 100 one hundred) | 7 100k ot the numbers and write them in words. ¢ ¢ * Countries and Nationalities ‘eran 8 > Mach the countries (1-10) to the nationalities (c-j), then listen and check. A: Who's he? B: Yes, Dijon. B: His name's Jean. D-1-J-O-N. A: Where is he from? A: Where's that? Bitsh B: He's from Dijon. B: W's in France. Chinese A: Dijon? | Greek Brazion | Aagentinicn | Briain Conadion ‘America Turkish China talon Greece Polish Axgenting j, Americon 10 look ot the pictures. Then, in pairs, askand 1 Underline the correct word, as in the answer, asin the example, example. 1 Fim from Spain. 'm not/isn't from tly 2 You ate eleven years old. You are/aren't twelve years old. 3. They'te from Egypt. They isn't/orent from Poland, 4 She's Bish, She is't/’m not American 5 Ho's my friend. He oren't/isn’t my brother rortugal Ami ..? Yes, | am. / No, |'m net. 2 Antonio a ra Are you .....? Yes, you are. / No, you aren't Ishe.....? Yes, heis. /No, he ist Is she .....? Yes, she Is. / No, she isnt Is it ? Yes, it is. / No, it isn't, Are we Yes, we are. / No, we aren't Are you .....? Yes, you are. / No, you aren't. ‘Ate they .....? Yes, they are. / No, they aren't 12 fill in the correct answer. Momoko & Hiro - (32, “Is Maria from Poland?" “Yes, she is.” “Me you twenly one years old?" *No, “re they Chinese?” "No, “Is she your sisier?” “Yes, 1 2 3 4 5. “Are Frank and Bill teachers?” "Yes, 6 7 8 9 Who's she? Her name's Rosa. How old is she? “ls Brion your brother?” “No, Stelle from Portugol?* “Yes “Bee they ltalian?" “Yes, Ph eher She's 27. “Me Keiko and Doisuke students?’ “Yes, ... .” : What nationoliy is she? 10 “is Bil syosan-yeors cid? “No, 7 She's Portuguese. 11 “ls Li your sister?” *No, 12 “Are Maria and Lisa nurses?" “Yes, Grammar a * The verb “to be! @ came = Divide the class into two teams. Choose a leader and ask him/her to think of a job. Students, in teams, ask questions to find = tm = cout what his/her job is. Choose another you ae fr you aren't leader and continue the game. Each he he correct guess gets 1 point. The team with the | cot che isnt the most points isthe winner. it it Leader (thinks of *pilot") e we Team ASI: Are you a vel? you oe not you aren't leader: No, I'm not. they they Team BSI: Are you @ postman? ete 19 13 Fill in: ore, is, ’s, ‘re, ‘m, listening aren't or isn’t. 15 (> listen ond tick the correct picture, © A: Hello! 11) Who 2) 1_ Where's Stella from? you? B: Hil | 3) . Petra. 4) you a doctor, > zz 2 rot. | 4 evel eal Poul and Don from England? B: No, they 2) They 3) from the USA A: Oh! Who 4) that cover there? Molly, Where 6] she from? . 1 (3 Which oe) aon 1 a From Gta Grace ond Lily?) Oh, so. she a 14. Look at the pictures. Then, in pairs, ask and answer questions, as in the exampl | 7 x = 19 g 3 Ricoido 1 Write the plural form of each word Sophia a & 1. doctor 4 nurse 2 Yan = 08) 2 teocher 5 pilot . 3 vet 6 student © There is - There are ls oni Portugal | 4 Ross Affirmative There is a hote! wer 5 Nina There are some hotels i Negative There isn’t a hotel A socks St ETE peo There aten't any hotels. IL soni Bee Interrogative Is there a hotel? A: Is Sophia from 3. Ricardo / Canado? ah eect Spain? 4: Ross:/ Greece? fe there any hotels 8: A y c Short answers Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t 8 she isn’t 5 Nino / China? X te od 6 Ali / italy? __ Yes, there are. / No, there aren’ * Places in a town 177 look at Paul's neighbourhood. Match the numbers (1-11) to the words, then make sentences. benches 9; pai cofe square Speaking 18 Ask questions to find out what there is in your friend’s neighbourhood Is there 0 park in your neighbourhood? Yes, there is. : Are there any blocks of flats in your neighbourkood? Yes, there are. > >e * Adjectives * An adjective describes © noun * Adjectives go before nouns, 2 noisy street = @ block cor can also use an adjective ler the verb to be. Ws on ald house, + The house is ob. W's @ big park. -+ The pork is big. rea This is a clean beach. The beach is clean, a listening 20 (listen and match the people to the countries. Rosita Mexico Pronee Spain Pedio Thailand Reading 2 Read the short texts and underline the sentence which best describes each picture Which text mentions @ big theatre? lois of schools? lots of museums? lois of beoutifl palaces? lots of old buildings? «@ big arch? lots of statues? Rosita is 25 years old and che lo a vet. She Is from Barcelona in Spain. I's a very beautiful city There are lote of schools and old buildings in Barcelona, There is a big arch, too. The arch is in Rosita’s neighbourhood. It’s fantastial Pranee is 27 years old and she is a nurse. Pranee is from Bangkok in Thailand. Bangkok is a very old city. There are lots of beautiful palaces in Bangkok. It's a great city Pedro is 35 years old. He is a teacher from Mexico in Mexico. Mexico City isa huge city. There are lots of museums and statues in the city. There is a very big theatre in Mexico City, 100. It is near Pedro’s school. It's ca beautiful old build Speaking 22 Complete the table, then use your notes to ask and onswer questions about each 24 person. how job where whet there . old from is/are Rosita 25 ret schoo! build b Pranee Pedro 25 How old is Rosita? She is 25 years old, What is her job? She is a vet. Pb p> etc Communication ° Greetings 26 23 Ga) listen and repeat. 1A: Good moining, nurse. B: Good morning, Mr Morgan, How are you | today? A: Im ing, thank you 2 A: Good aftemoon, Mis Smith. How are you this | cftemnoon? = B: Not bad — and you? Me A: Allright, thonk you Good night, Rick. Sleep well 8: Good night, Mum. b) In pais, use the prompts below to act out similar dialogues. * doctor - Mrs Crown - very well * Good evening, Mr Finch - evening - Pretly good * lisa - Sweet dreams - Dad * Saying Goodbye 2A, Write the sentences in the dialogues below. Then, read the short dialogues aloud. + Bye, Robby * You too. See you on Monday 1 Wendy: Goodbye, Gary. Have a nice weekend Gary: y: Bye-bye, Dod. See you later. Pronunciation 25 Q Listen and tick (/), then listen and repeat. ‘sf IM) itil fish 74. [hop Sally she seo! Scalland Writing 26 Read the text and write the correct adjective from the list. Which picture matches the description? * clean big ¢ all * beautiful ily in Conada. I's Montieal is o 1) beaut modern city with friendly people There are lois af 2} buildings in The steels are 3) cond there are squares with 4) statues. There are lots of museums, nice cafés and restauron's, 100. Moniteal is o fantastic city. I's o great place to sist. cat #1) 27 ©) Look at the pictures of Prague. Match the pictures (AC) to the phrases (1-7), then talk about the pictures. churches, costles & museums B beauiiul old buildings 1s & big squares nice cafés ond restauran's «@ big river with lals of bridges lots of trees & parks 7 famous statues clean str oOReNne b} Now write about Prague. Start like this. Prague is a becuiiful city in the Czech Republic. d city with iriendly people There are for ¢ holiday. 23 Consolidation 2 1 Write sentences, as in the example. 5 Write the opposites. 2 a) Write the nationalite Tee ee Al aa 2 cld building # m___ _ building 2 Portigal 3 quiel stect # n____ sheet 3. Argentina pre 6 Write @ sentence for each word/phrase. key 6 Poland hs your job? 7 Brazil 8 Mexico from &) What nationality are you? nationality 3) Write the numbers in words. rn? Ow 62 | ra 80 14 neighbourhood 91 7 Write the plurals. 100 sited — 1 4 town 5 fiver b) How old are you? How old is your- mum? 3 A etic - dad? - brother? - sister? - friend? 24 10 9 ‘s, are, ‘re, ‘m not, isn’tor A Dijon in Americo? B: No, it ht in France. A Tony and = Mory from Englond? B: No, they They from America. A: Where Mae from? B: She from China: A: How you today, Jeff? B: | fine, thank you A there 0 calé in your neighbourhoo. B: Yes, thore A: How old Petes? B: He forty-one years old. A you 9 receptionist? B: No, | \ @ teacher. A they from Spain? B: No, they They from Portugal A: Where Chuck from? B: He from America A: Where you from, Stella? BI from Holy. Look at the picture. Ask and answer questions, as in the example. ‘A: Is there o bank on Apple Stoo? 7 ony schodk? B: Yes, there is. y on ne 8 2 ony blocks of fats? ony cos? 3. ony tees? 10. ony houses? 11. any bicycles? 4. o posi office? 10 Answer about yourself. 1 Whats your name? 2 Where ore you from? 3 What nationality ore you? 4 What is # 12 Creod ond in your neighbourhood? Pairwork Activity In poirs, do the octivity. Student A looks at poge 72. Student B looks at page 75. Ask questions to find the differences between the two pictures. ‘Let's I the correct words. Listen ‘and check, then sing the song. There's a park in my neighbourhood Wsveyb_ __ande_ There ae frees in my neighbourhood They're veryt___ __ and green nd there are lots of lovely things neighbourhood ere are cars in my neighbourhood ey're modern and they're m_ ey‘ black and white and r_ __ and brown yellow, grey and blue re are houses in my neighbourhood are no blocks of f__ There are birds in my neighbourhood — And lots of dogs and cats is very beautiul gople there are good | Vocabulary ] look at the pictures and write sentences, as in the example. Max ; Rolf 1 Max is a cat. 2. Polly / 3 . Cindy Sid Se Semnls 2 Write the numbers in words. * 91 ° 72 ° 48 © 36 el * 25 bo 3 Write the nationalities. 1 Britain 5 Tukey 2 Portugal 6 tlaly 3 Greece 7 America 4 China 8 Brazil 8 mos Units 2) A. Fillin the correct word from the list * friendly * neighbourhood * dirty * sleep * years * pet ® how * new 1 Nick is twenty old 2 Hello, john. 3. This river is 4. Mr Brown is our teacher 5. There's a siotue in Som’s Good night, Mary, well 7 Montreal is © nice city with people. 8 His dog, Rufus, is five years old 8 mols 5 Write the colours. OH OH s Smors Grammar 6 Underline the correct word. James is 27 years old. W/He is a teacher Pinky ond Perky are fish. They/It ore my pets ‘My nome is Jenny. 1/He om six Tina is my sister. We/You ore bins This is Fiona. He/She is my friend anens Smarks 7 Gaon Fill in is, are, ‘m not, isn’t or aren't. A: Excuse me, 1) you Mr Jones? B: No, | 2) A: 1 Franco from Italy? B: No, he 2) He 3) from Spain All Tomn and Bill doctors? B: No, they 2) They 3) vets A: Anna 1) from Htaly, B: No, she 2) She 3) from England and she 4) 0 nurse 12 mas Fill in oF an. square 6. nice cot apple Zi umbrella hairdresser 8 bike snake 9... animal old building 10 supermarket omets Communication Fill in the missing sentences. Then, read out the dialogues in pairs. © This is my sister © What's your nome * How do you spel that A: Hello. I'm Martin. 1) ? B: My name's Pedro. A 2) 7 B: P-E-D--O. Who's this? A: Oh, sory. 3) , Roso * How are you ¢ Not bad A: Good morning, Tom. 1) ss B: I'm fine, thanks — and you? AQ) , thonk you: 10-mos CI Reading Units 1-2 10 Read the text and answer the questions. AN, ay * FQ nly. We are the johnson family. There are five people in my fami. by imum is forty years old and she is a hairdresser. My dad is forty-two years old and he is a postman, There are three children, | am simon ond | am ten. My brother, stuart, is fourteen years old. Mary is my sister and she is sixteen years old. We are all students. Muffy is ry pet dog. She is small and white. she is four years od We are from London in England, tondon is a huge city with lots of cars on the streets. Our neighbourhood is nice and quiet. There is a big park with lots of trees, and a small square with some shops and a café. 1 How many people are there in the Johnson fomily? 2. How old is Stuor!? 3. Who's Muffy? 4 Where are the Johnsons from? 5s there a big pork in their neighbourhood? 10 mons Writing (a short article about your family & where you live} 4.1 Write an article about your family and the place you live in. Use the text in Ex. 10 as. model. Start like this: ‘We ore the people in my family .. family, There ore There ore children. Lam is my pel, We are from 20 marke TOW: 100 mods 27 Before you start ... Where do you live? How old are you? How mony members ore there in your fomily? ‘What is your neighbouthood like? @ Listen, read and talk about ... Welcome to my house! UNIT . of homes furniture d objects Module Working with Units 3-4 @ Learn how to... animals ... a * give your address © describe animals © tell the time * jobs related fo animals SieDractiscaal * cnimals © obilties * plurals © job descriptions * irregulor plurcls * everyday activities © this/there — * the vetb “have * possessive adjectives *# possessive case * con ‘= present simple (offirmative} * prepositions of place * prepositions of time * Write... * co letierio 0 friend describing your house © an animal fact file lead-in ¢} Look at the pictures and match the num- bers (1-16) to the words. desk (C] ccuntain [7] on armchair aminor {_) awall ("] achair LI aso [J abed (J window C] alomp [) acushion [-] 0 doll’s house (_] a cupboard [_] a fireplace (-] avese [] atable (1) b) Make sentences, as in the example. Number 1 is a window. <} Ask ond answer, as in the example. SI: What is there in the bedroom? $2: A desk. What is there in the living room? $3: A mirror. ... etc 28 Welcome to my listening 2 GQ al listen and repeat. * Sorry, where's tho!? © What's that noise? * Here | om + Come in, pleose How mony rooms” © What do you think? has it gol? * When can | move in? You're very lucky. b) Read the sentences, then close your books ‘and try to remember as mony as possible. 3} Listen ond underline the correct word. 1. Rachel is in the dining room/bedroom 2 Rachel is under the bed/desk. 3 Adam hos got a big/small house. 4 There are five/four bedrooms in Adam's house. 5 John wants to tent a house/toom. 6 The bothroom/bedroom is at the end of the hall Reading Read the dialogues (AC) and mark the sen- tences true (7) or false (F). 2 3. Adam’: living room has got a fireplace 4. Adam's sister h 5 The room for ren 6 is £6 a week The rent ot a new poster for Rachel hel can’t find her cushion CO player. mall s qu oo0000 Read the dialogues again and explain the words in bold. Then, in pairs, read the dia- logues aloud. Al Sue: Mrs Kane! Sue: Mrs Kane: Sue: Rachel: Sue: (B) Frank Adam Frank: Hello, Mrs Kane. I'm Sue. Is Rachel here? Hello, Sue. Yes, Rachel’s in her bedroom. Sorry, where's that? It’s next to the dining room. OK. Thanks. ... Rachel, I've got a new poster for you — Rachel! Where are you? Here | am — under the bed. 1 can't find my little mirror. Ouch! My head! Oh, Rachel! This is a fantastic living room, Adam. Thanks. Look at that fireplace — it’s great! You've got a really big house. How many i ns has itigott x 14 Adam: Frank: Adam: There are four bedrooms and a bathe room upstairs, and downstai there's the living room, the ing room and the kitchen. You're very lucky. ... What's that noise? That's my sister. She’s got my D player in her room — again! John: Hello. My name is John Brady. I'm here about the room for rent. Mrs Fry: Oh, yes. Come in, please. Here we are. What do you think? John: Yes, it’s very nice ~ and quite big, too. Mrs Fry: Here's the bed, and the desk is over there. There’s lots of space in the wardrobe and a big arm- chair in the corner. John: What about the bathroom? Mrs Fry: The bathroom is at the end of the hall, and the rent is £60 a week with meals. John: That’s great! When can | move in? Speaking Look at the pictures on pp. 28-29 again. In pairs, ask and answer questions using the words in Ex. 1, as in the example, Hos Rachel got a desk in her bedroom? Yes, she has. Hos Adam got a bed in his living room? No, he hasn't. etc Vocabulary * Ordinal numbers 7 Q Listen and repeot. [ist first oth sixth | 2nd second 7th | 31d third 8th | 4th fourth | oh 10th tenth 8 Write the ordinal numbers, 1 Sth 5 Ist 2 10h 6 4th 3 7th 7 2nd | 4 3d 8 8th the example. a) Where are they? Look at the block of flats, then osk and answer questions, as in 1 Harvey / thitd floor A: Is Harvey on the thicd floor? B: No, he isn’t. He’s on the first floor. Samantho / fifth floor? Martha / second floor? Ben and Ellen / ninth floor? Som / seventh floor? Emma / sixth floor? ounReN b) Which floor are you on? * Types of Homes 10 Read ond write the correct words from the lists. gorden, bedrooms, street This is my house, on a beoutful y in a smal town, It has go! a toll ree in the 2) There iso goroge nex! lo the house ond the 3) «are onthe firs loo. noisy, city, fouth My fot isin the 1) Wis on the 2) floor of 0 big block of flats. His very 3) in the city countyside, farmhouse, houses My house is a big 1) in the 2) wih lols of ees ond fields around |] it. There oren't ony other 3... foe Ror ih Mis very quel aa eae sae My house is on o 1}. iso 2) Ihis quite big ond it hos got five or * Rooms 0} Match the words to the pictures (1-5). * kitchen # bathroom * living room * bedroom * goiden nN 1 Ly} b) Look at the pictures again. Use the prompts to ask and ‘answer questions, as in the example. 1 ily / kitchen? Is Lily in the kitchen? B: No, she isn't. She's in the bedroom. 2 Pea / bedroom? 3 Grace & Tim / garden? 4 Carla & Ted / bathroom? 5 Donald / living room? Listening 12 CQ listen ond write. Sea er HOUSE FOR RENT | ee } xed 1g oom, Four I). living room, a BIG 2) venrnr BHO 3) ‘iso has a garage and a 4) ee onas) so toad near the beach. | | 6)£... ‘month. Tel: 0892 587 682 \ | - ————~ | * Household objects 3 9) What is in the - kitchen? - living room? - bedroom? - bathroom? Look and soy. There's o cooker in the kitchen. a sk pilow mee |: wardrobe bath wat Bre, aa bookcase bed bedside cabinet am © Stop dishwother = towel Speaking b} In pairs, ask and answer ques- tions, as in the example. A: Is there 0 cooker in your kiichen? B: Yes, there is. Is there a sink in your liv- ing room? Grammar © Plurals Goins ending in #5, 33, th, ch, x, -0 fake -es in the plural bus + buses glass > glosses, brush -+ brushes torch + lorches, fox + foxes polalo > poialoes * c vowel + y take + in the plural a boy +1 wo boys * c consonant + y drop the ~y and take “es in the plural | «© cheny > two cherries * for fe drop the For fe ond take ves in the plural @ loaf ~ two loaves @ knife > two knives Uae EN any child + children foot + feet mon men tooth + teeth woman > women mouse > mice 14 Write the plurals. 32 This is a flower’ That iso vose3> @ 1 one lool + wo 6 one toy + wo 2 one mon -*two...... 7 one puppy > wo 3 one gloss > wo 8 one box > wo 4 one child + two 9 one knife + wo 5 one foot + two 10 one womon > Wwo 15 Write the correct plural form of the nouns in brack- 1. Sally hasn't got ten {torch} 2 Poul has got two (child) 3. Are there ony tomato) in the fridge? 4 The baby hos got three new (tooth). 5 Those {bus} are ved. 6 Are Harry and George .. (policeman}? 7 Ave there any {mouse} in the gorden? © This/These - That/Those BNC ecsiclad These are | lowers We use this/these for things near us. We use that/those for things far a 16 Write: this is, these are, that is or | those ore. | a 1 = | St This is a piano ond that is a guiter. SB 2 Boh ee These are irons and those are ironing boards el a < “ee : ¢ comera ond photographs ZB 4a B ond a towel and toothbrushes. ° ° a5 ee ole = FF ° spoons ond = bowl . : @ bow | * The verb “have got” aco ny ! you havegot you ‘Ve got he he she» has got she | ‘s got it it we we you | have got you. ‘ve got they they [arom [econ a ‘ | oe have not got you haven't got he has not got she hasn't got it S we . =. have not got you haven't got they ‘SHORT ANSWERS g Have |/you/we/they Yes, — |/you/we/they ©) got have No, _ I/you/we/they haven't. Has he/she/it got? Yes, he/she/it has. No, he/she/it hasn't, 17 In pairs, ask and answer questions. dress (V7) 3. they / bicycles? (7) got a 4 you /o big house? (x) 5 we / an umbrella? |v} 6 lynn / a sister? (x) 7 Sim / a comera? (¥} Listening 18 (4) Listen and put a fick (y) for what ‘each person has got and a cross (x) for what they haven't got in their bedrooms, as in the examples. Seve | Melanie oe [Cac x - i v = cw | b} Look a! the completed table and say what each person has/hasn’t got. Sieve has got a telephone and 0 radio in his bed- room. He hasn't got a television or CD player. * Possessive Adjectives POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES i + my we > our you your you -* your he + his they — their she + her it its ‘+ We put o possessive adjective before a noun 10 show that something belongs to someone. eg. This is her car. 19 Wi the correct possessive adjective. 1 Ron has got a bicycle. i's bicycle 2 We have got o new car. ts cat 3 They have got o yellow ball. I's ball 4 You have got o black dog. t's dog 5 I've got ¢ new camera. It's camera. * Possessive Case @, show possession We add ’s for names and singular nouns. e.g. This is the man’s dog. | © We add ' for plural nouns | ending in -. | ° This is the gins’ boll 20 Make sentences, as in the example. Andy / CD player This is Andy's CD ployer. I's his CD player. 2 Mr Brown / house 3 the girls / bedroom 4 Helen / guitar 5. the boys / radio 6 Mis Greene 7 John / cor 33 near 21 * Prepositions of Place - D mvc under behind a © in front “eo 4) Look ot the pi rect preposition. ire and underline the cor- 1 2 3 4 ce) 6 7 8 9 SI. 52: 34 There is a bed in. / on the room. There is a cop nex! fo / on the fable. There is o book in front of / behind the cop. Thete is © toble in front of / next to the bed Thete is a chair on / in front of the table. There is a pillow behind / on the bed There is o shirt near / under the bed. There is 0 book in / on the floor There are boots near / under the toble. Speaking b) Ask and answer questions, as in the exam- ple, |s there @ cap in Jim’s bedroom? Yes, there is. It's on the fable. Are there any boots in Jim‘s bedroom? etc a Game Divide the class into two teams, Choose o leader. Lock at the picture in Ex. 21 again. The leader thinks of a place in the picture to ‘hide’ the ball. Teams, in turns, try to guess the place. Each correct guess gets one point. ‘The team with the most points is the winner. (leader thinks of “under the bed’) Team A SI: Is the ball on the table? leader: No, it isn’t. 2 Team B SI: Is the ball under the bed? leader: Yes, it is! The ball is under the bed. Communication | * Addresses 22 4) Look at envelope A, then use the prompts below to write the address on envelope 8. : \ = Me Ben Jones | Nara Ben — | leds Address 4/5 ap (posteodel \ icin (country) \ \E | —— london ‘Miss Paulo Smith 3 Abbott Rood Britoin NW27DM by Use the information on envelope A to complete the diologue. Then, lsten and check. Who's your name? Ben Jones. And what's your address? It's And your posicode is? POrerer Thonk you very much ¢) In pairs, use the information on envelope B to act out a similar dialogue. i Listening 23D rtisten and underline the correct answer ingham Palace is o famous/modem palace. n Paris/tondon. Buckingham Palace is the home/flat of the Queen 25 got 600/60 rooms. wun Reading YA) Read the article and answer the ques- tions, then explain the words in bold. it on ( eo ae ta Doe ™ Pd Is Buckingham Polace old? What colour is Buckingham Poloce? ‘What can you see on lop of Buckingham Palace? What have many of the rooms go'? Whal is behind the palace? Unone Speaking b) Make notes under the headings, then talk about Buckingham Palace, as in the example. * Nome * Whee itis. # Why i's fomous * Rooms & whats in them * Behind the polace Buckingham Palace is a fomous palace in Lon- don, England. It is famous becouse... * Pronunciation 25 Q listen and tick (/}, then listen again and repeat. 7s/ fal |/2/ desks churches babies dishes Writing 26 Read the letter and underline the adjectives. What isthe leer about? Dear Mary, How are you? I'm writing to fell you about my new house. ‘My house is on a quit street It has got two floors. On the ‘ground floor there isa beautiful living roam, a huge dining oom, a modern kitchen and a bathroom. Upstairs there are five big bextrooms and two small bathrooms. ‘My bedroom is great. I've got a bed andi a pink carpet on the floor. Pve also got a small desk, two chairs and an old warelrobe next tothe window. Well, that's al for now. !hope you can ame visit me soon, Love, Gail 27 «| Make notes about your own home, under these headings, then talk about your home. * Where ® Floors * Rooms on ground floor # Rooms upstairs * My bedroom & what's init b) Use your notes to complete the letter below to a friend of yours (60:80 words). You can use the letter in Ex. 26 as a model. Dear . How ore you? I'm writing to My My bedroom Well, that’s all for now. | hope you can visit me soon. love, 35 Consolidation 3 1 4] Where can you find each of these? Write sentences, as in the example. * fh @ 1 bed fireplace 3 treehouse bby a io. a r , 4 bath 5 hhidge 6 sofa 1 There is a bed in the bedroom. 2 3 4 3] 6 b) What is there in your bedroom? 2 Write the plurals. 1 choir > 6 toy 2 box + 7 tooth + 3 life + 8 glass ~ 9 tomato = 4 child + 5 mouse 10 ferry + 3 > Write a sentence for each word/phrase. 1 flot My flat is on the first floor. 2 sixth floor .. 3 kitchen 4 upstoirs 5. under 6 desk 7 nex! to 8 How many rooms 9 for rent 10 fomous 11 dining room 12 comer 2 A. Write this is, these are, that is or those are. =. © sofa and armchairs. “a - 3 ‘on umbrella and backs. “QO > Bh ‘@ mirror and a oe oO son anona 0 towel ond toothbrushes. Bw of a pen ond notebooks. Write the ordinal numbers in words. 2nd 5 ist 10th 6 9H 7th 7 6th ard 8 4th Fill in the correct possessive adjective. We hove got new house. I's house. You hove got o red bicycle. I's bicycle Nv. Sve hos got a block dog. I's dog Harry ond Ben hove got c big boot. I's boo! 7 Write ‘ve got, ’s got, haven't got, hasn't got, Have ... got or Has ... got. A: + YOU . acor? 3: Yes, | «© cat. I's in the garage. 24 he a sister? B: No, he ...... @ sister. He a brother. 3A Tim an umbrella? 8: No, he one todoy. 4. A; This is o very big house. How many rooms it 2 it Iwelve rooms you ol in your bedroom? 8: No, | @ TV in my bedroom, We © TV in the living room. 6A they . any pets? 3: Yes, they two dogs 7A you «a big family B: Yes, | four sisters. 8 Write sentences, as in the example. 1 Jim / bicycle This is Jim's bi he children / horse 3 the students / teacher 4 Mrs Smith / car Look at the picture. Ask and answer, as in the example. SI: Is there a TV in the living room? 52: Yes, there is. I's on the cof fee table. Is there o cat in the room? 53: Yes, there is. I's in front of the window. Is there ? etc 10 Answer these questions about yourself. 1 What's your name? 2 What's your address? 3. Hove you got « TV in your bedroom? 4 How many rooms has your house gol? 5. Have you got o big fomily? Pairwork Activity ] In pairs, do the activity. Student A looks at page 73. Student B looks at page 76. Ask questions fo find what there is in each bed- room. Then, describe where each item is. 12 Q Read and fill in the correct words. Listen and check, then sing the song. . a My Home My home is ina ft ‘ Its on the seventh for Ted offatsis modern With a camera onthe door : And the windows ar, too <= Hes alovelybigf__ There's a living room and Maal ena ee ecroom Bund My home i in farmhouse 1 aad Its realy very ald I move along the river Thee'sat Its alovely way tobe Living on a houseboat ineach room Isthe petectifeforme So the house never cold There's a eat big 9 with of tees A quiet old farmhouse {sa lovely place to be 37 ry Working with animals Lead-in listening ] look at the pictures. Which picture shows: 3 ol Listen and repeat. [1a] a dolphin trainer? [Je] policeman on a © How canitdotha!? «Of TB] « zoo keeper? notse with o white u're right Cle} a former? matk on its © Here you are : j Cie eeiereme forehead? * Lets goondhovea witha cobra ina CLE 0 jockey? look # Yes, Icon see thot basket? b) Read the sentences, then close your j | 2) cl Which of the people in the pictres books and try to remember as many as orks: possible. | con the stieet? snake charmer, A © listen to the dialogues (A.C). Which ‘on a racecourse? take place: con 0 farm? . | in an aquarium? * on the street? 1d a! a 200? siinteragdcrun? -[-] b) Moke sentences, os in the example. A dolphin trainer works in an aquarium. 2 Reading a) Read the dialogues (A-C) and underline the correct word in the sentences (1-3), then explain the words in bold in the dialogues. The dolphin has got a stiong tall/body. The snake can/can't hear the music. 3. Blaze has gol @ white motk on her forehead/ legs. Toby: Wow! Look how high that dolphin can jump! How can it do that? Anne: It’s got a big tail and a strong body, that’s how. Toby: You're right. Hey — is that a fish in the trainer’s mouth? Anne: Yes, it is. The dolphin jumps out of the water to get the fish. Clever, isn't ie Toby: Dolphins are very clever animals. Give me the camera. I want to take a picture. ‘Anne: Here you are — but don’t go near the pool Toby: Why? Anne: The dolphin.might think the camera isa fish! Diana: What's that music | can hear? Pete: It’s from the snake charmer over there. Let’s go and have a look. Diana: Oh, | don’t know. I'm scared of snakes. Pete: Don’t be silly! Look, the cobra is in a basket. Diana: Oh, yeah. Hey, it can dance to the music! Pete: No, it can’t. It can’t hear the music at all. It moves when the charmer moves his hands. Really? Well, that’s a very clever trick, Pete: Yes, but the snake isn’t in the basket now. Diana: Oh, no! Let’s go! Roger: Hi, Jack! How’s your new horse? Jack: She’s great in all the noisy traffic. 1 can sit here and see all the people and cars on the city streets. She's a perfect police horse. Roger: What's her name? Jack: Blaze, because there’s a white mark on her forehead. Roger: Yes, I can see that. She’s a really beautiful horse. Jack: Hey, Roger! Look at those men outside the bank! Roger: Let's go and see if there's a problem. b) In pairs, read the dialogues cloud. 6 Vocabulary © Parts of animals hands ee ) Motch the parts of the body to the adjectives. 5 polor neck, body, teeth sharp thick big C- git neck, head, legs small long long, thin D- peaco neck, tail, head smoll long brightly-colour b) Make sentences, as in the example. A giraffe has got a small head, a long neck and long, thin legs 40 7 1 2 3 ‘An owl has got @ sharp beak, big eyes, a short neck and sharp claws 8 C4) Listen ond repeat. sho ©) Write the opposites of the adjectives. small body # body toil # thin neck + Speaking b) Choose phrases from the list to talk about the animals in the pictures, as in the example. a sharp beak, big eyes, long, sharp teeth, 0 Jong tail, small ears, short, thick legs, a big body, a short neck, sharp claws Jeopary * Telling the Time eo six e A It's ten past ‘six. 4 b) Write the times, as in the example. s twentytive fo len Q 4} Write the times in numbers, os in the example. half post nine 9:30 5 ten o'clock vight o'clock 6 3. holf post one 4 quarier past ree Speaking b) In pairs, sk and answer, as in the example. A: What time is it? B: It's half past nine. Grammar ¢ Can | araoeame | _N - 1 you te/she/it ——he/she/ me ycont Car you you they they Ys, /yo3 /he//she/it/we//you/Ihey con INo, 1/ you/he/she//i/we/you/they con't 10 1 Use the prompts to ask and answer, as in the examples. = jump ¥ un x mv tyr ich-runv fly X parrot ~ tolk ¥ swim x duck = fly ¥ climb ttees X bear ~ climb trees 7 talk x A: Can a frog jump? A: Can it run? B: Yes, it can, B: No, itcan‘t. etc Ei b) Write sentences, as in the example, 1, frog 4 turtle A frog can jump, but it can’t run. ouURen— a... Choose one person to be the leader. The leader chooses an animal and tells the class o fact about it. The rest of the class, in teams, ask questions to find the animal elephant chimponzee leader: It's grey. Team A $1: Hos it got big ears? leader: No, it hasn‘t Team B $1: Con it swim? leader: Yes, it can. Team A $2: Is it a dolphin? leader: Yes, itis. dolphin Each correct guess gels 1 point. The team with the most points is the winner. 41 1] Whet can you do? Look at the pictures, then 13 Fill n the correct form of the verb. write true sentences about yourself. can draw, but | can’t drive 1 (sn ye * y 4 2 lidk - she i can read ond | can write 3 live - i they A lmx - we you 14 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the present simple, This is Angus MacKoy. He ) {be) from Scotlond but he 2) tive) in London. He is © docior and A he 3) twork) § at Guy's Hospital ‘ Angus 4) ike) his job very much becouse he 5) {help} sick people — 15 Put the verb in brackets into the correct form. 1 A penguin (eat fc 2 Moria fivel in Moke © Present Simple Affirmative 3 John [work) in the city 4 The oO i 1 6 12 Read the rules, then fill in the table. Pe eee ——_ 5. Cloite (sleep) until 10 inthe | porning, | \We form the present simple with the subject re ae ue (colch) the bus to work (\/you/ he/she/it/we/you/they] and the 74 Sut and! Seof (have) dinner ot verb [un, ump, et) Ha * In the third person singular he/she/ill weg yy Poe dd 10 the end of mos! verbs Os einem en 10 James {fly] © plane. © We add -@8 to verbs that end in-ss, -sh, -ch “ee Match the jobs (1-10) to the descriptions Ido ~he does | brush ~ he brushes 164. I fix — he fixes a | | Folk ~ he tolks | | * We drop the -y and add -ies to verbs that 1 vet write book endlinlalconepnantt y. f cry - he crles Os] oo oye | * We add-s to verbs that end in a vowel + y 2 former 1B] look after people's teeth | Iplay he plays 3 ovr guide [Te] grow crops and keep onimals Po} cuthor Eg) treat sick anit enlist eople on tips - ify ge i dley p denis Cle) bls pact 0 a Le eitan, Wolll itcego. hyo cowboy CLF] perform in plays and films ny He ag he plays 7 woiler — [[g] look after cattle she she flies [she she 8 actor Lh] diow and point pictures it itgoes it 9 firefighter [i] put out fires we go we play 10 oriist (CID serve customers in yourun jyoully —'yougo—_lyou play they tun _lthey fly they hey play Speaking * Prepositions of Time b) Look at the pictures and make sentences, — 7] 2s in the example. 3:00, et holt past one, ele Ronis jeoneay) with of night, of the weekend and ot noon He looks ofter catile. # We use in with parts of the day in the mor fern 18 Fill in the correct preposition. 1. 1.g0 to school the motning 2 The 200 closes night. 3 I ect lunch 1 o'clock 4 John has lunch noon. 5 Th he lions the afternoon 6 Mark works the weekend. listening 19 @ Listen and fill in the form. ADOPZION FoR Name: Brian Y) sossee ce OD/ Mis / Miss Address: 2). Chopel Siree!, Churchtown, Englond Postcode: CH23) . 177 Put the words into the correct order to make sentences. | would like to adopt: 1 hair / a / cus / hairdresser jo Brownidlie. [2] a penguin (]. 0 pandal 2 school / in / o / teacher / works / Credit Card Details 5) LET 4 helps / a / doctor / people / sick OVE nee > letters / delivers / postman / id , : 6 jockey /o / races / in / horses / rides 3 3 plones / flies / pilot / a wo 43 44 Communication * Telling the time 20 >a) Listen and repeat. use me — what time isi please? W's quarter o tw b) In pairs, act out similar dialogues using the prompts below. Reading 23 0} Read the article and correct the sentences (1-6) CP en on Led ae ee CO ey ee ae ee ey Pe ee ee oS Ce ee ge Ce oe ee ec ee eet toy ee ee en Oe ey Ce ee ee ae Ce ey Peete OR ee ne aa ditfrent types of dojphins, from the grey, biaek and brown ones Ce eee ee en ey Cee rc en eae ary G * Describing animals 21 ra) listen and repeat. A: Have you go B: Yes, I've got a pel dog. s ond o b) Act out similor dialogues in pairs, using the prompts below. * snake - long body - small head - sm eyes # rabbit - big ears bright fea 2 Listening 22. (Diston ond match, 1 2) 3 | P 4. Pink dolphi |. Then, explain the highlighted words. Fe ee end Peru s Sees tas Ree! Jonatnan takes people on trips to catch coiphins Cr EC iy Ce ad Dee ecco b) Are there any words in the text which are the some os words in your language? * Pronunciation 2A (D> listen and tick (V), then listen again cond repeat. Is) EZ zl Writing (on animal fact file 25 Read the text and fill in the table. Then, talk about the timber wolf. The timber wolf belongs to the dog fomily g legs, a long toil and long, shorp teeth. It is timber wolf is cbout 1.5 met tall and weighs 44 ki It lives in USA, Canada, China, Russia eece, ond il lives for about ten years. animals of oll sizes. It The timber wolf eats big animals, such o: small animals, like rabbits ond mice. er, as well as lives for Eats 26 ©) Read the fact file, then use the prompts to ask and answer questions about the tiger, «3 in the example. / does 3 what colour? 4. wha size? 5 where / does / live? © how long ive? 7 what / does / eat? 1 which fomil does / b) Look at the fact file again and make sentences about the tig The tiger belongs to the cat family. Use the information in Ex. 26 10 complete the foct file about the tiger (60-80 words). You can use the text in Ex. 25 as @ model. 7 sre iger belongs the cot oy. hos go lis Iilives The tiger eots 45 46 Consolidation 4 1 Ren WO sone NY ournon— Bm aon anon Lobel the parts of the horse, then write sentences, as in the example. A horse has got a big body, Write the opposites. long toil = # shot legs # small head # big body + Match the animals (1-4) to the places (a-d), then make sentences, as in the example. dolphin (Cal form sheep (IB) zoo tiger horse A dolphin lives in on aquarium. Write the times in numbers, as in the ‘example. half post eight 8:30 quarter to one ten past three four o'clock five 10 seven 5 Find the job in each picture and write the word. 6 Write a sentence for each word/phrase. 1 time 2 jump 3. trainer 4 noisy forehead heor scared of wings bright 10 quarter to 11 adopt 12 beak 13 interesting 14 tour guide 15 comer What tine is it, please? eNO 7 Fill in the correct form of the verbs in the present simple. 1 I play — she 2 \nun—he 3 Ilve—it 4 ect —we 5 \fy —she . 6 Isit— they. 7 sleep — you 8 I dance — he B Write sentences, as in the example. ~@% 2 monkey — 3 owl— swim / run climb trees / fly / talk fly turtle ka swim / jump jump / wn 1A fish can swim but it can't run. 2 3 4 5 6 9 What con/can't Mark do? Look aot the table cond say, as in the example. Whot con/can‘t you do? un cok =v dow swim X di point x sing Vv dance x Mark can run but he can't swim. Mark can sing and draw. 10 Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form 1 An artis’ 2 Cloire {walk} to school 3 We {live} in c big house. 4 Tom igo) to work at nine o'clack. 5 You {like} chocolate, 6 A waiter (work) in @ restaurant 7 Jim |ploy) the piano every evening 8 Apilot {fy} plone 9 They have} breakfast at seven a’clock. 10 lo {be} from Scotland. 1 What is your favourite 2 What does your favour 3 What can it do? 4 What con/can't you do? 11] Answer obout yourself. animal Pairwork Activity 2 In pairs, do the activity. Student A looks ot page 73. Student B looks ot page 76. Ask questions to find which animals are in the 008. Read ond fill in the correct word, Listen cand check, then sing the song. Hove the 200, I ove the 200 ‘There's lots to see and lots to do Crocodiles, penguins and p {ove the 200 Crocodiles are very big ‘And really very strong ‘Ther teeth are big, their legs are s _ ‘Their tails are very long Penguins are funny birds Their ___ are very small Their legs are shor, they're very fat ‘And they can'tf____atall Parrots are so beautiful with brighty-coloured wings ‘They're really very ©. ‘And they say funny things look like’ Vocabulary ] Underline the odd word out. 1 living room: ermchair, sink, lomp, fireploce 2 dining room: bath, lable, chair, carpet 3. bedroom: bed, desk, cooker, wardrobe 4 kitchen: cooker, fridge, bookcase, cupboord 5 bothrcom: sola, bath, mirror, towel Sails 2 Write the words. 1 6h 51s 2 10th . 6 7h 3 3rd 7 4h 4 Sth 8 2nd = 8 monks 3 Write the times in words. 1 : 2 3 4 Be vereig =O Smacks Write the words for the parts of the bod) pe y. Te 3w 9 marke 48 5 Underline the correct word. eNoOUnoNn— 3 These/Those are my sisier’s books Nouson— Horry lives on the six/sixth floor Thete is aln} cooker/armchair in the living room Mis Brown has three children child We hove got a big house. Is our/your house My postcode /address is 4 Apple Siree!, London New York is a very noisy/clever city. An actor /author writes books. A lion has got very thick/sharp teeth 8 movis Grammar Write the plural of the word in brackets. There are two (cushion) con the sofa. Mis Brown has three (baby) in hor cat. Ike to eo! [potato) Look at those (man) on the bench That tiger has got very long (tooth) S mors Underline the correct word. These/Those are my porrols. <> BS This/Thot is Tom's bicycle BR ] I'm scared of this/thot snake. <> ; Fill in at or in. ; ‘We have breakfos! ; He has lunch noon The restaurant is open the evening, My sister works the morning, The bonk closes night. . Uhoven't got lessons . the weekend, ‘ This shop isn’t open the clternoon 7 macs 9 Look at the picture and fill in between, under, on, behind, in front of, in or next fo. There is a big © beautiful painting fe 2) he fireplace. There is o ni he toble. The fireploce The: the smoll tables. carpet mp 6) of the room. 7 mp. There is a ong table 8) chair and « oi0 9) the table. The are paintings 10} the walls, TO mots 1 Write the verbs in brackets in the correct form of the present simple. Ana ond ti 1) (be) friends. They 2) (live) in New York, but Ano 3) {be) from Norway and ti 4) {come} from Chino Ana 5) {be} an artist. She 4) (paint) pictures every doy. She 7) work} very hard. She 8) (like) her job. ti a so (bel © student. She 10) (want) ta be o dentist. Ano ond li 11) {rent o flat in New York. tt 12} {be} c very big fat 12 mvs Communication 1] Complete the dialogues with the sentences in the list. * What's your eddress? * What does your pet parrot look like? *# Excuse me. What time is it, please? 1A 8: It's got a small beak and bright feathers. 2h B: I's twenty past seven, 3A B: Is 27 Rose lane, Lancing, 6 marks Reading 12 Read the advertisement and mark the sentences as true (T)or false (F). corm Holiday House for Rent This four-bedroom country house is the perfect family holiday house. It is in o quiet village neor the sea. The house has three floors. There is a huge living room on the ground floor with a fireplace. The bedrooms ond the bathrooms are on the second floor. The modern kitchen has got a new cooker ‘nd fridge. There is garden at the back of the " house. Call 293 7626 for more information. Se 1. The house is near the city 2 The house has got four floors 3. There is o living room on the ground floor. 4 There is an old kitchen in the house. 5. There is 0 garden ot the back of the house. = 10 mas Writing 13 Now write on advertisement for your house or flat. This house is in iEhor Got: There is also Call for more information 10 make TOTAL 100 mods 49 @ Before you start... How many rooms are there in your house? What do your parents do? What do you do? Which is your favourite onimal? @ Listen, read and talk about ... loily routines ond freetime aciivities ! features & character ~ preferences Units 5-6] @ Learn how to ... How much talk obout daily routines & free-ime activities describe people drink fe directions . lothes you like to wear ® Practise ... ‘present simple (negotive ~ inierrogative| © adverbs of frequency * prepositions of rime (on, in) © countable/unco le nouns the imperative 20 ich/many h/haw many @ Write ... on article about o fomous person * on article obout clothes young people wearnewadays how mi Day in, day out 5 TA] Tom: What do you usually do in the morning, Claire? Cae em et ec es eos Peete Rec NMC nate Sone een ers What time do you start work? Se ra Pn eres Aer ima? Tearing Canoe Ss ane any Coleco once come Sr neaecy eran eat ey at) eee ee cees id Pomc See Roane 4 [See Cos eas € 800 lea ots aie. aoe Vocabulary * Days of the week 6 Cra) Listen and repeat. Monday Friday Tuesday Sotuidoy Wednesday Sunday Thutsdoy b) Now answer the questions. 1. What doy i it today? 2 What doy is it tomowow? 3. Whats your favourite day? 4 What days are ot the weekend? * Sports/Activities 0) Look at the table and say what Poul does each day. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday’ f “é Friday Saturday On Mondays Paul plays football 52 play football ride his bike meet his friends play basketball go to the cinema do the shopping Sunday watch a video Speaking 9 b) Ask ond answer, as in the example What does Paul do on Mondays? ‘On Mondays, he plays football Does he play football on Tuesdays, 100? No, he doesn't. On Tuesdays, he rides his bike @ror )_ What do you do during the week? * Months 8 Ca) tisten ond repeat. b) Now answer the questions. 1 What month is it now? 2 What is your favourite month? 3 Whet month is your birthday in? Q 4} Fill in the missing letters. day is in Jo ts his new job in Fe s fourteen in Mar _ ol finishes in __ ty 1 is my mums bichday Night in e year ends on 31stD__ r Speaking [e- b) Ask and answer, as in the example. 4: When is your birthday, Terry? 5: it’s on 6th May. What about you? A Mine is on 2nd August. RBdo ars \ * Seasons & S10 2) Look at the pictures and fill in the months. winter | pring | summer | autumn ee p M i s ary | April i) lo M Tavgust [November b) What do you usually/never do in summer/spring/winter/autumn? Choose from the pictures. 16 @ ® go ona picnic read a book Pty go to the beach make a snowman fly a kite ride my bike go ice-skating in summer | usually go swimming. | never fy a kite. z . oo Deas people | : ee | 11 Q listen ond underline the correct words bold. tall/short and slim shoxt brown hair brown/blue eyes beard and moustache quite short/slim grey/block hair green eyes glosses qi short ond sim /fot_ short/eurly black hair “4 brown/green eyes 4 bail tall bot a bt lin/plamp long/short blonde hair blve/green eyes 12 4) Use words from Ex. 11 fo complete the table, builds 6 1)1___. short * fat/plump, 2) hai 19, shor, 3}c_ # black, brown, bon 4jg___ eyes: 5}b___. brown, green coher: 6) b b) Now, talk about each person in Ex. 11, as in the example. John is tall and slim. He’s got oe hair, ONG vesssereeveeseree ONG coe eyes 53 13 Match the words (1-8) to their meanings (o-h, then make sentences, as in the example. 1 bird EB] doesn’t wont to work 2 dever TB] ohways soys ‘please’ ond ‘thenk 3 funny you a hwcays tells the truth 5 ony CAg)'s quick 0 understand ings S77 Je] wonis to help olher people © pole TTI con moke people leugh 7 rude 7g] ohvoys tells others what to do 8 bosy — []R} cc's in on impolite way A kind person wants to help other people. Speaking 14 Ask and answer about your friends and family members, as in the example. A: What does your mother look like? 8: She's tall and slim with blonde hair and blue eyes ‘A: Whot is your mather like? A; She's kind. She always won's to help people. etc Grammar © Adverbs of Frequency ‘Adverbs of frequency [always, usually, often, sometimes, never} go before the main verb, but after the verb to be He usually gets up early, He is sometimes late far school. 15 Use adverbs of frequency to complete the sentences about yourself, as in the example. sometimes have breakfas! a! 9 o'clock. 90 shopping on Saturdays play tennis in the summer. cook dinner. do my homework. © Prepositions of Time ‘© We use on for doys, dotes and parts of o doy. ‘on Monday, an 12th March, on Friday morning # We use in for months ond seasons. in July, in summer 54 16 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences, as in the example. 1 eat / they / usually / at / lunch / 1 o'clock Thay usually eot lunch ot 1 o'elock 2 TV/ morning / Martha / wolches / never / the / in 3 on / goes / always / he / swimming / Fridays 4 for / work / late / sometimes / she / is 5 late / Philip / works / often. 177 Use the adverbs of frequency in the list to make true sentences about yourself, as in the example. # clways ® never © sometimes * often * usually sloy ot home on Soturdays go fo the park on Mondays go on picnics in summer go to bed early on Sundays ride my bike to school go 10 the cinema on Fridays oaRnena I always sloy of home on Soturdoys listening 18 (D> linda is talking to her friend about what she does at weekends. Listen and put a fick (V} next to the correct item, as in the example. 1 Atweekends, linda 4 How olten does A never goes out. Linda go for a walk? B always goes out. A always Oo C alwoys stays in.E] B veryoften € every Sunday [] morning 2 On Soiurdoy mornings, she usually A meets friends. [] 5 When does she go B goes shopping. 1 to the cinemo? C ealsothome. OA Soturdoy o evening 3. Linda meets her B Sundoy friends ot evening A asupermorket. LT] C Mondoy B home morning € the café in town) 19 Fill in on, at or in, as in the example. 1 Motk’s birthday is on 3id March 2 Tom stays ot home the weekends winter 3 Tom gets up early the morning 4. Sharon never goes out night. 5. Jonet’s birthdoy is July 6 Mike always drives to work Mondays 7 \go swimming summer. 8 Bill goes shopping Solurdoys. a... Divide the class into two teams. Soy the names of days, months, etc. Students, in teams, say the correct preposition: in, on, at. Each correct answer gels 1 point. The team with the most points is the winner. Teacher: Monday. Teom A $1: on Monday Teacher: Correct! Team A gets 1 point. the weekend Team B $1: al the weekend ete * Present Simple 20 Study the table, then say how we form the negative and interrogative of the present simple. W/You don't He/She/li_ doesn’t We/You/They don't Se ie know/like/go/etc Do I/you Does he/she/it De we/you/they know/like/go/eic? /you do. Yes, he/she/it does we/you/they do \/you don't. No, « he/she/it doesn’t we/you/they don't 21 Fill in does, is or has. al) your brother play foo! B: Yes, he 2) He 3) in the school teom A: Really? 4) he gol a favourite team? B: Of course he 5) His fovoutite team 6} Menchester United A7) he go and watch them play? B: No, but he wotches them on TV. A: What about your sister? 8) she got o hobby? B: Yes, she 9) She ploys tennis A: Who 10} her fovourite tennis ployer? 8: André Agossi. 22 Fill in do, does, don'tor doesn’t 23 In pairs, use the prompts to ask and answer questions, as in the example. live in flat? * gel up early on lke pop music? Sundays? ploy computer games * meet your friends in your free time? every day? catch a bus fo school? * donce well? A: Do you live in a flat? B: Yes, Ido. What about you? A: I don't, Do you ... ete a0. Listening [A] Come to a Park Centre near you this 2A (listen ond correct the sentences. year. We have a wide range of sports, activities and fun things to do for all the family all year round. Why fly overseas when you can have a great holiday here ata Park Centre? Call 0800-2170356 for more information. 1 Trevor gets five weeks’ holiday in the summer. 2 The Browns usually take their holidays in summer 3. Tomson Tours offer expensive holidays 4 The Sheldon Hotel is the perfect place for o noisy holiday, [B] Tomson Tours offer cheap holidays with sun, sand, sea and fun for all Reading the family. Why not visit Spain, Italy, Greece or ‘o} Read the descriptions (1-4) and the Turkey and stay in one of advertisements (AE), and match the people to. ourclean, modern hotels? the best holiday for them. There is one extra We have lots of activiti advertisement which you do not need to use. to offer, too. Call 01882-76210 now! [C] The Sheldon Hotel is the perfect place for a luxurious holiday away from the city. Stay in cone of our comfortable, ‘modern rooms, Walk in our beautiful gardens or by our lake and eat fantastic food in our famous 5-star restaurant, Contact us) (on 01253-86782 fora brochure. x 4 rover is 0 teacher. He Ikes fo moot new people and see new ploces Trevor gels six weeks’ hokey nthe summer. h hs free tine he goes swinming and he reads Mr ond Mrs Brown ond De their chicken Ike los of diferent sports and cctvies. They usuoly tobe ther holdoys hn spring, but they derit_ go obrood choice. Happy — Haven Caravans is the right choice for people who love the countryside and like peace and quiet. All our caravan sites are in beautiful places, with clean beaches and small villages nearby. Book now! Doma is 0 doctor. She works ong: wow haven.couk hours end doesit have much fee - E] Join a Backpackers Bus re GQ ee _— 2 a ‘ ‘Tour and spend 4-6 weeks eee ae Bi in summer in new and — eer edie oe interesting places. We offer = tours through Europe, the USA and Australi, with the chance to make nev friends along the way. Visit George ond Joame lke 10 Dm 190 0 quiet places on hokdoy. They ke 10 ride their bkes in the countryside or go for waks on the beach They don't hove 0 lot of money, 50 they prefer cheap ploces. 56 ‘our website at wwrw-backpackers/ Pome b) Now, explain the words in bold. = Communication vide * Talking about free-time activities ties for) 96 4) tisten and repeat. car eas | Nhat do you do in your free time, Mrs Jones? | 5. | read a good book or watch TY. What obout 1 you? on. | go swimming! Speaking b}_ In pairs, act out similar dialogues using the prompts below. 17 ~ go shopping /tead fishing Mis Riley ~ ploy tennis /write letters - go horse ‘iding lis Pronunciation /a/ a lay 7 Q Listen and repeat. in le, brother - does - love - mother - money in My brother doesn't have much mone, or My mother loves the countryside. ws Writing 28 a) Read the article and match the topic sentences (A-) to the paragraphs (1-5). Je hasn't go! much free time Ben is very popular with fons of all ages Ben Affleck is o famous American actor and v Ben iso hondsome man E Ben has go! TL] He was born in 1972 and he lives in lifornia. His father’s name is Tim and his mother’s name is Chris. Ben has got a brother. His name is Casey and he is an actor, too, and funny, and he makes friends easily. [4] When he has, though, he fs A riding his motorbike, taking photographs and ‘surfing the net, 5\_| He's an excellent actor and a wonderful perso’ b) Answer the questions, then think of a ttle for the article. Which paragraph ws the birth and person’ nome, jo re they live? ns appearance and characier? out Ben's freetime activi 4 is about Bens fomiy? 29 4! Look at the plan below and use the information to talk about Catherine Zeta Jones. Plan Para 1 Name: Catheri lives in: Los Angeles &4 New York Para 2 Family: father (Davia), Moher (Pa * two brothers (David and lyndon|. Para 3 Appearance: beautiful, long black hair, brown eyes. Character: kind and honest — never lies to people Para 4 Freetime activities: plays golf, waiches rugby, surfs the net Catherine Zela Janes is ... Catherine is o In her free time, she likes Catherine is a greot actress - one of Hollywood's best t b} Use the information and the plan to write an article about Catherine Zeta Jones for your school magazine. You can use the article in Ex. 28a as a model. 57 Consolidation 5 1 Write sentences, as in the example. 1 Bill / the afternoon 3 Sorah end Tony / ot weekends summer ol © Matic / the morning Bill does his homework in the afternoon. 5 Dovid / Mondays 2 a} Write the months. b) What month is your birthday in? 3.9) Number the days in the right order. Tuesday Friday Saturday Sunday Thursday Wednesday Monday b) What do you do on Mondays? What do you do at the weekend? 58 2 Paul / Saturdays 4. James and lovise / & Ron ORNs Look at the pictures and answer the questions. loura John Jim Who has got a moustache? Who has got a beard and moustache? Who has got long black hair? Who has got shor! curly hair? ‘Match the adjectives to the nouns, then make sentences. handsome oir beauifl man long eyes brown woman Write @ sentence for each word/phrase. late I'm late for school. at the weekend early lunchtime bus gym on Saturdays summer hair glasses toll beouiiful spend holiday free time Write sentences about yourself, using the adverbs of frequency below. always often sometimes usvolly never B Write do, does, don’tor doesn’t TA you like chocolate? B: Yes, | 2A Claire live in London? B: No, she She lives in Mancl 3A Paul ond Mork go B: No, they They both have jobs. 4A you and Sarah go out every weekend? B: Well, | but Sarah 5A Josie catch the train to work? B: No, she She usually walks. oA Stuart play tennis? B: No, he but his brothers Q look at the picture. Ask and answer questions, as in the example. 8 wovy hair? 9 brown hair? 10 Answer about yourself 1. What's your 2 What's your fa 3 What do you do 4 What time do you get up on Mondays? 5 When is your birthday? vourite day? Why? tite season? Why? the weekend? Pairwork Activity 11 I" pairs, do the activity. Student A looks at page 74. Student B looks at page 77. Ask questions to complete the table. Let's sing! 12 Q Reed and fill in the correct words. G listen ond check, then sing the song, | getup inthe morning atten to eight | always get up eaty, I never slp late ‘atch thet___nata quarter tonne | always anive at my office on ime Day in, day out, day out, day in | never change my daly routine | work all omning at my desk tm u_ Y busy, with no time to rest | always at half past one | often go outside and have lunch inthe sun Day in, day out, day out, day in | never change my daly routine ‘eave my office at hat past four | put on my coat and walk out the door 1a____s go home to have my tea ‘Then sit onthe sofa and watch TV Day in, day out, day out, day in | never change my daily routine, ‘Atal past ten | tum off the TV ‘have a bath then it’s b___ forme | read fora while, then tum out the ght ‘And then | goto sleep .. GOODNIGHT! 59 md How much is it? |“ lead-in ae Seer san 1) Match the numbers (1-7) to the words. possible. ten ahd... pieces 3. GQ tisten ond match the dialogues (A.C) to bread |... ; Tshirts... ; apples the places. a [Telothes shop market b) Now, in pairs, ask and answer questions, supermarket «5 in the example, using the prompts. lemons / 25p each / 4 / £1.00 oes / £1.20 kilo / 2% kilos / £3.00 apples / 75p a kilo / two kilos / £1.50 Tshirls / £5.00 each / two / £10.00 How much ore those lemons? : 25p each. Can I have four, please? : That's £1.00, please. ep he> listening 2 Cra) Liston and repeat. * Get your fresh fruit here! * What else can | do for you? * Right * Keep the change. * Excuse me. * How can | help you? © Here you are. cis il? * That’ fine. © How many loaves do we wal © That's a good idea. Read the dialogues (AC) and correct the sentences (1-5), then explain the words in bold. 1 The pineapples are £2 each Wrong! The pineapples are £1 each 2 The fruit costs £8.40 altogether 3 The white Tshirt is a large 4 Andy want: 5 They want three loaves of bread. white bread: (A) Tony: Fresh fruit! Get your fresh fruit here! Excuse me. How much are these pineapples? They're a pound each, madam. ive me one then, please. Certainly. What else can | do for you? I'd like a kilo of green apples and a small bunch of bananas. Right. That’s £4.80, please. Here you are — and keep the change. Thank you very much. Mrs Burns: Tony: Mrs Burns: Tony: Mrs Burns: Tony: Mrs Burns: Tony: Mary: Assistant: Mary: Assistant: Mary: Assistant: Mary: Assistant Mary: Debbie: Andy: Debbie: Andy: Debbie: Andy: Debbie: Andy: Excuse me. Yes, madam? How can | help you? Have you got this T-shirt in blue? I'm sorry, we only have it in white. Oh, What about this one? Yes, we've got that in blue. Here you are. Thank you. What size is it? This one is a small. That's fine. Do you want brown or white bread? Let’s get brown. Okay. How many loaves do we ‘want? Two, Let’s get some bread rolls as well. That's a good idea. Right. What else do we need to buy? Some milk and some cheese. Well, the dairy section is over there. Listening In pairs, read the dialogues aloud. 6 0} Match the pictures (1-17) to the food items in the list. coke .....; chicken .....; lomotoes peppers ....; potatoes .....; fish cattols ....; grapes .....; peor cheese ....; milk...) beet .....; egg sweetcorn .....; BISCUils .....; pasta shrimps b) Ask ond answer, as in the example, A: Do you like cake? B: Yes, | do. Do you like chicken? A: No, | don't. ete a) Use words from Ex. 6a to complete the table. Can you add to the lists? vegetables fruit dairy meat & poulry seafood desserts others 62 b) Answer these questions: Which is your favourite frit? - Which do you prefer — fish or meat? = How often do you drink milk? = What do you use to moke your favourite fruit solad? listening 8 Cra Look at the menu. Listen and write the pices, then ask and answer, a inthe example. A: How much is a glass of Coke? B: I's 70p. ete Se Tea) g mn Broa pr b) Look ot the menu again for one minute In pairs, act out dialogues, as in the example. Can I hove a glass of Coke, please? Yes, of course. That's 70p. Here you are. Thonks. etc eer * Clothes Listening an x 7 Spring vie e 9 Qa tisten and fill n the correct floor of the department store. b) Which of these are - casual clothes? - smart clothes? Where do you wear - casual clothes? - smart clothes? ney nee Grammar © Countable — Uncountable Nouns ¢)_ Look at the shop window. In pairs, act out diclogues, as in the example. ‘Countable nouns are nouns we can count | one banana two bananas {5 J) Uncountable nouns are nouns we cannot count | some bread QB some cheese * We use e/an with singular countable nouns e.g. | would like a banana. + We use some with uncountable nouns ond | plural countable nouns in siolements and offers. | e.g. We need ta buy some coffee. | Would you like some grapes? (offer) * We use any with countable and uncountable nouns in questions and negations, e.g. Do we need any biscuits or milk? We don't need any sugar ar oranges Where can | buy o pair of trainers? In the sportswear department. Where's that? On the second floor. etc ee wm d) Now, ask and answer. A: How much are the troiners? 3: £45.00. elc Speaking Q) Where do you usually buy your clothes? Who do you go shopping with? Do you like to wear smart clothes or casval clothes? 63 64 * A/An/Some/Any ____ SINGUIAR PLURAL Allirmative: There isan There are some - ____ orange. opples. Negolive. There isn'ton There aren't any orange opples “Intesrogative: Is there an Are there any | orange? opples? Alfirmative: There is some coffee Negative: There isn't any coffee. Interrogotive: Is there any coffee? 11 4 Fillin a, an or some. Voc orange 2 sugar 3 ...... peach 4 peor 5 soup 6 ... spaghetti 'b) Ask and answer, as in the example. A: Con | have on orange, please? B: Yes, you con. Con lhave...? ele 12 4) Fill in some or any. A: Ave there 1) tomatoes? B: Yes, there ore A: Is there 2) cheese? B: Yes, there is 3) cheese lel A: OK. What about mushrooms? B: Yes, there ore 4) . . mushrooms in the fridge. We don't need 5) A: OK then. Do we need 6) bread? B: Yes, we do. Buy o loaf, please. A: All sight Speaking b) Use the prompts to act out similar dialogues. lt * peppers - mk - pears - feo ~ packet + cherries - meot- carrots - potatoes «kilo 13 Underline the correct werd. ‘A; | want to buy 1) some/any new clothes! B: Why? You've got lots of nice things. A: Bul | haven't got 2) some/any summer clothes B: Oh, | see. A; I need fo get 3} some/any new shor's and a pair of flat shoes, B: Do you need 4) some/any Tshirts? As No, I've got lots of Fshits © The Imperative © We form the imperotive withthe base form of the vetb wihout the subject. e.g. Eat your der! * We form the negative Imperative with do | not/don’t ond the base form of the verb. | e.g. Don’t drink shar! | © We use the imperative to tell someone what | to-do oF not lo do. e.g. Don’ stay up late | Goto bed! Le 1A Put the words in the correct order. 1 there / sit / over / down! 2 biscuits / me / those / give! 3. door / close / the! 4 Coke / the / drink / don't! 5 the / eggs / don't / drop! * How much?/How many? ‘© We use how much ...? with uncountable nouns to ask about the amount of 2) something e.g. How much butter do we need? * We use how many ...? with countable nouns to ask about the number of things 2.9. How many olives have wo gor? @e 15 Fill in how much or how many. biscuits are in the box? coffee is in the cupboard? soup do you want? cokes are on the table? hone 16 Ask questions with how much or how many. 1 Coke / the bottle How much Coke is there in the bottle? 2 soup / the bow! 3 tomoloes / the lridge 4 potatoes / the cupboard 17 Fill in much, mony, eny or some. A: How 1) milk is there? 3: There isn't 2) lef. A: We need 3) milk then, What abou! eggs? How 4) hove we gol? Six. We don't need 5) eggs Okay, How 6) bread have we gol? We haven't got 7) bread left We hoven't got 8) sugar, either. How 9} bread do we need? One loaf, And how 10) sugor? Two kilos, | think. ta Communication © Shops and Giving Directions 18 ©) Look at the street map. Which shop is ... 1 on the left of he baker’? 2 next to the lay shop? 3 between the supermarket cand the chemist’? 4 opposite the chemists? 5 on the right of the baker's? b) Use the prompts to ask and answer, as in the example. * chemists © toy shop * butcher's ® supermarket A: Where is the chemist’s? 8: It’s between the butcher’s and the bank. 19@ * potoioes / greengiocer’s * bread / baker's + milk / supermarket slamps / post office * chicken / butchers _® madicine / chemists ‘A; Where can | buy a newspaper? B: At the newsagent's. A: 8: n tothe dialogue, then use the prompts below to act out similar dialogues. : Where's that? I's in Brood Steel, opposite the supermarket. G a Game Divide the class into two teams. Say words from the list. Teams, in turns, add some or a/an. Each correct phrase gets 1 point. The team with the most points is the winner. apple, sugar, bananos, coffee, potatoes, strawberries, onion, milk, cheese, salt, ele Teacher: apple Team A S1: on apple Teacher: sugar Team B S1: some sugar Pronunciation /@/ /3/ 20 (> listen and tick (v}, then repeat. we | 181 a | the v thirte three these thinty this Listening 2] Listen and draw lines 66 v7) ee eeu aoe Pree te CR e EU eee Write G (for Gir! heaven) or B (for The eae Pac eeu ei recs xO en ee era eon Ueac a Deere a the paragraphs (1-4) to the headings explain the highlighted words where everything is pink and music? Many litle gis think the name of a Wiould you like to visit @ shop dance to pop y zs. great idea, so they goto gi heaven. THis is cin of tres ful ftings tat ite gs toves thas got toys, jewellery, make-UP,@ Reuaes siteshione litle gis adore Tere is amake-up sudo wher 3 its can have a fun ‘There is also a magnificent ; fora day. fnrone they can ston and be @ ; i heaven is moe than ust sop ~ fs apace were litle gis we, They can spend hours di choosing fom the hundreds of wonder things if) agimals or bath sas. Gis can buy these with thelr saad vroney, because prices start from just 25p. Mums can have : ensive presents. eat time, t00, ooking for more EXD en Fr. So, why not give a te git you knw areal? Take Ret 10 gil heawen tora very special Opn IT. eo a eee ae ee ee cera ee ete See et eed reed ra ena eT) ee Ce eee ned ee arr) area anes etn ttn ea ers seein Pas penne ern why 0 eee Se ee Pree et a eet Writing 2A o} Read the article and underline the adjectives used to describe clothes. | think the saying “the clothes make the man’ is true. ‘What we wear says a lot about the kind of person we are. | like wearing bright, colourful clothes in my free time, because I wear a boring uniform at work, I don’t like smart clothes at all. I like casual clothes like jeans and T-shirts, I don’t like wearing smart shoes, either. I think trainers are much more comfortable, 1 buy most of my clothes in department stores or in sports shops in the town centre, I never buy cheap clothes, because they don’t look good and they don’t last Jong. Thave «alot of fun when I go shopping for clothes on Saturdays with my friends, and we usually go for a pizza afterwards. All in all, {think my clothes say a lot about me. So take a look in your wardrobe — what do your clothes say about b) Read the article again and answer the questions about the write 1 What kind of clothes does the writer like/not like? 2 = at home? - at wor 25 4) Use thelist of adjectives to talk about your taste in clothes, os in the example. Talk ‘about what you like/don't like wearing, where you buy your clothes, when you go shopping and who you go wil * cosy * smart * casual * comfortable * bright © colourful # expensive * cheap * boring * fun ike wearing smart clothes. | don't like... etc b} Complete the notes below to wrile on article for your school magazine about the clothes young people like/don't like to wear, when they wear them and where they buy them. You can use the text in Ex. 24 as 0 model. +1 think clothes say a lot about the kind of person we are. ‘Most young people nowadays like ... They don't like Most of them buy their clothes .. They usually go shopping for clothes on .. All in all, t think that everyone has their own style. What is your style? 67 Consolidation 6 1] Write sentences, as in the example The corrols ore 60p 0 kilo. N ounon— Write the shops where you can buy these items, then make sentences, as in the example. 1 breod 2 newspapers 3. meat 4 dolls 5. medicine 6 stamps 7 tomatoes 8 eggs You con buy bread at the baker's. baker's Name the clothes, then complete the table. pl 1164 ene anon & ONOWRON— eNOS Circle the correct response. As That's £5, please B: ai Thank you very much b Here you ate and keep the change, A: Excuse me. B: a How con help you, madom? b What else can! do for you? A, Let's buy some bananas, 8: a. Tha’s « good ideo. b Over there. Have you got ths skirt in blue? 4. I'm sotty, we only have iin white b_ Who! about this one? e> Write a sentence for each word/phrase. nex! lo The boker’s is nex! io the post office. epariment how much casual clothes how mony size kilo trainers Write 2, an or some. .peoch 6 mango conot 7 milk: bread 8 grapettuit oronge 9 apple sot 10 .. sugar Fill in some, much, any or many. Ae there eggs in the fridge? How biscuits are in the tin? AS HOW cacao . ore those shoes? B: They're £25.00. Do you need ..sssnjesssintsesessens GrOpEE? HOW oescessssee opples are in the bog? Would you like cos 100? How : potatoes do you wont? A: let's buy : milk B: Okay. How do you wont? B Write the correct word. [jo CL eppoite > Write the opposite, as in the example. Sit down! Don’t sit down! Give Jack a biscuit! Don't close the door! Don’t drink that! Don't answer the question! Eat your breckfast Don’t open the window! Go to the chemist’s! DNOUROR— 10 Answer the questions about yourself. 1 What's your favourite food? 2. What's your favourite dink? 3 What do you eat for breakfast? 4 What clothes do you like to wear? Fi: Pairwork Activity 11 Inpoirs, do the activity. Student A looks at page 74. Student B looks ot poge 77, Ask questions to find out what Lyn and Tony ) have got in their suitcases. 12 C Read ond fill in the correct word. Listen O ‘and check, then sing the song. buy some bread and cakes My local baker makes When | go tothe greengrocer’s Ibyytesnt_____toeat ‘Apples, grapes and oranges ‘Are juicy, esh and sweet Let's go shopping! Let's go! Grab your bag and off we go! go shopping! Le's go! your bag and off we go! 69 Vocabulary ] look and write sentences, as in the example. PID 1 We buy ae ‘at the baker's. 70 1omasts 2 Write the correct word in the sentences. * polite © often © summer * weekends ‘dairy * menswear * between * rides * change * cutly We go to the beach in section at 2. The milk is inthe the supermarket, 3A: Whete is he... deporiment? B: Ii5.0n the third floor 4 A: Here's £5, Keep the B: Thank you. 5 Tom his bike 10 school every day. 6 The bank is the chemists cond the foy shop 7. Mary has got long, hat 8 He is 0 very .. boy. He cohways says ‘please’ ond “honk you" 9 lke o play golf at 10 Bill evenings. watches TV in the 10 marks 3 Underline the correct word. Mary has got 1} long/cutly 2) blonde/black hair. Her eyes ore 3} green/brown. wy Ben is very 7) tall/long and 8} plump/slim, His hoir is 9) curly/ short ond 10] blond/black Jeff has got 4} short/long hai. He has a 5} beard/moustache. He also wears 6} glasses/a scarf 10 marks A. Write the missing days of the week. Sunday 5 mois Grammar Underline the correct word an Ave there some/any oranges? | want to buy some/ony coffee How much/How many potatoes do you need? Could | have a/an loaf of bread, please? How much/How many milk do we have? Mike likes to: watch videos in/on Friday nights Pete likes to go swimming in/al summer Anna goes camping ai/in the weekend. James don't/doesn’t lite dogs. He likes cots Do/Does Sata and Fione want to come 10 the cinema? Sovmvnounwn— 10 mot 6 Fillin do, don’, does or doesn’t. AN, B: No, | 2) 3) like animals. you own any pets? My mothe A 4 linda live in London? B: Yes, she 5) “AG yau like Chinese food? 8: Yes, 17) +A: 8) Peter and Jomes ploy football on Saturdays? B: No, they 9) They play bosketball * A: 10) . John live in New York now? B: No, he 11) . but his parents 12) 12morks 7. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences, 1 never / for / Bill / work / late / is 2 tide / summer / bicycle / in /| / sometimes / 3 bosketboll / James / on / Fridays / ploys / usually marks Communication fill in the missing sentences. Then, in pairs, read out the dialogues. * I's next to the newsagent’ * | ploy football © Where is the post office? * Na, I don't play every doy. * On Wednesdays ond Saturdays. * Atthe Boker’. * A: Where can | buy some bread? 8: 1) A: Where's thai? Br 2) A: | need some stamps, ioo. 3) B: l’s between the fay shop and the chemist’ * A: So, Martin, what do you do in yaur free time? B: 4) — A: Do you play every doy? 8: 5) A: When do you ploy, then? B: 6) 12 mars Reading Read the text and mark the sentences true (T) or false (F). | am a basketball coach ot the Sports Activity Centre in Dijon 1 coach the basketball team every cevering, On Saturdays we abvays play a gome. ‘At work I always wear sports clothes. They care very comfortable and they are perfect for my job, 1 ke to wear colourful T-shirts: ond tops. | always wear trainers to work 1 | have lots of pairs of trainers in my wardrobe. | also wear sports clothes in my free time. 1 don't like smart clothes. 1 | never wear dresses or skirts. | usually buy my clothes at the sportswear department in a large department store near the Sports Activity Centre. 1 cam buy everything in fone place ‘Al in ai 1 think that sports clothes suit my character. | think | look good in them. ii eS ae 1. Jone is @ football coach 2 Jone clvoys wears sports clathes to work 3. Sports clothes are perfect for her job 4. Jane sometimes wears dresses. 5. Jone never buys her clothes at the depariment store. 10 mors Writing (an article about clothes) 10 Write on orticle about the clothes that you like to wear at work/school and in your free . time. Use the text in Ex. 9 as a model. Start like this: lomo... A wotk/school | ahvays wear | usually buy my clathes Allin all, 15 marks TOTAL: 100 more 7 PAIRWORK ACTIVITIES A Last name: Philips Pet: cat PAIRWORK ACTIVITIES Lk Bek | Iga is fe | NINE pAIRWoRK ACTIVITES Student } appearance: surfs the net aa | | Free-time activities: PAIRWORK ACTIVITIES ee PAIRWORK ACTIVITIES PAIRWORK ACTIVITIES ‘Year of birth: Lives in: Father's name: Mother's name: | Jong black hair, ‘blue eyes. _ 78 UNIT 17 apple pl balloon sbatuny black flak blue rolur brother /brada/ brown /oraony cop hep capitol letters kept tetoz/ cardinal rumbers rkadin ‘namboz/ cot hkt chimp imp! oat hoot dod ideedi dog idoa/ dress fares! eight let eightoen Jatin’ ‘eleven /levni family /tzemw fifteen sittin five sas four fal fourteen Mtrtin’ goldfish gould green (grin) grey fora hat shast/ Hello! sha'lau/ horse thas! How are you? thas ot ju! How old ore you? mas ould & iui Vm fine, thanks. /am fan 8aenks/ last name iast nen) mike maki mouse /mavs! ‘num mam) nine ina nineteen /nai'tiny cone Iwan orange /'orinds/ partot ‘part! penfriend /pentrendr pet cot ipet kaet/ picture feiktar pink pinks purple papi’ robbit /reebit red fred! seven fsevnl Word List seventeen /sevntin! shie fat shoe Mul sisler Fsisto/ six fakes sixteen ‘sks'tin’ ski boot /skt but! ski suit /oké sut? snake /snetk/ spell /spev/ ten tent That’ all about me, /dets at e'bavt smd thirteen /Bav'tin! This is (818 v1 three Jeri! Tshitt tifa TV cometa ite ve keomara/ twelve awelv/ ‘twenty /twenti/ two ful umbrella /am'bretor What colour is 1? watt kalor wt? What is this? ‘wot 1 ais/ What's this? wots ats? Wha''s your name? swots 12: nemn/ white wat Who is he? shu 12 hi Who is this? mu iz ats! years old fez sold! yellow eleor UNIT 2 ca hundred (one hundred} Ja "nandred (wan ‘handredy) All right. Jat rat? America /e'menkay Ametican /a'menkant ‘any Feniy arch fay Argentina /,adson'tina/ Argentinian /,adsan'tnian! bonk soaenk! beach soit bench bent) block of flats /olok ov flats! Brazil fore'z/ Brazilian fora'zion! bridge fonds! Britain Pontn’ British rontyr calé /keefar Canada /keenoda/ Canadian tke'nacion/ canal /ka'naty Con |help you? /kaen at help jul China /fanar Chinese (atrez/ cinema /'sinemar city siti? clean satin country Fanti? dinty fast docior /dakter eighly Fat fifty eam forty Moti friendly /trenaws Good afternoon, ‘gad ,afte'nun’ Good morning, class. /god ‘mann las! Greece saris! hairdresser /hee,dreso/ Here i i, Pheer holiday /holedal house ihavs/ I'm from... faum trom ltalion /telion! hhaly stow lois of ats avi lovely Mavi modern /modn/ nationality nefa'naeati neighbourhood /nebahed! new fj! ninety foamntir nisy Prox arse fnas! old aoa over there /aova ‘deo! poloce elas! parcel /pasi! park pak? pilot Fatt Please sit down. /plez sit daun/ Poland rpauland! Polish faut Portugal /patjugal/ Portuguese (paile'siz/ postman /peustman/ Prague /prag/ y good. ‘nti guar evel /kwatet/ pplionis! in’sepjonist er /nval lenly 'sevnty suey Paksti/ Seep well, /sip wel some /saml sauate /skweo! sotue /'staetfuy reet (ste sudent /strcdnt/ vermatkel Fsupemakil eet dreams, /swil druma/ her rte! conk you. 829k jul “2 Czech Republic /30 tsek ipablik/ “ere are (Beer al rete is (Beer 2! sity Oats iyone /@at ‘wan! ree And Tuckey Matar Turkish Pt wenly-eight /twent ‘at! swentyfive stwenti ‘fav! wventy-four rtwenti ‘fo ‘wenty-nine /'twenti ‘nan! wentyrone /twent ‘wand hwenty-seven went ‘seun! swenty-six /twenti ‘siks! rweniythree /twenti ‘arty twenty-two /twentt "tus vel Wvetl What's her job? ‘wats ha dob Where ore you from? weer «ju from! Where's that? /weaz daet/ UNIT 3 oddiess /a'dress armchair famtfeas al the end of fat & end avi ot the front fat 88 fant balcony /betkeni! bath maser bathroom foagrum! bed ped bedroom /bedrum! bedside bedsaas behind forhaind bookcase /bukkets! bow! /baot cabine! /kabinat! ‘camera rkeemaral compel fkapit/ CD player ist dt ‘ples choir Ajear child Mau come in fkam inf cooker fhuka! counityside Pkantrisaal cupboard /kabae! curtoin rkatny cushion /kvjn/ desk ‘desk’ dining tom Mdainm rum) dishwasher ‘éiwofey dell’s house /dolz havs! downstoits ‘davn'stesz/ eighth eter envelope /envaloupy expensive fik'spensiv/ famous remes! formhouse /amhaus/ field svar fifth stor fireplace /taoplas/ first fast flag Meg floor Ala foot tut! fourth a8) fridge mds gorage /geras! goiden rgadn! Here | am. shvor a em home of haom ev! houseboot rhausbext/ How many /hao ‘meni huge shasds! in An! in front of fn trant av! in the corer fn 89 ‘kane! ironing boord fateniy bad! iron faten/ Kitchen rkafons loke oki lamp slempy lle eu Word List living com svg rummy lucky nk mon /maen’ meal fit’ mitcor fray mouse /maus! move in muy inv neor ine nex! To Unekst tu! nice /nais) ninth fan noise fra! on fon! over there /aove ‘8e0/ painting fpeantiny pillow fp postcode /pavstkaod/ poster /‘pausta/ prelly Ponti’ Queen of England skwin ov ‘ingland quite smwatt ‘oad sravar second Isokend! seventh /sevnar sink fsmkd sixth /aks® small /smoty sofa /sevtal sony fsori! space /spas! special spelt spoon /spun! table ‘eb tap ‘ep! tenth near third sea joath ua! toothbrush udbral/ rowel /taael/ TV ite vei under /‘anda/ upstairs /np'stooz! vose va! visit fat wall wall wordrobe /wadraub/ Welcome! /welkem! What do you think? sot do jx @mk/ window fwindeo! women women! 79 Word List UNIT 4 clos /eekter odopt /e'dopt/ edoplion form fatdopin fom conimal feeruml/ oquarium Jokweeriam/ orm fam round Jeraand! ontst Fatty outhor 30) basket /baskit! beak /otks belong forton/ big ‘big! body /bodiy busy roi! cattle Peet” cenlte Fsento! city streets sit ‘srt claw ilo? clever fklevar climb ilar cobra Pkeubra! ccook /kok! count /kaonty cowboy fkavbal credit cord details *eredit kad ‘ditetsy top /kropl cusiomer /kasteme/ donce dans! deliver ‘ariver dentist 'dentist/ dog ‘dog! dolphin trainer réotin wena’ draw idtat drive sdraiv! er hal eye fay fomily emi form Mam’ former Famer feet itt filo eo firefighter ria fate! fly ay forehead toni giraffe /4s0'rat! glow /areo! . 80 half past nat past/ hand ihaend have 0 look hav @ Iok/ heod mea heor mr Here you ore, she ju a/ high hau How can it do thot? shao ken it du: dev jockey rasoki/ jump Jasampy leg jeg’ le’s gol fets goo! leiter eter lifestyle Platstaiy lives Maver long fon’ look offer tok ‘atter mark mak’ mice smas/ might ‘mat? move mu! neck neki ocean feaini o'clock fa'kok/ outside fant'sady point /pent/ ponda /paendo/ post Ipast/ peacack /pikok? penguin /pengwin! perform potas ploy Mpa polar beor rpevle ‘bes! police horse /po'ts has! policeman /pisman! poo! ‘pull problem /problam/ pul out fire pot aot fares quatler pas! fkwate past quatler to rkwate tu! race ‘res! racecourse /reskas/ read irid! restaurant /resteronts ‘un drand scared of /skeed avi seo Ii! serve /savl short flat sick /sk) silly fy sing /sm/ size fsa! small ‘small snoke charmer /snew lame! such os isn] 2! swim fevam! tail ‘tea toke © piciure ak @ ‘pki talk take tall tot teach nh teeth ear that's how /ets hao’ thick sor timber ftnbar to Aus tour guide Ave gad! traffic /trastik’ treat Art wick fk ‘rip Any ‘ype Rap vet vet visitor vizite/ weiter fw weekend /wik'end weight vats wing Any wolt /wolt world waa write frat You'te right. jo rat! You're welcome. /joe ‘welkam/ 200 /au! z00 keeper [zu ipa! UNIT 5 abrood /a’orad! advertisement /ad'vatisment/ long the way /eton 30 wer olways fotwaz! Aptil Peprel’ August fagest/ : ‘autumn Frater beard /oad/ birthday reseder blonde foiona book /ouk breakfast forektost/ Srochure freofa! Brush fora fuild fond yovan Fkanroveen’ catch maa! chance Mans/ cheop ijip! joice Nas! comforlable /kamftebl’ contact rkontenkt ook lunch skok Lani’ curly Peat’ dale del day in fda nt ey out de avit ays of the week ‘de ev 30 wik/ December /di'sembe/ y Flt spensive Ak'spensiv/ “ous temas! tet! S.ourite Meret! tary Mebrueril 2-slar hotel flav sta: havtel/ time fr tam doy Mraiday 5 fan Sony Mani Up get apy lass /glas/ 0 shopping /ga0 ‘Jopin! 2) (aim Fones! romist/ bow about hav efbant! sfoimation (yntetmey ievernet /intonot/ Jonuary Peseenjuerd jon gan ly gute Jone /asuni kind andr love sate lore for fst ta lough iat! lazy Mei lozy thing /tezi ery ses Na! Jong hours fon “avez/ Jenchtime lant! ‘exurious /lag'ziverias/ March Imai) Moy ime Monday /'mande month mandy moustache /ino'stal/ neorby /metoay never (neva! November inau'vemba/ ‘October /ok'tavba! offer foto! offen roin’ overseas /,aove'siz/ peace pis! perfect /patkiy picnic /pikniks plump /plamp/ polite ‘potty preler /pnfai uick skowky ronge /rends/ teod the paper itd 80 ‘papa! ‘ide irra! right iran sond /seend! Soluiday /sastedar season /'sizn/ September /sep'tembs/ short ifott! site /satt slim Js sometimes eamtamz/ spend /spend! spring /sprmy/ slot! tat stay in iste ns summer sama! Sundoy ssandey tall Aol tell the truth et 30 truer Thursday /@szdev Tuesday /yuzdey underslond /ande'stend! usually /juguel/ video /vidiew! village /vmasy wotersking /wata ‘skim’ website /websat’ Wednesday /wenzdev what time /wot tam’ wide Avatd winter /wnnter work Wak? Word List UNIT 6 occessoties /ok'sesori2! codore /a'da! olierwords fattewadz! copple repli ‘opple pie /aepl ‘pai/ 0s well /oz ‘wel/ baker's /beker! bbonano /pe'nana! bank Ibaenk bathroom Moagrum/ beauty products /bjutt‘prodaktsy beef sot bel ett’ between /brtwen/ biscuit Poiskt/ boo! fbutr boring uniform earn Yuntam! bottle Moat ‘bowl maott bread fored/ bread roll red raol/ bright /bratt/ bunch soanty burger /bage! butcher's /eotfez/ cake sek! carrot reer! casual clothes /kaesuel Klovdz/ chain sfeny cheese iz! chemis's /hemists/ chicken skins clothes ‘taoaer clothes shop ikleo8z fop/ coat skaot/ Coke ‘kak! colourful “kalo” cos! ost! cup map! dairy fdeari doiry section /deari ‘sekin/ dessert /dvzat/ dreom come ive /érem kam tru dress idres! dress up idres ap/ drop drop each fy earn fan 81 Word List egg ea! envitonment Mn'vatranment/ Excuse me. /ik'skjuz mil face wash /tes wol! fish nye flot shoes Mest fuzr fresh Arely frvid nay fruit soled Aru ‘salear furry rae gloss /glas! glove /glav! good ideo /gud ada’ grcpes /oreps/ greengroce’s Fgringrevsez! harm sham’ hat set? Here you ore. fm jt a high-heeled shoes tha held uay How can |help you? av kan at help iv! how much shay mall ice cream las krtm! jeons résina! jewellery /ésuaiiv jumper Fésampa/ Keep the chenge. ship 30 Yandsy kilo rit! kind mandy lost Ast’ lotest fashion tatist a loaves fesvz! magnificent imaegntisanti makeover /mekeova/ makeup Imakap/ make-up studio /mekap ‘siudioo! 82 ‘mongo /maengeo! market /makit/ meot & poultry /met an ‘pout’ * medicine /‘medsn/ menswear fmenewee! silk (tks mushroom /mafram/ natural ingredient fnaetrt infgrsiont/ newsagent’s fnjuzeidsents/ on offer fon ‘otal ‘opposite /opeztt! clhers fndez! pockel ‘peek’ posta /pastar ear /pea/ pepper ‘pepo! perfume rpatium piece /pis/ pineopple /'panzplt pizzo rts! Plane! /plaenit/ plont /plant/ pocket mney /pokt ‘mani poor pa! post office /pavst ‘fis! potato /po'taton! pound /paund’ present /prezn price /prars/ princess /prin'ses/ Right. frat) sale /seir sol /sat sondwich Pseenvads/ save /sev/ scott iskat! seafood /sttud! shop assistant /Jop a'sistant/ shop window /Jop 'windeo! shopping trip ‘opin tnp/ shorts /fats/ shrimp ifamp/ slice /slass! smort /smatl smart clothes /smat klavaz! sock ‘sok! soda /'sauda! sportswear ‘spatswea/ stomp ‘stamp! stote /sta! style /staly suit /sut supermarket /supamakity sweetcorn /swetkan! take a look Ak @ lok! te0 ste! That's fine. /8zets fan! though /aoo! throne /Graon/ tomato /to'matou/ top itop! town centre aon ‘senta/ toy shop sta fop! trainer /trena/ treo frit trousers ftravze2/ vegelable /vedstebl/ whot else Jwot els! Whot size is if? wot saz 2 tf womenswear /‘wiminzwea! CLICK ON Click on Starter Is a modular secondary-level course for young learners. The course combines active English learning with varlety of lively topics presented in themed units. Key features © three modules of two units each, with -a consolidation section at the end of each unit -a self-assessment test at the end of each module © realistic, stimulating dialogues featuring people in everyday situations ‘© development of vocabulary and grammar skills through integrated tasks clear presentation and thorough practice of the target language wide variety of listening practice writing sections containing models and guided practice variety of stimulating and interesting texts pronunciation and communication sections games, songs and pairwork activities consolidation sections at the end of each unit {fully dramatised cassettes and audio CDs eoeeoeoe Components Student's Book Teacher's Book (interleaved) Workbook Student's Workbook Teacher's Test Booklet Class Cassettes / Audio CDs Student's Cassette / Audio CD Buns Express Publishing

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